Re: Struts XDoclet examples

2004-09-08 Thread David Durham
I should probably post this stuff on XDoclet's list ...
David Durham wrote:
That's good information; I read it with vigor...  As you can tell, I'm 
excited by the prospects of using XDoclet instead of .

And, I think I get the gist of Struts related support provided in 
XDoclet, but I have a couple of questions.  1 -- How good is the 
DynaValidatorForm support?  I saw the announcement:  That 
looks well and good, but there appear to be some discrepancies:

Class Level Tags:
name- The name of the form bean in the config. [required]
type- The type of DynaForm. [required]
description - Descriptive string. [optional]
className   - The config class. [optional]
validate- If set, the validator code will generate a form definition
 for this dynaform.  [optional]
Method Level Tags:
name  - The name of the form field.  If not specified, the property name
   of the method is used. [optional]

What method?  I thought this was a dynaform?
type  - The type of field.  If not specified, the return type of the
   getter is used. [optional]

Again, we're talking about dynaforms...
I'm going to put these XDoclet tags in an Action, I presume.  Is there support for 
I'm just starting to dig into this tool.  I may end up adding some code of my own to 
these projects, just so I don't sound like a whiner.

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Re: Struts XDoclet examples

2004-09-08 Thread David Durham
That's good information; I read it with vigor...  As you can tell, I'm 
excited by the prospects of using XDoclet instead of .

And, I think I get the gist of Struts related support provided in 
XDoclet, but I have a couple of questions.  1 -- How good is the 
DynaValidatorForm support?  I saw the announcement:  That 
looks well and good, but there appear to be some discrepancies:

Class Level Tags:
name- The name of the form bean in the config. [required]
type- The type of DynaForm. [required]
description - Descriptive string. [optional]
className   - The config class. [optional]
validate- If set, the validator code will generate a form definition
 for this dynaform.  [optional]
Method Level Tags:
name  - The name of the form field.  If not specified, the property name
   of the method is used. [optional]

What method?  I thought this was a dynaform?
type  - The type of field.  If not specified, the return type of the
   getter is used. [optional]

Again, we're talking about dynaforms...
I'm going to put these XDoclet tags in an Action, I presume.  Is there support for 
I'm just starting to dig into this tool.  I may end up adding some code of my own to 
these projects, just so I don't sound like a whiner.

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Re: Struts XDoclet examples

2004-09-07 Thread Bill Siggelkow
The following is an excerpt from an upcomping book I am working on. My 
apologies about the ugly formatting -- it's cut and pasted from MS-Word. 
Erik Hatcher also wrote an article that can be found at

- Bill Siggelkow
It is common place for modern software applications to be composed of 
both executable code as well as text configuration files.  While this 
mechanism allows for greater ease of portability and deployment, it 
places an additional burden on the developer to keep the code and the 
configuration files consistent with each other.
The XDoclet tool, originally developed to address this issue with 
respect to EJB development, addresses this problem.  With XDoclet, the 
developer places annotations in the code itself that is parsed and 
processed at build time.  The developer enters the comments as custom 
Javadoc tags.  XDoclet then processes these tags using custom Ant tasks.
For Struts, XDoclet can be used to generate the following elements for 
the struts-config.xml file:
•	action elements
•	form-bean elements
In addition, XDoclet can create the field-level Struts Validator 
configuration typically found in the validation.xml file.  Finally, if 
you are mapping properties of EJB Entity Beans to Struts ActionForms, 
XDoclet can generate the ActionForm Java source code.
XDoclet can be downloaded from  Follow 
the installation instructions provided to install it.  In addition, you 
will need to have Ant installed as well.
First, you will need to add a task to your Ant build script to call the 
XDoclet tasks.  Example 1-9 shows an Ant target that can be used to 
generate the struts-config.xml file for the struts-example web application.
Example 1-9. Webdoclet Ant target




This target calls the webdoclet custom Ant task, provided by XDoclet. 
This task can be used to generate several web-related artifacts 
including the web.xml file, the struts-config.xml file, and the 
validation.xml file.  For Struts applications, the web.xml file does not 
undergo frequent changes since all requests are routed through the 
Struts ActionServlet.  In Example 1-9, the webdoclet task is only being 
used to generate the struts-config.xml file.
Not all elements of a struts-config.xml file can or should be based on 
annotated source code.  Portions of the file are relatively static and 
will not change from one build to the next.  To handle this situation, 
the mergedir attribute is used to indicate the location of XML files 
containing static Struts configuration elements that will be combined 
with the generated elements at build time.  The destdir attribute 
specifies the location where the generated files will be created. 
Generally, you want to create a separate directory for these files and 
then copy the files into the appropriate directory for packaging and 
deployment once they are generated.  The excludedtags attribute 
specifies JavaDoc tags that are to be excluded from processing by XDoclet.
It is common to exclude the @author and @version tags.
Finally, the force attribute indicates if XDoclet should always generate 
new configuration files, or only generate new files if the classes have 
The fileset element indicates to XDoclet the files that are to be 
processed.  Interestingly enough, the struts-example application uses 
two Struts configuration files:  the struts-config-registration.xml file 
contains the Struts configuration specific to registration-related 
features, while the struts-config.xml contains all other configuration 
elements.  In Example 1-9, the target generates only the 
struts-config.xml file.  Therefore, the fileset element excludes classes 
that contain the name “Registration”.
The strutsconfigxml element indicates to XDoclet that the 
struts-config.xml file should be generated.  XDoclet generates a Struts 
version 1.0-compliant file by default.  Therefore, you must specify the 
version as “1.1” if you are using Struts 1.1.  It is anticipated that 
XDoclet will provide support for Struts 1.2 via this attribute as well.
Once you have created this target in your build file, you can begin the 
process of annotating your Action and ActionForm classes with the 
appropriate tags.  As when learning any new process or tool, it is best 
to start simple.  You can begin by simply adding the custom Javadoc tag 
for generation of the form-bean element.  XDoclet provides the 
@struts.form tag for generation of a form-bean element.  The following 
code shows how