Re: Artemis Core XA Example

2016-10-19 Thread Tim Bain
What's the reason behind wanting to avoid using the JMS layer in favor of
the proprietary Artemis core API?  I've not done anything with Artemis, so
this is very much a question from a place of ignorance, but Quinn's
statement sounded a lot like "I only want to use Hibernate-proprietary
APIs, none of those pesky JPA-standard ones that might let me interoperate
or swap underlying technologies later," and I'm curious about the logic
that led to the statement...


On Oct 18, 2016 3:55 PM, "Clebert Suconic" 

> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Quinn Stevenson
>  wrote:
> > Clebert -
> >
> > Thank you for your input!
> >
> > I try and avoid XA transactions whenever possible as well.  I do have a
> few customers that insist on transactions when they do JMS->JMS routes (the
> JMS destination are in different brokers/servers - hence the need for XA).
> got it... was just pointing my 2 cents there. Try to batch (like 1000
> messages & 1000 whatever else you are doing on a single TX). if you
> can.
> >
> > This is really the last piece I need to figure out before I’ll be able
> to implement Artemis (core only) into our standard flows.  I know we can
> always use the JMS layer, but I’d like to be able to use just the core if I
> can.
> >
> all the methods available on JMS for XA are also available on
> ClientSession. There shouldn't be any difference.
> Let me know If you can't figure out, and I (or someone else) may write
> an example
> > I’m planning on doing the integration in Camel, and it’s looking more
> and more like I’ll need an “artemis-camel” (hosted in the Artemis source)
> or a “camel-artemis” (hosted in the Camel Components source).  Any thoughts
> on which would be the most appropriate place for the component?  ActiveMQ
> 5.x has the activemq-camel component, but it always seemed to me it was in
> the wrong place - that it should be camel-activemq.
> >
> I looked at the camel component on AMQ5 at some time ago and it would
> be simple to port it. I thought it wasn't needed though. but if you
> need it we can add something into artemis/master just like AMQ5 has
> one.
> Can you add it?  Send a PR... we accept PRs :)
> if you even send it soon, I'm planning a release early next week. if
> it's well done (well done means.. not breaking anything) it might be
> there before we release it.

ActiveMQ network of brokers messages are not balanced

2016-10-19 Thread
I am using *ActiveMQ 5.13.4* and I have set up a *network-of-brokers* with
two brokers *A* and *B* that are connected via a *networkConnector*. Each
broker has a consumer connected to it (*A' *and *B'*). *A'* and *B'* consume
messages from the same *distributed queue* (e.g. `requests-queue`). Each
consumer is a java application, represented by a Spring
*DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory* having the setting *concurrency: 5-10*.
Basically, each consumer has max 10 threads that can consume simultaneously
messages from the queue. 

In broker configuration (`activemq.xml`) I have set the prefetch size to 1,
assuming that there are not many messages and they need a lot of processing



The *desired behavior* is when I send 100 messages to `A` it starts
processing 10 messages simultaneously (one for each consumer thread) and
forwards another 10 to `B`. When `B` finishes processing the first 10
messages, it would get an extra 10. This would continue until all the
messages are processed.

The *actual behavior* is that when I send 100 messages to `A`, it sends 10
messages, one per each thread, to the local consumer `A'` and forwards the
remaining 90 to `B'`. The consumers on `A'` finish processing the messages
and they wait while 90 messages get processed on broker `B` by its

*Question:* How can I configure the network in order to balance messages
based on consumer availability?

The full `activemq.xml` configuration for one of the brokers is the
following. The other one has the same configuration only a different name
and IP in the networkConnector.





Thanks you in advance!

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Re: HornetQ client connect to Artemis server

2016-10-19 Thread hcrobison
I am all set. My problem was when we embedded the Artemis server, we missed
the jar arttemis-hornetq-protocol-1.x.0.jar.

View this message in context:
Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list archive at

ApacheCon is now less than a month away!

2016-10-19 Thread Rich Bowen
Dear Apache Enthusiast,

ApacheCon Sevilla is now less than a month out, and we need your help
getting the word out. Please tell your colleagues, your friends, and
members of related technical communities, about this event. Rates go up
November 3rd, so register today!

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We have a great schedule lined up, covering the wide range of ASF
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* CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache Mesos -
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* Inner sourcing 101 - Jim Jagielski
* Java Memory Leaks in Modular Environments - Mark Thomas

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Rich Bowen: VP, Conferences