Re: Cocoon Database samples not working?

2003-08-21 Thread Geoff Howard
Derek Hohls wrote:

Attached is directory listing and all the config settings.

When I run the ESQL samples I get :

An error occurred 
The org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap notifies that org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException says:
Exception in ServerPagesGenerator.generate() 
More precisely:
Exception in ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException: 
Could not get the datasource org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.NoValidConnectionException: 
No valid JdbcConnection class available  

ie. the same issue as the other machines I was working on.

I'd *really* appreciate help getting this one resolved.

From your directory listing, it is obvious that the binary of 2.0.4 you 
are trying to use is built for JDK1.2/1.3 and _not_ 1.4 as you thought.
See the very bottom where the entry for 
excalibur-datasource-vm12-20021121.jar is.  The 1.4 version should say 
vm14 instead of vm12.

By the way, this

If you go back and look carefully at the downloads and find that the 
link for the 1.4 binary does have the wrong jar in it, let me know 
immediately and file a bug in bugzilla so it doesn't get missed.  I'm 
going away for a long weekend in a few minutes and might not be available.

You should be able to fix this by just retrieving the right jar from cvs 
and replace the wrong version with the right version.  If not, you'll 
have to download the entire dist again.

- Geoff


I have tried installing Cocoon on another machine; and
get the same results - I have a vanilla installation of
Cocoon - binary download of 2.04JDK1.4; as well as an
installation of JDK1.4.0, on a Windows 2000 machine -
I have to use the binary version as the client needs to
run some of his other apps.

I am very worried that Cocoon will not work with databases
under JDK1.4 - any suggestions..?!

Can you:
- send me your load-class init-param section from web.xml
- send me your cocoon.xconf jdbc declarations
- send me a dir listing of your WEB-INF/lib
- try the esql samples


 !--  For Database Driver: 

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F47C-2936
 Directory of C:\tomcat\webapps\cocoon\WEB-INF\lib

2003/08/01  10:22   51,978 excalibur-datasource-vm12-20021121.jar
Bingo.  There's your problem.

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Re: Cocoon Database samples not working?

2003-08-20 Thread Geoff Howard
Derek Hohls wrote:
Apologies for sending this to you direct - but our email
virus scanner is currently resulting in my posts to the
list being blocked as spam!
OK, I'm copying my reply to the list so it's not lost.

I have tried installing Cocoon on another machine; and
get the same results - I have a vanilla installation of
Cocoon - binary download of 2.04JDK1.4; as well as an
installation of JDK1.4.0, on a Windows 2000 machine -
I have to use the binary version as the client needs to
run some of his other apps.
I have not altered or changed the sitemap or web.xml
config files at all - but the Cocoon database samples
simply do not work... I get an error:
ERROR   (2003-08-20) 14:56.29:845  
[sitemap.transformer.sql] (/cocoon/sql/sql-page)
HttpProcessor[8080][1]/SQLTransformer$Query: Caught a SQLException
java.sql.SQLException: Failed to obtain connection.
Made 5 attempts with 5000ms interval

I am very worried that Cocoon will not work with databases
under JDK1.4 - any suggestions..?!
Hmm.  Well, I haven't tried 2.0.4 in a while but I just can't believe 
that it's not working of JDK 1.4.  Lots of people are using it (I know 
because they always need help sorting out the endorsed libs!).

Can you:
- send me your load-class init-param section from web.xml
- send me your cocoon.xconf jdbc declarations
- send me a dir listing of your WEB-INF/lib
- try the esql samples

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Re: Cocoon Database samples not working?

2003-08-14 Thread Derek Hohls


I definitely downloaded and used the JDK1.4 compatible
version - that is why I was surprised it wasn't working.
As I said, I have used 2.0.4 with JDK1.3 without any
problems - but I need to upgrade to 1.4 for other apps -
I cannot do so if Cocoon does not work properly.

Are there any pacthes or solutions for this problem?
Should I alert on of the developers?

Derek [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/08/2003 08:50:11 
 Derek Hohls wrote:  Hi   I am trying to 
get Cocoon talking to a database on a new installation.  At the moment, 
I cannot even get the Cocoon hsql database  samples to work.  
 The error message is:An error occurred 
 The org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap notifies that  
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException says:   Exception in 
ServerPagesGenerator.generate()   More precisely:  
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException:  Exception in 
ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException:  Could not 
get the datasource  
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.NoValidConnectionException:  No 
valid JdbcConnection class availableI am running: 
  JDK1.4.0  Cocoon 2.0.4  Tomcat 4.0.4  
Windows2000   I have seen previous posts on this topic on the 
mailing list, but no  definitive solutions.   Surely the 
Cocoon samples, at least, should work (as they seemed to do  on the 
JDK1.3 version of Cocoon)?! Make sure that the version of cocoon you are 
running is build with JDK 1.4 if you are running on JDK 1.4. There was (no 
longer true in 2.1) a jvm version dependency because of changes in JDBC 
between the versions. HTH, Geoff Howard 
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Re: Cocoon Database samples not working?

2003-08-11 Thread Geoff Howard
Derek Hohls wrote:
Thanks for the reply.  I am not sure what JDBC jar
is required here... AFAIK, the Cocoon samples (the
one for HSQL) should work out the box with no
additional files or configuration entries required
(and, yes, for the record, I did jump through all
the hoops trying to get Cocoon to talk to mySQL -
using the same - working - setup as another
machine that was working under JDK1.3... but this
is all moot - the Cocoon samples should work!)

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/08/2003 08:05:01 
Hi Derek,
I've had no problem with databases at all with 2.0.4 and Java 1.4.
Did you copy your jdbc jar file to the WEB-INF/lib folder of Cocoon (if 
it was a new installation) and did you add the appropriate entries to 
the cocoon.xconf and web.xml files?
I don't want to sound as though I'm stating the obvious but its caught 
me out a few times!
I definitely downloaded and used the JDK1.4 compatible
version - that is why I was surprised it wasn't working.
As I said, I have used 2.0.4 with JDK1.3 without any
problems - but I need to upgrade to 1.4 for other apps -
I cannot do so if Cocoon does not work properly.
Are there any pacthes or solutions for this problem?
Should I alert on of the developers?
I am one, and as far as I know there is no problem.  The samples work 
unless they have been recently broken (unlikely).  More likely is that 
there is something amiss in your setup/build.  Can you detail the steps 
you took to get this running?  Specifically, we'll need to see your 
web.xml init-param where the hsql and mysql classes are declared, your
cocoon.xconf datasource decl (with password  username obscured), a DIR 
of your WEB-INF\lib dir.


  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/08/2003 08:50:11 
Derek Hohls wrote:
  I am trying to get Cocoon talking to a database on a new
  At the moment, I cannot even get the Cocoon hsql database
  samples to work.

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Re: Cocoon Database samples not working?

2003-08-10 Thread Geoff Howard
Derek Hohls wrote:
I am trying to get Cocoon talking to a database on a new installation. 
At the moment, I cannot even get the Cocoon hsql database
samples to work.
The error message is:

An error occurred
The org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap notifies that 
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException says:
Exception in ServerPagesGenerator.generate()
More precisely:
  Exception in ServerPagesGenerator.generate(): java.lang.RuntimeException:
  Could not get the datasource 
  No valid JdbcConnection class available
I am running:
Cocoon 2.0.4
Tomcat 4.0.4
I have seen previous posts on this topic on the mailing list, but no
definitive solutions.
Surely the Cocoon samples, at least, should work (as they seemed to do
on the JDK1.3 version of Cocoon)?!
Make sure that the version of cocoon you are running is build with JDK 
1.4 if you are running on JDK 1.4.  There was (no longer true in 2.1) a 
jvm version dependency because of changes in JDBC between the versions.

Geoff Howard
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