Re: Debugging a NullPointerException in UIMA AS / processing timeouts

2016-08-25 Thread Jaroslaw Cwiklik
Hi, I have a feeling that there might be a race condition here. In the
client, the timer pops and at the same time a reply is received.
The timout logic is resetting the CAS while its being deserialized which
may lead to NPE. Not 100% certain but this might be the problem.

Any chance you can increase UIMA log level to FINEST on the client side? It
would log important information like the internal CAS ID  on each reply
which can be used to correlate events in the log.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 10:18 AM, Egbert van der Wal 

> Hi,
> I'm having a problem using UIMA-AS. I have a pipeline set up that
> processes HTML documents in ~= 10 ms. The total time out value was
> initially 20 seconds, but I increased it to 120 ms at some point to avoid
> this problem, it seemed to help.
> However, sometimes the 2 minutes is still hit and a warning is shown. When
> this occurs, it will usually be accompanied with NullPointerExceptions in
> combination with Xerces, somewhere in the internals of UIMA. See the
> attached log-file excerpt for the errors I'm seeing. The first 5 lines are
> the 'normal' output, which was repeated for several thousand lines before
> during the succesful operation of the pipeline.
> The SOFA that is being sent out during this particular exception is a
> quite small HTML-document, just a couple of kilobytes, and it's not
> actually reproducible with the same document; if I run the program again it
> will eventually fail, but at some other point.
> How can I go about solving this issue? Since the part of my own code in
> the stacktrace is limited to the point where 'sendCAS' is called, I can't
> really think of any additional debugging I can do.
> Any suggestions are highly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Egbert van der Wal

Debugging a NullPointerException in UIMA AS / processing timeouts

2016-08-25 Thread Egbert van der Wal


I'm having a problem using UIMA-AS. I have a pipeline set up that 
processes HTML documents in ~= 10 ms. The total time out value was 
initially 20 seconds, but I increased it to 120 ms at some point to 
avoid this problem, it seemed to help.

However, sometimes the 2 minutes is still hit and a warning is shown. 
When this occurs, it will usually be accompanied with 
NullPointerExceptions in combination with Xerces, somewhere in the 
internals of UIMA. See the attached log-file excerpt for the errors I'm 
seeing. The first 5 lines are the 'normal' output, which was repeated 
for several thousand lines before during the succesful operation of the 

The SOFA that is being sent out during this particular exception is a 
quite small HTML-document, just a couple of kilobytes, and it's not 
actually reproducible with the same document; if I run the program again 
it will eventually fail, but at some other point.

How can I go about solving this issue? Since the part of my own code in 
the stacktrace is limited to the point where 'sendCAS' is called, I 
can't really think of any additional debugging I can do.

Any suggestions are highly appreciated!


Egbert van der Wal
15:53:04.331 [main] ERROR nl.qmodus.keywordspotter.ProcessDocuments - 
15:53:04.333 [main] ERROR nl.qmodus.keywordspotter.ProcessDocuments - Executing 
query to get companies with id > 1917641
15:53:07.062 [main] ERROR nl.qmodus.keywordspotter.ProcessDocuments - Retrieved 
100 companies
15:53:07.086 [main] ERROR nl.qmodus.keywordspotter.ProcessDocuments - Got 124 
websites for companies
15:53:07.815 [main] ERROR nl.qmodus.keywordspotter.ProcessDocuments - Got 2237 
webpage ids for websites
15:53:07.815 [main] ERROR nl.qmodus.keywordspotter.ProcessDocuments - Number of 
companies in this batch: 100
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM org.apache.uima.aae.delegate.Delegate$1
WARNING: Timeout While Waiting For Reply From Delegate:SpotterQueue Process CAS 
Request Timed Out. Configured Reply Window Of 120,000. Cas Reference 
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM 
org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.client.ClientServiceDelegate handleError
WARNING: Process Timeout - Uima AS Client Didn't Receive Process Reply Within 
Configured Window Of:120,000 millis
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM 
WARNING: Request To Process Cas Has Timed-out.  Service Queue:SpotterQueue. 
Broker: tcp://localhost:61616 Cas Timed-out on host:
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM 
org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.client.ActiveMQMessageSender run
INFO: UIMA AS Client Message Dispatcher Sending GetMeta Ping To the Service
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM 
org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.client.BaseUIMAAsynchronousEngineCommon_impl sendCAS
INFO: Uima AS Client Sent PING Message To Service: SpotterQueue
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM 
INFO: UIMA AS Client Received GetMeta Ping Reply from Service:SpotterQueue on 
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM 
INFO: UIMA AS Dispatching CAS: -4b4d10ef:156c1fa14e4:-7a74 (Hashcode:895281180) 
from Delayed List
Aug 25, 2016 3:55:41 PM 
INFO: UIMA AS Dispatching CAS: -4b4d10ef:156c1fa14e4:-7a73 
(Hashcode:1496949625) from Delayed List
Aug 25, 2016 3:57:41 PM org.apache.uima.aae.delegate.Delegate$1
WARNING: Timeout While Waiting For Reply From Delegate:SpotterQueue Process CAS 
Request Timed Out. Configured Reply Window Of 120,000. Cas Reference 
Aug 25, 2016 3:57:41 PM 
org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.client.ClientServiceDelegate handleError
WARNING: Process Timeout - Uima AS Client Didn't Receive Process Reply Within 
Configured Window Of:120,000 millis
Aug 25, 2016 3:57:41 PM 
WARNING: Request To Process Cas Has Timed-out.  Service Queue:SpotterQueue. 
Broker: tcp://localhost:61616 Cas Timed-out on host:
15:57:41.529 [main] ERROR nl.qmodus.keywordspotter.ProcessDocuments - Exception 
while sending CAS for WebPage ID 57119383
Aug 25, 2016 3:57:41 PM 
at org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl.ll_getFSForRef(
at org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl.getSofa(