Configuration Problem?

2004-04-15 Thread Steven . Ferrington
  Following is an overview of a problem we are having with the
implementation of our first delivery of an application developed by a third
party. We are using Websphere 4 and Cocoon 2.1.


The PRDesktop is a J2EE enterprise application consisting of a single web
module. It has been developed by an exdternal party and is intended for
deployment to the clustered Websphere Server environment. The application
is intended to service users on the intranet.

Application Architecture

The PRDesktop is a J2EE enterprise application consisting of a single web
module. It utilises the Apache Cocoon framework.

Problem description

The application can be tested successfully under Websphere Studio
Application Developer running on the desktop. However, when deployed to the
AIX application the server  the application fails to deploy with a
LogKit-related exception (see fig 1).

The failure occurs during the cocoon servlet init() method, a fundamental
part of application startup.

Problem Analysis

Investigations suggest that the presence of Avalon, Excalibur and LogKit
JAR files in the directory /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/app (see fig 2) are
causing interference during class loading. The JARs in question contain
older version of classes contained in the deployment EAR (WEB-INF/lib).

This interference is evident when examining the exception stack trace (fig
2) and the associated  Excalibur source code. It is apparent that the
classes from the package org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger
Are being loaded,  not from the application EAR, but from the /lib/app

These classes (DefaultLogKitManager and DefaultLogTargetFactoryManager)
are older versions than those in the application EAR. The latter class get
a ClassNotFoundException when a class only available in the application EAR
(org.apache.cocoon.util.log.CocoonTargetFactory)is not visible to the class
loader at the /lib/app level.

Apparently these older JARs are present in the /lib/app directory to
support serialisation of JAVA objects for the ARF (Architecture Reference
Framework). They have been there for some time. The choice of location is

The following components were replaced with more recent versions extracted
from the Cocoon installation of PR Desktop:
|Avalon.jar  |avalon-framework-4.1.4.jar  |
|logkit.jar  |logkit-1.2.jar  |
|Excalibur.jar   |excalibur-i18n-1.0.jar  |
||excalibur-logger-1.0.1.jar  |

Surprisingly, the Cocoon servlet actually completed its initialization as
evidence by the following WebSphere log entry:

[4/15/04 8:36:19:095 EST] 5c014676 WebGroup  I SRVE0091I: [Servlet
LOG]: Cocoon: init
[4/15/04 8:36:30:608 EST] 5c014676 SystemOut U Using getRealPath:

As mentioned the ARF LogListener has an important role of processing
messages. However, this catastophically failed with the new Avalon
libraries - specifically:
[4/15/04 8:19:08:812 EST] 7c85044d WebGroup  X Servlet
Failed to load servlet: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: logger is null

The way forward

We would like to remove the JARs from /lib/app,  however, moving the
JARs is a problem because of potential impact on existing production

Perhaps the class loader can be constrained to look in the EAR/WAR before
asking the parent WebSphere class loader to locate unfound classes?


Steve Ferrington

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Cinclude not working for multiple images

2004-04-15 Thread Derek Hohls
I have recently upgraded from C2.0.04 to 2.1.3 and now I find that 
a file which uses cinclude has stopped working properly.

The pipeline is:




At the end of transform step 1 the file looks like:";

Each of the individual cocoon resource calls
work just fine (as they always have) and generate 3 different images
after transform step 2, I get:";
border="0" src="svg-images/5bbd7e330ee1ddb5.jpg" /> 
border="0" src="svg-images/5bbd7e330ee1ddb5.jpg" /> 
border="0" src="svg-images/5bbd7e330ee1ddb5.jpg" /> 

and it can be seen that each img refers to the SAME jpeg file.

Any ideas on how to solve this??


PS This also happens under 2.1.4, running on the UNIX production

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Xindice 1.1b4 (dev-sorry), Cocoon 2.1.4 (dev - sorry), Tomcat 5.019

2004-04-15 Thread Mark Eggers
I have this combination working on both Fedora Core 1
and  Windows/2000 Professional.  A quick step by step
guide is given below, along with some sample

1. Grab cocoon-2.1.4 and build it with either
./ war (Linux) or build war (Windows/2000).  I
do not exclude anything.

2. Deploy the resulting war in Tomcat.  I usually
browse to the war file via the Manager Application and
load it that way.

3. Verify that cocoon works.

4. Download Xindice 1.1b4

5. Run either ./ (Linux) or build
(Windows/2000) to build the jar and war.

6. Note that the the resulting war file in
$XINDICE_HOME/dist is xindice-1.1b4-dev.war.  Copy
that to xindice.war.

7. Use the Tomcat Manager Application to load the
xindice.war file.

8. Verify that it works by browsing to
localhost:8080/xindice/.  You should get the ugly
debug tool.

9. Now, create a collection in the database running
under Tomcat.  You can do that by using the command
line application.  The "trick" is using the correct
URL to talk to the Tomcat-supported Xindice database.

For example:

xindice \
  ac -c xmldb:xindice://localhost:8080/db -n testcol

will create a new collection called testcol

10. Verify that the collection is there with both the
command line and the ugly debug tool.  The command
line would look like:

xindice \
  lc -c xmldb:xindice://localhost:8080/db

11. Add some documents so you'll have something to
play with.  I made an entire directory of xml
documents by creating one, the writing a Perl script
to change some information and create a new document.

12. Add the documents to your testcol collection with
a command like the following

xindice \
 addmultiple -c \
 xmldb:xindice://localhost:8080/db/testcol \
 -f data -e xml

(if your documents are in the directory data and they
end with .xml)

13.  Now check that the documents made it in via the
command line and the ugly debug tool.  The command
line looks like:

xindice \
 ld -c xmldb:xindice://localhost:8080/db/testcol

14. Shut down Cocoon using the Tomcat Manager

Now you'll need to do several things:

a) Update the Cocoon jars with the jars from Xindice
b) Modify the sitemap.xmap to activate the "user   
   directory" feature for Cocoon.  This is handy for 
c) Create the appropriate public_html directory
d) Create an appropriate sitemap.xmap file.

1. In $XINDICE_HOME/java/lib there are a bunch of jar
files.  Copy the following jar files to


The versions should match between your Xindice servlet
and Cocoon.

2. In $XINDICE_HOME/dist, you'll find a jar file. 
Mine has the -dev on it since I haven't upgraded yet. 
Copy xindice-1.1b4-dev.jar to

3. In $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/cocoon/sitemap.xmap,
uncomment the appropriate "user directory" feature. 
For example on Fedcora Core 1 I have:

4. Start up the Cocoon application using the Tomcat
Application Manager

5. Verify that
and samples work.

6. Create your public_html directory

7. In that directory, create an xsl subdirectory.

8. Copy




 to that new subdirectory.

9. In your public_html directory, create the following
simple sitemap.xmap";>












I apologize for the ugly formatting, but you should
get the idea.

Now, browse to:


(where ~user should be your user id), and you should
see the same type of page that you saw for the Cocoon
xmldb sample.  The differences will be that the
collection list will show your remote
(Tomcat-supported) collections and the Collection
label should be:


Please change your port number to reflect where you're
running Tomcat.  I'm using the default 8080 port.

If you wish to access the stand-alone Xindice server
running under Jetty, do the following:

1. Start up xindice with xindice start

2. Change port references in your
public_html/sitemap.xmap from 8080 to , which is
the new default port for Xindice running under Jetty.

I am in the process of learning enough
Woody/Flowscript so that I can bind a form to a
verified XML document and then stuff that into
Xindice.  I haven't gotten that far yet, but I hope to
get around to it again next week.

I realize that this is a bit long, but I hope it
helps.  I have not addressed an embedded Xindice in
this mail message.  I have it working as well, but I
am not happy with the way I have to do this.

You actually have to set a -Dxindi

Re: Help with binding - CFORMS

2004-04-15 Thread Marc Portier

Uchenna Igwebuike wrote:

Hello Mark,

I tried out your suggestions and it works for binding the selected
values from the form to the bean but when I call form.load(bean) ie
binding from bean to form, it doesn't seem to work, the selected values
do not show up on the form. Any thoughts on this?. Thanks in advance. 

hm, bummer, any exceptions along the way?
Maybe messages in log files?
(relevant portion of dump after setting log-level to debug on log-target 
 'forms' might help as well)


NB. I am modeling the field as a long data type.

shouldn't make a difference: meaning it should work for all datatypes, 
but those datatypes need to match between backend and frontend for sure.


-Original Message-
From: Marc Portier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: Help with  binding - CFORMS

copying dev since there is some food for design-thought...

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 12.04.2004 16:14, Uchenna Igwebuike wrote:

When I bind a form without selecting any data to the bean, I don't

any errors, but when it contains some selections I get the following
uncaught JavaScript exception: at material



entory.js, Line 64) at
(resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/javascript/Form.js, Line

org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathException: Exception trying to create
xpath measureCollection; Factory is not set on the JXPathContext -
cannot create path: /facility[1]

I guess the problem is only the predicate [1]. JXPath can not create a

node for an XPath with a predicate. Can you try for testing some thing

like facility1, facility2 and so on? Of course this looks like a hack,

hm, this will not work IMHO

but I don't know how you can fix it in a good way. Someone more 
experienced with JXPath might help here. Marc or Bruno?

Hm, I suppose the predicate is not in the Uchenna's binding file, but 
rather introduced by the execution of the multi-value binding: it wants 
to create a space to store each value from the multi-value array...

I assume your backend now has some method: Object[] getFacility() that 
produces an array (more likely a List I'm afraid) in which the various 
facilities to be bound are present?
IIf it is acceptable that
1/ the type of this facility would become Object[] (in stead of List)
2/ and you can provide a setFacility(Object[]) accessor as well

then you could find a work-around in using the classic value-binding
(this is because the widget-value is also of type Object[]
Pls let us know if this works for you.

For the interested reader, some more info:
[1 - on the reported error]
The error 'factory is not set' from jxpath indicates that no 
node-factory (jxpath terminology) is available (to the jxpath context) 
to create new 'nodes' in the backend (i.e. a bigger array in the bean, 
or additional objects to add to the list).

I assume the multi-value binding was only tested versus XML backends 
since those have by default a node-generation factory installed (and 
thus the problem never occurs)

Towards javaBean backends this reveals that the the multi-value lacks 
the feature of declaring such a factory (to compare: this is what the 
 inside the repeater binding is for)

IMHO multi-value binding code looks like an early clone of the 
simple-repeater binding.  This issue kinda re-affirms my feeling that 
there is no reason to maintain this multi-value-binding in the future.

[2 - on the confusing naming of the bindings]
Of course this leads me to some other observation: the names of the 
bindings are way too look-alike to the names of the widgets!

Because of this the misconception has grown that the binding file is a 
duplicate of your definition file that needs to allocate the matching 
binding-component to the matching widget. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. (see 
e.g. the last binding-sample '03aggregate': there an aggregate widget 
gets bind using both the aggregate-binding and the value-binding: that 
just works, and it's not a hack, nor an after-thought.)

In the form-definition one needs to select those widgets that build up 
the 'form-model' that is capable of supporting the end-user-interaction 
(ie both html form generation and request parameter processing) and 
validating/datatyping the entered values.

In the binding definition there is a different goal/concern: there one 
needs to select not a (passive) model, but an active 'strategy' or 
process that describes how you want to let load/save of data to happen.

Since that strategy mostly matches the actual capabilities of the 
widgets we have ended up here: having (mostly) matching names between 
the chosen widgets and the bindings: but this is a consequence, and as 
pointed out is often misleading our users.

With the above observation we could argue if we nee

Re: OT: Microsoft Avalon

2004-04-15 Thread Ivo Limmen
Even more funny: it looks a lot like XUL (from Mozilla).

Leon Widdershoven wrote:
Did anyone notice that Windows Longhorn has a graphics subsystem called 

When I read it I thought of apache avalon - funny that:)

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Ivo Limmen
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how to transform dynamic html to xml(xhtml) on the fly?

2004-04-15 Thread leon tian
hi, i want to transform dynamic html to xhtml by using a simple form to request a url from the client side and then use xhtml serializer to get the xml for future transformation at the server side. as a new comer to cocoon, i went through the sample about form in cocoon. but even the simple form seems too different. can i just use a html form? how to handle the parameter in sitemap then? sorry for these newbie question. your help will be most appreciate!!!
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RE: Including XML into HTML as CDATA

2004-04-15 Thread Steve Schwarz
Thank you very much that did the trick!
Have a look @ xml2html.xslt (one of the Cocoon system stylesheets).

> Hi
> I'm trying to generate html that displays the content of XML
> files to the
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RE: Including XML into HTML as CDATA

2004-04-15 Thread Conal Tuohy
Have a look @ xml2html.xslt (one of the Cocoon system stylesheets). 

> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Schwarz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 16 April 2004 1:12 p.m.
> Subject: Including XML into HTML as CDATA
> Hi
> I'm trying to generate html that displays the content of XML 
> files to the 
> user. I found this archive mail:
> st/020937.html
> And I looked at the the snippet sitemap for how Cocoon documentation 
> displays xml in its html (it just embeds the  directly in 
> the xml file (which I can't do).
> But I'm still stumped...
> My sitemap declaration:
>mime-type="text/html" name="ACML" pool-grow="4" 
> pool-max="32" 
> pool-min="4"
>   src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.HTMLSerializer">
>   ISO-8859-1
> div
> My sitemap pattern
> Src file:
> length="240">
>   2004 Anonymous Person
> In my browser I get:
>  units="in" width="1200" 
> length="240">
> 2004 Anonymous Person
> Seems to me the CDATA isn't wrapping the div element correctly...??
> Is there some other way to do this?
> I tried using a stylesheet to wrap the element but then I get 
> the raw chars 
> and not the CDATA behavior.
> i.e.
>   ]]>
> Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Steve
> _
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RE: Xindice in Cocoon

2004-04-15 Thread jim basilakis
Hi there,

I had the same problem when trying the example in the book by Moczar and doesn't seem to work. Cocoon does not seem to be able to resolve
the xmldb URI scheme (src="xmldb:xindice://localhost:4080/db/"/>) to access
the database and not sure why.

A good reference to work out how to use Xindice with LOTS of good java
examples is "Professional XML Development with Apache Tools" by Theodore W.
Leung and look at the chapter on Xindice. Armed with this you can look at
the source code or instead, like me, just attempt to write an action to make
Cocoon access Xindice.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Nina Juliadotter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 16 April 2004 10:44 AM
Subject: Xindice in Cocoon

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to get Xindice up and running under Cocoon for the last 3
days now
without success, is there ANYONE out there who have actually got it working?
read all the documentation there is on the Wikis and so forth, but it really
has made me more confused, as they all seem to refer to different versions
of Cocoon
and Xindice and Tomcat, with different tweaks nessecary. I've got Tomcat 5.0
Cocoon 2.1.4 happily installed and running (in Tomcat). I managed to get the
1.0 of
Xindice up and running in command line mode, but not 1.1b4, and I cannot get
to connect to Xindice in any way.

Any suggestions as to whether to use the embedded or standalone mode? From
what I
understand from the Wikis (e.g., the embedded
mode is
supposed to just work by itself without tweaks. I havn't got the samples

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to load sitemap from
Exception during processing of xmldb:xindice-embed:///db/cocoon/sitemap:
org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Document
xmldb:xindice-embed:///db/cocoon/sitemap not found

I've also tried to run Xindice in standalone mode, having the Xindice 1.0
and then adding to the sitemap as suggested in



but that does not work at all, it just gives me a "Resource cannot be

I've also played around with deploying Xindice 1.1b4 in Tomcat, but I can't
work out
how to get Cocoon to talk to Xindice.

PLEASE, is there anyone who can tell me how to get Cocoon 2.1.4 to work with
(any version will do!), cocoon being deployed in Tomcat 5.0.

FYI, the other resources I looked at are:
and the book by Moczar and Aston: Cocoon developers handbook


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Re: OT: Microsoft Avalon

2004-04-15 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Leon Widdershoven dijo:
> Did anyone notice that Windows Longhorn has a graphics subsystem called
> Avalon?
> When I read it I thought of apache avalon - funny that:)


Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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Including XML into HTML as CDATA

2004-04-15 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm trying to generate html that displays the content of XML files to the 
user. I found this archive mail:

And I looked at the the snippet sitemap for how Cocoon documentation 
displays xml in its html (it just embeds the  directly in 
the xml file (which I can't do).

But I'm still stumped...

My sitemap declaration:
   	mime-type="text/html" name="ACML" pool-grow="4" pool-max="32" 

My sitemap pattern
Src file:

	2004 Anonymous Person

In my browser I get:

2004 Anonymous Person

Seems to me the CDATA isn't wrapping the div element correctly...??

Is there some other way to do this?

I tried using a stylesheet to wrap the element but then I get the raw chars 
and not the CDATA behavior.


Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
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Xindice in Cocoon

2004-04-15 Thread Nina Juliadotter
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to get Xindice up and running under Cocoon for the last 3 days now
without success, is there ANYONE out there who have actually got it working? I've
read all the documentation there is on the Wikis and so forth, but it really only
has made me more confused, as they all seem to refer to different versions of Cocoon
and Xindice and Tomcat, with different tweaks nessecary. I've got Tomcat 5.0 and
Cocoon 2.1.4 happily installed and running (in Tomcat). I managed to get the 1.0 of
Xindice up and running in command line mode, but not 1.1b4, and I cannot get Cocoon
to connect to Xindice in any way.

Any suggestions as to whether to use the embedded or standalone mode? From what I
understand from the Wikis (e.g., the embedded mode is
supposed to just work by itself without tweaks. I havn't got the samples working:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to load sitemap from
xmldb:xindice-embed:///db/cocoon/sitemap: org.apache.cocoon.CascadingIOException:
Exception during processing of xmldb:xindice-embed:///db/cocoon/sitemap:
org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Document
xmldb:xindice-embed:///db/cocoon/sitemap not found

I've also tried to run Xindice in standalone mode, having the Xindice 1.0 running
and then adding to the sitemap as suggested in



but that does not work at all, it just gives me a "Resource cannot be found".

I've also played around with deploying Xindice 1.1b4 in Tomcat, but I can't work out
how to get Cocoon to talk to Xindice.

PLEASE, is there anyone who can tell me how to get Cocoon 2.1.4 to work with Xindice
(any version will do!), cocoon being deployed in Tomcat 5.0.

FYI, the other resources I looked at are:
and the book by Moczar and Aston: Cocoon developers handbook


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RE: Out-of-the-box sophisticated User Administration

2004-04-15 Thread Philipp Burkert
Hej again,

> The only implementation AFAIK, is the user  management 
> in the authentication framework as used by the (old) portal.  

hm, I had a first look and it does not look very strait forward to me. I
will play around with the modul within the next days. 

Anyhow thankx for the detailed information, Hugo. 

Best Regards


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Re: FOP and output streaming

2004-04-15 Thread J.Pietschmann
Joose Vettenranta wrote:
ATM it takes about 30secods to create PDF file. But this PDF file has 
now 2 pages (about 15sec/page) and it will be having more pages. I was 
wondering is it possible to start streaming that PDF output to browser 
after the page have been rendered?
The problem is that IEx up to the most recent version needs a
proper content length HTTP header for dealing with PDF content
properly, otherwise it gets an error (other browsers don't have
this problem).

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Re: Newbie: Searching with html form parameters

2004-04-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
On 14.04.2004 08:50, Nina Juliadotter wrote:

What I have is an HTML form where the user can enter some search criteria and submit
this, and get back all xml documents matching this (the documents all conform to a
certain XML schema, so the elements in it are known). For example, there is an
 where the user can enter the street name, and get
back all XML documents that have a "street" element with the same value as the one
supplied by the user.
In a "normal" servlet/jdbc environment (relational database), this is so straight
forward, but how would I ideally go about doing this in Cocoon? I've glanced at
Xindice and Cocoon's Lucene, but it all seems so complicated that I'm starting to
think I'm not looking in the right direction.
Hmm, doing this with XIndice might be straight forward too, as you only 
have to translate all the request parameters into an XPath. There are 
XIndice samples in the xmldb block.


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Re: Generic Table printout for Oracle ORDBMS

2004-04-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
On 15.04.2004 17:59, Frank Thilo Mueller wrote:

Is there a german cocoon user club to get some support for "beginner"
questions ?
Today I saw two links posted to a German tutorial and forum:

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Re: Auth-Protect for map:read

2004-04-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
On 15.04.2004 18:54, Nils Köster wrote:

Hi there,

While properly authenticated (-> other pages work quite well) the one below
doesn't show my pdf but a message like this:
Error during resolving of the input stream

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Error during resolving of the
input stream: org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceNotFoundException:
file:/C:/Programme/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat
5.0/webapps/cocoon/nkpm/resources/documents/ doesn't exist.
cause: C:\Programme\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\cocoon\nkpm\resources\documents (Zugriff
It tries to access the directory, not a file in the directory.

Without the auth-protect it works.
auth-protect is an action and so sets the context for evaluating the 
sitemap variables. With {1} you access the return map of the action and 
the result is obviously empty => you read "resources/documents/". Inside 
the action it must be {../1} to access the matcher.


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Re: DatabaseUpdateAction and "{session-attr:custid}

2004-04-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Could it be the session attribute is really null and still not 
initialized when the action is executed? Have in mind that actions are 
executed before any generators, transformers, etc.


On 15.04.2004 19:16, Stefan Geelen wrote:


I posted this question a month ago or so but did not get any reaction.

I hope I've more luck now...

Basically the question is: How can I passs the a session attribute to  a DatabaseUpdateAction ? 

More info below:

I have following in my sitemap: 





I would like to pass the custid (kept in the session) to the action: 


Looking in the sitemap.log the action appareantly only takes into 
consideration thje paraemeters in the request object: 

From sitemap.log: 
Trying to set column customers.custid from request-param using getAttribute 
Setting column customers.custid [0] null 

How can I passs the session custid to the action ? 

I would like to be sure that if the session is no longer active the user 
cannot update the record anymore. 



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Re: ESQl and Stored Procedures

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
To me, the error message looked like the java program could not be
generated by the xsp generator. It looks to me like it could not find
update_bookmark_list_xsp which is I think the auto-generated file.

I also don't know where 
call bookmark.update_bookmark_list

comes from. But if that were the problem it would in the logs - somewhere, somelog.

And sorry for my wrong advice.

if you want you can send tomcat/work/cocoon/org/apache/.../
to my account and I'll look it over - you can see whether the code is like. 

Christopher Painter-Wakefield wrote:


just for background, can you do a simple select or update query using ESQL?
I ask only because you aren't getting a compile error, which you would
normally expect when an appropriate class isn't available.  What this
reminds me of is what happens when the Oracle jdbc classes aren't loaded in
the web application.  The JDBC stuff (through some sort of black magic I
don't know a lot about) figures out which class to load based on your db
url and then goes to load it.  Maybe that is where the error is coming
from.  If so, then you shouldn't be able to do a simple query either.
If that is the case, then you need this section in your web.xml file:
I guess another possibility (which would also prevent simple queries) is if
your pool is not set up correctly, e.g., it has an incorrect db url.
If you are able to do simple queries, then it may be something more
specific to doing a stored procedure call, which unfortunately I have no
experience with (through ESQL, anyway).

| |   "Carlos Dias"|
| ||
| |   04/15/2004 02:12 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   users|
| ||
 |   To:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 |   cc:   
 |   Subject:  ESQl and Stored Procedures  

I'm trying to use a stored procedure for making an update in an Oracle
Here is the xsp+esql code:";


   String   app_id   = request.getParameter("app_id");
   String   user_id  = request.getParameter("user_id");
   if (app_id != null || user_id != null) {

 {call bookmark.update_bookmark_list(\


   else {
Parameters does not exists

I got the following result (in the web page):
XML document must have a top level element. Error processing 

In the error.log:
[core.program-generator] (/adslV3/cubenavigator/update_bookmark)
http9090-Processor7/ProgramGeneratorImpl: The serverpage
could not be preloaded, will be re-created
(org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Unable to preload
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Could not load
class for program
due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Can anybody tell me what's going on?!

Thanks in advance,
Carlos Dias

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Re: ESQl and Stored Procedures

2004-04-15 Thread Christopher Painter-Wakefield


just for background, can you do a simple select or update query using ESQL?
I ask only because you aren't getting a compile error, which you would
normally expect when an appropriate class isn't available.  What this
reminds me of is what happens when the Oracle jdbc classes aren't loaded in
the web application.  The JDBC stuff (through some sort of black magic I
don't know a lot about) figures out which class to load based on your db
url and then goes to load it.  Maybe that is where the error is coming
from.  If so, then you shouldn't be able to do a simple query either.

If that is the case, then you need this section in your web.xml file:



I guess another possibility (which would also prevent simple queries) is if
your pool is not set up correctly, e.g., it has an incorrect db url.

If you are able to do simple queries, then it may be something more
specific to doing a stored procedure call, which unfortunately I have no
experience with (through ESQL, anyway).


| |   "Carlos Dias"|
| ||
| |   04/15/2004 02:12 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   users|
| ||
  |   To:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  ESQl and Stored Procedures 

I'm trying to use a stored procedure for making an update in an Oracle
Here is the xsp+esql code:";



String   app_id   = request.getParameter("app_id");
String   user_id  = request.getParameter("user_id");
if (app_id != null || user_id != null) {

  {call bookmark.update_bookmark_list(\
else {
 Parameters does not exists


I got the following result (in the web page):
 XML document must have a top level element. Error processing 

In the error.log:
[core.program-generator] (/adslV3/cubenavigator/update_bookmark)
http9090-Processor7/ProgramGeneratorImpl: The serverpage
 could not be preloaded, will be re-created
(org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Unable to preload
 org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Could not load
class for program
 due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Can anybody tell me what's going on?!

Thanks in advance,
Carlos Dias

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Re: ESQl and Stored Procedures

2004-04-15 Thread Christopher Painter-Wakefield

No, the way he is using  here is just fine.


| |   Leon Widdershoven|
| ||
| |   04/15/2004 02:14 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   users|
| ||
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: ESQl and Stored Procedures 

Could it be that the  embedded in the  block is the
culprit? I read somwhere that that is not a wise combination. (which is
logical as in an xsp:logic you don't need an xsp:expr).

Please note: I did not try this, and have never used the esql:call. But
it seems
that all tags are closed - so this might just be it.

You could in stead prepare all your calls in advance in a logic block
and call on
those strings when needed - outside of the logic block with .

Just my 0.02c (and that's not much).


arlos Dias wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use a stored procedure for making an update in an Oracle
> database.
> Here is the xsp+esql code:
>   language="java"
>  xmlns:xsp="";
>  xmlns:xsp-request="";
>  xmlns:esql="";>
>   java.lang.String
> String   app_id   = request.getParameter("app_id");
> String   user_id  = request.getParameter("user_id");
> if (app_id != null || user_id != null) {
>   {call bookmark.update_bookmark_list( direction="in" type="String">\
> }
> else {
>  Parameters does not exists
> }
> I got the following result (in the web page):
> XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource
> 'http://rasputin:9090/adslV3/cubenavigator/update_bookmark'.
> In the error.log:
> [core.program-generator] (/adslV3/cubenavigator/update_bookmark)
> http9090-Processor7/ProgramGeneratorImpl: The serverpage

> could not be preloaded, will be re-created
> (org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Unable to
> preload program

> org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Could not
> load class for program

> due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

> Can anybody tell me what's going on?!
> Thanks in advance,
> Carlos Dias

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Re: DASLTransformer does not return all results

2004-04-15 Thread Rolf Kulemann
On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 20:07, Rolf Kulemann wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use the DASLTransformer(DF). I do a search with depth
> infinity.
> My dav fs tree looks like:
> files/news/2004/4/13/1.xml
> files/news/2004/4/14/1.xml
> files/news/2004/4/15/
> As href in the dasl:query I use "files/news". The paths
> files/news/2004/4/14/1.xml and files/news/2004/4/13/1.xml are not
> returned in the result, but files/news/2004/4/14/ and
> files/news/2004/4/13 .
> If I use as href "files/news/2004" everything is fine. Does that mean
> Slide in this case does not return results for files with depth greater
> 2 ??

I found the problem. I use Slide as WebDAV backend and I found a
parameter in Slide's web.xml called max-depth. I increased the value and
I'm happy now :)

> BTW: If the dasl transformation I get always this error:
> [Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.

I still get this error.


Rolf Kulemann

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AW: xsp:expr in xsp:logic (was: ESQl and Stored Procedures)

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
For the people who search the list and want to see some sort of result:)

See for some details on XSP. Please
note that
foo is not possible;
the  node must  be inside an  node when used within


Leon Widdershoven wrote:

Could it be that the  embedded in the  block is the
culprit? I read somwhere that that is not a wise combination. (which is
logical as in an xsp:logic you don't need an xsp:expr).
Please note: I did not try this, and have never used the esql:call. 
But it seems
that all tags are closed - so this might just be it.

You could in stead prepare all your calls in advance in a logic block 
and call on
those strings when needed - outside of the logic block with .

Just my 0.02c (and that's not much).


arlos Dias wrote:

I'm trying to use a stored procedure for making an update in an 
Oracle database.
Here is the xsp+esql code:


   String   app_id   = 
String   user_id  = request.getParameter("user_id");
if (app_id != null || user_id != null) {

  {call bookmark.update_bookmark_list(\
else {
 Parameters does not exists

I got the following result (in the web page):

XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource 

In the error.log:
[core.program-generator] (/adslV3/cubenavigator/update_bookmark) 
http9090-Processor7/ProgramGeneratorImpl: The serverpage 
could not be preloaded, will be re-created 
(org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Unable to 
preload program 
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Could not 
load class for program 
due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 

Can anybody tell me what's going on?!
Thanks in advance,
Carlos Dias

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RE: flow error in 2.1.5-dev

2004-04-15 Thread Jeroen Reijn
Hi Peter,

looking at your problem it seems you are calling a function that doesn't exist. Where 
are you calling this function from?



-Original Message-
From: Peter Velychko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Posted At: Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:02 PM
Posted To: Cocoon User List
Conversation: flow error in 2.1.5-dev
Subject: flow error in 2.1.5-dev

Hello all,

Please help with the following problem.

I have project with 2 subsitemaps (1 for public & 1 for
administration). After user works with pages of "admin" part I have
the following error.

cocoon-2.1.5 (cvs)
tomcat 4.1.18-4.1.30
WinXP, Linux

ERROR   (2004-04-15) 15:45.51:859   [sitemap.handled-errors] (/) 
Thread-12/PipelineNode: Function "javascript:indexPage()" not found
org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Function "javascript:indexPage()" not 
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
at org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Peter Velychko 

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OT: Microsoft Avalon

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Did anyone notice that Windows Longhorn has a graphics subsystem called 

When I read it I thought of apache avalon - funny that:)

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Re: ESQl and Stored Procedures

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
Could it be that the  embedded in the  block is the
culprit? I read somwhere that that is not a wise combination. (which is
logical as in an xsp:logic you don't need an xsp:expr).
Please note: I did not try this, and have never used the esql:call. But 
it seems
that all tags are closed - so this might just be it.

You could in stead prepare all your calls in advance in a logic block 
and call on
those strings when needed - outside of the logic block with .

Just my 0.02c (and that's not much).


arlos Dias wrote:

I'm trying to use a stored procedure for making an update in an Oracle 
Here is the xsp+esql code:


String   app_id   = request.getParameter("app_id");
String   user_id  = request.getParameter("user_id");
if (app_id != null || user_id != null) {
  {call bookmark.update_bookmark_list(\
else {
 Parameters does not exists

I got the following result (in the web page):

XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource 

In the error.log:
[core.program-generator] (/adslV3/cubenavigator/update_bookmark) 
http9090-Processor7/ProgramGeneratorImpl: The serverpage 
could not be preloaded, will be re-created 
(org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Unable to 
preload program 
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Could not 
load class for program 
due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
Can anybody tell me what's going on?!
Thanks in advance,
Carlos Dias

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Re: Logging in cocoon

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
The logging config is in
There you define the loggers. In the sitemap you can assign such a 
logger to a component;
they tend to log to cocoon/WEB-INF/logs/*

If they don't log there, it's probably tomcat/logs/localhost-*.log (or 
.txt). Otherwise
it's tomcat/logs/catalina.out.

I can't help you more as I have never got it to work the way I wanted 
to. Somhow my
config logs it all to tomcat/logs/localhost*.txt and that suits me fine 


tefan Geelen wrote:

Hi Anna,

I have exactly the same problem.

Did you in the mean time figure out where it is written to ?

- Original Message - 
From: "Anna Bikkina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 9:40 PM
Subject: Logging in cocoon


Hi all,

I am using the following statement to get logger in cocoon and loggin


in java and jsp classes
Logger logger=Hierarchy.getDefaultHierarchy().getLoggerFor("myproj");
It works fine but I cant see any file with the log information in my


directory. How and where should I specify login file details.

Any help would be appreciated.


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ESQl and Stored Procedures

2004-04-15 Thread Carlos Dias

I'm trying to use a stored procedure for making an 
update in an Oracle database.
Here is the xsp+esql code:

 language="java" xmlns:xsp="" xmlns:xsp-request="" xmlns:esql="">
sca  String   
= request.getParameter("app_id");String   
= request.getParameter("user_id");if (app_id != null 
|| user_id != null) 
bookmark.update_bookmark_list(\   user_id,\   \   app_id)}   }else 
{ Parameters does not 
I got the following result (in the web 

  XML document must have a top level 
  element. Error processing resource 
In the error.log:
http9090-Processor7/ProgramGeneratorImpl: The serverpage 
could not be preloaded, will be re-created 
(org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Unable to preload 
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Could not load class 
for program 
due to a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
Can anybody tell me what's going on?!
Thanks in advance,
Carlos Dias

DASLTransformer does not return all results

2004-04-15 Thread Rolf Kulemann

I'm trying to use the DASLTransformer(DF). I do a search with depth

My dav fs tree looks like:


As href in the dasl:query I use "files/news". The paths
files/news/2004/4/14/1.xml and files/news/2004/4/13/1.xml are not
returned in the result, but files/news/2004/4/14/ and
files/news/2004/4/13 .

If I use as href "files/news/2004" everything is fine. Does that mean
Slide in this case does not return results for files with depth greater
2 ??

BTW: If the dasl transformation I get always this error:

[Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.

Help wanted ! Thanks very much.


Rolf Kulemann

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Re: Logging in cocoon

2004-04-15 Thread Stefan Geelen
Hi Anna,

I have exactly the same problem.

Did you in the mean time figure out where it is written to ?

- Original Message - 
From: "Anna Bikkina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 9:40 PM
Subject: Logging in cocoon

> Hi all,
> I am using the following statement to get logger in cocoon and loggin
> in java and jsp classes
> Logger logger=Hierarchy.getDefaultHierarchy().getLoggerFor("myproj");
> getLogger.debug("message1");
> It works fine but I cant see any file with the log information in my
> directory. How and where should I specify login file details.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Anna.
> -
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DatabaseUpdateAction and "{session-attr:custid}

2004-04-15 Thread Stefan Geelen


I posted this question a month ago or so but did not get any 
I hope I've more luck now...
Basically the question is: How can I passs the a session attribute 
to  a DatabaseUpdateAction ? 
More info below:
I have 
following in my sitemap: src= 
"" > 
   I would like to pass the custid 
(kept in the session) to the action:  Looking in the sitemap.log the 
action appareantly only takes into consideration thje paraemeters in the 
request object: >From sitemap.log: Trying to set column 
customers.custid from request-param using getAttribute method Setting 
column customers.custid [0] null How can I passs the session custid 
to the action ? I would like to be sure that if the session is no longer 
active the user cannot update the record anymore. Regards, 

Auth-Protect for map:read

2004-04-15 Thread Nils Köster
Hi there,

While properly authenticated (-> other pages work quite well) the one below
doesn't show my pdf but a message like this:

Error during resolving of the input stream

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Error during resolving of the
input stream: org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceNotFoundException:
file:/C:/Programme/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat
5.0/webapps/cocoon/nkpm/resources/documents/ doesn't exist.

cause: C:\Programme\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\cocoon\nkpm\resources\documents (Zugriff

Without the auth-protect it works.

What's wrong in it??


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Re: Fw: Cocoon Forms - Woody

2004-04-15 Thread Marcin Okraszewski
In sitemap you put put something like this:



in translations dir (or any you specified above) you create a woody.xml 
catalogue as attached for English and Polish.

Marcin Okraszewski

Thanks for the info !

Could you just tell me how to translate this catalogue "woody" ?

  This field is required!
  Date format invalid!

  To pole jest wymagane!
  Data powinna być wprowadzona w formacie "dd.MM. gg:mm".

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Re: About MySQL and PostgreSQL (Was: Re: OT: Re: md5 in XSP)

2004-04-15 Thread Yves Vindevogel
mySQL probably has most of these features, but some of them only recently (support of SAP who coded parts of MaxDB, IMHO)
I prefer Postgresql since these features have been implemented for ages.

What I would like is a database where I can write function in java.  That's the only thing that postgresql misses (besides named parameters in functions)

On 15 Apr 2004, at 17:25, Leon Widdershoven wrote:

I'm hardly an SQL wizard but I surfed the mysql docs long enough to feel one:)

It can rollback, it can do that nested query, and it most certainly
supports replication and master/slave setups.

But my interest in software is not the brand, but can it do what I want
with the least of trouble. If that's postgresql for you, fine.

MySQL can keep my data in sync with no trouble at all, I know
how it works - and that's it for me.


Joose Vettenranta wrote:
15.4.2004 kello 12:39, Leon Widdershoven kirjoitti:
I actually agree with Joose; the lack of wizards in MySQL is very
Heh =)
OK. Bad joke. But I do agree; I think there are situations where MySQL
is not the solution. As it happens nested queries have only just been
introduced, which is kind of a nice feature to have. Not required - but
I created version 1 of a software to mysql and to postgresql.
versio 2 was only available as to postgresql, because mysql couldn't do transactions and nested queries..
Now that I'm working on version 3, there is even more complex SQL-queries and I don't want to even start to consider MySQL, 'caz it might not work. I don't even know does MySQL have transactions (begin, rollback, commit) and if it does handle well nested queries like (select foo from bar where x = (select bar from quux)) stuff.
Speed is something I don't need to consider, because with money I can buy hardware, but software without enough functionality isn't possible to fix with money -> have replace. And postgresql seems to be more friendly when porting to Oracle or DB2.
And how about replication in MySQL? There is replication for postgresql and there is replication for Oracle =)
- Joose
"Always remember that you are unique, just like everyone else!"
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Met vriendelijke groeten,
Bien à vous,
Kind regards,

Yves Vindevogel

Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Mobile: +32 (478) 80 82 91

Kempische Steenweg 206 - 3500 Hasselt - Tel-Fax: +32 (11) 43 55 76
Markt 18c  -  9700 Oudenaarde  -  Tel: +32 (55) 30 55 76


First they ignore you.  Then they laugh at you.  Then they fight you.  Then you win.
Mahatma Ghandi.

Re: Javalobby - call for developers...

2004-04-15 Thread David Crossley
Derek Hohls wrote:
> How about we port this over to the wiki site and 
> *collaborately* work on improving it - patches to
> documents is such a messy way of working...

Yes, we should. Interesting, this document started life
as a Wiki doc. Recently it was manually ported over to xdocs.
Now we need it back again. Perhaps this is the new way to
work with core docs.

Every time this topic comes up, we find that we need tools.

It should be a simple transformation to go from the existing
xdoc to wiki. Perhaps we should work on a Cocoon Sample to do

Alternatively, Forrest could do it. Forrest already handles the
other direction, via Chaperon and the intermediate xdocs format
to html.

Alternatively, someone could manually do it.

Anyway, we should keep it simple at this stage so that we can get
this current job done.

So do people agree that the concept is good - to refine the Features


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Generic Table printout for Oracle ORDBMS

2004-04-15 Thread Frank Thilo Mueller
Dear Apache Community,

I am a cocoon newbie and would like to implement an Oracle database

The database tables are user generated, therefore I know neither the table
names nor the type of the contents of the rows. They could be filled with
ORDBMS Oracle specific constructions.

I would like to implement a generic "pretty print" function. I found out
after a while that the first column name will be found using
. I have tried to change this 1 to an
variable i using i but with no success so far.

I would be really thankful for a working example. I suppose others will
have the same problem, too. So, implementing a pretty print with table
names could be an idea.

Is there a german cocoon user club to get some support for "beginner"
questions ?

Thank you,

Thilo Mueller

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SOAP Transformer

2004-04-15 Thread Simon Hutchinson

Our current project needs to make a SOAP call and then make a subsequent
SOAP call utilising some of the response from the first call.
I can successfully call the web services having copied the Currency.xsp
example from the soap samples section.
Ideally however I would like to use a SOAP transformer if such a thing 
exists as this would allow me to easily transform the response from the 
first call into the required format for the second call all in the same 

Having googled the subject of a SOAP Transformer I have found various 
threads suggesting that such a components might be valuable but I have 
been unable to find a working solution.

Could anyone let me know if my issue has a current solution ie a SOAP 
Transformer instead of a SOAP generator. Alternatively can anyone more 
experienced than I am with SOAP (I am not very experinced) suggest any 
possible pitfalls in writing something myself

Kind regards


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RE: [flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

2004-04-15 Thread Markus Heussen
Hi Laurant,

thanks for your answer. But there is a jdbc connection described in the
datasource section of my cocoon.xconf and the poolId (see method below ->
this.poolId) is the jdbc name of this connection pool.

If I use log.debug() in my User class I also get an exception, a
NullPointerException, although I have implemented the LogEnabled Avalong
interface. So I guess it has something to do with the flow. It seems that I
cannot access the avalon components. I don't know. I'm not really a java /
cocoon guru ;-(

Any hints?


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

Hi Markus ,

I think that it has nothing to do with flow but I already received such a
message when using a component that I created and that has to use a

This datasource has to be defined in cocoon.xconf and if he can not open it
you will get an error

hope it could help


"Markus Heussen"
15/04/2004 16:57
Please respond to users
Subject:[flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

Hi Friends!

I've written a java class "User" which stores user data selecting from a
database. I want to use the cocoon datasource defined in the cocoon.xconf
and the logging for it and I need to use the class within my flowscript. How
can I manage this?

Searching a while I found the cocoon.createObject() flow function that may
help me but I don't understand how to use it. I tried something like this

var user = cocoon.createObject("some.package.User");

which returns the User object. but calling the function

user.load("username", "password"); // (see below)

throws the following exception:

org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: Could not find
component (key [org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent])
(Key='org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent') (key

The User class looks like the following:

public class User implements LogEnabled, Composable {
public boolean load(String authUsername, String
authPassword) {
 ComponentSelector selector =
(ComponentSelector) manager.lookup
 DataSourceComponent datasource =
 Connection con =

What am I doing wrong? Can somebody help me please? I really need it. I'm
using the current CVS head and SDK 1.4.2.

Thanks a lot!

Greetings, Markus

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RE: Help with binding - CFORMS

2004-04-15 Thread Uchenna Igwebuike
Hello Mark,

I tried out your suggestions and it works for binding the selected
values from the form to the bean but when I call form.load(bean) ie
binding from bean to form, it doesn't seem to work, the selected values
do not show up on the form. Any thoughts on this?. Thanks in advance. 

NB. I am modeling the field as a long data type.


-Original Message-
From: Marc Portier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: Help with  binding - CFORMS

copying dev since there is some food for design-thought...

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

> On 12.04.2004 16:14, Uchenna Igwebuike wrote:
>> When I bind a form without selecting any data to the bean, I don't
>> any errors, but when it contains some selections I get the following
>> error
>> uncaught JavaScript exception: at material
>> entory.js, Line 64) at
>> (resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/flow/javascript/Form.js, Line
>> org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathException: Exception trying to create
>> xpath measureCollection; Factory is not set on the JXPathContext -
>> cannot create path: /facility[1]
> I guess the problem is only the predicate [1]. JXPath can not create a

> node for an XPath with a predicate. Can you try for testing some thing

> like facility1, facility2 and so on? Of course this looks like a hack,

hm, this will not work IMHO

> but I don't know how you can fix it in a good way. Someone more 
> experienced with JXPath might help here. Marc or Bruno?

Hm, I suppose the predicate is not in the Uchenna's binding file, but 
rather introduced by the execution of the multi-value binding: it wants 
to create a space to store each value from the multi-value array...

I assume your backend now has some method: Object[] getFacility() that 
produces an array (more likely a List I'm afraid) in which the various 
facilities to be bound are present?
IIf it is acceptable that
1/ the type of this facility would become Object[] (in stead of List)
2/ and you can provide a setFacility(Object[]) accessor as well

then you could find a work-around in using the classic value-binding
(this is because the widget-value is also of type Object[]

Pls let us know if this works for you.

For the interested reader, some more info:
[1 - on the reported error]
The error 'factory is not set' from jxpath indicates that no 
node-factory (jxpath terminology) is available (to the jxpath context) 
to create new 'nodes' in the backend (i.e. a bigger array in the bean, 
or additional objects to add to the list).

I assume the multi-value binding was only tested versus XML backends 
since those have by default a node-generation factory installed (and 
thus the problem never occurs)

Towards javaBean backends this reveals that the the multi-value lacks 
the feature of declaring such a factory (to compare: this is what the 
 inside the repeater binding is for)

IMHO multi-value binding code looks like an early clone of the 
simple-repeater binding.  This issue kinda re-affirms my feeling that 
there is no reason to maintain this multi-value-binding in the future.

[2 - on the confusing naming of the bindings]
Of course this leads me to some other observation: the names of the 
bindings are way too look-alike to the names of the widgets!

Because of this the misconception has grown that the binding file is a 
duplicate of your definition file that needs to allocate the matching 
binding-component to the matching widget. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. (see 
e.g. the last binding-sample '03aggregate': there an aggregate widget 
gets bind using both the aggregate-binding and the value-binding: that 
just works, and it's not a hack, nor an after-thought.)

In the form-definition one needs to select those widgets that build up 
the 'form-model' that is capable of supporting the end-user-interaction 
(ie both html form generation and request parameter processing) and 
validating/datatyping the entered values.

In the binding definition there is a different goal/concern: there one 
needs to select not a (passive) model, but an active 'strategy' or 
process that describes how you want to let load/save of data to happen.

Since that strategy mostly matches the actual capabilities of the 
widgets we have ended up here: having (mostly) matching names between 
the chosen widgets and the bindings: but this is a consequence, and as 
pointed out is often misleading our users.

With the above observation we could argue if we need to reconsider 
(naming and structure) of our binding components (just one thing more to

reconsider about cforms it seems :-))

comments welcome.

Marc Portier
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblo

Re: About MySQL and PostgreSQL (Was: Re: OT: Re: md5 in XSP)

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
I'm hardly an SQL wizard but I surfed the mysql docs long enough to feel one:)

It can rollback, it can do that nested query, and it most certainly
supports replication and master/slave setups.
But my interest in software is not the brand, but can it do what I want
with the least of trouble. If that's postgresql for you, fine.
MySQL can keep my data in sync with no trouble at all, I know
how it works - and that's it for me.

Joose Vettenranta wrote:
15.4.2004 kello 12:39, Leon Widdershoven kirjoitti:

 I actually agree with Joose; the lack of wizards in MySQL is very


Heh =)

OK. Bad joke. But I do agree; I think there are situations where MySQL
is not the solution. As it happens nested queries have only just been
introduced, which is kind of a nice feature to have. Not required - but

I created version 1 of a software to mysql and to postgresql.
versio 2 was only available as to postgresql, because mysql couldn't do 
transactions and nested queries..
Now that I'm working on version 3, there is even more complex 
SQL-queries and I don't want to even start to consider MySQL, 'caz it 
might not work. I don't even know does MySQL have transactions (begin, 
rollback, commit) and if it does handle well nested queries like (select 
foo from bar where x = (select bar from quux)) stuff.

Speed is something I don't need to consider, because with money I can 
buy hardware, but software without enough functionality isn't possible 
to fix with money -> have replace. And postgresql seems to be more 
friendly when porting to Oracle or DB2.

And how about replication in MySQL? There is replication for postgresql 
and there is replication for Oracle =)

- Joose

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Re: [flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

2004-04-15 Thread laurent_rorive

Hi Markus ,

I think that it has nothing to do with
flow but I already received such a message when using a component that
I created and that has to use a datasource.

This datasource has to be defined in
cocoon.xconf and if he can not open it you will get an error

hope it could help


"Markus Heussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
15/04/2004 16:57
Please respond to users
       [flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

Hi Friends!

I've written a java class "User" which stores user data selecting
from a
database. I want to use the cocoon datasource defined in the cocoon.xconf
and the logging for it and I need to use the class within my flowscript.
can I manage this?

Searching a while I found the cocoon.createObject() flow function that
help me but I don't understand how to use it. I tried something like this

var user = cocoon.createObject("some.package.User");

which returns the User object. but calling the function

user.load("username", "password"); // (see below)

throws the following exception:

org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: Could not find
component (key [org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent])
(Key='org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent') (key

The User class looks like the following:

public class User implements LogEnabled, Composable {
public boolean load(String authUsername, String authPassword) {
selector = (ComponentSelector) manager.lookup
datasource =
con = datasource.getConnection();

What am I doing wrong? Can somebody help me please? I really need it. I'm
using the current CVS head and SDK 1.4.2.

Thanks a lot!

Greetings, Markus

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Re: Fw: Cocoon Forms - Woody

2004-04-15 Thread laurent_rorive

Thanks for the info !

Could you just tell me how to translate
this catalogue "woody" ?

Marcin Okraszewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
15/04/2004 16:54
Please respond to users
       Re: Fw: Cocoon Forms - Woody

> 1) Is there a way to translate the "general.field-required"
> received when validating such a widget with @required=true

Yes, all default validation errors are in catalogue "woody".

> 1) Is there a way to get back the value and the label of a  selection_list.

Frankly, I don't know. Can't you have the same value and label? In the

worst case you can always take the value from model, by selecting an 
element which has the selected value (you can use XPath for this).

Marcin Okraszewski

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About MySQL and PostgreSQL (Was: Re: OT: Re: md5 in XSP)

2004-04-15 Thread Joose Vettenranta
15.4.2004 kello 12:39, Leon Widdershoven kirjoitti:

 I actually agree with Joose; the lack of wizards in MySQL is very
Heh =)

OK. Bad joke. But I do agree; I think there are situations where MySQL
is not the solution. As it happens nested queries have only just been
introduced, which is kind of a nice feature to have. Not required - but
I created version 1 of a software to mysql and to postgresql.
versio 2 was only available as to postgresql, because mysql couldn't do 
transactions and nested queries..
Now that I'm working on version 3, there is even more complex 
SQL-queries and I don't want to even start to consider MySQL, 'caz it 
might not work. I don't even know does MySQL have transactions (begin, 
rollback, commit) and if it does handle well nested queries like 
(select foo from bar where x = (select bar from quux)) stuff.

Speed is something I don't need to consider, because with money I can 
buy hardware, but software without enough functionality isn't possible 
to fix with money -> have replace. And postgresql seems to be more 
friendly when porting to Oracle or DB2.

And how about replication in MySQL? There is replication for postgresql 
and there is replication for Oracle =)

- Joose

"Always remember that you are unique, just like everyone else!"
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[flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

2004-04-15 Thread Markus Heussen
Hi Friends!

I've written a java class "User" which stores user data selecting from a
database. I want to use the cocoon datasource defined in the cocoon.xconf
and the logging for it and I need to use the class within my flowscript. How
can I manage this?

Searching a while I found the cocoon.createObject() flow function that may
help me but I don't understand how to use it. I tried something like this

var user = cocoon.createObject("some.package.User");

which returns the User object. but calling the function

user.load("username", "password"); // (see below)

throws the following exception:

org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: Could not find
component (key [org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent])
(Key='org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent') (key

The User class looks like the following:

public class User implements LogEnabled, Composable {
public boolean load(String authUsername, String authPassword) {
ComponentSelector selector = (ComponentSelector) manager.lookup
DataSourceComponent datasource =
Connection con = datasource.getConnection();

What am I doing wrong? Can somebody help me please? I really need it. I'm
using the current CVS head and SDK 1.4.2.

Thanks a lot!

Greetings, Markus

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Re: Fw: Cocoon Forms - Woody

2004-04-15 Thread Marcin Okraszewski
1) Is there a way to translate the "general.field-required" label 
received when validating such a widget with @required=true
Yes, all default validation errors are in catalogue "woody".

1) Is there a way to get back the value and the label of a  selection_list.
Frankly, I don't know. Can't you have the same value and label? In the 
worst case you can always take the value from model, by selecting an 
element which has the selected value (you can use XPath for this).

Marcin Okraszewski
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Re: post-serialization action

2004-04-15 Thread Reinhard Pötz


is there any way to process some code right after a  

Using Flowscript may help here. See for 
details - expecially the section containing catch(return) {...}

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Re: Portal Engine in JBOSS?

2004-04-15 Thread Janek Bogucki
On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 13:14, Hauke Ernst wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to deploy an application based on cocoon portal engine in
> jboss-4.0.0DR3. What works is the general cocoon stuff, except my portal
> and the portal engine demo. All I see is a blank html page (after
> logging in) and an exception in the console:
> 14:11:58,297 ERROR [Engine] StandardWrapperValve[Cocoon]:
> Servlet.service() for
> servlet Cocoon threw exception
> java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: EMPTY_ORDERED_ITERATOR
> at
> erator(

The wrong version of the collections jar is being used most likely.


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Re: post-serialization action

2004-04-15 Thread Jan Hoskens
What are you trying to do exactly? Does it need the result from that

If you just want to start some processing, you may accomplish that by
creating a thread in a piece of flowscript. I did something alike to start
processing data when a user confirms some page. When pressing the submit, I
call a thread in flowscript and the user gets an immediate response that
things are being handled. The thread does some stuff and sends an email with
results to that user.

Kind Regards,

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:30 PM
Subject: post-serialization action

> Hi,
>  is there any way to process some code right after a  ?
> thanks
> -
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Re: post-serialization action

2004-04-15 Thread Jorg Heymans


 is there any way to process some code right after a  ?
IMO you could do this in a custom serializer, after you write to the 
outputstream you can still do some of your own processing.

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post-serialization action

2004-04-15 Thread enrico . maccias

 is there any way to process some code right after a  ?


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flow error in 2.1.5-dev

2004-04-15 Thread Peter Velychko
Hello all,

Please help with the following problem.

I have project with 2 subsitemaps (1 for public & 1 for
administration). After user works with pages of "admin" part I have
the following error.

cocoon-2.1.5 (cvs)
tomcat 4.1.18-4.1.30
WinXP, Linux

ERROR   (2004-04-15) 15:45.51:859   [sitemap.handled-errors] (/) 
Thread-12/PipelineNode: Function "javascript:indexPage()" not found
org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Function "javascript:indexPage()" not 
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
at org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Peter Velychko 

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Re: Offline page generation without link crawling

2004-04-15 Thread Upayavira
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 15.04.2004 12:17, Markus Strickler wrote:


I'm trying to use Cocoon to generate a static website. After some 
and reading through the list archives I was able to get the cli and 
ant task
to work. However all the examples I could find either specify only 
URIs or use link crawling with a starting URI.
What I would like to do is just specify a directory and then recourse
through all subdirectories to process the xml files inside. Is this 
possible? Has someone already done this?

It works URI-based, not directory-based. If your URIs map to 
directories, you can use the directory generator to create a link 
crawling starting document on the fly.
That would work, but it would also then crawl all pages, not just the 
directory generator page. You might be able to prevent further crawling 
with  or , but I don't know.

Let me know if this is enough to meet your needs - maybe there's some 
more functionality required here.

Regards, Upayavira

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Re: Offline page generation without link crawling

2004-04-15 Thread Upayavira
Leon Widdershoven wrote:

A bit off topic and maybe not what you want - but if it's normal
static content, isn't forrest better suited for that?
Forrest is just one use of the offline functionality, aimed at 
documentation sites. There's going to be plenty of sites that are 
suitable for offiline generation, but not for Forrest.

Regards, Upayavira

Markus Strickler wrote:


I'm trying to use Cocoon to generate a static website. After some 
twaeking and reading through the list archives I was able to get the 
cli and ant task to work. However all the examples I could find 
either specify only single URIs or use link crawling with a starting 

What I would like to do is just specify a directory and then recourse 
through all subdirectories to process the xml files inside.

Is this possible? Has someone already done this?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Woody - Repeater Widget - Selection List source

2004-04-15 Thread Marc Portier

Hubert Trzewik (Prosystel) wrote:

In short:
How to change selection list source for new rows added by repeater widget?
In details:
I'b building a form. There is a selection list in there in repeater widget.
Selection list has a XML source (its items) (in fact it's build by XSP).
But the source may change to another XML (another URI).
I know I can set selection list source by JavaScript in flow for any 
existing widget.
But I've got no idea how to set selection list for new rows added by 
repeater action.
Any ideas?

trying to figure out what you are doing I would assume that you want the 
various widget-instances from the same widget-definition in a 
repeater-row to have different selection-lists, correct?

thus on
row 1 you would want to select from some set-A
row 2 you would want to select from some set-B
if so you should have a look at the forms-gui sample and the use of the 
 widget in there.

for completeness: union's naming and use is subject to future 
refactoring (meaning things will most certainly syntactically change, 
this does not mean that we are going to stop supporting the feature). 
For a look ahead into what the future might bring you should check

Marc Portier
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
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Portal Engine in JBOSS?

2004-04-15 Thread Hauke Ernst

I am trying to deploy an application based on cocoon portal engine in
jboss-4.0.0DR3. What works is the general cocoon stuff, except my portal
and the portal engine demo. All I see is a blank html page (after
logging in) and an exception in the console:
14:11:58,297 ERROR [Engine] StandardWrapperValve[Cocoon]:
Servlet.service() for
servlet Cocoon threw exception
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: EMPTY_ORDERED_ITERATOR
at org.exolab.castor.xml.Validator.validate(
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source
Unknown Source)
Dispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
known Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown

Re: "optional required" widget (was Re: [cforms] Clear validation error on a widget?)

2004-04-15 Thread Mark Lundquist
On Apr 14, 2004, at 10:26 PM, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Ok, tested it myself by setting form1 sample/ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"contacts"]/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]"firstname"]/ @required="true".

- add 3 rows
- submit
- select the first of these 3 rows
- change the firstname value of the 2nd of these 3 rows
- and hit "remove selected contacts"
- Field "firstname" from old row 2 of these 3 rows has no validation 
errors though it was not validated, only the validation errors have 
been cleared. Also read below.
- Field "firstname" from old row 3 of these 3 rows has still 
validation error.
Right.  And also, I now see in the code why that happens (see below)...

BTW, while I believe it's unrelated, you mentioned the  
behavior in flow vs. form actions as shown in the form1 sample.  What 
I'm seeing there (fresh CVS HEAD) is:
• In the action version, activating an action widget clears previous 
validation errors and does not cause anything to be revalidated;
• In the flow version, I see the following behavior (understand this 
as an "as if" description): validation seems to be triggered when the 
action widget is activated; previous validation errors are cleared 
for widgets that now validate successfully, but no new validation 
errors are posted.
I had a look again: no validation happens on fd:action, only the 
validation errors are cleared if and only if the value has changed.

IMO the action version is at least consistent while the flow version 
is not.
How is it inconsistent?  However I would maybe retract my opinion that 
the behavior we're seeing in the flow version is "correct" (but not 
because of the problem I'm having, just in general).  I think correct 
behavior for action widgets would be to not clear any validation 
errors, WDYT?

Also... why is the action version different from the flow version?  
Unquestionably it is different, but I don't understand why it should 

But anyway, as I said I don't think this has anything to do with my 
repeater validation problem...
I think it is. Action shall not trigger validation and it does not. 
The fields only clear their validation errors "on value changed" while 
boolean value does not.
Well, I now understand exactly my problem with implementing the 
"optional required" use case in the .  My 
validation script doesn't run because that's just the semantics of 
repeater validation... here is Repeater.validate():

public boolean validate(FormContext formContext) {
boolean valid = true;
Iterator rowIt = rows.iterator();
while (rowIt.hasNext()) {
RepeaterRow row = (RepeaterRow);
valid = valid & row.validate(formContext);
return valid ? super.validate(formContext) : false;
Just to make sure I understood correctly, I hacked 
Field.readFromRequest() as follows:

if (!(newEnteredValue == null ? "" : 
newEnteredValue).equals((enteredValue == null ? "" : enteredValue))) {
DeferredValueChangedEvent(this, value));
enteredValue = newEnteredValue;
validationError = null;
value = null;
needsParse = true;

i.e., made 'validationError = null;' etc. unconditional.  That made my 
problem "go away".

So now I understand what is happening, but I have no idea how to fix it 
or how to work around it.

In your implementation of the "optional required" use case, are you 
using flow or actions?

~ mark

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Re: XHTML serializer bug?

2004-04-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
On 15.04.2004 13:17, Mikael Geijer wrote:

Hi all.
Fairly new to cocoon, finding it really powerful though. Using 2.1.4 on 
Linux w 1.4.2 JVM. I'm using the XHTML serializer (w the Transitional 
DTD) to create output for some smartphones. I'm having problems with 
unwanted additional form-attributes when the page is generated. An extra 
"selected" attribute with empty value is generated. The browser bails 
out on this. The generated xhtml ooks like:


Is this a (known) bug? Is there any workaround? Been banging my head 
into the wall for some time know so any hints are highly apreciated.
I really wonder if this additional attribute is generated by Cocoon 
without the stylesheet telling it to do so. Are you sure this does not 
come out of one of the stylesheets? Try to serialize the XML immediately 
after the XSP to XHTML.


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Re: Cocoon 2.1.4 is not building on AIX 5.1

2004-04-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Hey, it's already the fourth mail on this. And I had already answered: 
So please stop sending the mail.


On 15.04.2004 13:09, Arun Prasath wrote:


When I try to build cocoon 2.1.4 is not building on AIX 5.1 with JDK 1.4. I am getting the following error.


Block 'mail' should be considered unstable.

This means that its API, schemas
  and other contracts might change without notice.

Compiling 9 source files to /home/diswbs67/dpf/cocoon-src-2.1.4/cocoon-2.1.4/bui
/cocoon/mail/ cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method getDeletedMessageCount ()
location: class javax.mail.Folder
addAttribute("deleted-messages", String.valueOf(folder.getDeletedMes
1 error
:157: Following error occured while executing this line
build.xml:4968: Following error occured while executing this line
build.xml:5010: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Total time: 1 minute 49 seconds
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Re: Offline page generation without link crawling

2004-04-15 Thread Joerg Heinicke
On 15.04.2004 12:17, Markus Strickler wrote:

I'm trying to use Cocoon to generate a static website. After some twaeking
and reading through the list archives I was able to get the cli and ant task
to work. However all the examples I could find either specify only single
URIs or use link crawling with a starting URI.
What I would like to do is just specify a directory and then recourse
through all subdirectories to process the xml files inside. 
Is this possible? Has someone already done this?
It works URI-based, not directory-based. If your URIs map to 
directories, you can use the directory generator to create a link 
crawling starting document on the fly.


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Re: Javalobby - call for developers...

2004-04-15 Thread Derek Hohls

How about we port this over to the wiki site and 
*collaborately* work on improving it - patches to
documents is such a messy way of working...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2004/04/15 12:29:42 PM >>>
Derek Hohls wrote:

> Is there perhaps any talented article on the Cocoon list who can put

> together a short article on that subject to point out that Struts,

How about we, as the talented Cocoon community, refines this page ... 
then make a precis of it, then submit that as an article
from our community.

C'mon, send in your patches.


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XHTML serializer bug?

2004-04-15 Thread Mikael Geijer
Hi all.
Fairly new to cocoon, finding it really powerful though. Using 2.1.4 on 
Linux w 1.4.2 JVM. I'm using the XHTML serializer (w the Transitional 
DTD) to create output for some smartphones. I'm having problems with 
unwanted additional form-attributes when the page is generated. An extra 
"selected" attribute with empty value is generated. The browser bails 
out on this. The generated xhtml ooks like:


Is this a (known) bug? Is there any workaround? Been banging my head 
into the wall for some time know so any hints are highly apreciated.



From sitemap:
Here's the (yes I know -static) XSP input:


Sök kontakt på inmatat värde
Sök på värde



And here's the xsl:";>";>







=- Mikael Geijer, nufort HB (, Oebb AB (
=- mobile: +46 70 7455239 office +46 70 7455239
=- email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
=- snail:  Kyrklunden 8, 122 32 Enskede, Sweden

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Re: Link: Guide: Cocoon Tutorial (in german)

2004-04-15 Thread John L. Webber
Hello Stefan,

Good work! Haven't had time to read it all yet, but it looks to be 
nicely organized.


Stefan Krumbiegel (Galileo Computing) wrote:

New item for:
Cocoon Tips and Guides (German):
Title: Cocoon Tutorial
Author: Stephan Niedermeier
Language: german

Jentro Technologies GmbH
John L. Webber, Software Development
Rosenheimer Str. 145e	81671 München
Tel. +49 89 189 169 80 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Fax  +49 89 189 169 99
NOTICE: The information contained in this e-mail is confidential or may otherwise be legally privileged. It is intended for the named recipient only. If you have received it in error, please notify us immediately by reply or by calling the telephone number above and delete this message and all its attachments without any use or further distribution of its contents. Please note that any unauthorised review, copying, disclosing or otherwise making use of the information is strictly prohibited. Thank you. 

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Cocoon 2.1.4 is not building on AIX 5.1

2004-04-15 Thread Arun Prasath

When I try to build cocoon 2.1.4 is not building on AIX 5.1 with JDK 1.4. I am getting 
the following error.


Block 'mail' should be considered unstable.

This means that its API, schemas
  and other contracts might change without notice.

Compiling 9 source files to /home/diswbs67/dpf/cocoon-src-2.1.4/cocoon-2.1.4/bui
/cocoon/mail/ cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method getDeletedMessageCount ()
location: class javax.mail.Folder
addAttribute("deleted-messages", String.valueOf(folder.getDeletedMes
1 error

:157: Following error occured while executing this line
build.xml:4968: Following error occured while executing this line
build.xml:5010: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 1 minute 49 seconds

Link: Guide: Cocoon Tutorial (in german)

2004-04-15 Thread Stefan Krumbiegel (Galileo Computing)
New item for:
Cocoon Tips and Guides (German):

Title: Cocoon Tutorial
Author: Stephan Niedermeier
Language: german

Beste regards
Stefan Krumbiegel

Stefan Krumbiegel · Kommunikation Galileo Computing
Galileo Press GmbH · Gartenstraße 24 · 53229 Bonn
Tel. 0228.42150.35 · Fax 0228.42150.77

Galileo Computing
- Fachbuecher zur Programmierung und Softwareentwicklung


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Re: Offline page generation without link crawling

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
A bit off topic and maybe not what you want - but if it's normal
static content, isn't forrest better suited for that?

Markus Strickler wrote:

I'm trying to use Cocoon to generate a static website. After some 
twaeking and reading through the list archives I was able to get the cli 
and ant task to work. However all the examples I could find either 
specify only single URIs or use link crawling with a starting URI.

What I would like to do is just specify a directory and then recourse 
through all subdirectories to process the xml files inside.

Is this possible? Has someone already done this?

Thanks for any help,


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Offline page generation without link crawling

2004-04-15 Thread Markus Strickler
Title: Offline page generation without link crawling


I'm trying to use Cocoon to generate a static website. After some twaeking and reading through the list archives I was able to get the cli and ant task to work. However all the examples I could find either specify only single URIs or use link crawling with a starting URI.

What I would like to do is just specify a directory and then recourse through all subdirectories to process the xml files inside. 

Is this possible? Has someone already done this?

Thanks for any help,


Re: Javalobby - call for developers...

2004-04-15 Thread David Crossley
Derek Hohls wrote:

> Is there perhaps any talented article on the Cocoon list who can put 
> together a short article on that subject to point out that Struts, JSP

How about we, as the talented Cocoon community, refines this page ...
then make a precis of it, then submit that as an article
from our community.

C'mon, send in your patches.


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Re: Cocoon and many servers

2004-04-15 Thread Upayavira
Joose Vettenranta wrote:

Hi all!

I've tried to find out some articles/tutorials/howtos from web, howto 
create a big cocoon site.

Currently using:
- tomcat 4.1.29
- cocoon 2.1.3
- apache 2.0.something
There is coming a request for HA and for power for my cocoon 
application and it will be first be running on 2 servers and then 
later on more servers.

Question is: How to make it work fine?

Use some load balancing in apache?

What if user 1 has a session establish on server A and then load 
balancer throws it to server B, is session still valid? How to make 
sure that sessions stay valid? Should I make session store to a 
SQL-server (running on server C, later on C and D with replication).

My "dream" is to have a framework (cocoon) which, when more power 
needed, I would just insert 1 new server to rack and after it has been 
configured, it's powers would be in use without touching the 
application running on that framework.

Atleast minimum two servers is needed for HA and it has also session 
etc problems to solve.
I'm busily setting this up for myself at the moment.

Check out for 
one way of doing it.

So, what you do is have Tomcat or Jetty attach a machine identifier to 
the end of the session ID. That identifier is then used by Apache load 
balancer to forward requests to the relevant backend. That way you don't 
have to replicate sessions across servers.

Regards, Upayavira

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OT: Re: md5 in XSP

2004-04-15 Thread Leon Widdershoven
I actually agree with Joose; the lack of wizards in MySQL is very
OK. Bad joke. But I do agree; I think there are situations where MySQL
is not the solution. As it happens nested queries have only just been
introduced, which is kind of a nice feature to have. Not required - but
And MySQL seems to be not completely relational. I don;t know why
one would want that, but maybe it's important for some applications.
And an XML database (Xindice?) is probably preferable when you
only have to do with XML data.
MySQL, though, is a nice database to just store data in:) It has all the
features I need, and it's fast enough. It has good docs, and a fairly
good jdbc driver. That's all I ask. But I wouldn't be surprised that
DB2 or Oracle scale better when dealing with huge (terabytes/petabytes) 
databases and heavy access.


Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Le 15 avr. 04, à 11:11, Joose Vettenranta a écrit :

...1. MySQL is good only for some basic stuff, not for real use =)..

not everybody agrees:

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Cocoon and many servers

2004-04-15 Thread Joose Vettenranta
Hi all!

I've tried to find out some articles/tutorials/howtos from web, howto 
create a big cocoon site.

Currently using:
- tomcat 4.1.29
- cocoon 2.1.3
- apache 2.0.something
There is coming a request for HA and for power for my cocoon 
application and it will be first be running on 2 servers and then later 
on more servers.

Question is: How to make it work fine?

Use some load balancing in apache?

What if user 1 has a session establish on server A and then load 
balancer throws it to server B, is session still valid? How to make 
sure that sessions stay valid? Should I make session store to a 
SQL-server (running on server C, later on C and D with replication).

My "dream" is to have a framework (cocoon) which, when more power 
needed, I would just insert 1 new server to rack and after it has been 
configured, it's powers would be in use without touching the 
application running on that framework.

Atleast minimum two servers is needed for HA and it has also session 
etc problems to solve.


- Joose

"Always remember that you are unique, just like everyone else!"
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Questions about cocoon portal

2004-04-15 Thread zze-MORON François FTRD/DMI/REN
Title: Questions about cocoon portal

I'm currently evaluating differents portals to use one in a mobile phone project. 

I have some question about cocoon portal :

- is possible to add any XML based langage for rendering format (XHTMLMP in my case) ?

- is there any administration tool, if yes (i suppose it :-) ), what are the features, is it easy to use, ... ?

- is it possible to let the user have its own personalizable zone (to add authorized portlets) ?

- what about localization ?

- the state of last release (in dev, stable, ...) ?

- what about jsr-168 ?

- what about cocoon portal VS other portals (jetspeed, eXo platform, metadot, gridsphere, gluecode, liferay) ?



Link: Book: Cocoon 2 und Tomcat

2004-04-15 Thread Stefan Krumbiegel (Galileo Computing)
Galileo Computing - Proessionelle Buecher. Auch fuer Einsteiger
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear 'Cocooners',

we're proud to announce the first Cocoon 2/2.1-Book
in german language:

Title: Cocoon 2 und Tomcat
Author: Stephan Niedermeier
Language: German
Availability: April 2004, 1st edition
Hardcover: 900 pages and CD-ROM
Publisher: Galileo Computing / Galileo Press
ISBN: 3898424391
Price: 59,90 Euro

Please note that you can download several free chapters
and order the book at the Galileo Computing web site.

# Description/Topics:
- incl. Cocoon 2.1 and Tomcat 5
- a comprehensive introduction to Cocoon, Tomcat and XML, XSL and XSL
- the reference book for Cocoon users and developers: all important
and current topic areas of Cocoon as for example Sitemap, Cross Media
Publishing, form treatment, internationalization, extensions and
control flow
- a comprehensive introduction to the most important XML topics and
to the Servlet container Tomcat
- numerous examples and diagrams
- a book for beginners and professionals

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me

Thanks and best regards
Stefan Krumbiegel

Stefan Krumbiegel · Kommunikation Galileo Computing
Galileo Press GmbH · Gartenstraße 24 · 53229 Bonn
Tel. 0228.42150.35 · Fax 0228.42150.77

Galileo Computing
- Fachbuecher zur Programmierung und Softwareentwicklung


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Re: md5 in XSP

2004-04-15 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le 15 avr. 04, à 11:11, Joose Vettenranta a écrit :

...1. MySQL is good only for some basic stuff, not for real use =)..
not everybody agrees:

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Re: md5 in XSP

2004-04-15 Thread Joose Vettenranta
Nice idea, but not possible to use for few reasons.

1. MySQL is good only for some basic stuff, not for real use =)
2. I needed hash to make verification for online bank transactions.
Commons -packet helped.


- Joose

14.4.2004 kello 14:42, Leon Widdershoven kirjoitti:

 Another non-answer (I had something similar a while ago), if the 
are stored in a MySQL database and you just wish to verify the password
you could use MySQL's MD5() function (maybe also supported by other 

This is of course of no use at all if you're comparing with encoded 
in a file:)

As a side pointer, the jboss getting started uses as an alternative to
openssl dgst -md5 -binary | openssl base64 (for the command line)
the java program:
java -classpath jbosssx.jar  MD5
I think using the Base64Encoder of jboss could also be an option. (I 
it in Java code some time ago and it does work).


Jorg Heymans wrote:
Not really answering your question sorry ;)
If adding an extra lib to your webapp is an option, then 
commons-codec ( might be 
what you are looking for to do do MD5 checksums the "jakarta" way.
Joose Vettenranta wrote:

I'm trying to create md5-chechsum in XSP.

I already have like this: md ="MD5");
byte[] array = md.digest(password.getBytes());

And it seems to work OK. But problem is, howto get that byte-array 
to hex-string?

I found that in catalina there is 
org.apache.catalina.util.MD5Encoder which seems to do what I want, 
but I can't use that in XSP.

I've tried


but it won't even compile.

So, how to get that working?

- Joose

"Always remember that you are unique, just like everyone else!"
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Woody - Repeater Widget - Selection List source

2004-04-15 Thread Hubert Trzewik \(Prosystel\)

In short:
How to change selection list source for new rows 
added by repeater widget?
In details:
I'b building a form. There is a selection list in 
there in repeater widget.
Selection list has a XML source (its items) (in 
fact it's build by XSP).
But the source may change to another XML (another 
I know I can set selection list source by 
_javascript_ in flow for any existing widget.
But I've got no idea how to set selection list for 
new rows added by repeater action.
Any ideas?

Fw: Cocoon Forms - Woody

2004-04-15 Thread laurent_rorive

Dear Members,

1) Is there a way to translate the "general.field-required"
label received when validating such a widget with @required=true



I want to translate
it with i18n 

1) Is there
a way to get back the value and the label of a  selection_list.

Actually what I made is
a flowscript via JS  and in this _javascript_ , I call a Java Object
 : kind of Notes Document factory

tellus_country is  the selection
list and in my object it receive the value and never the label ?

TellUsFactory =;

form = new
TELLUS : User pass the validation and wants to submit the request");
model = form.getModel();
tellusentry = new,
model.tellus_email, model.tellus_country);
== null)
"Can not create
a new tell us entry";

Thanks a lot for your
help !

Re: Including Fragments

2004-04-15 Thread laurent_rorive

Dear Garrik,

I encounter such a thing and I think
that the best way is using the AGGREGATE  

what I have done , I create a resource
 and I call this resource from my pipeline with parameters:


, print, search  ">


Garrick Dasbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
14/04/2004 18:08
Please respond to users
       Including Fragments


We are currently migrating our website from a pure JSP environment to Cocoon
and have run into a problem.  

The majority of our webpages have a header and footer, both of which are
fragments of xhtml documents, that we would like to include on each page.
 We have tried using the CInclude transformer to include these elements,
but cocoon seems to be upset that the files are not well formed (see error
message below).

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.: file:/static/headerTest.html:6:1:org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:
XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.

We have also tried the XInclude transformer without success.  Is there
a way to include fragments of XHTML/XML documents in larger documents to
create one well-formed document?

I have included some sample code below.


   The Body






Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Garrick Dasbach
Software Development
Digonex Technologies, Inc.
317.638.4174 Fax

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Javalobby - call for developers...

2004-04-15 Thread Derek Hohls
Not sure if anyone else on this mailing list also subscribes to the 
Javalobby newsletter; but there was recently a call for developers
to help with the JL websites, to quote:

"We're looking for talented Javaphiles willing to do near full-time
exclusively on building and improving Javalobby Network sites using the

latest Java web technology such as Struts, WebWork2, Hibernate, JBDC, 
JSPs and Servlets. These people should also be proficient in HTML. "

Is there perhaps any talented article on the Cocoon list who can put 
together a short article on that subject to point out that Struts, JSP

et al are *not* the "latest Java web  technology" and highlight a few 
benefits of using the *real* latest development taking place in
such as Cocoon and Forrest for web site development.   I am sure an 
article like this - assuming that JL would consider publishing it -
also help raise the profile and awareness of Cocoon in the broader 
Java  community - who knows, perhaps  some of them would also 
want to participate further?

Javalobby is at:

Their contact details for news items is at:

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