XMLBeans generated inner class names too long for Windows platforms.

2006-09-26 Thread Vines, Herbert

Ive run into the problem with XMLBeans generating
names that are too long for Windows due to a deep schema. From my google
searches, Ive seen at least three posts with questions about it, but no
replies. I need to find out if there are any plans to fix this or if there is
something already in place. If there are plans, is there a development version
out there can be tested with?

Thanks in advance for your help,


Problem with recursive xpath

2006-09-26 Thread Rhys Parry

**Update:  I sent this to the wrong list earlier.  I currently have a work 
around, however, not as elegant as I would like. The problem persists.

 I am getting the error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not resolve the 
 node to a handle
 The error is very odd as it runs the first node successfully but throws an 
 exception on the second node, regardless of which node is executed ( I moved 
 the xml nodes around in the XML file).  
 Basically the program is parsing 2 files.  I file is the xml client data (No 
 problems even though I traverse the tree up and down) and the other is an xml 
 config file with xpath expressions in it.  An example of the xml I am trying 
 to run is (this is the xml config file):
 !-- Runs fine --
 FieldMapping identifier=1.SubmissionType xpath=SubmissionTypeCode/text() 
   LookUpInfo constant=SF424_SUBMISSION_TYPE/
 !-- exception is thrown --  
 FieldMapping identifier=2.ApplicationType 
   LookUpInfo constant=SF424_APPLICANT_TYPE/
 The java code that is calling the xpath is:
 //Note that this is recreated for every node.  Is this part of the 
 XPathFactory xpathfactory= XPathFactory.newInstance();
 XPath xpath  = xpathfactory.newXPath();
 //converterAdditionalMappingNode is the ConverterAdditionalMapping node
 String lookupConstant = (String)xpath.evaluate(LookUpInfo/@constant, 
 converterAdditionalMappingNode, XPathConstants.STRING);
 Note that I have XMLBean'ed the config file so that I can traverse it with 
 objects, however the ConverterAdditionalMapping node is supposed to be 
 client specific and therefore cannot be XMLBean'ed.
 Why is there a problem with this?
 The stack trace is:
 Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not resolve the node to a handle
   at org.apache.xpath.XPath.execute(XPath.java:274)
   at org.apache.xpath.jaxp.XPathImpl.eval(XPathImpl.java:210)
   at org.apache.xpath.jaxp.XPathImpl.evaluate(XPathImpl.java:275)
   ... 27 more
 I am trying to create a work around for now, but this will become a much 
 larger issue once the client configs become increasingly complicated.
 Thanks in advance for any and all advice,
 Rhys Parry
 Product Development
 Infoterra Inc. - Leadership in Enterprise Grants Management (EGM) Solutions
 Phone #: 613-230-7890 Ext: 239
 Fax #: 613-230-5243 

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[Announce] Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite Released: XML Pipeline, XML Publishing and Data Conversion API's

2006-09-26 Thread Stylus Studio

[Announce] Dear XMLBeans Users -

Stylus Studio 2007 XML Enterprise Suite is now available for free
trial download, featuring all-new tools for XML Pipelining, XML
Publishing, powerful new Data Conversion APIs and so much more at new
reduced prices. Read on for more information, or download it now at:

The Stylus Studio XML Pipeline tool is the world's first true
integrated development environment for XML programming because it
provides a comprehensive way to model, edit, debug, and deploy the
entire application, rather than just the individual bits and pieces
that make it up. The following are some of the highlights of the new
Stylus Studio XML Pipeline tool -

* Visual editor: lets you specify and link together any number of XML
processing operations to be applied to your data
* Support for dozens of XML processing operations including
converting, transforming, validating, querying, and publishing your data
* Re-use XML Pipelines inside other XML Pipelines
* Complete XML Pipeline debugging support
* Cross-language debugging support -- step into XSLT or XQuery
* Define pipeline flow control based on different conditions, for
example, the outcome of an XML validation operation, or the result of
an XPath expression
* Generate Java code to deploy an entire XML application, not just one piece
* Extensible execution framework enables developers to choose
different processors for XML validation, XSLT, XSL:FO, and XQuery

XML Pipeline Video Demonstration:
For more information about XML Pipeline:

The Stylus Studio XML Publisher product provides the easiest way to
create professional quality reports from your XML and relational data
without needing a degree in Computer Science. The following are just a
few of the highlights of Stylus Studio XML Publisher product:

* Visually design stylesheets and publish them to PDF, HTML,
PostScript and other document formats.
* Access numerous data sources including relational databases, XML,
Web services, EDI, X12, EDIFACT, IATA, CSV and thousands of other
legacy file formats.
* Generate XQuery or XSLT 1.0 / XSLT 2.0 to generate XSL:FO or HTML output.
* Integration with RenderX XEP and Apache FOP.
* Support for rich formatting including tables, lists, text blocks,
images, and more.
* Support for iteration, flow control, and conditions based on XPath.
* Integration with XML Pipeline enables XML publishing as part of a
larger XML workflow application.

XML Publisher Video Demonstration:
For more information about XML Publisher:

Data Conversion APIs are scalable XML adapters for reading and writing
different legacy file formats such as EDI (EDIFACT, X12, IATA, or
EANCOM), CSV, dBase, binary, or any other file format. If you're
dissatisfied using a desktop application to manually cut and paste
results every time you need to convert some data from one format or
another, or if you need to invoke data conversions programmatically,
inside your application code for use in a live application, then check
out Stylus Studio 2007 XML Deployment Adapters!

For more information about Data Conversion API's:

Download a free trial today at: http://www.stylusstudio.com/xml_download.html
New Features: http://www.stylusstudio.com/xml_product_new_features.html
Purchase Stylus Studio: http://www.stylusstudio.com/buy/

The Stylus Studio Team

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