Re: Restarting an AIR desktop application

2018-07-08 Thread Nemi
What package type are you using? If native installer, try

Anyway, here it starts and exits app to do restart:

Also note this line:
setTimeout(installUpdate, 10); // This is a hack for windows platform as
download complete event is fired before file is released

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Re: Flex snippets for Visual Studio Code

2018-06-06 Thread Nemi
Apache Royale snippets should be done in separate extension, so completion
list would not be mixed.
Piotr said he will maybe do it. You can read more here:

I am still catching up with Royale, so in time I could also create something
useful. BTW Is there any link where a lot of Royale components are listed?
Most used ones? One project with many components use examples would be great
to see what is possible, and also to make snippets per those examples.

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Flex snippets for Visual Studio Code

2018-05-20 Thread Nemi
If you are using VSCode, you can quickly create MX and Spark components with
this extension:


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Re: [Flex] Include assets and css style to swc

2017-07-23 Thread Nemi
Try /include-stylesheet/ instead of /include-file/. More info on  About the
component compiler options


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Re: Changing a Components Visibility

2017-06-22 Thread Nemi
"Dancing"  is because you make it dance a bit more after its
For better performance: Instead of creationComplete use
initializationComplete() like this:

override protected function initializationComplete():void {
// enter here sizing and position code...


>From my experience, *using initializationComplete instead of adding more
code to creationComplete handler, makes Flex app much more smooth*. IMHO
this should be written with bold letters in any Flex docs!

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Re: java.lang.NullPointerException Error in Flash Builder

2017-06-22 Thread Nemi
Check if you are using/imported web project instead of mobile project?

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Re: Button skins like this?

2017-06-06 Thread Nemi
Create your own? For that from image, it would be something like:


use  if you need it, for example with Gradient:

More info here  FXG and MXML graphics

Here is one similar ButtonSkin:

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Re: Modal background is not centered if modal is shown while minimized

2017-06-06 Thread Nemi
Great that I helped. No need to delve into SDK source.

I found the bug:

Some notes:
More performant way to move popups is popupitem.move(x,y)

To get background FlexSprite, I used:
bgsprite = systemManager.getChildAt(popupsitemIndex - 1)

then checked: if = "modelWindow"

then you use to redraw it:
- clear() 
- beginFill(..use your default Alert CSS style values...) 
- drawRect(0,0,win.width, win.height) to stretch it fullscreen

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Re: DataGrid dataProvider is not getting data reliably

2017-06-06 Thread Nemi
In your code if one is setting dataProver to null, there wont happen
Maybe you are missing "else..." after "if (value)..."

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Re: Optimize speed on Android

2017-06-06 Thread Nemi
Can you find out, what or where it makes huge difference precisely? Maybe
using Scout.

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Re: Modal background is not centered if modal is shown while minimized

2017-06-06 Thread Nemi
I had that issue too. That is a bug. I think its reported, but don't recall
the issue ID. Problem could be that PopUpManager somewhere reads
nativeWindow/window/parent size, and if nativeWindow is minimized, size is
0,0 so there bug happens.

Try this workaround/fix: 
1. listen window's native display change state event, 
2. and within it, check if prev state was minimized, and new state is not
(means: user is restoring window)
3. then if true, loop all popup children, check ones you look for (read
class name, or "modalWindow" property of popup child), re-position it and
its background sprite, and set sprites size as parent window's one.
4. user wont notice repositioning and all looks nice

Test it quickly this way: create sample app, with button that does: minimize
app, than after 1 second, creates popup or better few of them(as you can
have more popups in app). When you restore app window, if all popups are
where they should be, you fixed it.

Helpful links:

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Re: 2032 StreamError from URLRequest on older devices

2017-05-12 Thread Nemi
Try listen to all  events

, maybe more info will appear do debug the problem.

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Re: ItemRenderer - What event to react to?

2017-05-08 Thread Nemi
Probably missing states lines in your MXML:


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Re: ItemRenderer - What event to react to?

2017-05-06 Thread Nemi
No need to create any new states or anything.  ItemRenderer

already has these states:

/Flex defines the following view states that you can support in your item
normal - The data item has no user interaction.
hovered - The mouse is over the data item.
selected - The data item is selected.
dragging - The data item is being dragged.
normalAndShowCaret - The data item is in the normal state, and it has focus
in the item list.
hoveredAndShowCaret - The data item is in the hovered state, and it has
focus in the item list.
selectedAndShowCaret - The data item is in the normal state, and it has
focus in the item list./

So for your example, just add *visible.selected="true"* to overlayRect.

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Re: ItemRenderer - What event to react to?

2017-05-05 Thread Nemi
Use item renderer states? There should be normal, hover and selected, and you
set Rect visible for example only in hover state.

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Re: FlexJS : Issue

2017-05-02 Thread Nemi
Did you try restart VSCode?
I think that is VSCode's issue or the NextGen Actionscript extension. For
simple example project, sometimes I got:
'js:valuesImpl' tag (or tag before this tag) is unclosed or tag not allowed

After restart, no problem.

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Re: Adobe AIR write file I/O Error 2038

2017-04-06 Thread Nemi
Check permissions. Check file, disk limit sizes. Check num of simultaneous
opened FileStreams. In code, try to wait for FileStream write/read to end,
then close stream. Try to trace and log more things about the issue, to
pinpoint error cause.

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Re: Update desktop when exported as Native Installer?

2017-03-24 Thread Nemi
My last answer is specifically for native installer, and for with captive
runtime, check:

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Re: Update desktop when exported as Native Installer?

2017-03-24 Thread Nemi
Here is one, works great, for Windows and Mac:

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Re: failed to run installer 3.2 on my Mac OS Sierra

2017-03-09 Thread Nemi
Thanks for input.

That's what I (tried to) say previously:
"It runs ok if one "manually" expands app package and by running
Contents/MacOS/MyAIRApp script"

Did you find out what is the root problem?
How to make it work normal, at first run, without silent fails?

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Re: ViewStack

2017-02-23 Thread Nemi
If it is not problem to create all children at start, then use

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Re: How to decode AMF data for automation purposes

2017-02-08 Thread Nemi
Good day,

Maybe AMF deserialization like this:
1. use  registerClassAlias()

for each custom Class used within AMF
2. read input as ByteArray
3. set ObjectEncoding.AMF0 or ObjectEncoding.AMF3
4. byteArray.readObject() as SomeMyClass
5. trace(someMyClass.someProperty);

Reading and writing a ByteArray


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Re: Upgrading web app to Flex 4.15

2017-02-08 Thread Nemi
If ant build takes longer, try setting higher maxmemory, for example 2GB:

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[SOLVED] Re: Keyboard navigation in Spark Datagrid from SDK 4.15 does not work until TAB-ed somewhere

2017-02-08 Thread Nemi
Problem was in Datagrid's Skin where whole caretIndicator component was
commented out, cause its not needed.
If it is uncommented, and set caretIndicatorFill's alpha to 0, now Datagrid
key nav works properly! 

Probably somewhere in SDK, when tabbing; caretIndicator existence is
ignored, but if you click on Datagrid and try key nav, it does not work
without caretIndicator component defined in Datagrid's Skin.

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Re: failed to run installer 3.2 on my Mac OS Sierra

2017-02-08 Thread Nemi

Thanks for answer. Did not try SDK installer app, my client reported same
error happened with other AIR app.

Does Sierra has minimal required AIR SDK version?

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Re: failed to run installer 3.2 on my Mac OS Sierra

2017-02-07 Thread Nemi
In my case MyAIRApp installs ok on MacOS Sierra but doesn't run, app launch
fails, no GUI appears. 
It runs ok if one "manually" expands app package and by running
Contents/MacOS/MyAIRApp script, and then you can see following log:

Feb  7 10:39:41 192 login[24100]: USER_PROCESS: 24100 ttys000
Feb  7 10:39:41 192 MyAIRApp[24107]: renaming from
Feb  7 10:39:41 192 MyAIRApp[24107]: copying new 64bit launcher from
Feb  7 10:39:41 192 MyAIRApp[24107]: launching
Feb  7 10:39:41 192 logd[66]:
_handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fc626928150, 3, 0)
Feb  7 10:39:41 192[1]
( Unknown key for
integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Feb  7 10:39:42 192 MyAIRApp[24107]: launching succeeded
Feb  7 10:39:42 192[1]
( Path
not allowed in target domain: type = pid, path =
error = 147: The specified service did not ship in the requestor's bundle,
origin =
Feb  7 10:39:42 192[1]
( Path
not allowed in target domain: type = pid, path =
error = 147: The specified service did not ship in the requestor's bundle,
origin =
Feb  7 10:39:42 192 logd[66]:
_handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fc6247166d0, 3, 0)

How to solve this, and make app launch in normal way?

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Re: failed to run installer 3.2 on my Mac OS Sierra

2017-02-07 Thread Nemi
Same problem here, with another AIR app, on MacOS Sierra 10.12.3
Any solutions?

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Re: Updating a Program

2017-02-05 Thread Nemi
If you want to use AIR's framework take a look at docs:
Updating AIR applications

Using the update framework


There is also nativeapplicationupdater on  github

and on  google code
   for native
desktop apps.

It is easy thing to do. Most important thing is to understand workflow. It
can be like this:

When app starts it must:
1. check /yourserver/update.xml/ for newer version
2. if there is newer; download, install (for this you can use AIR's update
framework or some custom one)

Setting new app version:
1. Replace /yourserver/yourapp.exe/ with new version
2. edit version information in /yourserver/update.xml /

/update.xml/ contains link for latest /yourserver/yourapp.exe/ and its
version label.

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Re: Updating a Program

2017-02-05 Thread Nemi offers  Code Signing & EV Code Signing Certificates
   that lasts 3

After it expires you have one year to do an  update with migrated

/To apply a migration signature, the original certificate must still be
valid or have expired within the last 365 days. This period is termed as the
‘grace period’ and the duration can change in the future./

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Re: Updating a Program

2017-02-05 Thread Nemi
Did you forget to write b) ? :)

b) app can last forever, just migrate certificate. Look  Signing an updated
version of an AIR application


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NOTE: Latest NVIDIA Driver 378.49 breaks Java

2017-01-31 Thread Nemi
In my case I got errors while running Ant scripts in Flash Builder:
"Java SE binary stopped working..." and another "Not responding..." window
with error log files where you can see its related with nv*.dll file.

I fixed it with reinstalling previous driver version.


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Re: Keyboard navigation in Spark Datagrid from SDK 4.15 does not work until TAB-ed somewhere

2017-01-30 Thread Nemi
Thanks. You are right, I did it too, it works ok. Now I am looking for small
test case of my problem.

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Re: Keyboard navigation in Spark Datagrid from SDK 4.15 does not work until TAB-ed somewhere

2017-01-29 Thread Nemi
Anyone else got Spark Datagrid keyboard navigation stopped working after
moving from SDK 4.6.0 to SDK 4.15.0 ?

What else has been changed except implementing gridView ?

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Re: Keyboard navigation in Spark Datagrid from SDK 4.15 does not work until TAB-ed somewhere

2017-01-12 Thread Nemi
Sorry, not tabbed somewhere, it is tabbed to it.
So, one must press TAB until Datagrid has focus, for key nav to work. After
that, even if Datagrid loses focus, key nav still works ok.

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Keyboard navigation in Spark Datagrid from SDK 4.15 doesn not work until TAB-ed somewhere

2017-01-12 Thread Nemi
After selecting one row in Spark Datagrid, and pressing up or down keys on
keyboard, nothing happens.
It works ok after tabbed somewhere.

I traced 4 values to track this, who has focus after events: 
focusOut, focusIn, mouseFocusChange and keyFocusChange.

Only clue I found is that key nav in Datagrid works properly after
keyFocusChange happend once (press tab once).

Could be related to but
right now can't open it as server is in maintenance.

How to fix this? What can it be that blocks first key press?

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Re: Scout - What does this mean?

2016-12-10 Thread Nemi
Did you find out what is making those many Errors?

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Re: Is AIR 24 Flex SDK available yet? need to test show stopper from Adobe

2016-11-06 Thread Nemi
How did it go?

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Re: Application starts but then shows black screen

2016-11-02 Thread Nemi
So, is it all black? Or, as you say many Alerts popup, than you should see
alerts each one on top of others?
What error is within Alerts?

What is OS with the IE that is not working? OS/browser Connection limits?
Although I think, if there are such limits, Flex queues calls.

Maybe uncaughtErrorHandler give you some security errors? error 2032 maybe?

Try to rewrite your loading code somehow else. BTW It is hard to read it
here as a post message.

If there is an option, try to rewrite loading code in a way so it reports to
you (on your server script) loading proccess? Like remote logging.

If you need it, do you have crossdomain.xml on proper place?

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Re: Mobile app : navigator Width and screenResolutionX

2016-10-31 Thread Nemi
What do you want to achieve? Navigator to center? Or Navigator to be 100%

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Re: FlexJS : internationalization with ResourceBundle?

2016-10-28 Thread Nemi
Maybe it would be great if questions like this and similar will have its web
page at the website, titled like:
"Flex vs FlexJS". So users can quickly found out, at least, more important

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Re: Upgrading to jre 1.8 for AIR compile

2016-10-25 Thread Nemi
Trick is you need "jre" folder from "jdk". If you only install jre, it won't
work. So you need to *install jdk first*.

1 Close Flash Builder
2 In Flash Builder install folder, rename "jre" to something else, like
3 Install latest JDK [1]
4 Copy "jre" folder from "jdk" install folder, to the Flash Builders "jre"

I can tell you after I did above 4 steps, my work,save,debug,compile...
workflow is FIVE TIMES FASTER :)

[1] Latest JDK link that works for me is:
then choose: Windows x64194.64 MB   jdk-8u111-windows-x64.exe

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ADL on Mac error: Cannot run program ../bin/adl error=86, Bad CPU type in executable

2016-10-12 Thread Nemi
Using SDK 4.15.0 with AIR20 in FB 4.6 on Mac OS 10.6
After setting project to use new SDK, when I want to run od debug, I got
Launch Failed.
Is this error related to new Apple requirement for apps to be 64bit?
How to fix this?

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Re: How to set Flash Builder 4.7 Win7 64bit to use Java 1.8 ?

2016-10-08 Thread Nemi
Thanks. jre from jdk folder is really different.
After installing JDK, and copy jre folder from there to FB folder, and
adding a line to FlashBuilder.ini:

Packaging error: Could not generate timestamp
"internal build error" happens very often on 64bit Eclipse Juno
compiler with apache flex 4.10 occur error : Uncaught exception in compiler.
Problem with build.   
JDK 7 Compatibility Issues   

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Re: How to set Flash Builder 4.7 Win7 64bit to use Java 1.8 ?

2016-10-08 Thread Nemi
Hi Oleg,

For now, I have just tried to manually replace FB 4.7 original "jre" folder
contents (v1.6.0) with v1.8 and FB starts ok, Ant scripts works ok, but when
I do clean project I got "An internal build error has occured. See the error
log for more information.", and in error view I can see:

java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_US
Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64

Uncaught exception in compiler

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general
at java.util.TimSort.mergeHi(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TimSort.mergeCollapse(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TimSort.sort(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)
at flex2.compiler.swc.SwcGroup.updateMaps(
at flex2.compiler.swc.SwcGroup.(
at flex2.compiler.swc.SwcCache.getSwcGroup(
at flex2.compiler.swc.SwcCache.getSwcGroup(
at flex2.compiler.CompilerSwcContext.load(

So, I was not lucky with this quick try :)

BTW Why do you "usually select Java7 compilation level" ? Why not latest if
it works ok?

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Re: How to set Flash Builder 4.7 Win7 64bit to use Java 1.8 ?

2016-10-07 Thread Nemi
Yes, you can run. But, in my case when building, new thing is that I must add
new line 
"-tsa other_than_default_url" to every Ant script.

And also, as doug777 noted, in Flash Builder 4.7 Export Release Build option
fails on the end of packaging with timestamping error:
"Error creating native installer file:Could not generate timestamp: Remote
host closed connection during handshake"

Alex Harui wrote
> Sorry, forgot that was Mac.
> I haven't used Windows much lately.  Is there no way to run Java 1.6 for
> FB on Windows any more?
> -Alex
> On 10/6/16, 5:27 PM, "Nemi" <

> neminovno@

> > wrote:
>>Thank you, but that is guide for Mac(?) I wonder how to do it on Windows 7
>>From my previous experience, I remember having issues when having multiple
>>installed 32 vs 64bit Java versions.
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Re: How to set Flash Builder 4.7 Win7 64bit to use Java 1.8 ?

2016-10-07 Thread Nemi
And then, what file to run?
I'll try it when I get more time. Thanks.

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Re: How to set Flash Builder 4.7 Win7 64bit to use Java 1.8 ?

2016-10-06 Thread Nemi
Thank you, but that is guide for Mac(?) I wonder how to do it on Windows 7
>From my previous experience, I remember having issues when having multiple
installed 32 vs 64bit Java versions.

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How to set Flash Builder 4.7 Win7 64bit to use Java 1.8 ?

2016-10-06 Thread Nemi
I want to setup FB 4.7 to use latest Java.

Has anyone done that? Is it ok just to set other JRE in Preferences as
default? What about existing projects?

What I have now in FB's jre folder:
java version "1.6.0_31"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.6-b01, mixed mode)

ADT build fails: "Could not generate timestamp: Remote host closed
connection during handshake"

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Re: Error handshaking for timestamp during AIR packaging

2016-10-06 Thread Nemi
I got it also with my ANT scripts. Since around 24h it started. I looks like
some root certificates got revoked...(?)


Or use "-tsa none", but it is not recommended for production versions.

By default ADT uses its default tsa:
which happens to be offline sometimes in past.

More related info at:

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Re: Datagrid on a Mobile Device

2016-10-02 Thread Nemi
I have not tried this, but maybe you could get "next" effect by changing
"dataField"s columns property? Maybe refresh() would be necessary to reload
data, or invalidateCell()

Which exactly datagrid component are you using?

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Re: Rookie ArrayCollection Question

2016-09-28 Thread Nemi
Lets say src is 2d collection, is this what you want:

var record:ArrayCollection;

for(i=0; i
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Re: Consolidate items from ArrayCollection

2016-09-08 Thread Nemi
Faster way would be to use ArrayCollection.source Array to loop through and
manipulate data.
Then when you got resultArray do: acResult = new

That way you don't need refresh(), if you do, then call it only once at the
end. Don't call it from loop.

To make it more clean, and also possible faster, you can make new Class
(valueObject) in order to type objects like:
{Fname: "Kranthi", Lname:"Kata", dob:"21/10/1972", Amount_1:1,

So, for example, instead of:
acResult.getItemAt(j)["Amount_1"] += ac.getItemAt(i)["Amount_1"];

in the end you can have:
myDataObj = acResult[j];
myDataObj.Amount_1 += srcArray[i].Amount_1;

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Re: Flex Mobile App To Desktop App

2016-08-19 Thread Nemi
So, if I understand, dimension of app with NO_SCALE is good for you, and in
that case you only want that window chrome fits your app borders? 
Did you try setting window.nativeWindow.bounds = new Rectangle(...)
I am not sure for stage.fullScreenWidth having correct values you need..
Have in mind window.width and nativeWindow.width are different thing.

Check how you get OS's window default chrome dimensions:
var chromeWidth:int = stage.nativeWindow.width – stage.stageWidth;
var chromeHeight:int = stage.nativeWindow.height – stage.stageHeight;

Check  NativeWindow.bounds


Check  Sizing AIR NativeWindow to Stage

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Re: Workers and Speed

2016-08-19 Thread Nemi
Using first Array instead of ArrayCollection could perform a lot of faster.
For example filling, manipulating array then use it as source: new
ArrayCollection(array), and you can use arrayCollection.source

To enable telemetry on swf you can use  SWF Scout Enabler


Scout can help you diagnose where can you do more code refactoring to gain
more performance.

Also, it is always good to find some AS3 and Flex performance
tuning/optimizing slides/checklists.

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Re: Flex Mobile App To Desktop App

2016-08-19 Thread Nemi
Did you try scaling your app to fit the screen, then change NativeWindow
dimensions so it fits/wraps app ?

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Re: TitleWindow dragged off screen

2016-08-19 Thread Nemi
Check if your component's skin has some transparent part, so it calculates
ok, but not what you want.
Also you can try poping up some other "clean" component (with most simple
skin) just to check if your calculations are ok.

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Re: Flex MySQL Connector

2016-05-26 Thread Nemi
Check your files encoding.

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Re: Determining Maximum Date from Array

2016-04-23 Thread Nemi
Did you try "if (tempDate.time > mxm.time)" ?
Also, you should check if the first one is parsed ok! So check mxm after: 
var mxm:Date = convertSQLDate(ac1[0].eventDate);

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Re: Bad Datagrid scrolling performance on Yoga3 (core i5 / geforce 940M)

2016-04-23 Thread Nemi
Check how do you set data, is it binding, dataChange event or overriden set

There is also a "trick" where you can speed up DataGrid scrolling, I can't
remember exact code, it is something like:
then in handler you force update with: 

Try to create smallest possible case where you have problem and post it

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Re: Scale font size of text to fit into a label with fixed dimensions?

2016-04-23 Thread Nemi
Check out  TextlineMetrix

and  FontMetrics

. Also  Calculating Text Width In ActionScript And Flex

answers could help you to find a better solution. And  Scaling Label text
size to fit available area

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Re: Thanks to the Team

2016-04-23 Thread Nemi
I agree. What I found out in last few years, when someone approaches me and
talks about Flex/AIR in like not having future, I always found that that
they haven't never build a larger project, and don't understand common
developer needs and the offer Flex gives you. Many still don't understand
Flash vs AIR, like Flash is not supported on that mobile phone so how can
you build apps for that platform? Source of their opinion is always the
same, they read it somewhere on news site. For Flex users, I found out it is
heavily used, and it seems to me that Flex developers are quiet and just use
it :)

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Re: Build Flex Mobile Apps with different Assets

2016-04-23 Thread Nemi
Use ANT script per app you want to build.

Organize that "additional" (in your case only assets) source files paths
and move them outside main src source files path.

In ANT build scripts include proper assets source files.

If you use same name asset constants in each app, but they look different,
this solution is enough, and it will be strong typed, as each app will look
for same named assets in, and you use them like:
myBitmapImage.source = MyAssets.BLUE_CIRCLE_CLASS

But if there are different number or names of assets in MyAssets, then you
can create 
funtion getAssetByName(assetName:String) 
to load asset in app.

For better organization (and development speed) try to have each MyAssets in
different SWC. If you manage to do that, then include SWC as library and not
source paths in your build scripts.

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Re: Issue with ns:Accordion

2016-04-22 Thread Nemi
I have similar problem. Did you solve this?
I think you can't use NavigatorContent with this (Spark) Accordion. In  docs
/Do not use a NavigatorContent container outside of an MX navigator

What I need is to add Accordion elements dynamically, and when I use
accordion.addElement() I only see one visible child (ButtonBar is ok). And
if I use accordion.contentGroup.addElement() I see all elements, but problem
is they are all visible when added.
How to force accordion to re-do layout of elements, and show only selected

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RE: What is 'new navigation' since Apache Flex 4.10 ?

2015-12-03 Thread Nemi
Nice, thank you.

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Re: [FlexJS] Summary of things that should be noted when starting a new project

2015-12-02 Thread Nemi
Alex Harui wrote
> In the UI, try to avoid low-level Flash APIs including embedded fonts.

Avoid embedding fonts at all? How to use them if they need to be embedded
for some components?

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Re: [FlexJS] Summary of things that should be noted when starting a new project

2015-12-02 Thread Nemi
Alex Harui wrote
> In the UI, try to avoid low-level Flash APIs including embedded fonts.

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Re: [FlexJS] Summary of things that should be noted when starting a new project

2015-12-01 Thread Nemi
That is good question. I would also like to know that.

Year ago, I read on forum about SkinnableComponent, where answer is
disappointing to me, but maybe things changed or will change:

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What is 'new navigation' since Apache Flex 4.10 ?

2015-12-01 Thread Nemi
Found at:

What is "New navigation for Grid, DataGrid, ComboBox, DropDownList, List,
ButtonBar and TabBar." ?

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Re: ApacehCon EU talks

2015-10-10 Thread Nemi
Thank you Justin.

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Re: Evenly distribute column width in Spark Datagrid

2015-02-08 Thread Nemi
If I remember correctly, I fixed missing row background
( in last column by setting  minWidth

of last GridColumn.

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Re: Evenly distribute column width in Spark Datagrid

2015-02-08 Thread Nemi
Did you try add/remove  columns
or set different  requestedColumnCount

Maybe changing  typicalItem
would help.

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Re: blurry fonts

2015-02-05 Thread Nemi
I still got blurry fonts issue, but I got it less blurry, especially for
small sizes, with liberation-sans.ttf font.

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Is there a template file for creating/extending Spark skinnable component?

2015-02-02 Thread Nemi
Found this:

Is there any new version of this file?

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Re: Custom SkinnableComponent with fixed number of elements and selection

2014-12-02 Thread Nemi
Alex Harui wrote
> On 12/2/14, 10:14 AM, "Nemi" <

> neminovno@

> > wrote:
>>No issues, but it is used in larger component, so just want to make it
>>Thanks for another option. Wouldn't ButtonBar+8*Buttons be more heavy than
> ButtonBar could be heavier, but IIRC, it has replaceable layout baked in.
> RadioButton does not.
> You may also see differences in focus management, keyboard navigation and
> accessibility/screen-reader behavior depending on which implementation you
> go with.
> -Alex

No need for focus and keyboard navigation. As I see, yes, ButtonBar has
Datagroup with layout. It looks to me it has more than I need. Basic layout
with x and y is ok for RadioButtons/Buttons. Thanks for your answers.

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Re: Custom SkinnableComponent with fixed number of elements and selection

2014-12-02 Thread Nemi
No issues, but it is used in larger component, so just want to make it
Thanks for another option. Wouldn't ButtonBar+8*Buttons be more heavy than

Also, with using DocStats ( got
these results:
Previous version of component(using List):
All Container Stats
Containers: 85 total
Children per container: 4 max, 1.11 avg
Depths (distance):  11 max, 7.82 avg
Unique container types: 27 total

Current working version with RadioButtons:
Containers: 56 total
Children per container: 8 max, 1.16 avg
Depths (distance):  8 max, 5.54 avg
Unique container types: 15 total

So I think I am having some positive progress here.

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Custom SkinnableComponent with fixed number of elements and selection

2014-12-02 Thread Nemi

I am creating a custom SkinnableComponent which should have 8 fixed
positioned selectable elements. Only one can be selected.

First guess was to try List, but I am looking for more lightweight way. 
Then tried Datagroup but then can't have seletedIndex or selected state in
DataGroup's itemRenderer skin. 
Now my last option is to have 8 RadioButtons (in components skin I can set
skin for RadioButtons) and 1 RadioButtonGroup (that will dispatch selected
index) as SkinParts.

Is my last approach wrong way and is there any other more simple, better
performance approach to create this component?

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Re: mouse cursor changes from arrow to text selection intermittently

2014-06-19 Thread Nemi
Yes, I did. This example is tested using SDK 4.6.0 and here is how to
reproduce it always:
1. type in something
2. move mouse pointer over cursor in TextInput (sometimes also if you move
mouse pointer left of text cursor, over typed text)
3. hide TextInput (tab to 'hide' or press Enter)
4. move away mouse pointer and it will stay the same (now wrong) one
5. click reset, and go to 1

To restore mouse pointer icon you need to hover TextInput.
As I see it, setStyle in focusOut is the problem.

Test code:

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Re: Multiple Air Instances

2014-04-02 Thread Nemi
Maybe this can help:

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RE: code metrics

2014-02-28 Thread Nemi
Did you try with latest version 1.1?

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Re: blurry fonts

2013-11-09 Thread Nemi
I have that problem also. For example I can't find a way to use pixel fonts
with Spark Label, without font to be blurry. It works ok with MX Label.
Could it be that this issue is related to ugly text spacing when scaling
Spark components:

Did you find a solution?

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