Thanks Rick, for responding quickly.

>>I'm not sure what you are attempting to do with:

I am trying to access the value from the ActionForm for property
'id_0', 'id_1' etc... depending on the value of the ${counter}. The
example you had suggested using the 'url' tag will not work for me since
the 'id' parameter will pass the value of the counter but I require the
value in the form for the 'id_?' (where '?' is any number from 0...n) as
mentioned above. Hope I am clear. Really appreciate your help.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/19/2005 10:45 AM >>>
On 12/19/05, Srini Pillai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the code I tried to display a link with a value in the
> form:
> <c:forEach var="counter" begin="0" end="${numTextFields}" >
> .....
>         <a href="<html-el:rewrite
> page="/"/>?methodToCall=removeElement&id=<c:out
> value="${request['FAEditorForm'].id_${counter}}" />">Remove</a>
> .....
> </c:forEach>

struts tags (from what I remember) I don't believe mix that well when
within standard html tags.

I think it'll look cleaner anyway using the c:url tag:

<c:url var="url" value="">
   <c:param  name="methodToCall" value="removeElement"/>
  <c:param name="id" value="${counter}"/>
<a href="${url}">Remove</a>

I'm not sure what you are attempting to do with:
> '].id_${counter}}"

but  I doubt you  need that . You just probably need the id from the
counter, if not you'll have to explain why not and I could try to


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