Dojo Plugin, serving static files from a non-root location.

2016-11-30 Thread ts . resusturts


I have a Struts application set to a non-root url (i.e. url-pattern is 
set to "/strutsportal/*" instead of "/*").

How can I make the Dojo plugin understand that the built-in resources 
are at ""/strutsportal/struts/..." and not "/struts/dojo/struts_dojo.js"?

I was looking if there was a way to configure 
DefaultStaticContentLoader, but it doesn't look like there is any 
relevant option in the "" file

This is using the 2.3.x branch.
I know Dojo is deprecated but I'm stuck with it for now :)

Thank you

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Parameters disappearing on redirectAction with namespaces.

2016-11-22 Thread ts . resusturts

Is there a way to log in detail what happens with parameters for

I have an action method (listUsers) which is called through POST with
the parameter "".

This works just fine, the redirect GET have the parameter appended to
the URL.

|  groupusers ${}  |

But the moment I add a namespace to the package (e.g. "/strutsweb"), the
parameter "" disappears from the redirect.

And I am completely lost on what could be the cause of this, so detailed
logging on redirectAction is the hopefully a way to find the cause.
