Hi Nils & Martin
Thanks and I am sorry about being obtuse and I hope you will continue to make 
this an edifying moment for me.  

When I initially put up the form I code a value in the actionForm, myFormBean 
as myFormBean.setSeeMe("firstTime") and put into the session with 
session.setAttribute("fb00", myFormBean)  I display this value on the form page 
within a html:text with ...value="${sessionScope.fb00.seeMe}, and it shows 
"firstTime" on the form.  Good.  I process the Ajax call in another Action, fed 
with the same class of actionForm.  No matter whether I remove the action form 
session.removeAttirbute("fb00") or if I set it a different value, 
myFormBean2.setSeeMe("fromAjax");session.setAttribute("fb00",myFormBean2).  I 
still see "firstTime".  

I am looking for the simplest technique that would reprocess the session 
objects from the new values, regenerate the full jsp, ancilliary to the json 
object I am setting, in the action processing the Ajax.  Specifically I am 
using the iterate tags to display a series of records and that is what I want 
to be reprocessed and redrawn to the user with the new values that will be in 
the session object set in the Ajax processing action.  

I understand that actions should/must be thread-safe, I just want to reprocess 
objects that are unique to state maintained by the session object.  I am 
suspecting this is not possible.

--- On Sun, 7/19/09, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <nil...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <nil...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Struts w/Ajax with Struts again
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>
Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 9:56 AM

The form will not be updated unless you refresh the values or the part
of the page that displays the values you want to be updated. So you
would have to "manually" do this processing some returned updated
values in a json result, or by returning the result of a "partial" jsp
which re-renders the part of the page that you want to be updated, and
then replace the existing html (using innerHTML).


On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 3:45 AM, cpanon<cpa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am able to use an Ajax call to a struts action and with getInputForward() 
> get the get the data back.  (With prototpye and json, very, very elegant).  I 
> am now realizing that I have cases where I want to reprocess all components, 
> i.e. I want the actionForm to be updated and the jsp recalculated, I want the 
> session objects to be reprocessed so my iterate tags will show the updates, 
> etc.  I understand how with getInputForward it doesnt happen.  If I 
> setAttribute(), the original value that was processed when the form first 
> generated is all that ever shows.  A simple findForward() does not force the 
> reprocessing,ie still the original values of the actionsForm members.  Is 
> there a way to force a complete reprocessing the jsp from within an action?  
> tia.

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