Re: [libreoffice-users] Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread Tim Lloyd

Hi, this list doesn't accept attachments.

You can attach a file though by going to

 where you will see this message!

On 01/11/13 15:39, Cassandra Torres wrote:

Hello I have recently learned about your product and would really like to
try it out. Problem is I seem to be having problems downloading the
software. I have a Gateway Desktop with the new Windows 8.1 update.
Attached is a picture of the error box that appears when I try to download
the product.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] OSX Mavericks upgrade prevents LO from opening because of lack of java

2013-11-01 Thread Stephan Bergmann

On 10/31/2013 05:02 PM, Marc Grober wrote:

It looks like the thread on addressing operating LO 4 under OSX
Mavericks may have taken a small detour.

Yes, Java is a bit of a disaster on OSX, and yes once you upgrade Apple
blows away your java install so you have to start all over (but will
prompt you to install their java.)

Assuming you accept their invitation on reboot (the install will invite
you to install an Apple Java jre) and then try to run LO ( you

Does the OS X upgrade itself indeed mention the possibility to download 
an Apple JRE?  I never noticed that.

will likely get an error message that allows you to either install a
java (the install does not say what it is installing, nor from where) or

What I know is the following:

After upgrade or fresh install of OS X (at least since 10.7, IIRC), a 
java executable is installed that is merely a stub, bringing up a dialog 
inviting you to download and install the real Apple JRE 6.

When LO is run on such a stub-only machine, as soon as it tries to 
detect a JRE (which might be rather sooner than expected, see the 
LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) thread on this mailing 
list), it will run the stub java executable and thus trigger the dialog.

Now, for some it reportedly works fine to download and install the Apple 
JRE via the dialog and continue working with LO (or even not download 
and install it, and keep living with LO nagging you about a missing 
JRE).  But for some LO reportedly keeps crashing from that dialog 
onwards, no matter how they interact with that dialog.  But I only know 
about that from here-say, and have never seen the problem myself, and 
never seen a backtrace of the crashing LO that could give us a clue 
what's going on there.

(I wasted my opportunity to find out for myself when soon after 
upgrading to OS X 10.9 I got confronted with the java stub dialog 
outside the LO context and downloaded/installed it before I came around 
to start LO.)

But since, as described in the LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 
(Mavericks) thread on this mailing list, one unexpected side-effect of 
bundling the Wiki Publisher extension with LO on Mac OS X is that LO 
tries to detect a JRE as soon as you type a key in Writer, we decided to 
deliver LO 4.1.3 for Mac OS X (from without a bundled Wiki Publisher 
extension.  That should help to somewhat mitigate the problem and have 
less people be annoyed by the problem.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] OSX Maverick, Java, LO

2013-11-01 Thread Stephan Bergmann

On 10/31/2013 05:44 PM, Marc Grober wrote:

I said to myself,  go ahead and let LO download something  what
could get worse?
Well,  now, instead of popping and telling me (inaccurately) that I
didn't have java,  it just crashes.
So,  is there a procedure to resolve this mess?

See my responses to the LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 
(Mavericks) and OSX Mavericks upgrade prevents LO from opening because 
of lack of java threads on this mailing list for details.

And note that, at least technically, it is not LO that displays the 
dialog inviting you to download and install Apple's JRE, so there's 
little we can do from the LO side without knowing why it keeps crashing 
for some.  When LO crashes for you, does it silently go away, or does it 
come back with LO's crash dialog (where it asks you to continue and 
recover any documents that had been open, if any), or does the generic 
OS X crash dialog (with Ignore, Reopen, Report buttons, IIRC) come up?

If the latter (the generic dialog), that would be great, because if you 
can still reproduce the crash, it would be helpful if you click Report 
and paste all the data here.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

2013-11-01 Thread Stephan Bergmann

On 10/31/2013 06:41 PM, Marc Grober wrote:

I have rebooted and the crash on opening  (the result of letting LO try
to install java from software update on 10.9) of LO has stopped.
LO is now back to prompting for java (there is no access to LO itself)
Tried saying yes to LO's java install via Software Update again -- this
time it results in no change in behavior

Am I correct here in concluding that neither Apple nor Oracle offer a 32
bit java for Mavericks and that as a result users who have updated to
Mavericks will simply be barred from using LO henceforth until some
unspecified time in the future?

No.  The Apple-provided JRE 6 supports both 32 and 64 bit.

Anyone know of an office suite that works with Mavericks, lol

Note that there are cases where LO works on Mavericks just fine.  There 
are other cases where it reportedly doesn't, but without more specific 
data it is hard to tell why (at lest for somebody who never was able to 
reproduce the problem).

if the problem is only in extensions,  can one use the command line
unopkg to lost and delete the extension causing the problem?

Quoting what I wrote in the LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 
(Mavericks) thread on this mailing list:  So, one quick fix for people 
who are stuck with Writer keeping crashing would probably be to move 
away the wiki-publisher extension that is bundled in the LibreOffice 
installation.  To do that in Finder, first make sure LibreOffice is not 
running, then navigate to the LibreOffice (aka 
application, from the right-click menu select 'Show Package Contents', 
there navigate from 'Contents' to 'share' to 'extensions' and move the 
'wiki-publisher' folder to the trash (or move it to some other place 
outside the 'extensions' folder).  Then create a new folder (with more 
or less arbitrary name, you can use 'Dummy') within the 'extensions' 
folder.  When you start LibreOffice again, the problem should be gone 
(it might show a 'LibreOffice quit unexpectedly' dialog once directly 
while starting, which is an unrelated problem and a different story, in 
which case just press the 'Reopen' button).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

2013-11-01 Thread Stephan Bergmann

On 10/25/2013 08:59 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:

On 10/24/2013 05:18 PM, sberg wrote:

I assume you have installed some LibreOffice extension for spell/grammar
checking or similar that uses Java.  That might explain it if you
crashes now when typing in Writer after upgrading to Mavericks (which
appears to replace any pre-existing Java installation with a download it
now stub).

Can you provide a list of LibreOffice extensions you have installed
- Extension Manager...)?

Meanwhile found out that it is the wiki-publisher extension (which comes
bundled with LibreOffice by default) that requires a Java VM to be
instantiated in the LibreOffice process as soon as you type the first
letter in Writer.  (See
Why typing in Writer instantiates the JVM on Mac OS X for details.)

So, one quick fix for people who are stuck with Writer keeping crashing
would probably be to move away the wiki-publisher extension that is
bundled in the LibreOffice installation.  To do that in Finder, first
make sure LibreOffice is not running, then navigate to the LibreOffice
(aka application, from the right-click menu select
Show Package Contents, there navigate from Contents to share to
extensions and move the wiki-publisher folder to the trash (or move
it to some other place outside the extensions folder).  Then create a
new folder (with more or less arbitrary name, you can use Dummy)
within the extensions folder.  When you start LibreOffice again, the
problem should be gone (it might show a LibreOffice quit unexpectedly
dialog once directly while starting, which is an unrelated problem and a
different story, in which case just press the Reopen button).

Note that LO 4.1.3 for Mac OS X from comes without a bundled Wiki 
Publisher extension.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Are there solutions for starting LO without java on OSX 10.9 where OSX upgrade as been done on LO with JVM selected

2013-11-01 Thread Stephan Bergmann

On 10/31/2013 09:56 PM, Marc Grober wrote:

Marc, can you please stick to a single thread on this mailing list on 
the topic of LO+Java+Mavericks?


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[libreoffice-users] Engaging Users in the LibreOffice Project

2013-11-01 Thread Charles-H. Schulz
Hello everyone,

Thank you for choosing and using LibreOffice!

My name is  Charles-H. Schulz and I'm one of the co-founders of the
Document Foundation.  Many people who contribute to the LibreOffice
project discussed the need for us to understand how we could enroll
regular users (whatever that means) to the LibreOffice  project.

You obviously know that LibreOffice is Free Software and that it comes
with  rights and freedoms for you. But besides that LibreOffice is a
software development project populated by a community of people who
contribute their time and skills (and many skills are required, not
just the technical ones!) on a volunteer or on a paid basis. 

But when we come to think of it, these people started somewhere, one
day, to contribute, and while they all have their own reasons, we (the
people in charge of marketing) thought that everybody has the ability
to contribute. The question is: how  can we make it 1)interesting 2)
accessible 3)easy to understand what the various tasks are 4)possible
to spread the word about it? 

... And this is where you come in the picture. We worked on a short
survey that's anonymous (we don't require your name nor your email) and
we would really like it if you could take a few minutes of your time to
answer these questions. As you will see they are all about
understanding how we could include users of LibreOffice and turn them
into contributors. The survey is here:

We hope you're having a great time and thank you again for using

Best regards,

Charles-H. Schulz 
Co-founder, The Document Foundation,
Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:
Mobile Number: +33 (0)6 98 65 54 24.

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[libreoffice-users] Weird font? problem.

2013-11-01 Thread Leonardo M . Ramé
Hi, since a couple of weeks I've been experiencing some problems (I
think are) related to fonts in LibreOffice, as you can see in the
attached screenshot, most menus aren't showing, as well as cell names.

I don't know if this is a LibreOffice related problem or something
related to my O.S. configuration.

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 - XFCE 4.10 - LibreOffice

Leonardo M. Ramé
Medical IT - Griensu S.A.
Av. Colón 636 - Piso 8 Of. A
X5000EPT -- Córdoba
Tel.: +54(351)4246924 +54(351)4247788 +54(351)4247979 int. 19
Cel.: +54 9 351 6629292

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Missing Hyphens in pdf Export (PDF/A-1a only)

2013-11-01 Thread CVAlkan
Thanks, Mirosław.

I downloaded LibreOffice into a Windows installation I had running under
Oracle's VirtualBox and, sure enough, the output pdf contained the hyphens
under all conditions.

This seems like really strange behavior; I'd be very curious to know what
coding error could cause such a limited and precise symptom.

For the moment, however, this solves my problem. Is there a way I can find
out when (or in what release) that will be corrected, as it is important to

Again, thanks for the quick response.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread CVAlkan
Hi Cassandra:

Please check my posting dated June 26, 2013 and titled Can't locate
LibreOffice 4.04 for some comments, and other download links that may work
for you. If you could confirm that the error message you received is the
same as the one I describe, perhaps that might help someone resolve the
issue as none of the LO folks seemed to be able to duplicate the problem.

As far as I can tell, this problem has been around for quite a while (since
about the introduction of v4 which I think is the first time I encountered
it). I have been unable to load LibeOffice from any of the official sites
since then, either under Windows or Linux (as it happens, I just downloaded
a recent version for Windows this morning and still got the same error
message, so went to an alternative site).

If any other users have run into this, it might also help if you reported

Since the late 1970s, I've used probably every word processor known to man,
including the early stand-alone machines as well as several proprietary
ones, so I can state with some confidence that, although there are in fact
some bugs in LibreOffice, I find it much more useful and much less annoying
than products like Microsoft Word, so I would say it's worth whatever
hassles you need to go through to get it running. It's also able to read and
write Word documents (well, at least all but the most complex ones), so you
don't have to worry about compatibility issues with your co-workers.

Hope this helps ...


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

2013-11-01 Thread Marc Grober
Mavericks Apple Java WAS installed on my machine before LO was invoked, 
so it was not simply a matter of Java not being on the machine at the
time of the invocation if Apple supplies as before 32 and 64 bit Java.

How did anyone at LO argue that LO would work under Mavericks if using a
JVM crashes LO?  Under what circumstances will LO NOT crash if Use JVM
is selected prior to upgrade?  And if the devs knew that Mavericks would
cause LO to crash over a week ago, why wasn't that published clearly?

In my case Java was repeatedly installed after the LO problem, with no
impact on LO

LO  blew up even if one started the product by opening a calc file; one
did not have to open write and enter any keystrokes -- by blew up I mean
that the app simply disappears and generates no crash or error report. 
It does so starting from command line or gui  --  in any event my case
indicates that the problem IS NOT limited to entering text

It will still crash any time you access Zotero, though I now have it
stable enough that I can otherwise use it

so, at present, Zotero plugin will not work with LO because Zotero, no
matter the java supplied to the OS, will not recognize it.

I started a new thread because the existing one seemed to be slipping
sideways :-)

On 11/1/13, 1:24 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
 On 10/25/2013 08:59 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
 On 10/24/2013 05:18 PM, sberg wrote:
 I assume you have installed some LibreOffice extension for
 checking or similar that uses Java.  That might explain it if you
 crashes now when typing in Writer after upgrading to Mavericks (which
 appears to replace any pre-existing Java installation with a
 download it
 now stub).

 Can you provide a list of LibreOffice extensions you have installed
 - Extension Manager...)?

 Meanwhile found out that it is the wiki-publisher extension (which comes
 bundled with LibreOffice by default) that requires a Java VM to be
 instantiated in the LibreOffice process as soon as you type the first
 letter in Writer.  (See

 Why typing in Writer instantiates the JVM on Mac OS X for details.)

 So, one quick fix for people who are stuck with Writer keeping crashing
 would probably be to move away the wiki-publisher extension that is
 bundled in the LibreOffice installation.  To do that in Finder, first
 make sure LibreOffice is not running, then navigate to the LibreOffice
 (aka application, from the right-click menu select
 Show Package Contents, there navigate from Contents to share to
 extensions and move the wiki-publisher folder to the trash (or move
 it to some other place outside the extensions folder).  Then create a
 new folder (with more or less arbitrary name, you can use Dummy)
 within the extensions folder.  When you start LibreOffice again, the
 problem should be gone (it might show a LibreOffice quit unexpectedly
 dialog once directly while starting, which is an unrelated problem and a
 different story, in which case just press the Reopen button).

 Note that LO 4.1.3 for Mac OS X from comes without a bundled Wiki
 Publisher extension.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread CVAlkan
For what it's worth ...

Just as a follow-up, I just went to the main download site for my version
(64-bit Ubuntu Linux), which is

When selecting the Main Installer 196 MB (Torrent) option, I receive a
page containing the following:

Gateway Timeout

===End Page

When selecting the Main Installer 196 MB (Info) option, I receive a page
containing the following:

===Begin Page

Gateway Timeout

===End Page

This is essentially the behavior I have experienced at least since the
release of version 4. I experienced the same thing earlier this morning when
attempting to download a Windows version (in Oracle's VirtualBox), and the
same behavior is present when choosing the LibreOffice built-in help

I hope this helps someone figure out what the issue is 


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Re: [libreoffice-users] OSX Mavericks upgrade prevents LO from opening because of lack of java

2013-11-01 Thread Marc Grober
The upgrade does indeed present an opportunity to install apple java
before invoking any of the apps. Having had prior experiencne with the
Apple Java fiasco and took the OS up on its offer, lol.  Unfortunately
it looks like that install doesn't necessarily take (while I am sure
the software is installed, my guess is that there are environmental
variables that are not being fully set until some conjunction of the
planets or the like

I did find a clue in that There are other apps it would appear that are
suffering the same problems (not acknowledging the presence of the Apple
JRE.)  I have rebooted and reinstalled the Apple Java a number of times,
and have finally been able to get it to take (though installation was
exactly the same as prior instances and rebooting was not required.)

I can tell you that I had to invoke a different app that demanded apple
java that would not crash, and having installed Apple java (a 5th time)
in response to that apps prompt, it took.  Then,  on pulling up LO and
looking at the JVM dialog,  one could see the Apple JRE in the selector
box (first time a java version appeared there since the upgrade.)   This
may also suggest that this problem may be a result of Apple changing
locations of the JRE (that is apparently what broke Macports) but I am
just guessing there. Apple did rip out all Java (1.6 AND Oracle 1.7) on
upgrade, and I am wondering about LO's response where it is required to
use a JVM, but can't find it -- in other words, why didn't LO (or other
apps for that matter) see the Apple 1.6 JRE when initially installed
when prompted by the OS, even after reboot.

This smacks very much of the same kind of Java issues I saw on
MountainLion. Eventually one could get Java 1.7 running along side Java
1.6, the latter being used for general OS invocation while the former
could be used via CLI and for browsers...  At present I now have LO
running as it has found Apple Java 1.6 

LO needs to make the jump so that it can use 1.7 or make it clear that
LO will be java-free by version 4.x or some such  but I think the
latter would be potentially unfortunate

On 11/1/13, 1:07 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
 On 10/31/2013 05:02 PM, Marc Grober wrote:
 It looks like the thread on addressing operating LO 4 under OSX
 Mavericks may have taken a small detour.

 Yes, Java is a bit of a disaster on OSX, and yes once you upgrade Apple
 blows away your java install so you have to start all over (but will
 prompt you to install their java.)

 Assuming you accept their invitation on reboot (the install will invite
 you to install an Apple Java jre) and then try to run LO ( you

 Does the OS X upgrade itself indeed mention the possibility to
 download an Apple JRE?  I never noticed that.

 will likely get an error message that allows you to either install a
 java (the install does not say what it is installing, nor from where) or

 What I know is the following:

 After upgrade or fresh install of OS X (at least since 10.7, IIRC), a
 java executable is installed that is merely a stub, bringing up a
 dialog inviting you to download and install the real Apple JRE 6.

 When LO is run on such a stub-only machine, as soon as it tries to
 detect a JRE (which might be rather sooner than expected, see the
 LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) thread on this
 mailing list), it will run the stub java executable and thus trigger
 the dialog.

 Now, for some it reportedly works fine to download and install the
 Apple JRE via the dialog and continue working with LO (or even not
 download and install it, and keep living with LO nagging you about a
 missing JRE).  But for some LO reportedly keeps crashing from that
 dialog onwards, no matter how they interact with that dialog.  But I
 only know about that from here-say, and have never seen the problem
 myself, and never seen a backtrace of the crashing LO that could give
 us a clue what's going on there.

 (I wasted my opportunity to find out for myself when soon after
 upgrading to OS X 10.9 I got confronted with the java stub dialog
 outside the LO context and downloaded/installed it before I came
 around to start LO.)

 But since, as described in the LibreOffice 4.1.2 and Mac OS X 10.9
 (Mavericks) thread on this mailing list, one unexpected side-effect
 of bundling the Wiki Publisher extension with LO on Mac OS X is that
 LO tries to detect a JRE as soon as you type a key in Writer, we
 decided to deliver LO 4.1.3 for Mac OS X (from without a bundled Wiki
 Publisher extension.  That should help to somewhat mitigate the
 problem and have less people be annoyed by the problem.


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[libreoffice-users] Estudantes da rede estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria

2013-11-01 Thread Vitorio Furusho - LibreOffice

Precisamos ter um posicionamento sobre isso:

A Microsoft assinou um termo de cooperação com o Estado de São Paulo que
vai dar acesso gratuito aos pacotes Office para os cerca de 4,3 milhões de
alunos matriculados na rede estadual de ensino, informou o secretário da
Educação, Herman Voorwald.

O acordo, anunciado na quinta-feira (31) pelo secretário e o presidente da
empresa americana no Brasil, Mariano de Beer, tem o objetivo de
disponibilizar conteúdos digitais sem custo para capacitar os alunos das
escolas estaduais.

Os estudantes terão acesso ao Office 365 ProPlus, que custaria R$ 24

A parceria complementa as ações focadas em disponibilizar ferramentas
digitais atreladas ao currículo dos alunos, disse Voorwald.

Segundo a Secretaria de Educação, a parceria irá articular alguns outros
projetos da capital paulista como o Acessa Escola, que é um programa de
inclusão digital e de acesso livre à internet nas escolas, e a
Evesp Virtual de
São Paulo), que disponibiliza plataformas digitais com
cursos de idiomas e preparatórios on-line.
  Milton Michida - 26.mar.13/Divulgação  [image: Professora Beatriz de
Oliveira Fortes dá aula na rede estadual na capital paulista]  Professora
Beatriz de Oliveira Fortes em aula com computadores na rede estadual na
capital paulista

No entanto, segundo o especialista em software livre e professor Edson
Silva, o governo do estado está vendendo o serviço à Microsoft, porque a
parceria é uma forma de forçar o uso do software privado, porque os
programas da empresa americana são mais fáceis de piratear, explicou à

Para o professor, o software livre proporciona mais liberdade de acesso,
mesmo tendo uma interface de interação mais difícil de usar do que o da

Não se deve viciar em uma forma de organização de janelas, pasta do
desktop, e o Windows faz isso. Isso amarra as pessoas profissionalmente,
elas devem ter liberdade para escolher o tipo de tecnologia irão utilizar
no dia a dia, já que a lógica da programação é a mesma, afirmou Silva.

O professor ainda destaca que o software livre é uma opção de investimento
que tem custo, mas garante essa liberdade de interação com a tecnologia e
a diminuição da pirataria comum ao campo da computação.

Se a empresa libera gratuitamente os programas do pacote Office é uma
maneira de tornar os alunos dependentes dessa corporação, e os governos
devem ajudar nessa mudança de comportamento cultural, incentivando o não
pagamento de altas licenças de programas, ressaltou o especialista.
fonte: Folha de S. Paulo

Furusho, Vitorio
Fone: +55 41 9977-3947
Twitter, Facebook, Gtalk, Skype: vfurusho

Free Software Furusho Journal of IT and

Free Software Foundation
The Document Foundationção Software
LibreOffice Brasil

Currículum Vitae

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[libreoffice-users] Re: [pt-br-usuarios] Estudantes da rede estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria

2013-11-01 Thread Urmas
And that is great, as Microsoft Office is designed not by copycats, but for 
people who actually know what the Office is for. 

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[libreoffice-users] Unwanted chars in help

2013-11-01 Thread Kolbjørn Stuestøl
In my copy of the LO Help (Norwegian, nynorsk) there are some 
unwanted characters in the headwords list. Example: redigera - X{�J 
(redigera = edit).

I think the reason for these errors could be some missing closing tags 
somewhere in the po files. Something like 
bookmark_valueredigerabookmark_value (missing / ) perhaps.

Where do I start hunting and what should I've been looking for?

As I am a translator of these files, I could very well have done these 
mistakes myself, but it does not help me anyway. Btw: I have seen these 
errors in other translations than Norwegian nynorsk too.

Perhaps not the right place posting this, but I did not found a 
translators or a documenters forum. Someone knows?

Kolbjoern Stuestoel

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Unwanted chars in help

2013-11-01 Thread anne-ology
   Usually when these 'strange characters' appear it's due to quotation
marks (single or double) or bold face type or or some other thing which
does not computer-translate to whatever program the viewer has -
MsFt is ripe with adding special effects which aren't
compatible with anyone else  ;-(

   If you wish to see what is being hidden (?) in these 'strange
characters' send the document/e-mail/ ... whatever to a machine with MsFt's
latest program -
 as one of these mini-handhelds ... ... ...

   Good luck to you [I use to know this term in the Nordic language;
sorry, it eludes me for the moment]

From: Kolbjørn Stuestøl
Date: Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 11:18 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Unwanted chars in help
To: LibreOffice brukargruppe

In my copy of the LO Help (Norwegian, nynorsk) there are some
unwanted characters in the headwords list. Example: redigera - X{  �J
(redigera = edit).

I think the reason for these errors could be some missing closing tags
somewhere in the po files. Something like
(missing / ) perhaps.
Where do I start hunting and what should I've been looking for?

As I am a translator of these files, I could very well have done these
mistakes myself, but it does not help me anyway. Btw: I have seen these
errors in other translations than Norwegian nynorsk too.

Perhaps not the right place posting this, but I did not found a translators
or a documenters forum. Someone knows?

Kolbjoern Stuestoel

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Missing Hyphens in pdf Export (PDF/A-1a only)

2013-11-01 Thread Mirosław Zalewski
Dnia 2013-11-01, o godz. 07:30:20
CVAlkan napisał(a):

 This seems like really strange behavior; I'd be very curious to know
 what coding error could cause such a limited and precise symptom.

As bibisect report showed up, bug was introduced between snapshot
3def5194ddaf9c4d766b71527874bd1a973b43e5 and snapshot

If you can read code, you can take a look at differences between these
two and figure it out:

 For the moment, however, this solves my problem. Is there a way I can
 find out when (or in what release) that will be corrected, as it is
 important to me.

If you are registered at bugzilla, then go to bug page and in upper
right corner you will find checkbox right next to Add me to CC list.
Mark that box and hit Save changes above.
You will then get e-mail about each change in bug; also when it get
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Engaging Users in the LibreOffice Project

2013-11-01 Thread Ken Springer

On 11/1/13 7:04 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Hello everyone,

Thank you for choosing and using LibreOffice!

My name is  Charles-H. Schulz and I'm one of the co-founders of the
Document Foundation.  Many people who contribute to the LibreOffice
project discussed the need for us to understand how we could enroll
regular users (whatever that means) to the LibreOffice  project.

You obviously know that LibreOffice is Free Software and that it comes
with  rights and freedoms for you. But besides that LibreOffice is a
software development project populated by a community of people who
contribute their time and skills (and many skills are required, not
just the technical ones!) on a volunteer or on a paid basis.

But when we come to think of it, these people started somewhere, one
day, to contribute, and while they all have their own reasons, we (the
people in charge of marketing) thought that everybody has the ability
to contribute. The question is: how  can we make it 1)interesting 2)
accessible 3)easy to understand what the various tasks are 4)possible
to spread the word about it?

... And this is where you come in the picture. We worked on a short
survey that's anonymous (we don't require your name nor your email) and
we would really like it if you could take a few minutes of your time to
answer these questions. As you will see they are all about
understanding how we could include users of LibreOffice and turn them
into contributors. The survey is here:

We hope you're having a great time and thank you again for using

Best regards,

I went to do the survey, didn't complete it.  From going through the 
pages, too many places didn't allow me to provide feedback on my 
interests as well as concerns before becoming involved.  On a couple of 
pages, I would like to have selected more than one.

IMO, surveys such as this are essentially slanted, and could give you 
the answers you want to hear, not the ones you should hear.

Lastly, after clicking the Exit and Clear survey button, in the 
following window, the close this window button did not work, even in 
Safe Mode for Firefox.


Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 24.0
Thunderbird 17.0.8

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[libreoffice-users] Re: [Sócios-ASL]RES: Governo de SP e MS fornecem office 365 para estudantes

2013-11-01 Thread Vitorio Furusho - LibreOffice

Chega de blá blá blá...

*Vamos Pra Rua!*

O que a M$ está fazendo é aliciamento de menores e o Governo sabe disso.

A primeira dose é grátis e depois come até a alma.


Furusho, Vitorio
Fone: +55 41 9977-3947
Twitter, Facebook, Gtalk, Skype: vfurusho

Free Software Furusho Journal of IT and

Free Software Foundation
The Document Foundationção Software
LibreOffice Brasil

Currículum Vitae

Em 1 de novembro de 2013 15:53, João Fernando escreveu:

 Creio que uma nota de repúdio soa bem nesse momento.

 Em 1 de novembro de 2013 15:49, Mariel Zasso

 O que vocês sugerem? Nota de repúdio?

 Mariel Zasso

 Em 1 de novembro de 2013 15:40, Eustaquio Guimaraes escreveu:

 Lobby de mais, lobby de menos.
 Apenas interesses.
 ... errados, chulos, errôneos
 Eustáquio Mendes Guimarães
 Analista de sistemas / Especialista em Software Livre
 (o_   Ser Livre ...
 //\   É uma Opção
 Ubuntu Counter Project - #4046

 Em 1 de novembro de 2013 14:14, Ronald Emerson Scherolt da Costa escreveu:
  Continuamos vendo iniciativas sempre na contra-mão de todos os
  Até quando?
  Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República
  Ronald Emerson Scherolt da Costa
  Assessor Técnico
  Coordenação-Geral de Novas Mídias e Outras Linguagens de Participação
  Departamento de Participação Social (DPS)
  Secretaria Nacional de Articulação Social (SNAS)
  Fax: 55 61 3226 4673 Fone: 55 61 3411 4320
  -Mensagem original-
  De: [mailto:] Em nome de
  Enviada em: sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2013 12:22
  Assunto: [Sócios-ASL] Governo de SP e MS fornecem office 365 para
  Acho que ASL precisa se posicionar sobre este absurdo.
  ASL.Org - Associacao SoftwareLivre.Org
  Socios-ASL mailing list
  Socios-ASL mailing list
 Socios-ASL mailing list

 Socios-ASL mailing list


   °v°  João Fernando Costa Júnior
  /(_)\ Comunidade LibreOffice do ES / Iniciativa Espírito Livre / Equipe 
   ^ ^  GNU/Linux User #422133   |   Ubuntu User #16167

 Socios-ASL mailing list

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread Girvin Herr

Running Slackware Linux 14.0 (K3.2.29) and using Firefox 17.0.8.
I just got on to the website and downloaded both the 
main and helppack RPM tarballs for v4.1.3 with no problem.

I notice that they added torrent options.  Are you sure you are not 
clicking on the torrent link, which requires bittorrant to download.  
I don't know what your browser may do with a .torrent file rather than 
an http file.  There are 3 links in each of the download blocks.  Make 
sure you are clicking on the top line, which is the RPM tarball link, 
not the torrent or Info links on the second line.

Note that I understand some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) hinder or 
prevent bittorrant files.  Maybe yours does.  I suggest trying the 
regular tarball, not the torrant file and see what it does for you.

Girvin Herr

On 11/01/2013 08:23 AM, CVAlkan wrote:

For what it's worth ...

Just as a follow-up, I just went to the main download site for my version
(64-bit Ubuntu Linux), which is

When selecting the Main Installer 196 MB (Torrent) option, I receive a
page containing the following:

Gateway Timeout

===End Page

When selecting the Main Installer 196 MB (Info) option, I receive a page
containing the following:

===Begin Page

Gateway Timeout

===End Page

This is essentially the behavior I have experienced at least since the
release of version 4. I experienced the same thing earlier this morning when
attempting to download a Windows version (in Oracle's VirtualBox), and the
same behavior is present when choosing the LibreOffice built-in help

I hope this helps someone figure out what the issue is 


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[libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread CVAlkan
Hi Girvin:

Thanks for the response.

I've actually tried all of the choices on the main page, but just listed the
two smaller links on the right. I get the identical problem no matter what
choice I make. I use the .deb format rather than the rpm you tried, so I
thought I would just check to see if attempting to download the rpm tar
would work and got the following:

Gateway Timeout

This is essentially the same message, but referencing a different file.

I am able to download torrents from other locations with no problem, and am
able to load the same deb tar files from other locations, so I don't think
it's my isp itself. I called to ask them, and they said they shouldn't be
doing anything that would cause this, but who knows?

I'm still confused.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread Kracked_P_P---webmaster

I just download from this page.

Currently it shows

Actually this page is the easiest one if you have to download more than
just one OS and set of help/language packs.

I have been using this page since before 4.0.0 ever came out.

On 11/01/2013 05:50 PM, CVAlkan wrote:
 Hi Girvin:

 Thanks for the response.

 I've actually tried all of the choices on the main page, but just listed the
 two smaller links on the right. I get the identical problem no matter what
 choice I make. I use the .deb format rather than the rpm you tried, so I
 thought I would just check to see if attempting to download the rpm tar
 would work and got the following:

 Gateway Timeout

 This is essentially the same message, but referencing a different file.

 I am able to download torrents from other locations with no problem, and am
 able to load the same deb tar files from other locations, so I don't think
 it's my isp itself. I called to ask them, and they said they shouldn't be
 doing anything that would cause this, but who knows?

 I'm still confused.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Engaging Users in the LibreOffice Project

2013-11-01 Thread Dale Erwin

On 11/1/2013 2:05 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 11/1/13 7:04 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Hello everyone,

Thank you for choosing and using LibreOffice!

My name is  Charles-H. Schulz and I'm one of the co-founders of the
Document Foundation.  Many people who contribute to the LibreOffice
project discussed the need for us to understand how we could enroll
regular users (whatever that means) to the LibreOffice project.

You obviously know that LibreOffice is Free Software and that it comes
with  rights and freedoms for you. But besides that LibreOffice is a
software development project populated by a community of people who
contribute their time and skills (and many skills are required, not
just the technical ones!) on a volunteer or on a paid basis.

But when we come to think of it, these people started somewhere, one
day, to contribute, and while they all have their own reasons, we (the
people in charge of marketing) thought that everybody has the ability
to contribute. The question is: how  can we make it 1)interesting 2)
accessible 3)easy to understand what the various tasks are 4)possible
to spread the word about it?

... And this is where you come in the picture. We worked on a short
survey that's anonymous (we don't require your name nor your email) and
we would really like it if you could take a few minutes of your time to
answer these questions. As you will see they are all about
understanding how we could include users of LibreOffice and turn them
into contributors. The survey is here:

We hope you're having a great time and thank you again for using

Best regards,

I went to do the survey, didn't complete it.  From going through the
pages, too many places didn't allow me to provide feedback on my
interests as well as concerns before becoming involved.  On a couple
of pages, I would like to have selected more than one.

IMO, surveys such as this are essentially slanted, and could give you
the answers you want to hear, not the ones you should hear.

Lastly, after clicking the Exit and Clear survey button, in the
following window, the close this window button did not work, even in
Safe Mode for Firefox.

I agree about the survey.  The multiple-choice type answers did not 
reflect my answers.  However, I had no trouble closing the window 
without completing the survey.

Dale Erwin
Jr. 28 de Julio 657, Depto. 03
Magdalena del Mar, Lima 17 PERU

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Engaging Users in the LibreOffice Project

2013-11-01 Thread e-letter
On 01/11/2013, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

 But when we come to think of it, these people started somewhere, one
 day, to contribute, and while they all have their own reasons, we (the
 people in charge of marketing) thought that everybody has the ability
 to contribute. The question is: how  can we make it 1)interesting 2)
 accessible 3)easy to understand what the various tasks are 4)possible
 to spread the word about it?

Question 2 requires a definition of contribute, e.g. is a bug
submission contribution? Is helping another user via the mailing list
a contribution?

Q5 answers above, therefore should appear in the survey before q2!

Q11 what is the relevance of knowing users' locations?

Agree with Mr Springer's message.

LO people should simply read the mailing list; every random date,
select a random number of mailing lists threads, read, analyse and
consider whether further action is necessary. You will get much better
information than a biased survey

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RE: [libreoffice-users] Re: Engaging Users in the LibreOffice Project

2013-11-01 Thread Dan Hall

-Original Message-
From: Dale Erwin [] 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Engaging Users in the LibreOffice

On 11/1/2013 2:05 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
 On 11/1/13 7:04 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 Thank you for choosing and using LibreOffice!

 My name is  Charles-H. Schulz and I'm one of the co-founders of the
 Document Foundation.  Many people who contribute to the LibreOffice
 project discussed the need for us to understand how we could enroll
 regular users (whatever that means) to the LibreOffice project.

 You obviously know that LibreOffice is Free Software and that it comes
 with  rights and freedoms for you. But besides that LibreOffice is a
 software development project populated by a community of people who
 contribute their time and skills (and many skills are required, not
 just the technical ones!) on a volunteer or on a paid basis.

 But when we come to think of it, these people started somewhere, one
 day, to contribute, and while they all have their own reasons, we (the
 people in charge of marketing) thought that everybody has the ability
 to contribute. The question is: how  can we make it 1)interesting 2)
 accessible 3)easy to understand what the various tasks are 4)possible
 to spread the word about it?

 ... And this is where you come in the picture. We worked on a short
 survey that's anonymous (we don't require your name nor your email) and
 we would really like it if you could take a few minutes of your time to
 answer these questions. As you will see they are all about
 understanding how we could include users of LibreOffice and turn them
 into contributors. The survey is here:

 We hope you're having a great time and thank you again for using

 Best regards,

 I went to do the survey, didn't complete it.  From going through the
 pages, too many places didn't allow me to provide feedback on my
 interests as well as concerns before becoming involved.  On a couple
 of pages, I would like to have selected more than one.

 IMO, surveys such as this are essentially slanted, and could give you
 the answers you want to hear, not the ones you should hear.

 Lastly, after clicking the Exit and Clear survey button, in the
 following window, the close this window button did not work, even in
 Safe Mode for Firefox.

I agree about the survey.  The multiple-choice type answers did not 
reflect my answers.  However, I had no trouble closing the window 
without completing the survey.

Dale Erwin
Jr. 28 de Julio 657, Depto. 03
Magdalena del Mar, Lima 17 PERU

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [pt-br-usuarios] Estudantes da rede estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria

2013-11-01 Thread Les Howell
On Fri, 2013-11-01 at 23:01 +0700, Urmas wrote:
 And that is great, as Microsoft Office is designed not by copycats, but for 
 people who actually know what the Office is for. 
Just a simple question, Do you know who originally designed Microsoft

Les H

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread CVAlkan
Yes, I've used that page in the past, but it links to the same location and
gives me the same gateway timeout. Luckliy, others post the required files
so that I can access them. When I chatted with a rep from my ISP, he said
they hadn't changed anything since I began having this issue (I think it was
around the time v4 showed up, but I'm not sure).

Since I haven't changed O/S either (I'm using 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04), I can't
think of what else to look at.

But thanks for responding.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [pt-br-usuarios] Estudantes da rede estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria

2013-11-01 Thread Kracked_P_P---webmaster
On 11/01/2013 08:23 PM, Les Howell wrote:
 On Fri, 2013-11-01 at 23:01 +0700, Urmas wrote:
 And that is great, as Microsoft Office is designed not by copycats, but for 
 people who actually know what the Office is for. 

 Just a simple question, Do you know who originally designed Microsoft

 Les H

MS was the bigest copycats there was back in the early days.  They
stole from any package that could get away with.  If they could not
steal it, they bought the copywrites behind it and then others had to
stop using their technology. 

I was working in the computer field when Apple came out with the first
Mac, and then many of those ideas were used to make the first Windows
OS.  There were a lot of different office packages out there before MSO
came out, or even before MS Works came out.  I know, I used them on
floppy/DOS based system as well as on mini/mainframe systems.  DEC has a
very popular office package that was mostly a word processor, before MSO
was out. 

Now, MS just buys patents, and companies, to get the technology they
need and then sues every one else for patent infrigment if they use
anything that looks like it is any way near their patented tech, but if
they use some other company's patents they will fight till the other
company drains their bank accounts and then go in for the kill.  When
they are big enough to pay court fees and fines out of their petty cash
fund, they can steal anything they want to and get away with it since
no other company, of government can afford to go head-to-toe with MS in
a court battle, since every one else cannot spend like MS can for court

Now there are some good things about MS, there has to be somewhere, but
I do not know of any off the top of my head.

Actually MS stole the mouse tech from Apple, and Apple stole it from
Zerox [if I remember correctly]. 


know what the office is for?

Who's office?  The small business user, the mid-level businesses, the
enterprise level businesses?  Not my home office [now and in the past] 
I dumped MSO as soon as there was a good option that still read/wrote
MSO file formats.  The last MSO I used was 2003, and I fealt it was
bloated and a waste of money as it was. 

90% of the businesses users I know of use less than 10% of the features
and functions that MSO has.  MS proudly announced, once, that between
one version of MSO to the next one they added over 1,000 new features.
Well I bet that the users of the previous version of MSO could use very
few on them, unless they were really high end users that need to read
complex manuals to figure out how to get even a third of the new
features to work, even if they could not use hardly any of them in their

Look at the Win8 blunder.  Then tell me that MS knows what offices and
businesses want and need?  Businesses panned it in droves.  But, MS kept
hyping that this is the OS you have been waiting for.

I really wonder when it was, the last time that the developers of MSO or
MS Windows actually go together with a large diversity of users,
business and otherwise, and a large number of them, over 10,000, to ask
what you like and not like about their current project [in a blind
survey] and what is needed for the next version.  It seems that MS feels
that if we make it for you, you will buy it and love it.  It feels
like they no longer ask users what is wanted or needed.

If MS would have looked at the Linux market, Ubuntu was the top Linux
distro till they came up with the tile based Unity desktop
environment.  Users left Ubuntu in droves and Linux Mint, with the older
style of desktop, became the top distro [for non server users].  Also,
no one wanted MS's tile based phones, so MS decided to make phones,
tablets, laptops, and desktop, use a tile based desktop environment. 
They removed the Start Button and was forced to put it back in Win
8.1, because users voted with the pockets and panned Win8 and kept using
or buying Win7.

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[libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread mariosv
All LibreOffice versions for all OS;O=D  

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Engaging Users in the LibreOffice Project

Hi Charles and all:

I agree with this survey and I think it would be usefull and I haven't problem 
to give my e-mail to Document Foundation.


Jorge Rodríguez 

- Original Message -
From: Dan Hall
To: Dale Erwin,
Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 5:11:40 PM
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] Re: Engaging Users in the LibreOffice Project


-Original Message-
From: Dale Erwin [] 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Engaging Users in the LibreOffice

On 11/1/2013 2:05 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
 On 11/1/13 7:04 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 Thank you for choosing and using LibreOffice!

 My name is  Charles-H. Schulz and I'm one of the co-founders of the
 Document Foundation.  Many people who contribute to the LibreOffice
 project discussed the need for us to understand how we could enroll
 regular users (whatever that means) to the LibreOffice project.

 You obviously know that LibreOffice is Free Software and that it comes
 with  rights and freedoms for you. But besides that LibreOffice is a
 software development project populated by a community of people who
 contribute their time and skills (and many skills are required, not
 just the technical ones!) on a volunteer or on a paid basis.

 But when we come to think of it, these people started somewhere, one
 day, to contribute, and while they all have their own reasons, we (the
 people in charge of marketing) thought that everybody has the ability
 to contribute. The question is: how  can we make it 1)interesting 2)
 accessible 3)easy to understand what the various tasks are 4)possible
 to spread the word about it?

 ... And this is where you come in the picture. We worked on a short
 survey that's anonymous (we don't require your name nor your email) and
 we would really like it if you could take a few minutes of your time to
 answer these questions. As you will see they are all about
 understanding how we could include users of LibreOffice and turn them
 into contributors. The survey is here:

 We hope you're having a great time and thank you again for using

 Best regards,

 I went to do the survey, didn't complete it.  From going through the
 pages, too many places didn't allow me to provide feedback on my
 interests as well as concerns before becoming involved.  On a couple
 of pages, I would like to have selected more than one.

 IMO, surveys such as this are essentially slanted, and could give you
 the answers you want to hear, not the ones you should hear.

 Lastly, after clicking the Exit and Clear survey button, in the
 following window, the close this window button did not work, even in
 Safe Mode for Firefox.

I agree about the survey.  The multiple-choice type answers did not 
reflect my answers.  However, I had no trouble closing the window 
without completing the survey.

Dale Erwin
Jr. 28 de Julio 657, Depto. 03
Magdalena del Mar, Lima 17 PERU

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[libreoffice-users] WeekNum_Year()

2013-11-01 Thread Jonathan Lang
According to ISO-8601: January 1, 2000 is also 1999-W52-07.  I can get the 
W52 from WeekNum, and the 07 from WeekDay; but currently, the only 
function that provides the year gives 2000, not 1999.  Could we get an 
ISO-8601-compliant WeekNum_Year function that gives the year that's 
consistent with WeekNum?  

Note that WeekNum_Year() would be equivalent to Year() except for up to the 
first or last three days of the Gregorian year.  

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[libreoffice-users] Re: [pt-br-usuarios] Estudantes da rede estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria

2013-11-01 Thread Urmas

Les Howell:

Just a simple question, Do you know who originally designed Microsoft

Microsoft mostly.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 11/01/2013 03:23 PM, CVAlkan wrote:

 When selecting the Main Installer 196 MB (Torrent) option, I receive a
 page containing the following:
 Gateway Timeout

Do you have a torrent client installed?
If so, is it grabbing the torrent information?

 This is essentially the behavior I have experienced at least since the 
 release of version 4.

What changes did you make to your system settings, around the time that
LibO 4.0 was released?

Assuming that you aren't trying to download the torrent, without using a
torrent client, my guess is that a proxy, firewall, or something similar
is holding packets just long enough for some of them to time out, but
not enough to cause the site to be unreachable.  A slightly
misconfigured DansGuardian setup can cause the behaviour you describe.


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