Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Excuse me, but your opinion is simply unimportant. Start over and you can expect more of the same.

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Brager

I was curious as to what the commotion on this subject was so I looked 
at the bug submitted wherein I found the automated message:

   Björn Michaelsen 2011-12-23 12:27:51 UTC
   [This is an automated message.]
   This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it
   started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed.
   The bug is
   changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from
   NEEDINFO back
   to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1
   or beta2
   Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at:

   more detail on this bulk operation:

Seems pretty clear to me.  In fact, if one actually goes to the trouble 
of clicking on the bulk operation link, one finds complete information 
regarding what was done and why.  To make it more convenient for you 
all, I present a portion of the information here:

here is an urgent request for comments. We still have ~2400 bugs in 
state NEW
from the pre-Bugzilla 4.0 days. Back then we had no initial state 
so unfortunately they started with NEW. This is changed now for new 
bugs, but

the old ones are still in state NEW because we did not want to spam the
subscribers of 2400 bugs just by changing those bugs. This leaves us 
in the
unfortunate situation to having to check dates etc. to see what the 

really means, which is really bad.

So here is my proposal: I want to batch change all those old 
unconfirmed bugs
(without the now obsolete CONFIRMED in whiteboard status) to state 
We can then be sure that a bug in state NEW is actually confirmed. 
This is

urgent, because I think we have a good opportunity right now.
I want to do the bulk change with this comment:

[This is an automated message.]
This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it
started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed. The 
bug is
changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from 
to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1 

Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at:

By doing this, we would:
 a) get our bug data consistent (all NEW bug would have basic 

 b) lure a lot more people into participating in the beta1 bug hunt
 c) do so without spamming a lot of people in vain.
 d) could get rid of the confusing UNCONFIRMED,CONFIRMED tags in 
whiteboard status

To be effective for the bug hunting session this would have to be done 

fast. Thus, if nobody vetos this, I would do that tommorrow in ~500 bug

Objections? Vetos? Comments?



This at least provides the history of how things got from there to here 
and so could help provide a better understanding.

I do agree that there needs to be better information regarding how to 
change the status, as it's unclear (to me at least) how the status got 
changed to RESOLVED INVALID, other than the fact that Leif stated very 
clearly in this particular bug:

_Not actually a bug _but more an easy improvement to the user interface.

Perhaps that's the reason it became invalid.  I'm simply guessing.

It would seem any perceived problems stem from Bugzilla and attempts to 
make improvements to the bug fixing process.  Where it may have broken 
down is in the uncertain area of what happened when Leif responded to 
the NEEDINFO request.  The question becomes, did Bugzilla change the 
status to NEW as Bjoern implies would happen and then a developer 
further changed the status to RESOLVED INVALID?  If so, then perhaps 
that particular status needs better detail from the developer (or QA) as 
Leif requests - something like Not a bug, but an enhancement request.  
And then perhaps a pointer to how to submit enhancement requests.  To 
me, a better status message would have simply been ENHANCEMENT REQUEST 
and then left in that state as an open request rather than RESOLVED.  
That way developers could easily find such requests.

Obviously I'd have to look at each individual bug to see if these 
comments apply, but since Andreas stated in another post that this bug 
The perfect example for what went wrong here. Someone tagged it 
blindly as NEEDINFO although the request for improvement is 
perfectly clear even for me who never used Impress for anything but 
... I thought I'd take a look at the perfect example.  We now see why 
it was tagged blindly.

Leif is perfectly right when he states:

Half the problem is communication. If the process has been more clear 
and accurate it wouldn't have been a problem. Why not explain the 
process and the reason for closing these issues? Why not explain what 
it means that the issue has 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Excuse me, but your opinion is simply unimportant. Start over and you can expect more of the same.

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Brager
Thanks for your comments.  What still remains unclear to me (not that it 
matters as I have no influence/authority on anything done by anyone  - 
I'm simply trying to help you all sort it out so somebody in a position 
to do something can then do it) is whether the bug status was changed in 
that 5 month period between when you re-confirmed the bug, and when it 
was closed.

In other words, did it get changed from NEEDINFO to NEW when you 
reconfirmed the bug, as was implied should have happened?  Or did it go 
from NEEDINFO to CLOSED with no intervening status?  If the latter, then 
in my opinion there's a bug in bugzilla as (I would think) it should 
have changed when you reconfirmed the bug.  If the former, then there's 
a problem with the process, not the tool.  The answers to those 
questions will answer the question which one needs fixing?  If the 
process needs fixing, then in my opinion there needs to be additional 
status flags and additional feedback from the developers as I previously 

Based on Florien's post, it sounds like he only closed those that were 
in the NEEDINFO state, which implies there's a bug in bugzilla as I 
state above.

On 8/15/2012 2:18 PM, Marc Grober wrote:

Yes and no.

The initial news about bug tracker issues went out in March.
Many responded, as did I,  updating the bug to confirm that it was still
a bug  In fact, at the time I specifically asked why we needed to
confirm the bug if in fact the bug was long stnding and nothing had been
done by developers about the resolution suggested.  The response was a
thank you for updating.

THEN, 5 MONTHS LATER, we received post facto notice that the bug had
been closed, an across the board second effort to change bug status
without regard to anything that had been done in March.

The March notice re 'my' bug was in fact bogus, because the bug was
documented very well, and status was simply not changed because no dev
took the time to address the bug.

On 8/15/12 12:54 PM, Andrew Brager wrote:

I was curious as to what the commotion on this subject was so I looked
at the bug submitted wherein I found the automated message:

Björn Michaelsen 2011-12-23 12:27:51 UTC
[This is an automated message.]
This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it
started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed.
The bug is
changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from
to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1
or beta2
Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at:

more detail on this bulk operation:

Seems pretty clear to me.  In fact, if one actually goes to the trouble
of clicking on the bulk operation link, one finds complete information
regarding what was done and why.  To make it more convenient for you
all, I present a portion of the information here:

here is an urgent request for comments. We still have ~2400 bugs in
state NEW
from the pre-Bugzilla 4.0 days. Back then we had no initial state
so unfortunately they started with NEW. This is changed now for new
bugs, but
the old ones are still in state NEW because we did not want to spam the
subscribers of 2400 bugs just by changing those bugs. This leaves us
in the
unfortunate situation to having to check dates etc. to see what the
really means, which is really bad.

So here is my proposal: I want to batch change all those old
unconfirmed bugs
(without the now obsolete CONFIRMED in whiteboard status) to state
We can then be sure that a bug in state NEW is actually confirmed.
This is
urgent, because I think we have a good opportunity right now.
I want to do the bulk change with this comment:

[This is an automated message.]
This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it
started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed. The
bug is
changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from
to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1
Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at:

By doing this, we would:
  a) get our bug data consistent (all NEW bug would have basic
  b) lure a lot more people into participating in the beta1 bug hunt
  c) do so without spamming a lot of people in vain.
  d) could get rid of the confusing UNCONFIRMED,CONFIRMED tags in
whiteboard status

To be effective for the bug hunting session this would have to be done
fast. Thus, if nobody vetos this, I would do that tommorrow in ~500 bug

Objections? Vetos? Comments?



This at least provides the history of how things got from there to here

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Excuse me, but your opinion is simply unimportant. Start over and you can expect more of the same.

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/15/2012 3:20 PM, Marc Grober wrote:

On 8/15/12 1:57 PM, Andrew Brager wrote:

Thanks for your comments.  What still remains unclear to me (not that it
matters as I have no influence/authority on anything done by anyone  -
I'm simply trying to help you all sort it out so somebody in a position
to do something can then do it) is whether the bug status was changed in
that 5 month period between when you re-confirmed the bug, and when it
was closed.

In other words, did it get changed from NEEDINFO to NEW when you
reconfirmed the bug, as was implied should have happened?  Or did it go
from NEEDINFO to CLOSED with no intervening status?  If the latter, then
in my opinion there's a bug in bugzilla as (I would think) it should
have changed when you reconfirmed the bug.  If the former, then there's
a problem with the process, not the tool.  The answers to those
questions will answer the question which one needs fixing?  If the
process needs fixing, then in my opinion there needs to be additional
status flags and additional feedback from the developers as I previously

Based on Florien's post, it sounds like he only closed those that were
in the NEEDINFO state, which implies there's a bug in bugzilla as I
state above.

I think there is another possibility, and that is that the bug lifecycle
is dubious. See,

That diagram is in fact interesting.  Based on that diagram (which may 
or may not be utilized by the LO team), then the process followed by the 
LO team is in error.  They've chosen to dump unconfirmed bugs back on 
the user community, instead of confirming the bugs themselves.  I can 
understand why they've done it, the work is probably overwhelming and 
they're volunteers so they've chosen to let each individual user/bug 
submitter either resubmit or assume resolved status.  Not a bad choice 
from their point of view, it's the path of least work for them.  It 
makes sense from that viewpoint.  The proper way to do it would have 
been to check each bug themselves as normally would be done prior to a 
production release.  They took the practical, expedient approach instead 
and I don't think you can fault them for doing so.

With respect to LO bugs,  it is still unclear what the various stages of
the bug lifecycle is, and who is empowered to make various changes to
the bug status. As an unempowered user I cannot confirm a bug.

Nor should you be able to confirm a bug.  And that of course is where 
the model (or process) is broken, since as I mentioned above they've 
dumped the testing back on the user - with decent reasoning - but it 
still breaks the model as provided by the diagram.  So yes, somebody on 
the developer's side needs to make some decisions as to how best to fix 
the model and/or process.  Personally I don't see a problem with their 
decision to dump the bugs back on the user considering they themselves 
are volunteers, but somewhere somehow the status needs to change from 
NEEDINFO to NEW (which is not provided for in the model so clearly 
things have changed either with the model as supplied by bugzilla, or 
the LO team has customized their copy.  So, I reiterate my previous 
comment that more info. is needed from the bug submitters as to what 
stages the status flags went through to determine whether it's the 
process or bugzilla that needs fixing.

Moreover, there is no context help available regarding status hierarchy.

What I think I am seeing, as in so many such projects,  is a disconnect
between what devs think is happening and what bug reporters think is

I agree with your assessment.  But until someone starts providing the 
missing info. I fear there can be no resolution.  Ultimately someone 
from the developer's and/or administrative side of the fence needs to 
figure out how to resolve this to most people's satisfaction.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Reply settings on this list have changed

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/15/2012 5:11 PM, anne-ology wrote:

I find deleting to be slightly easier than copy  paste in order to 
include the original sender.  Further, what difference does it make to 
you how many copies the original sender receives?  If I happen to 
receive two copies of a response to me, I delete one - actually I delete 
both once I'm done with it.

this requires having to delete the extraneous e-addresses  ;-)

Time is not the issue.  The issue is, what does the RFC say?  RFC's 
determine how things work, and how things will operate together. The 
primary problem as I now see it, is that there is apparently no 
companion RFC (or at least nobody has mentioned it) that specifies that 
email clients need to include a Reply to List button.  That's an 
oversight.  Someone with the skill and knowledge to amend RFC's needs to 
make that correction so that the next versions of all email clients 
include the button.

Therefore, I'd like to know what is the time savings in this vs.
having the reply go to the list ???

That's something I agree with, is one of my pet peeves and you've stated 
the case perfectly.

This change isn't anymore logical than some of these responders who
must think we should re-read the old message before finally seeing whatever
new message has been added - and their addition becomes almost lost amongst
the talk unless enough blank lines have been left; logically, the new
message should be where you can read it first - then if you need to
re-fresh your memory, scroll down to see what preceded it.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Steve Edmonds

I think the safe response when using the changed list settings is use

Reply-all. For simplicity, the only instruction to users of the lists that
works consistently is Reply-all.


On 2012-08-16 05:22, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 08/15/2012 12:09 PM, Dan Hall wrote:

In Outlook 2003 SP3 - Reply = Jay Lozier and
Reply to All = Jay Lozier;users@**
There is no Reply to List in Outlook.


My reply options changed to reply all not reply list in Thunderbird
when I received your email. The to field is your email and the cc is

It appears there is some inconsistent behavior with email clients and
webmail sites depending on how they receive the email


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Reply settings on this list have changed

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Brager
Thunderbird has the option.  I don't know what other clients have it, if 

On 8/15/2012 5:00 PM, anne-ology wrote:

exactly - well, there is a third option [to forward  ;-) ]

And those are the only options available in the web-based e-mails as

BTW - I've never seen this supposed 'reply to list' option on any

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Excuse me, but your opinion is simply unimportant. Start over and you can expect more of the same.

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Brager
I've seen at least one or two people respond to the question.  For some 
reason you don't appear to be seeing all the posts here.  In particular 
you didn't respond to one of my own, specifically addressing your font 
issue wherein I provided a possible resolution.

This particular message I'm sending now I would normally provide 
privately.  But since everyone on this list seems to be up in arms about 
sharing info. I post it here.

On 8/15/2012 5:34 PM, anne-ology wrote:

I too would like to know.

It's been mentioned a few times now ... someone asks what is it, yet
no one responds  ;-)
or are they responding privately  ???

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Gordon Burgess-Parker

On 14/08/12 21:13, Andreas Säger wrote:

I'm going to upgrade all our production systems to AOO 3.4.1

What is AOO?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Excuse me, but your opinion is simply unimportant. Start over and you can expect more of the same.

2012-08-15 Thread Andrew Brager
You don't seem to understand what I wrote.  Bottom line is, it's in the 
archives - search for it there.  I'm sure someone else can help you with 
that - don't ask me because I don't know how.

On 8/15/2012 7:19 PM, anne-ology wrote:

   Ok, I've received your message of 2 paragraphs [still below] -
   you state you will answer the question; where is the 
answer  ???  ;-)

   Maybe I'm not receiving all the messages ... maybe your message 
was clipped for some reason ...
   but if you sent more than is below, could you please 
explain how to view it.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Andrew Brager wrote:

I've seen at least one or two people respond to the question.  For
some reason you don't appear to be seeing all the posts here.  In
particular you didn't respond to one of my own, specifically
addressing your font issue wherein I provided a possible resolution.

This particular message I'm sending now I would normally provide
privately.  But since everyone on this list seems to be up in arms
about sharing info. I post it here.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Reply settings on this list have changed

2012-08-14 Thread Andrew Brager
The questions on your poll are rather leading.  The items you have 
selected as questions are really not the issue at all.

This list is still a list, what else could it be?  You're using it right 
now as you're complaining about it.  So clearly, it's not private 
communication at all.  You simply have to make a conscious decision as 
to whom you wish to reply to.  Yes, you must _think_ about it for a 
second or two until you get used to the new way. (And you know what?  
You did it!  Otherwise I wouldn't be seeing your message right now.  Was 
it really that hard?)

webmaster-Kracked_P_P stated exactly that. To wit: /I am so use to 
pressing Reply and the next button being Reply All, that I now have 
to remember to skip the Reply button and remember that the Reply All 
button has been replaced with Reply List./

Seriously?  We're complaining about remembering to move the mouse a hair 
to the right?  And it's become a major issue among the users here?  I 
think there's more discussion about this then there is voter turnout 
(apologies to the non-voting countries).

What you're really saying is you don't want to change your habits.  
That, I can understand; old habits die hard.  However, with a little 
effort and a little practice the new way will soon grow on you and 
you'll eventually forget what it was you were so upset about.

Now I don't know what email client you're using and perhaps it's a 
hassle for you in some other way.  Is that the case?   I'm using 
Thunderbird and so I simply hit Reply List instead of Reply. Not a 
big deal.  It takes an extra nanosecond to make the conscious decision 
to hit one button instead of another.  Do you have to do more work than 

Back in my day, we had to hike 10 miles uphill in the snow to press a 
different button and we were happy to do it ;-)

On 8/13/2012 12:19 PM, anne-ology wrote:


Let's take a poll - (1) to return this list to being an actual list
  (2) to change this from a list to private
communications between only select ones, depriving the group of learning
the ins  outs of LO.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 12:23 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

I just posted a reply to a thread to the last poster instead of the thread
by mistake.  I am so use to pressing Reply and the next button being
Reply All, that I now have to remember to skip the Reply button and
remember that the Reply All button has been replaced with Reply List.
  This may cause some problems, if too many of our list users get the reply
posting that were meant to go to the lists instead.

Christian L. just sent me a notice that my posting went to him instead the
How can I know which one is a spam? thread in the Website list.

I nearly sent this posting to anne-ology instead of the User list.  This
is going to be a problem, maybe.

On 08/13/2012 01:06 PM, anne-ology wrote:

 exactly, therefore to change the default, you're changing this
to where folks will now be corresponding privately rather than allowing
list to hear what's new and learn from others.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Mon, 13 Aug 2012, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

  I did not know that you could make the email client state Reply List

instead of the text on the Reply All button.  I run Thunderbird 14.0.

I have to get use to using the Reply List instead of Reply to post a
message to the thread.  It could be confusing to people, but does make
easier to send a message to the poster, off list.  I use to copy the
address of the poster and then paste it to my To: section.  This will
easier to do that, but hopefully not too many people will forget to use
new Reply List button instead of the Reply button.

  myself, I am not so clear why people are interested in sending private

email to people on a public list. I did it yesterday but only because I
trouble posting to the list and was overeager to get my word
('hucksterism') in.

the default mode on a list of replying to the list made sense to me. not
big deal for me since I mostly lurk.


Felmon Davis


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Re: [libreoffice-users] formatting

2012-08-11 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/10/2012 7:44 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 16:31 10/08/2012 -0700, Andrew Brager wrote:
The answer suddenly dawned on me.  I believe it was Brian Barker that 
actually provided the solution to my problem, so he gets 90% of the 
credit.  As he suggested to me, create a template.  I think that 
might work for you too.  If he's willing, Brian would be a better 
guide on how to do that than I.

That's very kind of you, but I must protest!  I don't recognise this 
description, and whoever really did you this favour deserves all that 
credit, not me.

(Frustratingly, I cannot find his wonderful explanation to me. ...

Er, neither can I!

Brian Barker

Turns out it was Dan.  Sorry about that Dan (and Brian)!  I trust you 
don't mind if I repost your explanation of how to use templates?

Anne - Perhaps you'll be able to adapt it to your situation. There's 
some help in the help file - use defaults;fonts as your search 
string.  If that's not enough, maybe Dan (or anyone else) can help you.  
Or, I could be wrong about the solution.

Dan wrote in a different thread:

I think your subject points to what you want: the term Default. You 
need a default template with the styles you use regularly.
  What you need to do is to create a Writer document with the 
styles that you want to use. You will need to use an empty line for 
each paragraph style you want and apply a style on each line.
 You also need to look at Tools  Options  LibreOffice  Paths. 
There Templates has two paths listed separated by a semi-colon. The 
latter is the path where you want to save your document as a template.
 Then save the document as a template using the second template path. 
(*.ott This is one of the formats available when saving a file.)
 File  Templates  Organize Templates. Double click the My 
Templates folder to open it. Your template should appear under My 
Templates folder. If not, right click My Templates and select, Import 
Templates. Browse to where you saved your template, and select it. Now 
it should be visible. Now, right click your template. Select Set as 
Default. Close LO. Any time you open Writer, you will be using the 
template you have just created. Title will be available all the time.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] why does Windows version take so long to remove?

2012-08-10 Thread Andrew Brager

You clearly don't play video games :^)

On 8/10/2012 6:02 AM, Lynne Stevens wrote:

*Might also upgrade to Linux a windows is not one of the better 
systems to use for anything . 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] White lines

2012-08-10 Thread Andrew Brager

A blank line does not have to be an empty line.  (^$)

A blank line (as perceived by the human eye) can have spaces, tabs 
and/or other non-printing characters in it.  (^ $).

A blank line may actually be nothing more than space added by a 
particular style and therefore not subject to regular expressions.

A blank line may actually be a picture placeholder.

Further, there's no telling if she has changed the background color and 
is talking about white underlines.  I doubt it, but the possibility exists.

She's been instructed on how to handle all of these situations by 
various people, except perhaps the placeholder.  I doubt that's her issue.

At this point, she either needs to provide more info. or let someone see 
her document.

Considering she hasn't bothered to respond to anybody's suggestions that 
I've noticed, it makes one wonder whether she's listening or just talking.

On 8/10/2012 8:14 AM, Séamas Ó Brógáin wrote:

A white line is a blank line between paragraphs.

In Libre Office you can delete them all with find and replace (making
sure “regular expressions” is selected). Find ^$ (just those two
characters) and replace all with nothing (i.e. no characters in the
“replace” box).

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Re: [libreoffice-users] White lines

2012-08-10 Thread Andrew Brager


Out of the many suggestions already provided to you, which ones have you 
tried and what were the results?

Have you:
1) Checked off (ticked) the regular expressions box?
2) Tried using the ^$ suggestion?
3) Tried using my all inclusive white space suggestion [:cntrl:] ?
4) Tried using the styles suggestion?

What were the results for each?

There is a 99% possibility it's one of the above.  You've already been 
given your answer, why are you ignoring them?

On 8/10/2012 12:37 AM, wrote:

I am still looking for a way to erase white lines in the text of a document.
Who can help me?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: White lines

2012-08-10 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/10/2012 3:09 PM, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 10.08.2012 22:41, Séamas Ó Brógáin wrote:

Andrew wrote:

A blank line does not have to be an empty line.  (^$)

She didn’t say “blank line”: she said “white line.” A white line is a
line space between paragraphs that contains no text. (In a
word-processor file I take this to be a line created by pressing the
“return” key a second time.) The concept and the term are some centuries
older than word-processor contrivances whereby extra space is added as
part of a paragraph style.

But she mentions that she replaces ^p in WinWord which matches a 
paragraph mark.
Regular expression ^[:space:]*$ matches optional white space between 
the start position and the end position of a line.

Exactly right Andreas.  However, that expression doesn't match the tab 
character which is why I suggested using [:ctrl:] in a prior post.  I 
realize now that [:ctrl]* would have been more accurate.  I don't think 
you need the ^$, because if it's not between the beginning and end of 
the line, then where else could it be?  I will admit I haven't tested it.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] formatting

2012-08-10 Thread Andrew Brager


The answer suddenly dawned on me.  I believe it was Brian Barker that 
actually provided the solution to my problem, so he gets 90% of the credit.

As he suggested to me, create a template.  I think that might work for 
you too.  If he's willing, Brian would be a better guide on how to do 
that than I.

(Frustratingly, I cannot find his wonderful explanation to me. I'm sorry 
to say I may have deleted it by accident.  I have this weird problem 
where I click the mouse once and it sometimes acts like I either 
double-clicked it - and executes a file I had merely meant to select, or 
it acts like I clicked it twice - and so deletes two emails when I had 
only intended to delete one and I don't always notice.  You have no idea 
how aggravating that is!)

On 7/25/2012 7:53 PM, Andrew Brager wrote:

On 7/25/2012 6:30 PM, anne-ology wrote:
Forinstance, this last presentation I chose the blue border 
... and

I always choose the blank slide [although this refuses to remain the
default], ... then I chose the effects, the timing, ... then there's no
place to choose the font for the text.

You are correct, there is no menu item where you can select a font 
that is subsequently the default for that slide or file.  In order to 
change the font you have to select the text (or modify its style).  
The text needs to be highlighted with the mouse cursor. Do you 
understand and know how to do that?

Then I added twice the number of slides I figured I'd need 
[added 50

this time] ... then clicked on 'apply to all'.

What are the steps to get to this apply to all button?  I don't 
remember seeing it.

Then I added text to the first slide - the size of the font here
would be different being the header, [I chose papyrus with red] ...
then I went on to the next slide ... and added the text 
... it

was Ariel with black,
so I 'selected all'  re-chose the font  color ... ditto 

each subsequent slide; each time, I can return to hit the 'apply to all'
... but the text  color do not remain.

Before you select all you need to go to the OUTLINE tab.  Do you 
know how to do that?

Before you go to the outline tab you need to TYPE in ALL of your 
text.  However, to save you some work, lets limit all to two 
slides.  So...

STEP 1:  Create 2 slides (you've already done that).
STEP 2: Type in all of your text into all of your slides  (here we're 
pretending that 2 slides are all you have)
STEP 3: Go to the OUTLINE tab.  Note that you can go to the outline 
tab before or after typing in text, the order doesn't matter but you 
MUST be in OUTLINE mode before selecting all.
STEP 4: Select all.  (One way to do this is with CTRL-A).  You should 
visually see all of your text on all of your (2) slides highlighted.
STEP 5:  Change the font (I assume you know how to change the font. If 
not, ask.)  Also make your color changes at this time.

Note: I have not tested this with color, just fonts.

Be advised this is NOT the best way to design your presentation. The 
experts here (which I'm not) recommend (and I have no argument with 
them) that the best way to change fonts and other attributes is 
through the use of styles.

You should be aware that manually changing fonts as described above 
SUPERSEDES styles.  In other words, you can change the style 
attributes all you want, if you've already manually changed the font, 
styles will have no effect.  To get styles to work again, you need to 
select the text and click on the FORMAT menu then select the DEFAULT 
FORMATTING menu item which is first on the list.  That will clear the 
above manual font changes and the styles should automatically start 
working.  This is probably the key to your style problems.

Of course for you to see any style changes you have to first change 
the style attributes.  Ask if you don't know how to do that.

These details are added for you, Dan, although it 
works/doesn't work
the same no matter what other styles I've chosen, either initially or 
as I

add the new slides.

Andrew, I think you're the only one who understands to what I'm
referring; thanks.

Yeah, I hear that a lot. :-\

To those that can do something about it:  I've noticed there are some 
confusing aspects.  For one thing, right clicking on text brings up a 
menu that has a styles item.  Those styles refer to what is 
elsewhere called font effects.  For example strikethrough, bold, 
italics, etc.  This can be confusing to a beginner.  In the normal 
tab, right clicking shows a menu item called edit style.  In the 
outline tab that item appears to become presentation object.  
There are other similar confusing and inconsistent items related to 
this.  Someone really needs to sit down and take a good look.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Dan wrote:

  Could we be more detailed in this thread, please? I don't know 
mean when you ask So you're able to change the text

Re: register true origins (was Re: [libreoffice-users] inserting (exactly) a line before a paragraph using styles)

2012-08-08 Thread Andrew Brager
While I've traditionally used google translate, somehow I ended up at 
Bing translate.

Bing says:
It is a remarkable admiration

So it pays to shop around.

On 8/8/2012 5:32 AM, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:

On 07/08/2012 at 21:39, Andrew Brager wrote:

however the argument falls a bit short when he states
using translation software isn't allowed (my interpretation of his
comment without using translation software).

It's just I wouldn't believe translation provided by software is accurate.
I have used Google Translate (and Babelfish before) for translating full
paragraphs from one language I do understand to another language that I do
understand. There were mistakes. Some of them small, some of them completely
twisting meaning of sentences.
Since I understood both languages, I could correct any mistakes. But I
wouldn't dare to translate to/from completely foreign language.

I am still using Google Translate, but only for word-to-word translation. When
I don't remember right word in foreign language, it is helpful.

By the way, translation you have posted are pretty accurate. It seems that
translating software is getting better and better. But there are still rough
edges. As I was writing reply to Felmon message, I asked Google translate how
would on jest godny podziwu (he is worth a respect) be in English. Google
suggested he is adorable. I am not sure if Felmon would be happy if I said
that he is adorable. I would still wait before using automated translation
software to translate longer parts of text.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: register true origins

2012-08-08 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/7/2012 7:11 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 12:39 07/08/2012 -0700, Andrew Brager wrote:
Yet, it fails to answer my original question which is where do the 
words register true come from, and to extend and clarify the 
question - how did register true come to mean aligning baselines?

I think that bit's fairly easy.  According to the dictionary, one 
sense of register as a noun is a state of proper alignment and as 
a verb to adjust so as to be properly aligned or to be in proper 
alignment.  And true similarly can mean as an adjective accurately 
placed, and as an adverb precisely or exactly. So register true 
can mean align exactly or precise alignment.  (There's nothing 
about baselines - but we're talking about vertical alignment, so what 
else could you align?)

Brian Barker

While I don't doubt your research (I essentially said the same thing in 
an example - to wit:

   /I'd be somewhat satisfied if I saw in a book somewhere that was
   describing the finer points of typesetting or some such, and it
   simply stated something to the effect of when they used to set type
   on the presses built in the early 1900's, they would first align the
   baselines of all the typeface thingys, and then say to somebody 'it
   registers true, you may print it'. /)

The problem is you're guessing, as was I.  If you said to me something 
like I've been a typesetter for 45 years, and my daddy was a typesetter 
before me and before that my granddaddy before him and we always used to 
align baselines and we called it register true, I don't know why we just 
did... well, that at least carry's some ring of authority.  If you'd of 
added Back in them days register meant 'align' and true meant 
'precise', ok that closes the circle.  Finis.  In lieu of that, a book 
from a confirmed authority stating something similar would be preferable.

It's not that I'm unwilling to accept your explanation, I just would of 
preferred hearing it from an authoritative source, such that it's 
undeniable.  At this point I'm willing to drop the matter, other than to 
say I still vote for a change in name from register true to align 
baselines simply because it's more clear - at least to me.

Thanks to everyone that participated in the discussion.  I'll take a 
look at the links previously provided perhaps they'll give me the 
answers I'm seeking, but regardless I declare this thread dead  buried.


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Re: register true origins (was Re: [libreoffice-users] inserting (exactly) a line before a paragraph using styles)

2012-08-07 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/7/2012 9:58 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Tue, 7 Aug 2012, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:

On 07/08/2012 at 07:37, Felmon Davis wrote:

perhaps also Miroslav could cite a book or two; don't see what 
difference it makes if the books are in Polish. if Missouri is the 
'show-me' state, does that require translation into Missourian?

Can you, without help of translation software, tell which one is 
about register?


1. Części książki zawierające informacje o dziele i autorze lub 
stanowiące wypowiedź autora związaną z książką.
2. Zgodność padania na siebie wierszy kolumn wydrukowanych po 
przeciwnych stronach arkusza.
3. Nawiasy okrągłe stosowane są przez autora danego tekstu do 
oznaczania alternatywnych sformułowań tekstu głównego.
(They are all excerpts from the same book, Typografia typowej 
książki by Robert Chwałowski.)

It is safer to assume that most of readers here do not understand 
Polish. If I write something in language that other people in this 
thread do not understand, then this message is not proving anything. 
I could as well write recipe for apple pie and other people will be 
unable to tell the difference.

I find this an absurd criterion of proof. there are plenty of proofs 
of things I do not understand, for instance in math physics or fluid 
dynamics, but that doesn't imply they are not proofs!

to access them I would need yrs of training. to access a text in 
Polish I need a friend or colleague (or software), a lot easier. or I 
can just take your word for it.

The same goes for your quote in German. Let's assume that I do not 
know word register and think it is not understandable and should be 
changed. I read your post, which contain proof in German with rough 
and very abbreviated translation. How can I be sure that this 
translation is accurate? If I do not understand German, I have no 
idea what is written there. I must depend solely on your translation.

And *you* are trying to convince me! How can I be sure that you are 
not lying just to prove your point?

that's pretty cynical. though St Paul wrote that a fellow from Crete 
told him all Cretans are liars!

(Personally I hope you do not, but again - this is only assumption 
that may be wrong.)

anyone with a little savvy or some friends can check the translation. 
and it is exceedingly unlikely you would be lying, it is more likely 
there is confusion about the question. I am quite prepared to take 
your word and I see no reason to think we are talking about different 

If we are trying to convince someone (as in this case), then we must 
do our best to provide arguments that are understood. It is crucial 
that each side can independently verify accuracy of arguments. 
Otherwise, our debate partner will have to believe us. And faith is 
not a proof.

understood and agreed. and our interlocutors must sometimes be willing 
to do a little work if they are uncertain of our veracity or accuracy.

Allow me to interject.  You both make excellent points, but lets soften 
the debate a bit and assume nobody is lying, because that's not the 
issue.  The issue, by way of example is as follows.  The original bible 
to my knowledge, was written in Hebrew.  Someone wanting to read the 
bible would either have to learn Hebrew, or rely on someone else's 
translation of it into one's own native language, in my case English.

Yet, despite the translation there are still millions of people that 
*interpret* that translation differently from each other.  And so, in 
the case of register true, I simply wanted to see for myself that there 
was indeed factual evidence that, that terminology was in fact in use at 
some prior point in time, but more importantly, why those particular 
words were used to mean what I'm told is aligning baselines.  I wanted 
to be certain in my own mind, that other people were not interpreting 
differently than I might interpret, not because they were lying but 
because everyone sees things a bit differently.

Miloslaw is right, I would greatly prefer to see it in English as I 
don't know Polish, however the argument falls a bit short when he states 
using translation software isn't allowed (my interpretation of his 
comment without using translation software).

Translation sofware says:
1. the parts of the book containing information about the work and the 
author or collecting personally the author of a book.

2. compliance of the overlapping rows of columns printed on opposite sides.
3. parentheses are applied by the author of the text to determine the 
main alternative wording of the text.

I would guess number 2 is the answer to the question he asked.  Yet, it 
fails to answer my original question which is where do the words 
register true come from, and to extend and clarify the question - how 
did register true come to mean aligning baselines?

If there were software that used hot stove to mean burn your hands, 
ok I see the connection and I'm satisified without 

Re: [libreoffice-users] paragraph marks

2012-08-06 Thread Andrew Brager
First make sure the regular expressions box is checked (ticked as you 
Europeans say).  Then try the previously mentioned suggestion by 
Andreas.  If that still doesn't work, try and Use [:cntrl:] as your 
search string.

On 8/6/2012 1:22 PM, wrote:

I want to get rid of the white lines which are between the paragraphs in a
document. In Windows Office I do it this way: I find and replace paragrah
ends and that works, but I can't find the way to do that in Libre Office.
I tried to do it your way, but it doesn't seem to work for me.


--- On Mon, 6/8/12, wrote:

Subject: [libreoffice-users] paragraph marks
Date: Monday, 6 August, 2012, 7:43

I want to replace two paragraph endings punctuation marks by one, because I
want to replace white lines.
How do I do that?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] inserting (exactly) a line before a paragraph using styles

2012-08-06 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/2/2012 8:13 AM, Dan wrote:

Andrew Brager wrote:

On 8/2/2012 6:17 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:

Aligning baselines are not done by inserting a line, but by using 
the feature Register


Kind regards

I have in fact wondered what Register true was for, thanks for that 

The question that next comes up in my mind is, does anyone know where 
in the world did a
name like that come from?  If it were me naming that feature I 
would of called it

something like... Align Baselines.

Is there a story or reason behind it?  If it's not a good one, I vote 
for changing the
name, because in 6 months or a year I'll have forgotten what it does 
(chances are slim
I'll ever have to use that feature but still).  I'm a big fan of 
naming things after their

functions if and when it makes sense to do so.

Thank you in advance.

 Use LO's help to search for this term. It answers your question. 
Hint, it has to do with how newspapers have been printed.


Register-true is a typography term that is used in printing. This term 
refers to the congruent imprint of the lines within a type area on the 
front and the back side of book pages, newspaper pages and magazine 
pages. The register-true feature make these pages easier to read by 
preventing gray shadows from shining through between the lines of text. 
The register-true term also refers to lines in adjacent text columns 
that are of the same height.

When you define a paragraph, Paragraph Style, or a Page Style as 
register-true, the base lines of the affected characters are aligned to 
a vertical page grid, regardless of font size or of the presence of 
graphics. If you want, you can specify the setting for this grid as a 
Page Style property.

True to traditional Unix man-page form, it makes perfect sense - once 
you read somebody else's explanation somewhere else as to what it 
means.  Failing that, re-reading it a few dozen times very slowly helps 
a bit.  I still vote for Align Baselines and damn the people still 
using the Gutenberg press.

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register true origins (was Re: [libreoffice-users] inserting (exactly) a line before a paragraph using styles)

2012-08-06 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/6/2012 4:53 PM, Dan wrote:

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Dan wrote:

Andrew Brager wrote:

  On 8/2/2012 6:17 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:

Aligning baselines are not done by inserting a line, but by 
using the

feature Register

Kind regards

anne-ology wrote:

 Dan, you've been mis-informed re. newspapers.

 On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Dan wrote:

  Are you sure?:**


 anne-ology wrote: newspapers were pre-computers therefore 
pre-LO  ;-)

 Strange, it seems that you did not read what is contained in the 
link above nor does it seem that you searched for the term in LO's 
help. It has noting to do with what predates what. Well you would know 
this if you had done your assignment. This term is in current use today.

 So what is this strike 2, or is it strike 3, you're out?  ;-)


Dan or anyone else,

Without meaning to fan the flames, can you provide another citation 
outside of LO that supports the theory espoused?  I tried, I was unable 
to find anything.  I'm sure it's probably true, but I'm from Missouri 
when it comes to some things.  (For those that don't know, Missouri is 
nicknamed the show me state.)

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Re: register true origins (was Re: [libreoffice-users] inserting (exactly) a line before a paragraph using styles)

2012-08-06 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/6/2012 6:47 PM, Dan wrote:

Doug wrote:

On 08/06/2012 08:58 PM, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:

On 07/08/2012 at 02:40, Andrew  wrote:

Without meaning to fan the flames, can you provide another citation
outside of LO that supports the theory espoused?

That register true is for adjust to baseline or whatever?

Take any book about typography. I can cite at least three different 
book titles
from memory that will support it. But they are all in Polish, so I 
doubt they

will be much of use here.

ROTFL!  --doug

I found this link. You will have to search down through this article. 
Lotus, I believe is an IBM product as in Lotus Symphony. It has the 
same two paragraphs that LO and AOO have.


Again, without meaning to fan any flames or otherwise sound insulting, 
quite frankly in my opinion the link is a weak one for various reasons, 
including lack of a verifiable author with impressive sounding 
credentials.  I was looking more for something along the lines of a 
historical citation.  Perhaps a book or article about the history of the 
printing press, newspapers and/or typography.  Towards that end I looked 
at various sources for typography, none of them mention register true 
that I could find. A google search on register true turns up only the LO 
help page.

It's just odd to me that something that is supposed to have been in use 
for many years isn't mentioned anywhere authoritative (other than 
perhaps a few Polish books in Miroslaw's memory).  Granted the term is 
relatively obscure, but parellelepiped is in the dictionary and that 
arguably is even more obscure.  Other obscure words include 
ninnyhammer and flibbertigibbet which I've only just learned.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] inserting (exactly) a line before a paragraph using styles

2012-08-02 Thread Andrew Brager

On 8/2/2012 6:17 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:

Aligning baselines are not done by inserting a line, but by using the 
feature Register true.

Kind regards

I have in fact wondered what Register true was for, thanks for that info.

The question that next comes up in my mind is, does anyone know where in the world did a 
name like that come from?  If it were me naming that feature I would of called it 
something like... Align Baselines.

Is there a story or reason behind it?  If it's not a good one, I vote for 
changing the name, because in 6 months or a year I'll have forgotten what it 
does (chances are slim I'll ever have to use that feature but still).  I'm a 
big fan of naming things after their functions if and when it makes sense to do 

Thank you in advance.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] insufficient user rights if I change the filename

2012-08-01 Thread Andrew Brager
As a forced Windoze user with nearly daily machine crashes (Blue 
Screen of Frustration anyone?) with a high loss record, I have my 
autosave set for every 5 minutes.  I can live with the 3 second pauses.  
Well worth the potential loss of an hours worth of work that would be 
impossible to recreate.

On 8/1/2012 8:16 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I change the default autosave time to something fairly long, around 1 hour or 
so.  So, if i do accidentally spend a lot tooo long making a cuppa tea then at 
least my work gets saved.

I think the default is fairly annoying but it depends on the person.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 1/8/12, anne-ology wrote:

From: anne-ology
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] insufficient user rights if I change the 
Date: Wednesday, 1 August, 2012, 14:09

if that was the reason for 'save' then it would save in the same
   rather than some temp [?] folder with some strange name where
it's not findable  ;-)

I think this same un-findable folder is used for saving when the
program auto-saves;
   for that reason, I always turn off the auto-save ... [I think I'm
capable of knowing when  where to save ;-) ]
  [it's so frustrating since it always seems to happen right
when I'm in the middle of thinking through a thought I'm writing ;-) ]

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 5:33 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:

On 2012-07-31 10:33 PM, anne-ology wrote:

are you perchance clicking on 'save' rather than 'save as'?

I don't know why the 'save' is there;-)

Obviously it is so that you can easily save changes to a file that has
already been saved/named, without having to save it to an ever different

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[libreoffice-users] Default style list

2012-08-01 Thread Andrew Brager

Most of the time when I create a new document I want to set the Title 
style on the first line/paragraph.  So, I go to the little dropdown box 
at the top on the left, where common styles are selected (what I'm 
calling the default style selection list - for lack of a better known 
alternative) and Title is not there.  So, I click on more  This 
brings up the Styles  Formatting dialog with 20 (Paragraph) styles 
listed.  None of them are Title.

From there, I have a choice, I can click on the drop down menu at the 
bottom of that dialog followed by clicking on hierarchical, head down 
to Headings and choose Title underneath.

My other option is to click on one of the icons at the top of the Styles 
 Formatting dialog and then click back to the Paragraph icon, at which 
point it displays an extended list of styles, perhaps 100... and if I 
scroll down that list nearly to the bottom Title is listed and I can 
select it.

Once I select Title it gets added to the first dropdown box I mentioned 
(top left) and from then on for the life of that session I can select 
Title from that drop down box.

Whenever I open a new document, I have to start that process all over 
again.  Considering that I pretty much always use Title, I'd like to 
know if there's a way to make it stay in that dropdown box between 
sessions (i.e. forever).

Thank you in advance.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: I have a question

2012-07-28 Thread Andrew Brager

Not sure who asked the original question, nor what OS you're on but...

If you're using Linux and the files are in fact text files (CVS) as 
indicated below, then I would think something to the effect of:

cat file1 file2  file3 | sort | uniq  uniqueRecords.txt

Might do part of the trick.  I say might because it's been too many 
years since I hung up my Unix/Linux hat and I've forgotten most of the 
good stuff.  Sorry I can't be more helpful.

The above translates into English as: merge file1 and file2 into file3, 
sort file3 and then find those lines that are NOT duplicated (i.e. 
unique) and store them in uniqueRecords.txt. uniq has an option to 
return the opposite, i.e. those lines that ARE duplicates.

so then you'd do:
cat file3 | sort | uniq -d  duplicateRecords.txt

Now eliminate the duplicates from the duplicateRecords.txt file
cat duplicateRecords.txt | uniq  almostDone.txt

Finally, merge the first set of unique records with the unique duplicates.
cat uniqueRecords.txt almostDone.txt  done.csv

Here's the same thing without all the comments:
cat file1 file2  file3 | sort | uniq  uniqueRecords.txt
cat file3 | sort | uniq -d  duplicateRecords.txt
cat duplicateRecords.txt | uniq  almostDone.txt
cat uniqueRecords.txt almostDone.txt  done.csv

Not having a Unix/Linux system handy I can't test it, but you should see 
results like this if I got it right:

Assuming file1 is composed of:
and file2:

Results for each line above should be as follows:


3. a,b,c


Another possible tool to look into is AWK.  If you know it, it could be 
even simpler than the above 4 line script.
diff and/or one of it's variants might be another potential tool to get 
the job done.

On 7/28/2012 12:42 PM, Lynne Stevens wrote:

Omega sector
America's Last
Line of

*Oh yeah both files are CVS and are the way Thomas downloads them but 
being he is not to computer literate and most likely does not know he 
can save it in different ways . . No telling . . I ask one time and he 
said that is how it gets downloaded


On 07/28/2012 09:39 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

Le 28/07/12 14:17, Lynne Stevens a écrit :

Hi Lynne,

*How do I check for duplicates in a data base using another data base ?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer loses format of MSOffice2007-Doc (watermark, embedded image, format etc)

2012-07-27 Thread Andrew Brager
Sounds like whatever is displaying the image isn't being initialized 
properly for whatever reason. Reopening it allows that function to 
execute with the proper parameters.  To sit on the page in the proper 
place the coordinates of the image would have to be known and set 
properly. If the images are stacking then they're all getting the same 
set of coordinates.  The trick is to figure out why.

For the laymen... the best analogy I can think of is to picture an 
assembly line, with a conveyor belt.  Empty bottles sit on the conveyor 
belt.  When you start the conveyor belt and the associated machinery 
that fills the bottles with some liquid, the bottles are not aligned 
properly so when the filling nozzle starts pouring liquid it misses the 
bottle opening by just enough that it sprays onto the belt and spills 
over onto the floor. By restarting the machinery at the exact moment 
that the bottles are properly aligned it fixes the problem.

Kind of a lame analogy but like I say, the best I can think of at the 

On 7/27/2012 4:58 PM, anne-ology wrote:


I've found a simple way to sometimes 'find' these hidden images is
to minimize the window file ...
   then when you 're-open' it, these images appear;

I think this is one of the mysteries of the electronic age -
   if anyone has a reason for this phenomenon, I'm listening as long
as it's in layman's terms  ;-)

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)

I've often found that even tho images appear to have vanished they are
still really there somewhere.  That gives at least 2 opportunities;
1.  Edit and save without trying to find the images and then see if the
images apparently re-appear in the right places when the edited file is
opened back in MS Office 2007/2010
2.  Hunt around the edges of the pages and move any images you do find
anywhere to see if the other images have been hidden underneath as they
tend to get piled-up on-top of each other.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Jay Lozier
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer loses format of MSOffice2007-Doc
(watermark, embedded image, format etc)
Date: Friday, 27 July, 2012, 13:50

On 07/27/2012 03:28 AM, Miriyala, Vasu wrote:

Hi Forum,

Appreciate your pointers or help on how to open the MS office word files

in writer while retaining the format of original intact. Currently Libre
when opening MSOffice-word2007 docs loses water mark, embedded image,
images inserted thru insert features of word 2007 etc

Thanks, Vasu

I generally have success accurately opening docx format files.
Occasionally I get one that I have to open MSO and convert to doc (2003)
or ODF 1.0/1.1. Usually it is some graphic layout that causes the
problem. This is known issue with LO and AOO.

docx file conversions are occasionally difficult because MS is trying to
push their proprietary MS Office and makes open the file accurately

If you are using Linux, you might try Calligra Words (probably available
in your repository) to see if it is better at opening the file and
saving to odt.

Jay Lozier


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibO - Calc: date notation

2012-07-26 Thread Andrew Brager

Hmmm... Year/Month/Day

Drop the year for a moment and you have Month/Day: 7/26

Sounds almost... American style. ;-)

On 7/26/2012 4:05 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

(For clarity and ease of reading I always use the 3-Letter month 

So today is 2012 Jul 26!!

Ian W
Pretoria, South Africa.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] formatting

2012-07-25 Thread Andrew Brager
 the font
color. This will change the font color for every slide title in the
presentation. What I have described is how Impress has worked for years.


anne-ology wrote:

 So you're able to change the text on all the slides?;
then mine has a bug in it somewhere ... carried over from OO I
guess  ;-)

 So, all you computer geniuses, what's the solution? - I'm awaiting
your responses now.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Andrew Brager

   I don't know anything about the inner workings of LO.  I'm actually
just a

beginner with LO and I had never opened Impress until you posted.

The method I described below allows you to change all the slides at the
same time, so you only have to make the change once.  Of course if you
more slides you need to do it again for the new slides.  No, it's not
and yes it would be nice if it worked the way you describe.  Good idea!

On 7/25/2012 8:26 AM, anne-ology wrote:

 Exactly my point, BUT it has to be done with each slide  ;-)

 It would be nice, if the font was selectable on that initial page
when starting a new file ...
 [would this expand the size of LO even more than it is?; if
I guess, it's better this way, just frustrating at times.]

 I've even added more slides than I would need, in order to see if
the font  color will hold, but it won't  ;-)

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Andrew Brager


   I missed the part where you were using Impress, I thought you were

Writer.  After re-reading your original post and some of the other
responses I think I now understand what you really want.

I also have not been able to figure out a way to do it exactly as you
described, the best I could come up with is to go to the outline tab,
select all the text, then change the font.  That way, all of your slides
will have the same font for that one file.

Andrew Brager
Green Gold Real Estate
1331 Cottonwood Rd
Bakersfield, CA 93307
661 412 3304

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Labeling in Calc

2012-07-22 Thread Andrew Brager
Exactly Tom.  With Calc, setup cost and time is next to zero, with data 
entry not much more.  With Base setup cost and time is non-negligible 
and data entry is much more time (and therefore real dollar cost) 
consuming as each field needs to be filled in by hand when using a 
form.  With a spreadsheet I can actually cut  paste the info. from a 
website directly into Calc.  Can that be done with Base?

Seems to me that the best solution even if using a database is to first 
enter into a spreadsheet where it can then be saved as a file of CSV and 
then imported into a database should I find the need.

Bottom line is it's already done in Calc - took about a minute - while 
doing it in Base requires sitting down and spending time and money on 
first creating a schema with forms and further, one needs to be a master 
of SQL which most people including myself are not. (Inner joins, outer 
joins, left right... haven't a clue.  Cut  paste?  click, drag, 
shift-click, click, done, repeat as needed - no higher brain power 

In theory a database is more elegant and conceptually appealing, but in 
practice a spreadsheet IMHO wins the day.  YMMV.

On 7/22/2012 7:19 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
That is true.  So why not use the fastest route to get the required result and stick with 
spreadsheeting for now?  Definitely a good idea to start vaguely thinking about moving to a 
database program when timeresources permits.  Base is not yet ready for masses and does 
take some fairly considerable expertise to get it right.  Set-up is not trivial 
even if some people find it easy.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 22/7/12, Andreas Säger wrote:

snip /

Please ignore Tom. He is very kind but totally ignorant towards LibreOffice 
Base which can read spreadsheet data as if they were database data.

snip /

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Labeling in Calc

2012-07-22 Thread Andrew Brager

On 7/22/2012 10:34 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:

Enter raw data into a spreadsheet (Excel, Gnumeric, Calc, whatever), a 
text editor, some dBase application, a true database, whatever.

Connect a Base document to the tabular data source and design a report.

But that's the point isn't it.  I've got to enter data into the 
spreadsheet.  We're in agreement.

Why must I take the time, expense and trouble to design a report when 
I can get satisfactory results with a bare minimum of time, expense and 
trouble using Calc?

Clearly, you know Base and designing said report is no big deal for 
you.  I think I may have opened Base once, and I simply don't have the 
time to learn it, nor the money to pay someone else to do the work for 
me.  Especially not when a solution presents itself in Calc so readily.

Yes, your solution is elegant, ideal and based in academia where people 
have all the time in the world to learn applications and techniques and 
then design dream or best practice solutions.  In the world of 
business it's about simplicity, speed, expense and return on 
investment.  I can hire a virtual assistant from a third world country 
for less than $2 an hour, who already knows how to use a spreadsheet 
(not that cut  pasting requires much knowledge), whereas to hire a 
programmer to design a report would cost in excess of $8 an hour (and 
everytime I need a change I either have to go find that same contractor 
who now charges more, or start the interview process all over again; a 
time consuming task) - plus I still need to hire the assistant that ends 
up doing just about the exact same (busy) work anyway.  So where is the 
economical benefit to your solution?

Your solution works for you because you have not considered the real 
cost of implementing it.  It may be best practice from an academic, 
engineering and/or scientific standpoint, but from a SMALL business 
perspective it makes little sense.  You've absorbed the cost of your own 
time and pegged it's value at zero.  I'm taking real dollars out of my 
own pocket and paying someone to do the work.  It's the same reason why 
people hire housekeepers - if the cost of the housekeeper were more than 
the employers income they couldn't afford to pay the housekeeper for 
long and would eventually have to clean their own house.  You're 
cleaning your own house and that works for you.  Great!  I prefer to pay 
someone so I'm free to focus my time on what I hope are more profitable 

As a matter of fact, database forms (even Base forms) provide much 
faster and less error prone ways of data entry. In the last 2 years I 
replaced a dozend of useless spreadsheet lists with simple databases 
because my users never really got used to spreadsheet editing 
(navigation, dates, numbers, clear, delete, ...). Spreadsheets are too 
versatile for untrained users. Wrong data yield wrong results. My 
databases collect a thousand of manually entered records per month on 
a local network.

So really you're trying to apply a one-size-fits-all approach.  My users 
(1 or 2 assistants) already know how to use spreadsheets so technically 
they're not untrained, whereas your users do not know how.  You 
collect thousands of MANUALLY entered records per month. I might have 
maybe a thousand or so records total, which can be cut  pasted from 
website to spreadsheet.  My needs are different than yours.  Any 
solution needs to take the customer's needs and unique situation into 
account and in this case I'm the customer.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Labeling in Calc

2012-07-21 Thread Andrew Brager

On 7/21/2012 10:47 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 20.07.2012 23:50, Andrew Brager wrote:

Nevermind, I figured it out.

In case anyone else has a similar desire and wants to know...  I simply
select all the rows I want to belong to a group, add a border around it
all, and insert a row above the box I just made. The inserted box
contains the label I want; I make sure to turn off word wrapping for
that one cell.

The component is named Calc because it is a calculator in the first 
place. It is not a table editor nor database although many people use 
it that way.

Base reports can turn raw, unsorted table data into grouped reports.

Thanks for your input.  As you say many people use it that way.  
Since my intent is to have assistants work with it, I'm stuck with what 
the vast majority of average people know.  They know Excel (the MS 
equivalent as you know).  Sadly, they do NOT know Base or any other 
database application.  To learn it would require they be trained and 
that probably means hiring a computer scientist instead of an assistant, 
which makes the cost prohibitive.  Either that or I design a bunch of 
forms and predetermined sql statements or hire someone else to do so 
just so I can hire a secretary.  Seems to me that's the long way around 
when all I need is to group the rows, set a border and add a label.  
Sure, a database would be the best solution, but it boils down to 
expediency, convenience and cost so Calc wins out on all 3.

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[libreoffice-users] Labeling in Calc

2012-07-20 Thread Andrew Brager
Using Calc, I need a way to specify that a group of rows all belong 
together/have the same title.

For example.  Say I have a bank that has multiple branches.  Each branch 
has it's own name like southwest branch, but they're all part of the 
same bank - Bank of America perhaps.  Each branch has it's own row 
containing branch name, address, phone, etc. but I need a way to tie 
them all together as being Bank of America, ideally without creating a 
column that is repeated for all rows.

That way, as I'm scanning down the page, I can choose a particular bank 
and then select a specific branch of that bank.

I've tried using the Group function which I kind of like, however 
there's no way I can find to label the group itself with the bank name.  
I have to open each group and _still _don't necessarily know which bank 
it is.

I've got a picture in my head that looks like a box which contains all 
the rows, and the box itself has a caption with the bank name. I'm open 
to any solution especially a better one.

Using a database is not an option.

Thank you in advance

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Labeling in Calc

2012-07-20 Thread Andrew Brager

Nevermind, I figured it out.

In case anyone else has a similar desire and wants to know...  I simply 
select all the rows I want to belong to a group, add a border around it 
all, and insert a row above the box I just made. The inserted box 
contains the label I want; I make sure to turn off word wrapping for 
that one cell.

On 7/20/2012 12:57 PM, Andrew Brager wrote:
Using Calc, I need a way to specify that a group of rows all belong 
together/have the same title.

For example.  Say I have a bank that has multiple branches.  Each 
branch has it's own name like southwest branch, but they're all part 
of the same bank - Bank of America perhaps.  Each branch has it's own 
row containing branch name, address, phone, etc. but I need a way to 
tie them all together as being Bank of America, ideally without 
creating a column that is repeated for all rows.

That way, as I'm scanning down the page, I can choose a particular 
bank and then select a specific branch of that bank.

I've tried using the Group function which I kind of like, however 
there's no way I can find to label the group itself with the bank 
name.  I have to open each group and _still _don't necessarily know 
which bank it is.

I've got a picture in my head that looks like a box which contains all 
the rows, and the box itself has a caption with the bank name. I'm 
open to any solution especially a better one.

Using a database is not an option.

Thank you in advance

Andrew Brager
Green Gold Real Estate
1331 Cottonwood Rd
Bakersfield, CA 93307
661 412 3304

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Base fread-only

2012-07-18 Thread Andrew Brager

On 7/18/2012 1:05 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 07/18/2012 03:22 PM, Larry Blanchard wrote:

So I'm back in business.  But for future reference, how the @#$%! do I
make the original read/write or at least get some sort of error message
- and yes I've checked the Linux log files for messages - no joy there.

All help appreciated.

It sounds like the file ownership got messed up.

Depending on how comfortable you are with using the terminal I would 
use the following to change the ownership

chown username path-to-file/file.ext

For example the file is in your db sub folder of your  Documents 
folder the path is /home/username/Documents/db. The username is your 
log on name for Ubuntu.

May or may not be ownership.  The above can't hurt, however if it's 
purely a permission problem then you probably want to do

chmod 644 path-to-file/file.ext
depending on your preferences.  The above will give read/write 
permission to the owner, read permission to anyone in your group, and 
read permission to the world (world being anyone on the same machine as 
you).  Pretty standard permissions but you may want to deny all 
permission to group and world in which case you'd use 600 instead of 
644.  I have no idea what the application requires in terms of 
permissions, this is just a standard unix/Linux command.


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[libreoffice-users] Duplication/replacement of text attributes

2012-07-14 Thread Andrew Brager

Greetings to you all.  I'm new to Libre Office.

I'm wondering if there's a way to duplicate/replace attributes from one 
paragraph to another in so that they are formatted identically.

A frequent problem for me (typically when I copy  paste from elsewhere) 
is that two sentences/paragraphs just won't line up properly (perhaps 
even in a numbered list), I assume due to various formatting reasons 
including different fonts, sizes, tabs, margins, alignment, and/or 
anything else that might affect placement and display on the page.  They 
seem to be the same in the original source as far as I can tell, but 
once copied and pasted to a document in Libre some of the paragraphs 
seem to get out of wack.

Trying to apply the exact same attributes to the paragraph or sentence 
that's out of wack just doesn't seem to work - probably because I don't 
know what attributes have been applied and/or simply don't know how to 
get the same effect in a consistent way.

Perhaps there is an attribute tree mode so that I can see what set of 
attributes has been applied?  Either just plain text or perhaps through 
a graphical representation maybe?  I guess I don't need to see it if I 
can simply apply from one to another - sort of like the eye dropper from 
a paint program copies the color from one spot so you can apply the same 
color to another spot only here instead of color, it would be text 
placement  display attributes.

Thank you in advance.

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