Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-11 Thread Simon MARTIN

I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I know
that this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes, I don't
want to 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems,
ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.

I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had
something like this:

public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

  public ActionForward order(...)

  public ActionForward list(...)

and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not
authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls

So I did some research and found this:

So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class

public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

and call it like this

public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(list);

which gives me a ClassCastException.

Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or struts-config.xml?
Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?

Thanks in advande and kind regards,

PS: Please cc me in your answers.

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RE: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-11 Thread David G. Friedman

Why would the shopping cart be in the ActionMapping?
I would think it belongs in the session or new data
for the cart would come in to the FORM.


-Original Message-
From: Simon MARTIN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 7:01 AM
Subject: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user


I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I know
that this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes, I don't
want to 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems,
ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.

I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had
something like this:

public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

  public ActionForward order(...)

  public ActionForward list(...)

and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not
authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls

So I did some research and found this:

So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class

public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

and call it like this

public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(list);

which gives me a ClassCastException.

Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or struts-config.xml?
Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?

Thanks in advande and kind regards,

PS: Please cc me in your answers.

GMX ProMail mit bestem Virenschutz
+++ Empfehlung der Redaktion +++ Internet Professionell 10/04 +++

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
You asked this same question last week... I'll try and give you some 
specific answers this time...

(1) You have a class member (shoppingCartManager) in your Action.  This 
is bad.  Here's a direct quote from the Struts User's Guide:

The controller servlet creates only one instance of your Action class, 
and uses it for all requests. Thus, you need to code your Action class 
so that it operates correctly in a multi-threaded environment, just as 
you must code a servlet's service method safely. The most important 
principle that aids in thread-safe coding is to use only local 
variables, not instance variables, in your Action class. Local variables 
are created on a stack that is assigned (by your JVM) to each thread 
request, so there is no need to worry about sharing them.

In other words, multiple requests can and usually will see the same 
class members or an Action, which is almost certainly why you were 
seeing that behavior.

You have some options here.  The one I would personally go for is to 
create a ShoppingCart class that has the typical addItem, removeItem, 
listItems methods.  Put this in session for a given user (probably the 
first request they make should check to see if such an object exists in 
session yet, and if not, put one in there).  From then on you can get 
the object from session, do what you need to with it, put it back (if 
changes were made) and go from there.  This class should be ignorant of 
the fact that it's running as part of a webapp... To really do it 
properly you probably also want to create a ShoppingCartItem class that 
represents a single item, and add instances of that class to the cart. 
But, for simplcity's sake you can not bother with that.

As an alternative, you might also consider making the shopping cart a 
Struts ActionForm, which you can put in session declaratively in 
struts-config.xml.  This will relieve you of some coding dealing with 
session, but for reasons I'll get to in a moment, I'd say not to do this...

(2) I'm not really sure what you were trying to do with the 
ActionMapping class... It looks like you were trying to return it to 
your view (a JSP) to display.  If that's the case, what you want to do 
is one of two things, assuming you do what I said in #1 above... (a) get 
the ShoppingCart instance from session, call listItems() (probably 
returns an ArrayList or some other collection), shove it in request as 
an attribute and forward to your JSP, then just display it as usual, or 
(b) populate an ActionForm instance, which you get as an argument to 
execute(), with the results of the call to listItems().  (b) is probably 
the more correct way of doing it, but either will work fine.  In 
general, an ActionForm can be thought of as a data passing mechanism 
between the view and control layer.  In this sense, it's really not 
proper in my opinion to store shopping cart-like data in it, even if it 
does make things a little simpler.  So, while you COULD have Struts 
always put the ActionForm in session, and design it in such a way that 
it is really a storage location for your shopping cart data, I would 
advise against that because it's not really proper I think.

I think those two points will put you on the right track if you 
understand what I'm saying.  Write back if you have specific questions, 
I'll try and answer them.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Simon MARTIN wrote:
I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I know
that this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes, I don't
want to 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems,
ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.
I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had
something like this:
public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;
  public ActionForward order(...)
  public ActionForward list(...)
and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not
authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls
So I did some research and found this:
So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class
public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

and call it like this

public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(list);
which gives me a ClassCastException.
Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or struts-config.xml?
Am I on the right way, or is there a better 

Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-09 Thread Michael Klaene
Though I've used Struts quite a bit in the past,  I found this freely 
downloadable book a very good source of '101' Struts information:

Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sounds good! You'll find that the people here are extremely helpful, 
but they do tend to shy away from general questions (unless they are SO 
general as to be theoretical, in which case EVERYONE has an opinion :) 
), so the more specific a question you can ask, the better.

As for books to read, I would highly recommend grabbing the latest copy 
of Head First Servlets and JSP. It's not Struts-specific, but it is 
really necassery to know what is going on beneath Struts, and it is the 
best I've seen in this area (I'm currently using it as a study guide for 
the SCWCD exam, but it's good for anyone I'd say). Frankly, if you get 
everything in that book, most of Struts will make sense almost 
immediately. For Struts, O'Reilly has a pretty good book, the title of 
which elludes me at the moment, but I suspect it's the only one they 
sell. At times it goes into a little TOO much detail for people trying 
to get a start in Struts, but most of it is excellent.

As for your specific architecture questions... Generally speaking, your 
concern about putting all application state for a user in session is 
valid. This isn't what session is for. It's really for fairly small 
BITS of state information, things that will in all likelihood change 
frequently, and certainly nothing that should persist beyond a session 
(hence the name!). But, in your case, since you are just using it as an 
example, I wouldn't worry about it, go ahead and use session, it'll be 

In Struts, Actions can be shared across requests, which means that if 
you have class-level variables, they are, potentially, shared across 
multiple requests. Clearly this is a formula for disaster.

There are two ways you could go here... one is to use session as I said, 
the other is to have a data storage class that just has some static 
members, most probably a Map of some sort. You can use this as 
something of a poor man's database. Think of a HashMap for instance as 
a database table. Now, assume each element you add to the HashMap is 
itself a HashMap. You can think of these inner HashMaps as rows in 
the table. Then, each element in that inner HashMap is a field in the 
table. Make sense? You can go so far as to create insertRow(), 
deleteRow() and updateRow() methods for your data storage class... These 
would do the functions their name implies on the HashMap, and you can in 
that way key your data, i.e., each row has an element recordKey 
let's say. So, your insert method can throw an exception if a record 
exists with that key already. In fact, you could go so far as to throw 
a SQLException, and in that way you could replace that data storage 
class with a class that talks to a database down the road, and nothing 
that uses that class should have to change.

But that's getting ahead of ourselves a bit :) If you intend to build 
something that you know would usually use a database, then the second 
approach is a good idea. Be sure to synchronize your access to your 
Maps (which would be a bottleneck in a real application, but you can get 
away with it here, and in general in any application that isn't going to 
have a big load). But, using session might be easier, depends on how 
much work (and control) you want. For a shopping cart, the volume of 
data isn't going to be great, so no worries there.

But, the golden rule with Struts to remember is no class-level 
variables! That's what all this is designed to avoid.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Simon MARTIN wrote:
 thanks for your offering of help.
 I know that my Struts knowlegde is not the best yet -- no question about 
 it -- but I'm willing to change that, as far as my time allows it.
 Fortunately, my lecture is not of that importance you might have 
 assumed, as I'm 'only' giving a presentation at school. However, I of 
 course want to present something I know about, so this does not really 
 change the situation.
 As I can see what you're telling me, I think my learning has been to 
 practice-orientated and too less theory-orientated, which brings me into 
 trouble when the requirements change.
 So far, I've only strictly written Spring apps with Struts MVC or 
 without Struts MVC, but, in any case, with Hibernate as ORM-framework. 
 Therefore, I really came into troubles when using Struts alone, and then 
 even doing so without a database.
 Of course, I had thought about putting the stuff into the session, 
 either, but putting complete client-state into the session seemed 
 unclean to me, as I personally had prefered some kind of 
 property-setting statically.
 Please let me know about further architectural mistakes I've done.

Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-09 Thread Laconia Data Systems
good answer-
I would also strongly encourage reading
Struts in Action by Ted Husted
if you Read the foreword from Craig McClanahan you'll want to read this book
cover to cover
- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

  For Struts, O'Reilly has a pretty good book, the title of which elludes
 me at the moment,

 Programming Jakarta Struts 2nd ed - Chuck Cavaness

 Stuts The Complete Reference - James Holmes was the first Struts book I
 read and was very helpful.  Each chapter gave a good overview before
 getting into the details and the code example was simple and manageable.


 Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/08/2004 11:11:01 PM:

  Sounds good!  You'll find that the people here are extremely helpful,
  but they do tend to shy away from general questions (unless they are SO
  general as to be theoretical, in which case EVERYONE has an opinion :)
  ), so the more specific a question you can ask, the better.
  As for books to read, I would highly recommend grabbing the latest copy
  of Head First Servlets and JSP.  It's not Struts-specific, but it is
  really necassery to know what is going on beneath Struts, and it is the
  best I've seen in this area (I'm currently using it as a study guide for
  the SCWCD exam, but it's good for anyone I'd say).  Frankly, if you get
  everything in that book, most of Struts will make sense almost
  immediately.  For Struts, O'Reilly has a pretty good book, the title of
  which elludes me at the moment, but I suspect it's the only one they
  sell.  At times it goes into a little TOO much detail for people trying
  to get a start in Struts, but most of it is excellent.
  As for your specific architecture questions... Generally speaking, your
  concern about putting all application state for a user in session is
  valid.  This isn't what session is for.  It's really for fairly small
  BITS of state information, things that will in all likelihood change
  frequently, and certainly nothing that should persist beyond a session
  (hence the name!).  But, in your case, since you are just using it as an
  example, I wouldn't worry about it, go ahead and use session, it'll be
  In Struts, Actions can be shared across requests, which means that if
  you have class-level variables, they are, potentially, shared across
  multiple requests.  Clearly this is a formula for disaster.
  There are two ways you could go here... one is to use session as I said,
  the other is to have a data storage class that just has some static
  members, most probably a Map of some sort.  You can use this as
  something of a poor man's database.  Think of a HashMap for instance as
  a database table.  Now, assume each element you add to the HashMap is
  itself a HashMap.  You can think of these inner HashMaps as rows in
  the table.  Then, each element in that inner HashMap is a field in the
  table.  Make sense?  You can go so far as to create insertRow(),
  deleteRow() and updateRow() methods for your data storage class... These
  would do the functions their name implies on the HashMap, and you can in
  that way key your data, i.e., each row has an element recordKey
  let's say.  So, your insert method can throw an exception if a record
  exists with that key already.  In fact, you could go so far as to throw
  a SQLException, and in that way you could replace that data storage
  class with a class that talks to a database down the road, and nothing
  that uses that class should have to change.
  But that's getting ahead of ourselves a bit :)  If you intend to build
  something that you know would usually use a database, then the second
  approach is a good idea.  Be sure to synchronize your access to your
  Maps (which would be a bottleneck in a real application, but you can get
  away with it here, and in general in any application that isn't going to
  have a big load).  But, using session might be easier, depends on how
  much work (and control) you want.  For a shopping cart, the volume of
  data isn't going to be great, so no worries there.
  But, the golden rule with Struts to remember is no class-level
  variables!  That's what all this is designed to avoid.
  Frank W. Zammetti
  Founder and Chief Software Architect
  Omnytex Technologies
  Simon MARTIN wrote:
   thanks for your offering of help.
   I know that my Struts knowlegde is not the best yet -- no question
   it -- but I'm willing to change that, as far as my time allows it.
   Fortunately, my lecture is not of that importance you might have
   assumed, as I'm 'only' giving a presentation at school. However, I of
   course want to present something I know about, so this does not really
   change the situation.
   As I can see what you're telling me, I

Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-09 Thread henrik . bentel

I've read the O'reilly struts book and Struts in Action.
The Oreilly is more WHAT you can do, where Struts in Action is takes a 
more practical approach.
Mr. Husted has already sorted out the good vs bad approaches for you. A 
good read.

Henrik Bentel

Laconia Data Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/09/04 09:31 AM
Please respond to Struts Users Mailing List

To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) 
per user

good answer-
I would also strongly encourage reading
Struts in Action by Ted Husted
if you Read the foreword from Craig McClanahan you'll want to read this 
cover to cover
- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

  For Struts, O'Reilly has a pretty good book, the title of which 
 me at the moment,

 Programming Jakarta Struts 2nd ed - Chuck Cavaness

 Stuts The Complete Reference - James Holmes was the first Struts book I
 read and was very helpful.  Each chapter gave a good overview before
 getting into the details and the code example was simple and manageable.


 Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 12/08/2004 11:11:01 

  Sounds good!  You'll find that the people here are extremely helpful,
  but they do tend to shy away from general questions (unless they are 
  general as to be theoretical, in which case EVERYONE has an opinion :)
  ), so the more specific a question you can ask, the better.
  As for books to read, I would highly recommend grabbing the latest 
  of Head First Servlets and JSP.  It's not Struts-specific, but it is
  really necassery to know what is going on beneath Struts, and it is 
  best I've seen in this area (I'm currently using it as a study guide 
  the SCWCD exam, but it's good for anyone I'd say).  Frankly, if you 
  everything in that book, most of Struts will make sense almost
  immediately.  For Struts, O'Reilly has a pretty good book, the title 
  which elludes me at the moment, but I suspect it's the only one they
  sell.  At times it goes into a little TOO much detail for people 
  to get a start in Struts, but most of it is excellent.
  As for your specific architecture questions... Generally speaking, 
  concern about putting all application state for a user in session is
  valid.  This isn't what session is for.  It's really for fairly small
  BITS of state information, things that will in all likelihood change
  frequently, and certainly nothing that should persist beyond a session
  (hence the name!).  But, in your case, since you are just using it as 
  example, I wouldn't worry about it, go ahead and use session, it'll be
  In Struts, Actions can be shared across requests, which means that if
  you have class-level variables, they are, potentially, shared across
  multiple requests.  Clearly this is a formula for disaster.
  There are two ways you could go here... one is to use session as I 
  the other is to have a data storage class that just has some static
  members, most probably a Map of some sort.  You can use this as
  something of a poor man's database.  Think of a HashMap for instance 
  a database table.  Now, assume each element you add to the HashMap is
  itself a HashMap.  You can think of these inner HashMaps as rows in
  the table.  Then, each element in that inner HashMap is a field in the
  table.  Make sense?  You can go so far as to create insertRow(),
  deleteRow() and updateRow() methods for your data storage class... 
  would do the functions their name implies on the HashMap, and you can 
  that way key your data, i.e., each row has an element recordKey
  let's say.  So, your insert method can throw an exception if a 
  exists with that key already.  In fact, you could go so far as to 
  a SQLException, and in that way you could replace that data storage
  class with a class that talks to a database down the road, and nothing
  that uses that class should have to change.
  But that's getting ahead of ourselves a bit :)  If you intend to build
  something that you know would usually use a database, then the second
  approach is a good idea.  Be sure to synchronize your access to your
  Maps (which would be a bottleneck in a real application, but you can 
  away with it here, and in general in any application that isn't going 
  have a big load).  But, using session might be easier, depends on how
  much work (and control) you want.  For a shopping cart, the volume of
  data isn't going to be great, so no worries there.
  But, the golden rule with Struts to remember is no class-level
  variables!  That's what all this is designed to avoid.
  Frank W. Zammetti
  Founder and Chief Software Architect

Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-08 Thread Simon MARTIN
thanks for your offering of help.
I know that my Struts knowlegde is not the best yet -- no question about it -- 
but I'm willing to change that, as far as my time allows it.

Fortunately, my lecture is not of that importance you might have assumed, as I'm 
'only' giving a presentation at school. However, I of course want to present 
something I know about, so this does not really change the situation.

As I can see what you're telling me, I think my learning has been to 
practice-orientated and too less theory-orientated, which brings me into trouble 
when the requirements change.
So far, I've only strictly written Spring apps with Struts MVC or without Struts 
MVC, but, in any case, with Hibernate as ORM-framework. Therefore, I really came 
into troubles when using Struts alone, and then even doing so without a database.
Of course, I had thought about putting the stuff into the session, either, but 
putting complete client-state into the session seemed unclean to me, as I 
personally had prefered some kind of property-setting statically.
Please let me know about further architectural mistakes I've done.

I've started reading Wiley's 'Mastering Jakarta Struts', which unfortunately 
seems kind of outdated to me. Please let me know about better alternatives.

Furthermore, I'd appreciate any kind of help.
Kind regards and thanks in advance,
PLEASE do not take offense from what I am about to say.  I do not mean 
to be anything but constructive and helpful...

I am concerned that you are trying to build an example for those you 
will be teaching because I can see some fundamental misunderstandings, 
or gaps in your knowledge.  I'd be willing to guess that someone (your 
emoployer?) asked you to teach some people because you were the best of 
the group, and if that's the case I most certainly commend you for 
taking on the task.

However, I think it would be in your best interest, and certainly in 
your students' best interest, to take some time and become more familiar 
with the topic(s) you are going to be teaching.  I and others here could 
give you the answers, and we'd be happy to do so, but the questions you 
are asking are things that you really should be able to answer yourself 
in light of the fact that you are going to be teaching, and might face 
the same questions, or others that will test your fundamental 
knowledge.  I'm not just talking about learning Struts here, which 
certainly is a big part of it.  I sense you may have some learning to do 
with regard to web application development in general.

Again, I hope I have not offended you, that is not my intent in any 
way.  If your just learning this stuff yourself, that's great, we'll all 
help any way we can, but I would really try and hold off on the teaching 
for a while until you see these answers yourself.

 On Tue, December 7, 2004 1:59 pm, Bill Siggelkow said:

 Actions should not hold client-state; instead, you can create a
 ShoppingCart in the Action but then save it in the HttpSession.

 Without going into to many details, I suggest you take a look at the
 Struts MailReader example distributed with Struts.

 -Bill Siggelkow

 Simon MARTIN wrote:


 I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I
 know that this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes,
 I don't want to 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
 It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems,
 ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.

 I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had
 something like this:

 public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
   private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

   public ActionForward order(...)

   public ActionForward list(...)

 and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not
 authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls

 So I did some research and found this:

 So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class

 public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
   private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

 and call it like this

 public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
   throws Exception {
 return mapping.findForward(list);

 which gives me a ClassCastException.

 Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or
 Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?

 Thanks in advande and kind regards,

 PS: Please cc me in your answers.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL 

Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-08 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Sounds good!  You'll find that the people here are extremely helpful, 
but they do tend to shy away from general questions (unless they are SO 
general as to be theoretical, in which case EVERYONE has an opinion :) 
), so the more specific a question you can ask, the better.

As for books to read, I would highly recommend grabbing the latest copy 
of Head First Servlets and JSP.  It's not Struts-specific, but it is 
really necassery to know what is going on beneath Struts, and it is the 
best I've seen in this area (I'm currently using it as a study guide for 
the SCWCD exam, but it's good for anyone I'd say).  Frankly, if you get 
everything in that book, most of Struts will make sense almost 
immediately.  For Struts, O'Reilly has a pretty good book, the title of 
which elludes me at the moment, but I suspect it's the only one they 
sell.  At times it goes into a little TOO much detail for people trying 
to get a start in Struts, but most of it is excellent.

As for your specific architecture questions... Generally speaking, your 
concern about putting all application state for a user in session is 
valid.  This isn't what session is for.  It's really for fairly small 
BITS of state information, things that will in all likelihood change 
frequently, and certainly nothing that should persist beyond a session 
(hence the name!).  But, in your case, since you are just using it as an 
example, I wouldn't worry about it, go ahead and use session, it'll be 

In Struts, Actions can be shared across requests, which means that if 
you have class-level variables, they are, potentially, shared across 
multiple requests.  Clearly this is a formula for disaster.

There are two ways you could go here... one is to use session as I said, 
the other is to have a data storage class that just has some static 
members, most probably a Map of some sort.  You can use this as 
something of a poor man's database.  Think of a HashMap for instance as 
a database table.  Now, assume each element you add to the HashMap is 
itself a HashMap.  You can think of these inner HashMaps as rows in 
the table.  Then, each element in that inner HashMap is a field in the 
table.  Make sense?  You can go so far as to create insertRow(), 
deleteRow() and updateRow() methods for your data storage class... These 
would do the functions their name implies on the HashMap, and you can in 
that way key your data, i.e., each row has an element recordKey 
let's say.  So, your insert method can throw an exception if a record 
exists with that key already.  In fact, you could go so far as to throw 
a SQLException, and in that way you could replace that data storage 
class with a class that talks to a database down the road, and nothing 
that uses that class should have to change.

But that's getting ahead of ourselves a bit :)  If you intend to build 
something that you know would usually use a database, then the second 
approach is a good idea.  Be sure to synchronize your access to your 
Maps (which would be a bottleneck in a real application, but you can get 
away with it here, and in general in any application that isn't going to 
have a big load).  But, using session might be easier, depends on how 
much work (and control) you want.  For a shopping cart, the volume of 
data isn't going to be great, so no worries there.

But, the golden rule with Struts to remember is no class-level 
variables!  That's what all this is designed to avoid.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Simon MARTIN wrote:
thanks for your offering of help.
I know that my Struts knowlegde is not the best yet -- no question about 
it -- but I'm willing to change that, as far as my time allows it.

Fortunately, my lecture is not of that importance you might have 
assumed, as I'm 'only' giving a presentation at school. However, I of 
course want to present something I know about, so this does not really 
change the situation.

As I can see what you're telling me, I think my learning has been to 
practice-orientated and too less theory-orientated, which brings me into 
trouble when the requirements change.
So far, I've only strictly written Spring apps with Struts MVC or 
without Struts MVC, but, in any case, with Hibernate as ORM-framework. 
Therefore, I really came into troubles when using Struts alone, and then 
even doing so without a database.
Of course, I had thought about putting the stuff into the session, 
either, but putting complete client-state into the session seemed 
unclean to me, as I personally had prefered some kind of 
property-setting statically.
Please let me know about further architectural mistakes I've done.

I've started reading Wiley's 'Mastering Jakarta Struts', which 
unfortunately seems kind of outdated to me. Please let me know about 
better alternatives.

Furthermore, I'd appreciate any kind of help.
Kind regards and thanks in advance,

Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-07 Thread Simon MARTIN
I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I know that 
this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes, I don't want to 
'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems, 
ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.

I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had something 
like this:

public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;
  public ActionForward order(...)
  public ActionForward list(...)
and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not 
authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls

So I did some research and found this:
So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class
public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;
and call it like this
public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(list);
which gives me a ClassCastException.
Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or struts-config.xml?
Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?
Thanks in advande and kind regards,
PS: Please cc me in your answers.
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RE: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-07 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Simon MARTIN [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:47 AM
 Subject: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user
 I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a 
 database (I know that 
 this would be better, but as it is only for teaching 
 purposes, I don't want to 
 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
 It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems, 
 ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.
 I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per 
 user. I had something 
 like this:
 public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;
public ActionForward order(...)
public ActionForward list(...)
 and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user 
 (which is not 
 authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart 
 when he calls

That's because you're violating one of the cardinal rules of servlet 
programming... your using a class property.  Don't do that.

 So I did some research and found this:

So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class

public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
   private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

and call it like this

public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
   throws Exception {
 return mapping.findForward(list);

which gives me a ClassCastException.

Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or struts-config.xml?
Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?

Thanks in advande and kind regards,

PS: Please cc me in your answers.

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Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-07 Thread Bill Siggelkow
Actions should not hold client-state; instead, you can create a 
ShoppingCart in the Action but then save it in the HttpSession.

Without going into to many details, I suggest you take a look at the 
Struts MailReader example distributed with Struts.

-Bill Siggelkow
Simon MARTIN wrote:
I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I 
know that this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes, 
I don't want to 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems, 
ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.

I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had 
something like this:

public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;
  public ActionForward order(...)
  public ActionForward list(...)
and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not 
authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls

So I did some research and found this:

So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class
public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;
and call it like this
public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(list);
which gives me a ClassCastException.
Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or struts-config.xml?
Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?
Thanks in advande and kind regards,
PS: Please cc me in your answers.

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Re: Best practice question: Properties (ShoppingCart) per user

2004-12-07 Thread fzlists
PLEASE do not take offense from what I am about to say.  I do not mean to be 
anything but constructive and helpful...

I am concerned that you are trying to build an example for those you will be 
teaching because I can see some fundamental misunderstandings, or gaps in your 
knowledge.  I'd be willing to guess that someone (your emoployer?) asked you to 
teach some people because you were the best of the group, and if that's the 
case I most certainly commend you for taking on the task.

However, I think it would be in your best interest, and certainly in your 
students' best interest, to take some time and become more familiar with the 
topic(s) you are going to be teaching.  I and others here could give you the 
answers, and we'd be happy to do so, but the questions you are asking are 
things that you really should be able to answer yourself in light of the fact 
that you are going to be teaching, and might face the same questions, or others 
that will test your fundamental knowledge.  I'm not just talking about learning 
Struts here, which certainly is a big part of it.  I sense you may have some 
learning to do with regard to web application development in general.

Again, I hope I have not offended you, that is not my intent in any way.  If 
your just learning this stuff yourself, that's great, we'll all help any way we 
can, but I would really try and hold off on the teaching for a while until you 
see these answers yourself.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Tue, December 7, 2004 1:59 pm, Bill Siggelkow said:
 Actions should not hold client-state; instead, you can create a
 ShoppingCart in the Action but then save it in the HttpSession.
 Without going into to many details, I suggest you take a look at the
 Struts MailReader example distributed with Struts.
 -Bill Siggelkow
 Simon MARTIN wrote:

 I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I
 know that this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes,
 I don't want to 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
 It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems,
 ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.

 I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had
 something like this:

 public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
   private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

   public ActionForward order(...)

   public ActionForward list(...)

 and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not
 authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls

 So I did some research and found this:

 So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class

 public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
   private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

 and call it like this

 public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
   throws Exception {
 return mapping.findForward(list);

 which gives me a ClassCastException.

 Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or
 Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?

 Thanks in advande and kind regards,

 PS: Please cc me in your answers.
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