Re: [libreoffice-users] How can I make long words stay on their starting line?

2011-06-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman
never punctual wrote:
 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I understand how manual
 hyphenation works now!

From how you explain it, it looks like you understand, yes.

 By the way I tried out Ctrl + Enter, and all it did was move my cursor down
 to the next page.

I think the key combination should be SHIFT+ENTER.  The other key
combination (CTRL+ENTER) is actually for Insert page break.

 Finally, I think I still don't understand exactly how Tools -- Language --
 Hyphenation works, but I think I got a little closer. It just says
 hyphenation complete when I go to it without typing anything, but if I
 type something and add a manual hyphenation somewhere, that function seems
 to let me choose where to put a hyphen in a word (the equal signs are places
 where I can place the hyphen) even if I don't select any text. But this
 option seems a bit inflexible because I can only insert hyphens at the equal
 signs, and nowhere else. Am I missing something?

Honestly, I haven't really used hyphenation before (especially the
Tools - Language - Hyphenation function), so I can't really help
you there.  Nevertheless, I agree with planas in an earlier post...
It appears to work
much like spell checking typically does.  Looks like you run it after
you've mostly completed your document, then it suggests manual

But I do suggest adding automatic hyphenation to your paragraph style
if you want it to automatically hyphenate your text.  If you have
automatic hyphenation, then you don't need to add manual hyphenation
to words.  It is described in the wiki page listed earlier
( but I'll just quickly
mention it here:
1.  Open up Styles and formatting by pressing F11 (if it is not already open).
2.  Select the paragraph style that should get automatic hyphenation
(e.g. Default).  This can be done by selecting the paragraph in the
text, or by selecting the style manually in Styles and formatting
3.  On the selected style name (within Styles and formatting) do the
following: Right-click - Modify...
4.  Select the Text flow tab.
5.  Under the section Hyphenation (at the very top) tick the box
labelled Automatically.
6.  Click OK (you can modify the other hyphenation options if you
want, but I think the default values are fine).
The paragraphs style you modified should now automatically hyphenate.

The steps mentioned above are for my system, I'm not sure if they are
identical on other operating systems.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Keeping Pictures in Place with Writer

2011-06-13 Thread Jean-Francois Nifenecker

Le 13/06/2011 05:34, planas a écrit :

It is hard to see, maybe it should be more obvious like a thicker line?

Indeed, it has always been and most people I know didn't see it at once. 
I'd suggest a change to the default color and thickness. I for one set 
it to red anytime I install OOo/LibO.

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows Open with

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Thanks :)  Good to see a few copy-left programs in your list of archive 
managers.  Some of those look familiar but i haven't tried them. :)  

If you open the file-browser and then click on something like
Tools - Folder Options - File Types (2nd or 3rd tab of 4?)
then you'll see that each file-ending/extension has several sub-categories.  I 
don't think those sub-categories are set by which program created the file = 
that would be too easy.  

It is true that if you take a file in Windows and rename it to make the 
file-ending/extension some random 3 letters then suddenly Windows can't decide 
what to open the file with.  It can be a sneaky way of blocking access to 
that doesn't know how to use the Open with .. functionality, ie most Windows 

Wow!  I was able to open ods and odp with an archive manager to get at the 
separate component parts of the files.  I've never had much difficulty with 
Document Formats so i hadn't tried before.
Thanks and regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Stephan Zietsman
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 8:06:47
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows Open with
 Tom Davies wrote:
  It is smart to have an archive manager in the  context/right-click menu for 
  different purposes such as compressing  a collection of files ready to 
  whatever.  WinZip is probably  still the best archive manager in Windows.
 Just to mention a few  alternatives:
 7-zip (LGPL licence)
 PeaZip (GPS licence)
 WinRAR  (shareware licence)
  There are usually quite a few sub-categories of  any particular
  format so changing, for example, docX to Writer using  this method might 
  cover ALL .docXs.
 Under Windows, I  believe the file-manager only looks at the extension
 to decide which program  to use.  Unless I'm mistaken, it will use the
 same program to open all  *.docx files, regardless of which version the
 file is or which program  created it.
  Is odt an Xml format?  I seem to remember hearing it  is but i'm not sure.
 The OpenDocument format (odt, ods, odp, odb, odg,  etc.) is indeed an
 XML-based file format:
  Also i don't know whether  being non-Admin in Windows makes a difference to 
  the Open with ...  thing works in Windows.
 I don't think you need to have Admin rights to  affect the Open
 with... options.  Testing on the machine I'm currently  using (without
 Admin rights) the program does seem to get added to the Open  with...
 quick-list after the first time I've  forced.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Spelling Check doesn't work

2011-06-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman
planas wrote:
 Make sure a dictionary is selected in the Available Language Modules
 Then make sure the Check Spelling as You Type is selected in the Options

Also check that the AutoSpellCheck button is active.  It should be in
the toolbar (it looks like an ABC with a red underlining) right next
to Spelling and Grammer F7.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] removing hyperlinks

2011-06-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Joep L. Blom wrote:
 I have a small problem in a master document.
 I have written (in various stages of completion) 8 chapters of a book and
 use a master document to keep it  orderly.
 I cannot delete these texts from the master document as they are read-only.

Just a quick question:  what file formats are you using?  Odt, doc, docx etc?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] copy down, copy and paste in calc.

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Yes, good point!  You can fine-tune it by only using the $ in one part of the 
cell reference so that copying in one direction does change which cells are 
looked up.  

For example writing this in say D4
=$A1 + C$3
means that as you copy the formula down the rows the A part doesn't change, it 
stays a A, obviously.  The 1 part changes.  The C part also stays the same 
because of the direction we are copying in but the 3 also doesn't change 
it's been fixed by the $ sign.  

Copying the same formula across several columns the A will still stay fixed 
because it's been fixed by the $ sign, the 1 wont change because we are staying 
on the same row.  The C will change tho because it hasn't been fixed.

Regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Stephan Zietsman
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 9:59:33
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] copy down, copy and paste in calc.
 Steve Edmonds wrote:
  When I want to copy the same formula to a range of  cells without the
  references indexing this is usefull, but the formula  only copies to the
  top cell.
  Another usefull thing would  be;
  click into a cell with formula and drag the bottom right black  square
  down, the formula repeats indexing the references. (does this  now).
  click into a cell with formula while holding ctl (cmd) down and  drag the
  bottom right black square down, the formula repeats without  indexing the
  references, i.e. copies literally as with numbers. (does  not do this now).
 If you want to copy a formula without indexing the  reference, then
 you can take a look at absolute references.  It is  described in the
 LibreOffice wiki
   A short summary is:
 Let's say cell C1 contains the following formula  (without the quotes):
 = A1 + B1
 If you copy the formula in cell C1 to  cell C2 (by either Copy  Paste,
 or by dragging the corner of cell C1)  you will get = A2 + B2 in cell
 If this is not what you wanted, you  can change the reference in C1 to
 an absolute reference.
 To do this,  select the cell C1 and press SHIFT+F4.  The formula in
 cell C1 will  change to = $A$1 + $B$1.  If you copy that to cell C2,
 it will stay =  $A$1 + $B$1.
 If you want a more detailed explanation of absolute and  relative cell
 referencing, read the wiki page or ask in this mailing list for  more
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Re: [libreoffice-users] helping Users and LibreOffice - proposal

2011-06-13 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Nuno,

Nuno J. Silva wrote (11-06-11 14:35)

I think I understand, we need a way to say 3.4.0 is expected to have
problems without scaring the user away.

Yes, that's it.

I'm afraid some ways of warning about it will just scare the early
adopters, moving them to 3.3.2, without even a bug report about the bug.

Maybe one should instead focus on saying if you can't use LibO with
this bug, please try 3.3.2 instead, otherwise you're welcome to continue
using 3.4.0 and report any bugs you find.

For part of the public, it will be no problem too to have both versions 
working parallel.


3.4.0 should be usable, except for bugs like the one you just
found. This release was done exactly to catch hidden bugs.

It is hard to predict precisely what kind of bugs to expect or to catch.
It is important that people understand the rationale behind the release 
and choose the version according to their needs/like.

Another way of making it less scary could be a list of known issues, so
one can say, by reading the list, if some issue will affect his/her
workflow. Is there such list? (more or less up to date?)

There is a list in the release notes
but that is not updated.
Is anyone else aware of such a list, apart from a query in BugZilla?


 - Cor

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Keeping Pictures in Place with Writer

2011-06-13 Thread Jean-Francois Nifenecker

Le 13/06/2011 10:48, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi :)
Wow, that darkened line is obscure.  Jean mentioned about changing the colour of
the line to red.  How can we do that?

Tools / Options / LibO / Appearence, Text Document section, Page and 
Column Break (or smthg like that as I've got a FR version)

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: helping Users and LibreOffice - proposal

2011-06-13 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Pedro,

plino wrote (11-06-11 13:29)

Hi Cour

 ( Cor is enough ;-) )

(none of the following criticisms are directed at you, who are one of the
few (only?) members of the SC who sees this project as a productivity tool
for the users)

(I really doubt if that is true... but I can imagine that not all 
communication from the past supports the feeling what you talk about)

I don't know if you are aware that installing LibO 3.4.0 under Windows
silently uninstalls 3.3 without asking

I know that it should per definition replace the previous version...

(even if the installer is run in customized mode).

but I do not know if the customized mode is the way to install it parallel.
Do you know/tried this one?

Therefore it is not possible to have both versions installed under Windows.

If that is true, it is a bug. So ... ;-)

I know this is possible under Linux but this
project doesn't care a f*ck about Windows users (even though they are the
majority of users, but hey, who cares?) so one can only recommend one
version OR the other.

Well, maybe this project will benefit if we can get more people involved 
supporting windows testing. I work on that (within my limited means).

Given the degree of regression and bugs added (I totally agree with Tom that
3.4.0 sounds more like a beta-release) and that the developers are not too
worried about regressions, in my opinion if someone is using 3.3.2 for work

I see no problem but advantages in the release policy.
But in this situation, with the many changes done recently, the 
situation is -let me say - a bit uncomfortable.

(and believe me: even if the LO site has a disclaimer about 3.4 being
experimental, all other download sites/mirrors don't, so expect a LOT of
angry users in the near future)

Hmm, indeed, if that works out like that, we have a problem.
Do you (or someone else) have an overview, some examples of those spots?

I will not recommend 3.4 for anything other than playing around.

Well, I do most regular work with it, but depending on the public, your 
recommendation sounds fair enough.

In my opinion, releasing 3.4.0 as Stable was a major error and a shot on the
foot for this project.

Despite the problems, I don't agree with that.

But the all-mighty Release Schedule as to be met, no matter what comes out
of it...

It looks like - at least currently.
Let's see how this evolves.

Thanks for your mail!

 - Cor

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Spelling Check doesn't work

2011-06-13 Thread Phil Jackson

Thanks Stephan!

It's working now.



On 6/13/2011 9:12 PM, Stephan Zietsman wrote:

planas wrote:

Make sure a dictionary is selected in the Available Language Modules
Then make sure the Check Spelling as You Type is selected in the Options

Also check that the AutoSpellCheck button is active.  It should be in
the toolbar (it looks like an ABC with a red underlining) right next
to Spelling and Grammer F7.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] helping Users and LibreOffice - proposal

2011-06-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman
upscope wrote:
 Can you install both at same time?

 I would like to test 3.4.0 to see if any of the calc problems I have
 with 3.3.2 are fixed.

I have a possible work-around.  You can use the portable version
called LibreOfficePortable.  It is available from
It looks like they haven't released a 3.4.x version yet (as of
2011/06/13), I suspect they may be waiting for the 3.4.1 release or
something.  However, the 3.3.2 version is available.
LibreOfficePortable does not have any registry entries, all of its
required components are stored in the installation folder.  It is
meant to run off flash drives (and not to leave a trace on the local
machine), but works well off the hard drive too.  LibreOffice Portable
is packaged for portable use with permission from The Document
Foundation.  So, my suggestion is as follows:

Download and *run* LibreOfficePortable 3.3.2 (I guess it's not
technically correct to say install, as it actually just extracts the
required files).
Copy your user settings to LibreOfficePortable (instructions are here
Don't worry, it's not difficult.  It's just a one folder copy, I
Download LibreOffice 3.4.0 (as from the LibreOffice website
Install LIbreOffice 3.4.0

Now, your computer has LibreOffice 3.4.0 installed, but it also has
LibreOfficePortable 3.3.2.  If you get issues with LibO 3.4.0 you can
just close it and open the portable version.  Unfortunately, this
means you have to download 2 versions, which is probably not ideal.

I haven't tried the suggestion mentioned in the wiki (as Cor Nouws
mentioned, available at, this is
just an additional suggestion.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2

2011-06-13 Thread Stephan Zietsman
Roxy Robinson wrote:
 I have a 15 page spreadsheet of classmate addresses, phone numbers, email, 
 etc. I manipulate this information in several different ways to give my 
 classmates different kinds of directories. Anyway, their names are in the 
 first 3 columns. This particular spreadsheet is going to include ALL the 
 information on each person, will be printed on legal sized paper in landscape 
 format, so I need a little more room to contain everything on the width of 
 the page.
 So (SEVERAL TIMES) I have merged the cells in the first 3 columns. This 
 contains the parts of their names, and allows me to conserve enough room to 
 get everything on the width of the page. But every time I close LO, and then 
 come back to work on this spreadsheet, the cells are no longer merged. They 
 will not stay merged. I haven't gotten all the way through the spreadsheet - 
 at one time - to merge the cells. Would the un-merged cells that are left 
 in the 3 columns keep the ones above them from staying merged, or am I doing 
 something wrong? I just don't understand - time after time - I merge them, 
 come back and they are no long merged??

Hi Roxy,
just a quick question:  could you let us know what file type you are
using for your spreadsheet?  Ods, xls, xlsx, xlsm etc?  From your
posts, I suspect you are using either xls or xlsx (long time MSO
user).  It's possible that the merge information is lost when saving
or loading the file, depending on the format.  I think this info might
be useful for filing a bug report.


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Re: off-list Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I don't understand why there is such problem with installing LO on your system. 
I don't think that many other people are having the same problem but it sounds 
like a nightmare and needs to be sorted out somehow.  Perhaps post a bug-report 
about it?

As Planas and Stephan said in the other thread the spell-check default is a bit 
strange.  You need to do
Tools – Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids
Top box needs to have some dictionaries and in the bottom box tick the top 
option Check spelling as you type and also make sure the toolbar button is 
pressed, the ABC with a red-wriggle under it.

I'm fairly certain all these things were already done by default in my install 
of LibreOffice 3.3.2 in Ubuntu 10.04 (from the PPAs) so it's a bit weird that 
doesn't seem to be the default in Windows at the moment.

The spell-checker issue is a classic problem with a modular systems.  The 
advantage is that components can be swapped for other versions, eg take out the 
English(US) and replace with French, or added or taken out completely.  So, 
of us end-up with a tailored yet streamlined product.  

The problem is that choosing the default is tricky.  Each of us have 
ideas about which is obviously the right way.  NOT having a dictionary 
installed and spell-checker on by default seems a stupid gaff to me and you but 
a lot of people have learned to mis-trust the spell-checkers in Word and 
emailing programs because they keep switching language back to US.  If people 
are on a Win2000 or netbook machine with tiny hard-drive space then they 
probably want as little as possible.  One persons bloat is another persons 
vitally crucial functionality.

Regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Roxy Robinson
 Sent: Sun, 12 June, 2011 19:14:48
 Subject: Re: off-list  Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2
 Yes, it is weird. I'm doing just exactly what the Help says to do to 
this. Both for merging and un-merging.
 I saw in another posting someone had a  problem with their Spellchecker 
disappearing. I have had this problem twice  since moving from OO to LO. 
Spellchecker was working and then all of sudden I  noticed, no matter what I 
entering, I wasn't getting ANY red squiggly lines.  So would intentionally 
misspell a word, and no red squiggly line. Go check my  settings in writing 
aids, and I don't show ANY dictionaries available. I'm  using what is 
to be the default ones installed with the program. Have  to reinstall it. So, 
what's making it disappear
 I have also had an  install problem with the last 2 production ready 
installers. To begin with,  my download program has a place to enter to MD5 to 
check the download. After the  download is complete, you enter the MD5, hit 
enter and if you download is good a  red check appears next to the download. 
always shows OK. Then at a point  where the install is at end of doing its 
thing, it freezes - it stops. You can't  close it, but it also freezes CPU 
at 50%. I open Process Explorer and the  installer bin file is using 50% 
It will stay there as long as I am  willing to leave it and the only way to 
this whole thing is by killing the  bin file process. Then I get my computer 
back. After all is said and done, it  appears the install is complete. I have 
done this multiple times, and the same  thing happens every time. I've used a 
new download and nothing changes. Another  mystery
 Hi :)
 I don't know the answer.   It's a weird problem that shouldn't be happening.  
 have had a few  problems like that in 3.4.0 but it's odd to have a problem  in
 Normally when you merge cells it takes the contents of  just 1 of those cells.
 If more than 1 of the cells have contents then the  program has difficulty
 choosing which contents to combine or not or exclude  or how to combine.  The
 results can be unpredictable.  Excel used  to just throw up an error message
 similar to the one where you try to paste  contents into a cell that already
 contains something.
 If Calc's  behaviour was predictable in previous releases then perhaps
 re-installing LO  or even better, just renaming the profile, might be enough 
 fix the  problem.  I was hoping that someone who know specifically Calc  would
 answer but a few people seem to have been thrown by the lists change of  
 on Friday.
 Regards from
 Tom :)
 -  Original Message 
  From: Roxy Robinson
   To: Tom Davies
   Sent: Sun, 12 June, 2011 16:46:30
  Subject: Re: off-list  Re:  [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2
  When I did a  previous list, just for my class, I used the merge cells 
 without  any problems whatsoever. That was over a year ago, so that  

[libreoffice-users] Re: Re: Re: LibreOffice 3.4.0

2011-06-13 Thread tronkel
I've just re-installed the latest LO 3.4 in Linux Mint (a DEB compatible

This Installation of Linux Mint already has LO 3.2 pre-installed. I
downloaded the latest LO 3.4 from the Document Foundation website and it
installed OK into the /opt folder - i.e. a in totally separate location from
that of LO 3.2

Printing was previously set up to work under LO 3.2 and works fine.

Printing also now seems to work under LO 3.4 i.e. the CUPS setup from LO 3.2
was picked up no problem by LO 3.4

Not a conclusive test but at least printing appears to work under LO 3.4

The conclusion is then, that this apparent printing problem under LO 3.4 is
related to a specific Distro and probably not due to LO 3.4 itself.

I'll test it further and will post any new findings here.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Keeping Pictures in Place with Writer

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Magic!  The translation from French was spot-on :)  Light red made it very 
visible, normal red was still a bit obscure on my monitor.
Thanks and regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Jean-Francois Nifenecker
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 10:32:08
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Keeping Pictures in Place with Writer
 Le 13/06/2011 10:48, Tom Davies a écrit :
  Hi :)
  Wow, that  darkened line is obscure.  Jean mentioned about changing the 
colour  of
  the line to red.  How can we do that?
 Tools /  Options / LibO / Appearence, Text Document section, Page and Column 
Break (or  smthg like that as I've got a FR version)
 -- Jean-Francois Nifenecker,  Bordeaux
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Karsten Breitig
You can access the presentation here:

I am working on a desktop computer. My system is up to date. 

 Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:15:21 -0400
 Von: planas
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 22:32 +0100, Nuno J. Silva wrote:
  On 2011-06-12, Karsten Breitig wrote:
   I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity).
   I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I open
   it, the system logs off. This happens only with this presentation (and
   one else), others work fine. The problem can be repeated several
   In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I try
   to insert an image.
  Is there anything that looks different between the file which crashes
  and the one that doesn't? (Like some embedded content, transition
  effect, ...)
  Can you share the file? (If so, upload it somewhere (maybe in the web?),
  this list does not allow attachments.)
   I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on
   another Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.
  Both systems are up to date? (Just to make sure they've got the same
  version of every LibO dependency.)
  Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)
 To follow up with Nuno, are you accessing this file on a server or on
 your computer? You mentioned the system logging off and I want to
 understand if you mean a network or your computer is crashing.
 Jay Lozier
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Re: [libreoffice-users] copy down, copy and paste in calc.

2011-06-13 Thread Steve Edmonds

On 13/06/11 8:59 PM, Stephan Zietsman wrote:

Steve Edmonds wrote:

When I want to copy the same formula to a range of cells without the
references indexing this is usefull, but the formula only copies to the
top cell.

Another usefull thing would be;
click into a cell with formula and drag the bottom right black square
down, the formula repeats indexing the references. (does this now).
click into a cell with formula while holding ctl (cmd) down and drag the
bottom right black square down, the formula repeats without indexing the
references, i.e. copies literally as with numbers. (does not do this now).

If you want to copy a formula without indexing the reference, then
you can take a look at absolute references.  It is described in the
LibreOffice wiki
  A short summary is:
Let's say cell C1 contains the following formula (without the quotes):
= A1 + B1
If you copy the formula in cell C1 to cell C2 (by either Copy  Paste,
or by dragging the corner of cell C1) you will get = A2 + B2 in cell
If this is not what you wanted, you can change the reference in C1 to
an absolute reference.

To do this, select the cell C1 and press SHIFT+F4.  The formula in
cell C1 will change to = $A$1 + $B$1.  If you copy that to cell C2,
it will stay = $A$1 + $B$1.

If you want a more detailed explanation of absolute and relative cell
referencing, read the wiki page or ask in this mailing list for more

Thanks Stephan and Tom.
I already understand the use of the absolute referencing. I may not have 
expressed myself well enough to avoid confusion.
1. Enter say the digit 9 into a cell. Click into the cell, copy. Select 
5 cells and paste. 9 pastes into all 5 cells.

2. Now in your email, select a word or number and copy. Select 5 cells 
and paste. The word only pastes into the top 1 of the 5 cells.

It would be nice if the behavior in 2 was the same as in 1.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread David Griffiths
Karsten Breitig wrote:

 You can access the presentation here:
 I am working on a desktop computer. My system is up to date.
Hi Karsten

Just downloaded and tried your file. On my system, the file opens without 
issue and I can play the entire presentation. Sorry I cannot reproduce your 

Kind regards


openSUSE 11.4 X86_64
LibreOffice 3.3.2
OOO330m19 (Build:202)
tag libreoffice-, 

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[libreoffice-users] help regarding libre office 3.3

2011-06-13 Thread Harshit Jain
I installed libre office 3.3 from it's rpms using termnal and given
instrutions for fedora given on libre office's website on fedora 15
installed using live cd but clicking on their icons don't work. After
clicking nothing happen.No spash screen, no waiting sign on the mouse
pointer. I am a complete newbie to linux.
 Please help

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
The 3.3.2 from the PPAs on Ubuntu 10.04 had no problem with the presentation.  
Does 11.04 have the Janitor that earlier Ubuntus have?  or can you boot into 
recovery mode (2nd option in the boot-menu) and then do spring-cleaning such 
as Clear some space.  Also could you save the file onto your local machine 
try opening it from there rather than over the network?
Regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:28:55
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
 You can access the presentation here:
 I am  working on a desktop computer. My system is up to date. 
  Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:15:21  -0400
  Von: planas
   Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 22:32 +0100, Nuno J. Silva  wrote:
   On 2011-06-12, Karsten Breitig wrote:
I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04  (Unity).
I have a presentation file here  (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I open
it, the system logs off.  This happens only with this presentation (and
one else),  others work fine. The problem can be repeated several
In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file,  but when I try
to insert an image.
Is there anything that looks different between the file which crashes
and the one that doesn't? (Like some embedded content, transition
effect, ...)
   Can you share the file? (If so,  upload it somewhere (maybe in the web?),
   this list does not allow  attachments.)
I've got enough memory and disk  space. The presentation worked on
another Ubuntu 11.04 with  LibreOffice 3.3.2.
   Both systems are up to date? (Just  to make sure they've got the same
   version of every LibO  dependency.)
   Nuno J.  Silva (aka njsg)
  To follow up with Nuno, are you accessing this file on a  server or on
  your computer? You mentioned the system logging off and I  want to
  understand if you mean a network or your computer is  crashing.
  Jay Lozier
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Karsten Breitig
Hey Tom,

I don't open the file over the network, it's right here on my machine.
I hesitate using the janitor, because it sometimes leads to computer crashes 
without reasoning. I'm not excactly suere what packages I still need.

I might be able to boot into recovery mode of Ubuntu, but for what reason? And 
what excactly do you advise me to do?


 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 11:50:53 +0100 (BST)
 Von: Tom Davies
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 Hi :)
 The 3.3.2 from the PPAs on Ubuntu 10.04 had no problem with the
 Does 11.04 have the Janitor that earlier Ubuntus have?  or can you boot
 recovery mode (2nd option in the boot-menu) and then do spring-cleaning
 as Clear some space.  Also could you save the file onto your local
 machine and 
 try opening it from there rather than over the network?
 Regards from
 Tom :)
 - Original Message 
  From: Karsten Breitig
  Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:28:55
  Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  You can access the presentation here:
  I am  working on a desktop computer. My system is up to date. 
   Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:15:21  -0400
   Von: planas
Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
   On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 22:32 +0100, Nuno J. Silva  wrote:
On 2011-06-12, Karsten Breitig wrote:

 I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 

 I have a presentation file here  (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I
 it, the system logs off.  This happens only with this presentation
 one else),  others work fine. The problem can be repeated several
 In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file,  but when I
 to insert an image.

 Is there anything that looks different between the file which
 and the one that doesn't? (Like some embedded content, transition
 effect, ...)

Can you share the file? (If so,  upload it somewhere (maybe in the
this list does not allow  attachments.)

 I've got enough memory and disk  space. The presentation worked on
 another Ubuntu 11.04 with  LibreOffice 3.3.2.

Both systems are up to date? (Just  to make sure they've got the
version of every LibO  dependency.)

Nuno J.  Silva (aka njsg)

   To follow up with Nuno, are you accessing this file on a  server or on
   your computer? You mentioned the system logging off and I  want to
   understand if you mean a network or your computer is  crashing.
   Jay Lozier
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Harshit Jain
I installed libre office 3.3 from it's rpms using termnal and given
instrutions for fedora given on libre office's website on fedora 15
installed using live cd but clicking on their icons don't work. After
clicking nothing happen.No spash screen, no waiting sign on the mouse
pointer. I am a complete newbie to linux.
Please help

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Re: [libreoffice-users] help regarding libre office 3.3

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
It's usually best to use the package manager to find and install programs.  
Windows does not have an equivalent unless a 3rd party one has been installed 
(which is extremely rare).  

For Fedora's one see the 11th slide here

Star button - System Settings - bottom section System Administration - 
Software Management
I would right-click on that and add a short-cut/launcher to the desktop or 
task-bar to make it easier to get at.  

The package manager has search features to help you find stuff that hasn't 
already been installed, it helps install and then looks after updates too.  
also help with un-installing, getting lists of everything installed on the 
system, history of when programs were installed and stuff like that.  It might 
help you un-install the 3.4.0 and try again.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Harshit Jain
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:47:57
 Subject: [libreoffice-users] help regarding libre office 3.3
 I installed libre office 3.3 from it's rpms using termnal and  given
 instrutions for fedora given on libre office's website on fedora  15
 installed using live cd but clicking on their icons don't work.  After
 clicking nothing happen.No spash screen, no waiting sign on the  mouse
 pointer. I am a complete newbie to linux.
  Please  help
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
The Clear some space option in the recovery menu does about the same as the 
Janitor.  It 'shouldn't' create problems but if Janitor does then don't use it. 
I think it might be worth running Fix broken packages either from the package 
manager (synaptic) or from the recovery menu.
Regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 12:00:01
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
 Hey Tom,
 I don't open the file over the network, it's right here on my  machine.
 I hesitate using the janitor, because it sometimes leads to computer  crashes 
without reasoning. I'm not excactly suere what packages I still  need.
 I might be able to boot into recovery mode of Ubuntu, but for what  reason? 
what excactly do you advise me to  do?
   Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 11:50:53 +0100 (BST)
  Von: Tom Davies
   Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  Hi  :)
  The 3.3.2 from the PPAs on Ubuntu 10.04 had no problem with  the
  Does 11.04 have the Janitor that  earlier Ubuntus have?  or can you boot
  recovery  mode (2nd option in the boot-menu) and then do spring-cleaning
  as Clear some space.  Also could you save the file onto your  local
  machine and 
  try opening it from there rather than over  the network?
  Regards from
  Tom :)
  - Original Message 
   From: Karsten Breitig
Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:28:55
   Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
You can access the presentation here:
   I am  working on a desktop computer. My system is up to date. 
 Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:15:21  -0400
Von:  planas
  Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log  out

 On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 22:32 +0100, Nuno J. Silva  wrote:
 On 2011-06-12, Karsten Breitig wrote:
  I've got some issues with  LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 
  I have a presentation file here  (.odp,  used to be .pptx). When I
  it, the  system logs off.  This happens only with this presentation
  one else),  others work fine. The problem  can be repeated several
   In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file,  but  when I
  to insert an image.
  Is there anything that looks different  between the file which
  and the one  that doesn't? (Like some embedded content, transition
   effect, ...)
 Can you share  the file? (If so,  upload it somewhere (maybe in the
  this list does not allow  attachments.)
  I've got enough memory and disk  space.  The presentation worked on
  another Ubuntu 11.04  with  LibreOffice 3.3.2.
  Both systems are up to date? (Just  to make sure they've got the
 version of every LibO  dependency.)
  Nuno J.  Silva (aka njsg)

To follow up with Nuno, are you accessing this file on  a  server or on
your computer? You mentioned the system  logging off and I  want to
understand if you mean a  network or your computer is  crashing.

Jay Lozier

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[libreoffice-users] Re: help regarding libre office 3.3

2011-06-13 Thread David Griffiths
Harshit Jain wrote:

 I installed libre office 3.3 from it's rpms using termnal and given
 instrutions for fedora given on libre office's website on fedora 15
 installed using live cd but clicking on their icons don't work. After
 clicking nothing happen.No spash screen, no waiting sign on the mouse
 pointer. I am a complete newbie to linux.
  Please help

Hello Harsh

Can you try launching LibreOffice from a terminal. Type libreoffice at the 
prompt and then you may get some useful information regarding the startup, 
such as missing files or similar information. Post this here and then perhaps 
a solution will be easier to spot.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: help regarding libre office 3.3

2011-06-13 Thread Harshit Jain
i will try

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 5:08 PM, David Griffiths

 Harshit Jain wrote:

  I installed libre office 3.3 from it's rpms using termnal and given
  instrutions for fedora given on libre office's website on fedora 15
  installed using live cd but clicking on their icons don't work. After
  clicking nothing happen.No spash screen, no waiting sign on the mouse
  pointer. I am a complete newbie to linux.
   Please help

 Hello Harsh

 Can you try launching LibreOffice from a terminal. Type libreoffice at the
 prompt and then you may get some useful information regarding the startup,
 such as missing files or similar information. Post this here and then
 a solution will be easier to spot.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] removing hyperlinks

2011-06-13 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 13/06/11 11:18, Stephan Zietsman wrote:

Joep L. Blom wrote:

I have a small problem in a master document.
I have written (in various stages of completion) 8 chapters of a book and
use a master document to keep it  orderly.
I cannot delete these texts from the master document as they are read-only.

Just a quick question:  what file formats are you using?  Odt, doc, docx etc?


Thanks for the reply. The chapters are all .odt files. I use LO 3.3.2 in 
Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Karsten Breitig

I tried the option Fix broken packages, however, the problem still occurs.
I also installed a virtual system with excactly the same packages, there I 
couldn't reproduce the problem.

Best regards,

 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:37:03 +0100 (BST)
 Von: Tom Davies
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 Hi :)
 The Clear some space option in the recovery menu does about the same as
 Janitor.  It 'shouldn't' create problems but if Janitor does then don't
 use it.  
 I think it might be worth running Fix broken packages either from the
 manager (synaptic) or from the recovery menu.
 Regards from
 Tom :)
 - Original Message 
  From: Karsten Breitig
  Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 12:00:01
  Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  Hey Tom,
  I don't open the file over the network, it's right here on my  machine.
  I hesitate using the janitor, because it sometimes leads to computer 
 without reasoning. I'm not excactly suere what packages I still  need.
  I might be able to boot into recovery mode of Ubuntu, but for what 
 reason? And 
 what excactly do you advise me to  do?
Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 11:50:53 +0100 (BST)
   Von: Tom Davies
Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
   Hi  :)
   The 3.3.2 from the PPAs on Ubuntu 10.04 had no problem with  the
   Does 11.04 have the Janitor that  earlier Ubuntus have?  or can you
   recovery  mode (2nd option in the boot-menu) and then do
   as Clear some space.  Also could you save the file onto your  local
   machine and 
   try opening it from there rather than over  the network?
   Regards from
   Tom :)
   - Original Message 
From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:28:55
Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 You can access the presentation here:

I am  working on a desktop computer. My system is up to date. 

  Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:15:21  -0400
 Von:  planas
   Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log 

  On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 22:32 +0100, Nuno J. Silva  wrote:
  On 2011-06-12, Karsten Breitig wrote:
   I've got some issues with  LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 
   I have a presentation file here  (.odp,  used to be .pptx).
 When I
   it, the  system logs off.  This happens only with this
   one else),  others work fine. The problem  can be repeated
In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file,  but 
 when I
   to insert an image.
   Is there anything that looks different  between the file which
   and the one  that doesn't? (Like some embedded content,
effect, ...)
  Can you share  the file? (If so,  upload it somewhere (maybe in
   this list does not allow  attachments.)
   I've got enough memory and disk  space.  The presentation
 worked on
   another Ubuntu 11.04  with  LibreOffice 3.3.2.
   Both systems are up to date? (Just  to make sure they've got
  version of every LibO  dependency.)
   Nuno J.  Silva (aka njsg)
 To follow up with Nuno, are you accessing this file on  a  server
 or on
 your computer? You mentioned the system  logging off and I  want
 understand if you mean a  network or your computer is  crashing.
 Jay Lozier
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Re: [libreoffice-users] copy down, copy and paste in calc.

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies

- Original Message 
 From: Steve Edmonds
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:31:11
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] copy down, copy and paste in calc.
 On 13/06/11 8:59 PM, Stephan Zietsman wrote:
  Steve Edmonds  wrote:
  When I want to copy the same formula to a range of cells  without the
  references indexing this is usefull, but the formula  only copies to the
  top cell.
  Another usefull  thing would be;
  click into a cell with formula and drag the bottom  right black square
  down, the formula repeats indexing the  references. (does this now).
  click into a cell with formula while  holding ctl (cmd) down and drag the
  bottom right black square down,  the formula repeats without indexing the
  references, i.e. copies  literally as with numbers. (does not do this now).
  If you want to copy a  formula without indexing the reference, then
  you can take a look at  absolute references.  It is described in the
  LibreOffice  wiki

 A short summary is:
  Let's say cell C1 contains the following formula  (without the quotes):
  = A1 + B1
  If you copy the formula in  cell C1 to cell C2 (by either Copy  Paste,
  or by dragging the  corner of cell C1) you will get = A2 + B2 in cell
  If this  is not what you wanted, you can change the reference in C1 to
  an  absolute reference.
  To do this, select the cell C1 and press  SHIFT+F4.  The formula in
  cell C1 will change to = $A$1 +  $B$1.  If you copy that to cell C2,
  it will stay = $A$1 +  $B$1.
  If you want a more detailed explanation of absolute and  relative cell
  referencing, read the wiki page or ask in this mailing  list for more
 Thanks Stephan and Tom.
 I already  understand the use of the absolute referencing. I may not have 
 expressed  myself well enough to avoid confusion.
 1. Enter say the digit 9 into a cell.  Click into the cell, copy. Select 
 5 cells and paste. 9 pastes into all 5  cells.
 2. Now in your email, select a word or number and copy. Select 5  cells 
 and paste. The word only pastes into the top 1 of the 5  cells.
 It would be nice if the behavior in 2 was the same as in  1.

Hi :)
That is inconsistent and i hadn't noticed.  It happens in LO3.3.2 on Ubuntu 
10.04 too.  can you post a bug-report about it?
Regards from
Tom :)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Keeping Pictures in Place with Writer

2011-06-13 Thread Barbara Tobias
Hi :)
Magic!  The translation from French was spot-on :)  Light red made it
visible, normal red was still a bit obscure on my monitor.
Thanks and regards from
Tom :)

 Le 13/06/2011 10:48, Tom Davies a écrit :
  Hi :)
  Wow, that  darkened line is obscure.  Jean mentioned about changing
colour  of
  the line to red.  How can we do that?
 Tools /  Options / LibO / Appearence, Text Document section, Page and
Break (or  smthg like that as I've got a FR version)
 -- Jean-Francois Nifenecker,  Bordeaux

Hmmm.  I tried every color I could see that looked at all bright, but it
seemed to make no difference at all.  However, now that I know what to
look for, I think I can tell when I have inserted a manual page break.

Thanks to all.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
I think you might need to back-up your data, perhaps everything in your /home 
folder using rsync rather than copypaste in order to keep the permissions all 
the same.  You might need to install rsync or even grsync (the g gives it a 

Can you back-up to external drive or onto a networked drive?
Regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 13:05:21
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
 I tried the option Fix broken packages, however, the problem still  occurs.
 I also installed a virtual system with excactly the same packages,  there I 
couldn't reproduce the problem.
 Best  regards,
  Datum:  Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:37:03 +0100 (BST)
  Von: Tom Davies
   Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  Hi  :)
  The Clear some space option in the recovery menu does about the  same as
  Janitor.  It 'shouldn't' create problems but  if Janitor does then don't
  use it.  
  I think it might be  worth running Fix broken packages either from the
   manager (synaptic) or from the recovery menu.
  Regards from
  Tom  :)
  - Original Message  
   From: Karsten Breitig
Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 12:00:01
   Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
Hey Tom,
   I don't open the file over the network, it's  right here on my  machine.
   I hesitate using the janitor,  because it sometimes leads to computer 
  without  reasoning. I'm not excactly suere what packages I still  need.
   I might be able to boot into recovery mode of Ubuntu, but for what 
  reason? And 
  what excactly do you advise me to   do?
 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun  2011 11:50:53 +0100 (BST)
Von: Tom Davies
  Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log  out
Hi  :)
The 3.3.2 from  the PPAs on Ubuntu 10.04 had no problem with  the
Does 11.04 have the Janitor that   earlier Ubuntus have?  or can you
recovery  mode (2nd option in the boot-menu) and then  do
as Clear  some space.  Also could you save the file onto your  local
 machine and 
try opening it from there rather than  over  the network?
Regards from
Tom  :)

- Original Message 
 From:  Karsten Breitig
   Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:28:55
  Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  You can access the presentation  here:
 I am  working on a desktop computer. My  system is up to date. 
Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:15:21  -0400
   Von:  planas
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads  to system log 
On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 22:32 +0100, Nuno J. Silva  wrote:

   On 2011-06-12, Karsten  Breitig wrote:

 I've got some issues with  LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 

 I have a presentation file here  (.odp,   used to be .pptx).
  When I
 it, the  system logs off.  This happens only with  this
 one else),  others work fine. The problem  can be  repeated
 In some cases, it doesn't  crash while opening a file,  but 
  when I
to insert an image.
Is there anything  that looks different  between the file which
and the one  that doesn't?  (Like some embedded content,
  effect, ...)
Can you share  the file? (If so,  upload it  somewhere (maybe in
 this list does not allow  attachments.)
I've got enough  memory and disk  space.  The presentation
  worked on
 another Ubuntu 11.04  with  LibreOffice  3.3.2.
 Both systems are up to date? (Just  to make sure they've got
   version of  every LibO  dependency.)

 Nuno J.  Silva (aka njsg)
  To follow up with  Nuno, are you accessing this file on  a  server
  or on
   your computer? You mentioned the system  logging off  and I  want
  understand if you mean  a  network or your computer is  

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Re: Re: SVG embedding in LibreOffice

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies

- Original Message 
 From: todd rme
 Sent: Fri, 10 June, 2011 17:05:00
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Re: Re: SVG embedding in LibreOffice
  Hi :)
  Have bug-reports been posted?  I think the issues are  quite important to 
  Yes, a bunch:
   svg (LibreOffice Bugzilla): 36511, 36520, 37895, 37994, 34720, 36154,
   36890, 37072, 31460, 33554, 32248
  eps ( Bugzilla): 12059,  117071, 93629, 84177, 24254
  The discussion in the first eps bug I listed  I took to basically be
  saying that the developers were happy enough with  the existing
  functionality (rendering previews) so this bug was not  going to be
  fixed, so I never bothered making a new one in the  LibreOffice
  bugzilla.  Is there any point requesting support for native  eps
  rendering, or are the LibreOffice developers of the same opinion  as
  the one stated in this bug?
  Hi :)
  I would post again but to the  LibreOffice bug-team this time.  OpenOffice 
  different owners and had  to deal with different constraints.  A high 
  of devs in  LibreOffice are new and the ones that aren't have finally been 
  to  get on with stuff.
  Regards from
  Tom :)
 Done: Bug  38161
 So what is the decision on the svg embedding?  For me at lest  SVG
 support is even more important than EPS support.

Hi :)
I don't think there is a definite final answer yet.  It seems that Svg work is 
scheduled for Googles' Summer of Code (GSoC).  So, hopefully it wont get worked 
on before that ;) lol.  Otherwise they'll have to re-schedule what they are 
doing for GSoC.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Text invisible in Writer and Calc

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Did you manage to sort this problem out in the end?  I know quite a few 
questions from Thursday and Friday got missed and need to be re-posted now that 
the mailing-list address has changed.  I think i remember this one getting to a 
slightly unsatisfactory but 'good enough'  result?
Regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: gdayton
 Sent: Fri, 10 June, 2011 13:46:31
 Subject: [libreoffice-users] Text invisible in Writer and Calc
 Hi All, I searched through the archives hoping to find reference to this,  but
 I have noticed that when importing .doc files and .xls  files generated in MS
 Office X for mac, that the text is not visible. For the  spreadsheets, I can
 simply convert all the text to a different font and it  becomes visible, but
 not for writer. This morning, I've noticed that even  when generating new
 spreadsheets, if I toggle Bold in a cell, the text  becomes invisible rather
 than bold. Font color selections do not affect this  condition. 
 This happens on my macbook with OSX 10.6.7, and on my  colleague's mac
 computers with the same OS installed. I'm open to suggestions  if you have
 any. Thanks in  advance.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Karsten Breitig
Hi Tom,

I do have a working backup. Do you think I should reinstall the system?
That might solve the problem for me (as I have tried in VirtualBox). But it 
doesn't help others that might have that problem, too ...

Best regards,

 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 13:30:32 +0100 (BST)
 Von: Tom Davies
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 Hi :)
 I think you might need to back-up your data, perhaps everything in your
 folder using rsync rather than copypaste in order to keep the permissions
 the same.  You might need to install rsync or even grsync (the g gives it
 a nice 
 Can you back-up to external drive or onto a networked drive?
 Regards from
 Tom :)
 - Original Message 
  From: Karsten Breitig
  Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 13:05:21
  Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  I tried the option Fix broken packages, however, the problem still 
  I also installed a virtual system with excactly the same packages, 
 there I 
 couldn't reproduce the problem.
  Best  regards,
   Datum:  Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:37:03 +0100 (BST)
   Von: Tom Davies
Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
   Hi  :)
   The Clear some space option in the recovery menu does about the 
 same as
   Janitor.  It 'shouldn't' create problems but  if Janitor does then
   use it.  
   I think it might be  worth running Fix broken packages either from
manager (synaptic) or from the recovery menu.
   Regards from
   Tom  :)
   - Original Message  
From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 12:00:01
Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 Hey Tom,

I don't open the file over the network, it's  right here on my 
I hesitate using the janitor,  because it sometimes leads to
   without  reasoning. I'm not excactly suere what packages I still 

I might be able to boot into recovery mode of Ubuntu, but for what 
   reason? And 
   what excactly do you advise me to   do?


  Datum: Mon, 13 Jun  2011 11:50:53 +0100 (BST)
 Von: Tom Davies
   Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log 

 Hi  :)
 The 3.3.2 from  the PPAs on Ubuntu 10.04 had no problem with  the
 Does 11.04 have the Janitor that   earlier Ubuntus have?  or can
 recovery  mode (2nd option in the boot-menu) and then  do
 as Clear  some space.  Also could you save the file onto your 
  machine and 
 try opening it from there rather than  over  the network?
 Regards from
 Tom  :)
 - Original Message 
  From:  Karsten Breitig
Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 11:28:55
   Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log
   You can access the presentation  here:
  I am  working on a desktop computer. My  system is up to date. 
 Datum: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:15:21  -0400
Von:  planas
  Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads  to system
 On Sun, 2011-06-12 at 22:32 +0100, Nuno J. Silva  wrote:
On 2011-06-12, Karsten  Breitig wrote:
  I've got some issues with  LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu
  I have a presentation file here  (.odp,   used to be
   When I
  it, the  system logs off.  This happens only with  this
  one else),  others work fine. The problem  can be 
  In some cases, it doesn't  crash while opening a file, 
   when I
 to insert an image.
 Is there anything  that looks different  between the file
 and the one  that doesn't?  (Like some embedded content,
   effect, ...)

 Can you share  the file? (If so,  upload it  somewhere
 (maybe in
  this list does not allow  attachments.)

[libreoffice-users] Re: Bullets with different outline levels

2011-06-13 Thread rdb
Arrgh, now you make me feel guilty for just freeloading (or should I say

I'll get in touch with them.

Didn't manage to solve my problem, though. For now it's just manually
reformatting the Level 2 and 3 lists...


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Yes, possibly.  I guess you use synaptic to get a list of all currently 
installed programs?  Linux systems are unlikely to crash.  

A misbehaving application might possibly freeze or suddenly close but it 
shouldn't affect any other app and certainly should not cause the whole system 
to reboot.  When stuff like that has happened to me it's been problems with the 
hard-drive (or with my install).  GPartEd can check a partition for errors and 
ring-fence areas such as bad-blocks but you need to do that from a LiveCd/Usb.  
Hard-drives tend to go wrong either within the first couple of weeks or after 
many years.  If it's within the first couple of weeks you might be able to 
return it for a replacement.  

If one program has frozen the system should allow you to use other programs 
quite happily in which case you could open a command-line, find the app's 
process number and then kill the app, eg
ps aux | grep soffice

Another way of checking problems with an app is to open the command-line and 
open LibreOffice and then see what output happened when the program crashed.  
I'm not sure how to pipe the output into a text-file so that you can collect 
that as a log even as the OS shuts-down.  

Regards from
Tom :)

- Original Message 
 From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 14:05:22
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
 Hi Tom,
 I do have a working backup. Do you think I should reinstall the  system?
 That might solve the problem for me (as I have tried in VirtualBox).  But it 
doesn't help others that might have that problem, too ...
 Best  regards,
  Datum:  Mon, 13 Jun 2011 13:30:32 +0100 (BST)
  Von: Tom Davies
   Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  Hi  :)
  I think you might need to back-up your data, perhaps everything in  your
  folder using rsync rather than copypaste in  order to keep the permissions
  the same.  You might  need to install rsync or even grsync (the g gives it
  a nice 
  Can you back-up to external drive or onto a networked  drive?
  Regards from
  Tom :)
  - Original Message 
   From: Karsten Breitig
Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 13:05:21
   Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
   I tried the option Fix broken packages,  however, the problem still 
   I also installed a  virtual system with excactly the same packages, 
  there I 
   couldn't reproduce the problem.
   Best   regards,
Datum:  Mon, 13 Jun 2011  12:37:03 +0100 (BST)
Von: Tom Davies
  Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log  out
Hi  :)
The Clear  some space option in the recovery menu does about the 
  same as
Janitor.  It 'shouldn't' create problems  but  if Janitor does then
use it.  
I think it might be  worth running Fix broken packages  either from
  manager (synaptic) or from the recovery menu.
Regards  from
Tom  :)

- Original  Message  
 From: Karsten Breitig
   Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 12:00:01
  Subject: Re:  [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out
  Hey Tom,
 I don't open the file over the network, it's  right  here on my 
 I hesitate using the  janitor,  because it sometimes leads to
without  reasoning. I'm not excactly suere  what packages I still 
  I might be able to boot into recovery mode of Ubuntu, but for what 
 reason? And 
what excactly do you advise me  to   do?
   Datum: Mon, 13  Jun  2011 11:50:53 +0100 (BST)
  Von: Tom Davies
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads  to system log 
   Hi  :)
  The 3.3.2 from  the PPAs on Ubuntu  10.04 had no problem with  the
  Does 11.04 have the Janitor  that   earlier Ubuntus have?  or can
   recovery  mode (2nd option in the boot-menu) and then  do
   as Clear  some space.  Also could you save the file onto  your 
   machine and 
   try opening it from there rather than  over  the  network?
  Regards from
   Tom  :)
   - Original Message 
   From:  Karsten  Breitig

Re: off-list Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2

2011-06-13 Thread Roxy Robinson
When it was originally installed all that was correct in theWriting Aids 
window. All the dictionaries that come with the program were in the top Window, 
and I had English USA selected, Check spelling as you type was ticked, and 
the ABC thing had been done. I check this every time I do a new install because 
I had a problem with it after one install, several times ago.
Like I said, everything was working just fine - it was spell checking as I 
typed, etc. Then after a while, it seemed like I had done quite a bit of 
writing without any red squiggly lines appearing, so I went to check everything 
in Writing Aids and there isn't ANYTHING there. NOTHING in the top box I can 
even choose from. I went through the install process to Add Components (or 
whatever that option says) and everything is back again. I really don't 
understand how a part of a program can just disappear like that???

Hi :)
I don't understand why there is such problem with installing LO on your system.
I don't think that many other people are having the same problem but it sounds
like a nightmare and needs to be sorted out somehow.Perhaps post a bug-report
about it?
As Planas and Stephan said in the other thread the spell-check default is a bit
strange.You need to do
Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids
Top box needs to have some dictionaries and in the bottom box tick the top
option Check spelling as you type and also make sure the toolbar button is
pressed, the ABC with a red-wriggle under it.
I'm fairly certain all these things were already done by default in my install
of LibreOffice 3.3.2 in Ubuntu 10.04 (from the PPAs) so it's a bit weird that it
doesn't seem to be the default in Windows at the moment.
The spell-checker issue is a classic problem with a modular systems.The
advantage is that components can be swapped for other versions, eg take out the
English(US) and replace with French, or added or taken out completely.So, each
of us end-up with a tailored yet streamlined product.
The problem is that choosing the default is tricky.Each of us have different
ideas about which is obviously the right way.NOT having a dictionary
installed and spell-checker on by default seems a stupid gaff to me and you but
a lot of people have learned to mis-trust the spell-checkers in Word and
emailing programs because they keep switching language back to US.If people
are on a Win2000 or netbook machine with tiny hard-drive space then they
probably want as little as possible.One persons bloat is another persons
vitally crucial functionality.
Regards from
Tom :)
- Original Message 
From: Roxy
Sent: Sun, 12 June, 2011 19:14:48
Subject: Re: off-listRe: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2

Yes, it is weird. I'm doing just exactly what the Help says to do to accomplish
this. Both for merging and un-merging.
I saw in another posting someone had aproblem with their Spellchecker
disappearing. I have had this problem twicesince moving from OO to LO.
Spellchecker was working and then all of sudden Inoticed, no matter what I was
entering, I wasn't getting ANY red squiggly lines.So would intentionally
misspell a word, and no red squiggly line. Go check mysettings in writing
aids, and I don't show ANY dictionaries available. I'musing what is supposed
to be the default ones installed with the program. Haveto reinstall it. So,
what's making it disappear
I have also had aninstall problem with the last 2 production ready
installers. To begin with,my download program has a place to enter to MD5 to
check the download. After thedownload is complete, you enter the MD5, hit
enter and if you download is good ared check appears next to the download. It
always shows OK. Then at a pointwhere the install is at end of doing its
thing, it freezes - it stops. You can'tclose it, but it also freezes CPU usage
at 50%. I open Process Explorer and theinstaller bin file is using 50% CPU.
It will stay there as long as I amwilling to leave it and the only way to stop
this whole thing is by killing thebin file process. Then I get my computer
back. After all is said and done, itappears the install is complete. I have
done this multiple times, and the samething happens every time. I've used a
new download and nothing changes. Anothermystery

Hi :)

I don't know the answer.It's a weird problem that shouldn't be happening.
have had a fewproblems like that in 3.4.0 but it's odd to have a problemin

Normally when you merge cells it takes the contents ofjust 1 of those cells.
If more than 1 of the cells have contents then theprogram has difficulty
choosing which contents to combine or not or excludeor how to combine.The
results can be unpredictable.Excel usedto just 

[libreoffice-users] Re: LO 3.4.0 only works with adminstrator rights

2011-06-13 Thread urly
Problem solved : only Java 7 beta (I'm a java-developer, 32 and 64 bit) was
installed. After adding Java 6 to the system LO 3.4.0 works as expected.

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Re: off-list Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2

2011-06-13 Thread Steven Shelton

Hash: SHA1
On 6/13/2011 10:32 AM, Roxy Robinson wrote:
 When it was originally installed all that was correct in theWriting
 Aids window. All the dictionaries that come with the program were
 in the top Window, and I had English USA selected, Check spelling
 as you type was ticked, and the ABC thing had been done. I check
 this every time I do a new install because I had a problem with it
 after one install, several times ago. Like I said, everything was
 working just fine - it was spell checking as I typed, etc. Then
 after a while, it seemed like I had done quite a bit of writing
 without any red squiggly lines appearing, so I went to check
 everything in Writing Aids and there isn't ANYTHING there.
 NOTHING in the top box I can even choose from. I went through the
 install process to Add Components (or whatever that option says)
 and everything is back again. I really don't understand how a part
 of a program can just disappear like that???

You're not crazy. I had the same problem. I think it's a bug. I
finally had to uninstall LibO, redownload the install_all_lang
package (I had the install_multi package before), and reinstall it
from there . . . and THEN go through the process described elsewhere
in the thread. I'm not sure why there was an install_multi version
and an install_all_lang version for download (now there's just the
multi), but the original multi version seemed to have this
problem. You might try uninstalling, and rebooting, and installing
version 3.4. This might solve your problem, too.

- -- 
Steven Shelton
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Marcello Romani

Il 12/06/2011 23:19, Karsten Breitig ha scritto:

Hey guys,

I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity).

I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I open it, the 
system logs off. This happens only with this presentation (and one else), 
others work fine. The problem can be repeated several times.
In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I try to insert 
an image.

I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on another 
Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.

Does anybody know how to help me?

Best regards,

Hi, I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. It was a pretty normal 
document that made OOo crash and log me out of the session.
I couldn't reliably reproduce the bug. In fact it appeared only a couple 
of times and haven't seen it again since then.
If I remember correctly, looking at the system logs it had something to 
do with graphic drivers and X crashing.

I suppose subsequent system updates solved the driver problem.
(My PC is a fairly old PIV 2.8Ghz with the infamous Intal 82865G 
integrated graphics controller).

So my advice is: look at Xorg logs, dmesg and other system logs. Look at 
your graphics cards manufacturer and model (lspci) and search for bugs 
in launchpad.

Marcello Romani

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Text invisible in Writer and Calc

2011-06-13 Thread gdayton
Hi Jay,

Thanks for the reply. I failed to mention that on our systems we use 
LibreOffice 3.4. The fault occurred on the other system even with 3.3 
installed, but I did not get the problem until I installed 3.4 on my macbook. 

Thanks so much for your reply.

Gary Dayton

On Jun 10, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Jay Lozier [via Document Foundation Mail Archive] 

 On Fri, 2011-06-10 at 05:46 -0700, gdayton wrote: 
  Hi All, I searched through the archives hoping to find reference to this, 
  I have noticed that when importing .doc files and .xls files generated in 
  Office X for mac, that the text is not visible. For the spreadsheets, I can 
  simply convert all the text to a different font and it becomes visible, but 
  not for writer. This morning, I've noticed that even when generating new 
  spreadsheets, if I toggle Bold in a cell, the text becomes invisible rather 
  than bold. Font color selections do not affect this condition. 
  This happens on my macbook with OSX 10.6.7, and on my colleague's mac 
  computers with the same OS installed. I'm open to suggestions if you have 
  any. Thanks in advance. 
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Users mailing list archive at 
 Which version of LO are you using? I have not noticed this myself on 
 3.3.2 (Linux/Ubuntu) or 3.4.0 (Windows). I assume you are referring to 
 older MSO format and not the post 2007 ones. LO 3.3.X has had trouble 
 properly converting docx and xlsx formats. My experience is that 3.4.0 
 better handles these formats than 3.3.x. 
 Jay Lozier 
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Re: off-list Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2

2011-06-13 Thread Roxy Robinson
I'm waiting for the ready for production 3.4. I really don't like installing 
the same thing multiple times!!! If its not ready for production then in my 
mind its a BETA!!!

Hash: SHA1

On 6/13/2011 10:32 AM, Roxy Robinson wrote:
 When it was originally installed all that was correct in theWriting
 Aids window. All the dictionaries that come with the program were
 in the top Window, and I had English USA selected, Check spelling
 as you type was ticked, and the ABC thing had been done. I check
 this every time I do a new install because I had a problem with it
 after one install, several times ago. Like I said, everything was
 working just fine - it was spell checking as I typed, etc. Then
 after a while, it seemed like I had done quite a bit of writing
 without any red squiggly lines appearing, so I went to check
 everything in Writing Aids and there isn't ANYTHING there.
 NOTHING in the top box I can even choose from. I went through the
 install process to Add Components (or whatever that option says)
 and everything is back again. I really don't understand how a part
 of a program can just disappear like that???

You're not crazy. I had the same problem. I think it's a bug. I
finally had to uninstall LibO, redownload the install_all_lang
package (I had the install_multi package before), and reinstall it
from there . . . and THEN go through the process described elsewhere
in the thread. I'm not sure why there was an install_multi version
and an install_all_lang version for download (now there's just the
multi), but the original multi version seemed to have this
problem. You might try uninstalling, and rebooting, and installing
version 3.4. This might solve your problem, too.

- --
Steven Shelton
Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Add a 'Sort' button to the tops of columns?

2011-06-13 Thread Tanstaafl
On 2011-06-10 6:52 PM, NoOp wrote:
 On 06/10/2011 03:34 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
 I just want to be able to click a column header, and have that execute a
 'Sort Rows B3 thru Y18 by column R in descending order'...

 Then, if I click the column header again, have it sort it in the
 opposite order.

 I've only see that (from google) done as a macro.

Ok, well, like I said, ianap, so any help would be appreciated...

I guess I'll go add a feature enhancement request to make this easy -
maybe a button with a pre-defined macro, where the RANGE simply must be

In the meantime, does anyone happen to have a macro already built that
does this where I could simply change the data range?

Would be mucho appreciated...

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Re: [libreoffice-users] help package installation failure

2011-06-13 Thread Tanstaafl
On 2011-06-10 6:57 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:
 I see 3.4.0 for Windows is 188 MB now. Do you remember how much it was
 in December .. 440 MB.
   Wow, great work from all the devs, full time (paid) and part time
 volunteers, that helped with this!

Agree 1000% with that... and it is much less of an issue right now than
it was initially for this reason.

At this point, I'd actually be fine if we could just get the Program
Description in Add/Remove Programs to properly reflect/display the
*installed* language(s), as opposed to just blindly displaying *all*
*supported* languages.

 But on the other hand, and I guess that's what the discussion started
 with, having to do a separate download for the help, if you want it
 local, is not so convenient.

Correct, that is a separate issue - I would still - especially now that
the installer is so much smaller - argue that it just doesn't make sense
to provide the help as a secondary installer, and that it should be
recombined into a single installer, but I understand the argument about
making the load easier on the mirrors too...

Maybe it could be scripted? Have a checkbox (I'd argue that it should be
checked by default) for including the local help, when the download is
selected, just have some kind of script 'concatenate' the two installers
into a single downloadable executable prior to downloading? Shouldn't be
too difficult for a competent programmer (I am not even an *incompetent*
programmer, but I know enough about programming to know generally what
would be hard and what would be easy)...

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Add a 'Sort' button to the tops of columns?

2011-06-13 Thread Tanstaafl
On 2011-06-10 8:27 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Sadly if you want to go from Buckingham Palace to Marble Arch you can't 
 to go by ocean liner, at least not until after doing massive engineering 
 or using enough explosives to blow a decently large hole in the centre of 
 London.  If you want to go deep-sea diving then a horse and cart are unlikely 
 get you down far enough and then up again.  A hammer is not an effective nail 
 and a nail is fairly useless as a hammer (except for fairly tiny objects)

Irrelevant and off point.

Sorting data in a spreadsheet is basic spreadsheet functionality. Adding
the ability to do so with a button (after defining the data range)
*should* be trivial.

Tom - please stop responding to my posts if you cannot be helpful.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Wayne Stidolph
This happened to me yesterday; I switched to fullscreen in Draw (but
Impress was also open, as I recall) and was logged out (back to the
login prompt). I was using LO 3.4 on gnome 2, Fedora 14 x86_64, with
the kmod-nvidia drivers on a Nvidia 8600 chip. It wasn't repeatable,
though - I reopened the same stuff (after Recovery) and everything was
fine. -- Wayne

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Karsten Breitig wrote:
 I just found out, that my problem only occurs, when I go to fullscreen with 
 the presentation. However, it doesn't seem to be an x-server-crash.
 Does that change something?

 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 16:58:18 +0200
 Von: Marcello Romani
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 Il 12/06/2011 23:19, Karsten Breitig ha scritto:
  Hey guys,
  I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity).
  I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I open
 it, the system logs off. This happens only with this presentation (and one
 else), others work fine. The problem can be repeated several times.
  In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I try to
 insert an image.
  I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on
 another Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.
  Does anybody know how to help me?
  Best regards,

 Hi, I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. It was a pretty normal
 document that made OOo crash and log me out of the session.
 I couldn't reliably reproduce the bug. In fact it appeared only a couple
 of times and haven't seen it again since then.
 If I remember correctly, looking at the system logs it had something to
 do with graphic drivers and X crashing.
 I suppose subsequent system updates solved the driver problem.
 (My PC is a fairly old PIV 2.8Ghz with the infamous Intal 82865G
 integrated graphics controller).

 So my advice is: look at Xorg logs, dmesg and other system logs. Look at
 your graphics cards manufacturer and model (lspci) and search for bugs
 in launchpad.

 Marcello Romani

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Re: Testing 3.4.0 beside 3.3.2 (Was Re: [libreoffice-users] helping Users and LibreOffice - proposal)

2011-06-13 Thread upscope
On Monday, June 13, 2011 02:18:38 AM Cor Nouws wrote:
 upscope wrote (11-06-11 19:39)
  Can you install both at same time?
 A new release candidate or final release, replaces the previous one.
 This is common practice.
 But yes, you can install it without 3.3.2 being removed.
  I would like to test 3.4.0 to see if any of the calc problems I
  have with 3.3.2 are fixed.
 Would be great. Thanks!
Thanks for the reply. Just sownloaded 3.4.0 and will try to install 
later today.
Will post results.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Nuno J. Silva
On 2011-06-13, Karsten Breitig wrote:

 Von: Marcello Romani

 Il 12/06/2011 23:19, Karsten Breitig ha scritto:
  I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity).
  I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I
  open it, the system logs off. This happens only with this
  presentation (and one else), others work fine. The problem can be
  repeated several times.
  In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I try to 
  insert an image.
  I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on
  another Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.
  Does anybody know how to help me?
 Hi, I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. It was a pretty normal 
 document that made OOo crash and log me out of the session.
 I couldn't reliably reproduce the bug. In fact it appeared only a couple 
 of times and haven't seen it again since then.
 If I remember correctly, looking at the system logs it had something to 
 do with graphic drivers and X crashing.
 I suppose subsequent system updates solved the driver problem.
 (My PC is a fairly old PIV 2.8Ghz with the infamous Intal 82865G 
 integrated graphics controller).
 So my advice is: look at Xorg logs, dmesg and other system logs. Look at 
 your graphics cards manufacturer and model (lspci) and search for bugs 
 in launchpad.

 I just found out, that my problem only occurs, when I go to fullscreen
 with the presentation. However, it doesn't seem to be an
 Does that change something?

If the presentation had transition effects, it'd explain the crash,
because then the cause would probably be some issue with the graphics
card acceleration and the transition effects (which are only executed
when in full screen).

When you said the system logs off, you mean you get back to a graphical
login screen? 

That *is* a x-server crash, login managers handle logouts by launching
the login screen again (in a new X session) when your X session dies.

Can you check what is your video card?

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Karsten Breitig
Hi Nuno,

thanks for the hint! I'd like to find out about my video card, unfortunately, 
I'm not sure how. Here's some data about my hardware, I hope, you'll find the 
answers there:

And you are right, when I get logged off, I see the login screen again.

Thank you very much!

 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:50:56 +0100
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 On 2011-06-13, Karsten Breitig wrote:
  Von: Marcello Romani
  Il 12/06/2011 23:19, Karsten Breitig ha scritto:
   I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity).
   I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I
   open it, the system logs off. This happens only with this
   presentation (and one else), others work fine. The problem can be
   repeated several times.
   In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I try
 to insert an image.
   I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on
   another Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.
   Does anybody know how to help me?
  Hi, I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. It was a pretty normal 
  document that made OOo crash and log me out of the session.
  I couldn't reliably reproduce the bug. In fact it appeared only a
  of times and haven't seen it again since then.
  If I remember correctly, looking at the system logs it had something to
  do with graphic drivers and X crashing.
  I suppose subsequent system updates solved the driver problem.
  (My PC is a fairly old PIV 2.8Ghz with the infamous Intal 82865G 
  integrated graphics controller).
  So my advice is: look at Xorg logs, dmesg and other system logs. Look
  your graphics cards manufacturer and model (lspci) and search for bugs 
  in launchpad.
  I just found out, that my problem only occurs, when I go to fullscreen
  with the presentation. However, it doesn't seem to be an
  Does that change something?
 If the presentation had transition effects, it'd explain the crash,
 because then the cause would probably be some issue with the graphics
 card acceleration and the transition effects (which are only executed
 when in full screen).
 When you said the system logs off, you mean you get back to a graphical
 login screen? 
 That *is* a x-server crash, login managers handle logouts by launching
 the login screen again (in a new X session) when your X session dies.
 Can you check what is your video card?
 Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Hi :)
Great, this is all sounding a LOT more positive!
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Karsten Breitig
Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 20:50:33
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

Hi Nuno,

thanks for the hint! I'd like to find out about my video card, unfortunately, 
I'm not sure how. Here's some data about my hardware, I hope, you'll find the 
answers there:

And you are right, when I get logged off, I see the login screen again.

Thank you very much!

 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:50:56 +0100
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 On 2011-06-13, Karsten Breitig wrote:
  Von: Marcello Romani
  Il 12/06/2011 23:19, Karsten Breitig ha scritto:
   I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity).
   I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I
   open it, the system logs off. This happens only with this
   presentation (and one else), others work fine. The problem can be
   repeated several times.
   In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I try
 to insert an image.
   I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on
   another Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.
   Does anybody know how to help me?
  Hi, I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. It was a pretty normal 
  document that made OOo crash and log me out of the session.
  I couldn't reliably reproduce the bug. In fact it appeared only a
  of times and haven't seen it again since then.
  If I remember correctly, looking at the system logs it had something to
  do with graphic drivers and X crashing.
  I suppose subsequent system updates solved the driver problem.
  (My PC is a fairly old PIV 2.8Ghz with the infamous Intal 82865G 
  integrated graphics controller).
  So my advice is: look at Xorg logs, dmesg and other system logs. Look
  your graphics cards manufacturer and model (lspci) and search for bugs 
  in launchpad.
  I just found out, that my problem only occurs, when I go to fullscreen
  with the presentation. However, it doesn't seem to be an
  Does that change something?
 If the presentation had transition effects, it'd explain the crash,
 because then the cause would probably be some issue with the graphics
 card acceleration and the transition effects (which are only executed
 when in full screen).
 When you said the system logs off, you mean you get back to a graphical
 login screen? 
 That *is* a x-server crash, login managers handle logouts by launching
 the login screen again (in a new X session) when your X session dies.
 Can you check what is your video card?
 Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)
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Empfehlen Sie GMX DSL Ihren Freunden und Bekannten und wir
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[libreoffice-users] Windows Vista installation error

2011-06-13 Thread Geoff Bullock
I get the attached error message and installation ends.

Any advice?

Geoffrey S. Bullock
A+, Network+, Security+ Certified Professional
Home: 732-957-9711
Mobile: 732-299-1158
-.-  -.-.  ..---  .-  --  .-
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows Vista installation error

2011-06-13 Thread Nuno J. Silva
On 2011-06-13, Geoff Bullock wrote:

 I get the attached error message and installation ends.

This mailing list does not allow attachments, so your screnshot got

Can you upload the image somewhere and link it here, or perhaps
write here the content of the error message?

If you don't know any image uploading service, try

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LO 3.4.0 only works with adminstrator rights

2011-06-13 Thread Tom Davies
Superb!! Nicely done :)
Regards from
Tom :)

From: urly
Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 16:08:06
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: LO 3.4.0 only works with adminstrator rights

Problem solved : only Java 7 beta (I'm a java-developer, 32 and 64 bit) was
installed. After adding Java 6 to the system LO 3.4.0 works as expected.

View this message in context:

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Fer
Hi people, this seems like a Ubuntu 11.04 bug that causes random
logout. See Bug 778490 in launchpad.

On 6/13/11, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 Great, this is all sounding a LOT more positive!
 Regards from
 Tom :)

 From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 20:50:33
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 Hi Nuno,

 thanks for the hint! I'd like to find out about my video card,
 I'm not sure how. Here's some data about my hardware, I hope, you'll find
 answers there:

 And you are right, when I get logged off, I see the login screen again.

 Thank you very much!

 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:50:56 +0100
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 On 2011-06-13, Karsten Breitig wrote:

  Von: Marcello Romani
  Il 12/06/2011 23:19, Karsten Breitig ha scritto:
   I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity).
   I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I
   open it, the system logs off. This happens only with this
   presentation (and one else), others work fine. The problem can be
   repeated several times.
   In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I try
 to insert an image.
   I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on
   another Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.
   Does anybody know how to help me?
  Hi, I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. It was a pretty normal
  document that made OOo crash and log me out of the session.
  I couldn't reliably reproduce the bug. In fact it appeared only a
  of times and haven't seen it again since then.
  If I remember correctly, looking at the system logs it had something to
  do with graphic drivers and X crashing.
  I suppose subsequent system updates solved the driver problem.
  (My PC is a fairly old PIV 2.8Ghz with the infamous Intal 82865G
  integrated graphics controller).
  So my advice is: look at Xorg logs, dmesg and other system logs. Look
  your graphics cards manufacturer and model (lspci) and search for bugs
  in launchpad.
  I just found out, that my problem only occurs, when I go to fullscreen
  with the presentation. However, it doesn't seem to be an
  Does that change something?

 If the presentation had transition effects, it'd explain the crash,
 because then the cause would probably be some issue with the graphics
 card acceleration and the transition effects (which are only executed
 when in full screen).

 When you said the system logs off, you mean you get back to a graphical
 login screen?

 That *is* a x-server crash, login managers handle logouts by launching
 the login screen again (in a new X session) when your X session dies.

 Can you check what is your video card?

 Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

2011-06-13 Thread Fer
Here is the bugfix
Maybe update-manager can help?

On 6/13/11, Fer wrote:
 Hi people, this seems like a Ubuntu 11.04 bug that causes random
 logout. See Bug 778490 in launchpad.

 On 6/13/11, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 Great, this is all sounding a LOT more positive!
 Regards from
 Tom :)

 From: Karsten Breitig
 Sent: Mon, 13 June, 2011 20:50:33
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 Hi Nuno,

 thanks for the hint! I'd like to find out about my video card,
 I'm not sure how. Here's some data about my hardware, I hope, you'll find
 answers there:

 And you are right, when I get logged off, I see the login screen again.

 Thank you very much!

 Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 19:50:56 +0100
 Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Impress leads to system log out

 On 2011-06-13, Karsten Breitig wrote:

  Von: Marcello Romani
  Il 12/06/2011 23:19, Karsten Breitig ha scritto:
   I've got some issues with LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04
   I have a presentation file here (.odp, used to be .pptx). When I
   open it, the system logs off. This happens only with this
   presentation (and one else), others work fine. The problem can be
   repeated several times.
   In some cases, it doesn't crash while opening a file, but when I
 to insert an image.
   I've got enough memory and disk space. The presentation worked on
   another Ubuntu 11.04 with LibreOffice 3.3.2.
   Does anybody know how to help me?
  Hi, I had a similar problem a few weeks ago. It was a pretty normal
  document that made OOo crash and log me out of the session.
  I couldn't reliably reproduce the bug. In fact it appeared only a
  of times and haven't seen it again since then.
  If I remember correctly, looking at the system logs it had something
  do with graphic drivers and X crashing.
  I suppose subsequent system updates solved the driver problem.
  (My PC is a fairly old PIV 2.8Ghz with the infamous Intal 82865G
  integrated graphics controller).
  So my advice is: look at Xorg logs, dmesg and other system logs. Look
  your graphics cards manufacturer and model (lspci) and search for
  in launchpad.
  I just found out, that my problem only occurs, when I go to fullscreen
  with the presentation. However, it doesn't seem to be an
  Does that change something?

 If the presentation had transition effects, it'd explain the crash,
 because then the cause would probably be some issue with the graphics
 card acceleration and the transition effects (which are only executed
 when in full screen).

 When you said the system logs off, you mean you get back to a graphical
 login screen?

 That *is* a x-server crash, login managers handle logouts by launching
 the login screen again (in a new X session) when your X session dies.

 Can you check what is your video card?

 Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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 Empfehlen Sie GMX DSL Ihren Freunden und Bekannten und wir
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows Open with - reprise - Call for a cleaner

2011-06-13 Thread John B

Dear Tom  Roxy

/i remember this one getting to a slightly unsatisfactory but 'good enough'

Yes; Thanks to both of you ( and the others for their comments). I can 
see how easy it is to get off track.

I installed the free version of Revo-Uninstaller - brilliant

I then tried it out on my weakest link - OpenOffice

My non-scientific observation is that OO can uninstall about 50% of 
itself, whilst Revo uninstalled 99.9%.

There were a few OO crumbs left in the Registry (as opposed to the 50 
-60 using windows uninstall).

This is a definite must have program from now on.

However, this does not resolve the windows issue that Open With, as 
it  defaults to the 1st one of the 2 installed.

For example now the reverse of my problem is true.

LO (good news for me) is now the default, I try to open any file using 
openwith and the browser button, I manually select OO click on it, but 
it immediately springs back to LO  and opens with LO.

There is no way to force capture OO using this method. I have tried this 
now on a 2nd computer and the results were the same.

In all other ways its a reasonable result. Whilst they (OO  LO) are 
using identical file names and pathways, I suppose it will remain like 
this until one or the other changes the names - maybe soffice.exe will 
become Loffice.exe. What I do not understand is that Lotus Symphony also 
uses a soffice.exe and it works fine.

 so thanks and  all hail to LibreOffice-users

John B


Did you manage to sort this problem out in the end?  I know quite a few
questions from Thursday and Friday got missed and need to be re-posted.  I think
i remember this one getting to a slightly unsatisfactory but 'good enough'
Regards from

On 11/06/2011 16:10, Roxy Robinson wrote:

I would suggest using RevoUninstaller to do ANY program uninstalling, and there is a free version. I have 
used it with great success for quite a few years. If you use the 4th option from the uninstall dialog window, 
it will use the programs normal uninstaller, first. Then it scans for all leftovers that has 
left. You will go through a couple of steps where the program will show you what it has found, including what 
is left in the registry. It lets you pick and choose what you want to delete, or you can choose 
all and delete. Very seldom have I ever had it leave any crumbles of a program I no 
longer wanted on my machine.
On the open with issue, always be sure, when you have picked a program to open with 
from the browse window, that the little box in the bottom, left hand corner of that window is checked. It 
says something like always open this type file with this program.
Just a couple of suggestions that may help you out in the future.
Roxy Robinson

Thanks for the start:

I un-installed just OpenOffice and it made no difference - but I was on
the move

The finish went like this:-
Un-install:- Open office, Lotus Symphony and Libra Office

Then in Regedit (about 2 hours):-  Delete any mention of the above 3
and Delete:-  all mentions of soffice.exe, swriter etc

Delete the directories for the above in Application Data and the
Program folders.

Then re-install Libra office 3.4 - it works! - I can now use open with

Then I re-installed Lotus Symphony 1 - that works with open with

Then I re-installed Open office 3.3 - and now that does NOT work with
open with.

So its whoever is installed first!

I am not too bothered this way around as OpenOffice does not cater for
Lotus Smart suite files whilst LibreOffice does  all praise to

BUT, none of those 3 gets a star for cleanliness when de-installing.


John B


On 10/06/2011 21:15, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Un-installing OpenOffice often cures weird and unlikely problems especially in

There is still often a clash between OpenOffice and LibreOffice when both are
installed on a system.  There are some clever ways to install both but i don't
have a note of any of the various instructions and have not compared their
reliability or effectiveness.

Often the main problems occur when the Quick Launcher/Starter is enabled within
OpenOffice.  Even without that they both use the same names on the command-line,
such as soffice --writer so the scope for errors and confusions is quite

Usually just using the Open with .. and then browsing to the relevant program
is enough to push that program to the short-list in the Open with .. option.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: John
Sent: Fri, 10 June, 2011 14:46:28
Subject: [libreoffice-users] 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows Open with - reprise - Call for a cleaner

2011-06-13 Thread Roxy Robinson
--John B,
BE SURE when you do the step below that you put a check (tick) by the box that 
says Always use the selected program to open this kind of file. Easy to miss, 
especially if you're in a hurry, or irritated.

I try to open any file using openwith and the browser button, I manually 
select OO[check the box], click on it,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] General input/output error when saving to network drive

2011-06-13 Thread planas

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 21:24 -0700, protonpusher wrote:

 I am having a problem saving documents to a share on a network drive. When I
 attempt to save a file in Libreoffice to a network share I get the message:
 Error saving the document Untitled1:
 General Error.
 General input/output error.
 In the error message the document is always called Untitled1, no matter what
 I attempt to call it. Also, if I attempt to open a file on the network share
 through Libreoffice, nothing happens: the file does not open, but there is
 no error message.
 The system is Ubuntu 11.04 on a pc, and the version of Libreoffice is 3.3.2.
 The drive is a Western Digital MyBook Live. I can view the shares, and if I
 double click files in Ubuntu they will open in Libreoffice fine. I can also
 save modified documents to shares on the network drive (can't change the
 name though, or I get the above error message) . I tested saving files with
 Simple Scan, and it could save new files to shares on the drive with no
 problem. Also, I have an old Mac Powerbook G4 with Ubuntu 10.04, and
 OpenOffice. The G4 can open and save files to the shares on the drive with
 no issues. I think this is a problem with Libreoffice on my machine.
 Any though on how I might get Libreoffice to communicate a bit better with
 my network drive? Thanks
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How are connecting to the drive, is it a USB connection or some other

A few thoughts come to mind, one you could have a corrupt install of LO
or something important to communicate with your drive, another you have
a misconfigured connection on your pc, or for some strange reason you
are missing a package.

I would try a quick and dirty check in Synaptic (it may be called
Package Manager) click on the status button. If you see a listing for
broken packages open it and reinstall the packages. If you do not see a
listing for broken packages we will need to dig further.

I use a LO 3.3.2 on Pinguy/Ubuntu 11.04. 

Jay Lozier

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