Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Ted Husted
On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 13:31:28 -0500, Alex Kravets wrote:
> Ted,
> I hope you don't think that we (well me at least) seem to be
> accusation in our e-mails. That is not the case. I am just sharing
> my thoughts on where this or that approach might lead in the
> future. It might sound unappreciative when guys spend thousands of
> hours perfecting/making better something and other guys try to
> critique it without knowing what labor was put into this work, but
> that's the nature of users: bitch, bitch, bitch (I know it myself).
> No hard feeling I hope :)

I just get confused when people seem to abscribe our motivations to economic or 
competitive forces.

It's not like that. We write stuff so that we can use it ourselves, and then 
share what we write with the group, who help us improve it.

Marketshare and capitalism have little or nothing to do with it.

Case in point. I'm doing a private class on Advanced Struts next week. Client 
put "alternatives to Struts" on the agenda. Since client is in Boston, I pinged 
Howard Lewis Ship, and he's going to do a session on Tapestry and Hivemind for 

We're all friends here. :)

Of course, if choice is an issue for someone, there's always .NET/Mono. :)

But, I can tell you, even on a MS-dominanted platform, choice is rampant. It 
may not be as high-level as choosing between Struts or Tapestry, but it's 
there. And, as we continue to port Java-bred libraries, like iBATIS and Lucene, 
to .NET/Mono, more and more choice will rear its head.

Why is there choice?

Not because of capitalism or competition. There's no reason why we would want 
to "compete" with Tapestry or WebWorks. These frameworks are all free. There's 
little or no profit motive. Moreover, it's not hard to become a committer on an 
open source project if you are willing to do the work.

There's choice because writing applications is still way too much work, and 
we're still finding better ways to bang the rock together. Finding new ways 
means choosing between between them, at least until time and evolution have a 
chance to sort it all out.

Does anyone know the absolutely best way to to write an web application?

I hope not! Given how I still spend my days, I'm hoping we haven't invented it 
yet. :)

And, I wager by the time we do, years from now, someone will have reinvented 
the web, and we'll have to start all over again. :(


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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Alex Kravets
I hope you don't think that we (well me at least) seem to be accusation 
in our e-mails. That is not the case. I am just sharing my thoughts on 
where this or that approach might lead in the future. It might sound 
unappreciative when guys spend thousands of hours perfecting/making 
better something and other guys try to critique it without knowing what 
labor was put into this work, but that's the nature of users: bitch, 
bitch, bitch (I know it myself). No hard feeling I hope :)

Ted Husted wrote:
I don't think anyone is out to prove or disprove anything. 

Craig saw a cool way to implement a front controller for JavaServer Faces, so he posted some proof-of-concept code. Other people starting making contributions. A community is growing up around the codebase, so we made it a subproject. That's really all there is to it. 

You know, guys, most of the committers are working stiffs, just like you. We find ways that help us write our own applications, and we share them with the community. We're not sitting around trying to come up with "The Next Big Thing" and move another million of copies of Struts. We're just trying to ship our next application, while we maintain the ones we already go, just like you. 

Craig thinks JSF and Shale is a great way to write Java Web applications, and 
other people are starting to agree with him. That's not to say there are not 
other great ways to write applications. Tapestry is one. Maverick, Spring MVC,  
and WebWorks are others.
On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 09:34:54 -0500, Alex Kravets wrote:

Ted, Graig,
So was Struts Shale made to make programmer's life easier in
creating Web Applications using MVC Framework? I've read some
posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now use Tapestry
say that they will never go back to Struts again. Is this what
Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?
Ted Husted wrote:

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 17:03:09 -0500, Alex Kravets wrote:

So what do you guys think?

An important clarification we'll make to the FAQ is that "by
doing our job right" we mean "not break backward compatibility"
in the ongoing 1.x series.
There's more than a few things that people want to do with Struts
1.x yet. We're approaching Struts 1.3, and already, the Milestone
page [] is looking
forward to Struts 1.6.
If need be, we can go on to Struts 1.42 or Struts 1.2025. If
there's interest, there could be another five, ten, or fifty
years of Struts 1.x development.
A year ago, we talked about a Struts 2.x revolution to give us a
clean start on the codebase. But, most everyone wanted to evolve
the Struts 1.x codebase instead.
So, that's what we are doing: evolving Struts 1.x, step by step,
innovation by innovation, deprecation by deprecation :)
If we never break backward compatibility, and we never start a
new codebase, then we never need to roll the major version number.
Meanwhile, another potentially great framework has come along:
Shale. Like Struts, Shale is MVC web framework, but it doesn't
share any code or architectural hallmarks with Struts 1.x. We
could call it Struts 2.x, but we could also fork Maverick, Spring
MVC, Tapestry, or WebWork and call any of those Struts 2.x, if
that's what the community wanted.
But, as near as we can tell, that's not what they community
wants. The volunteers are showing by their commits that we want
to evolve Struts 1.x and, at the same time, also work on Shale
As someone mentioned elsewhere: different strokes for different
folks: different technologies for different requirements.
People wanted to do both and proved it with their commits. So
both is what we are doing :)
And, if someone comes up with a third thing, based on dynamic
ECMA Script or something, maybe we'll do that too. :)
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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Ted Husted
I don't think anyone is out to prove or disprove anything.

Craig saw a cool way to implement a front controller for JavaServer Faces, so 
he posted some proof-of-concept code. Other people starting making 
contributions. A community is growing up around the codebase, so we made it a 
subproject. That's really all there is to it.

You know, guys, most of the committers are working stiffs, just like you. We 
find ways that help us write our own applications, and we share them with the 
community. We're not sitting around trying to come up with "The Next Big Thing" 
and move another million of copies of Struts. We're just trying to ship our 
next application, while we maintain the ones we already go, just like you.

Craig thinks JSF and Shale is a great way to write Java Web applications, and 
other people are starting to agree with him. That's not to say there are not 
other great ways to write applications. Tapestry is one. Maverick, Spring MVC,  
and WebWorks are others.


On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 09:34:54 -0500, Alex Kravets wrote:
> Ted, Graig,
> So was Struts Shale made to make programmer's life easier in
> creating Web Applications using MVC Framework? I've read some
> posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now use Tapestry
> say that they will never go back to Struts again. Is this what
> Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?
> Ted Husted wrote:
>> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 17:03:09 -0500, Alex Kravets wrote:
>>> So what do you guys think?
>> An important clarification we'll make to the FAQ is that "by
>> doing our job right" we mean "not break backward compatibility"
>> in the ongoing 1.x series.
>> There's more than a few things that people want to do with Struts
>> 1.x yet. We're approaching Struts 1.3, and already, the Milestone
>> page [] is looking
>> forward to Struts 1.6.
>> If need be, we can go on to Struts 1.42 or Struts 1.2025. If
>> there's interest, there could be another five, ten, or fifty
>> years of Struts 1.x development.
>> A year ago, we talked about a Struts 2.x revolution to give us a
>> clean start on the codebase. But, most everyone wanted to evolve
>> the Struts 1.x codebase instead.
>> So, that's what we are doing: evolving Struts 1.x, step by step,
>> innovation by innovation, deprecation by deprecation :)
>> If we never break backward compatibility, and we never start a
>> new codebase, then we never need to roll the major version number.
>> Meanwhile, another potentially great framework has come along:
>> Shale. Like Struts, Shale is MVC web framework, but it doesn't
>> share any code or architectural hallmarks with Struts 1.x. We
>> could call it Struts 2.x, but we could also fork Maverick, Spring
>> MVC, Tapestry, or WebWork and call any of those Struts 2.x, if
>> that's what the community wanted.
>> But, as near as we can tell, that's not what they community
>> wants. The volunteers are showing by their commits that we want
>> to evolve Struts 1.x and, at the same time, also work on Shale
>> 1.x.
>> As someone mentioned elsewhere: different strokes for different
>> folks: different technologies for different requirements.
>> People wanted to do both and proved it with their commits. So
>> both is what we are doing :)
>> And, if someone comes up with a third thing, based on dynamic
>> ECMA Script or something, maybe we'll do that too. :)
>> -Ted.
>> --
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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Alex Kravets
True. Choice is good. The whole notion of capitalism is based on this. 
Choice is a product of competition, and when there is competition better 
products come out as a result of competition between number of other 
products. Indeed choice is good.

Woodchuck wrote:
hihi all,
just want to add my 2 cents
i think it's simply a time issue.  if i had time, naturally i'd like to
evaluate all possible choices before deciding which framework to use. 
but given the amount of framework spin-offs we have these days, it's a
luxury not many ppl will have.

think about a new java web app developer starting out right now.  with
all the choices he/she faces, can you blame them for asking "which is
most popular?".  going with the flow is a natural response when
individuals don't have the time to thoroughly investigate all the
frameworks to come to their own decision.  and even if someone did take
the time to investigate all frameworks for their particular project, it
would not surprising that their opinion may change later on. 
evaluating frameworks thoroughly is not a trivial task, you need to
spend the time to really discover the strengths/weaknesses for any
project of reasonable size.

choice is good.  sure.  but i also think there's confusion when there
is so many ways to do the same thing.  this is the irony that will
always be there.  i think feeling 'overwhelmed' would be a safe
assumption for anyone starting out right now.
--- Alex Kravets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well I think 70% is a little bit too much

   Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts
like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that
Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment;
everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)

But at the end of the day most people tend to learn 
languages/platforms/frameworks that are in demand (remember when HTML

coders were payed $70K?). Most people will not spend time on learning
something that they think/know is good but the rest of the world does
not, because most people do what they do to support themselves 
financially. The rest of does it because they are scientists.

Vic wrote:

I know you asked Ted/Craig but Tapestry is a Apache project, like 
Struts, a good framework that is View centric, home page says: " 
Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as 
JavaServer Pages or Velocity"
Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is

like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people


use Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own


if everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of


bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
Even if Struts loses 10% every year, that would make it say 5% or


or 1% say in many years.
Tapestry, JSF, WebWorks, Symphony, etc.  are all fine comunities


have that kind of a market share, so it would not be bad at all.


then all the questions about is this the most pouplar one would go


(It's a bit like sayind what method call you you call in your code?

I'ts up to you).
Alex Kravets wrote:

Ted, Graig,
've read some posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now


Tapestry say that they will never go back to Struts again.

see above. If you have similar needs as them maybe you should do


In 2000, would say


are better and Turbine did; there was allways competition.

Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?

I hope not!!!
I feel like I am the old Lakers, #1, and everyone hates you. And


I hate the Lakers. :-P

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Woodchuck
hihi all,

just want to add my 2 cents

i think it's simply a time issue.  if i had time, naturally i'd like to
evaluate all possible choices before deciding which framework to use. 
but given the amount of framework spin-offs we have these days, it's a
luxury not many ppl will have.

think about a new java web app developer starting out right now.  with
all the choices he/she faces, can you blame them for asking "which is
most popular?".  going with the flow is a natural response when
individuals don't have the time to thoroughly investigate all the
frameworks to come to their own decision.  and even if someone did take
the time to investigate all frameworks for their particular project, it
would not surprising that their opinion may change later on. 
evaluating frameworks thoroughly is not a trivial task, you need to
spend the time to really discover the strengths/weaknesses for any
project of reasonable size.

choice is good.  sure.  but i also think there's confusion when there
is so many ways to do the same thing.  this is the irony that will
always be there.  i think feeling 'overwhelmed' would be a safe
assumption for anyone starting out right now.


--- Alex Kravets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well I think 70% is a little bit too much 
> Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts
> is 
> like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that
> use 
> Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment;
> if 
> everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
> bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
> But at the end of the day most people tend to learn 
> languages/platforms/frameworks that are in demand (remember when HTML
> coders were payed $70K?). Most people will not spend time on learning
> something that they think/know is good but the rest of the world does
> not, because most people do what they do to support themselves 
> financially. The rest of does it because they are scientists.
> Vic wrote:
> > I know you asked Ted/Craig but Tapestry is a Apache project, like 
> > Struts, a good framework that is View centric, home page says: " 
> > Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as 
> > JavaServer Pages or Velocity"
> > Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is
> > like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people
> that 
> > use Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own
> judgment; 
> > if everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of
> a 
> > bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
> > Even if Struts loses 10% every year, that would make it say 5% or
> 3%, 
> > or 1% say in many years.
> > Tapestry, JSF, WebWorks, Symphony, etc.  are all fine comunities
> that 
> > have that kind of a market share, so it would not be bad at all.
> (and 
> > then all the questions about is this the most pouplar one would go
> away).
> >
> >
> > (It's a bit like sayind what method call you you call in your code?
> > I'ts up to you).
> >
> > Alex Kravets wrote:
> >
> >> Ted, Graig,
> >> 've read some posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now
> use 
> >> Tapestry say that they will never go back to Struts again.
> >
> >
> > see above. If you have similar needs as them maybe you should do
> that.
> > In 2000, would say
> they 
> > are better and Turbine did; there was allways competition.
> >
> >> Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?
> >
> >
> > I hope not!!!
> >
> > I feel like I am the old Lakers, #1, and everyone hates you. And
> yes, 
> > I hate the Lakers. :-P
> >
> > .V
> >
> >

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Hubert Rabago
I guess it depends on which group of 700 people you ask, and also how
you ask the question:

"What are you using?" (the question asked by OnJava, and is what
market share would be based on) is different from "What is the best?"
(asked by the blog below), which is also different from "What is the
most appropriate for the application you're developing?" (which people
on a team should answer).

I wonder where Raible got his figures.

On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 10:50:27 -0500, Alex Kravets
> Well I think 70% is a little bit too much
> Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is
> like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that use
> Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment; if
> everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a
> bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
> But at the end of the day most people tend to learn
> languages/platforms/frameworks that are in demand (remember when HTML
> coders were payed $70K?). Most people will not spend time on learning
> something that they think/know is good but the rest of the world does
> not, because most people do what they do to support themselves
> financially. The rest of does it because they are scientists.
> Vic wrote:
> > I know you asked Ted/Craig but Tapestry is a Apache project, like
> > Struts, a good framework that is View centric, home page says: "
> > Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as
> > JavaServer Pages or Velocity"
> > Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is
> > like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that
> > use Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment;
> > if everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a
> > bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
> > Even if Struts loses 10% every year, that would make it say 5% or 3%,
> > or 1% say in many years.
> > Tapestry, JSF, WebWorks, Symphony, etc.  are all fine comunities that
> > have that kind of a market share, so it would not be bad at all. (and
> > then all the questions about is this the most pouplar one would go away).
> >
> >
> > (It's a bit like sayind what method call you you call in your code?
> > I'ts up to you).
> >
> > Alex Kravets wrote:
> >
> >> Ted, Graig,
> >> 've read some posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now use
> >> Tapestry say that they will never go back to Struts again.
> >
> >
> > see above. If you have similar needs as them maybe you should do that.
> > In 2000, would say they
> > are better and Turbine did; there was allways competition.
> >
> >> Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?
> >
> >
> > I hope not!!!
> >
> > I feel like I am the old Lakers, #1, and everyone hates you. And yes,
> > I hate the Lakers. :-P
> >
> > .V
> >
> >

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Vic
Alex Kravets wrote:
Well I think 70% is a little bit too much

Yup, agree.
Here are some other Struts is dead threads in 2001.
Each framework is good at what it does.
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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Alex Kravets
This should have been a quote:
 Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is 
like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that use 
Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment; if 
everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)

Alex Kravets wrote:
Well I think 70% is a little bit too much

   Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is 
like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that 
use Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own 
judgment; if everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you 
jump of a bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)

But at the end of the day most people tend to learn 
languages/platforms/frameworks that are in demand (remember when HTML 
coders were payed $70K?). Most people will not spend time on learning 
something that they think/know is good but the rest of the world does 
not, because most people do what they do to support themselves 
financially. The rest of does it because they are scientists.

Vic wrote:
I know you asked Ted/Craig but Tapestry is a Apache project, like 
Struts, a good framework that is View centric, home page says: " 
Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as 
JavaServer Pages or Velocity"
Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is 
like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that 
use Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment; 
if everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
Even if Struts loses 10% every year, that would make it say 5% or 3%, 
or 1% say in many years.
Tapestry, JSF, WebWorks, Symphony, etc.  are all fine comunities that 
have that kind of a market share, so it would not be bad at all. (and 
then all the questions about is this the most pouplar one would go 

(It's a bit like sayind what method call you you call in your code? 
I'ts up to you).

Alex Kravets wrote:
Ted, Graig,
've read some posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now 
use Tapestry say that they will never go back to Struts again.

see above. If you have similar needs as them maybe you should do that.
In 2000, would say they 
are better and Turbine did; there was allways competition.

Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?

I hope not!!!
I feel like I am the old Lakers, #1, and everyone hates you. And yes, 
I hate the Lakers. :-P


Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Alex Kravets
Well I think 70% is a little bit too much

   Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is 
like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that use 
Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment; if 
everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)

But at the end of the day most people tend to learn 
languages/platforms/frameworks that are in demand (remember when HTML 
coders were payed $70K?). Most people will not spend time on learning 
something that they think/know is good but the rest of the world does 
not, because most people do what they do to support themselves 
financially. The rest of does it because they are scientists.

Vic wrote:
I know you asked Ted/Craig but Tapestry is a Apache project, like 
Struts, a good framework that is View centric, home page says: " 
Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as 
JavaServer Pages or Velocity"
Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is 
like 70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that 
use Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment; 
if everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
Even if Struts loses 10% every year, that would make it say 5% or 3%, 
or 1% say in many years.
Tapestry, JSF, WebWorks, Symphony, etc.  are all fine comunities that 
have that kind of a market share, so it would not be bad at all. (and 
then all the questions about is this the most pouplar one would go away).

(It's a bit like sayind what method call you you call in your code? 
I'ts up to you).

Alex Kravets wrote:
Ted, Graig,
've read some posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now use 
Tapestry say that they will never go back to Struts again.

see above. If you have similar needs as them maybe you should do that.
In 2000, would say they 
are better and Turbine did; there was allways competition.

Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?

I hope not!!!
I feel like I am the old Lakers, #1, and everyone hates you. And yes, 
I hate the Lakers. :-P


Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Vic
I know you asked Ted/Craig but Tapestry is a Apache project, like 
Struts, a good framework that is View centric, home page says: " 
Tapestry is an alternative to scripting environments such as JavaServer 
Pages or Velocity"
Accroding to latest "market share" reportring (by Raible) Struts is like 
70% of market share. (Having said that, I wish that people that use 
Struts becuase it's popular go away, one should use own judgment; if 
everyone used EJB, would you use that too? or would you jump of a 
bridge? Waren Buffet has a book and a chapter on Lemmings)
Even if Struts loses 10% every year, that would make it say 5% or 3%, 
or 1% say in many years.
Tapestry, JSF, WebWorks, Symphony, etc.  are all fine comunities that 
have that kind of a market share, so it would not be bad at all. (and 
then all the questions about is this the most pouplar one would go away).

(It's a bit like sayind what method call you you call in your code? I'ts 
up to you).

Alex Kravets wrote:
Ted, Graig,
've read some posts/blogs where people who've used Struts and now use 
Tapestry say that they will never go back to Struts again.
see above. If you have similar needs as them maybe you should do that.
In 2000, would say they are 
better and Turbine did; there was allways competition.

Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?
I hope not!!!
I feel like I am the old Lakers, #1, and everyone hates you. And yes, I 
hate the Lakers. :-P

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-02 Thread Alex Kravets
Ted, Graig,
So was Struts Shale made to make programmer's life easier in creating 
Web Applications using MVC Framework? I've read some posts/blogs where 
people who've used Struts and now use Tapestry say that they will never 
go back to Struts again. Is this what Struts Shale tries to change/disprove?

Ted Husted wrote:
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 17:03:09 -0500, Alex Kravets wrote:

So what do you guys think?

An important clarification we'll make to the FAQ is that "by doing our job right" we mean "not break backward compatibility" in the ongoing 1.x series. 

There's more than a few things that people want to do with Struts 1.x yet. We're approaching Struts 1.3, and already, the Milestone page [] is looking forward to Struts 1.6. 

If need be, we can go on to Struts 1.42 or Struts 1.2025. If there's interest, there could be another five, ten, or fifty years of Struts 1.x development. 

A year ago, we talked about a Struts 2.x revolution to give us a clean start on the codebase. But, most everyone wanted to evolve the Struts 1.x codebase instead. 

So, that's what we are doing: evolving Struts 1.x, step by step, innovation by innovation, deprecation by deprecation :) 

If we never break backward compatibility, and we never start a new codebase, then we never need to roll the major version number. 

Meanwhile, another potentially great framework has come along: Shale. Like Struts, Shale is MVC web framework, but it doesn't share any code or architectural hallmarks with Struts 1.x. We could call it Struts 2.x, but we could also fork Maverick, Spring MVC, Tapestry, or WebWork and call any of those Struts 2.x, if that's what the community wanted. 

But, as near as we can tell, that's not what they community wants. The volunteers are showing by their commits that we want to evolve Struts 1.x and, at the same time, also work on Shale 1.x. 

As someone mentioned elsewhere: different strokes for different folks: different technologies for different requirements. 

People wanted to do both and proved it with their commits. So both is what we 
are doing :)
And, if someone comes up with a third thing, based on dynamic ECMA Script or 
something, maybe we'll do that too. :)

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 12:12:49 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Any comments, Craig?  I know it's a bit flamy, but would be interested in
> your perspective.

Shale actually follows Rod's advice about not mixing metaphors --
that's why it is NOT mixed in with Struts 1.x's request processor
paradigm (although you can do the same sorts of things with the outer
Filter if you need them -- there's still a front controller there).

Beyond that, I lost interest in responding to Dakota Jack a couple
weeks ago, so won't be addressing the same questions from him yet
again here ... you'll find previous responses to the substantive
issues in the archives of the developer mailing list.


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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread Ted Husted
On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 08:04:16 -0800, Dakota Jack wrote:
> Please don't respond to this email by saying that those who do can
> do anything they like.  They can, of course, but that does not mean
> it makes much sense except for marketing purposes for JSF.  (I
> personally think that this will just confuse people to no end and
> that before the tools that JSF is built to accommodate come out,
> those who are expected to use it and are taregeted to do so will
> have gone elsewhere.  We'll see.)  Struts-Shale is purely a market
> ploy for Sun's JSF and has nothing to do with Struts other than the
> Struts committers got "roped-a-doped".

This is just plain wrong.

There is more Struts 1.x development going on now than ever before.

Some people wanted to work on Shale as well as Struts 1.x, so we opened a 

No big woof.

What people either fail or refuse to recognize is that the ASF is an 
*non-profit* organization. We can't "market" anything. We provide services to 
the community for the greater good.

It's not about competition, and it's not about marketing. It's about community 
service. It's about volunteers contributing to the project.

People are volunteering to work on Struts 1.x, and people are also volunteering 
to work on Shale 1.x.

So that's what we are doing: Struts 1.x and Shale 1.x.

Again, no big woof.

One developer's confusion is another developer's choice.

Choice is good.


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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread dhay

Sorry, Vic, you might be the one the needs medical help!!

I simply replied to Jack's post, and I guess there's something within the
email stuff that puts Jack's footer on something.

I can assure you that I am not Jack, nor know him except through this list!



PS  Maybe it will put your footer on this, Vic, and then people will think
that I'm you too!

| |   Vic  |
| |   >|
| |   Sent by: news|
| |   rg>  |
| ||
| ||
| |   02/01/2005 12:26 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   "Struts Users|
| |   Mailing List"|
| ||
  |   To:  
  |   cc:   
  |   Subject:  Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?] 

It says bellow that ... DHay at LexMark has signature of Dakota Jack if
I read it right in the post. (The 2 of them care then).
Also known as "Michael McGrady
<> " on the
server side as Dakota Jack.
Any more ?
If so, why?

Ah.. you may need medical help.



>Any comments, Craig?  I know it's a bit flamy, but would be interested in
>your perspective.
>| |   Dakota Jack  |
>| |>   |
>| ||
>| |   02/01/2005 11:04 |
>| |   AM   |
>| |   Please respond to|
>| |   "Struts Users|
>| |   Mailing List"|
>| ||


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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread James Mitchell
That link doesn't work for mebut this does...
So, it says "Posted by: Michael McGrady on February 01, 2005 in "
Yes, signs by the name "Dakota Jack".
So, which is it?

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

It says bellow that ... DHay at LexMark has signature of Dakota Jack if I 
read it right in the post. (The 2 of them care then).
Also known as "Michael McGrady 
<> " on the 
server side as Dakota Jack.
Any more ?
If so, why?

Ah.. you may need medical help.
Any comments, Craig?  I know it's a bit flamy, but would be interested in
your perspective.

| |   Dakota Jack  |
| |>   |
| ||
| |   02/01/2005 11:04 |
| |   AM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   "Struts Users|
| |   Mailing List"|
| ||

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread Vic
It says bellow that ... DHay at LexMark has signature of Dakota Jack if 
I read it right in the post. (The 2 of them care then).
Also known as "Michael McGrady 
 " on the 
server side as Dakota Jack.
Any more ?
If so, why?

Ah.. you may need medical help.
Any comments, Craig?  I know it's a bit flamy, but would be interested in
your perspective.

| |   Dakota Jack  |
| |>   |
| ||
| |   02/01/2005 11:04 |
| |   AM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   "Struts Users|
| |   Mailing List"|
| ||

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread dhay

Any comments, Craig?  I know it's a bit flamy, but would be interested in
your perspective.



| |   Dakota Jack  |
| |>   |
| ||
| |   02/01/2005 11:04 |
| |   AM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   "Struts Users|
| |   Mailing List"|
| ||
  |   To:   Struts Users Mailing List   
  |   cc:   
  |       Subject:  Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?] 

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 06:50:13 -0500, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Meanwhile, another potentially great framework has come along: Shale.
Like Struts, Shale is MVC web framework, but it doesn't share any code or
architectural hallmarks with Struts 1.x.

As Rod Johnson (the brrains behind Spring) says:

"Do not try to combine approaches that do not naturally fit.  Struts
is at its core concerned with request-driven web MVC, while JSF is
focused on page-centric RAD with per event action listeners.  Both
approaches have merit, but trying to combine them does not add much
value except for interim solutions when migrating from one to the

Please don't respond to this email by saying that those who do can do
anything they like.  They can, of course, but that does not mean it
makes much sense except for marketing purposes for JSF.  (I personally
think that this will just confuse people to no end and that before the
tools that JSF is built to accommodate come out, those who are
expected to use it and are taregeted to do so will have gone
elsewhere.  We'll see.)  Struts-Shale is purely a market ploy for
Sun's JSF and has nothing to do with Struts other than the Struts
committers got "roped-a-doped".  However, if the Struts community has
had a failure of nerve in the marketplace of controller based MVC
frameworks and no longer wishes to seriously compete in this area
(ceding with Craig that other MVC frameworks are superior) but merely
to take care of the old product, this probably does not matter.  If
Ted is abandoning Jericho, then the place to develop Struts-like
frameworks is probably elsewhere, in my opinion.  And, despite
pressure the the contrary, I am entitled to my opinion.  It will be
interesting to see what happens down the road.

As Rod Johnson also says:

"Newer JSF early access releases seem to address everything that
Struts does in terms of action and form handling, rendering Struts-JSF
integration little use except for migration-path and marketing

If Struts is not going to develop but rather is merely going to give
its name to JSF and keep doing what it is doing in the 1.x series,
abandoning any idea of "web-modernity" as in Jericho, then I am soon
off to another (as Craig says) superior true MVC framework like
Spring.  I hope this does not create a rash of silly and personal
responses as it usually does.

I do have a serious question which I hope can be answered with out all
the bile that is typical in this area.  How is JSF or Shale MVC?
Where is the C?  I know that this is called a "View Controller", etc.
But, that is just another 1984ish use of a word, isn't it?  The point
of MVC is that the architecture *separates* the M, the V and C, but in
Shale or JSF there is only an M and a V, aren't there?

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
"Heaven has changed.  The Sky now goes all the way to our feet.

~Dakota Jack~

"This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information.
If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the
addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based
on this message or any information herein. If you have received this
message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation."

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread Vic
Got it!
Don't worry, we learn quickly.
Dakota Jack wrote:

Please don't respond to this email ..

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread Dakota Jack

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 06:50:13 -0500, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Meanwhile, another potentially great framework has come along: Shale. Like 
> Struts, Shale is MVC web framework, but it doesn't share any code or 
> architectural hallmarks with Struts 1.x. 

As Rod Johnson (the brrains behind Spring) says:

"Do not try to combine approaches that do not naturally fit.  Struts
is at its core concerned with request-driven web MVC, while JSF is
focused on page-centric RAD with per event action listeners.  Both
approaches have merit, but trying to combine them does not add much
value except for interim solutions when migrating from one to the

Please don't respond to this email by saying that those who do can do
anything they like.  They can, of course, but that does not mean it
makes much sense except for marketing purposes for JSF.  (I personally
think that this will just confuse people to no end and that before the
tools that JSF is built to accommodate come out, those who are
expected to use it and are taregeted to do so will have gone
elsewhere.  We'll see.)  Struts-Shale is purely a market ploy for
Sun's JSF and has nothing to do with Struts other than the Struts
committers got "roped-a-doped".  However, if the Struts community has
had a failure of nerve in the marketplace of controller based MVC
frameworks and no longer wishes to seriously compete in this area
(ceding with Craig that other MVC frameworks are superior) but merely
to take care of the old product, this probably does not matter.  If
Ted is abandoning Jericho, then the place to develop Struts-like
frameworks is probably elsewhere, in my opinion.  And, despite
pressure the the contrary, I am entitled to my opinion.  It will be
interesting to see what happens down the road.

As Rod Johnson also says:

"Newer JSF early access releases seem to address everything that
Struts does in terms of action and form handling, rendering Struts-JSF
integration little use except for migration-path and marketing

If Struts is not going to develop but rather is merely going to give
its name to JSF and keep doing what it is doing in the 1.x series,
abandoning any idea of "web-modernity" as in Jericho, then I am soon
off to another (as Craig says) superior true MVC framework like
Spring.  I hope this does not create a rash of silly and personal
responses as it usually does.

I do have a serious question which I hope can be answered with out all
the bile that is typical in this area.  How is JSF or Shale MVC? 
Where is the C?  I know that this is called a "View Controller", etc. 
But, that is just another 1984ish use of a word, isn't it?  The point
of MVC is that the architecture *separates* the M, the V and C, but in
Shale or JSF there is only an M and a V, aren't there?

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
"Heaven has changed.  The Sky now goes all the way to our feet.

~Dakota Jack~

"This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information.
If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the
addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based
on this message or any information herein. If you have received this
message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation."

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Re: Struts 2.0 or Struts 0.0? [or Struts 1.42?]

2005-02-01 Thread Ted Husted
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 17:03:09 -0500, Alex Kravets wrote:
> So what do you guys think?

An important clarification we'll make to the FAQ is that "by doing our job 
right" we mean "not break backward compatibility" in the ongoing 1.x series.

There's more than a few things that people want to do with Struts 1.x yet. 
We're approaching Struts 1.3, and already, the Milestone page 
[] is looking forward to Struts 1.6.

If need be, we can go on to Struts 1.42 or Struts 1.2025. If there's interest, 
there could be another five, ten, or fifty years of Struts 1.x development.

A year ago, we talked about a Struts 2.x revolution to give us a clean start on 
the codebase. But, most everyone wanted to evolve the Struts 1.x codebase 

So, that's what we are doing: evolving Struts 1.x, step by step, innovation by 
innovation, deprecation by deprecation :)

If we never break backward compatibility, and we never start a new codebase, 
then we never need to roll the major version number.

Meanwhile, another potentially great framework has come along: Shale. Like 
Struts, Shale is MVC web framework, but it doesn't share any code or 
architectural hallmarks with Struts 1.x. We could call it Struts 2.x, but we 
could also fork Maverick, Spring MVC, Tapestry, or WebWork and call any of 
those Struts 2.x, if that's what the community wanted.

But, as near as we can tell, that's not what they community wants. The 
volunteers are showing by their commits that we want to evolve Struts 1.x and, 
at the same time, also work on Shale 1.x.

As someone mentioned elsewhere: different strokes for different folks: 
different technologies for different requirements.

People wanted to do both and proved it with their commits. So both is what we 
are doing :)

And, if someone comes up with a third thing, based on dynamic ECMA Script or 
something, maybe we'll do that too. :)


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