Re: [libreoffice-users] OT : good cd import software on linux

2013-04-17 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 17/04/13 00:14, Steve Edmonds wrote:


If only we could all get music at 24 bit. How fidelity has given way to
convenience. Good pressing - itunes. SLR camera - phone camera.

I agree wholeheartedly with Steve! The fact that CD's had to fit into 
the 700 MB Philips (the inventor) decided that digitalisation to 16 
bit was sufficient as it was then a necessity to record the same volume 
as a long-play record (analogue) on a standard size disk. Even at that 
time the analogue reproduction techniques were more that sufficient to 
reproduce 24-bit but a good D/A converter for 24-bit in real-time was 
not feasible then. Therefore the marketing advertised most with the fact 
that you didn't hear the noise of a record that was old but were very 
silent about the quality loss. And as we all know marketing is much more 
important than technique!

But I'm sorry for this way OT ranting.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Win64: Scribus too... :-)

2012-11-04 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 04-11-12 13:21, James Knott wrote:

Mas wrote:

I believe someone else mention this on the
thread, its not new and unix/linux has been using it.

Yes, there was a 64 bit version of Linux running on the DEC Alpha,
followed shortly by the IBM PowerPC around 1994 - 1995.

The 64-bit R4000 by MIPS technologies came out in 1992 and was first 
used in Silicon Graphics machines, running IRIX the SGI flavour of UNIX. 
This processor was 64-bit internally but 32-bit externally so only a 
32-bit wide memory-path could be used.Later versions, notably the R8000 
(1994) and the R1000 (1996) were 64-bit internally and externally. In 
1994 SGI licensed the memory architecture, developed by Cray (which it 
bought a few years later) and licensed it, I thought in  2002 to AMD for 
its 64-bit processors. This NUMA architecture is much faster than the 
standard architecture used in other processors and is much more suitable 
for multiprocessor systems.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: how to crack a PW in LO?

2012-10-30 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 20-10-12 01:47, anne-ology wrote:

Yet an employer has the right to hire those employees he feels will
fit into his company, benefiting him, his company and its bottom line.

IF someone acts like a fool, as placing lewd photos of himself or
using abusive and/or blasphemous language on line, then that employer
should have the right to exclude that interviewer from consideration into
his company.

In fact, I can name quite a few people who have shut their companies
down because federal regulations got too hectic - and many will be shutting
their doors by next year, if the socialists continue to prosper in DC
instead of restoring the US to that which our forefathers' foresaw.
Europe is falling into the hands of these non-thinking ones who must
think that money grows on trees rather than stemming from the hard work of
the industrious ones; remember Chicken Little.

This is not the first time you show your ignorance about the real world 
in Europe. Your laws let the USA look like a story by George Orwell. 
Apparently you also have no idea what the word socialist means and 
repeats only the indoctrination by your ultra-right wing media garbage.

Please abstain from these useless slanderous remarks,
J.L. Blom, The Netherlands

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS problems

2012-10-01 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 01-10-12 11:57, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:

Dear Wolfgang  Jay, in your opinion people - both young and old - not yet knowing
anything about computers, perhaps buying their first unit, are - not
only IT-illiterate but also morons you agree that among these IT-illiterate morons (= idiots)
are bosses, persons in chief position (managers).
When responsible for their dept's/company's strategic and operative
effectiveness and economical result, these IT-illiterate morons decide
about the need of an IT-department -- and employ an IT-manager to that
department to take care of the company's IT-system, programs and
personnel included.
Are you not barking at a wrong tree - is it not this your IT-superior
you should bark at?
I take it obvious that neither of you can be in a manager position.

C.   Obviously you qualify yourselves as highly  IT-literate --
perhaps even  non-morons.
Some weeks ago LibO invited people to take part to make LibO better.
Would it not be an good idea that you - instead of blaming others - took
the opportunity to practice your high quality IT-knowledge to the
benefit of LibO.
Best regards
Pertti Rönnberg

As a Dutch (now retired) manager of a small business in IT I must 
disagree. Yes, Jay and Wolfgang are not very polite but they surely are 
right. I won't call them morons or idiots but choosers for safety on 
false grounds.
Don't forget a salesman in a computer-shop will never tell a person that 
he could use Open Source software when he can sell him buggy Microsoft 
software with a profit of  30%. He will tell him that on his computer 
only certified Microsoft software will work correctly. You and I know 
its complete nonsense but an IT-illiterate layman - especially those 
that are afraid of everything technical - believes him. The same goes 
for managers with even less interest in technical matters and a willing 
ear for equals who sells him there stuff.
 It is not for nothing that governments (Peru, Germany and many others) 
demand the use of Open Source software instead of the use of closed 
source, dangerous and expensive software. Twenty years ago the hard- and 
software world was completely different and there Microsoft has made his 
largest impact using unlawful methods to make everybody believe their 
software was the only one to be used.A small governmental action 
contrary was when the European Committee forced Microsoft to pay a fine 
of  $ 500,000 and to remove Internet explorer as integral part of their 
OS. But the main objection against the activities of Microsoft remain 
valid: the disinformation of managers and decisional people on the fact 
that they have to pay yearly for service not delivered. Since 1981 when 
Microsoft began to SELL software the buyer owned the software. Now 
Microsoft want to steal the ownership from the buyer by stating that the 
software is not bought but leased. That is wrong. Software running on a 
remote system not owned by the buyer - and running only there - can be 
leased just as installed software on a leased system. In all other cases 
the software is owned.
 Moreover, when I buy a car and after a day my car is broken in due to 
an unreliable lock, I get all refunded. Tell that to Microsoft!!


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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS problems

2012-10-01 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 01-10-12 16:22, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:

Hello Joep,
Thank you for your reply.
I am happy to say I had the privilege to in business visit your very
beautiful and interesting country - and especially Amsterdam - some
times very, very many years ago.
I am also retired since ten years back and used to work on manager level
in some companies mostly in metal industry, planning and delivering plants.
But not IT, I am an IT consumer since early 1980 - so you surely know
that IT field from 'inside' better than me but I know quite well the
decision making in my former environments.

I have for years been very well aware of all what you say about MS's
behavior and marketing policy - I agree with you completely and do
dislike the situation as much as you.
In many (most) companies/organizations (other than IT) the managers have
quite little own knowledge in IT why they do not have many alternatives:
they have to buy the IT from outside (more or less) experts or build up
a IT-dept of their own. In both cases they have to rely on other
people's knowhow and recommendations.
And if all (95% ?) your important contacts, customers, officials,
private, etc. use Windows, and all of your own staff know (only)
Windows/MSO  then the economic calculation says that you must talk the
same language -- you can not afford anything else.

I strongly disagree with you about Jay's and Wolfgang' s behavior - take
a look at my parallel post MS problems some minutes earlier.
If these managers concentrate on their own jobs - and buy the IT - it
does not qualify them to be called IT-illiteral morons as Jay and
Wolfgang did.

In 30 years I have had no problems (!) with the Windows' programs (the
cost are a relative matter), but from January this year when installing
LibO I have had too much problems with Base (and Calc) - and according
to this list there are a lot of others having real problems with LibO too.
In my opinion there is only one way for LibO:   to become in every way
better than MSO especially for ordinary private users, user friendly,
stable, reliable, free of bugs and problems. These will then make it
easier for companies to convert to OpenSource/LibO.
Best regards
Pertti Rönnberg (Finland)
The End!

Well Pertti,
Endangering myself to go after your End(!) I have never used Microsoft 
products except when clients needed to have links with WIndows programs 
but I lived in luxury as we represented Silicon Graphics an the products 
we sold and supported either specific or Internet related. However I 
must confess that for administrative tasks we used Windows related 
applications (WordPerfect and some Borland related spreadsheets 
programs) as the unix workstations were used either for graphics or 
network-related tasks.
But I remember our technical people all grumbling about the lousy 
Windows as OS and they preferred to let some whizzkid we had as 
apprentice to solve Windows problems.
Before I had my company (~ '75 - '90) I was head of a neuroscience 
department where we did real-time signal analysis on EEG-signals and all 
systems (Intel 286) used DOS as OS for the programs (mostly FORTRAN  
PASCAL).Further signal analysis was done on a PDP-11's so we're talking 
about another era where PC's barely existed. There is a nice anecdote 
about the CEO of DEC who was presented with a PC (the DEC-1) in '79 
and he refused to take it into production as he was convinced that 
nobody would buy such a toy! Little did he know.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Reply settings on this list have changed

2012-08-14 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 14-08-12 19:03, anne-ology wrote:

wow, you should be a great attorney;
you're very expressive.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Steven Shelton ste...@sheltonlegal.netwrote:

On 8/13/2012 7:36 PM, Mark LaPierre wrote:

Not trying to be rude. All of you should be smart enough to run an email

tool. After all you're all
Linux users who administer at least one Linux installation.

And, crap, this stupid change . . . this is the second time I've had to
send this because I forgot I have to send it to the list now.

What makes you think we are all linux users who administer at least one
linux installation?

I am a criminal defense attorney running Windows XP.

- --
Steven Shelton

All of you that resent the change are in error. The RFC requires this 
change moreover it is much more logical. That Windows users don't 
understand simple logic is their problem (but understandable).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Zotero Integration with LO [Proposition / Feature Request?]

2012-08-14 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 14-08-12 18:57, anne-ology wrote:

Thanks for this bit of information;
 sounds intriguing ...
 where is the software located?,
does it contain all the quotes from Barton's and/or Oxford's
Dictionary of Quotations?,
how much does it cost?,
does it automatically use the proper footnote and
bibliographic notations?, numbering accordingly?,
   and how complicated is it to operate?, if you've had it, yet
haven't used it makes me wonder re. this program.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Steven Shelton ste...@sheltonlegal.netwrote:

On 8/14/2012 9:20 AM, anne-ology wrote:

Could you please explain what is Zotero?

It's a research tool that allows you to select quotes and generate
citations from them. You can generate bibliographies and reports and do
all kinds of stuff. It looks like something that would really help me,
and I installed it ages ago, but have never had the time to learn how to
use it. Given my profession, I would think it could be tremendously
helpful, so I have it on my list of things to master.  It probably would
be a good tool to try to integrate into LibO.

- --
Steven Shelton

As you have shown you're a simple windows-user and apparently not very 
well in taking initiative. There are 2 possibilities:

1   use Google
2   go to the Zotero-site to educate yourself (

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Re: [libreoffice-users] convert to pdf - failing

2012-07-30 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 30-07-12 11:04, Sharon Kimble wrote:

I'm trying to use this command to create a pdf file from an .odt file
but its failing for some reason.
  libreoffice --headless --invisible --convert-to pdf test.odt

Can anyone help me in getting it to work please, as its needed for a
bash script.


Print your .odt file to a file (it will need the .ps extrension). Then 
use ps2pdf to make it into a .pdf file. All if you're on Linux. I don't 
know anything of Windows.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] VARIATION ON pdf creation issue on a single file?

2012-07-29 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 29-07-12 22:21, Lynne Stevens wrote:

Omega sector
America's Last
Line of

*Can you copy and paste the contents of the PDF file to a text program
like office word and save it as such ( doc )   re open the doc and then
copy and paste into the file (spreadsheet file)

If you use Linux then pdf2ps translates pdf to postscript and that can 
be manipulated. If you use Windows, I can't help.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] pdf creation issue on a single file?

2012-07-28 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 28-07-12 19:34, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

Windows users can get free PDF printer drivers, like doPDF.  Linux users
can use other options like CUPS-PDF.  What are you using to print your
files to PDF with?

large cut
For everybody who needs to use for some reason Windows:
use VMware (or  VirtualBox) under Linux(ubuntu or whatever version) and 
run (preferably Windows XP) for your Windows stuff. No need for dual 
booting. Simply have one desktop with Linux and a second with virtual 
XP. Switching is as easy as using CTRL-left arrow or CTRL Fn (where n 
is the desktop number. Most distributions come with 4 desktops.

Hope this make life a little easier for you,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] pdf creation issue on a single file?

2012-07-28 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 28-07-12 19:49, David B Teague sr wrote:

On 7/28/2012 11:40 AM, Lynne Stevens wrote:

I really feel sorry for windows users ROFLMAO

Don't start that. I used Linux from the earliest days. (0.94 Kernel and
SLS Linux).  I now use W7 and there is nearly nothing I could do in
Linux that I cannot do in Windows easier. I do use Firefox and
Thunderbird, and OpenOffice, not MS' tools. I don't do servers.

The big problem with Linux is drivers. Drivers are less of a problem
with Windows unless you are trying to make new hardware work with old
Windows versions, or conversely.

What I can't do in Windows is certain kinds of maintenance without
resorting to outside tools.

Note that I was a RABID Linux user.

Nevertheless I am certain you have your excellent reasons for liking
Linux. There is a huge amount in Linux to like. It's more work than I
want to do. So please, don't poke fun at Windows users. Help them.

David Teague
Emeritus Professor Mathematics and Computer Science Western Carolina

As I said the few tasks you need to have done for which developers 
didn't make Open Source (Linux) versions can easily accomplished in
in a virtual Windows XP using VMware or VirtualBox. Nuch more stable and 
no virus nightmares.

Dr. J.L. Blom retired Neuroscientist TNO the Netherlands

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibO - Calc: date notation

2012-07-26 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 25-07-12 20:49, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

2012/7/25 anne-ology

   I resent the US way of ISO 8601. We Dutch and other Europeans use the

more logical sequence of day-month-year instead of the illogical
year-month-day.(most important first, least important last: very often
year can be missed).

Exactly what is strange with ISO 8601?

As I said before it's illogic. In my view in a date the least 
significant (fastest changing) part is the day so it's logical to put it 
in front.
In the over 2000 years date notation systems are used all logical and 
illogical combinations have been used.
The reason I find that the current European (Dutch, Swedish) notation is 
more logical than the ISO 8601 is that in many cases the year notation 
is omitted which is in the European notation self-explaining but in the 
ISO 8601 less intuitive.
However, it's my personal feeling and don't forget: international rules 
aren't always right! :)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibO - Calc: date notation

2012-07-25 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 25-07-12 10:40, anne-ology wrote:

The ISO is not U.S.;
   the U.S. uses the confusing month-day-year rather than the
European day-month-year;
  as an historian-genealogist, I've been pushing the European

This ISO is as strange as changing the time twice/year or using AM
or PM following 12: ...
see for an
explanation of this idea;
 [it's 'clear as mud'  ;-) ]

Thanks for your support!

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

On 23-07-12 21:02, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 23.07.2012 14:44, Guy Voets wrote:

Hi folks,

A LibO spreadsheet, made in LibO, Dutch version (no Excel or OOo past).

 - In LibO 3.5.5, I used to give in dates as 20-7 and they were shown
as 20 Jul 12.
 - In LibO, if I enter 20-7, 20-7 is shown in the cell.

If I enter 20-7-12, the date is inverted into 12 Jul 2020.
So instead of entering 20-7, I now need to enter 12-7-20 to get the
desired notation 20 Jul 12.

Is this a new feature, or a bug?

This is just another anti-feature that has been added to Calc against
all reason simply because too many inexperienced users who never really
used any spreadsheets insisted loudly enough.
I will upgrade my LibreOffice 3.5 to ApacheOpenOffice 3.4.1.

  I resent the US way of ISO 8601. We Dutch and other Europeans use the

more logical sequence of day-month-year instead of the illogical
year-month-day.(most important first, least important last: very often the
year can be missed).

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibO - Calc: date notation

2012-07-23 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 23-07-12 21:02, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 23.07.2012 14:44, Guy Voets wrote:

Hi folks,

A LibO spreadsheet, made in LibO, Dutch version (no Excel or OOo past).

- In LibO 3.5.5, I used to give in dates as 20-7 and they were
shown as
20 Jul 12.
- In LibO, if I enter 20-7, 20-7 is shown in the cell.

If I enter 20-7-12, the date is inverted into 12 Jul 2020.
So instead of entering 20-7, I now need to enter 12-7-20 to get the
notation 20 Jul 12.

Is this a new feature, or a bug?

This is just another anti-feature that has been added to Calc against
all reason simply because too many inexperienced users who never really
used any spreadsheets insisted loudly enough.
I will upgrade my LibreOffice 3.5 to ApacheOpenOffice 3.4.1.

I resent the US way of ISO 8601. We Dutch and other Europeans use the 
more logical sequence of day-month-year instead of the illogical 
year-month-day.(most important first, least important last: very often 
the year can be missed).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Duplication/replacement of text attributes

2012-07-14 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 14-07-12 10:56, Andrew Brager wrote:

Greetings to you all.  I'm new to Libre Office.

I'm wondering if there's a way to duplicate/replace attributes from one
paragraph to another in so that they are formatted identically.

A frequent problem for me (typically when I copy  paste from elsewhere)
is that two sentences/paragraphs just won't line up properly (perhaps
even in a numbered list), I assume due to various formatting reasons
including different fonts, sizes, tabs, margins, alignment, and/or
anything else that might affect placement and display on the page.  They
seem to be the same in the original source as far as I can tell, but
once copied and pasted to a document in Libre some of the paragraphs
seem to get out of wack.

Trying to apply the exact same attributes to the paragraph or sentence
that's out of wack just doesn't seem to work - probably because I don't
know what attributes have been applied and/or simply don't know how to
get the same effect in a consistent way.

Perhaps there is an attribute tree mode so that I can see what set of
attributes has been applied?  Either just plain text or perhaps through
a graphical representation maybe?  I guess I don't need to see it if I
can simply apply from one to another - sort of like the eye dropper from
a paint program copies the color from one spot so you can apply the same
color to another spot only here instead of color, it would be text
placement  display attributes.

Thank you in advance.

Please don't hijack a subject.The possibility of a meaningful answer is 
much diminished.

Make a new E-mail with the correct subject header.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: modifying existing labels/cards

2012-05-27 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 27-05-12 04:04, NoOp wrote:

On 05/25/2012 03:48 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

The Business card  label templates use frames (instead of a table). If
you were lucky you rememeberd to select 'syncronize' when you created it
so that you can easily sync the rest of the cards/label. Anyway, to
modify, I highly recommend that you keep a backup of your original, and
then: 'View|Text boundries'. You'll then be able to see the frame
outlines. Right-click on the frame boarder and select 'Frame|Options'
untick the Protect items 'Position' and 'Size'. You can then modify the
frame as you wish by using the 'Type' tab, or exiting the Frame function
and then move/resize the frame with the mouse. When finished, don't
forget to go back and retick the Protect items 'Position' and 'Size' so
that you lock the frames back down.

However, IMO it's easier just to create a new one, adjust the sizes that
you need, and then copy the data from the first frame over to the new one.

Of course I synchronize as otherwise a sheet of 10 cards is difficult to 
produce. My problem is actually that the - often difficult - process of 
aligning the sheet with the pre-formatted paper in the printer is not 
easy with LO. I only want to use the original view where the dimensions 
are given. I cannot imagine that's so difficult.I have View|Text 
boundaries always on as I want to see the boundaries but if you want to 
adapt that and examine the result it takes a lot of paper and ink: I 
would like to see only the outline to edit as in many label programs is 

But it is only a minor nuisance and I have it solved.
Thanks anyway for the input,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: modifying existing labels/cards

2012-05-27 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 27-05-12 19:50, NoOp wrote:

On 05/27/2012 12:44 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

On 27-05-12 04:04, NoOp wrote:

On 05/25/2012 03:48 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

Joep, I fully agree. I just don't have a better answer. Might be a good
time to put in a bug report and see if someone has exerience with the UI
and that wizard. I seem to recall discussion regarding this over on the
old OOo list(s). I'll look them up later to see if I can find any added


I constructed this template myself as the companies templates are only 
for MSW but they give the exact dimensions so it is not difficult to do.

When I find the time I will make a bug report. It may be not so trivial 
 to apply: I don't know the program flow that led to the template 
formation and it may well be - as we called it in the old school -  
spaghetti organised ():).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: modifying existing labels/cards

2012-05-27 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 27-05-12 19:50, NoOp wrote:

On 05/27/2012 12:44 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

On 27-05-12 04:04, NoOp wrote:

On 05/25/2012 03:48 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

Joep, I fully agree. I just don't have a better answer. Might be a good
time to put in a bug report and see if someone has exerience with the UI
and that wizard. I seem to recall discussion regarding this over on the
old OOo list(s). I'll look them up later to see if I can find any added


I constructed this template myself as the companies templates are only 
for MSW but they give the exact dimensions so it is not difficult to do.

When I find the time I will make a bug report. It may be not so trivial 
 to apply: I don't know the program flow that led to the template 
formation and it may well be - as we called it in the old school -  
spaghetti organised


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Re: [libreoffice-users] modifying existing labels/cards

2012-05-26 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 26-05-12 05:05, Don Myers wrote:

Hi Joep,

The standard label formats included with LibreOffice and OpenOffice are
the same type as Microsoft uses with fixed blocks. These tend to not to
be accurate if the card/label is relatively full as you get toward the
bottom of the page, even in Microsoft. There are also table style
templates available (or at least used to be available) as an extension
for OpenOffice. I have found them very easy to adjust, and they print
perfectly for both business cards and labels for me. They are available at: or probably as
an extension for OpenOffice.


Thanks for the information. I'll look into it. However, I think it's an 
omission - or an oversight - of the developers to not give the 
opportunity to adjust the dimensions of a once made buseness-card template.


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[libreoffice-users] modifying existing labels/cards

2012-05-25 Thread Joep L. Blom

I have a simple question:
I have a sheet with business cards (made with the correct template, 
etc.) but as I have a different printer I want to adjust the dimensions 
as to fit them perfectly. How is that done?
I can not find a modify button anywhere and page formatting is not the 
correct way (it completely changes all dimensions).
I'm still working with 3.4 (but will only change to 3.5 when it is 
reasonably bug-free.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] modifying existing labels/cards

2012-05-25 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 25-05-12 15:12, Jay Lozier wrote:


On 05/25/2012 06:48 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

AFAIK your business cards form should print correctly on any printer
that has a large enough printing area. I have found the typical tweaks I
need are to adjust the margins of the text slightly so it does not print
on the edge.

I would print a set on plain paper and visually inspect to see if the
output looks correct. Then I would make any changes and repeat the test
page. Finally, when I think I have it correct I would print 1 set out
and see if there are any small problems.

Thanks for your reply. However, the problem is you cannot make any 
changes. You cannot change the layout, only when you make a new business 
card sheet. How would you make the changes?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Connecting libreoffice calc to existing sqlite database file

2012-05-25 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 25-05-12 16:16, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:

I have been attempting to send this posting for a while, and have only
recently noticed that the list does not accept attachments.  This has
(apparently) caused it to be silently rejected.  I have appended what
had been attached to the end of this posting.

Sorry for the delay.

On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 14:40 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:

... the database doesn't look like what I had expected it to: sqlite
databases contain within themselves the names and data types of all
the entries, but when libreOffice opens the database, there is no such
data visible.  Am I missing something.  A dump of the database using
$ sqlite3archive.sdb .dump looks fine.  Is this what I should expect,
or is something wrong, or am I missing something? On Tue, 2012-05-22

Your table looks suspiciously like the table I use getting the data from 
WeatherDisplay, using their wdmysql-exe program (in windows). I have 
this table in a mysql database and that is perfectly well to  handle 
using Mysql Query Browser (a Linux program) but I assume there are 
several Windows programs doing the same I assume you use Windows)..


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice is listed as an educational software for math

2012-05-24 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 24-05-12 07:50, Marc Paré wrote:

Hi Doug,

Le 2012-05-24 00:50, Doug a écrit :

Logo! I haven't heard that word in thirty years, at least! I'm surprised
it's still around. Never really got into it, but it seemed like fun,
at least from a distance. I started using BASIC, and then learned and
used Pascal. Not being (professionally) a programmer, I never
learned C.


OK, I'm dating myself here, but, I was taught at the very last year at
my university where punch cards were still being used, and I used to
chat on beasts that spewed paper instead of drawing on monitors, way
back in 1976. I studied FORTRAN in 1980 so that I could be with the
up-and-coming in-crowd on campus ... only to find out that they all
switched that year to COBOL, DOH!

Yup, Logo is still cool to play with. I used FMSLogo because it played
nicely with my computer lab of Mandriva Linux boxes. I even taught Logo
on ICON computers by Unisys Corp. that used QNX as its operating system.
QNX is what powers the new Blackberries from RIM! Finally, when the
ICONs were being replaced, I installed AtariGEM on them and used the
Atari version of Logo. It was a lot of fun! I was always accused of
having more fun than the kids!



And Marc,
QNX was developed by Gordon Brown the genius engineer of DEC who 
developed the real-time systems (QNX is a real-time OS) like DEC-Lab etc!
Oh, the good old times when programmers new what real-time programming 
meant and rotating buffers were necessary to get speed and be really 
efficient with memory! Current programmers have no idea how to use a 
computer efficiently!!

(The rantings of an old man!)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice is listed as an educational software for math

2012-05-24 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 24-05-12 16:06, Tony Sumner wrote:

On May 24, 2012, Jay Lozier wrote:

This trip down memory lane makes one feeil old. Anyone remember
teletypes with punched tape?

Of course. My favourite paper tape story. At AEE, Winfrith, we did
serious computing on the IBM704 at Risley in Lancashire. We would type
the program onto paper tape and run it though a teletype to send it by
phone to Risley. At their end they would punch it out and to check that
it was ok they would send it back. At the Winfrith end we then had the
original tape and a copy and we would hold these up to the light to
check for errors. If there were none we'd phone Risley and say yes ok
go ahead.  This was a communication protocol, yes? Later we installed a
punched card system so we could put the program on cards and fly them
to Risley by plane.


I assume you never worked with the folded papertape used with the DEC 
PDP-8! coded in ASCII. Years before we used an  Electrologica X-1 with 
papertape coded in EBSDIC!You could edit the tapes with a manual punch 
and nontransparent sellotape. We thought punched cards were old-fashioned!.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] increase testing to improve quality

2012-02-27 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 27-02-12 10:37, e-letter wrote:


For those people that consider high quality software to be of highest
priority, more important than new features, please help to perform
quality assurance manual software tests.

There is a web page which describes manual testing: Clearly,
there are insufficient testers...

Please also subscribe to the quality assurance mailing list:

There are many bugs that seem to occur after so-called upgrade.
People who make the effort to report bugs: please consider how
important each bug is. If it is of major importance, the ability to
remove the bug must become part of the quality assurance manual test,
i.e. the software version is not passed as good quality until that bug
is removed.

Testing for the success in solving the bug needs to be approved by
using 'litmus' ( So, the behaviour
that caused the bug needs to be recorded and entered into litmus.

This should prevent regression bugs and improve software quality in
the long-term.

I support this wholeheartedly.
Before I retired I worked some time as consultant in the capacity as 
QA-officer and found it one of the most important tasks to prevent 
customer problems.Alongsides  QA of applications, QA of manuals,an often 
neglected aspect, is even important as is updating manuals with the 
update of applications.
If I had the time I would surely participate in it, however, in my 
innocence I have, after retirement, in a completely different field, got 
so much work that I have not sufficient time left to seriously 
participate in QA of applications I use (and which are essential for my 
work). Therefore, I can only support the plea for more QA on Open Source 
applications (and of course OS'es).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't find folder for templates

2012-02-16 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 17-02-12 04:06, John Jason Jordan wrote:

Over many years with OOo I created 20-30 templates. I can always open a
new document based on any of these templates. Today I needed to create
a new template in LibreOffice 3.4.5 on Fedora 16, x86_64. This is the
version from the Fedora repositories.

I successfully created the template and saved it, but it does not
appear when I try to create a new document based on it. I suspect it is
in the wrong folder, but I can't figure out where the correct folder
is, or why it wasn't saved automatically to the correct folder. I
specifically saved it as a template with the extension .ott.

If you're using linux try;
'locate .ott' without the quotes, For Windows I don't know (maybe find 
*.ott in an explorer windw?).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base - Phone book ?

2012-02-15 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 16-02-12 04:34, sharon kimble wrote:

On Wednesday 15 February 2012 07:19:50 Joep L. Blom wrote:

On 14-02-12 19:36, Andreas Säger wrote:

That is easy. Open the Base document which connects the TB address
database with this office suite.
Go to the query section.
Let the designer or wizard create a new query from the table in question.
Add only the columns you need.

View this message in context:
tml Sent from the Users mailing list archive at

I would like to do the same however, as I wrote on 29-12-2012 in LO
3.4.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 it is impossible to link with the TB address-book
although the choice is given (see the referenced mail). Or is this
feature finally implemented in 3.5.

Wow, time travel! Soon be 2013 for you then! Here in the UK its just


Slippery fingers!

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base - Phone book ?

2012-02-14 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 14-02-12 19:36, Andreas Säger wrote:

That is easy. Open the Base document which connects the TB address database
with this office suite.
Go to the query section.
Let the designer or wizard create a new query from the table in question.
Add only the columns you need.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at

I would like to do the same however, as I wrote on 29-12-2012 in LO 
3.4.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 it is impossible to link with the TB address-book 
although the choice is given (see the referenced mail). Or is this 
feature finally implemented in 3.5.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Opening thunderbird adressbook

2012-01-29 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 29-01-12 21:01, NoOp wrote:

On 01/29/2012 06:41 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:

Le 29/01/2012 01:24, Joep L. Blom a écrit :


OS Xubuntu 10.04; LO 3.4.5 directly installed from the LO website as
Ubuntu 10.04 still has 3.3.2.

Known issue with the 3.4.x series, especially on Ubuntu.

Hopefully somebody has succeeded in accessing the Thunderbird address
book or is this solved in 3.5?

Well it is supposed to be fixed in the future 3.5, at least in RC2 the
addressbook wizard works again, on all platforms as far as I can tell,
BUT, the mozab (mozilla address book support) doesn't seem to be able to
be built on Ubuntu at the moment, which means that unless the Ubuntu
people sort it out, the distrib versions still won't work with the TB

The wizard still doesn't work on
LibreOffice 3.5.0rc2
Build ID: e371a95-bf68a13-5a1aa2b-d3c1ae9-b938258
.deb from LO. It's nothing to do with the distrib - but this is running
on Ubuntu 10.10.

However, opening Base  selecting connect to existing database does show
(for me) 'SeaMonkey Address Book' and 'Thunderbird/IceDove Address Book'
- those do work - partially[1].
   However, Edit|Database|Properties is greyed out on SeaMonkey, I can
only select 'Connection type'. On Thunderbird I can select the profile.

[1] I ran a test by adding test addressbooks on Thundrbird and SeaMonkey
(both are Mozilla versions, not distro related) in additionto the
regular exising address books:

In SeaMonkey: TestingSeaMonkey w/1 address
In Thunderbird: ThunderbirdTest w/1 address

I then opened 3.5RC2  opened Base|Connect to existing
database|Thunderbird/IceDove Address Book|Finish|Yes Register|Open for
editing| Base opens the SeaMonkey address book (SeaMonkey version 2.7b5)
instead of the Thunderbird (version 9.0.1) address book. I can tell this
because it included the 'TestingSeaMonkey' address book in the tables.
If I repeat the above opening the SeaMonkey address book, Base opens the
correct address book (the SeaMonkey one which includes 'TestingSeaMonkey'.

So something is still screwed up. Profiles/address books for both are
exactly where they should be:
Thunderbird: ~/.thunderbird/profile/
SeaMonkey: ~/.mozilla/seamonkey/profile/

Alex and Gerry,
Thanks for clarifying the issue.
I will wait for the official 3.5 release and than try again. At the 
moment I'm too busy to delve further in this problem but I need it 
urgently in March as I have to do a mailing. If it's not solved, I will 
import the Address Book in a spreadsheet after exporting it as a .csv file.

Thanks again for the clarification and the testing (Gerry).

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[libreoffice-users] Opening thunderbird adressbook

2012-01-28 Thread Joep L. Blom

I tried to connect to my thunderbird address book.
When I try to use : File - Wizards - Address Data source and I tag the 
button Thunderbird I get:
The connection to the external database could not be established. NO 
SDBC driver found for the given URL.

And when I click on the button more I get under information:
A connection for the following URL was requested 
This is complete lunacy as I didn't ask for evolution and I don't know 
where it would get the URL from.
OK, I don't give up. I do: File - New - database and click on the 
button 'connect to an existing database. When I expand that button I 
can choose: Thunderbird Address Book. Well, that looks promising.
Alas, when I click on the button it brings me to a directory where I 
store documents and want to open an ODF Database.
Well, that's completely wrong as Thunderbird adressbooks has as 
extension .mab.

Well now I'm baffled.
My settings:
OS Xubuntu 10.04; LO 3.4.5 directly installed from the LO website as 
Ubuntu 10.04 still has 3.3.2.
Hopefully somebody has succeeded in accessing the Thunderbird address 
book or is this solved in 3.5?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] problem installing in xubuntu

2012-01-22 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 22-01-12 09:48, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:

On 22/01/12 02:04, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

 ...and next time you might want to use dpkg -iR /DEBS from the

immediately superior directory to the DEBS one. From direct experience
I know it installs LO correctly with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and my
personal preference, Lubuntu. ;-)

Peter HB

I never used the -iR
It is not listed that way in the Linux install documentation, or it did
not the last time I copied the instructions from LO's site.

info dpkg was my source. I always like to know how tools work before
following READMEs. ;-)

Peter HB

Well, everybody thanks for all the advice.
Tom, I only ventilated my mindlessness to question the list before thinking.
Gerry, as dpkg -iR is a correct option and if you would make it safer, 
you can uses --recursive but in my opinion dpkg -ir does nothing as it 
is an impossible combination (but I haven't tried!).
Peter, yes, man and/or info is always your friend (and too often 
forgotten).Many questions wouldn't be asked on this list if this was a 
golden rule in everybody's mind.


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[libreoffice-users] problem installing in xubuntu

2012-01-21 Thread Joep L. Blom
I got the version LO 3.4.5 from the official Lo site 
I installed it using sud dpkg -i *.DEB (after unpacking and going to the 
correct directory.

It installed correct in /opt/libreoffice.
However no links were placed in Applications/Office. The only method to 
run soffice or writer is to go into the /opt/libreoffice/program 
directory and start from there.
How do I get the Applications/Office tab populated? and why doesn't it 
work automatically.

OS: Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) with xfce windowmanager;
CPU: AMD-PhenomII (4-core 64-bit) 4GB mem.
I didn't install from the official Ubuntu repository as that is retarded 
((3.3.2). I assume that Ubuntu 11.10 has a more recent version but A: I 
don't like Unity and B: I always stick to LTS for a production machine.

Hope anybody can clarify.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] problem installing in xubuntu

2012-01-21 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 21-01-12 16:26, drew wrote:

On Sat, 2012-01-21 at 15:45 +0100, Joep L. Blom wrote:

Howdy Joep,

In the directory where you installed the *.DEB packages from you will
also find the directory 'desktop-integration', switch into this
directory and re-issue the same dpkg -i command - the menu shortcuts
will be all setup for you.

HTH and best wishes,



Drew,Peter  Tom,
Thanks for indicating my clumsiness. I of course had to think of it 
myself but I was lazy.
My only - lame - excuse is that I followed slavishly the instructions in 
the README file and switched off my brain (but it would be a good idea 
perhaps to put Peters suggestion (dpkg -iR) in that README file.

Thanks again it now works.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about Writer - pages and page count.

2012-01-18 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 18-01-12 00:51, Jay Lozier wrote:


On 01/17/2012 06:20 PM, Sylvia Schmidt wrote:

True two-sided printing requires a more expensive printer because the
paper feed is more complex. In the US the only two-sided printers I
have seen are larger office copier/printer combinations; most of the
desktop printers print one-sided.

Many people do not have a printer capable of true two-sided printing
because most home and office printers are designed for one-sided
printing. They print one sheet straight through and can not reverse feed
to print automatically on the reverse side. The paper feed is much
simpler, hence less expensive and should be more reliable.

OT: I use The Samsung ML2855ND laser printer - which costs here (The 
Netherlands) ~ 150 euro -  to print sheet music double sided, which I 
think is not expensive.


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[OT]Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: automatic creation of template files

2011-10-10 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 10/10/2011 07:16 PM, Andreas Säger wrote:

Am 10.10.2011 18:06, e-letter wrote:


Have recently noticed that each time the computer is started, files
'' and '' are created in the home
directory. So far, this is only noticed on a computer using
opensuse114 with the LO331 installed via the opensuse repository, so
presumably this is a feature specific to this distribution.

Please, anyone know how to disable this behaviour, i.e. that no files
are created?


Download the rpm package LO 3.3.4 or 3.4.3 from 
and install the real thing.
SUSE, Debian and the other distributors have a bad tradition messing 
up LibreOffice and for no good reason.

Off topic but I get consequently 2 copies of your messages. Is there a 
problem with your mail client?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] [LibraOffice-Users] - DONT use Reply to for a new thread

2011-07-04 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 04/07/11 01:23, John B wrote:

Ok - I use Thunderbird and found out how to switch threads ON, since I
have never used them before.

Thunderbird now displays in a tree like fashion

I thought - that looks good - I will leave that on

Then a few new emails came in - and I had to scan to find out where they
were posted, because they attach to the bottom of an email tread (maybe
even from weeks ago). and not at the very top.

Ahh - That is no good for me I need to see them in date order so OFF its
gone again.

Now, whilst I can see the advantage viewing by thread posting if
that's the right term, I doubt that I will ever use it myself.


John B

In Thunderbird, sort your threaded messages by date. Then you have the 
thread with the most recent additions fist (I sort with most recent up) 
and the you have exactly what you want.
If your thread is collapsed you see the addition to the thread as the 
starting mail of the thread is underlined.

I use that for over 3 years and never wanted it otherwise.
The best way is first to collapse all threads and then sort them on 
date, most recent first.


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[libreoffice-users] master document: removing links in Headings

2011-06-14 Thread Joep L. Blom

I have a small problem in a master document.
I have written (in various stages of completion) 8 chapters of a book 
and use a master document to keep it  orderly.
Now for some reason or other chapter 1 and chapter 3 are miraculously 
double displayed in the master document regular view in navigator under 
Headings. In master view I can see the normal 8 documents (i.e. the 
separate files with the texts of the chapters).
How can I get rid if the superfluous displays as they are displayed in 
the master document. To make it clear: I see chapter 8 (correct) and 
after the end of this chapter I see chapter 1 again (incorrect) and 
chapter 3 (incorrect).

I cannot delete these texts from the master document as they are read-only.
I hope there is a solution.
OS: Ubuntu Lucid

P.S I sent this mail last week but with an incorrect header. Maybe 
somebody can help me out. Of course I can remove the hyperlinks to the 
documents but I don't think that's the solution.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] removing hyperlinks

2011-06-13 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 13/06/11 11:18, Stephan Zietsman wrote:

Joep L. Blom wrote:

I have a small problem in a master document.
I have written (in various stages of completion) 8 chapters of a book and
use a master document to keep it  orderly.
I cannot delete these texts from the master document as they are read-only.

Just a quick question:  what file formats are you using?  Odt, doc, docx etc?


Thanks for the reply. The chapters are all .odt files. I use LO 3.3.2 in 
Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] removing hyperlinks

2011-06-12 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 12/06/11 04:17, planas wrote:

On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 23:19 +0200, Joep L. Blom wrote:

I have a small problem in a master document.

Sorry for you problem reaching us, on Thursday or Friday all the email
addresses were changed to following from (the link is dead). I believe the
host was changed.

On to the question of removing hyperlinks, you can remove them either
deleting them or right clicking on the hyperlink and selecting delete
link. The second method leaves the text and might need to reformat it.

Thanks for your reply.
I think I haven't been clear. Using the Navigator in a master-document, 
there are 2 modes.
A. The master mode where I can remove and insert links (clicking right 
on a link gives the choice to delete).
B. The text mode - the normal mode of the navigator in standard files - 
where I under Headings find the names of the chapters as displayed in 
the master-document.
The error is, however, that it also displays 2 extra instances of 2 
chapters (1 and 3) which I want to remove ( as well from the 
master-document as from the navigator) as they are erroneously entered 
there. When I click right on the erroneous heading I can only choose:
1 outline level, 2 drag mode, 3 display (all three with submenus) but 
not a choice like delete or remove and I don't want them displayed in 
the master-document. Is it a solution to remove - in master mode - the 
hyperlink of the 2 chapters and later reload them?


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[libreoffice-users] removing hyperlinks

2011-06-11 Thread Joep L. Blom

I have a small problem in a master document.
I have written (in various stages of completion) 8 chapters of a book 
and use a master document to keep it  orderly.
Now for some reason or other chapter 1 and chapter 3 are miraculously 
double displayed in the master document regular view in navigator under 
Headings. In master view I can see the normal 8 documents (i.e. the 
separate files with the texts of the chapters).
How can I get rid if the superfluous displays as they are displayed in 
the master document. To make it clear: I see chapter 8 (correct) and 
after the end of this chapter I see chapter 1 again (incorrect) and 
chapter 3 (incorrect).

I cannot delete these texts from the master document as they are read-only.
I hope there is a solution.
OS: Ubuntu Lucid

P.S I sent this to but it never reached the list

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Re: [libreoffice-users] OTRe: Sun Weblog Publisher broken

2011-05-30 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 30/05/11 15:58, Roland Hughes wrote:


Professional IT workers never remove any portion of the post because
when you go through a SOX audit, and then through court, you get in a
whole lot of trouble for doing it.

Now, people who once got paid for writing a program or use Microsoft
products may well have different opinions  since their not the ones
working on multi-million dollar projects for Fortunate 500 companies.

There is a long drawn out history of people deleting what they didn't
read then denying things were said.

Bottom posting wastes vast quantities of developers time scrolling to
the end.  Full quoting is a policy mandated by most major corporations
and IT organizations because it allows management (and the legal team)
to jump into the conversation at any point.

I wouldn't even be on this list had the Web site been designed by
software professionals instead of whoever was used.

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 12:05 +0200, Joep L. Blom wrote:

On 30/05/11 08:45, Roland Hughes wrote:

Neither bottom nor interleaved posting methods are used by professional
IT workers.  Microsoft developers yes, but not professionals.

Sigh! Roland your remark is utter nonsens. Many lists courteously
request to bottom post but also request clipping. Professional IT
workers remove unnecessary wording from replies and adhere to
courteously requested rules.

Permit me to disagree. If you need E-mails for court representation it 
is best to furnish the original E-mails not the parts of text in answers 
to E-mails. You answer the relevant portions of an E-mail as the 
originator has the original text. I don't think a court will accept the 
umptieth repeat of an original E-mail. But I live in the Netherlands and 
I have no idea how convoluted American lawyers and justices actually 
reason. Well, that goes for Dutch members of that kind also. It is a 
breed that I, as a simple scientist, not understand so therefore your 
reasoning might be right.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read

2011-05-05 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 05/05/11 11:57, TomW wrote:

On 2011-05-05 03:08, Dotan Cohen wrote:

I was able to open and display the file only on No
Linux-based software (LO, OOo, Abiword, Kword) could handle it. Here
is the OOo bug, as the LO bugtracker is not working at the moment:


Using LibreOffice 3.3.1 OOO330m19 (Build:8) tag libreoffice- on
Vista Home premium.

If I try to open file from Libo, I get the blank docx as described.

If I open the file by double clicking from windows explorer, the file
will open as a read-only document with a name: Wd004.doc in my temp

This scenario seems familiar from the OOo lists.


I'm impressed by all the comment on a not very important file. I don't 
know if the originators (my acquaintances) did what some thought namely 
putting all information within a text-box but I doubt it as they are not 
very computer literate.

Dotan, its interesting that you could read it with
I tried the site but I have to do something very scary: to get a windows 
id and give my credentials to MS$! That is too much for me. If a 
commercial robber gives you something for free than you're sure you'll 
get screwed. I admire your courage but as a private person I will stay 
on the safe side. The only MS$ products I use(d) are those that were 
sold together with afew laptops as it was practically impossible to buy 
one without the MS$ OS. To be honest I use it in a virtual environment 
as I have 2 professional programs that only will run in that environment.
Tom and Gordon, from your comment I get the impression that it is a bug 
in LO as LO will not display images and text placed in a text box I will 
look into it as I agree with others that it is not important how weird 
people construct their documents. If some construction is not allowed, 
the user should be warned.

A remain very interested in the discussion.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read

2011-05-04 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 04/05/11 12:51, Dotan Cohen wrote:

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 15:24, Joep L.  wrote:

Thanks for your quick reply.
Sorry, that I didn't mention my soft- and hardware.
AMD Phenom II Ubuntu Lucif (10.4) LO  libreoffice-
The file is not very confidential: an invitation for a party.
I will mail it to your personal E-mail address with the attachment in a

Please send te document to me as well. I will file bugs on the
applicable portions of the document.

I would also appreciate if you comment on this very relevant Ubuntu
bug regarding LO/MSO compatibility:


Thanks. I don't think it helps to add a me too to the claim of ubuntu 
which is not correct. I don't think it is a fault of ubuntu but of MS$ 
who tries to monopolize the office field.
I can send you the file to your private mail-address but see the mail of 
Tom Davies who suspect -as I do also - it is a MS$ trick which of course 
is extremely stupid as older MSO versions cannot read the file as well.


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[libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read

2011-05-02 Thread Joep L. Blom

I recently received a .docx file as an attachment.
However, what I tried, LO wouldn't read it. It opened it but gave a 
blank page.
The people who sent the file are complete computer illiterate who follow 
MS$ like slaves. I assume it is the latest Word or whatever MS$ uses as 
text application. It can well be that the file is composed of pictures. 
When I open the file with Hexedit I see content and the first 2 bytes 
are hex 50 4B (PK) and byte 31 till 49 contains [Content_Types] xml, 
the byte beween ] and x is hex 2E.

Can anybody explain why LO can't read this file?
Help is much appreciated.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read

2011-05-02 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 02/05/11 12:51, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
DocX normally opens easily in LO and OOo (3.3.0 and after).  Which OS; Windows,
Ubuntu, other linux, Bsd or Mac?
Regards from
Tom :)

Thanks for your quick reply.
Sorry, that I didn't mention my soft- and hardware.
AMD Phenom II Ubuntu Lucif (10.4) LO  libreoffice-
The file is not very confidential: an invitation for a party.
I will mail it to your personal E-mail address with the attachment in a 


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Re: [libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read

2011-05-02 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 02/05/11 15:44, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Lol, our systems are identical!  So much for trying it on something different
just to see if that worked!

I got a docX poster to put up on a website and asked the person to please
re-send as a doc so that other people could read it.  Their reply asked how to
do Save As ...!!  I even ended up sending screen-shots from a Windows machine
using MSO 2010.  A month or so later they sent another poster for the website,
as DocX of course.  I just quietly edited it, made a pdf and then a gif and put
it up on the website for them.

Regards from
Tom :)

Thanks Tom for the tip to open it with the archive manager and I could 
indeed see and read the image-files. I cannot read the .xml files as 
firefox and chrome display it as an .xml file without substitution and 
LO does actually the same. Do you know which application reads these 
.xml files with substitution?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read

2011-05-02 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 02/05/11 15:44, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Lol, our systems are identical!  So much for trying it on something different
just to see if that worked!

I got a docX poster to put up on a website and asked the person to please
re-send as a doc so that other people could read it.  Their reply asked how to
do Save As ...!!  I even ended up sending screen-shots from a Windows machine
using MSO 2010.  A month or so later they sent another poster for the website,
as DocX of course.  I just quietly edited it, made a pdf and then a gif and put
it up on the website for them.

Regards from
Tom :)

Sorry, forgot that our systems are identical definitively shows we have 
some knowledge of IT and economy!!
I supplemented it 5 days ago with a 24-inch 1920x1080 monitor, that is a 
difference in real estate when you have worked for years with a 17 
1440x900 monitor. I had a good excuse: I needed new glasses!!


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: import of postscript files

2011-04-10 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 10/04/11 10:00, dphurst wrote:

You can use GIMP to directly import the postscript file and then export to
any image format you want.  GIMP, of course, would let you edit the image if
you want.  I use to use ghostscript as you've described to convert
postscript to TIFF for publication quality images.  However, since I would
crop using GIMP eventually, I played with and found that the import of
postscript is actually very good.  Just set the resolution in the initial
dialog after opening up the postscript file.  Also, select to anti-alias at
high quality the text and graphics.
Best wishes,

Thanks for the interesting suggestion. However, I am a musician and 
graphics simply doesn't like me. I have often tackled the Gimp and 
always ended by tearing on the few hairs I've left as the logic of the 
program escapes me completely. I would love to grasp it so I can enhance 
pictures etc. but it's simply not given.
For my application the route via gs suites me fine. it gives a good 
resolution for printing and it is reasonably fast. I think I will make a 
simple script in LO to import .ps directly.

But thanks again for the suggestion.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: import of postscript files

2011-04-08 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 08/04/11 05:28, NoOp wrote:

You may have already explored this, but can you use oolilypond?

No, I didn't. I looked at it but the big snag is that you must translate 
first to Lilypond format.The music I write is much too cumbersome for 
writing directly in Lilypond format (I write arrangements for 2 piano's 
and big bands) and in my book  there will be many examples.
However, I can try the route: Finale (Windows) - .mxml - Musescore 
(Linux notation program that reads .mxml and can give Lilypond output) 
- Lilypond output - oolilypond in libreoffice.
I need to use Finale as the Linux programs don't have the opportunities 
I need to write efficiently.
However, it's - as usual - a very good suggestion and I sure will 
explore it. Maybe someone will make a oomxml plugin!


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: import of postscript files

2011-04-08 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 08/04/11 10:40, Joep L. Blom wrote:

On 08/04/11 05:28, NoOp wrote:

You may have already explored this, but can you use oolilypond?

No, I didn't. I looked at it but the big snag is that you must translate
first to Lilypond format.The music I write is much too cumbersome for
writing directly in Lilypond format (I write arrangements for 2 piano's
and big bands) and in my book there will be many examples.
However, I can try the route: Finale (Windows) - .mxml - Musescore
(Linux notation program that reads .mxml and can give Lilypond output)
- Lilypond output - oolilypond in libreoffice.
I need to use Finale as the Linux programs don't have the opportunities
I need to write efficiently.
However, it's - as usual - a very good suggestion and I sure will
explore it. Maybe someone will make a oomxml plugin!

I momentarily gave up on direct import but instead explored how to 
import as a picture. I found 2 routes to convert .ps to .jpg.

The most simple is to use convert:
convert sample.jpg.
 This gives rather small files but the resolution is not really optimal 
despite the use of several options to enhance the quality.
Another route is via gs. There a better control of the resolution can be 
achieved using:
gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=testpage-a4.jpg
 Here r300 is the resolution (I have found that r 150 is also 
acceptable and the file is 75 % smaller), dBATCH makes that gs finishes 
automatically and dNOPAUSE makes it process all pages without prompt.
It is not exactly what I wanted but this is very usable. I publish it 
here so that it may be of some help to others.


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[libreoffice-users] import of postscript files

2011-04-07 Thread Joep L. Blom

I'm rather new to this list (worked before with OO) and would like to 
know if in LO there is a better way to import postscript files than the 
route via ps2pdf and then import it using the pdf-import plugin.
I need it very much as I have music (in scores) which the notation 
program can export as .ps (well, it is simply actually writing to a file 
in .ps format). I want to import it in a frame in LO so I can shape it 
Ideal would be of course if LO could import musicxml (mxml) directly, a 
sort of lingua franca in music notation but there are more urgent 
matters that must be solved first.

Hope anybody has a suggestion.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: [libreoffice-users] import of postscript files

2011-04-07 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 07/04/11 12:05, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 7/04/11 8:54 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

I'm rather new to this list (worked before with OO) and would like to
know if in LO there is a better way to import postscript files than
the route via ps2pdf and then import it using the pdf-import plugin.
I need it very much as I have music (in scores) which the notation
program can export as .ps (well, it is simply actually writing to a
file in .ps format). I want to import it in a frame in LO so I can
shape it Ideal would be of course if LO could import musicxml (mxml)
directly, a sort of lingua franca in music notation but there are more
urgent matters that must be solved first.
Hope anybody has a suggestion.
Thanks in advance,

Hi. I convert the postscript files to eps files with Karbon14 and then
import the epsfiles.

Thanks for your reply. However, how do you import eps-files? I haven't 
found a filter for .eps files. Is there e plugin to do that?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [libreoffice-users] import of postscript files

2011-04-07 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 07/04/11 12:28, Joep L. Blom wrote:

On 07/04/11 12:05, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 7/04/11 8:54 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

I'm rather new to this list (worked before with OO) and would like to
know if in LO there is a better way to import postscript files than
the route via ps2pdf and then import it using the pdf-import plugin.
I need it very much as I have music (in scores) which the notation
program can export as .ps (well, it is simply actually writing to a
file in .ps format). I want to import it in a frame in LO so I can
shape it Ideal would be of course if LO could import musicxml (mxml)
directly, a sort of lingua franca in music notation but there are more
urgent matters that must be solved first.
Hope anybody has a suggestion.
Thanks in advance,

Hi. I convert the postscript files to eps files with Karbon14 and then
import the epsfiles.

Thanks for your reply. However, how do you import eps-files? I haven't
found a filter for .eps files. Is there e plugin to do that?
Thanks in advance

Followup: I could read a .eps file but when I made a .epsi file, ot 
couldn't be read (I did that with ps2epsi).

But I am looking further.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] import of postscript files

2011-04-07 Thread Joep L. Blom

On 07/04/11 20:05, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 7/04/11 10:36 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:

Hi Joep. One application I use to create my eps files saves them as
epsi. I just rename them to eps and they import ok. I have done this a
lot to import drawings from our CAD system and don't know if the epsi
from the program I use to adjust the line thicknesses and add text are
actually eps but it works for those drawings. Sometimes I use both
Karbon14 and Inkscape. One edits attributes easier and one saves a
better preview.

Thanks for your reply.
I did that and LO read the file and produced output that was vaguely 
recognizable for what is was meant to be. To clarify:
Originally the text is a music score that is produces as output of a 
music notation program as a .ps file (which normally is sent to a 
postscript printer). Normally I translate it to .pdf with ps2pdf to sent 
to others.
However, when I import the .eps file the resolution is far too low and 
when I import the .pdf file it uses apparently an own font and not the 
font of the .pdf file and of course that is also not usable.

I have still no reliable way to import music scores in LO.

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