Struts 1 JDO

2012-02-09 Thread cpanon
Yes I know I should upgrade, but just want to get this out of development and 
the models proven.
Struts 1 has one instance of the server-side action.  I am using, the old and 
very reliable/sufficient, Solarmetric/BEA JDO implementation.  How does the 
server TC6 handle multiple simultaneous connections on executing the action 
class?  I know it is not stateful.  But it must be threaded to a limit and 
spawn another instance.  However once the thread completes can I 
pm.EvictAll()?  I am also doing the same thing with a form bean,but that is a 
bit more clear in that it is created for each session and even though each 
instance is acquiring a PersistenceManager, the PersistenceManager pool should 
give each request a separate instance.  This is working as expected in 
development and testing, I am just fearful of production without a clearer 
understanding.  I know Apache has the testing tool that I will test with, I 
just want to know what to expect.  That means I can with wild abandon 
pm.EvictAll() on the form bean.  Correct?  Both?  

Struts 1.3.10 problem

2009-10-25 Thread cpanon
I have a page that has two active portions, feed by session objects
and iterated. It works fine monolithically. I now want to break it up
into a frameset using the struts frame tag for the individual segmented
portions. Before I launch to my frameset composed page, I land on a
page that confirms that the two segments work, with an strut html:link.
It also works, properly formatted with a sessionsID, and when click the
page (either) correctly loads. When I jump to my frameset composed page
it does not load, does not have the sessionID(reason it doesnt load),
but no errors on compiler error. In the example below I show it with a
forward, but it is the same/failure with either a properly defined
forward or a simple page attribute. Any ideas? If I use Tiles will it
not force a reload in one tile when another is submitted and posted

the crucial segment on the composed page is: 
html:link  page=/inner.jsp title=innerFrameInnerFrame/html:link 
html:link  page=/static.jsp title=staticFramestaticFrame/html:link 
frameset rows=85%,15% id=enclosingFrame title=totalFrame 
html:frame forward=innerFrame frameName=inner styleId=innerFrame 
html:frame forward=staticFrame frameName=static styleId=staticFrame 

RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again

2009-07-23 Thread cpanon
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 2:18 AM
  Hi cpanon,
   I am looking for the simplest technique that would reprocess the session 
   objects from the new values, regenerate the full jsp,
  then just refresh the whole page, by javascript after completion of ajax.
  Or do not use ajax at all, this will be most simple solution for You.
  Best greetings,
  Paweł Wielgus.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:
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RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again

2009-07-21 Thread cpanon
Hi Martin
Yes, I did in the line defining both the initial action to bring up the form 
and the action tasked with processing the Ajax call.  Also I put in the Ajax 
processing action specific setSeeMe(fromAjaxAction) and set that in both the 
request and the session objects.  Still nothing but what the first default 
process set.  The changes set in the Ajax action did not show no matter what 
life-cycle object they were put in nor what scope the action was defined.  This 
should not be the case, correct?  If I set the scope to request, and if I set a 
change in a actionForm and set it in the request, I should see it on the 
forwarded form.  tia.

--- On Mon, 7/20/09, Martin Gainty wrote:

From: Martin Gainty
Subject: RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 10:18 AM

did you check scope=request in struts-config.xml 

as earlier suggested

Martin Gainty 
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 Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 03:36:36 -0700
 Subject: Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
 Hi PW
 But I cant access the session objects with JS, nor can I iterate the 
 collections I have in the session to display the updated values that were 
 written in the Ajax processing action.  Correct?
 --- On Mon, 7/20/09, Paweł Wielgus wrote:
 From: Paweł Wielgus
 Subject: Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 2:18 AM
 Hi cpanon,
  I am looking for the simplest technique that would reprocess the session 
  objects from the new values, regenerate the full jsp,
 then just refresh the whole page, by javascript after completion of ajax.
 Or do not use ajax at all, this will be most simple solution for You.
 Best greetings,
 Paweł Wielgus.
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Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again

2009-07-20 Thread cpanon
But I cant access the session objects with JS, nor can I iterate the 
collections I have in the session to display the updated values that were 
written in the Ajax processing action.  Correct?

--- On Mon, 7/20/09, Paweł Wielgus wrote:

From: Paweł Wielgus
Subject: Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 2:18 AM

Hi cpanon,

 I am looking for the simplest technique that would reprocess the session 
 objects from the new values, regenerate the full jsp,

then just refresh the whole page, by javascript after completion of ajax.
Or do not use ajax at all, this will be most simple solution for You.

Best greetings,
Paweł Wielgus.

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RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again

2009-07-19 Thread cpanon
Hi Martin
Thanks, however I havnt migrate to Struts2 yet.  What I was hoping for was a 
technique to get all the session objects reprocessed upon return from the Ajax 
call.  I am unclear that if I do the mapping.getInputForward(), does that force 
tomcat to reprocess and the jsp reprocess all the session objects?  I have also 
tried returning from the Ajax call with a forward to the page and that doesnt 
force a redisplay of updated values.  That should, correct, it is no different 
than any other usage and with the json result being stored in the header it 
will not matter for that processing.  

--- On Sat, 7/18/09, Martin Gainty wrote:

From: Martin Gainty
Subject: RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:37 PM

better off setting it in the action

then access it thru ognl e.g.


if you want to see a bean described as

package package;
public class bean {
  private String BeanParamName;

  public void setBeanParamName(String BeanParamName){
    this.BeanParamName =BeanParamName ;
  public String getBeanParamName(){
    return BeanParamName;

 in your jsp use s:bean as here

%@ taglib prefix=s uri=/struts-tags %



  s:bean name=package.bean id=id
        s:param name=BeanParamNameBeanParam/s:param 
          s:property value=%{BeanParamName} /br



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 Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 19:07:26 -0700
 Subject: RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
 Hi Martin
 Thank you.  So I may be misunderstanding something.  If I return to the Ajax 
 call with mapping.getInputForward() for the defined input attribute of that 
 action processing the Ajax call, should I see changes in the session objects 
 displayed?  Because before I return I set an element in the 
 actionForm.setSeeMe(hi), set the session.setAttribute(actionForm, 
 modified) and I do not see it in the display.  I am accessing that element 
 with the ${seeMe} syntax.  I am seeing the json results, but not what I put 
 in the actionForm.  That is what I would organically expect to see.  Can 
 you clarify this?  tia.
 --- On Sat, 7/18/09, Martin Gainty wrote:
 From: Martin Gainty
 Subject: RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 9:32 PM
 ajax's responsibility is to return either json or html formatted text to 
 innerHtml attribute of div tag identified in ajax call
 other activity such as refreshing session attributes would need to take place
 in the action class..upon return from action all tags of the jsp would 
 re-display the content based on the refreshed state for those session 
 another strategy is to create and/or modify a jsp in the action and on return 
 forwards to a result *which will forward to the just created or modified jsp* 
 you're welcome
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Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again

2009-07-19 Thread cpanon
Hi Nils  Martin
Thanks and I am sorry about being obtuse and I hope you will continue to make 
this an edifying moment for me.  

When I initially put up the form I code a value in the actionForm, myFormBean 
as myFormBean.setSeeMe(firstTime) and put into the session with 
session.setAttribute(fb00, myFormBean)  I display this value on the form page 
within a html:text with ...value=${sessionScope.fb00.seeMe}, and it shows 
firstTime on the form.  Good.  I process the Ajax call in another Action, fed 
with the same class of actionForm.  No matter whether I remove the action form 
session.removeAttirbute(fb00) or if I set it a different value, 
myFormBean2.setSeeMe(fromAjax);session.setAttribute(fb00,myFormBean2).  I 
still see firstTime.  

I am looking for the simplest technique that would reprocess the session 
objects from the new values, regenerate the full jsp, ancilliary to the json 
object I am setting, in the action processing the Ajax.  Specifically I am 
using the iterate tags to display a series of records and that is what I want 
to be reprocessed and redrawn to the user with the new values that will be in 
the session object set in the Ajax processing action.  

I understand that actions should/must be thread-safe, I just want to reprocess 
objects that are unique to state maintained by the session object.  I am 
suspecting this is not possible.

--- On Sun, 7/19/09, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik wrote:

From: Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
Subject: Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 9:56 AM

The form will not be updated unless you refresh the values or the part
of the page that displays the values you want to be updated. So you
would have to manually do this processing some returned updated
values in a json result, or by returning the result of a partial jsp
which re-renders the part of the page that you want to be updated, and
then replace the existing html (using innerHTML).


On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 3:45 AM, wrote:
 I am able to use an Ajax call to a struts action and with getInputForward() 
 get the get the data back.  (With prototpye and json, very, very elegant).  I 
 am now realizing that I have cases where I want to reprocess all components, 
 i.e. I want the actionForm to be updated and the jsp recalculated, I want the 
 session objects to be reprocessed so my iterate tags will show the updates, 
 etc.  I understand how with getInputForward it doesnt happen.  If I 
 setAttribute(), the original value that was processed when the form first 
 generated is all that ever shows.  A simple findForward() does not force the 
 reprocessing,ie still the original values of the actionsForm members.  Is 
 there a way to force a complete reprocessing the jsp from within an action?  

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RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again

2009-07-18 Thread cpanon
Hi Martin
Thank you.  So I may be misunderstanding something.  If I return to the Ajax 
call with mapping.getInputForward() for the defined input attribute of that 
action processing the Ajax call, should I see changes in the session objects 
displayed?  Because before I return I set an element in the 
actionForm.setSeeMe(hi), set the session.setAttribute(actionForm, modified) 
and I do not see it in the display.  I am accessing that element with the 
${seeMe} syntax.  I am seeing the json results, but not what I put in the 
actionForm.  That is what I would organically expect to see.  Can you clarify 
this?  tia.

--- On Sat, 7/18/09, Martin Gainty wrote:

From: Martin Gainty
Subject: RE: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 9:32 PM

ajax's responsibility is to return either json or html formatted text to 
innerHtml attribute of div tag identified in ajax call


other activity such as refreshing session attributes would need to take place

in the action class..upon return from action all tags of the jsp would 
re-display the content based on the refreshed state for those session attributes


another strategy is to create and/or modify a jsp in the action and on return 
forwards to a result *which will forward to the just created or modified jsp* 

you're welcome
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 Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 18:45:18 -0700
 Subject: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
 I am able to use an Ajax call to a struts action and with getInputForward() 
 get the get the data back.  (With prototpye and json, very, very elegant).  I 
 am now realizing that I have cases where I want to reprocess all components, 
 i.e. I want the actionForm to be updated and the jsp recalculated, I want the 
 session objects to be reprocessed so my iterate tags will show the updates, 
 etc.  I understand how with getInputForward it doesnt happen.  If I 
 setAttribute(), the original value that was processed when the form first 
 generated is all that ever shows.  A simple findForward() does not force the 
 reprocessing,ie still the original values of the actionsForm members.  Is 
 there a way to force a complete reprocessing the jsp from within an action?  

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Struts w/Ajax with Struts again

2009-07-17 Thread cpanon
I am able to use an Ajax call to a struts action and with getInputForward() get 
the get the data back.  (With prototpye and json, very, very elegant).  I am 
now realizing that I have cases where I want to reprocess all components, i.e. 
I want the actionForm to be updated and the jsp recalculated, I want the 
session objects to be reprocessed so my iterate tags will show the updates, 
etc.  I understand how with getInputForward it doesnt happen.  If I 
setAttribute(), the original value that was processed when the form first 
generated is all that ever shows.  A simple findForward() does not force the 
reprocessing,ie still the original values of the actionsForm members.  Is there 
a way to force a complete reprocessing the jsp from within an action?  tia. 

Re: howto get useable protocol string

2008-12-16 Thread cpanon
Hi Dave
Thanks, however where can I get a list of the methods of the available implicit 
object that I can get access to with struts beans and their proper syntax 
calls?  I tried the object and they just provide generic calls.  Also is it 
possible to just get http/https or do I have to parse out which one it is?  
Also why does a naive use as property=isSecure fail?  

--- On Mon, 12/15/08, Dave Newton wrote:

 From: Dave Newton
 Subject: Re: howto get useable protocol string
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:08 PM
 getProtocol and/or isSecure?
 --- On Mon, 12/15/08, cpanon
  From: cpanon
  Subject: Re: howto get useable protocol string
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:04 PM
  Sorry to repeat, however I still can figure this out. 
 I am
  using bean:page id=context
  property=request to get at the
  serverPort and contextPath.  I want to get at whether
 it is
  http/https.  Is there a way to do that?  tia.
  --- On Mon, 12/15/08, cpanon
   From: cpanon
   Subject: howto get useable protocol string
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 2:33 PM
   Using the struts bean tags, how/syntax to get at
   protocol that I can use rather than parse, either
   https.  What I am getting is HTTP/1.1.  Is there
  way to
   get it cleaner? tia.
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howto get useable protocol string

2008-12-15 Thread cpanon
Using the struts bean tags, how/syntax to get at the protocol that I can use 
rather than parse, either http or https.  What I am getting is HTTP/1.1.  Is 
there any way to get it cleaner? tia.

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Re: howto get useable protocol string

2008-12-15 Thread cpanon
Sorry to repeat, however I still can figure this out.  I am using bean:page 
id=context property=request to get at the serverName, serverPort and 
contextPath.  I want to get at whether it is http/https.  Is there a way to do 
that?  tia.

--- On Mon, 12/15/08, cpanon wrote:

 From: cpanon
 Subject: howto get useable protocol string
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 2:33 PM
 Using the struts bean tags, how/syntax to get at the
 protocol that I can use rather than parse, either http or
 https.  What I am getting is HTTP/1.1.  Is there any way to
 get it cleaner? tia.
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struts hidden

2008-09-27 Thread cpanon
Is it possible to wrap a struts hidden tag around either a struts text or text 
area? tia

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Re: struts hidden

2008-09-27 Thread cpanon
Hi Antonio
I want Struts to render it, the browser to hide it and the post operation to 
deliver the name/value to the action.  Is that possible with text and text area 

--- On Sat, 9/27/08, Antonio Petrelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Antonio Petrelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: struts hidden
 To: Struts Users Mailing List, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 9:35 AM
 2008/9/27 cpanon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Is it possible to wrap a struts hidden tag around
 either a struts text or text area? tia
 What exactly do you want to accomplish in terms of HTML?
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Re: two forms, two submits

2008-09-23 Thread cpanon
I was able to configure it to keep both separate.  However now the error is 
when I submit on a very simple form with the code below it states: 

No getter method available for property value for bean under name dropDown

dropDown is just a collection of LabelValueBean.  I just expected on submit for 
the option value to be the value of the filter and be delivered filter/value to 
the action.  Do I need to create dropDown as a two member object with a value 
member and an array of LabelValueBean?  Thanks to all who responded/viewed.

  html:select property=filter onchange=
option value=All PendingAll Pending/option
html:options collection=dropDown property=value  
labelProperty=label /
option value=AllAll/option
  tdhtml:submit property=FilterSubmit value=Filter Submit 
onclick=this.form.submit() //td

with this html

  select name=filter onchange=option value=All PendingAll 
option value=0Option One/option
option value=1Option Two/option

option value=AllAll/option/select

--- On Mon, 9/22/08, Piero Sartini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Piero Sartini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: two forms, two submits
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 4:26 PM

He mentioned html:submit - I guess we are talking about Struts 1, so there are 
no themes involved.


On Monday 22 September 2008 22:14:50 Kawczynski, David wrote:
 FYI, a theme can be specified in a s:form tag or any of its
s: form
 elements via theme=simple|xhtml|ajax attribute.  If you
didn't specify
 one it's using the xhtml theme.

 Do your forms submit to the same event handler?  It would be helpful if we
 could see the struts.xml and the web pages that house the forms.

 -Original Message-
 From: cpanon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 3:57 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: two forms, two submits

 Hi Pascal
 I dont understand the use of the word theme.  This is a very
 jsp that has two forms, each with a different action and a html:submit
 button that does not work for one of the two forms.  I hope I am
 It is almost too simple to further describe.  tia. Notice:  This e-mail
 message, together with any attachments, contains information of Merck

 Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, USA 08889),
 and/or its affiliates (which may be known
 outside the United States as Merck Frosst, Merck Sharp  Dohme or
 MSD and in Japan, as Banyu - direct contact information for affiliates is
 available at that may be
 confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally privileged. It is
 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named on this
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two forms, two submits

2008-09-22 Thread cpanon
I have two non-nested forms, each with their own submit button and separate 
action destinations.  The problem is when I click the second form the first 
form always fires.  Should this, primitive, design work as intuitive with each 
only submitting to the action on the specific form that the submit button is 
clicked?  tia.

return ajax text or xml

2008-08-21 Thread cpanon
What is the best way to return simple text/html or an xml document from an 
action?  Do I have to forward to a servlet and open an output stream and write 
the stream?  Is there a simpler/better way?  tia.


2008-08-20 Thread cpanon
I have a demo that is not fully ready,(yes then I should not show it,grin) and 
I would like to either make each launch of the jsp create a new  exclusive 
running instance of the action or be able to lifecycle out of instantiation an 
all instances of a particular action and jsp.  I know this is bizarre, but it 
could have applications in production if from management one particular feature 
of a program failed in unexpected ways and taking down the application was not 
preferred.  Is this architecturally possible?  tia.

value from varstatus

2008-08-16 Thread cpanon
Whenever I try to get the numerical value of varStatus all I get is this

Furthermore I cant seem to use the name attribute to properly evaluate down to 
value, it keeps saying that the value(which I want and proves it can do the 
dereferencing) is not a bean, no matter what syntax.  Can someone help on 

c:forEach var=lv items=${current.dynaOptions} varStatus=status
  c:forEach var=option items=${lv.dynamicOptions} 
 bean:define id=rc${currentIncr}ctrlTypec:out 
    bean:write name=option property=label/br /

help with radio button array

2008-08-06 Thread cpanon
I am trying to construct a model that has multiple radio buttons per object but 
keep them distinct, therefore they need a different name.  I almost have it by 
creating a array of objects and using nested iterate, with the code below.  
However, of course it does not increment the index on the second and successive 
iterations.  Is this possible?  I have tried all permutations of attributes and 
all I want is it to automatically increment, radioOptions[n] for each record.  
Any help appreciated.

this struts    nested:iterate property=radioOptions name=current

   nested:define id=first property=firstOptionVal 
   nested:radio value='%=first%' property=value/

    nested:define id=second property=secondOptionVal 
    nested:radio value='%=second%' property=value/


generates this for all records
 input type=radio name=radioOptions[0].value value=radio

    input type=radio name=radioOptions[0].value 

struts record output and entry

2008-07-29 Thread cpanon
I am having a difficult time designing and implementing an interaction of 
displaying and accepting user input of multiple records at once.  I can create 
a collection of records, but records are complex, composed of other objects 
that are themselves composed of text strings that I want rendered as either 
simple html input boxes, checkboxes or radio.  I have a sense that I need to 
use the iterate to get iterate over the total collection, but how do I record 
by record render the html input elements.  Furthermore what do these look like 
to the action that will receive the post?  A simpler version of this is being 
done on shopping carts a checkbox on each line, but that may be hard coded.  Is 
the way I need it even possible with struts 1.1?

bean:page bean:write

2007-02-05 Thread cpanon

I am trying understand how to use the bean:page with the different
properties, application, config, response, request, session, and I
understand the simple syntax.  What I dont know is what properties I can
get at with what syntax for the bean:write tag for each of the properties
of the bean:page property  to be output

For example what is the application property that will give me the URL  for
the full context of the present webapp?  I have an applet and all its signed
jars directly off the webapp context.  How can I get these two bean tags to
put in the applet codebase attribute :
codebase=http://localhost:8089/webapp/; dynamically so I can launch my
applet.  The applet runs fine as a simple html file with no codebase,
obviously it is defaulting where the html is located on the webserver.  I
now want to switch this over to a tomcat webapp.  Ideas?  tia!
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