Re: [C3] Sting template, passing argument to method

2012-10-05 Thread gelo1234

In my opinion, if you are dealing with XML data, you should turn your eyes
into XSL[T] instead of ST.


2012/10/5 André Juffer

 On 10/05/2012 09:30 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

 On 04/10/2012 08:53, André Juffer wrote:


 I am dealing with the following problem. A REST resource returns an
 (DTO) object called statistics (of type Statistics) holding various
 properties. With string template, each property can be inserted into
 an XML file, like


 where the corresponding method on the Statistics object is

 One of the properties requires an argument of type String, where the
 actual method signature is getNumberFor(String name). It returns an
 int. The name is obtained from a list of names obtained from the
 statistics objects as well. The idea is to iterate through the list of
 names and return a number (int) for each name.

 Thus, the XML code that I try to complete looks like:
$statistics.names: { name |

 The Statistics object holds among other things a MapString, Integer
 with the requested numbers.

 The line $statistics.numberFor(name)$ is however erroneous. I cannot
 pass the current value of name to the method in question.

 My question is now: How to pass a argument to a given method on an
 object using string template. The string template website did not give
 a clear answer, so maybe it is not even possible, or maybe I just
 completely overlooked it.

 Any help is appreciated.

 Hi André.
 I am not an ST expert at all, but I really think there is no support for
 generic method invocation on ST expressions: the only methods supported
 seem to ne related to properties, à la JavaBean.

 Yeah, that's what I thought.

 For your use case, I'd change a bit the application logic by providing a
 C3 REST controller that would act as a data conversion proxy between
 the sitemap and the actual REST resource you are currently dealing with.
 In this way you could query the external REST resource from the C3 REST
 controller body and prepare the data in a format that's suitable for ST.

 OK, I'll have a look at this. Alternatively, I may simply add a method to
 the DTO that returns an XML representation of the DTO. With ST, one would
 use then $statistics.asXml$ or something, but it appears that all  and 
 symbols are replaced with lt; and gt; which is not what I want of course.



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Re: Forms and maps

2012-04-18 Thread gelo1234

I would like to share my opinion on C3. I think that dropping support for
the most of native Cocoon components is a good step forward. As you see
trends now in enterprise applications, everybody from RedHat to Oracle
limits the amount of code from bare application server core engine making
it smaller, lighter and faster. As to additional components or modules they
are only supported if compliant with standards and mostly through separate
bundles/libraries or connectors.
There is 1 standard in Java world concerning Enterprise Java Apps - its
Java EE.
And C3 adheres to that standard through the strong RESTful Web Services
support. And I think the goal is to provide very light and fast web
services engine besides being robust integration platform. And in order to
stay competitive it must adhere to standards. Nobody will be interested in
developing non-standard components that are just equivalents of other
standard-compliant frameworks/bundles. Instead of writing its own versions
of additional components Cocoon should provide support for any necessary
standard on the market through the use of connectors/API to
components/technologies that are already used in other frameworks. That
reusability guarantees further development of the whole platform.
If you design your application by decoupling functionality among separate
services which is the concept of SOA, its very important to have very
loosely coupled components that can support any technology available on the
market. Its a nonsense and very error-prone trying to provide native
modules for any relevant technology.
And if some technology works better than other one, why not just use it?
It relates to Cocoon Forms and Wicket or JSF.
Any competitive platform now should be opened to any available technology
and should provide support for such one, while concentrating on its core
job - in case of Cocoon I presume it to be extensive XML processing and
RESTful Web Services.

According to my experience with Cocoon its a very robust platform in terms
of XML processing and data integration. And while we still use very old
release in production - 2.0.5, it still meets our goals by providing
functionality similar to today's ESB and a mix of WS-* (SOAP) and RESTful
Web Services. In case of web front-ends, we don't use any non-standard
compliant modules like Forms. Instead we use a bunch of open reliable
external libraries like JSTL, Velocity, Dojo, jQuery or jQuery Mobile to
build very satisfactory user-experience. We also make extensive use of
Google Maps through Google Maps API from Javascript/jQuery. We don't need
and don't want to use any non-standard Google Maps component from Cocoon.
Its all about the design of your app.

17-04-2012 22:50, Alberto napisał(a):

 On 04/13/2012 07:18 PM, Mika M Lehtonen wrote:
  I am also integrating maps into sites produced with Cocoon 2.1x. I
  have no answer to you but maybe we could collaborate on this issue?
  OpenLayers widget would be something!

 Just some considerations.
 I like very much cocoon, its philosophy, and the way to produce
 application with it and especially with forms. But we must remain
 realistic: in the last years the pace of the develop of cocoon is slow
 and the next release will be something different. For example, the
 integration with Wicket seems to be the sign that forms will not be more
 Due to the fact that I don't know how to develop a new widget for
 cocoon, I was waiting for some clue or suggest to evaluate the effort
 Unfortunately I have not received any answer so I'm considering to
 invest my time in another framework (Wicket) that can solve this kind
 problem and has a future more outlined.



  13.4.2012 20:03, Alberto kirjoitti:
  I'm using cocoon 2.1.12-dev and I'm facing how to include a map in
  cocoon forms.
  I have to do simple things from flowscript: load a kml url and receive
  the coordinates of an area selection.
  I'm considering to use OpenLayers or Google Maps. Looking sources I
  found already existing widget classes for GoogleMaps
  (org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.GoogleMap) but it is undocumented and
  using it I have the following error: Non-existing component for this
  hint (Key='googlemap'). Moreover it seems it lacks methods to load a
  kml file.
  So, which is the best way to do it? The googlemap widget is working?
  I have to write a new widget following the document
  Any suggest is welcome
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Re: C3 and XSP equivalent

2012-04-04 Thread gelo1234
Thank you Francesco for your reply. That clarified my Cocoon upgrade path
plan for the future.
I will be looking forward to seeing C3 beta released :)

I must say that you guys are doing a really great job with Cocoon. I didnt
find any other lightweight
XML/RESTful engine that is so flexible and easy to develop on.
jBoss 7 Community Edition is also in our consideration as an OSGi-based
very lightweight/modular Web Services engine and has really small footprint
but it still cannot beat C3 in terms of declarative way of handling XML
chain processing.
We tried also Apache Camel / CXF as another possible candidate to meet our
goals, but it
lacks some features. C3 looks like the best one.

We live in times when there is a tremendous pressure to deliver short-term
results/fixes and the price of introducing a new change must be very low.
In my opinion C3 fits that like anything else.
Thank you and please carry on with developing that wonderful piece of
software. I hope to see OSGi support soon :)


2012/4/4 Francesco Chicchiriccò

  Hi Greg,
 sorry for the delay: you will find my reply embedded below.


 On 02/04/2012 11:00, gelo1234 wrote:


 We've been using Cocoon framework for years and are very happy with its
 simplicity and RAD features.
 Although we use very old version of Cocoon (2.0.5), it still satisfies us.
 Unfortunately there are some bugs inside those old framework libs that we
 cannot fix as well as some memory leaks
 from libraries that are no longer in use. That's why we soon plan to
 upgrade to the newest release of Cocoon.
 And i have few questions related to that topic:

 1. Is C3 stable enough to give it a try in a production ?

 Stable enough to give a try? Yes.
 Ready for production? No, unless you have enough skills to dive inside the
 source code. There are C3-based projects in production out there, but
 latest release is alpha [1], and development version is still beta1.

 2. Is there any equivalent of XSP in C3 ?

 Not really. As you say below, XSP were already deprecated in C2.1.
 The only template mechanism available in C3 is StringTemplate [2] which is
 way less flexible (and error-prone) than XSP.

 The flexibility of XSP is very important to us in terms of introducing
 many new/short changes
 very fast to our web application. We just make a change and that's all -
 cocoon engine recompiles the java-related
 class and it is instantly available to us - no recompiling from our dev
 team, no deployment, no app server restart no fuss at all!
 It allows us for very rapid changes! That's exactly the kind of
 flexibility we want to have in our dev environment.
 And we were much worried when in next Cocoon releases the support for XSP
 was abandoned. As far as i know
 XSP became deprecated in C2.1.11 to be totally removed in C2.2.x and i
 suppose in C3.
 I didn't dig much into all the features of new Cocoon but it seems like in
 C2.1/2.2 the best thing to use on the controller side
 is Flowscript code. We were hesitating to switch from pure Java controller
 code to Javascript/Flowscript
 code because in my opinion the continuation mechanism is error-prone, yet
 the developer must take care of many intricacies
 around session/continuation expire times and so on. But the main reason
 for us not to go for it was the language -
 Javascript - NOT Java. Although if i get it right, you can just
 instantiate any Java object and get access to any Java library available
 around from Javascript, it is not as much flexible as java was in XSP.
 Though it still doesn't require any recompiling!/redeployment phase
 from  the dev team as i assume.
 In C3 you can have Java controllers called and that is Good, but it does
 require recompiling the Java
 class and redeploy it on the server (and restart app server?). So it will
 be much much SLOWER than just dynamic-recompiling by cocoon engine without
 any server restart.
 So i wonder if there is any mechanism on the controller side available in
 C3 that enabled us to still use Java but doesn't require from us
 recompiling java code/making redeployment/restarting the application server

 Sure: you can empower cocoon-maven-plugin [3] for this, or even setup
 something external like JRebel.

 3. Is Flowscript using some separate javascript engine like V8 ? Is it run
 inside JVM as a dynamic language feature ?
 Whats is a preferred method to be used as a logic controller in C3 -
 Flowscript or Java ?

 There is no support at all for Flowscript / continuations in C3.

  4. We don't want to go yet with C3 alpha-3 because it still uses old
 Xerces and XML-API libs. We found out there are some issues with those old
 libs under Tomcat 7 while working with bloated XML namespaces or handling
 some SAX errors. They had led to some memory leaks in our environment.
 I spotted on the changelog that you have just updated C3 beta to the
 newest Xerces/XML-APIs. Thank you very much for this. I really appreciate

C3 and XSP equivalent

2012-04-02 Thread gelo1234

We've been using Cocoon framework for years and are very happy with its
simplicity and RAD features.
Although we use very old version of Cocoon (2.0.5), it still satisfies us.
Unfortunately there are some bugs inside those old framework libs that we
cannot fix as well as some memory leaks
from libraries that are no longer in use. That's why we soon plan to
upgrade to the newest release of Cocoon.
And i have few questions related to that topic:

1. Is C3 stable enough to give it a try in a production ?

2. Is there any equivalent of XSP in C3 ?

The flexibility of XSP is very important to us in terms of introducing many
new/short changes
very fast to our web application. We just make a change and that's all -
cocoon engine recompiles the java-related
class and it is instantly available to us - no recompiling from our dev
team, no deployment, no app server restart no fuss at all!
It allows us for very rapid changes! That's exactly the kind of flexibility
we want to have in our dev environment.
And we were much worried when in next Cocoon releases the support for XSP
was abandoned. As far as i know
XSP became deprecated in C2.1.11 to be totally removed in C2.2.x and i
suppose in C3.
I didn't dig much into all the features of new Cocoon but it seems like in
C2.1/2.2 the best thing to use on the controller side
is Flowscript code. We were hesitating to switch from pure Java controller
code to Javascript/Flowscript
code because in my opinion the continuation mechanism is error-prone, yet
the developer must take care of many intricacies
around session/continuation expire times and so on. But the main reason for
us not to go for it was the language -
Javascript - NOT Java. Although if i get it right, you can just instantiate
any Java object and get access to any Java library available
around from Javascript, it is not as much flexible as java was in XSP.
Though it still doesn't require any recompiling!/redeployment phase
from  the dev team as i assume.
In C3 you can have Java controllers called and that is Good, but it does
require recompiling the Java
class and redeploy it on the server (and restart app server?). So it will
be much much SLOWER than just dynamic-recompiling by cocoon engine without
any server restart.
So i wonder if there is any mechanism on the controller side available in
C3 that enabled us to still use Java but doesn't require from us
recompiling java code/making redeployment/restarting the application server

3. Is Flowscript using some separate javascript engine like V8 ? Is it run
inside JVM as a dynamic language feature ?
Whats is a preferred method to be used as a logic controller in C3 -
Flowscript or Java ?

4. We don't want to go yet with C3 alpha-3 because it still uses old Xerces
and XML-API libs. We found out there are some issues with those old libs
under Tomcat 7 while working with bloated XML namespaces or handling some
SAX errors. They had led to some memory leaks in our environment.
I spotted on the changelog that you have just updated C3 beta to the newest
Xerces/XML-APIs. Thank you very much for this. I really appreciate that
important change. Can we have some light on when the beta is released ?


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