Re: Cocoon and MySQL databases

2003-07-28 Thread Rod Giffin
Kieran Kirwan said:
> 2 Define connection pool (cocooon.xconf)
> false
> jdbc:mysql://localhost/abc
> root

Did you try specifying the port that MySQL is running on?  eg, if you were
using the default setup the dburl would be:


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Re: hello everyone

2003-10-23 Thread Rod Giffin
Try it without the trailing slash.


John Blumer said:
> /Users/johnblumer/cocoon-2.1.2/ Not a directory.
> On Thursday, Oct 23, 2003, at 10:57 America/Chicago, McDonald, Bruce
> wrote:
>> Well, what directory are you in?

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Re: hello everyone

2003-10-23 Thread Rod Giffin
John Blumer said:
> /User/johnblumer/cocoon-2.1.2/ No such file or directory But
> it is there!  I opened up and looked!

I bet it's not executable (a permissions thing).  If you have enough
rights to the directory, you should be able to change the permissions with
chmod +x

(or read man chmod)


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Re: hello everyone

2003-10-23 Thread Rod Giffin
John Blumer said:
> Maybe the file is corrupt.  How do I do a clean install, please.

It's in install.txt, but having just done that yesterday on my XP box (I
do use Cocoon on my Linux systems too) I did

./build clean
to remove the existing build, then
./build [option]
where option is optional and represents whatever build target you want to

I personally usually don't specify a build target.  No point unless you're
deploying to a different box and want everything in a handy war file.

I'm wondering if there's something missing in your classpath or $JAVA_HOME
environmental variables.  That has been a big problem for me on multi-user
systems where the administrator hasn't set $JAVA_HOME globally, or

Note too that I'm still just learning Cocoon.


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Re: hello everyone

2003-10-23 Thread Rod Giffin
John Blumer said:
> Maybe this is wrong.  What all do I need to show for my path in .sh?
> set path = $PATH /users/johnblumer/cocoon-2.1.2/

Paths are case sensitive.  Your listing shows /Users/...etc., not /users/
so your path is going elsewhere.


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Re: does cocoon support css

2003-11-07 Thread Rod Giffin
Asim Raja said:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in using use Cocoon to convert an html page to a PDF
> file. I would like to feed the URL of the page and get the PDF. I would
> like to know if CSS used by the webpage would be supported by the
> HTMLGenerator and the PDF Serializer?
> Thank you in advance for your help!

Hm, well no but I know what you mean.  CSS is an HTML helper widget,
designed to overcome some of the shortcommings of HTML.  It's actually
your browser that uses the CSS data, not the document as in a PDF.  Unless
Acrobat Reader or whatever can use an HTML stylesheet, you should actually
use XSL:FO to render the PDF.

Just a note though, very often I have to render a report in HTML that the
user wants to see or save in PDF.  I've found that it's usually best to
re-design the document in the PDF format so that it looks more like a form
than a web page.  I simply use XSL:FO in order to accomplish that.  The
XSL contains all of the style information, and it can be as similar to the
way you want the HTML to look, or as completely different as the use of
the document dictates.


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RE: Cocoon activity

2003-11-14 Thread Rod Giffin

> the truth is that cocoon is not (beginners-dev)-friendly
> because many parameters (the pipeline-approach, missing IDE, less debug
> tools)
> after 2 years here and with cocoon in production from the first 2.0rc is
>  still difficult for me to do something without to see an example.
> .. but i like cocoon and believe in cocoon power (thats the reason i'm
> here)

I'm also a beginner, after 1 year here.  I agree, Cocoon is a complex
tool, with a very steep learning curve that has given me some difficulty,
partly because of having to build from source.  But I see Cocoon as a work
in progress, and at the most as a framework rather than a finished product
so this has actually given me a bit of a better insight into what is going
on in my system.

I've also been able to give it a visual style IDE, and a fairly good set
of debug tools by mounting a Cocoon webapp folder in a NetBeans project. 
It seems to be seemless.  There are things happening over in that seem to have the potential to give NetBeans and
therefore any mounted Cocoon project, a WYSIWIG XML document editor too if
you really want that.


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RE: Cocoon activity

2003-11-14 Thread Rod Giffin
> On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Rod Giffin wrote:
> Cocoon on NetBeans ?
> can you give me some hints? (urls, docs ..);

Well, hints yes, at the moment.  If there aren't any docs anywhere, maybe
I can provide them.

For myself, I just tried it to see, and it worked in both Linux and
Windows.  All I did was build the cocoon build from the command line, but
did not tell the build script to make a webapp.  The script creates the
webapp directory in the cocoon build directory that contains the entire
"project".  I usually copy it to a "projects" directory where I keep my
current development stuff, but it's not necessary to do that.

Simply mount that directory as the filesystem of your project.  It takes a
bit of time initially, for Netbeans to parse all of the .jar files, but
it's instantly recognized as a webapp, and as long as you don't create any
conflicts with Xerces, it works like a champ.


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RE: Cocoon activity

2003-11-14 Thread Rod Giffin
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Rod Giffin wrote:
> Simply mount that directory as the filesystem of your project.  It takes
> a bit of time initially, for Netbeans to parse all of the .jar files,
> but it's instantly recognized as a webapp, and as long as you don't
> create any conflicts with Xerces, it works like a champ.

Oh, one thing I forgot.  I had to edit NetBeans XML file types in the
options so that it edited an xmap file as XML instead of text.  Maybe one
or two other extensions too, but you only have to do that once.  When I
get home I'll be able to tell exactly what extra settings I made - there
were only 3 or 4 at the most.


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RE: Cocoon activity

2003-11-14 Thread Rod Giffin
> hi rob
> i have put webapp in a project (samples) directory
> i can browse see and edit cocoon's webapp dir content
> but how can start this and make it to wait for requests in 8080 for
> example ?
> thnx for your time

Absolutly no problem!!
Cocoon seems to be nothing more than a sophisticated servlet, so basically
I just run it from the run icon in the toolbar.  Select either the project
webapp directory or the project itself in the explorer and click the run

You can also right click on the project's webapp directory and make a war
file directly, for deployment.


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Re: Cocoon activity

2003-11-15 Thread Rod Giffin
On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 00:43, Geoff Howard wrote:
> Rod Giffin wrote:
> >>the truth is that cocoon is not (beginners-dev)-friendly
> >>because many parameters (the pipeline-approach, missing IDE, less debug
> >>tools)
> >>
> >>after 2 years here and with cocoon in production from the first 2.0rc is
> >> still difficult for me to do something without to see an example.
> >>
> >>.. but i like cocoon and believe in cocoon power (thats the reason i'm
> >>here)
> > 
> > 
> > I'm also a beginner, after 1 year here.  I agree, Cocoon is a complex
> > tool, with a very steep learning curve that has given me some difficulty,
> > partly because of having to build from source.  
> Now, out of curiosity since we have to live in the here and now for a 
> bit, what did you find hard about building cocoon from source?

Just to be clear, I did not have a *bad* experience with it, I just had
some extra things that I had to learn before I got Cocoon to work the
way I wanted... Things like, what blocks I want to include, and what
blocks I want to exclude.  The net result of having to consider this is
that I understand Cocoon a little more than when I simply downloaded and
installed a binary.

I think in fact that now that I feel more comfortable with the process
that I will probably continue to use the source release even when a
pre-compiled alternate is available again.


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RE: Cocoon activity

2003-11-15 Thread Rod Giffin
On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 05:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> thnx rob 
> i have try to run all this succesful
> but i can not see many debug capabilities.
> is it possible to have not the compiled classes but the source .java files 
> from an action or a gennerator or a transformer for example to set 
> breakpoints etc.?
> or is it possible to set break points otherway ?

It is theoretically possible.  You could remove the jar files from the
lib directory that you have the source code for, and moving the source
files into the classes directory of the build in their correct
packages.  Then it should be possible.  It would be a lot like reverse
engineering though.

It would be probably a lot easier to have a build script that included
moving the sources into these packages instead of building jar files.


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Re: LDAP authentification with username and password

2003-11-20 Thread Rod Giffin
Stephanie Zohner said:
> Hi,
> I make use of the LDAP transformer for authentification in my web
> application.
> When I understood the documentation right then Authentification requires
> 2 steps:
> 1. get all necessary user data (username & password) from all users in
> LDAP 2. Compare the username/password provided with the login with all
> data sets retrieved from LDAP, if there is a match, the authenfification
> was successful.
> Is that right?
> Here's my problem then.
> I can retrieve both, username and password, but how can I compare the
> passwords. The password retrieved from LDAP is encrypted. So in order to
> compare
> them, I need to encrypt the password on Cocoon side with the same
> algoithm, right.
> Where do I get the encryption algorithm from?

Hi Stephanie, I'm afraid you have some reading to do.  This is a very big
issue that can't really be handled by e-mail. You do not have to encrypt
the password on the Cocoon side, in fact you shouldn't. What you should do
instead is let the LDAP server authenticate your user based on the
information you pass.  You'll need an API to do this.  At the moment the
best choice is the JLDAP api available from Novell.

There are code examples as well, so you can see how things are done, but I
suggest reading the documentation quite carefully.


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Re: Classpath

2004-10-19 Thread Rod Giffin
Or from any program.  It looks a little like MySQL is not running, running
on another port, or something of that nature... Could also be the
montefiore database does not have permissions granted, or tables


Art Spasky said:
> can you connect to your server via java program (not from cocoon)?
> As I am concerned Cocoon automatically adds to classpath all jars in lib
> directory
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Roberto
>   Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:39 PM
>   Subject: Re: Classpath
>   The error.log file tell me:
>   java.sql.SQLException: Failed to obtain connection
>   The core.log file tell me:
>   java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure
>   nothing with CLASSPATH, but I thought that I should set the variable.
> Im just trying to follow some samples that I found in some book is not
> a real project... but you know ...
>   - Original Message -
> From: Art Spasky
> Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:24 PM
> Subject: Re: Classpath
> What is the text of error?
> I think that exception was not connected with class path (from your
> words)
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Roberto
>   Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:23 PM
>   Subject: Classpath
>   Hya there,
>   would just to understand if I need to set the CLASSPATH enviroment
> variable to use Cocoon. Let me tell first my configuration:
>   Window2000 PRO :-(
>   Cocoon 2.1.5
>   JDK 1.4.2
>   MySQL 4.1
>   I don't have any Tomcat or whatever. The problem is that I can't
> connect to the database. I already properly setted the following
> file:
>   cocoon.xconf
>   jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/montefiore
>   root
>(tried with password & not)
>   web.xml
>   load-class
>   & properly added the mysql-connector-java-3.0.6-stable-bin.jar
> under WEB-INF/lib.
>   I guess I got everything setted ok. The problem is that the
> error.log file tell me that he cant get the connection to the db.
> In some IBM tutorial I read that I have take care about the
> CLASSPATH variable, is that true? I mean, because they make
> example with Tomcat installed either.
>   Any suggestion?
>   Thanx in advance
>   Ciao
>   ROb

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