Re: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling

2013-03-03 Thread Lukasz Lenart
Finally I have had some time to check that and the problem is in
UIBean#escape(String) method, line 884, which will return  instead null
if provided String is null. Please register an issue for that.

+ 48 606 323 122

2012/12/6 Thim Anneessens

  Hi Lukasz,

 Here is a little maven project to illustrate the issue. Simply launch it
 with tomcat7 and you will see the issue.
 It also illustrates that id has a default value of .

 Thank you for your time,

 On 12/03/2012 10:11 PM, Lukasz Lenart wrote:

 2012/11/30 Thim Anneessens

  We are using Struts and have noticed a strange behavior in
 component parameter handling:

 We have a component that uses both an id parameter and a title

 What is strange is that when we use s:component, the title parameter
 value can either be specified using the title attribute of s:component or
 a s:param. The id parameter value can only be specified using the id
 attribute of s:component. Using the s:param for id has no effect.

 There seems to be no pertinent explanation for this behavior in the
 documentation and I was wondering if this behavior would evolve in further
 versions. We are currently using s:param to specify our numerous title
 parameters and hope that it will always be possible in the future.

 Could anyone shed some light on this inconsistent behavior?

  It's a bit strange, it should also work the same way :\ Could you
 prepare a sample app ? Maven based ?

 Łukasz+ 48 606 323 122

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  * Thim Anneessens
 IT Department *

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Re: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling

2012-12-03 Thread Lukasz Lenart
2012/11/30 Thim Anneessens
 We are using Struts and have noticed a strange behavior in
 component parameter handling:

 We have a component that uses both an id parameter and a title

 What is strange is that when we use s:component, the title parameter
 value can either be specified using the title attribute of s:component or
 a s:param. The id parameter value can only be specified using the id
 attribute of s:component. Using the s:param for id has no effect.

 There seems to be no pertinent explanation for this behavior in the
 documentation and I was wondering if this behavior would evolve in further
 versions. We are currently using s:param to specify our numerous title
 parameters and hope that it will always be possible in the future.

 Could anyone shed some light on this inconsistent behavior?

It's a bit strange, it should also work the same way :\ Could you
prepare a sample app ? Maven based ?

+ 48 606 323 122

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Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling

2012-11-30 Thread Thim Anneessens


We are using Struts and have noticed a strange behavior in
component parameter handling:

We have a component that uses both an "id" parameter and a "title"

What is strange is that when we use s:component, the "title"
parameter value can either be specified using the "title" attribute
of s:component or a s:param. The "id" parameter value can only be
specified using the "id" attribute of s:component. Using the s:param
for "id" has no effect. 

There seems to be no pertinent explanation for this behavior in the
documentation and I was wondering if this behavior would evolve in
further versions. We are currently using s:param to specify our
numerous "title" parameters and hope that it will always be possible
in the future. 

Could anyone shed some light on this inconsistent behavior?

Best regards,
 Thim Anneessens 
  IT Department

Tel: +32 2 725 73 00 
Terhulpsesteenweg, 6B 
B-1560 Hoeilaart

Tel: +352 621 364 792 
12, rue Eugne Ruppert 
L-2453 Luxembourg

Tel: +33 9 81 25 19 66 
19 rue Martel 
75010 Paris

Tel: +34 911 25 43 11 
Calle Santo Tom 4, 5B 
28004 Madrid

Tel: +49 711 91 41 07 32 
Humboldtstr. 32 
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen




Re: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling

2012-11-30 Thread Thim Anneessens

Hi Martin,
  Thank you for your time but I am not sure that it answers my
  question. Here is some code to illustrate:
  This works:
  s:component template='HighlightPanel.jsp' id="newsletter-subscribe-box"
	s:param name="title"Welcome to our site/s:param

  This does not work:
  s:component template='HighlightPanel.jsp'
	s:param name="title"Welcome to our site/s:param
	s:param name="id"newsletter-subscribe-box/s:param

  The "id" parameter is not sent to the "HighlightPanel.jsp"
  In the s:component
documentation, there seems to be no distinction between the
  "title" parameter and the "id" parameter. Why this inconsistent
  behavior? Could this behavior change in future releases?
  Best regard,
  Thim Anneessens.
  On 11/30/2012 01:56 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:


s:url var="url" action="" class="code-quote">"Welcome"
  s:param name="request_locale"en/s:param
s:a href="" class="code-quote">"%{url}"English/s:a

This param tag will 
  1)add the parameter
"?request_locale=en" to the Welcome Action URL,
  2)store it under the name "url". 
  The a tag then injects the "url" reference into the
  hyperlink. This request_locale parameter will be picked up by
  the I18n
Interceptor, and change your Locale accordingly.

number of parameters can be added to the URI by adding more
param tags.
  the Struts doc explanationappears to be clear on the use of
  params to build out the parameter(s) list
  so in your case titlewould berequest scoped
  id would not be request scope since every component would
  require an id
  does this conform to your understanding
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  Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 10:56:47 +0100
  Subject: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters
  We are using Struts and have noticed a strange
  behavior in component parameter handling:
  We have a component that uses both an "id" parameter and a
  "title" parameter. 
  What is strange is that when we use s:component, the "title"
  parameter value can either be specified using the "title"
  attribute of s:component or a s:param. The "id" parameter
  value can only be specified using the "id" attribute of
  s:component. Using the s:param for "id" has no effect. 
  There seems to be no pertinent explanation for this behavior
  in the documentation and I was wondering if this behavior
  would evolve in further versions. We are currently using
  s:param to specify our numerous "title" parameters and hope
  that it will always be possible in the future. 
  Could anyone shed some light on this inconsistent behavior?
  Best regards,
IT Department 

RE: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling

2012-11-30 Thread Martin Gainty

correct..ID is a required attribute of the component tag
title is a parameter scoped at request level which will be suffixed for the 
call to your Action e.g. YourAction?title='title'
since ID is already a required attribute for every component it would not make 
sense to *also add ID as the more generalised request parameter*(since ID is 
already specified as the required attribute for the component) Make cents?
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 Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 14:20:42 +0100
Subject: Re: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling


Hi Martin,


  Thank you for your time but I am not sure that it answers my
  question. Here is some code to illustrate:


  This works:

  s:component template='HighlightPanel.jsp' id=newsletter-subscribe-box
s:param name=titleWelcome to our site/s:param


  This does not work:

  s:component template='HighlightPanel.jsp'
s:param name=titleWelcome to our site/s:param
s:param name=idnewsletter-subscribe-box/s:param

  The id parameter is not sent to the HighlightPanel.jsp


  In the s:component
documentation, there seems to be no distinction between the
  title parameter and the id parameter. Why this inconsistent
  behavior? Could this behavior change in future releases?


  Best regard,

  Thim Anneessens.



  On 11/30/2012 01:56 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:


s:url var=url action=Welcome
  s:param name=request_localeen/s:param
s:a href=%{url}English/s:a

This param tag will 

  1)add the parameter
?request_locale=en to the Welcome Action URL,

  2)store it under the name url. 

  The a tag then injects the url reference into the
  hyperlink. This request_locale parameter will be picked up by
  the I18n
Interceptor, and change your Locale accordingly.

number of parameters can be added to the URI by adding more
param tags.


  the Struts doc explanation appears to be clear on the use of
  params to build out the parameter(s)  list


  so in your case title would be request scoped

  id would not be request scope since every component would
  require an id


  does this conform to your understanding



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Re: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling

2012-11-30 Thread Thim Anneessens

Dear Martin,
  According to struts
documentation: "id" is not required. However it
  seems that even if I do not specify a value for "id", Struts will
  assign an empty String value to it, which would prove what you are
  saying. Maybe the documentation should be adapted to indicate that
  id is required and that it has a default value which is an empty
  I note that if a parameter value is specified using both an
  attribute and the param tag, the attribute value will be used.
  This would explain the behavior we are observing for "id". 
  Assuming all this is right, I do not think that it should
influence the way to use s:component. IMO, the fact that a
default value is assigned to a parameter should not impact the
way we can specify/override the parameter value.
  Given all these facts, is it reasonable to assume that this
behavior will not change in future Struts releases?
  Thanks again for your time Martin.
  Best regards,
  On 11/30/2012 03:42 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

ID isa requiredattribute of the component tag
title is a parameter scoped at request level which will
besuffixedfor thecall toyourAction e.g.

since ID is already arequired attribute for every component it
would not make sense to *alsoaddID as themore
generalisedrequest parameter*
(since ID is already specified as the required attribute for the

Make cents?
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  Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 14:20:42 +0100
  Subject: Re: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters
  Hi Martin,

Thank you for your time but I am not sure that it answers my
question. Here is some code to illustrate:

This works:
s:component template='HighlightPanel.jsp' id="newsletter-subscribe-box"
	s:param name="title"Welcome to our site/s:param

This does not work:
s:component template='HighlightPanel.jsp'
	s:param name="title"Welcome to our site/s:param
	s:param name="id"newsletter-subscribe-box/s:param

The "id" parameter is not sent to the "HighlightPanel.jsp"

In the s:component documentation, there seems
to be no distinction between the "title" parameter and the
"id" parameter. Why this inconsistent behavior? Could this
behavior change in future releases?

Best regard,
Thim Anneessens.

On 11/30/2012 01:56 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:


  s:url var="url" action="" class="ecxcode-quote">"Welcome"
  s:param name="request_locale"en/s:param
s:a href="" class="ecxcode-quote">"%{url}"English/s:a

  This param tag will 
  1)add the parameter
"?request_locale=en" to the Welcome Action
URL, and 
  2)store it under the name "url". 
  The a tag then injects the "url" reference into

RE: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling

2012-11-30 Thread Martin Gainty

ok so your take is i want to reference a HTML component to uniquely identify a 
component in lieu of idso we're on the same page the HTML spec says The id 
attribute assigns a unique 
identifier to an element (which may be verified by an SGML parser). 
For example, the following paragraphs are distinguished by their id values: 
P id=myparagraph This is a uniquely named paragraph./P
P id=yourparagraph This is also a uniquely named paragraph./P

The id attribute has several roles in 

As a style sheet selector. 
As a target anchor for hypertext links. 
As a means to reference a particular element from a script. 
As the name of a declared OBJECT element. 
For general purpose processing by user agents (e.g. for identifying fields 
when extracting data from HTML pages into a database, translating HTML 
into other formats, etc.).  Unique quality of id attributehow else can the 
User-Agent Browser uniquely refer to a element in a document if you do not have 
an id...
Suitable alternatives to replace unique idHow would an optional request 
parameter (such as title) be used to uniquely reference a component (instead of 
referring to unique identifier attribute)
Martin Gainty 
Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und 
Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité
 Ez az
üzenet bizalmas.  Ha nem ön az akinek szánva volt, akkor kérjük, hogy
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készítése nem megengedett.  Ez az üzenet csak ismeret cserét szolgál és
semmiféle jogi alkalmazhatósága sincs.  Mivel az electronikus üzenetek
könnyen megváltoztathatóak, ezért minket semmi felelöség nem terhelhet
ezen üzenet tartalma miatt.

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pour le contenu fourni.

 Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 17:36:19 +0100
Subject: Re: Inconsistency in Struts2 s:component parameters handling


Dear Martin,


  According to struts
documentation: id is not required. However it
  seems that even if I do not specify a value for id, Struts will
  assign an empty String value to it, which would prove what you are
  saying. Maybe the documentation should be adapted to indicate that
  id is required and that it has a default value which is an empty


  I note that if a parameter value is specified using both an
  attribute and the param tag, the attribute value will be used.
  This would explain the behavior we are observing for id. 

  Assuming all this is right, I do not think that it should
influence the way to use s:component. IMO, the fact that a
default value is assigned to a parameter should not impact the
way we can specify/override the parameter value.

  Given all these facts, is it reasonable to assume that this
behavior will not change in future Struts releases?

  Thanks again for your time Martin.

  Best regards,


  On 11/30/2012 03:42 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:


ID is a required attribute of the component tag

title is a parameter scoped at request level which will
be suffixed for the call to your Action e.g.

since ID is already a required attribute for every component it
would not make sense to *also add ID as the more
generalised request parameter*

(since ID is already specified as the required attribute for the


Make cents?



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