Re: [S2] Beans list in Dynamic form and ParametersInterceptor problem

2008-01-23 Thread totojack


I've solved the problem. And the solution was... reading the documentation
with great attention!!!
In particular, from, the paragraph
Relationship to Parameter Names: 
1 - Use JavaBeans! The framework can only create objects if the objects obey
the JavaBean specification and provide no-arg constructions, as well as
getters and setters where appropriate
2 - Remember that will call getPerson().setName(), but if in
order for the framework to create the Person object for you, a setPerson
must also exist

So: in the bean class, I've added a no-arg constructor; in the action class,
I've added a property Song and a setSong method. And now I'm able to fill
the list of beans modified from the form in the jsp, and use it in the

I summerize all for future benefits.

-Problem: submit a dynamic form created with a list of beans and use these
beans in the action.

Provide a no-arg constructor and getters and setters for all properties.

public class Song implements Serializable {
private String SongId;   
private String StartDate;
private String EndDate;
private String StatusLoad;
private String StatusSellable;

public Song(){}

public String getStartDate() {return StartDate;}
public void setStartDate(String startDate) {StartDate = startDate;}
public String getEndDate() {return EndDate;}
public void setEndDate(String endDate) {EndDate = endDate;}
public String getStatusLoad() {return StatusLoad;}
public void setStatusLoad(String statusLoad) {StatusLoad = statusLoad;}
public String getStatusSellable() {return StatusSellable;}
public void setStatusSellable(String statusSellable) {StatusSellable =
public String getSongId() {return SongId;}
public void setSongId(String songId) {SongId = songId;}

Provide the beans list property with get and set, and a bean property with

public class ResubmitAction extends BaseAction {
private ListSong songs = new ArrayList();
private Song song = null;
public String resubmitCatalog() {
//use the beans list coming from the form
if (this.songs != null) {
log.debug(song list size +songs.size());
Iterator iter = this.songs.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Song tmp = (Song);
if (tmp != null) {

public ListSong getSongs() {return songs;}
public void setSongs(ListSong songs) {this.songs = songs;}
public void setSong(Song song) { = song;}

Create a file in the same path of the
so in my case where
ResubmitAction.class is located.


In the first version of the file there was also the line
but this is useless because in the jsp I don't use the unique id
of the bean for iteration throw the list.

Create the form using iterator tag and use stat.index to reference the
current iteration index.
Pay attention to the ognl expression.

s:iterator id=Song value=songs status=stat
s:hidden name=songs[%{#stat.index}].songId/
td class=txtBoldSTART DATE/td
tdjscalendar:jscalendar format=%d.%m.%Y
name=songs[%{#stat.index}].startDate //td
td class=txtBoldEND DATE/td  
tdjscalendar:jscalendar format=%d.%m.%Y
td class=txtBoldSTATUS LOAD/td
tds:textfield theme=simple name=songs[%{#stat.index}].statusLoad
td class=txtBoldSTATUS SELLABLE/td
tds:textfield theme=simple 

and the resulting html is (the beans list has 2 elements):

input type=hidden id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_0__songId value=9121587
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_0__startDate
value=29.11.2007 name=songs[0].startDate/
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_0__endDate value=29.11.2007
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_0__statusLoad value=Publish
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_0__statusSellable value=1
input type=hidden id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_1__songId value=9121591
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_1__startDate
value=29.11.2007 name=songs[1].startDate/
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_1__endDate value=29.11.2007

Re: [S2] Beans list in Dynamic form and ParametersInterceptor problem

2008-01-22 Thread Laurie Harper

The problem looks to be that you're using the song ID as a list index:

  s:iterator id=Song value=songs
tds:hidden name=songs[%{#Song.SongId}].SongId ...

If the value of SongId for the first item in the list is 658, on submit 
Struts will try and put that song's data at index 658 in the list...!

What you probably want is:

  s:iterator id=Song value=songs status=stat
tds:hidden name=songs[%{#stat.index}].SongId ...

(where status.index references the current iteration index).



totojack wrote:

Hi. I'm having problem in submitting a dynamic form created with a list of
I'm able to build the jsp with the form and (it seems...) to pass parameters
to action, 
but I'm not able to get the correct list of beans after submitting the form.
I've tried with a list of 2 beans. Something really strange happens: 
the list in the action is not null (ok, this shouldn't be strange, if I've
done all correctly) 
and has a size equals to the id of a bean (and this is really strange, maybe

there's something wrong?...).
Due to the list size, at the end of the action there is also
OutOfMemoryError (Java heap space).

So, is it an ognl expression problem? I've tried many version but without

I'm using struts 2.0.11.

Some code:

public class ResubmitAction extends BaseAction {
private ListSong songs = new ArrayList();
public String resubmitCatalog() {
if(songs != null) {
log.debug(song size +songs.size());
public ListSong getSongs() {return songs;}
public void setSongs(ListSong songs) {this.songs = songs;}

public class Song implements Serializable {
private String SongId;
private String StartDate;
private String EndDate;
private String StatusLoad;
private String StatusSellable;
public String getStartDate() {return StartDate;}
public void setStartDate(String startDate) {StartDate = startDate;}
public String getEndDate() {return EndDate;}
public void setEndDate(String endDate) {EndDate = endDate;}
public String getStatusLoad() {return StatusLoad;}
public void setStatusLoad(String statusLoad) {StatusLoad = statusLoad;}
public String getStatusSellable() {return StatusSellable;}
public void setStatusSellable(String statusSellable) {StatusSellable =
public String getSongId() {return SongId;}
public void setSongId(String songId) {SongId = songId;}

-CONVERSION PROP (in the same path of


s:iterator id=Song value=songs

tds:hidden name=songs[%{#Song.SongId}].SongId
td class=txtBoldSTART DATE/td
tds:textfield theme=simple name=songs[%{#Song.SongId}].startDate
	td class=txtBoldEND DATE/td  
	tds:textfield theme=simple

td class=txtBoldSTATUS LOAD/td
tds:textfield theme=simple name=songs[%{#Song.SongId}].statusLoad
td class=txtBoldSTATUS SELLABLE/td
tds:textfield theme=simple
name=songs[%{#Song.SongId}].statusSellable //td


and the HTML is:

input type=hidden id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_9121587__SongId
value=9121587 name=songs[9121587].SongId/
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_9121587__startDate value=
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_9121587__endDate value=
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_9121587__statusLoad value=
input type=text id=ResubmitCatalog_songs_9121587__statusSellable
value= name=songs[9121587].statusSellable/

and another group of input with the second id 9121591

DEBUG (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:148) - Setting params (...)
songs[9121591].startDate = [ XXX ] songs[9121587].endDate = [ XXX ] 
songs[9121591].statusLoad = [ XXX ] songs[9121587].statusSellable = [ XXX

] songs[9121587].SongId = [ 9121587 ] songs[9121591].endDate = [ XXX ]
songs[9121587].startDate = [ XXX ] songs[9121591].SongId = [ 9121591 ]
songs[9121591].statusSellable = [ XXX ] songs[9121587].statusLoad = [ XXX
ERROR (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:204) - ParametersInterceptor -

[setParameters]: Unexpected Exception caught setting 'songs[9121587].SongId'
on 'class it.telecomitalia.orchestrator.console.actions.ResubmitAction:
Error setting expression 'songs[9121587].SongId' with value
ERROR (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:204) - ParametersInterceptor -
[setParameters]: Unexpected 

Re: [S2] Beans list in Dynamic form and ParametersInterceptor problem

2008-01-22 Thread totojack

The problem of songs list size is solved using #stat.index. But not the
parameters error.
The list size now is 1, but the element inside is null.
So, it can't create song beans and put it into the list.
In the conversion props file the Element_songs is correctly set to the Song
bean class.
The KeyProperty is useless now using the iterator index? 

Here some logs:
DEBUG (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:148) - Setting params
songs[1].endDate = [ 01.01.2099 ] [  ] songs[0].endDate = [ 01.01.2099 ]
songs[0].statusLoad = [ Publish ] songs[0].statusSellable = [ 1 ] 
songs[1].songId = [ 9121591 ] songs[1].statusLoad = [ Publish ]
songs[1].statusSellable = [ 1 ] songs[0].songId = [ 9121587 ]
songs[0].startDate = [ 29.11.2007 ] songs[1].startDate = [ 29.11.2007 ] 
ERROR (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:204) - ParametersInterceptor -
[setParameters]: Unexpected Exception caught setting 'songs[0].endDate' on
'class it.telecomitalia.orchestrator.console.actions.ResubmitAction: Error
setting expression 'songs[0].endDate' with value

Reading the manual at it says:
Notice the () notation! Do not use [] notation, which is for Maps only!
but changing the notation from 
in the jsp, the form isn't populated.

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RE: [S2] Beans list in Dynamic form and ParametersInterceptor problem

2008-01-22 Thread Hernandez, David

 Does this stack trace begin with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError as well?
Have you tried increasing the heap space size for your Web Server?
Just a thought . . .


David Hernandez

-Original Message-
From: totojack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [S2] Beans list in Dynamic form and ParametersInterceptor

The problem of songs list size is solved using #stat.index. But not the
parameters error.
The list size now is 1, but the element inside is null.
So, it can't create song beans and put it into the list.
In the conversion props file the Element_songs is correctly set to the
Song bean class.
The KeyProperty is useless now using the iterator index? 

Here some logs:
DEBUG (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:148) - Setting params
songs[1].endDate = [ 01.01.2099 ] [  ] songs[0].endDate = [ 01.01.2099
] songs[0].statusLoad = [ Publish ] songs[0].statusSellable = [ 1 ]
songs[1].songId = [ 9121591 ] songs[1].statusLoad = [ Publish ]
songs[1].statusSellable = [ 1 ] songs[0].songId = [ 9121587 ]
songs[0].startDate = [ 29.11.2007 ] songs[1].startDate = [ 29.11.2007
] ERROR (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:204) - ParametersInterceptor
[setParameters]: Unexpected Exception caught setting 'songs[0].endDate'
on 'class it.telecomitalia.orchestrator.console.actions.ResubmitAction:
Error setting expression 'songs[0].endDate' with value

Reading the manual at it says:
Notice the () notation! Do not use [] notation, which is for Maps
but changing the notation from
in the jsp, the form isn't populated.

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Re: [S2] Beans list in Dynamic form and ParametersInterceptor problem

2008-01-22 Thread jimski

Hi totojack-

I think you're right that the key property is useless now that you're using
the positional index to access your list elements.  

Also, the type conversion page says that using the unique id indexed
approach won't allow for automatic creation of instances.  The docs say the
following: Unlike Map and List element properties, if fooCollection(22)
does not exist, it will not be created. If you would like it created, use
the notation fooCollection.makeNew[index] where index is an integer 0, 1,
and so on.

I haven't been able to get makeNew to work and no one on the list responded
to a previous question on it so I'm assuming that the feature is deprecated
and the documentation is out of date.  Which is really a shame since
positional indexing of a list comes with some risks that accessing elements
by unique id does not.  You can write some hacks to get around this, but
they lack the elegance that a web framework that really understood
collections could have provided.

totojack wrote:
 The problem of songs list size is solved using #stat.index. But not the
 parameters error.
 The list size now is 1, but the element inside is null.
 So, it can't create song beans and put it into the list.
 In the conversion props file the Element_songs is correctly set to the
 Song bean class.
 The KeyProperty is useless now using the iterator index? 
 Here some logs:
 DEBUG (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:148) - Setting params
 songs[1].endDate = [ 01.01.2099 ] [  ] songs[0].endDate = [ 01.01.2099 ]
 songs[0].statusLoad = [ Publish ] songs[0].statusSellable = [ 1 ] 
 songs[1].songId = [ 9121591 ] songs[1].statusLoad = [ Publish ]
 songs[1].statusSellable = [ 1 ] songs[0].songId = [ 9121587 ]
 songs[0].startDate = [ 29.11.2007 ] songs[1].startDate = [ 29.11.2007 ] 
 ERROR (interceptor.ParametersInterceptor:204) - ParametersInterceptor -
 [setParameters]: Unexpected Exception caught setting 'songs[0].endDate' on
 'class it.telecomitalia.orchestrator.console.actions.ResubmitAction: Error
 setting expression 'songs[0].endDate' with value
 Reading the manual at it says:
 Notice the () notation! Do not use [] notation, which is for Maps only!
 but changing the notation from 
 in the jsp, the form isn't populated.

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RE: [S2] Beans list in Dynamic form and ParametersInterceptor problem

2008-01-22 Thread totojack

Hi David,

the OutOfMemoryError was solved using %{#stat.index} in the inputs, as
suggested by Laurie Harper.
You're right about the web server heap space, but the cause of the error was
obviously my wrong
ognl expression.

 Does this stack trace begin with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError as well?
Have you tried increasing the heap space size for your Web Server?
Just a thought . . .


David Hernandez
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