[libreoffice-users] calc chart problems

2021-01-18 Thread marianne-x

Ahoy all:

My apologies if this turns out to be a redundancy, but I originally 
submitted it some 4 hours ago and it hasn't shown up yet.

Some 20 years ago, I frequently received questions such as those I pose 
below, and was able to easily answer them for others.

By now, I seem to have aged out, and am flummoxed by difficulties that 
should be rudimentary.

So, should any reader deign to attack my elementary problems, please 
keep it simple (& simpleminded) so that I have a chance of understanding.

I am using, under Windows (or, as we call it, /Curtains/) 7, 
because it seems more than adequate for my purposes, and I am somewhat 
dismayed by the number of regressions noted for later versions in the 
comments here.

Calc chart legends. What could be simpler, yet more impossible? I have 
cracked this at sometime in the past, as I have just one spreadsheet 
with my own chart legend text in my choice of fonts, but can see no way 
of regaining that control for other charts in my armamentarium.

If I right-click a chart, I am presented with 15 options. One is marked 
“Text”, which seems promising, but apparently deals with *positioning*, 
not content. The thing which it definitely lacks is any ability to 
control the legend text contents, or font.

If I double left-click and then right-click, I now have 9 options, 
including one which will delete a legend, (leaving me unsure of what 
happens if the chart has more than one legend). But, in any case, no 
control, beyond excision, over the legend text or its font.

When I double left-click, I get an interesting collection of 
mostly-graphic symbols at the bottom of my screen, where the “Find” box 
normally lives. One of these is a capital T in a dotted-line box, which, 
when hovered-over, reads: “Text Box”. Sounds promising, but what does it 
do, and how does one invoke whatever its action may be?

None of these symbols can be dragged onto the chart, and clicking them – 
single or double, left or right – produces no obvious result of any 
kind. They have interesting titles, and, if they did anything, might be 
quite useful.

My first question, then, is: /how do I gain control over chart legend 
text & font?/ And a subsidiary wonderment: /why is it so hard to find 
this answer?/

Further routes to failure on this question:

From the on-line manual:


we have, (appreciating that this is targeted at 6.1; probably an 
irrelevant distinction):

 Editing Chart Legends

To edit a chart legend:


   Double-click on the chart.

   A gray border appears around the chart and the menu bar now contains
   commands for editing the objects in the chart.


   Choose Format - Legend or double-click on the legend. This opens the
   Legend dialog.


   Choose from the available tabs to make modifications, then click OK.

This is no help, as the “available tabs” do *not* allow editing the text 
or font.

From the on-line edition of the 4.1 Calc Guide we have, at ppg 88-89:

*Adding or removing chart elements*


To add a legend to your chart:


   Select the chart by double-clicking on it to enter edit mode. The
   chart should now be surrounded by a gray border.


   Go to*Insert>Legend*onthe main menu bar to open the Legend
   dialog. This dialog is similar to the *Display legend*section on the
   Chart Wizard dialogshown in Error: Reference source not foundon page
   Error: Reference source not found.


   Select the *Display legend* checkbox and where you want the legend
   displayed on your chart – *Left*, *Right*, *Top* or *Bottom*.


   Click *OK*to close the dialog.


   Alternatively,right-click inthe chart area and select*Insert
   **Legend*from the context menu to insert a legend in the default
   position on the right side of the chart.


   Click outside the chart to leave edit mode.

To remove a legend from your chart:


   Select the chart by double-clicking on it to enter edit mode. The
   chart should now be surrounded by a gray border.


   Go to*Insert>Legend*onthe main menu bar to open the Legend


   Deselect the *Display legend* checkbox.


   Click *OK* to close the dialog.


   Alternatively,right-click inthe chart area and
   select*DeleteL**egend*from the context menu.


   Click outside the chart to leave edit mode.

Again, the user can add or remove, but not edit.

Another dead-end source illuminates another Calc problem:


This question is “closed” because it was allegedly answered, whilst in 
fact no answer of any kind was provided to the basi

Re: [libreoffice-users] how do I delete a page in libreoffice?

2019-04-28 Thread marianne-x

You don't say whether you refer to blank, or filled, pages, but no matter.

There's probably a better way to do this, but if nothing else works for 
you simply select, or mark, all the text + whatever else is on the page, 
then hit a backspace.

That works on, at least, although I haven't checked it with 
either headers or footers enabled - I don't think that they matter.

I also think that you're being unjustifiably overconfident when you 
claim: "This email is free of malware because I run Linux."


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[libreoffice-users] Long comments in calc?

2018-06-02 Thread marianne-x


I am still using Version:, so this note may be of no help.

(I am not aware of any “improvements” in later versions that would help 
me, and I read here of so many regressions, that I have not been tempted 
to “upgrade”.)

Anyway, in Version:, when you select “Insert-Text Box”, you do 
not immediately get a box, but only an indicator that something has 
changed, which might appear to you as “nothing”.

The “regular” calc arrow cursor changes to a cross, with an apparent 
subscript looking something like a curvey-flanged I-beam.

You can use this cursor to draw the outline of the text box, which need 
not conform to cell boundaries.

Anything you type within those boundaries goes not into the underlying 
cells, but rather into the text box. Executing a CR exits the “text-box 
mode”, leaving the text floating.

You cannot make any entry into the underlying cells when the text box 
boundary is displayed, but you can after exiting, even entering right 
under “box” text.

Clicking within the now-invisible boundary does not select any cell; 
instead it brings back the box boundary, handles, &c. The box can be 
manipulated in the usual ways when its boundary is displayed, including 
re-sizing and being dragged over pre-existing cell entries.

There is, of course, much more detail to be gleaned, but best by 
experimentation, not additional tortured prose.

Any help?


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[libreoffice-users] no access to styles in calc

2017-03-16 Thread marianne-x

List Ahoy:

This is mostly a low-priority enquiry, rather than one of serious 

Gaining access to “Styles & Formatting” via F11, and the alternatives, 
works as expected in Writer.

But not so in Calc. F11 produces no visible result; alt-O/Y likewise; 
mouse selection of Format/“Styles and Formatting” is equally inactive.

Is there some control somewhere that I have missed, that blocks access 
to this function?

The reason for exploring these nether regions: in Calc, the apparent 
default is to enable Headers and Footers. I have to say “apparently” 
since I can't bring up the Styles &c window to see what style is being 

I want those two additions (header/footer) turned off by default, as 
they are in Writer, and if I had access to the default Page style 
control I would change the default page margins also.

Curtains 7 — Version:

Build ID: f3153a8b245191196a4b6b9abd1d0da16eead600

Locale: en_GB

The above data was copied from “About — Libreoffice”, and that “en_GB” 
gives a bit of pause. Everything seems to function as expected for a USA 
locale, and we certainly never deliberately changed the locale.

Indeed, “Options — Language Settings — Languages” shows:

User interface: Default – English (USA)

Locale setting: English (USA), &c.

There is no apparent deleterious effect, but the appearance of “en_GB” 
remains an unexplained oddity.

for: Miss Keating

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[libreoffice-users] do screenshots survive?

2016-04-03 Thread marianne-x
I am aware that attachments are stripped from posts; what about embedded 

I ask, because of the terrible mess Thunderbird/LO made of my 
immediately preceding post. I copied the subject list from the LO help 
as text, and pasted it into the email; those who have looked have seen 
the resulting formatting, and probably wished they had not.

I can answer my own question, by embedding a screenshot of the original 
list here. I should be able to see for myself whether it survives a 
round trip to Deutschland:


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[libreoffice-users] presumed errors in help text

2016-04-03 Thread marianne-x
With Win 7, LO (also confirmed with if one does F1 - 
shortcut keys - general, one finds a section (here truncated):

Practical Text Input Fields


   You can open a context menu, which contains some of the most
   often-used commands.


   Use the shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+S to open the *Special Characters*
   dialog to insert one or more special characters.


   Use Ctrl+A to select the entire text. Use the right or left arrow
   key to remove the selection.


   Double-click a word to select it.


   A triple-click in a text input field selects the entire field. A
   triple-click in a text document selects the current sentence.


   Use Ctrl+Del to delete everything from the cursor position to the
   end of the word.


   By using Ctrl and right or left arrow key, the cursor will jump from
   word to word; if you also hold down the Shift key, one word after
   the other is selected.


   INSRT is used to switch between the insert mode and the overwrite
   mode and back again.


   Drag-and-drop can be used within and outside of a text box.


   The Ctrl+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at
   a time; the text will then have the status it had before the first

#2 is wrong, and so blatantly wrong in the ordinary context, that I have 
to wonder whether there is some misunderstanding on my part.

Does the "Text Input Fields" title imply some area of editing other than 
normal document work, where different rules apply?

If we have the error that we appear to have, is there any person/group 
interested in notification?

I have no way to check, but imagine that this text has been this way for 
a long time, implying that there may not be much interest in correction.

#10 is also wrong as written, or at least incomplete, inasmuch as 
normally multiple ^Z strokes would be needed to return to the initial 



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Cal file not recovering

2016-02-07 Thread marianne-x

On 07/02/2016 01:51 PM, Pat Brown wrote:

I was sending a cal document to be printed but the print never went through
and LO hung. I had to close LO down. When I restarted LO I got the message
that there was a file that needed to be recovered. I instructed to start
recovery but it went into working mode and never came out. It is not a big
file and should not have taken more than a couple of minutes to recover. I
shut down and tried again a couple of times but without success. On
searching for that particular file I found two references. The file is
called "Invoices.ods". I also found "Invoices.ods.lnk" and
".~lock.Invoices.ods#". If I delete these last two will that release the
file for recovery or will I be causing trouble by doing so? Are there any
other options I can try? And if anyone says "go to backups"  I will choke.
I had just made a large number of changes to the file and had not had an
opportunity to do a backup. Hope someone has a solution. Paddy

It is surprizing that you have not had any response(s) yet.

Treat anything I suggest with caution, as I am no expert.

It looks as if you have three "Invoices" references, not two.

You say that you haven't made a recent backup, but have you SAVED your 
file in the form in which you hope it to be? If not, you may be lost.

The "~lock" file is there to indicate that the file is ostensibly in use 
by some application. These "lock" files often get left behind when they 
should have been automatically closed.

If by "shutting down" you mean that you have rebooted, as seems 
probable, then you can blithely erase that "lock" file, and that's the 
first thing I would try.

If you haven't rebooted, you can probably still erase it without adverse 
consequences, but that situation might call for a little more thought, 
such as assuring that some instance of calc is not running in some 
hidden fashion.

Your "invoices.ods" file is the one that holds your spreadsheet. It 
wouldn't be a bad idea to copy it to one or more safe places, just in 
case something goes wrong with your recovery experiments.

The ".lnk" file is probably a "shortcut" to allow loading the calc 
programme, and that particular spreadsheet file, all with one click. It 
should have no negative effects, and I would leave it be.

Let us hope that someone with more assured authority weighs in.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] spreadsheet formulas stopped working

2015-12-14 Thread marianne-x

Your linked sheet requires a decryption key for access by us plebeians.

On 14/12/2015 09:01 PM, Rodney D. Myers wrote:

LibreOffice (pcBSD/FreeBSD)
LibreOffice (LinuxMint)

My spreadsheets formulas have suddenly stopped calculating as they have

The formulas are to add/subtract money from a previous amount.
Basically I'm using the spreadsheet as a checkbook.

see link below

if any monetary amount is changed, the corresponding balance(s) do not

Any ideas what happened to the spreadsheet, and how to correct it?

Thank you


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice 4.4, 5.0 : firefox personas not work with path url...why?

2015-11-14 Thread marianne-x

On 14/11/2015 05:21 PM, anne-ology wrote:

   Are you comparing FireFox with LO?;
   FireFox is a website where LO is a program.

No. Both are programmes.

They of course do different things, being different programmes.

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[libreoffice-users] lost opportunity

2015-11-05 Thread marianne-x

List Ahoy:

Charles Schulz wrote: "Also, I'm curious to know what operating system 
you replaced her existing system with."
The original was Vista, and the replacement was Vista. The easiest path, 
since everything was right there in a recovery partition on the hard drive.

"It looks like you didn't want to migrate the person on Linux."
I don't think you appreciate the depth of resistance to change on the 
part of the technologically timid. Besides, if I failed to pull off a 
simple install of LO on a virgin-system machine, what chance would I 
have with Linux? It was also necessary to re-load the original bundled 
M$ software, even if only to allow exporting the data trapped in 
Outlook's .pst file to Thunderbird.

" perhaps you could reinstall LibreOffice for her if there's a 
working mirror "

" what went wrong with this particular server."
As I said, I fetched LO from at least 2 different mirrors, and I would 
now expand that to "at least 3", since 5.0.3 apparently defaulted to the 
University of Texas. Are you suggesting an epidemic amongst them? And, 
for what it's worth, I found it hard to locate and connect with the 
download sites on non-default mirrors. None of the home pages of any of 
the institutions that TDF lists as mirrors showed any obvious path to 
their download departments, and by just using the links listed no 
control was afforded.

As said, if the fault is truly in all the many downloads of yesterday, 
then transporting by external drive one or more of the 21 
earlier-edition installers still available on this Curtains 7 machine 
should work. However, I suspect that some negative synergy twixt LO and 
Vista has reared its ugly head here.


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[libreoffice-users] lost opportunity

2015-11-04 Thread marianne-x

A minor tale of woe:

I have been trying for years to convince a young lady friend to break 
away from slavish dependence upon Micro$oft, and at least give LO, et. 
al,, a try.

Her Curtains machine, running on Vista, finally got so clogged with 
untraceable trash that a complete system reload seemed the only remedy.

That meant re-authorizing the bundled M$ office suite and Bill, 
apparently continuing his unholy lust for revenue, refused to accept her 
utterly legitimate "product key".

What a chance to gain a convert but, alas, LO queered the deal once again.

I downloaded the software at least 6 times, mostly from the Clarkson U. 
mirror where TDF sends one by default, but from at least one other 
mirror as well.

4.4.6 three times, 218,736 KB each; 4.4.5 at 219,300 KB; 5.0.3 twice at 
215,632 KB each. None of these would install, or give any indication of 
why they wouldn't.

Readers may assume that my procedure is at fault, and it may well be, 
but after these failures I had no trouble fetching and successfully 
installing AOO, Abiword, Jarte, HexEdit, Foxit, Firefox, Thunderbird, 
Audacity, &c.

I have a number of LO .msi files, going back to 3.5.4, on my own 
machines (all Curtains 7), and can try transporting them to the target 
via an external drive, in case there is actually something squirrelly 
about today's downloads.

But, after this experience, the would-be client - fearful of change in 
any case - can be excused for looking askance at LO, and may be a lost 

For my own edification, even if there's no salvaging today's fiasco, 
does anybody have any suggestions as to how such a supposedly foolproof 
process can go so far awry?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Preventing the display of #VALUE! in a spreadsheet

2015-06-21 Thread marianne-x

On 21/06/2015 02:31 PM, pete nikolic wrote:

I am running Libre office Version on Arch Linux

I have a lot of cells with this or similar in

the problem is that if either D10 or K10 is blank  the result is displayed as
#VALUE!   that means several hundred times not only is it a pain but it mucks 
printing up as well the results do not look good covered in #VALUE!  .

What is the trick to preventing the display of aforementioned  string
I too am running, but on what is known as Curtains, though you 
may still think of windows.

In my instance, blanks are interpreted as zeros, so your problem doesn't 
appear here.

However, a long-term annoyance to me is LO interpreting alpha chars as 
illicit in some formulae.

That was done in apparent slavish adherence to micro$$ bad practice; 
good old 123, and Mosaic Twin, took such chars to be zero.

Using your example on my system, if D10 = something possibly useful, 
such as "insert revenue here", the dreaded #VALUE! will appear.

You could try, z.b.,


For no apparent reason, that works to interpret alphas as zero, and so might 
work for you.

This example is unnecessarily verbose, just to illustrate the idea.

Other such redundant function employments have worked in other places, so you 
could tinker with the general notion.


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[libreoffice-users] rogue multi-line spacing

2015-05-22 Thread marianne-x

Ahoy all:

I know of only two ways to increase the leading, or line-spacing, in a 
block of text (using, specifically, LO, Curtains 7/64 bit).

One is to right-click, go to line-spacing, and select.

The other is to put an explicit , or  at the end of one line 
to insert a blank line before the next.

There seems to be a third way lurking, as yet undetected.

For a screenshot showing the unexpected behaviour, see:


Dropbox is a little mysterious itself, but this link may be to the 
original .odt file:


There's no way to illustrate a verification of my statement that the 
context menu hasn't been invoked, but the dearth of excess s is 
proven by the revealed codes.

Can anybody point out what I apparently haven't learned yet?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] default writer template please?

2015-04-01 Thread marianne-x

On 01/04/2015 11:48 PM, Dave Stevens wrote:
I'm using LO and have accidentally got a default document 
display that's two pages side-by-side. If I open a file of a single 
page I get the left page showing as blank then have to scroll right to 
get to the page of text. Can anyone tell me either what I did wrong or 
how to reset the page (the default template I suppose?) to the way it 
displays out of the box?


It may be different on your system, but all the LOs I am familiar with 
( here at the moment; /Curtains//7)/ show, on the bottom bar, 
just to the left of the magnification slider, 3 mini icon-ettes in the 
form of page outlines.

Click the left-most, singular one, and you should regain nirvana.

I don't think that this option qualifies as a "template", but in any 
case you don't have to go plowing through the template department to 
restore singularity.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Remove Strikethrough - Libre Writer

2015-02-07 Thread marianne-x

On 2/7/2015 5:23 PM, charles meyer wrote:

I Googled this question and after 3 pages of results none of it worked.

Can anyone please share how you *remove* strikethrough from text on many pages?

Text is lined through on many pages and I want to remove it.

If I choose Format>Font>Font Effects I can see it but it doesn't remove it.

If I right click on it I can apply it but not remove it.

Could yo also please e-mail me directly?

Thank you.

It's easy enough here, with Curtains 7 and LO ("portable").

Select the afflicted text, then, as you mostly indicate, FORMAT - 
CHARACTER - FONT EFFECTS and then choose "WITHOUT" from the 
strikethrough drop-down menu.

That removes previously applied strike-throughs for me.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Printing from Linux, Kubuntu/Ubuntu

2015-01-27 Thread marianne-x
Phillip Jordan should be plenty embarrassed when/if he figures out what 
he is doing that he is not telling us.

He says he is "downloading all 13,238k" of LibreOffice 4.2.

My download of last night was of 215,400 kb, plus 5432 kb for 
the helppack, so of course nothing will work for him.

We still have no explanation of what he thinks he may need to buy in 
order to install LO.

He finds no "installation wizard", so let's try saying this a different way:

After downloading the right file from the right site, you should find a 
file named: libreoffice_4.2.8_win_x86.msi in whatever subdirectory your 
downloads go to. If you opted for the helppack, then you should find a 
2nd file: libreoffice_4.2.8_win_x86_helppack_en-us.msi there also. 
Search for them if you've lost track of where they've been stashed.

If they are not at least close to the sizes given, something has already 
gone awry.

These .msi files are executable; one must needs only double-click (in a 
/Curtains/ system) on one or the other (the big one first, usually) to 
start them running. The resulting screen messages should guide one the 
rest of the way.

If you are expecting some magic/just because/ you downloaded the 
programme, it won't happen. You have to initiate the execution of the 
.msi file.

Whilst we're on the topic, I'd be interested if anyone has a suggestion 
pertinent to my particular difficulty: I have to run LO Portable from a 
USB stick, because the regular programme refuses to install on this 
/Curtains 7/ machine, reporting: "Error 1325 fingerprint is not a valid 
short filename", and not giving any information as to how one might 
resolve whatever problem LO is having. This has persisted through many 
versions, for about 2 years now, and so is not some transient phenomenon.

There are no "fingerprint" file names, short or long, on the system, but 
there are two empty subdirectories, associated with OpenOffice, that 
have that name.

There has been a lot of happy talk on this list lately about running 
multiple versions of LO in parallel, which is just what one wants to do 
in order to act as a useful tester. Perhaps that notion applies to mac 
and linux systems only. Whatever the case, attempting to set up such a 
parallel system on /Curtains 7/, loading the second version onto a USB 
stick (which I naively thought would provide adequate isolation), was 
the cause of my LO downfall, from which I have never recovered.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Default Alignment for Inserted Images

2014-11-07 Thread marianne-x
I don't believe that Brian Barker has ever addressed any help request 
from me, but he nevertheless richly deserves the bluest of blue ribbons 
as the:

"most consistently knowledgeable and (even more importantly) helpful" person.
Whilst most others are simply deleted after minor perusal, I archive all 
of his responses in a massive file that I can search when trouble 
strikes, and the official documentation fails, as it so often does.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] keyboard shortcut to navigate tables

2014-05-01 Thread marianne-x

On 5/1/2014 1:31 PM, Ruth Ann wrote:
Is there a keyboard shortcut that will let me move from cell to cell 
in a table in Writer? I can not find any  mention of one in the help 
section, and so far, the only way I know to move the cursor to the 
next cell is to use the mouse.

Ruth Ann, Cincinnati, OH USA

With portable-LO,, /Curtains7/, 64b, the four arrow keys move 
one cell up, down, right, or left, at least for me.

Seems absurdly simple, so maybe there's more to it.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS Office woes

2014-02-07 Thread marianne-x

On 2/7/2014 9:10 PM, Carl Paulsen wrote:
The biggest problem is that if the formula doesn't meet MSO's 
standards, you can't leave it in place to work on later.  I've had 
formulas which took me days to work out, and if I can't leave them in 
place even when faulty, then I have to re-create them each time.  When 
they are so terribly long, with many layers of nested functions, 
losing them is a disaster. Yet Excel prevents you from saving them 
unless they "work."  BAH!
I have no experience with M$O specifically, and have no interest in 
making excuses for its failings, but with those s.sheets that I do use, 
"all" you have to do in this situation is put a quote at the start of 
the formula, thereby making it text. The formula should then be 
preserved as text, and can be saved as such, until you want to work on 
it again; removing the quote makes it back into formula. Isn't that a 
reasonable work-around for their unreasonable default action?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Error or what?

2014-02-03 Thread marianne-x
Interesting, if unsavoury, behaviour. I can confirm the identical 
results from /Curtains 7/, and LO Line 28 marks the spot.
On a second /Curtains 7/ machine, LO deficiencies do not permit 
installation of main-line LO, but the "portable" version,, 
behaves in the same way.
Since LO is not allowed on that 2nd machine, routine work there is done 
with OO 3.3.0, and it, too, behaves identically on this test.

Perhaps someone with access to M$ will try the experiment there, to see 
how universal this phenomenon is.


On 3 February 2014 06:21, Erik Erlandsson (Nilhe AB) <

erik.erlands...@nilhe.se> wrote:

Im seeing this "odd" behavior in a series. Around line 30 additional
decimals are showing up
What am I doing wrong?
Enclosing both screen-shot and spreadsheet as it might look 
different in

other installations.

I'm using  Version: Build ID: 410m0(Build:2) in Linux debian
3.12-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.12.6-2 (2013-12-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux

With kind regards   Erik Erlandsson

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