[libreoffice-users] Exclusive NeoOffice Features

2024-07-04 Thread toki


In as much as NeoOffice is currently _not_ under active development, and 
the licence has been changed to be compatible  with LibreOffice's 
licence,have the features that were exclusive to NeoOffice been included 
within LibreOffice?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Table Of Contents

2024-05-09 Thread toki

On 2024-05-09 17:34, Chris J. wrote:

When I put the cursor wherever I want the ToC in the Master document and insert it there, 
the only thing I get is the text "Table Of Contents".

Try: >Tools >Update >All

Also note that if the Table of Contents is in a document  that becomes a 
section in the master document, the read only status of the document 
might prevent the Table of Contents from updating, when doing ">Tools 
>Update >All". (I say _might_, because I have had very inconsistent 
results with updating Table of Contents when a part of document.)

When I use a master document, I ensure that the Table of Contents is 
part of the master document text, and not in a document that is a 
section of the master document.


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[libreoffice-users] LibO Spell Check not recognising plurals

2023-02-18 Thread toki


My LibO data

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: bd819218336a5be54a11b986ea4dd2db2efb120e
CPU threads: 4; OS: Linux 5.10; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: en-ZA (en_GB.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded

I am using a pre-release version of LibO.
I have it setup for an English (ZA) UI, and write documents for English 

LibO consistently flags plurals as spelling errors.
https://imgur.com/n94sB8T.png is one example.
All of the underlined words are correctly spelled.

Does this happen to anybody else?
Or is this a result something I'm doing when configuring LibO.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Islamic Calendar Dates

2022-12-11 Thread Toki

On 11/12/22 04:53, John Kaufmann wrote:

When I found the questions interesting, I did not imagine how 
interesting: that the last day of each month is also the first day of 
the following month -- not just for Shaʿbān to Ramadan, but for all 
monthly transitions. The implications are fascinating.

There is a reason why serious developers point blank refuse to write 
their own calendar library.

That said, your use of "12th hour" suggests that "sunset" and "sunrise" 
are (like Gregorian "midnight") formal based on a 24-hour day, not 
literal - correct?

It depends.
* Sometimes one uses a standard clock, that breaks a day into 24 hours 
of 60 minutes each;
* Sometimes one uses a time piece that breaks the time between sunset 
and sunrise into 12 hours, and between sunrise and sunset into 12 hours, 
with the length of the hours during daylight being different from those 
during the night. By way of example, where I am, the hours at night are 
roughly 80 minutes long, whilst the hours during the day are roughly 40 
minutes long. Twelfth hour being at roughly 6 AM, with sunrise at 
roughly 7:45 AM, then the next 12th hour is at roughly roughly 3:30 PM, 
with sunset at roughly 4:15 PM.
* Sometimes one uses a time piece that breaks the day into 12 hours, and 
the night into either 3 or 4 watches.


I'm going to assume that LibO starts both the day, and the month at 
sunset. For when the exact day is critical, I'll run a script that 
calculates when the new moon was first _theoretically_ sighted in Mecca, 
Medina, and Jerusalem.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Islamic Calendar Dates

2022-12-08 Thread Toki

When LibreOffice converts Gregorian to/from Islamic Calendar dates,
when does it assume that the new Islamic day begins:
* Sunset;
* Midnight;
* Sunrise;

When LibreOffice converts Gregorian to/from Islamic Calendar dates,
when does it assume that the first of the Islamic month begins:
* Sunset;
* Midnight;
* Sunrise;

I'm completely ignorant in this area but find the questions
interesting. However, doesn't the second (on first principles) follow
from the first?

In Islam:
* The new day begins at sunset.
* The new month begins at sunrise, after the new moon has been sighted.

Judaism, is slightly more logical. Both the new day and new month begin 
at sunset.

The new month begins on the sunset of the day that the new moon was sighted.

By way of example.
Sunset is at 5:00 PM  on Thursday.
The New moon is sighted at 5:10 PM on Thursday.
In Islam, the first of the month starts at sunrise on Friday.
In Judaism, the first of the month starts at sunset on Friday.
(If you want to be technical, replace _Judaism_ with _Karaite Judaism_.)

When going through journals of pious Muslims, you will occasionally see 
dates like 30 Shaʿbān 12th hour immediately followed by 1 Ramaḍān 13th 
hour.The first through twelfth hour doesn't exist for 1 Ramadan.
This is why knowing what assumptions are made about the converted date 
are important.

I'm completely ignorant too. A quick search leads to the further question: 
which islamic calendar?

As best as I can determine, LibO uses a theoretical calendar.


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[libreoffice-users] Islamic Calendar Dates

2022-12-07 Thread Toki


When LibreOffice converts Gregorian to/from Islamic Calendar dates, when 
does it assume that the new Islamic day begins:

* Sunset;
* Midnight;
* Sunrise;

When LibreOffice converts Gregorian to/from Islamic Calendar dates, when 
does it assume that the first of the Islamic month begins:

* Sunset;
* Midnight;
* Sunrise;


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Security at Libre Office

2022-02-24 Thread toki

On 17/02/2022 23:00, Anna Aeloiza wrote:

I am looking to replace our Access Database.

LibreOffice does include a database component. However, your 
organisation will have to retain the services of an individual, or 
organisation to either migrate your existing databases to a database 
engine that plays nicely with LibreOffice, or write custom scripts that 
ensure that MicroSoft Access plays nicely with LibreOffice.

How is your security at LibreOffice?

What is the threat model?
What is the use case for your organisation?

As far as security goes, pointing to the organisations that use 
Libreoffice does not mean anything, because good computer hygiene is the 
overarching behaviour. That said, it is telling that intelligence 
service of countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia have decried the use of 
Microsoft Office, and strongly urged the people and organisations within 
their country to use Linux and LibreOffice.

Do you have two-factor authentication?

That sounds your organisation is looking for a cloud based solution.  As 
such, contact Adfinis (adfinis.com), Collabora (CollaboraOffice.com), or 
another commercial support vendor of LibreOffice, for assistance in both 
migration from your existing office setup, to LibreOffice, and ongoing 

I am sorry i dont know the terminology but our IT department would want to know 
the security of your software. Thank you.

What threat models is the IT most concerned about?

CVE 2021-25635 was reported 19 January 2021, with the fix being included 
in the release on 12 February 2021. Call that three weeks to fix 
what is arguably the most severe security related bug in the last three 
or four years.
To put that into perspective, _Project Zero_ reported (Feb 2022) that 
Linux developers take 25 days to fix a security issue, Apple takes 69 
days to fix a security issue, Google takes 44 days, and Mozilla takes 46 
days to fix security issues.

Despite the severity of that bug, were the people in your organisation 
to practice good computer hygiene, they would not have been affected by 
it, even if they were specifically targeted. This is the key to 
security. How well do the people in your organisation practice good 
computer hygiene?

Which security protocols and standards does your IT department need 
adherence to?

There is an alphabet soup of protocols, standards, proposals, and 
working agreements, some of which your standard LibreOffice install 
adheres to, some of which require installing an extension or two, and 
some of which require extensive customization.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] My Question About Security

2022-01-27 Thread toki

On 27/01/2022 11:59, Gabriele Ponzo wrote:

Your file is safe as long as it stays on your computer, but if you use some
Cloud storage such as OneDrive, DropBox or any other, we cannot grant it's
And anyway, LibreOffice (usually) does not encrypt files. But yes, it does
not send them anywhere either, unless you ask it to do that.

I'm being picky here, but templates can be created, and extensions can 
be written, to send documents somewhere without the knowledge, consent, 
or authorization of the document creator.

AFAIK, none of the currently available extensions _or_ templates 
available on the LibO website have that security flaw.

If one wants to dig deep into LibO configuration files, you can adjust 
settings so that even if a malicious extension, or template is used, it 
won't send anything to the outside world.
(Considering the current political climate, it probably would be a good 
idea to document that procedure, and put it on the LibO Documentation page.)

tldr: Don't install any extensions, create your own templates, and 
you'll be secure.


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[libreoffice-users] Draw: Rotate image by seconds of a degree

2021-03-28 Thread toki


In Draw, how does one rotate images by seconds of a degree?
None of the documentation I have, explains how to do so.
None of the menu items even hint at that possibility.
One of my acquaintances claims that LibO Draw does have that functionality.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Odd line spacing

2021-02-05 Thread toki

On 02/02/2021 04:10, John wrote:

that the italics does appear as an option on the font selection list.

What are the parameters for Italics at ">Styles >Character Styles >Italics?

Adjust that to Garamond Pro Italics, and see what happens.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Suggestion: 3D spreadsheets

2020-12-24 Thread toki

On 22/12/2020 19:23, James wrote:

On 2020-11-24 9:45 a.m., PaddleS wrote:
Something new an that would be really great is to add implementation 
for and potentially more) dimensional spreadsheets.

What it would look like :
Basically the same as a 2D spreadsheet. But by holding Alt+scrolling with
the mouse, you could change the third dimension, showing the 2D spreadsheet of 
that third index...

Give an example of what it could be used for.

x-axis is time;
y-axis is factory;
z-axis is specific-product;
w-axis is cost-to-manufacture/wholesale price/distributor price/MSRP;

I've seen, and used spreadsheets with 4+ dimensions. By every measurable 
metric, they were were a disaster to work with. Much simpler and easier 
to use an appropriate designed database, with SQL to extract the 
appropriate data, and R to analyze that data.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Suggestion: 3D spreadsheets

2020-11-26 Thread toki

On 2020/11/24 14:45, PaddleS wrote:

Something new an that would be really great is to add implementation for 3 (and 
potentially more) dimensional spreadsheets.

A long time ago I used a 5-D spreadsheet My experience was that
incredibly badly designed spreadsheets were the norm. Errors were
standard, and debugging was literally impossible.

Memory hungry, and very slow calculations were the most common complaints.

I did not encounter a use case for which a spreadsheet was more suitable
than a database. More pointedly, every use-case presented as a rational
for n-D spreadsheets, was for more appropriate for SQLite or MongoDB
database engine and R programming language.

All that said, if you are learning how to write software, a useful
exercise is to create an n-dimensional spreadsheet, using SQLite as the
database engine.


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[libreoffice-users] OTM documents

2020-08-18 Thread toki

How does one construct an .OTM document?

I found the justification for including it in ODF 1.2, and who pushed
for its inclusion in LibO 4.4, and who wrote the LibO code. But narry a
word anywhere on how to create the document.

Reading source code is all very well, but it doesn't contain any hints
about how to create it.  It did provide pointers in how to disable
importing it.

Reading the original proposal --- not the one from RedHat --- one senses
that there was a very low expectation that any otm documents would be

In as much as the item at
does not utilize the otm file format, it can not be legitimately
described as a master document template.


At this stage, I'd settle for a sample.otm.


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Re: SOLVED [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Stopped Running on Debian

2020-06-18 Thread toki
On 2020/06/18 19:40, Chris Dunn wrote:
> jonathon,
> Thanks for this long and useful post for which I'm very grateful, but
> also embarrassed, since I've managed to make some progress in a
> different direction which may bypass your advice. It will be kept for
> reference.

Anything that fixes the issue, without blowing away your existing setup,
is a much better solution than my proposal.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Stopped Running on Debian

2020-06-18 Thread toki
On 2020/06/18 16:18, Chris Dunn wrote:
> I'm posting this here because I don't believe it is a bug, but something
> weird that has happened to LibreOffice on my system.
> I'm desperate to get LO running again and would appreciate any suggestions.

Back up everything in your Document directory.

If you have added an extensive collection of clip-art, colour palettes,
templates, wordbooks, NGrams, etc. back up your user directory, and the
appropriate parts of /opt/libreoffice/share
(Palette, Gallery, classification, images, template are the most likely
suspects from opt/libreoffice/share.)
(Database, gallery are the most likely suspects from /libreoffice/4/user/.)

Delete the LibreOffice directory ( Probably opt/libreoffice )
Delete ~/.config/libreoffice

From the commandline run:
sudo apt-get remove LibreOffice
sudo apt-get purge LibreOffice
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get check
sudo apt-get autoremove

What these commands do

* sudo apt-get remove LibreOffice
This removes the binary files associated with LibreOffice

* sudo apt-get purge LibreOffice
This removed the package files and the configuration files associated
with LibreOffice

* sudo apt-get clean
This clears out the local repository of retrieved package files

* sudo apt-get autoclean
This removes retrieved packages files from the local repository, if they
can no longer be downloaded.

* sudo apt-get check
This updates the package cache, looking for broken dependencies

* sudo apt-get autoremove
This automatically removes packages that were installed, because other
packages depended upon them, but they are no longer needed.

Basically, what you are doing with this sequence of commands, is
clearing out your local repository of anything related to LibreOffice,
and then removing any trace of LibreOffice from your system.

Now, once you are sure that LibreOffice is nowhere on your system.

Download the LibreOffice binaries from
Adjust the language, if you do not use US English.
Adjust the binaries, if you are on a 32 bit Debian system.
If you don't want offline help, you can skip the second download.

unzip the archives
I usually move the DEB for help and the language into the folder for the
US-English version.
Change into the folder created by the zip file
cd DEB
sudo pckg -i *

cd DEB moves you into the DEB sub-folder

sudo pckg -i *
This is installs LibreOffice on your system.

You'll have to reconfigure LibreOffice
">Tools >Options" etc.  This is where you customize some of the
internals. Language, grammar checking, chart colours, etc.
">Tools >Customize" etc. This is where you customize the menu and
keystroke settings.
">Tools >Extension Manager".  This is where to install the extensions.
You will need to reinstall your extensions.


Note: I make a lot of changes to LibreOffice defaults, and add a number
of extensions.  Consequently, your system might have the files in
different place, and might not have everything I listed as likely
I'm also assuming that if you use NGrams, TMX, word2vec, and similar
obscure word-checking tools, you've got those files archived elsewhere.
If you haven't backed them up, you really need to do so.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Compatibility with markdown

2020-06-16 Thread toki
On 2020/06/16 00:31, H wrote:
> Were you thinking of https://github.com/abcBHM/MD2odt or perhaps of 
> https://github.com/DjebbZ/markdown-to-odt? The latter seems to be one-way 
> only though. Neither project has been updated for a while and it seems as if 
> they can both be forked?

Neither of them look right.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Compatibility with markdown

2020-06-15 Thread toki . kantoor
On 2020/06/14 18:18, H wrote:
> I have been running LibreOffice under CentOS 7 for several years and am a 
> satisfied user. I would, however, very much like to have the ability to both 
> import and export documents in the markdown-format, preferable the CommonMark 
> flavor which also handles tables.
> Are there any such plans?
Somewhere on GitHub is a project that converts MarkDown to/from ODT. I
did ask the developer if they would be willing to modify it, so that it
could be used as a LibO extension. They declined, on the grounds that
that feature would be outside the scope of their project.

There used to be an extension that validated Markdown, when creating
documents using that presentation markup language. It did _not_ convert
MarkDown to/from ODT.  I say used to be, because it calls something
within LibO that appears to no longer exists.


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[libreoffice-users] Libo Extensions & Templates

2020-05-29 Thread toki

a) Is there a way to sort search results:
* Chronologically;
* Alphabetically;

Currently, the results appear to be randomly ordered.

b) Where do you login, to upload updated templates & extensions?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Built in metric/imperial conversion

2020-02-21 Thread toki . kantoor
On 20/02/20 10:48 am, Dave Barton wrote:

> Could it be that you are using a distro modified edition? Here:
> http://www.mediafire.com/view/tekkldnra3qf2uu/Lang_Dlg.png/file
> is what I see with the TDF provided 6.4.03 binaries for Linux and Win10.

I am/was using TDF provided binaries.

However, a distro-damaged version of LibO was also installed, as a
dependency of something --- probably okular. This distro-damaged version
managed, somehow, to affect parts of LibO configuration.

By removing everything related to Libreoffice, and deleting every folder
that had libre in its name, I managed to purge the distro-damaged
version from my system.


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[libreoffice-users] Built in metric/imperial conversion

2020-02-19 Thread toki . kantoor

What happened to the built in metric/imperial unit function. This was
usable in write.

Configuration used to be at
>Tools >Options >Language Settings >[I've forgotten what this was called]


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Spell checking etc does not work

2018-08-27 Thread toki
On 2018-08-24 5:02 p.m., Ken Heard wrote:
> .  The two options are English (UK) or English (USA).  Preceding
> each option is a blue check mark with in a small font the letters ABC.
> When I click on one or other of these options nothing happens; the

What language does LibreOffice think your document is written in?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] broken file associations after installing the new version.

2018-07-19 Thread toki
On 19/07/18 04:34 PM, Tim-L wrote:

> I wish LO would soon put out a read/write version for Android, and not just a 
> viewer, 

There is an experimental mode, that theoretically allows for editing of
documents. It wouldn't open, much less edit any of the documents I
tested. :(
(One of the documents I tested, was teh list of extensions for LibO.)

>I had to use AndrOffice [?]


The only way I could use that program, was to:
* Turn off Internet Access;
* Turn off BlueTooth Access;
* Turn off Cell Data Transfer;
* Turn off the phone;
* Turn on "Airplane Mode;
* Go to ">Settings >App >AndOffice", and clear both settings and cache;
* Reboot the tablet;
* Start AndrOffice;
* Use another device, if I had to access the net, whilst using AndrOffice;

That said, AndrOffice does have much more functional navigation controls
than either EuroOffice or LibreOffice.

> Now I make sure I bring my tablet with me - filled with books, movies, music, 
> and
> everything I may need to create documents with it.

I use Markor for creating/editing text documents.

I'm looking for a basic spreadsheet program, that has good navigation
functionality, and respects my privacy. Even something as basic as the
one on my PC 2000 phone would be fine. (I've forgotten what it was
called, but my only objection to it, was that the file format it used
was not readable by any other software, on any other platform out there.)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] About pseudo objects with Basic code ...

2018-07-09 Thread toki
On 09/07/18 05:19 AM, gordon cooper wrote:
> GoTo. One of the curses of Basic, the GoTo.

There is a Python implementation that includes GoTo!

> One of our Pascal lecturers was very  anti-Basic and forbade us to use it,  
> or to even talk about it

My Pascal instructor was of the mind that the only two control
structures needed were:
* GoTo;
* Repeat Until;

That makes for some very messy code.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] About pseudo objects with Basic code ...

2018-07-08 Thread toki
On 08/07/18 09:04 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

> I remember learning one form of basic in the 80s and that was pretty easy

There is a book from the early/mid eighties, that is simply lists the
vocabulary of the various dialects of BASIC in use then. IIRC, it was
called _The BASIC Book_. It was written specifically for programmers to
port software between the various systems that were available.

Back then, all variants of basic used line numbers, and allowed GoTo.
Today, several variants of BASIC don't use line number, and some
variants don't have GoTo.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] My Templates?

2018-07-08 Thread toki
On 08/07/18 07:27 PM, James Knott wrote:
>> You probably want to change the path at
>> ">Tools >Options >Paths >Templates"
>> to point to the location where you keep you templates.

> I'll give that a try, once I find out where they went. 

If the email headers displayed here are correct, your are on a Linux box.
As such, your templates are probably at either
* /opt/libreoffice6.1/share/template/
* /home/ your-user-name /.config/libreoffice/4/user/template/
But if you changed the path when you last setup LibO, all bets are off.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] My Templates?

2018-07-08 Thread toki
On 08/07/18 04:41 PM, James Knott wrote:

> Didn't there used to be an item "My Templates? in LO?  

You probably want to change the path at
">Tools >Options >Paths >Templates"
to point to the location where you keep you templates.


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[libreoffice-users] Re: type backslash in "Find" dialog

2018-05-16 Thread toki
Thomas wrote:

>While writing in Writer I get that backslash, but in the Find dialog I
always get the "Yen" mark no matter what I do.
Naturally, find dialog always tells me, there is no such thing as for
example "backslash+p", since the find field
contains on "yen+p".

What codepage is the computer configured for?

My guess is that LibO is using that codepage for the UI, and UTF-8 in


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Best practices when working with LibreOffice Impress?

2018-05-13 Thread toki
On 05/11/2018 01:45 PM, Gilles wrote:

> I assume LO supports templates: Maybe I could build one, and ask all

Two templates for those giving presentations:
* Impress;
* Write;

Write is for what they say.
Impress is for what they show.

The biggest issue will be converting the Impress documents to Write
format. Once that is done, then create a Master Document for all of the
files. Ensure that each file has been proof read, copy edited, and line
edited.  Export the Master Document to PDF and HTML.  If you're willing
to do a little more work, also export to a Single File, and from there,
to ePub, and maybe FB2.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer interface font size

2018-05-13 Thread toki
On 05/12/2018 07:12 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:

> you'll need to buy an even bigger monitor as and when your eyesight does 
> deteriorate?

That will happen regardless of when the first "large" monitor is
purchased.  What some people do, to avoid the cost of purchasing bigger
and bigger monitors, is purchase a high end digital projector.
(Typically, these can enable a screen size of up to 300 inches.)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-05-08 Thread toki
On 05/02/2018 01:08 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

> Do you have any information/opinion about various forms of markdown files 
> (i.e. Markdown, RestructureText, AsciiDoc).

What happens when a screen reader meets markup language depends upon:
# The program used to open the document;
** Some programs display raw markup;
** Some programs display the presentation;
** Some programs display both the markup, and the presentation;

# The specific screen reader;
** A screen reader I used to use, intercepted  keyboard commands
** Strings within a file are occasionally treated as keyboard commands.
Whilst this is usually a bug, it can be both extremely annoying, and
even more difficult to track down;

# How "Reading Punctuation" in the screen reader is configured;
** Typically, one can choose between none/some/most/all. My guess is
that most "experienced" screen reader users, set that to either "none",
or "some"(^2). Setting it to "all" can be extremely irritating to listen

# The operating system being used;
** Operating systems intercept keyboard commands before either the
screen reader, or the program can.  Once upon a time, I had a screen
reader that used  to open either an extension, or an external
program. I don't remember which it was supposed to, but the inevitable
result was the program I was using, was closed. That same program had a
bug, that threw certain strings it read, straight to the OS, as if they
were keyboard commands;

I'd avoid anything that uses HTML markup tags. (^4)

The only suggestion I can make, in terms of markup files, is to
experiment with the a11y tools you have available. Some, probably most
colleges and universities in the US, have a person in the IT department,
whose primary function is to check a11y compliance. As oft as not, these
individuals are willing to do limited testing of material for local
school teachers.  (This is not an official part of their job. They do
it, because it is both good PR, and acts as an early warning system for
"unusual" disabilities (^5) that the college will have to accommodate.)

>Would a screen reader get tripped up by the various formatting tags (* A 
>Bulleted item; _italics_, *boldface*)?

Maybe. Maybe not.
If a Braille Display Monitor is used in conjunction with the screen
reader, then anything is possible. (^3)

Where most people fail, is in creating tables that make sense, when
using a Braille Display Monitor. In general, it is much easier to
rewrite the table, as a series of sentences, than to format it, so that
it makes sense when reading it in a Braille Display Monitor.

^1: Braille Display Monitors will frequently change  to ⠳.

^2: This is why punctuation of blind, and deaf-blind people can be
"strange".  They accidentally type ">", instead of ".", and because
punctuation is turned off, they don't realize that they made an error.

^3: In theory, Braille Display Monitors display the glyph as its comes
in, with no alterations, or modifications. Whilst the practice is
usually the same, I've come across a few monitors that have switches for
either "raw mode" or "translated mode", and if the latter is selected,
then an option to translate everything into either Grade 1, Grade 2, or
Grade 3.0 Braille, regardless of what is input.

Testing Braille Display Monitor compatibility is an extremely expensive
proposition. Cheap monitors run US$50.00 per cell. A good Braille
Display Monitor runs around US$100 per cell.

^4:  The major problem with HTML, is that most software that claims to
utilize it, has a broken implementation. Whilst brokenness such as
  within the text --- not markup --- causing
the entire background to be black, is no longer common, there are enough
other oddities, that there is a divergence between the desired effect,
and what the viewer sees.

^5: By way of example, deaf, blind, and is confined to a wheelchair.
Things that make life easy for one group of individuals can make life
impossible for a different group.  Things can become extremely
complicated when an individual is a member of both of those groups.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-05-02 Thread toki
On 05/01/2018 07:19 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:
>> IOW, fill-able PDF is an extremely bad idea.

> What's the 'approved' solution?

In order of accessibility:

* Plain text;
* MS Doc;
* MS Docx;
* RTF;
* ODT;

The issue with RTF is that screen readers trip up on some of the markup

The issue with both MS DocX and ODT is that the software doesn't play
nicely with screen readers. ODT has a further issue with software not
playing nicely with speech input systems.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-05-01 Thread toki
On 05/01/2018 06:37 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

> Can you explain why PDF is not accessible for ADA purposes? 

A PDF can consist of either text, or images, or a combination of the
two.  Screen readers can't read images.
Provided your PDF is text only, it is accessible. If it has any images,
or if it gets converted to images, it fails ADA requirements.

Screen readers don't show where, or how to fill in the blank spaces in a
fill-able PDF, and hence are not a11y.

> don't understand how a file format can impact a person's disabilities.

Consider the difference between audio captioning, closed captioning and
open captioning.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-05-01 Thread toki
On 04/30/2018 09:53 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
> That was my thinking as well, which is why I'm intrigued by the  possibility 
> of doing it directly within LO.

Is it worth US$5,000 plus court costs plus attorney fees, to do
something that is a known Section 508/ADA violation?

I am not a lawyer.
This is not legal advice.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-05-01 Thread toki
On 04/30/2018 07:39 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:

> The easiest - and safst - approach would be to use Libreoffice to create
> the form, save it as a fillable PDF form, then send that to your students.\

Government agencies make great targets for ADA  508 lawsuits,
because they have deep pockets. Since PDF is not an accessible file
format, that fill-able PDF form means that a student with an a11y can,
and since they are probably broke, will sue the college for Section
508/ADA violations. (For individuals with a11y issues, filing ADA
lawsuits is a great source of income. One lawsuit a month. One
settlement per month, US$5,000 per month, tax free.  Great way to
supplement one's disability check.)

IOW, fill-able PDF is an extremely bad idea.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How many of you deal with the Linux Users Group [Facebook]?

2018-04-30 Thread toki
On 04/30/2018 07:20 AM, Luuk wrote:

> The problem is the wrong choice of the school ('only DOC or DOCX documents')

The real issue is why do LMS admins appear to routinely disable ODF file
format compatibility?

Is that something they do, or is it that they aren't aware of ODF file
formats, or is it that the instructors that don't know what ODF file
formats are?

More than once, I've encountered an office that used AOo, with it
configured to save to MS doc, because they thought that nobody else
would be able to read/write/edit ODF file formats, even though literally
every entity that they exchanged documents with, either used LibO or AOo.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] embedding fonts?

2018-04-20 Thread toki
On 04/19/2018 11:33 PM, Tim-L wrote:
> How to make specific fonts embedded into the .odt file that has been exported 
> to a PDF file.

">File >Properties >Font" and check "Embed fonts in the document".

Just be aware that including fonts makes the documents incredibly large.

By way of example, my test example:

* ODF, fonts excluded: 361.4 KB;
* ODF, fonts included: 137.8 MB;
* PDF: Hybrid (ODF + PDF) with fonts: 139.9 MB
* PDF: Hybrid (ODF + PDF) no fonts: 2.5 MB
* PDF, no fonts: 2.1 MB


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice - patches

2018-04-10 Thread toki
On 04/10/2018 08:40 AM, Mike Scott wrote:
> Theoretically true. But the learning curve for someone who's never done
> it before is tremendously steep.

That is probably an understatement.

> I do believe a fast-track, *simple* change suggestion alternative might
> be advantageous.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Special Character Hunting - Libre Writer

2018-04-05 Thread toki
On 04/04/2018 09:24 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

> Oh no! Not the reveal codes’ flame war again, please! Search the archives

This isn't the standard "Reveal Codes" request.
So the rational for the usual flamewar isn't present.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] One sheet with bullet points - why LO 6 better

2018-03-30 Thread toki
On 03/30/2018 06:06 PM, charles meyer wrote:
> I'm really interested in the "why's" or "why nots" to upgrade to LO 6 as

With the quasi-adaption of agile development, The use cases/user stories
should make it easy to create one page sheets saying who will find the
new version better, and who will find an older version better.
Unfortunately, I've been unable to find very few use case/user stories,
to construct the relevant points.

I realize that in some cases, functionality is removed, because none of
the developers know why it is present, or the circumstances in which it
is used. (Don't blame the devs for that, for a company that insisted on
detailed descriptions of what each function and capability was supposed
to do, and how it was to do that, there is a shocking amount of
completely undocumented functionality with the LibO Code Base. This lack
of knowledge about existing functionality, gets translated into users
being completely unaware of some of the things that LibO can do.)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] One sheet with bullet points - why LO 6 better

2018-03-28 Thread toki
On 03/28/2018 08:23 PM, charles meyer wrote:

> I wondered if anyone has stumbled upon any short list of why is LO 6 better 
> than older versions?

"Better Than" literally depends upon the specific user, and why they use

By way of example, for those that use LibO for 3D modelling, LibO 5.4 is
better than 6.0, because some core functionality related to 3D design
was removed from LibO.

OTOH, for authors, LibO 6.0 is better, because one can export directly
to ePub.

For people who write in German, the "Grammar By" spell checking feature
in LibO 6.0 is (or at least will be, once suitable dictionaries are
available) a welcome addition, and hence makes LibO 6.0 better than LibO


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Re: [libreoffice-users] bouncing messages?

2018-03-27 Thread toki
On 03/27/2018 04:28 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

> but all I get is a number :

If you send an email to the appropriate address (^1), and put the
message numbers in the body of the message, it will attempt to resend
them to you.

However, as oft as not, the messages bounced, because something in them
was triggered by a hyper-vigilant upstream anti-spam filter.

If OATH is your email vendor, the your email bounces because "we are the
phone company, and we can do what we like, because you can't do a thing
about it." (^2)

I don't think OATH handles email for any Japanese organizations, but I
might be wrong.

^1: I've forgotten what that address is, and a quick search on the
LibreOffice website doesn't display anything that both looks relevant,
and contains it.  It isn't listed on any of the list specific pages.

^2: My email accounts that have OATH as the email vendor, still bounce
twice as many messages as GMail. If I could figure out a way to bypass
having either a Chinese or Russian phone number, I'd sign up with either
Yandex or Mail.Ru, to see what happens to list email.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice - patches

2018-03-26 Thread toki
On 03/26/2018 07:56 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:

>>  I'm pretty sure "mainstream support" ended a few years ago.  Quite
what that means seems very unclear.

> It isn't that hard.

If what I was told was true, in 2010, Microsoft was still providing Tier
3 support to a customer that used MS Dos 5.0, and a different customer
that used Win95. (I suspect that in both cases, the support was a
license fee for source code, and the paying customer did the bug fixes,
etc. themselves.)

As such, the precise meaning can change, depending upon circumstances.

>MAYBE unless they are a large multinational corporation or government

a) If you hadn't put the qualifier "government" in, I could have pointed
you at one organization that has that. However, I suspect that Microsoft
provides that support, more because to not do so will result in an
unwinnable lawsuit, than because they want to.

b) Microsoft has several tiers of support. In theory, individuals,
SOHOs, and SMBs can purchase support for any tier. However, simple
economics restricts Tier 3 to big governments and bigger corporations.
This is the level at which bug fixes, etc. are dealt with ASAP.

> Long term support means just critical/security updates.

The big issue with "long term support", is how "long term" is defined.
Personally, I wouldn't call 18 months "long term", but marketing people
apparently think so.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice - patches

2018-03-22 Thread toki
On 03/21/2018 09:51 PM, Miss Lizzy wrote:

>do you actually mean 'anyone' or are the patches development by your own team 
>of software developers? 

Anybody can submit patches.  However, not all patches are accepted.

> I also noticed the software package name has changed over a relatively short 
> period of time.

That is because LibO practices release early, and release often:
* Every six months, a minor number release is made;
* Every six weeks, a point release is made;
* Roughly every fortnight, a release candidate/beta version is made
* Every week, a weekly build is made available. This is for the brave;
* Every night, a nightly build is attempted. This is for those who live
on the wild side, doing dangerous things;

Two stable versions of LibO are available:
* Still, which is the more stable, and bug free version;
* Fresh, which has all the new bells and whistles, with their associated

> Is it just in name or do folk have to keep down loading new packages?

Whilst the point releases are usually bug fixes, they do occasionally
include additional functionality, and capabilities.

The most stable option, is to install the Still release, every six months.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Sample documents showing off LibreOffice features

2018-02-26 Thread toki
On 02/26/2018 08:18 PM, Tim-L wrote:

> "Ages Ago" - that means several versions ago, like 3.6.x or 4.4.x maybe?

As in December 2017.

> new abilities for rendering "complex" documents. 

What do you consider to be a "complex document"?

A spreadsheet used as a one time pad password generator?

A spreadsheet that predicts earthquakes?
> have a new set of documents to show the current state on what LibreOffice can 
> do for our users.

That sounds like a set of template (Word, Calc) for creating a world
which is used as a basis for either writing a novel, or creating an RPG

Maybe a set of templates (Word, Calc) for project management, that read
data off of each other.

> I think there should be a place to post them so potential users can see what 
> users can do. 

In theory, that is one of the primary functions of


FWIW, those templates are still alpha quality.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] what version of LO would work on a really old system?

2018-02-24 Thread toki
On 02/24/2018 08:35 AM, zahra a wrote:

>to not install engineering programs like math, draw, base.

Sounds like you want OOoLight, which is no longer maintained.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] what version of LO would work on a really old system?

2018-02-24 Thread toki
On 02/23/2018 09:27 PM, Tim-L wrote:

> Did you know that the Ubuntu repositories do not install LO Math with LO? 

The last time I installed LibO from the Ubuntu repository, it also left
out Base, the Help files, and something else (printing, perhaps.)


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[libreoffice-users] LibO Themes

2018-02-14 Thread toki

Can somebody test this for me?

Using LibreOffice

Close Libreoffice

In ~/users/gallery/Persona add the following files:
* header.png (3000 x 200 @ 200 dpi);
* footer.png (3000 x 100 @ 200 dpi);
* preview.png (67 x 200 dpi);

Open LibreOffice.
Tell me what changes you see in LibreOffice.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Using the IBM line drawing set in Libreoffice

2018-01-20 Thread toki

On 01/20/2018 07:05 PM, James Knott wrote:

> BTW, it's been well over 20 years since I last saw Wordstar.

But the WordStar Command Set lives on, in the minds of those who think
GUIs are, by definition, user-hostile, and as such, a thing to abhorred,
and as such, killed on sight.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] installed disc usage for LO

2018-01-02 Thread toki
On 01/02/2018 01:11 AM, Tim-L wrote:

> I hoped that my figure of 896 MB was not out of the norm.

A complete install of the most popular grammar checker for LibreOffice
--- Language Tool --- requires (rounded down) 38 GB.

One of the Gallery extensions uses a GB of disk space.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] newer info of what was in a 2014 blog

2017-12-06 Thread toki
On 12/06/2017 04:49 PM, Tim-L wrote:
>> Do you think my checklist should include EuroOffice for Android, and
> Yes, if they are free and are forks of the original OpenOffice.org.

EuroOffice for Android is gratis.
Android OpenOffice has a pay-to-remove-advertising option.

Those are the only two programs for Android that I've found, that can
create/edit/save ODF file formats.

When I went looking on the iPhone app store, I found a couple of
programs that claim to read, and edit ODF file formats, but nothing that
can save to that file format. :(


I had totally forgotten about LibreOffice in the Cloud.  Need to compare
that with Office 360, and other cloud offerings.

> People who are marketing LibreOffice need an easy to read comparison of
> each version that run on their systems.

Is that a request for a list of the differences between:
* The same version of LibO, on different platforms. (BSD, Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome, etc.);
* Different versions of LibO. ( 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 6.0 alpha, etc.);

I'm in the middle of creating a spreadsheet, that lists the major new
features of each version, from roughly OOo 3.0. Currently, I've got a
skeleton for OOo, NeoOffice, Oxygen Professional, LibO, EO, and AOo.

> One thing that should be listed should be related to what they can do as a 
> alternative to Windows Office. 
> I know a lot of people I worked with needed to have it do everything the did 
> with the version of MS Office

This requires an ongoing series of either videos, or 1,500 word
documents, stating the operation to be done, what it is called in MSO,
what it is called in LibO, and how to do it.

> of the people I was dealing with used the current version that was out around 
> 2013 or 2014.

The current version is MSO 2016, or MSO 365, depending upon whether the
individual is using the desktop version, or the cloud-based version.

I have no idea how to do anything on either of those programs.

> If you can show people that LibreOffice, or other forks, are a great 
> alternative to MS Office.

Why one program is better than another program that provides similar
functionality, depends upon the specific use case of the user.

That said, perhaps with some modifications in one's work routine, a
different program would be equal to, or more suitable than the program
one currently uses.

> Then add to the document what the tech magazine critics think of these forks. 
> The 2014 blog 

I've a major problem with current tech reviews. I'm not interested in
the eye candy. Bruce is one of the rare exceptions, in that he reviews
the steak, and not the sizzle.

> list of large companies and government agencies that has switched to 
> LibreOffice over MS Office. 

Doesn't somebody in marketing maintain a webpage with that information?
OTOH, I've come across a couple of organisations that don't want their
migration to become public knowledge.

> If they see that these facts, maybe that it would be right for them.

> So, any documentation that shows the comparison of these forks
That looks like five or six papers on the various versions, and four or
five on the migration experience.

If I do it, it will start out life as a series of blog posts.

>The "why" may be hard to get,

In migrating to different software, each organization, and each
individual, needs their own why. If the personal why is lacking,
customer dissatisfaction increases logarithmically.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] newer info of what was in a 2014 blog

2017-12-05 Thread toki
On 12/05/2017 11:26 PM, Tim-L wrote:

> Yes, it would be nice to have a good list of differences are, 

Do you think my checklist should include EuroOffice for Android, and
Android OpenOffice?

And along those lines, are there any forks/clones of OOo for iOS
(iPhone, iPad, iPod)?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] newer info of what was in a 2014 blog

2017-12-05 Thread toki
On 12/05/2017 03:32 PM, Tim-L wrote:
> That is the type of information we could use.

IMNSHO, comparisons with EuroOffice and NeoOffice on the desktop, and
EuroOffice and Android OpenOffice on the Android Platform would be be
equally useful.

That said, I'd rather see articles on functional differences that affect
users. I'm slowly creating a list of features in the various versions of
the programs, for a checklist to use as a feature comparison tool.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] newer info of what was in a 2014 blog

2017-12-04 Thread toki
On 12/05/2017 01:02 AM, Tim-L wrote:

> There is a lot more info in that post, beyond the small quoted text -
> 4.2.5 listed as the current version - but is there any newer info about
> the information stated in that post?

Not really.
AOo is still looking for developers.
AOo still has troubling releases updates that patch critical security flaws.

> Since it compared LibreOffice and Apache's OpenOffice.org, it would be
> nice to be able to give comparison info between these two free office suites.

AOo is in the nether space, where it is neither completely dead, nor
completely alive. Basically, I don't see that situation changing, until
either IBM, or another three letter agency decides that AOo needs to be
updated, and throws a plethora of paid developers at it. Three letter
agencies outside of the Five Eyes, are going to throw their resources at
LibO, if only because it is easier to upgrade LibO to something that is
secure (^1), than AOo.

^1: Secure here does not refer to malware exploits, but rather, the
ability of the software to minimize/prevent unintended leakage of data
to unauthorised third parties. BAILS is simply phase one, in addressing
that threat-model.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] External Hard Drives - to save my LO and other content

2017-10-17 Thread Toki
On 10/16/2017 06:53 PM, charles meyer wrote:

> Have you found any such article?


Wandering through the linked articles in that post, and their old blog
posts, you can find one company's experience with hard drives.

In one of their blog posts, is an explanation of why WD Black is a
better buy than either WD Red or WD Gold.

Note: Their blog posts are written to encourage people to use their
backup service. Try to ignore that sales pitch, in reading the articles.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] adding / using custom colours to LibreOffice

2017-10-17 Thread Toki
On 10/16/2017 03:32 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

> You're labouring under the delusion that organizations all have budgets to do 
> such things.

If an organisation has the budget to create a branding colour palette,
they have the budget to create a soc file for LibreOffice.

If the organisation does not have a branding colour palette, then they
will not need organisation-branding.soc.

>And they will not want to use the savings from not having to pay for 
>LibreOffice to be exceeded by having to hire someone to create a palette.

Libre <> Gratis.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] adding / using custom colours to LibreOffice

2017-10-14 Thread Toki
On 10/14/2017 04:29 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

> With a GUI, you just need to know the colour codes and names.

Time yourself creating the Sherwin-Williams Paint Colour Palette.

>Which do you think people are more likely to use?

An organisation will hire somebody to construct the colour palette.
An individual that needs new palettes on a regular basis, will learn the
appropriate XML.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] adding / using custom colours to LibreOffice

2017-10-11 Thread Toki
On 10/11/2017 02:48 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

> Either way, with that many palettes in play, there should be a way to manage 
> them other than fiddling with XML files.

Palettes are function specific. As such, if made according to the user
specifications, there is no legitimate reason to change anything within

In terms of creating the palette, it is several orders of magnitude
easier to do so, using XML, than colour pickers. (Try creating the
Resena Paint colour palette using a GUI. Doable, but instead of taking
ten or so minutes, you'll spend hours, and need a second person to proof
read the resulting XML file.)

> FYI: The palette list I see is:

> standard
> standard

What is the extension of those two files?

Regardless, no OS allows two files in the directory to have an identical
name. Some operating systems allow filenames to differ, only by case
that used for one or more glyphs.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] adding / using custom colours to LibreOffice

2017-10-10 Thread Toki
On 10/10/2017 03:38 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

> I agree that storing organizational (not necessarily corporate) colours
> in "custom" may not always be the best idea, but given their small
> number in any rational organization, creating a separate palette for
> them is arguably also not a good idea.

The primary function of an organisation branding palette, is to have a
formal description of the _only_ colours used in content produced by,
for, or on behalf of the organization. As such, having _one_ palette
that consists only of the organisation branding palette makes sense.

By way of example, the official colour palette of various organisations:
* LibreOffice: 27 colours;
* North Carolina State: 13 colours;
* University of Leeds: 4 colours;
* University of Arizona: 22 in the official palette, 24 in the
unofficial palette;
* University of South Dakota: 9 colours for printing, 9 colours for the web;
* UPS: 4 colours;

Back when Mary Kay was alive, woe betide anybody who delivered anything
for her company, that wasn't in a colour that wasn't in the official
Mary Kay colour palette. (_Even their Uzi's Are Pink_ wasn't much of an


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Re: [libreoffice-users] [OffTopic] Bounce Message Notifications...

2017-10-09 Thread Toki
On 10/09/2017 10:23 PM, Wade Smart wrote:

> Between OO and Libra I get a bouncing message notification at least once a 
> day.

Don't worry, on both AOL mail and Yahoo Mail, you'll get double the
number of bounces that you get on GMail.

A couple of months ago I looked at what was bouncing, and came to the
following conclusions:
* Anything bounced by AOL or GMail will be bounced by Yahoo;
* Roughly three quarters of the messages bounced by GMail, are also
bounced by AOL;
* Whatever causes the bounces, ignores DKIM;


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Re: [libreoffice-users] adding / using custom colours to LibreOffice

2017-10-09 Thread Toki
On 10/09/2017 08:21 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:

> If a distro vendor will prevent using it from the share folder, you can
> put the file into the 'config' folder of each user profile. It is still

In this specific instance, there is no config folder.

That was the first thing I tried doing.

If I figure out how to change the default palettes, I'll document it on
my blog.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] adding / using custom colours to LibreOffice

2017-10-09 Thread Toki
On 10/09/2017 04:47 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

> I volunteer with several organizations, some of whom have standard
> colours that I would like to add to the LibreOffice colour palette.

For those that insist on creating colour palettes from within LibO:
* Install the _Colour Palette Exporter_ extension;
* Create the desired palette by modifying the font colour of a paragraph
* Export the resulting palette;

Those who prefer to do things the easy way:
* Fire up a text editor;
* Start writing the appropriate xml code;
* Save the palette;

My recommendation is that if organisation branding includes predefined
colours for charts, then the filename has to be standard.soc, otherwise
use Organisation_Name_Branding.soc .

Distribute the palette to the organization.
Include instructions on how to correctly install the palette.

Installation instructions differ according to one's specific platform.
(For at least one Linux distro, colour palettes can not be customized,
unless you have support contract with the distro vendor.)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] word count in impress

2017-10-05 Thread Toki
Zahra wrote:

>also for me who use nvda screen reader can use preview in web browser,
select all the document and nvda says the number of characters for me.

Compare the number of characters that Write says the document has, with
the number of characters that NVDA says the document has.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] word count in impress

2017-10-04 Thread Toki
On 10/04/2017 12:20 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

> The _*number of words*_ (or the number of original (Japanese) characters) 
> defines how much money I get.

Are you paid by the number of Japanese characters, or the number of
words in the target language? If the latter, what is the definition of a
word, according to the contract?

> (from the Libreoffice Help page:
> How does LibreOffice count words?
> In general, every string of characters between two spaces is a word.
> Dashes, tabs, line breaks, and paragraph breaks are word limits, too.)

Is that the definition of word, according to your contract?
(If it is, you are leaving a lot of money on the table.)

> All I need to know is the number of words - counted in a way that is  
> reproducible, since the translation agency will have its own opinion about 
> that.

This why, when accepting contracts that pay by the word, the word "word"
is defined, and the method of counting words is specified.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] word count in impress

2017-10-03 Thread Toki
On 10/03/2017 05:26 PM, Krunose wrote:

> Writer shouldn't show different word count for odt file and different for 
> docx file. Same for plain text and HTML.

This gets into when presentation markup, structural markup, and
syntactical markup are treated as words that are explicitly content, and
when they are ignored, because they are background noise.

Think of it this way.
* Is white space background noise, or significant content?

If the algorithm treats white space as background noise, it will produce
a different count, than if treats white space as significant content.

One other potential issue, is legitimate, explicit content, being
flagged as background noise, because it contains a sub-string that can
be confused with markup.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] word count in impress

2017-10-03 Thread Toki
On 10/02/2017 04:13 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

> (A similar question posted on the net somewhere was "closed, because it is 
> irrelevant" ???)

I'll hazard an explanation, without looking at the specific question so

a) There are four different ways to count the number of words in a text.
  Without knowing which definition was used for the term "
count the number of words", any formula that is used is going to provide
the wrong answer.

b) For presentations, regardless of how "word" is defined, words are not
fundamental to the final product. What matters is the aesthetics of each
frame, and the number of frames within the presentation. As such, words
are irrelevant;

c) There reason 10-20-30 is a law, is why frames should not contain words;


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Re: [libreoffice-users] word count in impress

2017-10-03 Thread Toki
On 10/03/2017 07:46 AM, Krunose wrote:
> And yes, seams something wrong with word count of html documents opened
> in Writer. My test document has 62 words. Saved it as html, opened it in
> Writer, counter says 70. But when I count by hand - still 62 words on
> screen.

This gets into what constitutes a word. Definitions here are crucial.
In your example, you gave both 62 and 70 as options.
* If the 70 is based upon a printer's word, then there are 84 words, as
counted by typists;
* If the 70 is based upon a typist's word, then there are 58 words, as
counted by printers;
* If the 70 is based upon one of the other definitions of a word, then
there are at least two more equally legitimate values that _accurately_
state the number of words in the text;

Getting back to Thomas' issue. How does the contract in question define
"word"?  Once that is known, then an explanation of how to accurately
determine the number of words in the Impress file can be provided.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] SDW file format specification

2017-07-20 Thread Toki
On 07/19/2017 01:02 PM, Marcin Trendota wrote:

> I'm looking a way to crack my old password-protected StarOffice files.

might be helpful.

For various reasons, I haven't yet gotten to writing a Python script
that runs an optimized brute force approached to decrupting documents
created by AOo/AnOo/EO/LibO/NO/OOo/SO/etc.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer - Best Font Ever...Don't Lister to the Critics

2017-06-11 Thread toki
On 06/10/2017 05:18 PM, charles meyer wrote:

> I'm looking for your experienced suggestions of which font(s) have you found 
> to be most clearly legible?

What language?
What writing system?
Used where?
For what type of content?

From my perspective, there is no such thing as a legible font for
writing Afrikaans, when using either the Arabic or the Latin writing system.

For everything other than Hebrew, Greek, and English, I use Google's (or
is it Alphabet's?) NoTo font family. Their primary, if not only virtue,
is that it is pan-Unicode.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreLogo plugin doesn't work in Mac systems

2017-05-27 Thread toki
On 05/27/2017 02:07 PM, Andreas Formiconi wrote:

> However all Mac users were not able to use LibreLogo. 

Is there a security setting in Mac that needs to be flipped?
Something to allow the execution of scripts within applications.

> turtle and draw that way; however, as soon as you write a script and try to
> run it, the turtle appear but nothing happens. Apparently, nothing is
> executed, for instance even a print instruction is not executed.

Can the students create macros that run, from within LibO?

Alternatively, and not recommended unless:
* You like pushing your admin skills;
* The students are currently using R;
is to configure the _use R within LibreCalc_ option, and see what
happens.(This is a third party pseudo-extension.)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Book

2017-05-25 Thread toki

On 05/25/2017 10:11 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:

>> I've seen documents with 20,000 + styles, across paragraph, character,
> That are surely no custom styles, but likely the automatic styles

Custom styles.
Instead of modifying the default style, a new style was created,
whenever something was changed.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Announcing Designing with LibreOffice excerpt: Styles and Templates

2017-05-25 Thread toki
On 05/25/2017 07:20 PM, Kevin O'Brien wrote:

> But why on earth would anyone *not* want your complete book? Boggles the mind!

_Styles and Templates_ is the quickref cheat sheet. The thing you get to
the technically illiterate person in the office, who would be
overwhelmed by the complete book.

Furthermore, the individual section _Styles and Templates_ is a good
starting point in explaining the how and why of the corporate styles and


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Book

2017-05-25 Thread toki
On 05/25/2017 12:09 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:

> The ODF specification part 1 has more than 800 pages and about 90 custom
> styles. That gives no problems for me; Windows 7 with 4GB Ram and a
> Windows-Score of 4.3.

I've seen documents with 20,000 + styles, across paragraph, character,
list, and page styles. That is what I was getting at, when I was talking
about excessive styles.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Book

2017-05-24 Thread toki
On 05/24/2017 11:56 PM, Brian Grawburg wrote:

>There are several different type faces, including Greek, which may slow things 

The only slow down is from applying the appropriate styles.
My recommendation is to use language specific styles.

> I've also wondered about not using LibreOffice and using Scribus instead 
> because the documents are so large.  

177 pages isn't that many.

The time lag is usually due to either insufficient RAM or an excessive
number of styles - both character and paragraph, or both.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [Enhancement] writer: Footnote / Endnote Styles according to standards

2017-05-24 Thread toki

On 05/24/2017 02:42 PM, V Stuart Foote w

> Sorry, but the simple truth is that developing and maintaining just a few of
> the diverse range of defined styles is out of scope for LibreOffice

A Citation Style Language aware extension could, in theory, support all
8,000+ formatting styles that are in the CitationStyle.org repository,
which utilises a CC-BY-SA 3.0 (unported) license.

>but is fully in scope for projects like Zotero and Mendeley--or the commercial

Those two programs use Citation Style Language for bibliographic formatting.


The simplest approach to rewriting the Bibliographic Component, is to
abolish the one database for all citations approach that is currently
used. Instead, have one database for every medium and format that is
cited. This is to cover oddities, such as _The APA Manual of Style_
requiring videos on YouTube to be cited differently from videos on other
Internet sites, and movies made for TV be cited differently from movies
that had a theatrical release, and if both a theatrical release and made
for tv, to have yet another format. How to correctly cite content has
gotten so much more complicated in the last decade, that one can no
longer assume that citations unambiguously point to the specific content
that is being cited.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Libre Writer - special characters

2017-05-09 Thread toki
On 05/08/2017 02:21 PM, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:

> If you know of a free Unicode font that has near Ariel's number of symbols 
> and glyphs, I would really like to know. 

NoTo Sans * from Google.

It is meant as a web only font, but it works OK for printing.
The entire set takes up somewhere between ten and fifteen megabytes.

Unicode 9.0 is the current version. The last time I looked, Google was
at either Unicode 5.0, or 6.0.

I have no idea why, but font foundries continue to create fonts for
Unicode 4.0 or 5.0, acting as if those were the most recent versions of
the Unicode standard.

>It would be nice to have both Serif and San-Serif versions.

For some languages, NoTo is available in both Serif, and San-Serif versions.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Writer - special characters

2017-05-06 Thread toki
On 05/06/2017 03:38 PM, charles meyer wrote:

> In special characters I typed in 211E in the Decimal box but did not get
> the prescription symbol.

211E is hexadecimal, not decimal. As such, when using the decimal box,
the E from 211E will be discarded. For the decimal box, use 271.

> Aren’t hexcodes standard so Libre Writer should match MS Word?


LibO is, for all practical purposes, Unicode 9.0 conformant:
* The major exception being the bicoloured emoji;
* The minor exceptions being issues with the font rendering engine;
* The most common reason for LibO appearing to not be Unicode 9.0
conformant, is that the font is crafted for Unicode 5.0, not Unicode 9.0;

However, the font designer has the final say:
* Most fonts are designed for Unicode 5.0 specifications;
* It is par for CJKV fonts to display the wrong glyph, because it is
designed for another language;
* The less said about Indus Valley Writing Systems, the better;

> Otherwise, you’d had to scroll through every symbol chart to find it.

LibO assumes that one has at least a general idea of which sub-set of
the Unicode 9.0 Character Code set the glyph to be used is in.

Individual fonts, and typefaces include or exclude specific glyphs on
whim. As such, one might have to scroll several different fonts and
typefaces to find the specific glyph.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Enhancements to Calc functions

2017-04-24 Thread toki
On 04/23/2017 02:12 PM, David Lynch wrote:

> SUBSTITUTE("Text"; "SearchText"; "NewText"; Occurrence)
> REPLACE("Text"; Position; Length; "NewText")

What is the use case for those functions?

> MATCH(SearchCriterion; LookupArray; Type)

Why use this, rather than VLookUp or HLookUp?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Libreoffice Base

2017-04-24 Thread toki
On 04/24/2017 02:40 PM, Robert Großkopf wrote:

> I won't change to Firebird with any version of LO at this moment.

I haven't been following the FireBird migration.  (I'd rather use
SQLite. But SQLite is only for those who like to live dangerously.)

> There is no problem to use the internal HSQLDB. It will work much
> better than the internal Firebird-database at this moment. 

My concern is/was HSqlDb gets dropped from LibO. OTOH, even after being
dropped, it can be used as an external database. And, on the gripping
hand, it looks like in LibO dBase 3 support is still alive. So
maybe a decade from now, both HSqlDB and FireBird support will be built
into LibO.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice Base

2017-04-21 Thread toki
On 04/21/2017 07:00 AM, lismurn wrote:

> 1.  Is Base being supported or is it dead in the water. 

Base is, and will continue to be supported.

The embedded database engine is in the process of changing from HSQLdb
to FireBird. This change has caused some users to be confused, and think
that the Base component is going away.

> I am trying to assemble a small database but wonder should I continue if it 
> is not being supported.

Spend some time thinking about which database engine you want to use.

Base can be used both as a database front end, or as combined front
end/database engine.

I don't know Base well enough to answer the rest of your questions. :(


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Re: [libreoffice-users] i have questions about licensing in libreoffice.

2017-04-18 Thread toki
On 04/17/2017 09:01 AM, nasrin khaksar wrote:
> i heard sometimes that openoffice license is license of oracle company.

Oracle purchased Sun. That purchase included the trademarks, copyrights,
and other intellectual property rights held by OpenOffice.org.

After a couple of years, Oracle donated OpenOffice.org, including
trademarks, copyright, and other intellectual property rights to The
Apache Software Foundation.

Which means that Oracles does owns neither Apache Open Office nor

However, Oracle does own Java, which is used by both LibreOffice and
Apache Open Office.  Given a couple of somewhat bizarre legal theories,
supported by, what shall be termed "interesting' court decisions, an
extremely shaky legal theory can be made that Oracle owns both
LibreOffice, and Apache Open Office. As much as I'd like to think that
Oracle has persuaded itself that ownership of FLOSS is not possible, I
wouldn't put it past them to be willing to squander away a trillion or
so dollars, in lawsuits to assert ownership of LibreOffice, Apache
OpenOffice, and other FLOSS software that it finds either inconvenience,
or a potential cash cow.

> is it true?

There is an apocryphal story of a first legal intern being told examine
a software license. In researching the license, he asked: "Is there any
way, shape, or form, in which Oracle can assert control of the
software?" Upon being told that Oracle was purchasing the company that
made the software whose license was being analysed, the intern said; "I
can not recommend accepting this license, because it will depend upon
Oracle. As an Oracle license, all terms and conditions are subject to
their specific interpretation, which usually comes down to: "All your
bases, they belong to us".  Said intern was dully blacklisted by the
company. A decade later, one of the members of the board of directors
found himself across the dinner table from said intern. The member told
the intern that his prediction about what Oracle would do, turned out to
be valid, with disastrous consequences to the company.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Viewer Roadmap

2017-04-06 Thread toki
On 04/06/2017 05:33 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

> Errr, sorry my question looks so rude! 

Not rude. More like an exclamation of surprise, such as when the referee
knocks out the football player.

> wondering if i have been wrong, and giving wrong advice as a result!  

Base works well with most database engines. (I always had issues with
the Jet Database Engine.)

I was specifically referring to SQLite, which, as far as database
engines goes, manages to break every rule out there, whilst remaining
ACID compliant.)

> despite an internal one being hastily thrown on years

I wouldn't say "hastily thrown on".

There was a fair amount of discussion about which database engine to
use. the major choices were SQLite, and HSqldb. One of the major
objections to using SQLite was the absence of data typing.  (I think
that one can say that technically, SQLite does do data typing, and that
it pays more attention to data types today, than it did back in 2000.
However, for all practical purposes, there is no data-typing.)

> ago in order to downgrade Base to be more like Access?

I wouldn't call it a downgrade

The Jet Database Engine, especially back in 2000, was crap. Data
corruption was a given.  If you didn't back up the database before you
used it, your data would be trashed, when using it. If you did backup
your data, then it wouldn't be trashed.

Originally, Base was a front-end UI to connect with any database engine
out there. However, Base didn't provide the front end experience of
dBase 3, or Access. The dBase 3 clone that was built into OOo, had its
own separate front end, independent of Base. As best as I can tell, that
functionality is still present. OTOH, I haven't tried using it since
circa 2007. (^1)

Users migrating from MSO expected a database engine, to be included in
their office suite. Nobody told them about the dBase 3 clone in OOo.
(Small mercy, because that UI was a disaster area.) Consequently, a
database engine was incorporated into OOo. Then users complained,
because it didn't enable one to create forms, and other things, the way
that MSO does. Somebody wrote a set of macros, that gave LibO, the same
type of form interface as MSO. Somebody else came up with a way to
include those forms, and other things, in the resulting database.

The net result is that one can create databases with LibO, including
forms, as easily as on MSO. (Actually, I'd say that the resulting forms
are better, because they can export directly to Write, and get
pretty-printed there. I don't remember if one can go straight from form
to PDF, or if one has to go through Write, first.)

If one prowls the appropriate part of the OOo and LibO websites --- not
the template section --- one can find examples of Base being used for a
music collection (8 track cassettes, but not records), recipes, and
project management.

Neither the LibO nor AOo site enable one to select templates
specifically for Base. Using "Base" as a keyword search brings up a
number of unrelated templates.

^1: The Bibliography component uses the dBase 3 clone. Now that
virtually all my reference material is digital, I use Calibre to
organize, create, and maintain bibliographies for my creative output.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Viewer Roadmap

2017-04-06 Thread toki

On 04/06/2017 07:05 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

> the main problem with SQLite in relation to its use in LO is its lack of 
> strong data typing

Data typing and SQLite are mutually exclusive concepts.

> in SQLite, which doesn't bode well when trying to determine whether the
> string is a date, a timestamp, a large number, or some other kind of

As far as SQLite is concerned, there is no difference between an
integer, and an mp4 video file.

For those who don't pay attention to what they are doing, such things
can have unexpected, and occasionally undesirable results.

There is that fringe minority, that sees such data ambiguity as a virtue.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Viewer Roadmap

2017-04-05 Thread toki
On 04/05/2017 09:50 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

> instantiate one, and at least hsqldb.jar and/or embedded firebird db engines 
> and probably a few other jar files ...
> for ODB files that use a separate db engine, that would require a whole other 
> specific development.

Thanks. I hadn't thought about having to port the database engines.
(For some reason, I keep thinking that LibO uses SQLite.)


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[libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Viewer Roadmap

2017-04-04 Thread toki

Currently, LibreOffice Viewer only ods, odc, and odp files.

Are there any plans for it to support odg and odb files, in the
near/mid/long term future?

In theory, in as much as the draw engine is a subset of the presentation
engine, odg support should be currently available.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] problem with Inserting Iranian date

2017-03-27 Thread toki
On 03/27/2017 12:43 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:

> but while we support an fa_IR locale, I don't think we actually provide a 
> calendar format for Jalali,

I've a dim recollection about stumbling across a hatnote on Jalali.
specifically, that it was implemented, but not for en_* or fa_* locales.
¿Maybe de_* locales --- language of the developer/implementer?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Check Template

2017-03-20 Thread toki
On 03/20/2017 05:28 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

> Your bank may well not be happy accepting cheques that are not printed using 
> magnetic ink.

In the United States, banks have a special surcharge for check
processing. Magnetic ink, or lack thereof, is irrelevant.

I've seen photographs of bank foyers from the 1950s, which had a sign
listing the charge for checks written on live animals, and animal skins.

> Do you have the appropriate ink or toner to achieve this?

To quote Apple: "There is an app for that".
Specifically, one installs the bank app on one's phone, takes a picture
of the check, then submits it as a deposit to one's checking account.


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[libreoffice-users] Adding Metadata

2017-03-02 Thread toki

Is there an easy to add roughly 50 fields of metadata to each of around
250 documents?

I tried editing the meta.xml file, but upon opening the document with
LibO, I consistently received a "corrupt document" error message.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shortage of Fonts in LibreOffice

2017-03-01 Thread toki
On 03/01/2017 06:58 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

> I came across this information that covers converting my type 1 fonts
> that may be useful.
> http://fontforge.github.io/en-US/documentation/scripting/

Whilst that works for FLOSS fonts, the vast majority of Type 1 Fonts are
proprietary, and such conversion would be, at best, a license violation.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shortage of Fonts in LibreOffice

2017-02-28 Thread toki
On 02/28/2017 06:08 PM, Bruce Byfield wrote:

> The same argument could be used of TrueType fonts.

The days of TrueType fonts are numbered. However, OpenType support is
not yet universal.  :(

> Why should they, when support for them remains?

Support for Type 1 is, at best, spotty.

> designers have invested substantially in Type 1 fonts over the years, 
> and this decision leaves them stranded.

I fully sympathise with those that are using legacy typefaces,
especially because replacing them can be very expensive. (To quote an
email I received today for a typeface: MSRP US$500,000 on sale today for
only US$5,000. The included fonts are so ugly, that even if they were
gratis, one would be paying too much for them.)

> chart of free font equivalents for proprietary fonts that I drew up about a 
> year ago:

The difference between proprietary typefaces, and free typefaces, is
that the latter usually come in only one weight, whilst the latter
usually come with at least half a dozen weights.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Default font in LO calc

2017-02-21 Thread toki
On 02/21/2017 02:56 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

> It's no wonder some people leave LO for other programs!!

Like all software that offers users options, some learning of how to use
the program is required.

I understand why software learning is not done --- skill testing either
ignores, or actively penalizes those who have learned "advanced", more
efficient ways of doing things, than using mouse clicks. Furthermore,
the more efficient way can look scary, and scary is an anathema to PHBs.
Nonetheless, learning how to use one's tools effectively, and
efficiently should remain standard practice, no matter the
discombobulation to both designers of skill rating tests, and PHBs.

> But thank you all for trying - appreciated. (back to the repetitive manual 
> method I guess!)

Why would you rather do the same sequence of actions every time you want
a spreadsheet, than do things once, and be done with it?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Default font in LO calc

2017-02-20 Thread toki
 02/20/2017 02:06 PM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

> I just want the Font and size that I selected to be the Default for
all new Spreadsheets!!

Which is precisely why you both want and need to construct, and use a
default template.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] questions about libreoffice shortcuts and installation

2017-02-17 Thread toki
On 02/16/2017 07:33 PM, nasrin khaksar wrote:

> 1- is it possible to install libreoffice x86 on 64 bit windows?


> 2- whats restart manager which is available in libreoffice 5.3.0?

">Tools >Options >LibreOffice >General"
Enable System Quickstarter is a checkbox.

contains the specifications of the publicly available components of the
XRestartManager Interface Reference.

IF that does not answer your question, please rephrase it.

For A11Y users, my recommendation is to wait until the x.x.1 release.
LibreOffice 5.3.1 should be released in a fortnight, or so.

> what happen if i install libreoffice 5.2 and earlier on newer versions of 
> windows?

If you follow the guidelines at
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Installing_in_parallel, then you'll
be able to run two different versions of LibreOffice.

I haven't found any instructions on how to run multiple instances of
LibO from the same installation of LibO. However, I have read scattered
reports that imply that such is possible.

> 5.2 from control+shift+f5 to control+g which is available in 5.3.
> i tried customize keyboard, but i only could delete it not modify it!

On my setup, it looks like it is customizable.

> is this feature (customize) accessible for blind users?

That depends upon your screen reader. Some of them intercept
 options for internal use.

What screen reading program do you use?
What version of that screen reading program do you use?
What operating system, including version number, and edition, do you use?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] help with standard.soc file color defining

2017-02-13 Thread toki
On 02/13/2017 10:40 AM, hdv  wrote:

> You are correct concerning ase palettes. 
> However, the feature is not complete yet, because you have to add the
palettes by hand at the moment.

I just dumped my ASE palettes into /opt/Libreoffice5/share/palettes,
then tested it, by opening a file to change the colour of font.  It worked!

> See https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92354

Assuming permission to distribute can be obtained, it might
easier/simpler to distribute them using an extension --- perhaps the
same one as proposed for the .soc etc. files.

The "hard" part is knowing where that appropriate place is.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] help with standard.soc file color defining

2017-02-09 Thread toki
On 02/09/2017 07:49 PM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

> I am having trouble adding the Resene color palette to the
> "standard.soc" file.

Two different Resene Palettes can be found at
https://groups.io/g/ODF_Templates/files/ColourPalettes .

For some reason, I'm under the impression that LibO can utilize adobe
*.ase palettes, but a quick search on the LibO site doesn't confirm it.
I've got 45 *.ase palettes from Resene,


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to synchronize CTL formatting to Western formatting in Writer?

2016-11-29 Thread toki
On 29/11/16 03:30, Till Ulen wrote:

> The author of the document used only the Western Font settings to format it.

That is problem # 2.

What writing system(s) does the document content use?
What language(s) does the document content use?
What dialect of those languages does the document use?

> The document uses very few paragraph and character styles, it’s mostly direct 
> formatting.

That is problem # 1: When converting documents, direct formatting is
always destroyed.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] How to synchronize CTL formatting to Western formatting in Writer?

2016-11-28 Thread toki
On 28/11/16 16:19, Till Ulen wrote:

> combinations of sizes and styles. All the formatting is specified as Western 
> Text Font, and LibreOffice Writer displays it properly. Each piece
> of text, whatever its Western formatting is, specifies that in a CTL language 
> (such as Arabic) it should be set in Times New Roman Normal 12 pt.

For each style, are did you set the same font for Western Font, CTL
Font, and Asian Font?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Struggling with Hebrew in LO

2016-11-23 Thread toki
On 28/10/16 22:26, CVAlkan wrote:

> Would love to see it when you have a prototype ...

Instead of creating a program from scratch, I'm going to modify an
existing one. The downside is that I have to learn another programming
language. Along the way, I'll also have to fix some existing bugs in
that program.

The reason for modifying the existing program, is that it means I have
to write one routine (^1) to display the metadata that it currently reads.

Once I've finished that modification, I'll modify a different tool, to
write valid metadata to each glyph.

I don't have a time frame by which this will be done.

I'm in the midst of two major projects, and one minor project.  However,
one of those projects requires LibO to recognize, and correctly display
different writing systems in the same phrase.
(So this is, in effect, becomes a sub-project of one of those projects.)

^1: That is the theory. In practice, I expect to have to fix half a
dozen bugs, and, maybe implement one or two other functions.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can I discard temp/.tmp directories?

2016-11-11 Thread toki
On 11/11/2016 02:28, amaloney wrote:

> In my user directory the temp directory contains 139 directories

As far as LibO is concerned, that can be deleted at any time, with
little to no ill-effects.

Depending upon your OS, deleting them might cause undesirable side-effects.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Adding Watermarks

2016-10-31 Thread toki
On 31/10/2016 21:47, Ken Springer wrote:

> Thanks, Dave, but it's not necessary.  I have few docs to do that need a 
> "Draft" watermark, then I don't think I'll need it again in the

Going forward, you can abuse the classification system, by selecting
"Internal Only" as the classification. This will add a header, footer,
and diagonal message across every page, that says "This content is
marked Internal Only. Do not distribute it outside of the business." or
an abridgment thereof.

On second thoughts, it might be less scary to simply create a
classification "Draft", with slightly more appropriate messages,
displayed in a less in-your-face manner.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libra Office and MS Word compatibility query

2016-10-17 Thread toki
On 17/10/2016 14:23, Tanstaafl wrote:

> By all means, please provide an example of something that could cause this...

I don't have any examples that can be publicly distributed.

> But we are not talking about 10 years ago and a brand new file format.

I'm talking about documents created with MSO 2016, on Win 10, not
Microsoft Office Professional on W4WG, which had the same issues.

> remotely close to the show stopper problem the OP claimed.

When people can look at the print out of a document (^1), and tell which
version, edition, and locale of Microsoft Office, and which version,
locale, and edition of Microsoft Windows were used, there are format
compatibility issues. What they are looking at is the typography, not
the font, and definitely not the typeface.

^1: This happens with a no longer distributed template that had an MSRP
of US$500.


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