Re: [libreoffice-users] For the attention of mediators

2022-07-27 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 27 Jul 2022, Samas  Brgin wrote:

I didn't see any 'propaganda'.

I saw expression of a political opinion ...

I\u2019m afraid that\u2019s semantic trickery for renaming political propaganda
that you agree with.


if it bothered me I'd ignore it.

It bothers me, and it contravenes the norm of email discussion, and I
can\u2019t ignore it.

that's fair though if it somehow contravenes list norms.

would be good to get a reading on this.

questionable list 'etiquette' though even if there are no official 


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Re: [libreoffice-users] For the attention of mediators

2022-07-27 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 27 Jul 2022, Séamas Ó Brógáin wrote:

Can something be done about the political propaganda in the recent
message from Uwe Brauer?

I didn't see any 'propaganda'.

I saw expression of a political opinion; I think I've seen political 
tag lines in other messages to the list.

if it bothered me I'd ignore it.

hope my tag line doesn't stir controversy!



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Re: [libreoffice-users] searching in Calc does not find anything

2022-06-06 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 7 Jun 2022, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

Good morning
For years Crtl+F and then entering entering numbers or words used to 
find those, if they are in the sheets somewhere.

For a few days now trying to find anything, numbers, digits, words ..., 
ALWAYS gives me
"Search key not found", even if the item in question sits right in the 
middle of the screen.

I tried all sorts of settings and options in the search box.
Apparently I am not smart enough to figure out what I am missing.
I would be grateful for a hint.

Thank you

I tried too and the only time Search found nothing was when I had 
'Search in Notes' ticked.

Also won't find '$30' even if it's in the sheet but that's because of 
automatic currency formatting. Special case.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Gmail Saving in Libre Writer

2019-07-23 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 24 Jul 2019, Steve Edmonds wrote:

If I leave the drop down box alone and just type into the search field,
the search goes back to the beginning of my emails, 15 years.

I am not sure I have understood the thread so this may be irrelevant 
but if you are in gmail, you can easily write a 'filter' which allows 
searching on sender, subject (or terms in the subject), content or 
dates. you can have it sort mail into folders ('labels' as they call 

sorry if I miss the point; ignore.


 > > steve

On 22/07/2019 03:45, charles meyer wrote:

I'm trying to search and then save old gmails in my Libre Writer.

Has anyone found an easy way to search gmails older than just one year.

There's the search box drop down menu where you can search by terms and All
Mail + Spam but the drop down menu for date is limited by one year.

There's a box next to that box where you can play with dates going back 10+
years but that one year box next to it limits the search.

Can you pls share how you've been able (recently) to search all your mails
(or at least all your Sent mails) for the past 10+ years in your gmail

Thank you.

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Felmon Davis
Schenectady, NY

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS word doc with tables: spell check does not work

2018-08-06 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 6 Aug 2018, Uwe Brauer wrote:

"libreoffice-ml" == libreoffice-ml mbourne 

  > Uwe Brauer wrote:
  > I assume the word you're typing is spelled incorrectly? Of course the
  > spell checker will skip over it if spelled correctly in the selected
  > language.

  > You could try on the menu Tools > Language > For All Text > Spanish.
  > If Spanish isn't already listed there select More and then, under the
  > "Default Languages for Documents" section of the options dialog which
  > appears, select Spanish and check "For the current document only".

  > Check that the Spanish dictionary is definitely installed correctly.
  > In the dropdown box where you select the language, there should be a
  > tick with "ABC" alongside "Spanish".

  > If that still doesn't work, it might be worth saving the document in
  > ODT format, close and then open the ODT version. I don't think that's
  > likely to make any difference, but you may as well try if nothing else
  > helps.

  > If none of that helps, perhaps someone else here with more experience
  > of working in different languages might have some ideas...

Nothing helped, thanks.

I presume it is something wired with the fields in the table, the way
there were generated by MS Word

can you try copying the contents of a field onto the clipboard and 
pasting them back but using "paste special" and selecting your word 
processor's format?

I have lost track of the thread so forgive if already tried but what 
about saving the document as LO and then working on it?


Felmon Davis
Schenectady, NY

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Glosses in linguistics

2018-06-08 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 8 Jun 2018, John Jason Jordan wrote:

On Fri, 8 Jun 2018 15:59:48 -0400 (EDT)
Felmon Davis  dijo:

On Fri, 8 Jun 2018, John Jason Jordan wrote:

Linguists frequently need to write glosses. Here are a couple
examples using Spanish as the source language and English as the
language that the author is writing in:

Todos iremos   a   la playa.  to  beach
'We will all go to the beach.'

Juan no sabíaquéhacer.
John neg.  what  do.inf
'John didn't know what to do.'

(Note that there are rules for how the gloss abbreviations are
supposed to be abbreviated and used, and for the sake of simplicity
in the above examples I did not always follow them rigorously.)

Glosses are typically three lines, as in the above examples. 

If the utterance in the source language and its gloss are too long for
one line in the paper you are writing you can just make the utterance
two glosses, that would look just like my two examples above.

The only way I know to get this right is to use tabs, but the tab
spacings have to be changed for each gloss. If you have a lot of
glosses in your paper tabs will quickly become a serious pain.

would it be possible to use tables? borderless. allow enough columns 
for a typical gloss? the last row would 'merge' the columns.

I thought of tables (which I otherwise use a lot), but tables would be
more work than constantly changing tab settings.

Part of the problem with tab settings is knowing exactly where the tab
needs to be. I remember a very long time ago in WordPerfect? that the
exact position of the cursor on the line was displayed in the status
bar, or by hovering over it with the mouse. (Or maybe that was in
InDesign or Scribus.) If I could get this information, maybe it could be
used in a script that would place a tab stop at that position.

it occurs to me I may not fully understand your goal. please clarify:

(1) you want the relevant elements of text and gloss in the first two 
lines to be spaced to spaced so that they line up in the same 'column' 
and you want the columns to have the same spacing?

(2) the 3rd line would span the whole field (all the 'columns').

but if you use tabs, lines 1 and 2 do not line up.

do I grasp the problem?


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Glosses in linguistics

2018-06-08 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 8 Jun 2018, John Jason Jordan wrote:

Linguists frequently need to write glosses. Here are a couple examples
using Spanish as the source language and English as the language that
the author is writing in:

Todos iremos   a   la playa.  to  beach
'We will all go to the beach.'

Juan no sabíaquéhacer.
John neg.  what  do.inf
'John didn't know what to do.'

(Note that there are rules for how the gloss abbreviations are supposed
to be abbreviated and used, and for the sake of simplicity in the above
examples I did not always follow them rigorously.)

Glosses are typically three lines, as in the above examples. Each
component of the first two lines must be lined up. Here in e-mail I
tried to do this with the space bar, but the results may not appear
perfectly as I intended for all people on this list. They don't even
appear lined up for me because I use a proportional font in my mail

The only way I know to get this right is to use tabs, but the tab
spacings have to be changed for each gloss. If you have a lot of
glosses in your paper tabs will quickly become a serious pain.

I searched the Help, but came up empty-handed. Any suggestions?

would it be possible to use tables? borderless. allow enough columns 
for a typical gloss? the last row would 'merge' the columns.

I assume glosses are not long sentences with subclauses - how complex 
can they become? would be unwieldly if glossing James Joyce

in my email clients I couldn't quite see the separations as such.


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Did a message reply to all?

2018-06-05 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 5 Jun 2018, Robert Großkopf wrote:

Hi Peggy,

Someone told me to use "reply all". I found an option under settings to set
it that way. Either has to be one of the other. I guess I'll have to
remember to uncheck it when I don't want to use it. Some groups don't want
to be bothered with everyone's reply.

"Reply all" will send a reply to the mailinglist and also directly to
the person, who has end the mail to the list. So this person will get to
mails and only needs one.

"Reply to list" (don't know, if it's the right translation ...) will
only send a mail to the mailinglist. This is the right way to
communicate in a mailinglist.

that may be so but I don't think gmail offers that option ("reply to 
list"); you have to copy in the address of the list.


Felmon Davis
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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-04-30 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 30 Apr 2018, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 04/30/2018 11:11 AM, James Knott wrote:

Recent versions of MS Office are supposed to be able to work with Open
Document files.  Have you tried to see what happens when you use it with
ODF files?

Thank you for the suggestion. My personal computer is Linux only, but
I'll check it out on the school's computers to see how well MSO reads
and writes to .odt. I don't even know what version of MSO the school uses.

I shall have to check also. I'll send to some students as guinea pigs.

one thing I've observed is that in spite of being a (partly) Linux 
company, google-drive does not treat .odt files kindly: it seems to 
list the unzipped contents instead of showing properly formatted text.

the school uses google-apps for education, specially designed for use 
in schools (more privacy, closed environment).


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS Anniversary upgrade warning - not LO issue

2016-12-07 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 7 Dec 2016, Philip Jackson wrote:


It would be nice if I could just create a VB machine and tell it to load
the hard disk which already has the workable installation of Windows 10,
together with the couple of applications I use from time to time.

I know, I know.

I suspect it's not possible. when I get some more time maybe tonight 
I'll dig around more earnestly.

By the way, Felmon, why did you reject the distro version of VB and make
a direct download from Oracle ?

I kept getting errors having to do with missing modules (vboxdrv) and 
looking around I saw others having the same problem. landed on some 
posts about using Oracle's so purged the repository stuff and Oracle 
installed pretty much without a problem (except some errors of 
misunderstanding on my part).

not being used to it everytime I see it, it's a shock - Windows 7 in a 
tiny little window on a Debian desktop!


Felmon Davis

To say you got a vote of confidence would be to say you needed a vote 
of confidence.

-- Andrew Young

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS Anniversary upgrade warning - not LO issue

2016-12-07 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 7 Dec 2016, Cley Faye wrote:

2016-12-07 9:10 GMT+01:00 Mike Scott <>:

A windows licence might be tied to hardware, for example. So if I need
occasional windows use (eg to update my satnav - g!) but otherwise use
linux, dual-boot is a necessity. Such a licence probably wouldn't work in a
virtual machine.

​There's always this possibility:

also this which I am about to try:

"Once you're finished, you'll be able to reboot into your secondary OS 
and run it natively, or run it in your favorite virtualization program 
without having to reboot. You'll get the best of both worlds and 
you'll never have to decide between the two again."


Felmon Davis

Where it is a duty to worship the sun it is pretty sure to be a crime 
to examine the laws of heat.

-- Christopher Morley

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS Anniversary upgrade warning - not LO issue

2016-12-07 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 7 Dec 2016, Mike Scott wrote:

On 06/12/16 16:32, Tanstaafl wrote:

Can't imagine why anyone would mess with dual boot these days with
something like Virtualbox available.

A windows licence might be tied to hardware, for example. So if I need 
occasional windows use (eg to update my satnav - g!) but otherwise 
use linux, dual-boot is a necessity. Such a licence probably wouldn't 
work in a virtual machine.

I don't know about that but you can buy a license relatively cheaply 
for Windows 7 Pro.

haven't shopped for Windows 10. (at best I'd only purchase Windows 10 
Pro because of the forced updates.)

Windows 7 Pro in a VM seemed to work fine with instant access to wifi, 


Felmon Davis

What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally 

-- Bengamin Disraeli

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS Anniversary upgrade warning - not LO issue

2016-12-07 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 7 Dec 2016, Philip Jackson wrote:

On 06/12/16 16:32, Tanstaafl wrote:

Can't imagine why anyone would mess with dual boot these days with
something like Virtualbox available.

Can you point to an easily understandable 'howto' on installing and
using Windows in VirtualBox ?

just did this myself using Oracle:

I'm on a debian-based system so 'sudo dkpg -i deb' got me going. I 
have a license for Windows 7 so I pointed VB to the Windows 7 iso. it 
is almost self-explanatory but have a look at:


worked wonderfully until the computer failed (unrelated).


Felmon Davis

Unnamed Law:
If it happens, it must be possible.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-22 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 22 Jul 2016, Girvin Herr wrote:

Thanks for the response.
Yes, I have bookmarked also.  It is another 
resource.  This forum has benefited me in the past, and I prefer to stay 
with it.  As I said, I have been away for about 2 years and I was not 
sure what had happened to the forum in that time.  I have spent the last 
year off-and-on trying to sign up again through my at/yahoo email 
provider, but my subscription requests have been going into a black 
hole.  I never even got the subscription confirmation replies.  I 
suspected the problem was with at/yahoo again, similar to 2 years ago, 
so I had a friend, who was not with at/yahoo, test the subscription 
process and it worked for him.  That was when I had proof that the 
problem was with at/yahoo.  I suspect they are blacklisting this forum 
for whatever reason, but they never told me they were doing it.  I am in 
the process of shutting down my at/yahoo email service and, as you can 
see in the header, I am in the process of switching to FastMail.  They 
seem to be working fine.

Thanks again and take care.

possible cause:

"In an attempt to block email spoofing attacks on addresses, 
Yahoo began imposing a stricter email validation policy that 
unfortunately breaks the usual workflow on legitimate mailing lists."

Lucian Constantin
IDG News Service Apr 8, 2014 6:10 AM



Felmon Davis

How can you govern a nation which has 246 kinds of cheese?
-- Charles de Gaulle

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RE: [libreoffice-users] undo functionality

2016-06-03 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 3 Jun 2016, toki wrote:


However, in as much as you use American English, the odds are that you
think you can file the lawsuit in the United States. Ignoring
jurisdictional issues,

the OP's email is based in Holland for what it's worth.

useful post nonetheless.


Felmon Davis


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Re: [libreoffice-users] anyone knows how to find/replace not-printable glyphs?

2016-03-19 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 15 Mar 2016, Remy Gauthier wrote:

If you need to search and replace paragraph marks and others, you can
use AltSearch (
native-dialog-find-replace-for-writer). If have it installed on LO5.1
and it works fine. You look for two end of paragraph characters (select
from the drop-down or type in \p\p)
and replace with just one; repeat until there no more replacements.
Rémy Gauthier.

I wonder about simply using search/replace and remove all end of 
paragraph marks ('\n\), replacing them with a mark of one's own like 
'#' (as long as it doesn't occur elsewhere in the text); then remove 
all consecutive "##' and replace with '\r' or '\r\r'?


Felmon Davis

He knows not how to know who knows not also how to unknow.
-- Sir Richard Burton

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Thunderbird potential as the official/default email-client for LO? Re: [board-discuss] BoD decision from 2015-10-05

2016-03-03 Thread Felmon Davis

On Thu, 3 Mar 2016, Tanstaafl wrote:

On 3/3/2016 10:18 AM, Davis, Felmon <> wrote:

On Mar 3, 2016 7:19 AM, "James Knott" <> wrote:

You should be able to configure your IMAP client to download messages
for "offline" mode.  There is also an archive function.

yeah, like I said, got to do my research again. at the time I was wrestling
with gmail

Google provides a way to download backups of all of your google stuff
(calendars, contacts and email) in one fell swoop:

thanks. actually I now recall getting this far but for some reason 
(perhaps distraction) didn't go further. they had just introduced it.

will look at it.

though I'd love an easy/easier way to mount a google-drive, but
that's a different matter and off-topic.

this is some kind of app?

this is not for mounting the drive in Linux. to do that you have to 
use a complicated job called ocamlfuse 

it requires several minutes of compilation. it works fine on one 
laptop but I haven't gotten it to compile on one of other laptop.

well, there are other possibilities out there but research time for 
this stuff is scarce, for now one laptop is good enough.

thank you for the ideas! it's like a free lunch of insights!


Felmon Davis

Death to all fanatics!

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Thunderbird potential as the official/default email-client for LO? Re: [board-discuss] BoD decision from 2015-10-05

2016-03-03 Thread Felmon Davis

On Thu, 3 Mar 2016, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:

My experience with IMAP through a browser is helping friends install 
Thunderbird, friends who have had there account taken over in AOL, MS Mail 
and YaHoo.
When I install Thunderbird, I suggest to them that it does not require using 
a browser, greatly reducing the chance of being tripped up on  

Some have gone to POP, others have stayed with IMAP on Thunderbird and are 
very happy.  The only reason they ever choose IMAP is synchronization.

In extending Thunderbird with this capability

1. Make secured e-mails without trusting the the server. Security ends
  where trust starts. I trust Mozilla to produce a safe POP client and
  trust LibreOffice would be in kind if they where to take it over.
2. Have Thunderbird POP installed on multiple devices that align
  themselves to e-mail address(es) securely without the interaction of
  a server except for PGP.

I'm not sure I wholly grasp what you are proposing but this is a bit 

the best I can make out, the advantage you seek is to prevent 
confidential data from sitting on servers open to prying eyes.

I don't see how using POP achieves this as it involves a server and as 
Tansfaafl has pointed out security can be achieved with encryption 
(whether POP or IMAP, or diskette, or usb drive etc).

sorry the tone of the conversation got rude - computer people 
sometimes are like overly sensitive artists (oops! now I've insulted 
two crowds!).

well, interesing but this topic on this thread is probably at its end. 
to insure it, I'm saying Hitler likes your ideas!  that should do 


In regards to LibreOffice

1. Sharing document to online services in the cloud is OK, but why does
  it have to be Google or Microsoft some other document sharing
  service. People want to share their information within a limited
  scope of addressees.  If LibreOffice 
  it is already leaning in that direction, why not push it a little more.
2. The graphical interface of LibreOffice has made some huge strides.
  If LibreOffice took over Thunderbird, wouldn't it be great to have a
  'Properties' panel on the right to e-mail.
3. If we already have , why
  shouldn't it push those changes to a pre-defined list of people
  automatically via Thunderbird.

I just don't believe that because somebody else already did it, it couldn't 
done better and couldn't be done without a server. Probably more than 80% the 
of technology is already written in LibreOffice and Thunderbird.  It is not 
starting from zero as has been implied.

Thank you for listening

On 3/3/2016 4:09 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:


for the benefit of us lurkers trying to follow this discussion, could you 
in a brief statement explain why you think POP should be preferred? (I 
believe this is your general point? if not, a clear statement is welcome.)

I used to use POP (and it's still set up on a couple of my machines albeit 
not currently in use) but mainly I'm on IMAP. what I liked about POP was 
the ease of making local backups of email. it's been a couple of yrs since 
I've explored options in IMAP but that's probably not a big issue now.

anyway, please, just a brief statement of your take would be helpful.

and please, no violence, gentlemen -- no violence, I beg of you! Consider 
the furniture!


Felmon Davis

If you mess with a thing long enough, it'll break.
-- Schmidt

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Thunderbird potential as the official/default email-client for LO? Re: [board-discuss] BoD decision from 2015-10-05

2016-03-03 Thread Felmon Davis


for the benefit of us lurkers trying to follow this discussion, could 
you in a brief statement explain why you think POP should be 
preferred? (I believe this is your general point? if not, a clear 
statement is welcome.)

I used to use POP (and it's still set up on a couple of my machines 
albeit not currently in use) but mainly I'm on IMAP. what I liked 
about POP was the ease of making local backups of email. it's been a 
couple of yrs since I've explored options in IMAP but that's probably 
not a big issue now.

anyway, please, just a brief statement of your take would be helpful.

and please, no violence, gentlemen -- no violence, I beg of you! 
Consider the furniture!


Felmon Davis

Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing can ever be 

-- Immanuel Kant

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-27 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Philip Rhoades wrote:


On 2016-01-27 03:34, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Philip Rhoades wrote:

Sure - but I will still respond as I originally did if I come across more 
proselytising (by anyone) . . it is inappropriate and offensive and should 
not be condoned or encouraged.

by one standard definition of 'proselytize'/'proselytise' your last

"ise" is English English not Yankee English . . clueless . .

ah, guess you missed the clue I was being inclusive.

several posts are guilty of it.

Then you don't understand what the word means.

I take my clue from the OED:

1. intr. To make, or seek to make, proselytes or converts; In extended 
use: to act as an advocate or proponent of something.

2. trans. To convert or attempt to convert from one opinion, 
religion, or party, etc., to another


As someone else pointed out - this was NOT a signature - it was a SERMON and 
completely inappropriate and offensive to me and others (and NOT because of 
the particular superstition being proselytised).

granted, it wasn't a signature and also the content is inappropriate.

so glad this has been settled.


Felmon Davis

A man's best friend is his dogma.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-26 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Philip Rhoades wrote:

Sure - but I will still respond as I originally did if I come across more 
proselytising (by anyone) . . it is inappropriate and offensive and should 
not be condoned or encouraged.

by one standard definition of 'proselytize'/'proselytise' your last 
several posts are guilty of it.

I thought 'signatures' were generally off-topic. though I'd keep my 
mouth shut, I admit though I'd be wrought up if someone advocated 
Microsoft Word! but a 'blessing' from 'sky fairies'? some must have a 
terrible time in flu season with all the 'God bless you!' in the air!

anyway, I agree: stop the proselytizing!

(well, except in 'signatures' where it doesn't count).


On 26 January 2016 at 04:37, Philip Rhoades <> wrote:


On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic germane 

this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected to
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held faith.
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean
faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of
things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines
about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not surprised . .

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't
criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious nonsense
because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who 

someone else but does not even know that the person they "love" is a "she"
and not a "he" . . clueless . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794

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Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: question about the best version of libreoffice - MY God is better!

2016-01-26 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Bob Holtzman wrote:

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:29:54PM +, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Phil, i know you think you probably think you are just an atheist and
acting reasonably but this topic didn't arise in all the years that we
have seen Christian messages in various people's signatures.  The
discussion only arose after the only Islamic quote in all these years.

This has happened at a time when it's popular to attack Muslims for
their faith, and for the stereotypes pushed out by mainstream media to
demonise and vilify Muslims.

I haven't seen anything in the mainstream media that demonises and
vilifys Muslims. Only in right wing rags. Cite(s) please.

perhaps offlist?

interested individuals could ask to be copied.


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreLogo tutorial

2015-12-06 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 5 Dec 2015, Robert Funnell wrote:

I'd like to comment on the 2 typographic rules mentioned for English.

(1) Many typographers believe that there should not be 2 spaces after 
the period at the end of a sentence. See

frankly most of these 'rules' are basically arbitrary, that is, not 
driven by any logical necessity and open to varying aesthetic 

(it's fun reading the history of the prohibition against using 'they' 
as a gender-neutral form as in "if anyone parks their car in the lot, 
_they_ should check with security." wikipedia (sit venia verbo!) has a 
good piece on the "singular 'they'". or the nonsense about having to 
say, "it is I" -- guess anyone can write a grammar book, and they used 

anyway I don't insert two spaces - waste of space (unless required by 
editors, etc.).

(2) I don't think it's correct to say that double quotes are used for 
one thing and single quotes for another. The rule that I'm familiar 
with is that you consistently use whichever you prefer (or whichever 
your publisher requires) and then switch to the other style if they're 
nested. For example, you might write 'He said "She said 'I did it'"'.

I agree and note only that in one area I'm acquainted with the 
singular quote is often used to designate a technical term.


On Sat, 5 Dec 2015, Kolbjørn Stuestøl wrote:

Den 05.12.2015 01:58, anne-ology skreiv:

 This first section looks good as is;
but does have a few grammatical errors which I'll point out in
] s.

 In spite of what some computer users say or do, I'll continue to
 stick with proper grammar -

I agree. But I know too little about English grammar and typographic rules

after a period in a sentence there should be 2 spaces even
 these machines default to only 1;
In HTML double or more spaces becomes a single space. See Mark's reply to 
this list. It is a lot of work to add the code '' behind every 

and double quotes are for conversations - single quotes - or 


 your Norwegian << >> - would be used for empasis,

I'll try to remember this.

 And BTW - looks as if you've spent a lot of time creating a very
 good site & program,

Thank you.
Brian Barker (many thanks to him) has proofread the whole site and sent it 

me private.
I will use his suggestions together with yours.
It will take some time to code it as I prefer hand coding.

Perhaps because the settings of of my e-mail reader I did not see the film. 
Was displayed as '[Image: display film]'.


 How to open LibreLogo in LibreOffice

 The great majority who use LibreOffice do not know there is a Logo 

 in Writer.  There are no direct links to LibreLogo on the menus.  The 

 way, I think, is to open a new text document.  In the main menu at the 


 of the page, press the View → Toolbars → Logo.  This will open the
 LibreLogo toolbar.  This toolbar contains some buttons to control the
 turtle and a command line where you can enter commands. Press on one of
 buttons to bring up the turtle.

 ['great' is superfluous ...

'I think' is superfluous; you're the writer therefore this can
 be left out or changed to possibly or probably ...

   'turtle' ...

  command line to enter commands.]
 [image: vise film]
 The Buttons on the Menubar

 Every time you press on buttons Backward and Forward the turtle will be
 moved 10 pixels backwards or forwards.  Buttons Right and Left will turn
 the turtle 15º clockwise or counter-clockwise.   Button Home moves the
 turtle to the starting point in the middle of the page with the head
 upwards.  Clear screen will remove all drawings from the page.  Start and
 Stop are used to start and stop the execution of the program.  The 

 line is used for entering commands, one line at a time.  The button to 


 right of the command line is used to configure all commands with large
 letters and to translate the program into other languages.  This is not
 used in this overview.

 [Each time you press on any button - ...

will move ...

   backward or forward ...]

 If the purpose is to learn programming, only the command line and buttons
 to clear the screen and put the turtle back is helpful. The others 


 is used to create shapes without programming.

     [are helpful.  The other buttons are]

Felmon Davis

Getting the job done is no excuse for not following the rules.
Following the rules will not get the job done.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Though I sent the email, [Please read this too because I am worrying about you misunderstand my mind]

2015-10-14 Thread Felmon Davis

I wrote him off-list about this (unsubscribing).


On Wed, 14 Oct 2015, Gabriele Ponzo wrote:

What is unclear is if you don't want to receive mails about your question
or if you don't want to receive mails at all.

Because you may have not understood that this is a mailing list. So you'll
receive every message from very each sender about every topic, unless you
decide to unsubscribe.

In that case, you may find instructions for that at botom of each message.

I hope to have been clear and helpful.

All the best.

Gabriele Ponzo

2015-10-13 19:37 GMT+02:00 Alexander Y Lee <>:

Though I request not to reply to me, I appreciate you your help and
kindness from the bottom of my heart, but actually, before I ask question
via email, I was not familiar with the system of Libre Office's QA
system that hundreds to thousands people receive my letter and reply to me.
I thought that like other company, one specific main officer replies to me
later. But I was astonished by receiving too many emails and constant email
alarming. It continued. So, I just really express my gratitude to all
people trying to help me. I appreciate that sincerely. And, different from
it, I just want to ask you with sincere politeness because constant
alarming has been continued. I just mean to ask about that. I really wish
that you will not get my lines crossed. if it bothers you, I apologize in
In conclusion, my question was solved your help already. I appreciate it
very much!


Have a nice day.


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Felmon Davis

It were not best that we should all think alike; it is difference of opinion
that makes horse-races.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Installing Libreoffice in Ubuntu

2015-10-10 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 10 Oct 2015, Brian Barker wrote:

At 23:36 10/10/2015 +0200, Italo Vignoli wrote:
People happy with ... Apache OpenOffice - should avoid commenting on 
LibreOffice mailing lists.

Hold on: you suggest that people with opposing views should be silenced?

suggesting someone avoids commenting is not the same as silencing 

but like you, I want to hear different perspectives.

however, it seems the rhetoric, and heart rates, are rising.

the furniture, gentlemen, mind the furniture! we can have an 
interesting conversation without breaking it.


Most civilised democracies value the expression of opposing views, 
even at the highest level. Oh, but despots and dictators don't.

Brian Barker 

Felmon Davis

When the cup is full, carry it level.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.4.x and Windows 10 testing

2015-08-02 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 2 Aug 2015, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

You are doing a process that will save your data, or so it states. I would 
back your data up anyways.
I had items pinned to the taskbar and they were saved.  The apps/packages 
were still there.

With the ISO upgrade, I seem to have one month to go back to Win7, via an 
option included.  But that means that you will need extra space for the 
Windows.old folder, where Win7 is saved.

You have to look for it, but there is a Media Creation Tool that will 
download/create the ISO file[s] you need so you can upgrade multiple PCs.  It 
will create all 4 home versions - Professional 32 and 64 bit, and Home 32 
and 64 bit.  I made DVDs of all 4 versions.  Mostly, I will be using the 64 
bit versions.

a caution about the Media Creation Tool according to a knowledgeable 
fellow over at; using it deletes 
c:\$Windows.~BT which contains the download of the OS. a packrat may 
want to have this available. I think it can be re-used on other 
qualifying systems.

mine was a 'clean install' so no original data. it didn't bother the 
mbr even though the Linux was on the ssd first, grub worked fine. 
(bear in mind this is part of the 'Insider Preview'.)


To me, this was better than waiting for my reservation to come in for all 
my systems.

On 08/01/2015 10:04 PM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
AAMOI does Windows update LO or do you have to reinstall? I am interested 
to know the extent of the upgrade?


On 02/08/15 10:26, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sat, 1 Aug 2015, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Has anyone on this list[s] have tried Win10 and tested LO 4.4.x on that 

I installed via the so-called 'Insider Preview' on a Thinkpad x120e. I 
haven't used it very much and I haven't installed LO or OO yet.

so far:

a) AMD Catalyst program seems broken and I haven't succeeded yet in fixing 
it and updating the driver for the Radeon 6310.

b) system gets unusable if I try to use my usb-connected Logitech 
trackball, the cursor moves but no responses to clicks; then the keyboard 
goes wonky so no right or left clicks work from the inbuilt trackpad.

c) the default theme and colors seem dour, fonts fuzzy, but so far I can't 
find a pallette to choose from. there are even worse themes to select from 
and a limited set of about 8 dour colors. I haven't tried yet to install 
true-type (that's a separate procedure, right?).

d) perforce I have a Microsoft account but I turned off most of the 'call 
home' features and don't use Cortana or One-drive and so forth but I 
suspect there's plenty of 'telemetry' going on behind the scenes, not 
wholly inappropriate for a preview version.

e) I can't tell yet about speed and performance, too little usage, but it 
boots kind of slow but seems ok otherwise.

I suspect there are fixes for some of the problems; feel convinced I could 
improve the display if I could get good drivers.

I will be looking at adding some menu background graphics [via Firefox's 
options]. But in the original default install, the window's look and 
feel is not good. It just does not look as well as it did when I had the 
system running Win7.

I concur with the above (limited experience with Win7); didn't know about 
Firefox supplying background graphics?


Felmon Davis

Jacquin's Postulate on Democratic Government:
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the
legislature is in session.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 4.4.x and Windows 10 testing

2015-08-01 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 1 Aug 2015, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Has anyone on this list[s] have tried Win10 and tested LO 4.4.x on that 

I installed via the so-called 'Insider Preview' on a Thinkpad x120e. I 
haven't used it very much and I haven't installed LO or OO yet.

so far:

a) AMD Catalyst program seems broken and I haven't succeeded yet in 
fixing it and updating the driver for the Radeon 6310.

b) system gets unusable if I try to use my usb-connected Logitech 
trackball, the cursor moves but no responses to clicks; then the 
keyboard goes wonky so no right or left clicks work from the inbuilt 

c) the default theme and colors seem dour, fonts fuzzy, but so far I 
can't find a pallette to choose from. there are even worse themes to 
select from and a limited set of about 8 dour colors. I haven't tried 
yet to install true-type (that's a separate procedure, right?).

d) perforce I have a Microsoft account but I turned off most of the 
'call home' features and don't use Cortana or One-drive and so forth 
but I suspect there's plenty of 'telemetry' going on behind the 
scenes, not wholly inappropriate for a preview version.

e) I can't tell yet about speed and performance, too little usage, but 
it boots kind of slow but seems ok otherwise.

I suspect there are fixes for some of the problems; feel convinced I 
could improve the display if I could get good drivers.

I will be looking at adding some menu background graphics [via 
Firefox's options]. But in the original default install, the 
window's look and feel is not good. It just does not look as well 
as it did when I had the system running Win7.

I concur with the above (limited experience with Win7); didn't know 
about Firefox supplying background graphics?


Felmon Davis

I met a wonderful new man.  He's fictional, but you can't have 

-- Cecelia, The Purple Rose of Cairo

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and complex documents

2015-07-31 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 31 Jul 2015, Gary Collins wrote:

I think that register is an important consideration. Colloquial 
language tends to be in a state of flux and dictionaries will always 
lag behind. Formal language tends to be far more conservative, and 
that, I think, is where proper is likely to be a more important 

Is either more correct than the other? Not really. It depends on 
the nature and purpose of the communication. But improper use 
of words and grammar will, of course, give the impression that the 
communicator has been poorly educated. (Again, that could be 
considered a loaded concept.) Where making a good impression is 
important, dictionaries are very useful tools indeed.


I fully concur. for instance misspelled words don't always impair 
understanding but they can give a bad impression.

I only wanted to say dictionaries are not 'authorities' except as 
snapshots of actual usage.



   From: Felmon Davis
Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2015, 21:48
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and complex 

On Wed, 29 Jul 2015, anne-ology wrote:

      grammar skillfully employed procures meaningful communication,
          [see below for comments to your comments]

yes, 'skillful' is not the same as 'proper'.

or let's put it this way, 'proper' is ambiguous. it could mean
'according to some accepted standard' or it could be 'adept'.

an act of communication can be 'improper' but apt or 'proper' but

some think 'the King and me' is 'improper' and should be 'the King and
I'. aside from reasons of gentility they are equally fit to purpose.

[pardon the deletions]

      Without good communication skills, then how can anyone be a part of

any community  ???

I doubt 'good communication skills' require 'proper' grammar.

      [well, how would you punctuate this sentence? -
          Woman without her man is helpless
        (yes, it's an old time example used by probably every English
instructor since ... )

      It could be 'Woman, without her man, is helpless.' or 'Woman:
without her, man is helpless.']

the spoken sentences would be unambiguous.

here are some other punctuations:

Woman! without her man is helpless.
Woman - without her, man is helpless.

some grammar 'authority' will favor one, some another. it is pointless
to dispute such religious questions.

speaking of which: to me it's anathema how Brits sprinkle commas all
over their sentences; after all they aren't Germans!


Felmon Davis

Do not fold, spindle or mutilate.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and complex documents

2015-07-30 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 29 Jul 2015, anne-ology wrote:

  grammar skillfully employed procures meaningful communication,
  [see below for comments to your comments]

yes, 'skillful' is not the same as 'proper'.

or let's put it this way, 'proper' is ambiguous. it could mean 
'according to some accepted standard' or it could be 'adept'.

an act of communication can be 'improper' but apt or 'proper' but 

some think 'the King and me' is 'improper' and should be 'the King and 
I'. aside from reasons of gentility they are equally fit to purpose.

[pardon the deletions]

  Without good communication skills, then how can anyone be a part of

any community  ???

I doubt 'good communication skills' require 'proper' grammar.

  [well, how would you punctuate this sentence? -
 Woman without her man is helpless
(yes, it's an old time example used by probably every English
instructor since ... )

  It could be 'Woman, without her man, is helpless.' or 'Woman:
without her, man is helpless.']

the spoken sentences would be unambiguous.

here are some other punctuations:

Woman! without her man is helpless.
Woman - without her, man is helpless.

some grammar 'authority' will favor one, some another. it is pointless 
to dispute such religious questions.

speaking of which: to me it's anathema how Brits sprinkle commas all 
over their sentences; after all they aren't Germans!


Felmon Davis

Fashions have done more harm than revolutions.
-- Victor Hugo

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and complex documents

2015-07-29 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 28 Jul 2015, anne-ology wrote:

  One of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's, Lewis Carroll, purpose in writing
the Alice in Wonderland books was to show how the meaning can be
misinterpreted when proper grammar is not used.  My favorite example is
Jabberwocky  ;-)

but the grammar of Jabberwocky is perfectly correct!

  Without good communication skills, then how can anyone be a part of
any community  ???

I doubt 'good communication skills' require 'proper' grammar.


Felmon Davis

Where humor is concerned there are no standards -- no one can say what
is good or bad, although you can be sure that everyone will.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and complex documents

2015-07-26 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 26 Jul 2015, anne-ology wrote:

  Thank you;
  and for some good examples.

  BTW -
 here's 'compatibility' as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, which
I think is recognized as an authority worldwide  ;-)

I call dictionary abuse!

dictionaries don't prescribe how words _should_ be interpreted, they 
describe how words _were_ and _are_ used, the latter badly in the 
nature of the case since they usually lag behind current. people 
always get this wrong.

and Humpty-Dumpty is close, very close, to the truth:


“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it 
means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so 
many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s 

know what I mean?

anyway, sorry for the interruption.


[1a state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without
problems or conflict

1.1a feeling of sympathy and friendship; like-mindedness

1.2 Computing: The ability of one computer, piece of software, etc., to
work with another]

  To me, fully compatible vs. compatible could parallel identical
twins vs. fraternal twins or clarified butter vs. butter or suede vs.
brushed leather or wood vs. wooden veneer or ... ... ...  ;-)

  And I guess I'm a detailist - perfectionist if you would; I gave up
photography when BW film became impossible to obtain -
 to me, in composing a photograph I consider all the components
yet with color photography - and now with digital images - the detailing is
impossible to obtain as it was when dealing with silver.

From: toki
Date: Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and complex

On 07/24/2015 09:08 PM, Joel Madero wrote:

This is simply a false statement. It's not compatible.

That literally depends upon how compatibility is defined.

There are use-cases where MSO 2013 is completely, utterly, and
absolutely incompatible with MSO 2013, when installed on a different

There are use-cases when MSO 2013 and OOo 1.x are completely compatible
with each other.


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Felmon Davis

Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.
   -- Samuel Beckett

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [OT] Operating Environment Survey

2015-07-25 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 25 Jul 2015, Harvey Nimmo wrote:

On Sat, 2015-07-25 at 14:54 -0400, James Knott wrote:

On 07/25/2015 09:35 AM, Graham P Davis wrote:
 We only had log tables; standard slide rules weren't allowed as they
 were too inaccurate. Drifting a bit more OT, ball-point pens weren't allowed 
either, only fountain pens.

 To put this in some sort of perspective, I left school in 1962 aged 18.

Did they have slide rules way back then?  ;-)

We used them in physics and electricity  electronics classes.

Yes, that was shortly after they finally ditched the abacus

and thus ends this excursus into archaic calculation devices.

(though I do wonder when people learned to use fingers or digits to 


Felmon Davis

A stitch in time saves nine.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] [OT] Operating Environment Survey [Kubuntu Linux]

2015-07-22 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 22 Jul 2015, toki wrote:

Not even the science fiction of the fifties and sixties anticipated that
by the end of the twentieth century, computers would be as  ubiquitous
as they were.

In 1967 the Philco-Ford Corporation released a short film titled 1999 
A.D. In it the inevitable advances of the future are demonstrated.

warning: proceeded by an advertisement.


Felmon Davis

What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it?
-- The Doctor

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Linux alternative helpsupport

2015-07-19 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 19 Jul 2015, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Err, i tend to stick with Unity for myself.

Some of my work-colleagues couldn't cope with the simplicity and the way it
doesn't look like Xp or Win7.  So i had a quick look at KDE again and was
surprised at how fast it's become.  It even out-performed Cinnamon and Mate
and even LXDE on many of our ancient machines AND it looked quite similar
to Xp/Win7.  Quite a few people found it much easier to use.

people who liked kde3 might try an active development of it called 
Trinity Desktop; I favor a branch 
called exegnu; I think both make a 

it is debian-based and you may have to do a couple of things to get 
the wifi drivers for your system.

my only association with these projects is as a contented user. 
mileage may vary.


So i've been using it myself quite a bit and found how to fix some of the
inevitable teething problems in any 'new' system.  Any system needs a bit
of tweaking in order to get it working the way anyone would be happy with
so i've been finding a few of those out for myself.  However i really like
Unity now [shrugs].  For me the big advantage of KDE is that now i can do
more distro-hopping and try out many different distros while keeping a
fairly familiar Gui/DE/Window-manager.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 18 July 2015 at 22:59, Tom Williams wrote:

On 07/18/2015 11:28 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
 Hi :)
 Something i really appreciate most about Linux is that it's so easy to
 change the gui - or more importantly that if you don't like the crazy new
 things that have been done to the gui then you can fairly easily go back
 the old one or on to something else entirely.  The under-laying system
 remains the same.
Back in the day, I used to have 3 or 4 window managers I used to
switch between.  lol

As for Windows 8's metro, I mean modern UI, I'm not digging it and I
never have.

The other Tom

/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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Felmon Davis

Advice is a dangerous gift; be cautious about giving and receiving it.

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[OT] Re: [libreoffice-users] Linux alternative

2015-07-18 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 18 Jul 2015, Thomas wrote:

Although I know, this does not belong here, just a word.
I have been trying (STRUGGLING) to move away from MS and get friendly 
with Linux for 7-8 years now!

So far with little success. Yet, I still keep trying.

this makes me wonder what the top two or three things are that people 
find hard in adopting Linux.

I don't want to count the yrs I've used Linux. I was never a 
full-time user of Windows, I used OS/2 before Linux and Desqview on 
some version of DOS before that.

for the most part I'm barely aware of the operating system: launch a 
program and work or play is my mode. never gave up command-line habits 
either, the pictures confuse me like holding a conversation via 


Felmon Davis

In most instances, all an argument proves is that two people are 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Notice to Appear in Court

2015-04-19 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 19 Apr 2015, Cley Faye wrote:

2015-04-19 20:48 GMT+02:00 toki kantoor

The scary thing is that despite being sent to the wrong email address, the
intended recipient is presumed to have been legally served, n most parts of
the United States.

​I doubt that anyong was the intended recipient. I got the exact same mail
as spam, outside of the LO list.

it's also weird it came from a 'county court' in Brazil!


Felmon Davis

All you need to know is the user interface.  -- J. Redford
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Re: [libreoffice-users] LIBRE OFFICE DOWNLOAD.

2015-02-09 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 9 Feb 2015, Kevin O'Brien wrote:

And I would add to what Tom said, that it is prudent to leave MSWorks
on your machine until you are certain that you won't need it again.
All you might want to do for now is change the default program for
opening your files.


isn't there a Works format that only Works can read or anyway only 
Office? am I mistaken? if I am not mistaken, then the OP must keep it 
until they convert their Works stuff. if I am mistaken, this email is 
a waste of electrons.


On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
You can keep and use both LibreOffice and MS Works on the same machine
as each other.  It helps you handle a wider variety of different
formats as each is better at certain types of formats.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 9 February 2015 at 17:40, wrote:

Hello James,

Thank you for your prompt answer.
I have now downloaded LibreOffice and will use whenever possible.


---Original Message---

From: James Knott
Date: 02/09/15 17:12:00
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LIBRE OFFICE DOWNLOAD.

On 02/09/2015 11:09 AM, wrote:

Hello LibreOffice,

I am considering downloading LibreOffice.

Could you please advise me if I can consequently uninstall Microsoft Works
without detriment to my
existing previous saved letters etc.?

Yes, you can install LibreOffice and then uninstall Works at your

Please ensure you download only from or one of it's
mirrors.  Getting it from elsewhere may install some malware on your
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Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: PDF Extnension for Libre Office/Writer or Open Office

2014-12-30 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, CVAlkan wrote:

Re: several of the things Anne-ology talks about:

This list is only for programs I have used under Linux that have some of or
all the capabilities she talks about.

pdfSAM - SAM stands for Split And Merge; the interface is rather
user-hostile, but it does a good job of allowing you to grab arbitrary pages
from one or multiple documents and get them assembled into a new pdf.

pdf Chain - similar, but permits specified pages to be rotated, and allows
you to add background stuff (e.g. a transparent image saying DRAFT) to the

I'd add pdftk which does a lot of the above. in addition it allows 


pdf Mod- similar to the others, and also allows you to change the document
properties (edit or remove title, author, keywords, and such things). It
also allows rotation of arbitrary pages.

pdf-Shuffler - permits you to crop selected pages by percentage (separate
spec for top, bottom, and each side - I use this to get pdf files onto my
Nook Color with the smallest margins possible to avoid having to keep
stretching each page while I'm reading). Again, there are some quirks in
the user interface, such as how one needs to click the beginning page and
end page to set a range - the column layout makes this work somewhat
strangely, but you get used to it quickly).

As others have already said, pdf is really not similar to other file
formats in that each page is a separate chunk, although the elements can be
manipulated to a certain degree. It's similar to saving a paper copy of the
document as a universal reference in that no matter how MS or TDF change
formats (or like all those dearly departed earlier companies did), you'll
still have something that can be printed (although not easily edited) in the
future. Maybe...

If you choose to embed the fonts used in the original (at least all of the
characters in use), this can be quite useful. Sending a pdf to someone is
almost guaranteed to permit them to read it without going through all the
hoops necessary to convert to another format. Again, mostly...

I hope this helps.

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Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: PDFs

2014-12-30 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, anne-ology wrote:

  what ???

  In actually printing the data -
(in my experience) -
   from a PDF file, there's a lot of blank pages, gobbledegook,
extraneous lines criss-crossing, as well as extremely wide margins - all of
which not only wastes paper but makes for a quite messy printed page(s).

  So other than those who think they're ecrypting the data why does
anyone use a program which makes such a mess - and as for encrypting the
data; well, I've been able to open any of these PDFs without waiting for
whatever code - after receiving whatever codes, the outcome is never any

I wonder what is going on here. I don't experience _any_ of this. of 
course, if the composer of the pdf set the margins wide (or narrow) 
that will show up in the pdf (as it's supposed to).

how do you open them for reading?

for my part I couldn't work at all well without pdfs, pretty much 


From: Andreas Säger
Date: Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 4:42 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: PDFs

Am 30.12.2014 um 03:16 schrieb anne-ology:

   Thank you for this information -
I did not realize that PDFs were not merely a strange sort of
word document  ;-)
   (I have not liked PDFs;
   have not understood the continual use of them - although some
seem to encrypt them)

_Any_ software able to send print jobs can generate PDF by sending the
print job to a software rather than a print device.
And that very same _Any_ software is the software to edit your data and
then send another print job to the PDF generator exactly like you would
print new paper sheets after editing the original data. PDF is not a
document format. It is a virtual print out designed to look exactly like
a physical print out _regardless_ of the editing software being a word
processor, graphics program, web browser, computer aided design suite,
desktop publishing software, charting/plotting/rendering whatever
software. If it can print sheets of paper, it can also print PDF. You
can not edit the output of arbitrary software with your word processor.
The PDF extension which dissembles arbitrary PDF chunks into Draw
elements is a master piece. Of course, it does not fulfill the high
flying expectations of the united front of ignorants.

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Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Creating a dictionary with libreoffice from a simple TXT-file

2014-12-25 Thread Felmon Davis

On Thu, 25 Dec 2014, hdv@gmail wrote:

On 2014-12-25 07:17, Constantine wrote:


you are unbelievable!!!

While I solved the problem with my very sloppy trick and was writing
my mail in order to inform you about it, you were looking for a
correct solution and writing this very long and very very detailed

I am just speechless.

I saved all of your instructions, not twice but three times and also
printed them out. They are priceless.

These expressions are things that I need very often and very badly
when working on my translations and they will make my life much
easier in the future. I know, that even if I had spent 30 more hours
studying the manual, I would probably never have come to such clean

Thank you for everything. I really hope I can do something for you
in the

Hi Constatine,

I am a bit late in the thread to help you with this specific case (glad
to see it is solved), but I'd like to suggest something. I think you
wrote that you are working on a Linux system and are willing to learn.
In that case one of the best things you can do to help yourself with
similar problems in the future is to look into vim and especially into
regular expressions too. Your replacement needs would have been
something that regular expressions would have helped you with a lot. In
particular things like postive/negative lookahead/lookback. If vim is
not your thing, then Emacs might be more to your liking. Both can be a
tremendous help with any problem that has to do with text. It will take
some effort to learn vim/Emacs and regular expressions, but it will be
worth every second.

Grx HdV

did I misread the thread? I thought the solutions Brian produced _did_ 
use regular expressions only within the context of LO.

not a big reg exp man myself but I probably would have attempted it 
with 'sed' which is also an 'editor' I guess.

subsequently Constantine points out he was exhausted and I very much 
know what it means to be stuck barking up the wrong tree! after a bit 
they all look the same.


Felmon Davis

The best way to make a fire with two sticks is to make sure one of 
them is a match.

-- Will Rogers

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using LO Writer to edit HTML

2014-11-14 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 14 Nov 2014, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Yes, a text editor helps for some editing of an HTML file.  Yet, for 
some work I need a WYSIWYG editor for the look and feel of the web document.

I use Kate [Ubuntu based Linux Mint] for the text editor.  I use it for 
the Find/Replace option to change 91 links from [say] to  That takes too much time in a WYSIWYG editor, or at least 
the ones I have used.

Currently I use Kompozer, but when I upgrade from Mint 16 to 17 [14.04 
based] and beyond, the graphical display methods do not like the 
upgraded version that Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 now uses.  So I will be looking 
for a different DEDICATED web page editor.

Yes, Writer can do the HTML editing, but I would prefer a WYSIWYG editor 
that was created specifically for web page editing and hopefully with 
error checking options.

I haven't followed the thread with great care so I may have overlooked 
a reference to 'bluefish'.

I haven't used it in quite a spell so this isn't a 'recommendation', 
just a reference to a tool which might be of use.

it is not, I think, wysiwyg as such but it will open your browser for 
inspection of results. (looking at the website it seems it may open 
your page within bluefish but I'm skimming too fast to be sure.)

see what you think.

(apologies if this has already been considered.)



On 11/13/2014 07:29 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 11/13/2014 06:39 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

Hi Kolbjoern

Thanks for the reply.

The document already exists - so I'm selecting 'File Open', I change 
the File Type to 'HTML Document (Writer)' and select my file. It then 
opens in view mode - So how do I get to the code to edit it??

I just tried it again, and I think I see your problem. I did exactly 
as you did, and the HTML source option did not appear on the View 
menu. I think the problem is that, when opening the file, you are 
changing the File Type to HTML Document (Writer). When you do that, 
all you get is a WYSIWYG display along with no HTML source option. So, 
I tried it again, but instead of changing the file type to HTML 
Document (Writer) I kept it at All types. Then when I opened an 
HTML file, I saw the source code instead of the WYSIWYG display.

Not sure if this is intended behavior or a bug.

(All this said, I agree with Tom that I would use a regular text 
editor to edit HTML code. Gedit works nicely on my Ubuntu machine.)


On 11/13/2014 01:18 PM, Kolbjørn Stuestøl wrote:
When saving your document, select HTML Document (Writer) (.html) 
in the File type: drop down list in the Save dialog.


Den 13.11.2014 11:18, skreiv Ian Whitfield:

Hi All

Can I get some help on this please??

I have read about, and looked-up, the possibility of editing HTML 
documents in Writer but can not get it to work!!
No matter what I do I can not fine 'HTML Mode' or 'View HTML' as 
talked about ion the help files.

I can load my document but can not get at the HTML code.

What am I missing or doing wrong??

I'm using LO 4.3 on PClinuxOS (latest)

Thanks for any help.

Pretoria RSA

Felmon Davis
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice forks

2014-10-17 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 17 Oct 2014, Werner wrote:

But I should have said:

StarOffice which later became OpenOffice and then LibreOffice forked off 
OpenOffice.  In other words it is the 'new' thing which is a 'fork' and 
the 'original' stays the original:).

I think we flogged this to death:)

so stick a fork in it?


Felmon Davis

I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when
you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more 

-- Poul Anderson

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LO Writer (Linux): Way to do text search in set of documents?

2014-08-30 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 30 Aug 2014, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Hmm, sadly Writer doesn't seem to do quite the same thing as GEdit.

With GEdit i could;
1.  select all 10 files,
2.  right-click to open in GEdit,
3.  do the search in any of the documents
4.  Ctrl z to close that document and arrive in the next automatically
5.  when i open the find dialogue it already has the search criteria i used
in the last document

Sadly with Writer i'd have to copypaste the criteria each time.  I guess
that's another argument in favour of tabbed UI
Regards from
Tom :)

I am sure I'm not quite following what is ultimately wanted but about 
opening multiple copies, but suppose I have a directory containing the 
desired files, say, 1.doc, 2.doc, Another.doc; is there a verbot 
against going into the directory and doing

soffice *.doc

at the commandline? or does this not work?

but pardon and ignore me if I'm way off-target.



On 30 August 2014 12:01, Maurice wrote:

On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:35:05 +1200, Steve Edmonds wrote:

 There could be a feature request. In the existing find and replace
 dialogue to have an option All open documents.

  Mmm. Will take a look at how to make such a request.

 You need only have the documents opened in LO and working on multiple
 documents you can search and replace them as one.

  Well, if, say, there are 10 documents in the list to be searched, how
would one open all 10 conveniently?


Felmon Davis

Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.  -- 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LO Writer (Linux): Way to do text search in set of documents?

2014-08-25 Thread Felmon Davis
 2014 11:44:31 -0500, Don Pobanz wrote:

I find it very useful for finding a word or phrase within
my odt documents.

Thank you, Don, but that only shows which files contain the
search string. (It's likely that all files in the list will
contain at least one occurrence of the string.)

That would be a start, but what I am looking for is a means of
seeing the string as if Writer was showing the file contents,
so that I can see the surrounding text.

(Equivalent to joining all the doc's into one big file, then
doing a Find.   Perhaps I shall have to do the joining

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Felmon Davis

Good judgement comes from experience, which comes from bad judgement.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Proofreading problems...

2014-08-20 Thread Felmon Davis


sorry for the bad form of not quoting the thread! won't happen again!

very, very obvious thing to check but maybe worth mentioning: doesn't 
one have to check something called 'changes' or whatever (don't have 
the program here) to see comments?

I hate the whole commenting facility as such, and it is tricky between 
different word processors.


Felmon Davis

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.
-- Woody Allen

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [tdf-announce] ...

2014-08-15 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 15 Aug 2014, anne-ology wrote:

  curiously wondering when you became hall-monitor  ;-)

the discussion is getting silly and an issue of etiquette is now 
running the risk of serious logic abuse.

every list I know of has the occasional strictly OT posts. and as Rob 
Jasper points out they can serve a good purpose (and some of us are 
interested in them).

if kept within bounds I can't see the harm and they certainly 
shorter-lived and less harmful than this discussion!

I add to it in the hope of contributing to its end!


Felmon Davis

I live the way I type; fast, with a lot of mistakes.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Nitpicking on a name

2014-07-28 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Le 27.07.2014 23:46, Urmas a écrit :

Charles-H. Schulz:

On this list people call LibreOffice LO. We -sorry to take on my 
founder's hat here- never called LibreOffice LO.

Right, you have fixed all the bugs, got a functional parity with
Microsoft Word 2.0, and have a chance to bitch about the acronym.

Absolutely, I do have that chance. Only an absolute moron who hides 
his or her own name behind pseudos like you to insult people can 
think that a software can have all of its bugs fixed. As for the 
feature parity with Word 2.0, we have obviously passed that stage 
before 1.0; and if it was so easy, if it is that 
easy, why don't you go start your own office suite and leave 
everyone else alone? What pleasure do you take out of insulting 
people? Are you that much of a pervert, are you that much lonely and 
screwed up that you can spend that much time around here bitching 
against the software and the people around it? How about looking for 
a solution to your own problems, to the very fact that you are in 
such pain and misery that you use a pseudo to go around and insult 
people online? Your life must be a terrible experience and you have 
better to do than lingering around here, so STFU.


gentlemen, I suggest this discussion be taken off-list where you can 
pursue it much more effectively.


Felmon Davis

How can I miss you if you won't go away?
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Re: [libreoffice-users] incompatibilida

2014-06-20 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 20 Jun 2014, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I think the translator changes LO to SD.  LO = LibreOffice

ah, not 'sexual disease' then?

I thought rather something about an 'sd card'?

I'm amused at those online 'translators' which produce self-evident 
nonsense. I like the mistranslation of the misquote from Anacharsis.

(I looked up wikipedia's rendering which is terrible! maybe they used 
an online translator! makes sense at least though.)


When you start-up LibreOffice, if you get the Document Recovery pop-up
then just Cancel.  The document should open normally even without being

Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 June 2014 16:53, anne-ology wrote:

   I do not know what you're now asking -
  someone else on this list, who does know, may eventually respond
to you;
  or you could try the Spanish list - this is the English list.

   I've attempted to translate your messages -
  [shown below yours]

   I've attempted to send you to a helpful site -
  but since that is in English, I now assume you couldn't
understand it -
 I'm sorry; and hope that someone will be able to answer your
questions anon.

From: Rafael Rodríguez
Date: Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 2:53 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] incompatibilida
To: anne-ology

Discúlpeme la insistencia:

*¿Alguna solución para poder usar el programa?.*

 La ley es una telaraña que detiene a las mosacas y deja pasar a los


Excuse insistence:..

Any solution to use the program stock

The law is a web holding the mosacas and let the birds

2014-06-18 14:06 GMT+02:00 anne-ology

   I don't know what SD is?

To keep your machine clean, be sure to have a good, up-to-date A-V
 program ... etc.
 [Avast! is ranked among the top]
clean the build up of junk with something like CCleaner;
 [ is a good site to peruse]

 From: Rafael Rodríguez
 Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 2:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] incompatibilida
 To: anne-ology

   Disculpe mi ignorancia, falta de pericia informática:
 - ¿Qué es SD?.
 - ¿Que problemas puede tener la máquina?¿cómo limpiarlos?.

Gracias por la atención prestada.

  La ley es una telaraña que detiene a las mosacas y deja pasar a los


 Excuse my ignorance, lack of computer expertise:
 - What is SD
 - What problems can have the machine how clean free
 Thanks for your attention

 The law is a web holding the mosacas and let the birds.

 2014-06-18 1:46 GMT+02:00 anne-ology

From where did you download LO?
the best - and safest - site is the LO site itself.

Suggestion: delete what you presently have;
clean your machine of any possible problems;
  THEN go to the LO site - - and download the
 correct package.

Hoping this helps,

 From: Rafael Rodríguez
 Date: 2014-06-17 16:17 GMT-05:00
 Subject: [libreoffice-users] incompatibilida

 Tengo instalado LIbre Office, desde anteayer no funciona, intenta
 se cierra, aparece la ventana de un documento por recuperar, ce cierra y

   Intento repararlo y me indica incompatibilidad.

   Que puedo hacer para seguir utilizándolo.


 I have installed LIbreOffice from yesterday does not work, try to open,
 is closed, the window appears to recover a document, it closed and
 It's over.

 Try to repair it and it indicates incompatibility.

 What can I do to keep using it.

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Felmon Davis

Any two philosophers can tell each other all they know in two hours.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Spell Check Dictionary

2014-05-23 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 23 May 2014, Doug wrote:

On 05/23/2014 02:53 AM, David Love wrote:

MR ZenWiz wrote:

The longest word in any English language is the name of a small town in
Wales - Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyantysiliogogogoch (see
Wikipedia if you're curious about what and where this is).  I had
thought it was 56 letters, but this one is 59.  Hmm.

Sorry, that's the second longest.  The longest is in the North Island of
New Zealand.


(85 letters) which means  The summit where Tamatea, the man with the big
knees, the climber of mountains, the land-swallower who travelled about,
played his nose flute to his loved one



I would have to say that the big word above is not English.

German is a language where there really _are_ long words in the language,
since German, much more than English, strings words together to make
longer ones. We have things like fireplace and carwash. (Fireplace
translates directly: Feuerplatz.) If you ask the average German what is
the longest word, he is likely to tell you,
which also happens to be the name of a song! (Perhaps the word was
invented by the songwriter?) Translating, it means the Upper Weser
excursion boat company captain.  But my German teacher, eons ago,
told me about a word of 100 letters, involving a a miscreant Hottentot
from Trödelstadt who was jailed in a latticework kangaroo cage for killing
his mother-in-law. I suppose it might actually have existed, back when
Germany had a presence in Africa.


we do it too in English but disguise the fact. we write airport 
parking garage manager instead of airportparkinggaragemanager.


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Spell Check Dictionary

2014-05-22 Thread Felmon Davis

On Thu, 22 May 2014, anne-ology wrote:

  yes, there are homonyms in the English language -
   which allows for puns;
a concept which many languages do not understand, yet adds humour
to others  ;-)

  I've always enjoyed the pun; still do.

  Now, for a bit of English grammar history:
 it's derived from the Latin  Greek - as were the Romantic 
Germanic languages;

the Germanic languages were not derived from Latin and Greek, they are 
a separate branch of Indo-European. however Germanic languages were 
also influenced by Latin and then French as English was.

in German people (at least of a certain generation) sometimes say a 
word derived from Latin and add in German - the Latinate word sounds 
a bit fancy, the German near-equivalent sounds more 'down-to-earth'.

but they don't seem to have our category of 'four-letter words which, 
btw, are sometimes anglo-saxon (Germanic) words like 'ficken' or 
'scheisse'. (there is one word my partner forbids me to say though.)

anyway, yes, language is fun. back to our regularly scheduled OT.


spelling was not initially formalized due to this
conglomeration, so the idea of a dictionary came about;
Samuel Johnson wrote his formal dictionary;
then in the 19C, things were still informal, so the idea for
the OxfordEnglishDictionary was formed;
then Daniel Webster decided to write his dictionary excluding
the niceties in spelling of the OED because he wanted to eliminate 'the
British' from the language  ;-)

  BTW - Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll),  others, had some
interesting bits re. this continual squabble between the British  the
  his Jabberwocky is a gem of a poem.

  Just a bit of trivia for y'all  ;-)

From: Mark LaPierre
Date: Wed, May 21, 2014 at 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Spell Check Dictionary

English sucks as a language anyway.  It's a conglomeration of words
grafted on from many other real languages that mostly still adhere to
the rules of the original language.  The result is that English has no
consistent rules without the ever present, Except, word.  This
paragraph contains one of the prime examples.  I almost all cases adding
apostrophe s on the end of a word denotes ownership, i.e. Tom's car,
but to indicate ownership with the word it the 's' is added without the
apostrophe.  Of course its could also indicate multiple quantities of its.

Then there are words like disgruntled.  Has anyone ever been gruntled?

Then too as in also, two as in one more then one, and to as in where you
are going.  There's lead as in the heavy metal, lead as in being shown
the way, lead as in showing the way.

  ^ ^  Mark LaPierre
Registered Linux user No #267004

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Felmon Davis

All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.
-- Sean O'Casey

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Which components do you use most?

2014-05-13 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 13 May 2014, Tom Cloyd wrote:


I don't think Virgil is doing this for fun. I don't think the 
respondents think their responses are meaningless. Seriously now: who in 
their right mind is interested in the practices of those who bother to 
respond to this would-be survey? What possible importance can be 
attached, at all, to their responses? I don't get it. If there isn't 
some degree of belief that this matters (which is cannot, as I've 
previously explained), what's the point?

it's called 'getting acquainted with people in a group'. people do 
this at parties too.

hard to see what's objectionable about it unless one doesn't like 
parties. (I don't mean political parties.)


Felmon Davis

Grief can take care of itself; but to get the full value of a joy you 
must have somebody to divide it with.

-- Mark Twain

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2

2014-04-11 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 11 Apr 2014, charles meyer wrote:

Might anyone on the list be using a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2?

I've been enjoying a Dickens of a time trying to get it to sync with
my PC so I can transfer a video file *from* the tablet to the

Samsung tech support has been abysmal and Google results have been
mostly older posts for older tablets or for transferring files *from* a
PC to the tablet that don't work for transferring a video file *from*
the tablet to the PC.

Thank you,

have you tried saving the file to the (external) sd card and slipping 
it into your pc?

can you install ssh on the tab?

can you save it to the 'cloud', e.g. google-drive and download it to 
the pc from there?


Felmon Davis

Only through hard work and perseverance can one truly suffer.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2

2014-04-11 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 11 Apr 2014, charles meyer wrote:

I only have a standard sd card - tablet requires  a micro sd card and
the process look complicated on this tablet.

The material can not be shared via cloud.

I don't know what ssh is? Or where to find it?

you've gotten some good answers. (also I meant a micro sd card, you do 
need the little adapter, we're assuming you have the slot for 
microcards in your laptop).

I don't think ssh is hard to use and there are plenty ssh programs in 
Android but I should have said sshfs which allows you to make a folder 
on an remote computer show up as a folder on the local.

but the other suggestions may well easier, I don't know, I assume (!) 
it is easy to set sshfs up in Windows.

sometimes directly connecting via usb cable is dead simple, sometimes 
you have to install some special drivers, mtp I think it's called.

now you know there are many effective ways to transfer files.



The inadequate tech support had me download KIES software which never
connected my PC to the tablet after installing it.

On 4/11/14, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Fri, 11 Apr 2014, charles meyer wrote:

Might anyone on the list be using a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2?

I've been enjoying a Dickens of a time trying to get it to sync with
my PC so I can transfer a video file *from* the tablet to the

Samsung tech support has been abysmal and Google results have been
mostly older posts for older tablets or for transferring files *from* a
PC to the tablet that don't work for transferring a video file *from*
the tablet to the PC.

Thank you,

have you tried saving the file to the (external) sd card and slipping
it into your pc?

can you install ssh on the tab?

can you save it to the 'cloud', e.g. google-drive and download it to
the pc from there?


Felmon Davis

Only through hard work and perseverance can one truly suffer.

Felmon Davis

In love, she who gives her portrait promises the original.
-- Bruton

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Master Documents, Office Suites, and the Underwood

2014-03-26 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 26 Mar 2014, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 3/26/2014 6:08 AM, James E Lang wrote:

Hi, Tom and others.

I am finding this discussion to be intellectually stimulating though I have 

no idea as to the mechanics involved in developing or using master documents.

What you write about saving time is most likely very true. However I have 
probably never written a document with more than about a dozen paragraphs and 
I have no idea where to look for the study materials that you say can be read 
in ten minutes thus immediately saving twenty minutes to an hour.

Having shouted the glories of styles, let me also say that their benefit 
comes from doing the same types of documents over and over again. If I 
were using Writer to create a wide variety of (relatively short) 
documents, then styles might make me go mad. To use them properly would 
require me to create dozens of templates and styles covering every type 
of possible situation. That might take far more time than just typing 
the dang letter and hitting ctrl-p.

thank you for injecting this into the discussion. the use of styles is 
not primarily a matter of inducing uninitiated into a new technology, 
it's a matter of fitness to purpose (in my opinion).

for one thing, in OO and LO one is always using a style, the 'default 
style', but if you mostly write short bits then probably don't need 
styles (the default style suffices) though I myself change the default 
to indent the first line of new paragraphs and change font face and 
size to what I prefer.

more complicated work or specially formatted jobs prosper from styles. 
I bring out a bound volume of essays every yr and shudder to think 
what would be involved without a basic template for it.

As for master documents, I wouldn't go down that road unless I were 
doing a truly massive project, in which one minor corruption could ruin 
the entire document.

I have found master documents a bit unwieldy for my essay collection 
project. the essays come from diverse authors so I have to do a fair 
amount of individual editing. then a good template cuts down on some 
of it and it's just as easy (for me) to pull it all together into one 
book (file).



Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] HOW CAN I CONVERT A NUMBER IN LibreOffice CALC TO TEXT IN LibreOffice CALC?

2014-02-23 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 23 Feb 2014, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

P.S. Google Translate was used several times when I wrote the crap above,
and still I didn't get it right… I know, nobody wants to know, but those
didn't read this anyway.

whatever, your English is pretty much as good as the native speakers' 
on this list. (and you know it.g)


Felmon Davis

Wishing without work is like fishing without bait.  -- Frank Tyger
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

2014-02-05 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 5 Feb 2014, Robert Holtzman wrote:

On Wed, Feb 05, 2014 at 01:37:52PM +, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Such attitude is dying out.

Modern devices almost entirely force people into top-posting and
almost all people new to mailing-lists will have no idea about the
possibility of doing anything other than top-posting.  Some allow
users to reconfigure their devices to bottom-post but it's beyond most

That doesn't mean they can't/shouldn't learn.

I wholly concur that top-posting is a scourge and especially if the 
post is not trimmed; sometimes I just skip posts since I cannot figure 
out what in the long tail of to and fro the poster is referring and 
replying to, esp top-posted one-liners that make no sense. it's just 
not worth it.

and Tom's post here is irrelevant to the issue why one _should_ 
bottom-post, trim and put comments in-line but he provides valuable 
understanding of the forces against the practice.

I don't see that we all will come to agreement so that cannot be the 
point of these discussions. I think we could give them some point if 
the one side would provide a succinct summary of what it considers 
good reasons for top-, and the other side provides good reasons for 

at least that would or can shed light on the issues and lessen the 
heat. maybe.

people will make their own judgments, some will change their 
practices, most won't of course but we'll (or may) get beyond tossing 
salad or shotputs or whatever.

we could write a page somewhere and give a link to it whenever the 
topic a-flames again.

(I'm stopping here; maybe this is middle-posting?)


Bottom posting requires a ton of extra work such as trimming and such
which office workers really do not have time for.  it might have been
a better system but we let MS dictate how we do emailing and now we
have to live with that or accept increasing unpopularity.

I really hope you don't mean that trimming is a waste of time. Ever see
a reply to a digest message that quoted the whole digest. What fun.

Hopefully this mailing list helps people learn that bottom posting is
widely used in Open Source projects and helps them become more
familiar with doing so.  Other successful gateway projects also use
top-posting a lot, for example Firefox, Ubuntu and others.  Ones that
remain unpopular or have a hard time attracting new people (such as
Evolution) insist on bottom posting and sees almost all enquirers
leave rather than become involved.  It is sad but we kinda have to
live with the way things are rather than the way we might prefer them
to be.

That outlook would mean that we (US) would still be under British rule.

Tell it to any country that has overthrown an autocratic ruler.


There is a special spot in hell for people who overquote *including
multiple sigs and footers*.

Felmon Davis

It were not best that we should all think alike; it is difference of opinion
that makes horse-races.
-- Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

2014-02-05 Thread Felmon Davis

And a good job of trimming the post too!

I wonder, does top-posting promote sequential reading of the argument?

alright; just having fun now. this is losing all point. winter is 
getting to us.


On Wed, 5 Feb 2014, anne-ology wrote:

  Well said, Peter.

From: Peter West
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

On 6/02/2014 5:31 am, Robert Holtzman wrote:

On Wed, Feb 05, 2014 at 01:37:52PM +, Tom Davies wrote:

Bottom posting requires a ton of extra work such as trimming and such
which office workers really do not have time for.

Trimming is a sensible thing to do, whichever way you post.  It's work for
the poster, not the reader, and top-posting is a benefit for the reader,
not (primarily) the poster.

I really hope you don't mean that trimming is a waste of time. Ever see
a reply to a digest message that quoted the whole digest. What fun.

But doesn't trimming undermine the argument?  How can the discussion be
read sequentially when bits of it have been deleted?

Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

2014-02-04 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 4 Feb 2014, Brian Barker wrote:

At 09:58 04/02/2014 +1000, Peter West wrote:
It mystifies me that some ossers become tossers on this particular topic, 

Whatever value your argument might have had, you destroy it by being abusive 
and using an ad hominem argument, of course.  It is thus surprising that you 
should choose to do this.

jeez, these days no one knows what an 'ad hominem' argument is!

an 'ad hominem' attempts to prove a point against (or for) X by basing 
the point on some logically irrelevant aspect of the person claiming 

e.g. you only say we should bottom-post because you are a tosser.

(whatever a 'tosser' is, is that a kind of shot putter?)

that wasn't the case here as Peter based his point on a different 
argument (albeit one I find thoroughly unconvincing but not because 
I'm a shot putter).

name-calling does not invalidate an argument else, p implies q, 
therefore not (p and not-q), you tosser! would be invalid.

just saying


Felmon Davis

Blutarsky's Axiom:
Nothing is impossible for the man who will not listen to reason.

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Re: Cost of MS Office relative to LO, was: Fwd: [libreoffice-users] Re: moving to new version of MS Office

2013-11-30 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 30 Nov 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Most products have numerous well-known competitors.

Normally an offer of a free trial-period is marketed to state that
after just a short time of using their product you will see how much
better it is than x, y, z because of a, b, c.  So they even name some
of their competition, drawing attention to the alternatives you could
try instead.

When MS offer a free trial it is not made clear that people could
choose an alternative.  The only option seems to be to either buy
their product or not use any word-processor or office programs.

There is no crap-shoot because none of the other choices are known.
It's not akin to the shareware idea at all!

However, I think people (incl me) have been too heated about this.
It's not the same as a drug-dealer giving a freebie to get someone
hooked.  People are not held hostage.

I only want to comment on this last bit but didn't want to delete the 
preceding and subsequent context.

I concur that the rhetoric about drug-dealing is too heated and is 

there is however a point that seems missing from the discussion. 
Microsoft produces the operating system on which they then 'offer' 

the sense that the user is somehow tied in comes in part from the fact 
that users, most of whom are or have been 'naive', as another poster 
put it, only see Word, it appears as part of Windows.

if Microsoft offered Word, WordPerfect, LO or whatever and said, take 
your pick, that would be different.

or if others had some 'real estate' on the system when you bought it 
for instance as options offered by OEM's, that too would be different.

the difference would be that users would see alternatives and trial 
them. this would correspond to the 'shareware principle'.

of course one would not expect Microsoft to do such a thing out of the 
goodness of their heart, or on some free market principle.  it's not 
'cunning' so much or 'drug dealing', it's the common sense of the 
owner of the platform.

well, there may be cunning too.

on another note, I see no reason not to disdain a firm if you abhor 
their corporate practices. quality of a firm's product, for instance, 
is not the only consideration for a morally aware consumer.


 There is no immediate threat of swift physical harm.  It is 
something similar to those ideas but even native-English speakers 
can't find the more precise words.  Even if we could it might not 
mean much to anyone else.  Everyone online has probably seen hostage 
scenarios and/or the drug dealer scenario on tele or at the movies 
(or online) so it's the easiest way of getting the idea across.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 30 November 2013 00:20, Virgil Arrington wrote:

James wrote in response to John:

I didn't know we considered trialware cunning.

They let people create  edit documents for a while and then hold them
hostage, until the users coughs up for MS Office.

I wouldn't consider it either cunning or holding people hostage to provide
them with a free trial of software that is otherwise only available for a
price. That, indeed, has been the essence of shareware -- try before you
buy. Anybody obtaining a trial version of MS-Office is clearly told that it
is a trial version; no cunning, no deception.

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

The creators of the shareware concept (I recall Bob Wallace of the PC-Write
days) realized that buying software is often a crap-shoot. You don't know
until after you've bought the program whether it will do what you need, or
whether you will appreciate the manner in which it does it. This is
especially important in the case of an office suite as users will tend to
use them on a daily basis, eventually becoming married to their program. MS
allows some users to try their program before making such a commitment.

For my part, on my last computer purchase, I received a free starter
version of MS-Office, with some limitations on features, but without any
limitation on time. I can use the starter version forever.

I'm no fan of MS, and I'm sure I don't fully understand all of its business
practices, but I truly hope that disdain for Redmond is not the primary
motivation for LO and other forms of FOSS. And, yet, it's a theme that
recurs on nearly every FOSS related forum I read.

IMHO, it's better to focus on what's good about LO than what's evil about



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Felmon Davis

What excuses stand in your way?  How can you eliminate them?  -- Roger von Oech

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Bug report -- LibreOffice version

2013-11-26 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 26 Nov 2013, Brian Barker wrote:

At 00:05 26/11/2013 -0800, Aonly Noname wrote:
... I don't know if Brian Barker's method does in fact provide the Last 
Saved Date or not.  If it does, great - and if he says it does then I 
assume he's correct.

Oh, that's most unwise!

wow! correct again! amazing!


Brian Barker

Felmon Davis

Another dream that failed.  There's nothing sadder.
-- Kirk, This side of Paradise, stardate 3417.3

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Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-09 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 9 Oct 2013, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

On 10/08/2013 06:53 PM, James Knott wrote:

Paul wrote:

There is nothing inherent in linux that makes it harder (barring the
sheer number of distros; see below), it depends purely on how much
effort the developers are willing to go to for any particular linux

Don't forget, LO is included in many distros.  It might not be the
absolute latest, but it would be farily recent.

Well if you use Ubuntu's LTS [long term support] OS you upgrade the OS
every two years.  There is a lot of changes in LO over even a year's
worth of time, let alone two.

so sounds like you should look into a 'rolling release' like LMDE or 
Linux Mint Debian Edition or Manjaro.

my systems desperately need updating so I guess I feel little need to 
be up2date.

I don't know how these releases treat LO; in this discussion we need 
to be careful not to confuse the difficulties of upgrading LO with 
supposed difficulties of upgrading the operating system.


Felmon Davis

It is better to live rich than to die rich.
-- Samuel Johnson

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Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-09 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 9 Oct 2013, Paul wrote:

On Wed, 9 Oct 2013 12:59:57 -0400 (EDT)
Felmon Davis wrote:

On Wed, 9 Oct 2013, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Well if you use Ubuntu's LTS [long term support] OS you upgrade the
OS every two years.  There is a lot of changes in LO over even a
year's worth of time, let alone two.

But packages in a repository get updated during those years, you don't
just stay on the latest version at the time of the LTS release. At
least, it works this way for other software, I'm rather certain that it
does for LO too.

so sounds like you should look into a 'rolling release' like LMDE or
Linux Mint Debian Edition or Manjaro.

My personal favourite rolling release distro is Arch Linux. It is
simple and clean, but it is more work to set up. That extra work is
part of the point of Arch: it keeps things clean and lean, and means
that you get to know your system better.


yeah, I forgot to mention Arch, the archbishop of rolling releases.

I've never tried it; not sure how much better I need to know my 

plus I use the Trinity Desktop (TDE) which is a nice hold-over from 
KDE3 and I simply don't know if it can be set up in Arch or not. maybe 
will look into it when I have another spell of the romance of getting 
to know my system. in fact the one I'm writing from now is way overdue 
for an overhaul, way over.


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] [OT] Re: WiiFi networks

2013-10-01 Thread Felmon Davis


am I mistaken? I thought any https address is already encrypted.


On Tue, 1 Oct 2013, James B. Byrne wrote:

On Tue, October 1, 2013 06:03, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Ok, so this is off-topic but it's another security issue.  

It's fairly easy for nefarious people to set-up unsecured wiifi networks.
 I've been caught out by this myself but was quite lucky because i was
watching out for it and hadn't done any on-line banking through their

Typically you have a computer or device that connects to the internet without
needing a cable so you see a list of connections all with a padlock symbol and
1 or 2 with no padlock.  Clicking on one of those gives you instant connection
to the internet for free!!  WoooHoo!??  However everything you do on the
internet gets logged by the kind or stupid person that gave you the free
access.  They can fairly easily sniff through that to find passwords or login
details of legitimate networks or even better grab your bank account details.

To establish a secure http (and any other tcp based) connection via a public
wifi network do this (requires an ssh client on your mobile device):


ssh -Y -L $PORT:$HOST:$PORT -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o
ServerAliveCountMax=10 $USER@$HOST

Given Firefox for example you then do this:

Firefox - Preferences - Advanced - Network - Settings - Manual - SOCKS
v5 - SOCKS Host = localhost - Port = 3000

Now all your http traffic goes out over the air and through the public
internet via an encrypted tunnel to a known point for further dissemination.

Note that while I do this from my MacBook Pro all the time I do not have that
device to hand at the moment so I am reproducing this from memory.  There may
very well be some error or omission in the example but this is close to what
works if it is not exact.

Note also that you may first need to 'register' your mac address with the wifi
hot point provider using a regularly configured web browser session before you
can establish the ssh link.  But once that is done and the ssh link
established then nobody between you and there is able to read your traffic.
And you know for certain who you are talking to at the other end of the link.

Alternatively get the Tor Browser and configure a secure and anonymous
connection using it:


Felmon Davis

A leopard cannot change his spots.  -- Shakespeare
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Translating odf files using omegat

2013-09-15 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 13 Sep 2013, Milos Sramek wrote:


I would like to translate the book Getting Started with LO 4.0 to 
Slovak. Translating directly the odt file is perhaps not a good idea, so 
I would like to use a tool with translation memory - I tried OmegaT. 
There is, however, a problem with tags:

I do not know this program though I took a quick look at the manual; I 
wondered what happens if you copy and paste your text into it or if 
you save your file as a text file and load it up into the program? 
maybe you already tried all of this.


For example, the sentence

*Quickstarter is installed in the Windows system tray and is 
automatically loaded during system startup.*

is displayed in the document without any formatting, using just the the 
Default character style

In OmegaT, however, it is displayed like this:

*f10Quickstarter is installed in /f10f11the Windows system tray 
/f11f12and is automatically loaded /f12f13during system startup.**

/(fxx are tag replacements and should not be touched/.)
This suggests that there are some tags inside this sentence, in spite 
the fact that I do not see any. Really, in the content.xml file inside 
the document we can see them:

*text:span text:style-name=T65Quickstarter is installed in 
/text:spantext:span text:style-name=T21the Windows system tray 
/text:spantext:span text:style-name=T65and is automatically loaded 
/text:spantext:span text:style-name=T21during system startup. 

These tags in fact do not mean anything meaningfull:

*style:style style:name=T21 
style:family=textstyle:text-properties fo:language=en 

Since there are several such tags for nearly each sentence, translating 
using OmegaT is not possible. I've checked if removing them manually 
from the content.xml filed changes anything - no, the document remains 
the same.
So, there is a way how to use OmegaT: one has to clean up the xml code 
by removing all these useless tags. Does anybody have an idea, how to do 
that? Do you happen to know such tool?


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] FYI - Trend Micro is blocking your LO 4.1.1 download page

2013-09-02 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 3 Sep 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :) Yes, i was able to find it by a google search but my point was 
that they are not particularly well known.  I'm sure everyone could 
probably reel off maybe half-dozen to a dozen names or more 
without even pausing for breath.  Probably 4 would appear on nearly 
everyone's list but people's last few choices might vary.  I can't 
imagine more than 2 or 3 people would have Trend Micro on their 

it is well-known to pc magazine; here is a recent review:,2817,2410155,00.asp

Rubenking does point out that Trend Micro doesn't participate in 
testing with all of the independent labs. Those that do test Trend 
Micro technology rate it good, not great.

it also made their best of the current crop of antivirus ware.,2817,2372364,00.asp

I don't do Windows and I've heard of it for yrs. I'd be wary of 
calling it 'obscure' but it is not among 'the best known'.


Of course one disadvantage with using well-known security is that 
more people are more familiar with trying to break through it or 
disable it.  Also fame is not necessarily a good indicator of 
quality and i can think of a few excellent programs that never got 
the recognition they deserved. 

However when famous security program fails there are usually stories 
about it and people find out fairly quickly.  With something 
obscure, when it goes wrong there might never be any announcement 
anywhere, or they might have too few users and not even realise they 
have a problem

Regards from
Tom :) 

From: Brad Rogers
To: Libre Office ML
Sent: Monday, 2 September 2013, 10:33
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] FYI - Trend Micro is blocking your LO 4.1.1 
download page

On Mon, 2 Sep 2013 09:23:06 +0100 (BST)
Tom Davies wrote:

Hello Tom,

I've never heard of Trend Micro and wonder if it's a Microsoft tool
or some other 3rd party that has a vested interest in locking you in to
only buying products from themselves.

A quick internet search reveals that they're a UK firm selling security
software for private  business users.  I suspect their software is
giving a false positive.

Trend Micro's url, should you be interested, is

Felmon Davis

Don't assume that every sad-eyed woman has loved and lost -- she may
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Cross Platfrom Support Question **CLOSED Thread**

2013-08-25 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 24 Aug 2013, Doug wrote:

On 08/24/2013 06:22 PM, Jay Ridgley wrote:

To those who responded,

I guess the bottom line is that currently LibreOfffice does not and will not 
without a LOT of work support mobile devices.

I am not a mobile user, so I have no frame of reference.  It does appear that 
this feature (mobility) will be required at some future point, however.


What kind of masochist would wish to do any serious writing--the kind
that would require a word-processor--on a mobile phone, or a
touch-screen tablet?  Get real!


you can add a small bluetooth keyboard.

some come in a kind of sleeve where you can fold the keyboard and the 
10 tablet together held by velcro; you unfold it and the tablet is 
propped up and the keyboard laid out flat. folded up, it all fits into 
a woman's purse or a small satchel. the keyboard is pretty easy to use 
for normal-sized hands and fingers.

opposite of masochism.

not my taste though - I prefer more power and gear - but perfectly 
understandable setup for many use-cases.


Felmon Davis

Better some of a pudding than none of a pie.  -- John Ray

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-21 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 21 Aug 2013, Ken Springer wrote:


Whether or not there's two spaces at the end of the sentence doesn't make a 
lot of difference in that communication, IMO.  But, I think it does effect 
the ease with which an individual can read the written word.

did you mean the ease with which _some individuals_ can read the 
written word? I dislike double-spaces but I hardly see a difference, 
subjectively, in the ease of reading.

can you cite a source for the claim it inhibits reading? don't feel 
obligated; I know Tom is trying, in his graceful way, to end the 
thread and it is probably overdrawn at this point.

it is btw pretty easy to edit them out.


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't find setting

2013-08-18 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 18 Aug 2013, Andrew Brown wrote:

And the true purpose of punctuation, is for reading both vocally and in the 
mind, in that order, the one cannot be divorced from the other.


German requires a comma between main clauses and subordinate clauses, 
for instance:

ich sehe, dass er redet or I see that he's talking.

there is no breath between those clauses in German or English.

German also capitalizes every noun; what aspect of vocalization is 
that supposed to correspond to? apostrophes aren't vocalized either.

two different media, speech and written word, one for the eye, one for 
the ear.


On 17/08/2013 09:22 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

On 08/17/2013 12:56 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 10:47 17/08/2013 +0200, Andrew Brown wrote:
In the read word punctuation taught us when to take a breath, as with a 
continuous sentence separated by a comma, and a long full breath after 
the period, plus a space.

This suggests that the point of the printed word is solely to enable 
public speaking.  Those of us who can read without moving our lips do not 
need breaths between sentences!  I can breathe and read at the same time; 
can't you?  The true purpose of punctuation in written material is to 
clarify the structure of the material, not to indicate the pauses that 
might occur if the material were read aloud.

Now even as we type to each other in this email, we are using a sans 
serif font ...

That's what you think!  You sent this message in plain text, so no font 
was identified.  How I read it or anyone else does depends on how we 
decide or our mail clients choose to display it.  I'm doing the same: you 
don't know how this appears to me as I'm composing it and I don't know how 
you will see it.

Brian Barker

In Thunderbird's Preferences, you can choose what font the text of your 
email will be displayed in. By default, it seems it is Times New Roman, 
but I now use DejaVu Serif.  I then get to choose what font the email is 
written in, with the current default as Times.  I just chose DejaVu 
Serif for the font of this text that I have typed here.

So, you can decide which font you wish to display any text that does not 
have a font identifier built in, and you can define the font of the text 
you are sending in your email, more than one if you choose.

As for punctuation and word spacing, try reading old Greek text or others 
of that era like that where they seem to not use spacings and punctuation 
in their text.  We need them whether we read a text out load or silently. 
The internal punctuation gives you structure and also gives you a sense of 
pausing where the author wants such a thing to emphasize some word or 
portion of the text.

The punctuation in the sentence change the meaning of the sentence just by 
changing, adding, removing, key internal punctuation marks.  Of course over 
the 30+ years between high-school and the last college writing course, the 
standards and rules have changes on what is needed where and how best to 
use a comma or semicolon. But without these in the text of books that I 
personally like to read, it would not be as easy to read as it is now.

As for which fonts are best to use where, well whole college courses and 
majors can be needed to make the best guess on the science of what fonts 
are best for what and which fonts are more readable than others.  Book 
Publishers know what it best in the different types of books that publish. 
One font for text books, another for entertainment reading.  The hard cover 
book fonts can be different than the paper back ones as well.  There is a 
science involved in the choosing of the proper fonts.  I just decide 
which looks best for me for ease of reading.  I am told Serif fonts work 
the best for entertainment reading, but which serif font is the best, 
only you can decide which one in your fonts collection works best for you.


Felmon Davis

Nagging is the repetition of unpalatable truths.  -- Baroness Edith 

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RE: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, Bruce Carlson wrote:

An interesting observation Virgil.

When I went to school, mind you it was several lifetimes ago and in the 
backwoods of the Australian outback so it may not be too relevant to anywhere 
else on the planet but, I was told to always leave a double space at the end of 
every sentence. That was with hand writing, before typewriters were invented, 
at least there were none within several hundred miles of where I grew up.
These days with modern word processors I just don't bother to even try and 
insert two spaces at the end of sentences but I suppose I should, it certainly 
looks nicer and may even be proper.
It would be nice if modern word processors at least provided the option of a 
setting to do this automatically. Perhaps it should be the default setting.

(please note no double spaces used in this text)

Cheers all,

Bruce Carlson

this whole discussion rather puzzles me. I'm out of it because I've 
never heard of a rule requiring double spaces between sentences (born 
and raised in the US).

esthetically double space insertion annoys me when I have to edit 
texts but otherwise I don't notice so double spaces neither facilitate 
nor inhibit reading as far as I am concerned.

but not to just prattle on about myself, I have pulled three texts 
from a shelf, two are Oxford University and one is Johns Hopkins 
University. no double spaces that I can discern. oh, here's one from 
MIT Press; no double spaces. these are somewhat recent; here's an 
older volume from Stanford University (1992), again, no double 

I gather from Brian Barker's (and others') posts that this has 
something to do with typewriters - is this a rule one learns by taking 
typewriter classes? (learned on a typewriter but can't remember if I 
double-spaced or not.) is it a rule applied to some special area of 
literature or publication?


-Original Message-
From: Virgil Arrington []
Sent: Friday, 16 August 2013 10:29 AM
To: James Knott; LibreOffice
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

I got my information from Robert Bringhurst's book The Elements of 
Typographic Style.

I have noticed that older books from the 19th century had wider spacing after 
sentence ending punctuation. Newer books, say from the mid 20th century on, 
seem to have narrower spacing between sentences.


-Original Message-
From: James Knott
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:22 AM
To: LibreOffice
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

Virgil Arrington wrote:

The typographic standard is to only use one space between sentences
with proportionally spaced fonts.

In the old hand set type (which I have worked with) there were different width 
spaces (en  em quads), depending on where they were used.
Typically, an en quad was used between words and an em quad between sentences.  
The names refer to the width of upper case N and M characters.  So, the space 
between words was as wide as an N and between sentences, an M.  There were also 
wider ones, such as double M and triple M.  Typesetting machines, such as the 
Linotype also had provision for different width spaces.

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Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, James Knott wrote:

Virgil Arrington wrote:

Just curious, since nearly every professionally published book since
the mid-1900s has had one space after sentence ending punctuation, do
you find reading books difficult?

I just picked up the closest book I had at hand.  It's Computer
Networks, by Andrew Tanenbaum  David Wetherall, 5th edition, published
in 2012 by Pearson.. It has wider spacing between sentences than words.
Second book I picked off my bookshelf is Ethernet The Definitive Guide
by Charles Spurgeon, 1st edition, 2000, from O'Reilly.  It also has
wider spacing between sentences.  That's 2 for 2 of the first 2 books I

the academic presses I mentioned before were not 'technical' titles so 
I looked about and came up with:

_A Practical Guide to Linux_, Prentice-Hall: single-spaced.
_Learning the Bash Shell_, O'Reilly: double-spaced?

it's a bit hard to tell with the O'Reilly; I need to find a tiny 
ruler. some spacing between words look larger than some spacing 
between sentences.

guess it's different strokes for different presses.

hmm..., another O'Reilly text seems to have something short of double 
and longer than single. God, it's hard to discern the difference! but 
perhaps some here are right that these subliminal differences make a 
difference for ease of reading.

anyway, I agree with Tom we shouldn't disagree about agreeing to 


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find setting

2013-08-16 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, Doug wrote:

On 08/16/2013 12:26 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, Bruce Carlson wrote:


this whole discussion rather puzzles me. I'm out of it because I've
never heard of a rule requiring double spaces between sentences (born
and raised in the US).

esthetically double space insertion annoys me when I have to edit
texts but otherwise I don't notice so double spaces neither facilitate
nor inhibit reading as far as I am concerned.


I gather from Brian Barker's (and others') posts that this has
something to do with typewriters - is this a rule one learns by taking
typewriter classes? (learned on a typewriter but can't remember if I
double-spaced or not.) is it a rule applied to some special area of
literature or publication?


Writing for publication should never double space between sentences.
However, to answer the question, above,when I took a typing class,
around 1952, I was told to double-space between sentences. In those
days, if anyone was writing for publication, it would go thru an
editor, followed by a Linotypist. Then, for book or magazine copy, there
were galley proofs. And when the type was set, there
would be no double spaces. Nowadays, when a manuscript (notice that
the word means hand-written) is submitted for publication, very
little editing or proofreading is done--the computer-generated text
goes fairly directly to the offset press, or whatever typesetting
system is used. So do *not* double space anything any more! (BTW,
it's a hard habit to break!)


this does clarify some of the context of discussion for me.

I didn't take typewriting classes, mainly self-taught but am a 
somewhat speedy typist. I obviously didn't get the memo.


Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] eastern front in new version

2013-08-03 Thread Felmon Davis

in case some did not get the reference:

All Quiet on the Western Front (German: Im Westen nichts Neues) is a 
novel by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. The 
book describes the German soldiers' extreme physical and mental stress 
during the war, and the detachment from civilian life felt by many of 
these soldiers upon returning home from the front.

in addition:

In 1930, an American film of the novel was made, directed by Lewis 
Milestone. The screenplay was by Maxwell Anderson, George Abbott, Del 
Andrews, C. Gardner Sullivan, with uncredited work by Walter Anthony 
and Milestone. It stars Louis Wolheim, Lew Ayres, John Wray, Arnold 
Lucy and Ben Alexander.

The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1930 for its 
producer Carl Laemmle Jr., and an Academy Award for Directing for 
Lewis Milestone. It was the first all-talking non-musical film to win 
the Best Picture Oscar. It also received two further nominations: Best 
Cinematography, for Arthur Edeson, and Best Writing Achievement for 
Abbott, Anderson and Andrews.

Felmon Davis

Power corrupts, and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.  -- Vint Cerf

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Re: [libreoffice-users] eastern front in new version

2013-08-03 Thread Felmon Davis

oops! guess _I_ missed the reference!

On Sat, 3 Aug 2013, Felmon Davis wrote:

in case some did not get the reference:

All Quiet on the Western Front (German: Im Westen nichts Neues) is a novel by 
Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. The book describes the 
German soldiers' extreme physical and mental stress during the war, and the 
detachment from civilian life felt by many of these soldiers upon returning 
home from the front.

in addition:

In 1930, an American film of the novel was made, directed by Lewis Milestone. 
The screenplay was by Maxwell Anderson, George Abbott, Del Andrews, C. 
Gardner Sullivan, with uncredited work by Walter Anthony and Milestone. It 
stars Louis Wolheim, Lew Ayres, John Wray, Arnold Lucy and Ben Alexander.

The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1930 for its producer Carl 
Laemmle Jr., and an Academy Award for Directing for Lewis Milestone. It was 
the first all-talking non-musical film to win the Best Picture Oscar. It also 
received two further nominations: Best Cinematography, for Arthur Edeson, and 
Best Writing Achievement for Abbott, Anderson and Andrews.

Felmon Davis

It's hard not to like a man of many qualities, even if most of them are bad.

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[OT] Re: [libreoffice-users] HSLQLDB syntax

2013-07-16 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 14 Jul 2013, Doug wrote:

On 7/15/2013 12:25 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Mon, 15 Jul 2013, anne-ology wrote:

  And just what is HSLQLDB  ;-)

This is not an acronym. It can't be pronounced as a word. (See dictionary
definition in URL below.)

the definition says:

 : a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or 
letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound 
term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters : 

I'm missing the part about being pronounced as a word.

  oh, memorizing acronyms seems to me a mighty complicated way to
organize one's thoughts ...
   wouldn't it be simpler - easier - to just state the
object(s) rather than leaving the listener trying to interpret what's 

meant by what's being said  ;-)

 see -

  AND - did you happen to notice in that URL, this phenomenon only
started in 1943 ;-)

do you know SPQR? or INRI? or Q.E.D.?

None of these are acronyms either.

Senatus PupulusQue Romanus: did you know that the Roman street catchbasins
and manhole covers are marked SPQR? Yes, today.

interesting; never been to Rome, sorry to say.

Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum

I just read today that according to one author, this was supposed to 
be a description of his 'crime', viz. insurrection against Roman 

anyway, off topic; my apologies.


Quod Erat Demonstrandum


Felmon Davis

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-- WOP, War Games

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Re: [OT] Re: [libreoffice-users] HSLQLDB syntax (OT)

2013-07-16 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 15 Jul 2013, Doug wrote:

On 7/16/2013 2:02 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum

I just read today that according to one author, this was supposed to be a 
description of his 'crime', viz. insurrection against Roman authority.

anyway, off topic; my apologies.


The translation, of course, is, Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews and if 
he was truly King of the Jews, it could be argued that this was
insurrection against Roman authority, but Biblically, it would seem that this 
is what the Jews accused him of stating, since they complained
to Pilate that the sign should read, He _said_ he was King of the Jews. 
And Pilate replied, What I have written, I have written.

sure, Pilate executed him for insurrection.

but I messed up my main point which was, I didn't realize they 
actually hanged a sign on the cross naming the offense. I thought it 
was some later-day artist's fancy.

BTW, the first Latin Senatus PopulusQue Romanus had Populus misspelled. Sorry 
about that.

yeah, I know but I've played enough Latin on the list for now; I did 
look up 'pupulus' though and it's funny: means 'little boy' or a 
'puppet'. may be more truth in that!


Felmon Davis

Let patience grow in your garden always.

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Re: [OT] Re: [libreoffice-users] HSLQLDB syntax

2013-07-16 Thread Felmon Davis

On Tue, 16 Jul 2013, Brian Barker wrote:

At 02:02 16/07/2013 -0400, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jul 2013, Doug wrote:
This is not an acronym. It can't be pronounced as a word. (See dictionary 
definition in URL below.)

the definition says:
 : a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or 
letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; 


I'm missing the part about being pronounced as a word.

May I help?  I think I can.  It's right there in the second word of the 
definition: it says it's a *word*, so it'll be pronounced as, er, a word!

ah, now I see where that comes from!

deviates from which counts the 
following formations as acronyms:

BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
USA: The United States of America
FGM: Female Genital Mutilation

or maybe it doesn't deviate after all since they can also be 
pronounced as words (any string of initials can).

I'm going to let Anne-ology make the call.


Felmon Davis

Get on the bandwagon quickly or end up with the broom.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] HSLQLDB syntax

2013-07-15 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 15 Jul 2013, anne-ology wrote:

  And just what is HSLQLDB  ;-)

  oh, memorizing acronyms seems to me a mighty complicated way to
organize one's thoughts ...
   wouldn't it be simpler - easier - to just state the
object(s) rather than leaving the listener trying to interpret what's being
meant by what's being said  ;-)

 see -

  AND - did you happen to notice in that URL, this phenomenon only
started in 1943 ;-)

do you know SPQR? or INRI? or Q.E.D.?

   before then communication was simply speaking to be
understood  ;-)

  BTW - many of these acronyms are duplicated - which causes even more
confusion to the listener  ;-)

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Mark LaPierre wrote:

On 07/13/2013 05:36 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

HSLQLDB is a bit picky about the syntax

Does anyone know where I can find a good reference on HSLQLDB syntax?

   ^ ^  Mark LaPierre
Registered Linux user No #267004

Felmon Davis
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[OT] Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice website security

2013-07-13 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 13 Jul 2013, Paul wrote:

Well, to be technical, it should be viruses in English, although
virii or viri is (or used to be) common in computer and early
internet circles. Virae, virusen, viru... viri... vi... nasty
things and other forms are used, either in jest or self-recognition
of one's lack of complete linguistic knowledge. While the word has no
plural in Classical Latin, Neo-Latin defines vira, viris and

'vira' and 'viris' are just forms of 'virus' the way he, his and 
him are forms of masculine singular pronoun.

of course one doesn't find 'vira' in actual Latin texts but one 
doesn't find the plural of 'slime' in actual English texts either.

computer people misunderstand how Latin works so some know the plural 
for many words ending in '-us' is '-i' or '-ii' so they assume this is 
true of 'virus' -- though they don't think the plural of 'status' is 

but I agree 100% - in _standard_ English the plural is 'viruses' 
(there is no 'virusses' or 'virae') but now in computer circles it can 
be 'virii' or whatever they want.

It can also be regarded as having no plural, although that
doesn't seem to be common in English. Programmers are, however, known
to have a somewhat humorous take on English, so sticking to viruses
is probably a little boring... :)

yep. sounds 'different' and edgy.



On Sat, 13 Jul 2013 11:13:09 +0200
Luuk wrote:

On 12-07-2013 11:56, Luuk wrote:

virusses (or virae)

it should be:


Felmon Davis

Words must be weighed, not counted.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: GIMP - was: CNET is claiming the best free MSO alternative is not LO

2013-06-10 Thread Felmon Davis


you wrote about comparing unlike programs,

do that with scans from a hand scanner in my Atari computing days.

But, to compare them?  That would be like calling a Kenworth and a
Ferrari racing cars.LOL

and I asked,

can you clarify this for me - suppose I have a set of purposes, e.g.
altering color, inserting text, cropping, what have you; is it
unreasonable to compare 'different animals' in respect of ease of use
and quality of results in relation to specific ends like this?

(btw I compare apples to oranges all the time and indeed I prefer one
to the other. I don't call them both 'citrus fruit' though, I do call
them 'fruit' or food (actually, breakfast).)

why can't we compare different animals according to specific ends?

you replied that

It depends on the specific ends.  Then decide on the type of tool you 
wish to use.  Once the type of tool is selected, then compare the 
different versions of that type tool.

and here we agree.

then you wrote:

Let's say you want to disassemble an engine.  How about a '57 Chevy? 
What kind of tool do you want to use?

The first is to select the correct tools.  Metric?  Whitworth?  SAE? 
The first two are obviously are not the right solution.  They won't work 
worth a hoot.  You can force them, but it would be a PITA to use.

Which type of SAE tool?  Wrench?  Ratchet and sockets?  Air tools and 
sockets?  You decide on air tools and sockets.  Now is when you compare 
the tools.  Who makes the best air tool, for you, to do the job. 
Snap-on?  Cleveland Pneumatic?  Mac?  MacTool?  Cornwell?

Now you have a valid basis on which to compare tools, as the all do the 
same basic job in the same manner.  Compressed air to turn the sockets 
to remove nuts and bolts.

That does not mean the air tool is always the best solution.  Sometimes 
the wrench is the best solution.

let me interrupt the 'car talk'; you take back with one hand what you 
gave with the other. we can compare things according to our 'specific 
ends'. but that doesn't imply that our specific ends always require 
'the best solution'! good enough is often good enough.

put another way, the 'the best solution' may not require including the 
optimally appropriate selection of tools.

we could have other ends that don't require this kind of optimality. 
this is usually the case for casual users of image programs and of 
other things like selection of car or place to have dinner.

And of all the variations of wrenches available, it might be a more 
specific wrench, an angle head wrench for example, is the best 

If you're specific end is to manipulate individual pixels in a bitmapped 
graphic, you use an image editor.  You don't use a vector drawing 
program for that.  Years ago, I used a couple of programs that claimed 
to do both, and in the end they did neither very well.

if your specific end includes this sort of optimality, yes; otherwise 
not so much. I'm not sure how this optimality condition slipped in.

This is where you need to know what kind of specific tools are out 
there.  In the case of computers, what types of software is available, 
and a general idea of their capabilities.

In your scenario, your first decision is what kind of graphic image is 
it?  Bitmapped or vector?  (In they auto example, what's the measurement 
system used?  Metric, Whitworth, or SAE.)  If bitmapped, you're changing 
individual pixels.  If vector, you're changing areas.  They are 
different situations, requiring different tools.

A bitmapped image is a painting.  A vector graphic is your car.  Would 
you use a spray can to touch up your painting?  A paint brush to paint 
your car?  Although, I knew a guy that did that!

Here's an example:

I've a friend who wanted to take a picture, place numbers over it and 
create a clock face.  The only software she knew about was Photoshop 
Essentials.  And I don't know how much time she'd spent on the project 
with no success.  But she was frustrated.

After getting details from her, I did the job for her in 15 minutes in 
Inkscape, learning how to do it at the same time.

She had never bothered to learn what other computer tools were out 
there, and what they were capable of.

yes, it's good to know different tools. of course not _every_ use of 
some suboptimal tool causes hours of wasted effort, may even spare 

this all was a bit of a digression from my question why we cannot 
compare 'different animals'. seems we can.


Felmon Davis

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.
-- Woody Allen

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Which download for Arch/Manjaro linux?

2013-06-09 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 9 Jun 2013, Kevin Suo / 锁琨珑 wrote:

I haven't used Manjaro before, but since it's a derivative of Arch
Linux, LibreOffice must be in it's official repo, and installing
LibreOffice must be the same as it is in Arch linux, just try:

pacman -S libreoffice

This will install the most recent libreoffice release for you.

You can also check the arch wiki about libreoffice:

Best Regards,

Kevin Suo
Beijing, China.

I'm not completely sure of the question but out of curiosity and 
booted a 'live' version of manjaro and LO is definitely on board.

the distribution looks quite interesting. I didn't foresee having 
the patience for arch but manjaro is good for the impatient.

it found everything on my acer aspire 1 725-0802 without any fiddling. 
I prefer the 'trinity desktop' to kde4 but this version looks quite 

I may actually install it. beats doing real work.


06/09/2013 09:45 AM, Anthony Easthope:


I was curious as I'm currently in the process of migrating
my distribution to manjaro Linux which is the best download for it? I'm
having some confusion as Manajro is a Arch derivative that is neither
RPM or DEB based, for those that don't know Arch has the AUR (Arch user
repository) which is essentially one massive storehouse for all the
packages available for GNU/linux at this time. It works on the same
principle as Ubuntu's PPA system except instead of there
being multiple depositary's there is just one. Arch uses a rolling
release model so it is at the cutting edge of all software / kernel
changes, However the same can not be said for their LO packages.

Anthony Easthope

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Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Which download for Arch/Manjaro linux?

2013-06-09 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 9 Jun 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Hmmm, are you a regular distro-hopper?  Probably a good idea to install onto a new separate partition so that you can easily get back to your regular OS if things are not as smooth as they first appear!  Should be fun though :)  Good luck and happy hunting! 
Regards from 
Tom :) 

I'm an _occasional_ binge distro-hopper, boot up something from a 
'live' drive and have a look, sometimes install for a real 
look-around. but basically I've been with the same distro for about 
three or so yrs.

when it comes to installing for testing, I have one or two machines to 
play with for this sort of purpose plus even if I only had one 
machine, it's easy to switch in a spare hard-drive and play. (laptops 
are easy to open.)

and best of all is to know gparted and grub2.


From: Felmon Davis
Sent: Sunday, 9 June 2013, 9:17

Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Which download for Arch/Manjaro linux?

On Sun, 9 Jun 2013, Kevin Suo / 锁琨珑 wrote:

I haven't used Manjaro before, but since it's a derivative of Arch
Linux, LibreOffice must be in it's official repo, and installing
LibreOffice must be the same as it is in Arch linux, just try:

pacman -S libreoffice

This will install the most recent libreoffice release for you.

You can also check the arch wiki about libreoffice:

Best Regards,

Kevin Suo
Beijing, China.

I'm not completely sure of the question but out of curiosity and 
booted a 'live' version of manjaro and LO is definitely on board.

the distribution looks quite interesting. I didn't foresee having 
the patience for arch but manjaro is good for the impatient.

it found everything on my acer aspire 1 725-0802 without any fiddling. 
I prefer the 'trinity desktop' to kde4 but this version looks quite 

I may actually install it. beats doing real work.


06/09/2013 09:45 AM, Anthony Easthope:


I was curious as I'm currently in the process of migrating
my distribution to manjaro Linux which is the best download for it? I'm
having some confusion as Manajro is a Arch derivative that is neither
RPM or DEB based, for those that don't know Arch has the AUR (Arch user
repository) which is essentially one massive storehouse for all the
packages available for GNU/linux at this time. It works on the same
principle as Ubuntu's PPA system except instead of there
being multiple depositary's there is just one. Arch uses a rolling
release model so it is at the cutting edge of all software / kernel
changes, However the same can not be said for their LO packages.

Anthony Easthope

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Felmon Davis

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Felmon Davis

The Schizophrenic: An Unauthorized Autobiography
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: GIMP - was: CNET is claiming the best free MSO alternative is not LO

2013-06-09 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 9 Jun 2013, Ken Springer wrote:

On 6/9/13 10:54 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

On 06/09/2013 12:00 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 6/9/13 8:11 AM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

The Linux magazine ”Linux Format” compared image editors in their
LXF171 issue. The combatabts were GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, MyPaint and
Pinta. MyPaint won the user interface round, but was worst in a few
categories, such as text support, user interface customisability,
multimedia and animation. ”Winner” was Krita, then Inkscape, Gimp,
MyPaint and Pinta.

To me, this is muddying the waters of what an image editing program is.

Image editing means manipulating a bitmap at the pixel level. Those
would be Gimp, Photoshop, etc.

Inkscape is a vector drawing program, such as Corel Draw and any CAD

Totally different animals, and to compare them in one test is, to me,
wrong if not bogus.

Well, you need both pixel and vector based graphics packages.  Yes they
are like comparing apples and oranges, but both are needed in your list
of graphic editing packages, along with some people needing CAD and
Visio/Dia diagramming packages.  I also would include a good photo
stitching package.  I use ICE on Windows [free from Microsoft], but I
have not looked into one for Ubuntu.

Agreed on all points.  Although I'd say a good bitmap editor would do 
the stitching just fine if you choose to take time to do it.  I used to 
do that with scans from a hand scanner in my Atari computing days.

But, to compare them?  That would be like calling a Kenworth and a 
Ferrari racing cars.LOL

can you clarify this for me - suppose I have a set of purposes, e.g. 
altering color, inserting text, cropping, what have you; is it 
unreasonable to compare 'different animals' in respect of ease of use 
and quality of results in relation to specific ends like this?

(btw I compare apples to oranges all the time and indeed I prefer one 
to the other. I don't call them both 'citrus fruit' though, I do call 
them 'fruit' or food (actually, breakfast).)

why can't we compare different animals according to specific ends?



The problem is finding an easy one to learn and use that has all the
need features you might require.

This applies to any piece of software, not just graphics software.  But 
you have to take the time to research other options, work with them 
enough to see which is the best tool for the job, and then use that tool.

I'm doing a personal research project that will result in something 
printed, just not sure what.  To get everything done, Writer and any 
other word processor I've ever used, just plain sucks.  Scrivener, OTOH, 
is looking super promising.  At the moment, the printed output is the 
current concern.  I've just been using it for the last two weeks, not 
constantly of course, but I am impressed.  And no, I'm not doing a movie 
or stage script.LOL

That eye opening situation with Scrivener, now makes me want to try out 

Paint Shop Pro 5 was that for me, but
it would not install on Win7 Home Premium, which came with my laptop
[but will install on Win7 Professional].  Been using PSP5 for something
like 10 years.  PSP X5 is not as easy to use, since the company wanted
to compete with Photoshop since version 8 or 9, so the learning curve
started to increase.

We all have our specific needs and ability to deal with the learning
curves of the different image/graphics editors.  Some are good, some are
bad.  Some are easy but not many features, but some are feature rich and
hard to use.

There was a version of GIMP called GIMPshop that was a hack to try and
make GIMP easier to use.  I think it was a Windows only package though.

Felmon Davis

Things will get better despite our efforts to improve them.
-- Will Rogers
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: printers compatible with GnuLinux

2013-06-08 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 8 Jun 2013, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

On 06/07/2013 03:48 PM, Luuk wrote:

On 07-06-2013 21:30, Stefan Gruber wrote:

Tom Davies schrieb am Freitag, 7. Juni 2013 12:33:

Does anyone know of companies that do product-lines that are easily
compatible with GnuLinux?

Look at Kyocera TASKalfa Series...

fifteen years ago, Kyocera was crap.
I sure hope they improved their stuff since that time.

I think I have seen this brand here in the Northeast USA.

it is one of the main printers I use at work.

it's in the basement and I'm networked to it but mostly I use it 
directly to copy stuff or scan stuff in pdf onto a flashdrive; one can 
also send scanned stuff to a 'mailbox' which can be accessed via a 
browser; you can set this 'public' or 'private'.

the few occasions I 'send' jobs to it it's via CUPS. I do this so 
infrequently I'm not even sure it works but I imagine it does. it 
works fine with another networked printer I use daily at work (an HP 
laser device, b/w, two trays, duplex).


HP is one of the major brands for the big office printer, copier, fax, 
collating, stapling and multi-tray office machine.  There are others, but so 
far it seems that the driver for Ubuntu with HP CUPS has the most printer 
tray and paper/envelope sizes/styles of all of the other brands of printers I 
have tried on my system.

I really think the key will be which brand and model of big office printer 
has the best driver, with the most options, for Linux. That is in the subject 
line after all.  I have had [and have] some nice printers that currently have 
no proper Linux driver[s].  My HP 7000 wide format will print letter size 
[8.5 by 11 inches] but will not print the 11 by 17 inch paper, for which I 
bought it.  I have to use my Win7 boot of my dual booting laptop to use 
that printer.

Felmon Davis

Maintainer's Motto:
If we can't fix it, it ain't broke.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] CNET is claiming the best free MSO alternative is not LO

2013-06-08 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sat, 8 Jun 2013, Doug wrote:

On 06/08/2013 11:32 AM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On Sat, 08 Jun 2013 10:16:42 -0400, Tom Davies

Hi :)
That point keeps coming up but it best said the other way around
80% of MSO almost never gets used.


How many people know how to mail-merge?  Not as many as know how to use

Regards from
Tom :)

What the heck is a mail merge? I use Thunderbird, i wouldn't have any idea
how to do any kind of mail in a word processor. And I don't know why I'd 

want to.--doug

not knowing what it is, it's understandable why you'd not know why 
you'd want to. g

you want to send mail (usually printed stuff) to 1000 individuals but 
personalized so each letter has the individual's name, address, 
perhaps a personal greeting like good morning, doug!

you can modify each letter by hand a thousand times or use mail merge.

I would love to do it, also for emails, but for my purposes I probably 
need to set up a database instead.


Felmon Davis

Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can be found to
make it complex and wonderful.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] CNET is claiming the best free MSO alternative is not LO

2013-06-07 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 7 Jun 2013, anne-ology wrote:

  so agree  :-)

'change for the sake of change' is so inane.

how can you kids be all for 'if it works, don't fix it' and then 
praise improvements?

shouldn't your motto be, if it will work better, fix it?


On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Girvin R. Herr

Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I was talking to a professor a few days ago.  He does not like the newer
versions due in part to the way they keep changing the interface and how
to do things. I made sure he know about LO.  He loved the multi language
part as well.

I did not like the ribbon menu system either.  Sure, the type of
interface that LO uses has been around for years, but that does not mean
you need to change it.  Refreshing or redesigning the interface, just
because you can, is not a reason to.  One of the good things about LO as it
went from 3.3 though 4.0 is the way the interface does not change, or has a
slow change so it does not stand up and slap your face with the changes.
 Once you learn what is where and how to do things, changing that will
cause problems.  Sure the interface could use some enhancements, like the
persona addition, but to keep our users happy, you must not make the
users relearn how to do things or where are the menu options are now

 I have been using the OO/LO office suite since OO.o 1.x and now I am

using LO 3.6.6.  (I have not tried LO 4.0.x, since I am still waiting for
that less-buggy 4.1.5+ version to be released.)  However, I have found the
incremental changes to the user interface refreshing.  OO.o and now LO,
have made great improvements in this area with each release.  Nothing to
make me go back to school to get my degree on how to use it, but the
changes made the functions much easier to use and more intuitive.  To me,
that is a big plus.  I want to be productive, not have to re-learn user
interfaces with each new release.  Although I am a retired electronics
engineer, I am _not_ a techno-geek who has to have the latest and greatest
all the time.  You won't find me waiting for hours outside an Apple store
to buy the latest iPhone.  If it works, don't fix it is my motto.
Girvin Herr

Felmon Davis

Things past redress and now with me past care.
-- William Shakespeare, Richard II

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RE: [libreoffice-users] Seeking for list moderators

2013-05-08 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 8 May 2013, V Stuart Foote wrote:

From: anne-ology []
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 8:34 AM

  top post ... bottom post ... top post ... bottom post ... top post
... bottom post ... top post ... bottom post ... top post ... bottom post
  one requires re-reading the post, before getting to the new bit;
 one allows the new bit to be read - if one needs refreshing
on what's gone before, then merely scroll down.

  Why do some folks want to complicate things which are really quite
  oh, windows could be rolled up  down in a car whenever;
  then electric windows made it impossible to do so unless the
engine was running  ;-)



-2 (or however many)

many (all?) of us read several posts so you end up with a bunch of 
nearly meaningless opening lines; why read further? with 
bottom-posting, you see right away what the issue was, which motivates 
further reading.

I know this is a perennial disagreement; perhaps top-posters might at 
least consider pruning the thread so it's easier to know what they are 
talking about.


Felmon Davis

To love is wise; to hate is foolish.  -- Bertrand Russell

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Seeking for list moderators

2013-05-08 Thread Felmon Davis

On Wed, 8 May 2013, Dries Feys wrote:


Yes, I'm a top poster. Simply because I use gmail, and I don't want to
click  scroll to the bottom of the message every time I respond to a
message. But yes, I read everything in this thread, as it shows as
bottom posting in my compose window.

Sorry for the inconvenience...

it is inconvenient but so is the way gmail sets things up; I think 
some other email clients do the same.

if I were using gmail, I also would probably top-post because it's one 
degree of inconvenience against another.

I think trying to _write_ bottom-posting when the email program 
resists it is more difficult than trying to _read_ bottom-posting.

(I'm not a dogmatist; I'm a pragmatist.)

Met vriendelijke groeten, Salutations distinguées, Kind Regards,

mit herzlichen grüssen!


CORPORATE SERVICES • Specialist Software Developer

On 8 May 2013 16:44, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Wed, 8 May 2013, V Stuart Foote wrote:

From: anne-ology []
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 8:34 AM

  top post ... bottom post ... top post ... bottom post ... top post
... bottom post ... top post ... bottom post ... top post ... bottom post
  one requires re-reading the post, before getting to the new
 one allows the new bit to be read - if one needs refreshing
on what's gone before, then merely scroll down.

  Why do some folks want to complicate things which are really quite
  oh, windows could be rolled up  down in a car whenever;
  then electric windows made it impossible to do so unless
engine was running  ;-)



-2 (or however many)

many (all?) of us read several posts so you end up with a bunch of nearly
meaningless opening lines; why read further? with bottom-posting, you see
right away what the issue was, which motivates further reading.

I know this is a perennial disagreement; perhaps top-posters might at least
consider pruning the thread so it's easier to know what they are talking


Felmon Davis

To love is wise; to hate is foolish.  -- Bertrand Russell

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Felmon Davis

If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only 

-- Tallulah Bankhead

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Paragraph styles

2013-05-03 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 3 May 2013, Wolfgang Keller wrote:

I never even try to share documents between different programs, such
as Word and LO or OO.

I never even try to share documents between two users using both the
same program *and* the same document template, if the program is Word
(or LO /OO). With these applications, the re-use of content is
exclusively limited to raw, unformatted text. Trying anything else will
drive you up the walls.

your walls must be very adhesive. I share documents with people all 
the time because a couple of committees I've been on had me as the 
'master of documents', that is, I would take other people's work and 
bundle it together, edit and produce drafts for them to work on, then 
I would do up the final report. they almost always are using some 
version of Word.

sure, there are problems but my walls are pretty footprint-free. but I 
think this goes to show not only are there different standards of 
tolerance for problems, there different magnitudes of problems, thus, 
if I were dealing with 100 people instead of six or seven, it might be 
a different issue.

of course I'm not denying there are other solutions which are 
technically superior in some way. but for many of us the situation is 
not as dire as you paint it, walls and all.


 If you need collaborative authoring, you need something that
*imposes* a pre-defined document structure (such as e.g. an XML
schema, LaTeX document classes unfortunately are not as restrictive) and
thus absolutely locks out *any* possiblity of finger-painting, and
preferrably something that also provides seamless integration for
revision control systems such as e.g. Subversion.

With LyX/LaTeX, structured XML authoring applications (or some document
processing applications like Worperfect or Framemaker, provided the
authors are perfectly disciplined), collaborative authoring is
possible to a certain degree.

With Word (or LO/OO) it is strictly impossible at any reasonable
degree of efficiency.

If there was a way in LO/OO to imperatively re-strict the user interface
for a certain document to the application of styles defined within the
document, this might improve things, but given how styles are
implemented in LO/OO, I doubt that it would really work. Besides that
styles don't hold structure information anyway, since templates aren't
schemas in LO/OO.



Felmon Davis

You'd like to do it instantaneously, but that's too slow.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Paragraph styles (collaborating on documents)

2013-05-03 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 3 May 2013, Brian Barker wrote:

At 16:41 03/05/2013 +, Felmon Davis wrote:
I share documents with people all the time because a couple of committees 
I've been on had me as the 'master of documents', that is, I would take 
other people's work and bundle it together, edit and produce drafts for 
them to work on, then I would do up the final report. they almost always 
are using some version of Word.

But surely that's different?  You've been appointed to do up the final 
report, so you can do what you like with the final text - even just taking 
it out as plain text and reformatting from scratch.  The earlier 
conversations where about situations where all members of a collaboration had 
equal rights to impose formatting - and where the formatting itself was 
perhaps a relevant point of discussion and agreement.

I am confused. Wolfgang spoke of two users. but granted that would 
also be a problem if each user claims the prerogative to determine 
formatting. most occasions I encounter no one claims such a 
prerogative, each goes their own way, but also most people I deal with 
don't do any significant formatting to start with.

so what is the context of discussion?

a) several individuals passing documents to and fro and
b) each with a lot of formatting and
c) each preferring their own formatting to others'?

this indeed is a 'war of all against all' but then it's less a matter 
of word-processor vs latex or something but a problem of organization 
and coordination.

Where it is appropriate, what you describe is indeed the way to go: 
to develop and agree on the content separately from the format. 
The format is either locked down from the start or imposed 
separately at the end.  That's what intelligent web authoring 
arrangements use, of course.

sorry if I was off topic.



Brian Barker

Felmon Davis

Dyslexics have more fnu.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using UNO API

2013-04-28 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 28 Apr 2013, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

Ok, it's hard to make jokes in English when your native language is a
quite different one…

not my experience: when I speak German I get a lot of giggles.



You want to know why I kept getting promoted?  Because my mouth knows 
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-15 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

  yikes, sounds as if I need further information -
  or need to keep studying ... ... ...  ;-)

not sure how the further discussion would be relevant to you if you 
just want to use the tool. the link I gave you explains the things 
pdftk can do. you can then decide if it might be useful.

the next step is to determine if you find it convenient to use.

of course, if you are also interested in how the tool is built, then 
that's a different matter.

  Please update re. this / these tks whenever; I'll stay tuned  ;-)

  Ah, acronyms  ;-)
  tk :=
  (well, while waiting to understand all this, my mind tends to wander
- puns are so much fun  :-)  )

don't mean to be acronymonious about it but all disciplines and 
occupations use abbreviations and have specialist dictionaries - 
general-purpose dictionaries won't do.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Girvin Herr wrote:


Looks like pdftk is written in Java.**Pdftk

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it isn't pretty,
but functional.

I noticed there are some other source files and some 3rd-party code in
the package that I did not take time to investigate, and it takes Gcc to
build it.  But one of the big ideas of Java is that it contains its own gui
code, so the programmer's effort is greatly reduced.  I would be surprised
if pdftk does not use the standard Java gui.
Girvin Herr

good to know, especially about the '3rd-party code'.

makes sense the gui would be in java so it can run on various platforms.

I don't however foresee myself invoking the gui unless I'm working off of
Windows or something.

I'll look but I bet there's a command-line version for Windows too.


On 04/13/2013 11:24 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:


I'm only familiar with pdftk as a command-line tool; thus I was confused
by the discussion of desktop environments.

it does have a gui interface (or several?) and then there are the
Windows and Mac versions. I don't know what is used to make the gui
interface on Linux.



Felmon Davis

Appearances are not everything; it just looks like they are.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-15 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

  very interesting, yes indeed  ;-)

  well, the more I read this list, 'the more I seem to learn, yet the
stupider I feel'  ;-)
  (the glorified typewriter has so surpassed me)

  I note you've used a 'new' word; acronymonious seems to fit well in
this saga -
  yet I hope you didn't mis-type acrimonious  ;-)
  (oh, surely not)

I did not mistype. I went neologistic on you.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

   yikes, sounds as if I need further information -

  or need to keep studying ... ... ...  ;-)

not sure how the further discussion would be relevant to you if you just
want to use the tool. the link I gave you explains the things pdftk can do.
you can then decide if it might be useful.

the next step is to determine if you find it convenient to use.

of course, if you are also interested in how the tool is built, then
that's a different matter.

   Please update re. this / these tks whenever; I'll stay tuned  ;-)

  Ah, acronyms  ;-)
  tk :=**TK.html
  (well, while waiting to understand all this, my mind tends to wander
- puns are so much fun  :-)  )

don't mean to be acronymonious about it but all disciplines and
occupations use abbreviations and have specialist dictionaries -
general-purpose dictionaries won't do.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Girvin Herr wrote:


Looks like pdftk is written in Java.**Pdftk

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it isn't pretty,
but functional.

I noticed there are some other source files and some 3rd-party code in
the package that I did not take time to investigate, and it takes Gcc to
build it.  But one of the big ideas of Java is that it contains its own
code, so the programmer's effort is greatly reduced.  I would be
if pdftk does not use the standard Java gui.
Girvin Herr

good to know, especially about the '3rd-party code'.

makes sense the gui would be in java so it can run on various platforms.

I don't however foresee myself invoking the gui unless I'm working off of
Windows or something.

I'll look but I bet there's a command-line version for Windows too.


On 04/13/2013 11:24 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

 On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:


 I'm only familiar with pdftk as a command-line tool; thus I was

by the discussion of desktop environments.

it does have a gui interface (or several?) and then there are the
Windows and Mac versions. I don't know what is used to make the gui
interface on Linux.



Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-15 Thread Felmon Davis

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Most on-line dictionaries (in the top 10 according to a google search) agree that 
A neologism is a newly coined term, word, or 
phrase, that may be in the process of entering common use, but has not 
yet been accepted into mainstream

but my fav is Mirriam-Webster's bucking the trend amusingly
a meaningless word coined by a psychotic.

Even though it is not apt it's still quietly amusing, to me at 
least, sorry Felmon bud! :)

no problem but seriously, if the people in the telly were constantly 
sending _you_ neologisms, don't pretend it wouldn't unsettle you a bit 


Regards from Tom :) 

From: Felmon Davis
Sent: Monday, 15 April 2013, 21:59

Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

       very interesting, yes indeed  ;-)

       well, the more I read this list, 'the more I seem to learn, yet the
stupider I feel'  ;-)
               (the glorified typewriter has so surpassed me)

       I note you've used a 'new' word; acronymonious seems to fit well in
this saga -
           yet I hope you didn't mis-type acrimonious  ;-)
               (oh, surely not)

I did not mistype. I went neologistic on you.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

        yikes, sounds as if I need further information -

           or need to keep studying ... ... ...  ;-)

not sure how the further discussion would be relevant to you if you just
want to use the tool. the link I gave you explains the things pdftk can do.
you can then decide if it might be useful.

the next step is to determine if you find it convenient to use.

of course, if you are also interested in how the tool is built, then
that's a different matter.

        Please update re. this / these tks whenever; I'll stay tuned  ;-)

       Ah, acronyms  ;-)
           tk :=**TK.html
       (well, while waiting to understand all this, my mind tends to wander
- puns are so much fun  :-)  )

don't mean to be acronymonious about it but all disciplines and
occupations use abbreviations and have specialist dictionaries -
general-purpose dictionaries won't do.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Girvin Herr wrote:


Looks like pdftk is written in Java.**Pdftk

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it isn't pretty,
but functional.

I noticed there are some other source files and some 3rd-party code in
the package that I did not take time to investigate, and it takes Gcc to
build it.  But one of the big ideas of Java is that it contains its own
code, so the programmer's effort is greatly reduced.  I would be
if pdftk does not use the standard Java gui.
Girvin Herr

good to know, especially about the '3rd-party code'.

makes sense the gui would be in java so it can run on various platforms.

I don't however foresee myself invoking the gui unless I'm working off of
Windows or something.

I'll look but I bet there's a command-line version for Windows too.


On 04/13/2013 11:24 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

  On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:


  I'm only familiar with pdftk as a command-line tool; thus I was

by the discussion of desktop environments.

it does have a gui interface (or several?) and then there are the
Windows and Mac versions. I don't know what is used to make the gui
interface on Linux.



Felmon Davis

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Felmon Davis

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-14 Thread Felmon Davis

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Girvin Herr wrote:

Looks like pdftk is written in Java.

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime 
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it isn't pretty, but 

I noticed there are some other source files and some 3rd-party code in the 
package that I did not take time to investigate, and it takes Gcc to build 
it.  But one of the big ideas of Java is that it contains its own gui code, 
so the programmer's effort is greatly reduced.  I would be surprised if pdftk 
does not use the standard Java gui.

Girvin Herr

good to know, especially about the '3rd-party code'.

makes sense the gui would be in java so it can run on various 

I don't however foresee myself invoking the gui unless I'm working off 
of Windows or something.

I'll look but I bet there's a command-line version for Windows too.


On 04/13/2013 11:24 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

I'm only familiar with pdftk as a command-line tool; thus I was confused by 
the discussion of desktop environments.

it does have a gui interface (or several?) and then there are the Windows 
and Mac versions. I don't know what is used to make the gui interface on 



Felmon Davis

Live your live such that you need not hide your diary.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-12 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 12 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

  Curiously wondering what this 'new' PDFtk is -
  and how to acquire it ...
 or is this something only for Linux users  ;-)

you can find information about versions for Windows at; looks like the 
direct link to the Windows stuff is:

I find pdftk a god-send.


  The longer I'm on this amazing list, the more I'm learning about
these 'glorified-typewriters'  :-)

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Fri, 5 Apr 2013, David Ronis wrote:

Hi Jay,

Thanks for the reply.  I'm using Linux (Slackware).  Unfortunately,
exporting to text is not an option here as the PDF's contain various
drawings that can't be omitted.


what format does this 'single file' have to be in? if it can be itself a
pdf then use pdftk.

pdftk allows you to 'join' multiple pdfs into one.

take the .doc stuff and convert to pdf then put it all together via pdftk.

the syntax for pdftk is a bit weird (I find it hard to remember) but at
the same time very simple.


From: Jay Lozier
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 17:18:42 -0400

On 04/05/2013 04:18 PM, David Ronis wrote:

I'm currently working on a large project that requires me to import many
documents from my colleagues, some in word or PDF formats, into a single
file.  Libreoffice doesn't work if I try Insert-File... on a PDF file
(I get an error popup saying Error rereading the file).

I can open the PDF file (in draw) and cut and paste each PDF page into
the document, but that is painful.

Is there a way to make File-Insert work, perhaps via a macro?  If not,
consider this a feature request.


 What OS are you using?

In some pdf readers you can export the entire file as a plain text file
and this file can be opened in Writer or imported into Calc. I do not
know if this would less or more painful. You would have the entire file
at once but would need to format the text.

Felmon Davis

Felmon Davis

Ralph's Observation:
It is a mistake to let any mechanical object realise that you
are in a hurry.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-12 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 12 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

  Thanks for this summation -

I wonder what the original question was? I seem to have missed a part 
of the exchange.

  as for now, it's 'clear as mud'  ;-)

  Felmon - I'm studying the page you sent me.

I hope it can be of help; I've only ever used the Linux version but I 
imagine they aren't too different.


On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Tom Davies

Hi :)

Programs with tk (or more usually gtk) at the end or at the beginning are
for a one type of DE for GnuLinux.  Sometimes a G is used instead.  The
other main type of DE usually has K or Qt at the front of it's programs.

Often programs have a back-end or command-line tool that does most of
the heavy lifting and then different front-ends or Guis are put on for
each of the 2 main types.

Typically we talk about families of distros but even a single distro might
have 2 or 3 versions with each one having a different type of DE.  If you
choose the 'wrong one' then you can choose whether to install the other DE
or get a different version of the distro that does have the 'right one'.
Tim at Kracked Press has somethings he likes in each of the main DEs so he
installs both.  It makes his system a bit more bloated but means he can use
choose more apps.

DE = Desktop Environment.  The main 2 are Gnome and KDE.  Most of the rest
(Xfce, Unity, Enlightenment and probably hundreds more) tend to be able to
use front-ends written for one or the other.

Ok, so it's not quite that simple.  2 extra wrinkles;
1.  Gtk or tk are pretty rarely used but are for the Xfce DE (well really
a WM (=window manager (note the lower-case w)) but that is nearly a DE) and
Xfce apps work well in Gnome.  Gnome is a bit heftier (a bit more fully
functionally if you know what i mean) so it's fairly normal to find a G
(stands for Gnome) instead of the rarer Gtk but then that's a pain because
the app might need a 3rd front-end instead of just having 2 to reach
2.  Going back to seeing the K at the beginning of apps written for KDE
makes sense but why the Qt?  Well, until recently Qt was less streamlined
and was a lot of the weight in KDE.  Now it is a lot faster and lighter it
seems that Gnome or distros using Gnome have pulled it in but just not
quite enough of it for Tim's requirements.
3.  Since Gnome often can run apps built for the 3 main DEs shouldn't that
make it the DE of choice!?  Oddly not.  It's been forked in at least 2 or 3
different directions and in Ubuntu it's been replaced by Unity (which can
also run a lot of the Gnome, Xfce or KDE apps but is extremely unpopular
amongst purists)

I hope that helps!!  I hope i got it about right too otherwise i'm going
to get deluged with unwanted flaming or something!  Something i like about
GnuLinux is the passion and that we go all sorts of different ways but
somehow manage to grow and learn from each other or make use of each others
achievements and even build on them (if individuals are gifted enough)
Regards from
Tom :)

 *From:* anne-ology
*To:* Felmon Davis
*Sent:* Friday, 12 April 2013, 16:29

*Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

  Curiously wondering what this 'new' PDFtk is -
  and how to acquire it ...
  or is this something only for Linux users  ;-)

  The longer I'm on this amazing list, the more I'm learning about
these 'glorified-typewriters'  :-)

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Fri, 5 Apr 2013, David Ronis wrote:

Hi Jay,

Thanks for the reply.  I'm using Linux (Slackware).  Unfortunately,
exporting to text is not an option here as the PDF's contain various
drawings that can't be omitted.


what format does this 'single file' have to be in? if it can be itself a
pdf then use pdftk.

pdftk allows you to 'join' multiple pdfs into one.

take the .doc stuff and convert to pdf then put it all together via


the syntax for pdftk is a bit weird (I find it hard to remember) but at
the same time very simple.


From: Jay Lozier
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 17:18:42 -0400

On 04/05/2013 04:18 PM, David Ronis wrote:

I'm currently working on a large project that requires me to import


documents from my colleagues, some in word or PDF formats, into a


file.  Libreoffice doesn't work if I try Insert-File... on a PDF file
(I get an error popup saying Error rereading the file).

I can open the PDF file (in draw) and cut and paste each PDF page into
the document, but that is painful.

Is there a way to make File-Insert work, perhaps via a macro?  If not,
consider this a feature request.


 What OS are you using?

In some pdf readers you can export the entire file as a plain text file

Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-05 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 5 Apr 2013, David Ronis wrote:

Hi Jay,

Thanks for the reply.  I'm using Linux (Slackware).  Unfortunately,
exporting to text is not an option here as the PDF's contain various
drawings that can't be omitted.


what format does this 'single file' have to be in? if it can be itself 
a pdf then use pdftk.

pdftk allows you to 'join' multiple pdfs into one.

take the .doc stuff and convert to pdf then put it all together via 

the syntax for pdftk is a bit weird (I find it hard to remember) but 
at the same time very simple.


-Original Message-
From: Jay Lozier
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 17:18:42 -0400

On 04/05/2013 04:18 PM, David Ronis wrote:

I'm currently working on a large project that requires me to import many
documents from my colleagues, some in word or PDF formats, into a single
file.  Libreoffice doesn't work if I try Insert-File... on a PDF file
(I get an error popup saying Error rereading the file).

I can open the PDF file (in draw) and cut and paste each PDF page into
the document, but that is painful.

Is there a way to make File-Insert work, perhaps via a macro?  If not,
consider this a feature request.


What OS are you using?

In some pdf readers you can export the entire file as a plain text file
and this file can be opened in Writer or imported into Calc. I do not
know if this would less or more painful. You would have the entire file
at once but would need to format the text.

Felmon Davis

He who gives promptly gives twice.  -- Miguel de Cervantes

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Share-point?

2013-02-15 Thread Felmon Davis

On Fri, 15 Feb 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)

Perhaps Moodle?  I haven't looked into Moodle but keep meaning to.  
It's supposedly good for higher education but it might be more about 
just tutors and lecturers being able to place documents and text and 
stuff in an attractive layout that's easy for students to just 
read.  I'm not sure how interactive it can be.

Regards from
Tom :) 

we have 'moodle' (for some reason our ITS calls it 'nexus') and I used 
to use it when it first came out. I have looked to see if this is 
built in and it probably is, or they could activate it, but I haven't 
found it yet; I should just ask and I might settle for it but I don't 
like using moodle otherwise so that would be my only use for it -- it 
is a rather large canon for the little fly I want to swat.

I am more partial to drupal but haven't yet found a utility for file 
uploading that was simple enough to configure in small snatches of 
time I have for it. it often seems to require installing this and that 
module, updating the whole she-bang and so on.

I just don't have time for reconstructive surgery on my drupal site, 
not now at least and now would be a great time to have the upload 

oh, well. pardon the off-off-topic; we should get back to the main 
off-topic or even on topic!


From: Felmon Davis
Sent: Friday, 15 February 2013, 6:55

Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Share-point?

On Fri, 15 Feb 2013, Fabian Rodriguez wrote:

On 13-02-14 02:05 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

this thread is off-topic but I'll take advantage of it before it's
cut: I would like a solution where

a) individuals could upload documents to me
b) they wouldn't be able to see each other's documents (unless I
allowed it)
c) should be either linux-based or agnostic.

OwnCloud. Wait for version 5 though (End of February):



thanks. this deserves more study but so far as I can see now, it doesn't suit 
my purpose. it allows me to access files from diverse places and devices. I can 
already do that on a server to which I have ssh and sshfs access.

what I need is something where _others_ can upload their files for _me_ to 
access. think of students uploading papers for the teacher to grab. the 
students shouldn't see each other's work though they should see their own.

(it would be great if they had permissions to modify and delete their own stuff 
but not essential; it is essential that Windows and Mac people can upload their 

I'll study the owncloud page more but I'm not seeing these features so far.


-- Felmon Davis

What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is
the exact opposite.
        -- Bertrand Russell, _Sceptical_Essays_, 1928

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Felmon Davis

Things to do today:  1. Get up.  2. Survive.  3. Go to bed.
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Share-point?

2013-02-14 Thread Felmon Davis

On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, IBBoard wrote:

Microsoft might not have control over it, but Dropbox will. For a business,
that is unacceptable - and rightly so, since it means important documents
go outside your perimeter. Instead they use a document management system
(like Sharepoint or Alfresco) that they install and manage centrally.

Unlike a wiki, a document management system gives full, normal document
management. Unlike a CMS it is all about documents, and unlike a LAN share
it does versioning and workflow.

Basically, Sharepoint is something for businesses. A normal user will never
need it.

I don't understand the relation between these propositions:

a) Microsoft might not have control over it, but Dropbox will. For a 
business, that is unacceptable...

b) Basically, Sharepoint is something for businesses.

is the point that it is better for a business that Microsoft hold 
their documents than that Busybox does?

just seeking clarification.

(I have Busybox but don't use it for a number of reasons; I am not 
acquainted enough with Sharepoint.)


On Feb 14, 2013 5:28 PM, anne-ology wrote:

   Content Management System  ;-) ... LAN  ;-) ... a wiki ;-)  ???

  as to these - I haven't a clue; I'll continue to stick with the
KISs method  ;-)

   But if we each sign up to use DropBox, we can each end up with 6Gb
of free space to use as we wish in sharing documents -
   and MsFt does not have any control over this  :-)

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Tom Davies

Hi :)
 Ahh, so is it a sort of Content Management System that can be used to
 documents centrally, like putting them on a shared folder on a Lan so
 everyone can work on the same file instead of each generating different
 copies and then trying to compare all the different ones to incorporate
 the different changes?  Sort of like a wiki?
 Regards from
 Tom :)

 *From:* anne-ology
 *To:* Tom
 *Sent:* Thursday, 14 February 2013, 16:53
 *Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] Share-point?

   Just 'searched' and found this -

   Seems somewhat silly since we could all benefit if we were to use
 DropBox -

 On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 2:24 AM, Tom Davies

 Hi :)
  Has anyone managed to get MS Sharepoint working with 4.0.0?  Apparently
  it's one of the features that are supposed to be in the 4.0.0 although
  have no idea what SharePoint is nor why anyone would use it.
  According to the comments under this article
  Somewhere about 1/4 up from the bottom
  Алексей Бродкин • 6 days ago
  It seems like some of highlighted options are missing from this
  1. Unity/Global menu integration - at least I cannot see it in action
  any toggle in setting
  2. SharePoint integration. From here
  learnt that to have this option one needs to instal a corresponding
  from here http://extensions.libreoffice and you may see this link
  leads to This page does not seem to exist... - seems like due to
  issue plugin was removed.
  Sure enough the link didn't work so i got to the Extensions site
  way but a quick search to find sharepoint or share point didn't
  any relevant Extensions.
  Regards from
  Tom :)

Felmon Davis

Seek simplicity -- and distrust it.  -- Alfred Whitehead
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Share-point?

2013-02-14 Thread Felmon Davis

On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:

On 14/02/2013 at 19:20, Felmon Davis wrote:

is the point that it is better for a business that Microsoft hold 
their documents than that Busybox does?

SharePoint is internal network solution. It does not exchange any 
information it holds with Microsoft servers. Your confidential data 
stays yours.

This is opposite to Dropbox, Google Docs, Microsoft SkyDrive and any 
other cloud system, where you must share your data with system 

I see; good prompt for me to do some research. I wholly agree this is 
far better than BusyBox for many purposes.


Felmon Davis

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