PNG-Datei wird unter Windows nicht ordnungsgemäß ausge liefert

2006-01-05 Thread Marcus Reimann

ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob der Fehler nur in meiner
Testumgebung auftritt. Vielleicht könnt Ihr mir kurz
Feedback geben, ob folgendes bei Euch auch zu einer
Fehlermeldung führt:

1. Ablegen der im ZIP-Archiv abgelegten Datei (Link
   s. unten) in einem beliebigen Verzeichnis Eures
2. Aufruf der Grafik mit dem Internet Explorer und/oder
   dem Firefox-Browser.

Bei der Grafik handelt sich um eine simple PNG-Grafik,
welche ich aus meinem Grafikprogramm exportiert habe
(also kein Virus oder dergleichen).

Beim Abrufen dieser Grafik tritt das folgende Phänomen
- Apache 2.0.53 und Apache 2.0.55 unter Windows XP
  liefern die Grafik nicht ordnungsgemäß aus.
  Im IE 6.x wird nur ein leerer Platzhalter mit der
  korrekten Größe der Grafik angezeigt, jedoch nicht
  die Grafik.
  Im Firefox kommt die Meldung Die Grafik kann nicht
  angezeigt werden, weil sie Fehler enthält. Beim
  Firefox tritt weiterhin das Phänomen auf, dass
  nach zwei bis drei Reload-Versuchen der Apache-
  Webserver unter Windows XP volle CPU-Last verbraucht
  und sich nicht mehr beruhigt.
- Apache 2.x unter Linux liefern die Grafik ohne
  Probleme aus.

Vielleicht könnt Ihr das mal kurz testen und mir
sagen, ob dieser Fehler mit der PNG-Grafik bei Euch
auch auftritt.

Die Grafik liegt unter

Viele Grüße
 Marcus Reimann
 M. Reimann Systemberatung

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Probleme bei gemeinsamer Verwendung von mod_userdir und mod_rewrite

2006-01-05 Thread Stefan Kögl


Ich verwende mod_userdir, um meine selbst geschriebenen Web-Anwendungen 
aus meinem home-Verzeichnis heraus zu testen und über 
http://localhost/~steve/ aufzurufen. Jetzt wollte ich die URLs meiner 
Anwendungen mit mod_rewrite etwas verschönern. Wenn aber in der URL, die 
von mod_rewrite umgeschrieben werden soll die Tilde (~) vorkommt, wird 
sie automatisch zum Pfad meines Home-Verzeichnisses erweitert und die 
URL wird unbrauchbar. Ein kurzes Beispiel

Dazu verwende ich die Regel
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/info(/?)$ index.php?id=$1view=info
in der.htaccess-Datei des song-Verzeichnises.

Jedoch wird daraus

Weiß jemand Rat?

MfG, Stefan

PS: Ich verwende Gentoo Linux mit apache-2.0.55.

Stefan Kögl  | Tel.: +43 664 44 24 894
Apetlonerstraße 11   | Mail: Stefan Kögl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A-7132 Frauenkirchen | ICQ:  115578877

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Re: Probleme bei gemeinsamer Verwendung von mod_userdir und mod_rewrite

2006-01-05 Thread Robert Ionescu

Stefan Kögl wrote:


Ich verwende mod_userdir, um meine selbst geschriebenen Web-Anwendungen 
aus meinem home-Verzeichnis heraus zu testen und über 
http://localhost/~steve/ aufzurufen. Jetzt wollte ich die URLs meiner 
Anwendungen mit mod_rewrite etwas verschönern. Wenn aber in der URL, die 
von mod_rewrite umgeschrieben werden soll die Tilde (~) vorkommt, wird 
sie automatisch zum Pfad meines Home-Verzeichnisses erweitert und die 
URL wird unbrauchbar. Ein kurzes Beispiel

Dazu verwende ich die Regel
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/info(/?)$ index.php?id=$1view=info

versuche mal (ohne den Zeilenunbruch der Flags)

RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/info/?$ /~steve/mDB/song/index.php?id=$1view=info 


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Re: Probleme bei gemeinsamer Verwendung von mod_userdir und mod_rewrite

2006-01-05 Thread Frank Thommen

Hallo Stefan,

Ich verwende mod_userdir, um meine selbst geschriebenen Web-Anwendungen 
aus meinem home-Verzeichnis heraus zu testen und über 
http://localhost/~steve/ aufzurufen. Jetzt wollte ich die URLs meiner 
Anwendungen mit mod_rewrite etwas verschönern. Wenn aber in der URL, die 
von mod_rewrite umgeschrieben werden soll die Tilde (~) vorkommt, wird 
sie automatisch zum Pfad meines Home-Verzeichnisses erweitert und die 
URL wird unbrauchbar. Ein kurzes Beispiel

Dazu verwende ich die Regel
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/info(/?)$ index.php?id=$1view=info
in der.htaccess-Datei des song-Verzeichnises.

Jedoch wird daraus

Weiß jemand Rat?

MfG, Stefan

PS: Ich verwende Gentoo Linux mit apache-2.0.55.

mod_userdir (das Modul, welche ~-URLs in das Homeverzeichnis eines 
Benutzers mappt) und mod_alias setzen wie mod_rewrite URLs in Filenamen 
um und kommen mod_rewrite deshalb manchmal in die Quere.  Du kannst 
entweder das '[PT]'-Flag verwenden oder mod_userdir deaktivieren und die 
~-URLs von Hand mit mod_rewrite umschreiben.


ATTENTION: Depending on your server-configuration it can be necessary to 
slightly change the examples for your situation, e.g. adding the [PT] 
flag when additionally using mod_alias and mod_userdir, etc. Or 
rewriting a ruleset to fit in .htaccess context instead of per-server 
context. Always try to understand what a particular ruleset really does 
before you use it. It avoid problems.

Siehe auch die Anmerkungen zum PT-Flag in der mod_rewrite 



Frank Thommen
System Management  Support +41-44-63 27208
Inst. of Computational Science ETH [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ETH Zentrum / CAB, CH-8092

 ()  ascii ribbon campaign: against html mail, vCards
 /\ and proprietary attachments

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] More than one name-based vhost with SSL

2006-01-05 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
Sorry Steffen,

I posted a retraction...

The request will be handled by the right VH but the certificate defined in the 
first VH will be presented to the client.


-Original Message-
From: Steffen Ronalter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] More than one name-based vhost with SSL

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:

 In your conf below, you use the same certificate in both VH although the 
 ServerName are different.

All requests will be handled by the grundfunk VH regardless of whether you 
request or

If you add

CustomLog /etc/apache2/log/grundfunk_access_log combined

to the grundfunk VH and

CustomLog /etc/apache2/log/ronalter_access_log combined

I am pretty sure that the latter log file will remain empty.

Sry, it's not empty, see one of my last postings.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a proxy?

2006-01-05 Thread Zlotorzynski, Piotr
Hello everybody,

I would like to change User-Agent to some fixed value for all the
requests going through apache proxy. I was digging through mailing list
archives but I could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.

Piotr Zlotorzynski

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Few Questions about Apache

2006-01-05 Thread Muhammad Rizwan

Few things i want to ask about Apache (Linux).

1- How we can enable front page extension 
2- I have add ScriptAlias in my virtual domain entry, as:
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
   Now which type of scripts i can execute in cgi-bin directory.
3- How i can execute php pages for this site.

Thanks in advance!

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a proxy?

2006-01-05 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
Header set User-Agent foobar

You will need mod_headers.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:57 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a 

Hello everybody,

I would like to change User-Agent to some fixed value for all the requests 
going through apache proxy. I was digging through mailing list archives but I 
could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.

Piotr Zlotorzynski

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a proxy?

2006-01-05 Thread Zlotorzynski, Piotr
It does not work for me.
I guess Header ... does not work with mod_proxy.
Doc says:
This module provides for the customization of HTTP response headers.

So it works only for setting response headers of a web server, as I understand.


-Original Message-
From: Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

Header set User-Agent foobar

You will need mod_headers.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:57 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a 

Hello everybody,

I would like to change User-Agent to some fixed value for all the requests 
going through apache proxy. I was digging through mailing list archives but I 
could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.

Piotr Zlotorzynski

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a proxy?

2006-01-05 Thread Zlotorzynski, Piotr
There is one directive:
but it is available in apache2.0 and above. unfortunately I have 1.3 and cannot 
upgrade it.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:12 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

It does not work for me.
I guess Header ... does not work with mod_proxy.
Doc says:
This module provides for the customization of HTTP response headers.

So it works only for setting response headers of a web server, as I understand.


-Original Message-
From: Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

Header set User-Agent foobar

You will need mod_headers.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:57 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a 

Hello everybody,

I would like to change User-Agent to some fixed value for all the requests 
going through apache proxy. I was digging through mailing list archives but I 
could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.

Piotr Zlotorzynski

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a proxy?

2006-01-05 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
Sorry, my fault. I have a real hard time to get my act together these days...

RequestHeader set User-Agent foobar 

However, this only works with Apache 2.x

And I am not even going to ask why on earth you want to do this.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

It does not work for me.
I guess Header ... does not work with mod_proxy.
Doc says:
This module provides for the customization of HTTP response headers.

So it works only for setting response headers of a web server, as I understand.


-Original Message-
From: Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

Header set User-Agent foobar

You will need mod_headers.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:57 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a 

Hello everybody,

I would like to change User-Agent to some fixed value for all the requests 
going through apache proxy. I was digging through mailing list archives but I 
could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.

Piotr Zlotorzynski

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a proxy?

2006-01-05 Thread Zlotorzynski, Piotr
Don't ask :)


-Original Message-
From: Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

Sorry, my fault. I have a real hard time to get my act together these days...

RequestHeader set User-Agent foobar 

However, this only works with Apache 2.x

And I am not even going to ask why on earth you want to do this.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

It does not work for me.
I guess Header ... does not work with mod_proxy.
Doc says:
This module provides for the customization of HTTP response headers.

So it works only for setting response headers of a web server, as I understand.


-Original Message-
From: Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as 
a proxy?

Header set User-Agent foobar

You will need mod_headers.


-Original Message-
From: Zlotorzynski, Piotr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:57 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change User-Agent in apache 1.3 runnin as a 

Hello everybody,

I would like to change User-Agent to some fixed value for all the requests 
going through apache proxy. I was digging through mailing list archives but I 
could not find the answer.
Thanks in advance.

Piotr Zlotorzynski

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Oliver.Schaudt
Hi Pete,
Put an L inside the line with the asx -Line, so that  Apache knows this 
will be the last  Rule.
Than with RewriteRules you don't need ProxyPassReverse
Than check these [ist is only inserted an ,L before the ]:
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/wiv?seoName=$1 
  RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]
Another possibility will be to change the URI and than pass it with the next 
(should be the same like the things above). Check it and tell me if it is 
  RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING}  !^seoName
  RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA,PT]
  RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]
At the momemt i use mod_jk to the back tomcat, but i will check this with 
mod_proxy_ajp as well.
Here i use it with a rewrite of the actual URI an this i transparent to the 
Clients Browser, They never see /b/ in their browsers
 RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/abc/def
 RewriteRule  ^/abc/(.*)$ /abc/def/$1  [PT]
 JkMount   /abc*  ajp13_tomcat

Von: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mi 04.01.2006 17:53
Betreff: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Yes, but as you could see from my code sample, there are no redirects. 
There is a proxypass preceded by a rewrite rule.  That is why I feel
that the interaction between mod_proxy_ajp and mod_rewrite is buggy --
as far as I can tell, the behavior I'm getting is not due to an improper

Is anyone else out there using apache 2.2 with mod_rewrite and
mod_proxy_ajp to pass to tomcat?  I'd really like to hear other people's
experience and see their config.

Rajendra Kadam -X (rakadam - eTouch Systems at Cisco) wrote:

Hi Pete,

You said that . Rewrite goes into infinite loop Is that correct ?

I also faced the same problem. And resolution that is when you are redirecting 
to some other url that particular url should not be in turn re-directed. Else 
it's infinite loop.

See this thread :[EMAIL 

It might help you.


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Yes I am using 2.2, for the advantages mod_proxy_ajp was supposed to have over 
mod_jk.  Now I am rethinking that decision...

I will use the logging for more insight, thanks for that tip as well.  I will 
post any info I find, and appreciate any other suggestions.

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:


Another advantage of using RewriteRule over ProxyPass is that you get a lot 
better logging provided you set RewriteLogLevel 3. That may help you 
understand why it loops...

I understood that you originally ended up with a redirect, but I thought that 
it might have been the application that was generating the redirect.

I take it you are using Apache 2.2 ?


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

ASCS, thanks for your reply.

Your suggestion (and several permutations of it) were not successful; I don't 
quite understand why, but it created an infinite loop.

I don't think the original situation (where it *works*, but the URL is 
rewritten in the user's browser) is due to ProxyPass being evaluated first, 
because the URL did indeed get rewritten 1st (it's just that it wasn't 
transparent to the user).

I believe this is more likely to be a bug in the way the mod_proxy_ajp and 
mod_rewrite interact, rather than a matter of configuration.

But I really appreciate more suggestions and/or workarounds!
Thanks, pete

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:


Could it possibly be because ProxyPass is evaluated before RewriteRule ?

How does the following work :

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [P,QSA] RewriteRule /pub
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P] ProxyPassReverse /pub


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 6:48 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Hey all,
There is very little info out there on this so far, given how new
mod_proxy_ajp is.  One post I found seemed to indicate the same bug
with no solution

The problem is that I can't get mod_rewrite to work transparently with
mod_proxy_ajp.  It either doesn't work at all (when I don't specify
:proxy or [P]), or works like a redirect, changing the URL in the
user's browser.

Here's a quick conf:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ 

RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
Yes you will need the ProxyPassReverse in order to rewrite the Location headers 
of potential redirections. The RewriteRule will not take care of that.


Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Hi Pete,
Put an L inside the line with the asx -Line, so that  Apache knows this 
will be the last  Rule.
Than with RewriteRules you don't need ProxyPassReverse
Than check these [ist is only inserted an ,L before the ]:
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/wiv?seoName=$1 
  RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]
Another possibility will be to change the URI and than pass it with the next 
(should be the same like the things above). Check it and tell me if it is 
  RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING}  !^seoName
  RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA,PT]
  RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]
At the momemt i use mod_jk to the back tomcat, but i will check this with 
mod_proxy_ajp as well.
Here i use it with a rewrite of the actual URI an this i transparent to the 
Clients Browser, They never see /b/ in their browsers
 RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/abc/def
 RewriteRule  ^/abc/(.*)$ /abc/def/$1  [PT]
 JkMount   /abc*  ajp13_tomcat

Von: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mi 04.01.2006 17:53
Betreff: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Yes, but as you could see from my code sample, there are no redirects. 
There is a proxypass preceded by a rewrite rule.  That is why I feel
that the interaction between mod_proxy_ajp and mod_rewrite is buggy --
as far as I can tell, the behavior I'm getting is not due to an improper

Is anyone else out there using apache 2.2 with mod_rewrite and
mod_proxy_ajp to pass to tomcat?  I'd really like to hear other people's
experience and see their config.

Rajendra Kadam -X (rakadam - eTouch Systems at Cisco) wrote:

Hi Pete,

You said that . Rewrite goes into infinite loop Is that correct ?

I also faced the same problem. And resolution that is when you are redirecting 
to some other url that particular url should not be in turn re-directed. Else 
it's infinite loop.

See this thread :[EMAIL 

It might help you.


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Yes I am using 2.2, for the advantages mod_proxy_ajp was supposed to have over 
mod_jk.  Now I am rethinking that decision...

I will use the logging for more insight, thanks for that tip as well.  I will 
post any info I find, and appreciate any other suggestions.

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:


Another advantage of using RewriteRule over ProxyPass is that you get a lot 
better logging provided you set RewriteLogLevel 3. That may help you 
understand why it loops...

I understood that you originally ended up with a redirect, but I thought that 
it might have been the application that was generating the redirect.

I take it you are using Apache 2.2 ?


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

ASCS, thanks for your reply.

Your suggestion (and several permutations of it) were not successful; I don't 
quite understand why, but it created an infinite loop.

I don't think the original situation (where it *works*, but the URL is 
rewritten in the user's browser) is due to ProxyPass being evaluated first, 
because the URL did indeed get rewritten 1st (it's just that it wasn't 
transparent to the user).

I believe this is more likely to be a bug in the way the mod_proxy_ajp and 
mod_rewrite interact, rather than a matter of configuration.

But I really appreciate more suggestions and/or workarounds!
Thanks, pete

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:


Could it possibly be because ProxyPass is evaluated before RewriteRule ?

How does the following work :

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [P,QSA] RewriteRule /pub
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P] ProxyPassReverse /pub


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 6:48 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Hey all,
There is very little info out there on this so far, given 

AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Oliver.Schaudt
Hi Axel-Stephane
is a 
  RewriteRule ^/pub(.*)$ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub$1 [P]
not the similar like
  ProxyPass/pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub 
  ProxyPassReverse  /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub 

I have had several Apache's from 1.3 to 2.2 which have had no problems with 

Oliver Schaudt

Von: Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Do 05.01.2006 13:14
Betreff: RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Yes you will need the ProxyPassReverse in order to rewrite the Location headers 
of potential redirections. The RewriteRule will not take care of that.


Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Hi Pete,

Put an L inside the line with the asx -Line, so that  Apache knows this 
will be the last  Rule.
Than with RewriteRules you don't need ProxyPassReverse

Than check these [ist is only inserted an ,L before the ]:
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/wiv?seoName=$1 
  RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]

Another possibility will be to change the URI and than pass it with the next 
(should be the same like the things above). Check it and tell me if it is 
  RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING}  !^seoName
  RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA,PT]
  RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]

At the momemt i use mod_jk to the back tomcat, but i will check this with 
mod_proxy_ajp as well.
Here i use it with a rewrite of the actual URI an this i transparent to the 
Clients Browser, They never see /b/ in their browsers
 RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/abc/def
 RewriteRule  ^/abc/(.*)$ /abc/def/$1  [PT]
 JkMount   /abc*  ajp13_tomcat


Von: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mi 04.01.2006 17:53
Betreff: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Yes, but as you could see from my code sample, there are no redirects.
There is a proxypass preceded by a rewrite rule.  That is why I feel
that the interaction between mod_proxy_ajp and mod_rewrite is buggy --
as far as I can tell, the behavior I'm getting is not due to an improper

Is anyone else out there using apache 2.2 with mod_rewrite and
mod_proxy_ajp to pass to tomcat?  I'd really like to hear other people's
experience and see their config.

Rajendra Kadam -X (rakadam - eTouch Systems at Cisco) wrote:

Hi Pete,

You said that . Rewrite goes into infinite loop Is that correct ?

I also faced the same problem. And resolution that is when you are redirecting 
to some other url that particular url should not be in turn re-directed. Else 
it's infinite loop.

See this thread :[EMAIL 

It might help you.


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Yes I am using 2.2, for the advantages mod_proxy_ajp was supposed to have over 
mod_jk.  Now I am rethinking that decision...

I will use the logging for more insight, thanks for that tip as well.  I will 
post any info I find, and appreciate any other suggestions.

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:

Another advantage of using RewriteRule over ProxyPass is that you get a lot 
better logging provided you set RewriteLogLevel 3. That may help you 
understand why it loops...

I understood that you originally ended up with a redirect, but I thought that 
it might have been the application that was generating the redirect.

I take it you are using Apache 2.2 ?


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lamborne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

ASCS, thanks for your reply.

Your suggestion (and several permutations of it) were not successful; I don't 
quite understand why, but it created an infinite loop.

I don't think the original situation (where it *works*, but the URL is 
rewritten in the user's browser) is due to ProxyPass being evaluated first, 
because the URL did indeed get rewritten 1st (it's just that it wasn't 
transparent to the user).

I believe this is more likely to be a bug in the way the mod_proxy_ajp and 
mod_rewrite interact, rather than a matter of configuration.

But I really appreciate more suggestions and/or workarounds!
Thanks, pete

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:


Could it possibly be because ProxyPass is 

RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
Generally speaking this will cause no problem unless the backend server issues 
a HTTP 302 (or other redirection) with a Location header that needs the reverse 

I do not know if that could ever happen in the case of AJP, but imagine the 
Tomcat issues a redirect to ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/foobar. The Apache RP 
needs to translate that URL to http://servername/pub/foobar so that the client 
is redirected to a location it can actually reach. That is what 
ProxyPassReverse does.

If the application never issues redirects, or if you set ProxyPreserveHost 
On, it may not be necessary.


Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 1:50 PM
Subject: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

Hi Axel-Stephane
is a 
  RewriteRule ^/pub(.*)$ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub$1 [P]
not the similar like
  ProxyPass/pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub 
  ProxyPassReverse  /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub 

I have had several Apache's from 1.3 to 2.2 which have had no problems with 

Oliver Schaudt

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See URL: for more info.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] help work with Proxy pass option

2006-01-05 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
I am not sure I understood all of that, but...
When it comes to the yahoomail stuff, the reason you get redirected to is that you are missing the ProxyPassReverse directive.
ProxyPassReverse /
However, I am not quite sure that what you actually want is a REVERSE proxy. 
You may just want a plain old proxy.

In that case you need something like:

ProxyRequests On
Proxy *
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

In addition to this, you need to configure your browser to point to the proxy.


From: senthil kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] help work with Proxy pass option

Hi Axel,

Thanks for your response. 

As you suggest I configured .
ProxyPass /

Yes It works fine. when i type http://hostname:8080/ then it redirect to

=== ==

I want to build my apache as gateway server. the end user can assess the 
external domain like , 
, through my apache gateway server.

Browser  My gateway server ::8080 == external domain

1. I established the connection to my gateway server http://gatewayserver:8080 

Here my question is which is the best way to redirect the request to the 
external domain through my apache server? and how?

I am not sure is it possible way to transfer the request
a. the requested external domain url as pass as the url string string like 
http://localhost:8080/ https://localhost:8080/ 

I configured 
ProxyPass / http://
It works.

The targeted url refer the background image with respect to 
relative url like this
 background=images/bg.gif. So that i can't able to retriew it by 
http://localhost:8080/ https://localhost:8080/ .
If I access the url directly The backgroung image retriewed and 
it shows fine.

Please help me to resolve the problemand Please suggest if u have any 
sample for gateway server.


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] help work with Proxy pass option

2006-01-05 Thread senthil kumar
Hi Axel,

I am not looking for proxy concept, i don't want to configure my browser to point to my proxy server.
I am looking for gateway concept, I want to communicate external domain through my gateway apache server.

Browser - My Gateway Apache Server - External domain

Note:: My Gateway apache server internaly acts as a proxy server. 

that's why the requested external domain url as pass as the url string like http://localhost:8080/ 


On 1/5/06, Axel-Stéphane  SMORGRAV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am not sure I understood all of that, but...When
it comes to the yahoomail stuff, the reason you get redirected to is that you are missing the ProxyPassReverse
directive.ProxyPassReverse /, I am not quite sure that what you actually want is a REVERSE proxy. You may just want a plain old proxy.
In that case you need something like:ProxyRequests OnProxy *Order Allow,DenyAllow from all/ProxyIn addition to this, you need to configure your browser to point to the proxy.
-ascsFrom: senthil kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 2:04 PMTo: 
users@httpd.apache.orgSubject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] help work with Proxy pass optionHi Axel,Thanks for your response.As you suggest I configured .ProxyPass / It works fine. when i type http://hostname:8080/ then it redirect to ==
I want to build my apache as gateway server. the end user can assess the external domain
, , through my apache
gateway server.Browser  My gateway server ::8080 == external domain1. I established the connection to my gateway server http://gatewayserver:8080
 https://localhost:8080/Here my question is which is the best way to redirect the request to the external domain through my apache server? and how?I am not sure is it possible way to transfer the request
a. the requested external domain url as pass as the url string string like http://localhost:8080/ https://localhost:8080/
I configuredProxyPass / http://It works.Problem::The targeted url refer the background image with respect to relative url like this background="" So that i can't able to retriew it by 
http://localhost:8080/ https://localhost:8080/ .If I access the url directly The backgroung image retriewed and it shows fine.Please help me to resolve the problemand Please suggest if u have any sample for gateway server.Regards,skumar-
The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.See URL: for more info.To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Can't get stickysession to work

2006-01-05 Thread Germer, Carsten
Hello Everyone,

We're using apache 2.2.0 as caching proxy in front of several
application servers. No matter what I tried, I can't get stickysession
to see my appservers session-cookie :(

VirtualHost *:80
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^(.*) balancer://mycluster$1 [P,L] stickysession=_ZopeId
  Proxy balancer://mycluster

Now when I access the cookie _ZopeId is set
correctly as I can see in FireFox options:
Name: _ZopeId
Content: NonChangingSessionKey 
Path: /
Send For: Any type of connection
Expires: at end of session

But apache continues to distribute further requests between app1 and
app2. Where am I wrong? Do I need to put something around the
cookie-name or something?

This keeps me up at night for a few days now... Many thanks in advance
for any hint!


Carsten Germer Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (Web-Office, IT)
phone:  +49-40-8998-1661Notkestr. 85
web: http://wof.desy.de22607 Hamburg
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Germany

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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2006-01-05 Thread Muhammad Rizwan

I am just unable to understand that exactly which option is used in
APACHE (linux) to run PHP pages... and by disabling which option i can
stop executing these sort of pages... I searched a lot on google,,, but
none of the article provided me the answer.


On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 16:06, Steven Pierce wrote:
 On 1/4/2006 at 3:31 PM Muhammad Rizwan wrote:
 Few things i want to ask about Apache (Linux).
 1- How we can enable front page extension
 First you need to go to this web site and dnload the extensions that are 
 The site is your friend for Linux / Frontpage
 Next you can try this page for the install.  I have not personally used 
 these, but you can do
 a google search on Linux FrontPage Extensions and it will give you a fair 
 amount of
 hits on the install.
 2- I have add ScriptAlias in my virtual domain entry, as:
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
Now which type of scripts i can execute in cgi-bin directory.
 These two should get you started.  The Doc's on the Apache site are some of 
 the best.  You can use Google to the find the information on Apache's site, or
 you can use the Apache site.  
 3- How i can execute php pages for this site.
 Again google is your friend.  You can copy and paste the above link and it 
 35 million hits on installing PHP.  You can also go to and that
 will give you a really good idea on installing PHP for an Apache web site.
 The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
 See URL: for more info.
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2006-01-05 Thread G . Lams
 I am just unable to understand that exactly which option is used in
 APACHE (linux) to run PHP pages... and by disabling which option i can
 stop executing these sort of pages... I searched a lot on google,,, but
 none of the article provided me the answer.

More than an option, it's a module. In your httpd.conf, there should be a 
list of modules provided and loaded by default by your distribution (which 
distribution are you using?).
Search for LoadModule in your apache configuration and remove php if you 
don't want it (and restart apache).



The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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2006-01-05 Thread rob

in your config file.  There is a line that looks like this.

 LoadModule php4_module libexec/
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

You want php out of the question 100% then remove thoes lines.

If you want php for a directory only (lets say /web/php-files/

then your your did something like this.

/Directory /web/php-files
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Let me know if that works for ya  :)

On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 19:41:55 +, Muhammad Rizwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am just unable to understand that exactly which option is used in
 APACHE (linux) to run PHP pages... and by disabling which option i can
 stop executing these sort of pages... I searched a lot on google,,, but
 none of the article provided me the answer.
 On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 16:06, Steven Pierce wrote:

 On 1/4/2006 at 3:31 PM Muhammad Rizwan wrote:

 Few things i want to ask about Apache (Linux).
 1- How we can enable front page extension
 First you need to go to this web site and dnload the extensions that
 are needed.
 The site is your friend for Linux / Frontpage

 Next you can try this page for the install.  I have not personally used
 these, but you can do
 a google search on Linux FrontPage Extensions and it will give you a
 fair amount of
 hits on the install.

 2- I have add ScriptAlias in my virtual domain entry, as:
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
Now which type of scripts i can execute in cgi-bin directory.

 These two should get you started.  The Doc's on the Apache site are some
 the best.  You can use Google to the find the information on Apache's
 site, or
 you can use the Apache site.

 3- How i can execute php pages for this site.

 Again google is your friend.  You can copy and paste the above link and
 it will
 35 million hits on installing PHP.  You can also go to and that
 will give you a really good idea on installing PHP for an Apache web


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.0.54 randomly fails to serve index.html for single domain on multi-host server

2006-01-05 Thread Thomas Leavitt
I asked this before, with no response, so I'm rephrasing the question:


Apache/2.0.54 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-13.1.20060mdk)
mod_auth_external/2.2.9 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7g PHP/5.1.0RC1

Mandriva 2006, Pentium III dual processor system, SMP kernal, 768 mb
memory, ext3 filesystem... can supply any other information desired.

Using virtual hosting, with a fairly stock set up, via individual
files in vhosts.d (about 100 or so different sites)

Here's the problem:

Periodically, I get calls from my clients, and/or web site visitors,
telling me that their site is gone... inevitably, when I look, what I
see is a directory listing.

Now, this isn't because index.html has been munged... because it is
there. It just isn't being served by the web server as the default home

This problem is, as far as I can tell, always confined to a single
domain, and is consistent (as long as it lasts), i.e., 100 attempts to
load the site produce 100 directory listings.

What isn't consistent, is that it goes away after a few days (haven't
retested any one domain long enough to see how long)... and usually pops
up on another domain (had the problem reported a half dozen times over
the past few months).

Nothing I've done seems to make it go away - I removed a bunch of
modules that I wasn't really using, in case there was some odd side
effect. I played around with the order of the DirectoryIndex listing. I
commented out the DirectoryIndex item in the php apache config file...
tried every trick I could think of; nothing works. Which is why I'm
asking (again) here for advice.

What does fix the problem, is symlinking index.htm to index.html ...
no idea why the problem doesn't display itself with index.htm, but that
seems to cure it. Rather reluctant to symlink every damned instance of
index.html to an equivalent index.htm, but it looks like I might need to
do that if I can't solve the problem otherwise.

Tips? Pointers? Help?!?

Thomas Leavitt
Systems Admin
Godmoma's Forge, LLC

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.0.54 randomly fails to serve index.html for single domainon multi-host server

2006-01-05 Thread Boyle Owen
 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Leavitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2006 16:09
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.0.54 randomly fails to serve 
 for single domainon multi-host server
 I asked this before, with no response, so I'm rephrasing the question:
 Apache/2.0.54 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-13.1.20060mdk)
 mod_auth_external/2.2.9 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7g PHP/5.1.0RC1
 Mandriva 2006, Pentium III dual processor system, SMP kernal, 768 mb
 memory, ext3 filesystem... can supply any other information desired.
 Using virtual hosting, with a fairly stock set up, via individual
 files in vhosts.d (about 100 or so different sites)
 Here's the problem:
 Periodically, I get calls from my clients, and/or web site visitors,
 telling me that their site is gone... inevitably, when I 
 look, what I
 see is a directory listing.

If you have commented out all DirectoryIndex directives then apache falls 
back to the default index.html. If the client then edits their site and - 
somehow - renames index.html to index.htm then apache will not find the index 
file and so will list the directory.

Double-triple check that users are not using some helpful editor that renames 
the index file

As a fix for the future (since you'll never get them to stop it), actually 
start *using* the DirectoryIndex directive. It can take a list of names, eg:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be ignored. 

 Now, this isn't because index.html has been munged... because it is
 there. It just isn't being served by the web server as the 
 default home
 This problem is, as far as I can tell, always confined to a single
 domain, and is consistent (as long as it lasts), i.e., 100 attempts to
 load the site produce 100 directory listings.
 What isn't consistent, is that it goes away after a few days (haven't
 retested any one domain long enough to see how long)... and 
 usually pops
 up on another domain (had the problem reported a half dozen times over
 the past few months).
 Nothing I've done seems to make it go away - I removed a bunch of
 modules that I wasn't really using, in case there was some odd side
 effect. I played around with the order of the DirectoryIndex 
 listing. I
 commented out the DirectoryIndex item in the php apache config file...
 tried every trick I could think of; nothing works. Which is why I'm
 asking (again) here for advice.
 What does fix the problem, is symlinking index.htm to index.html ...
 no idea why the problem doesn't display itself with 
 index.htm, but that
 seems to cure it. Rather reluctant to symlink every damned 
 instance of
 index.html to an equivalent index.htm, but it looks like I 
 might need to
 do that if I can't solve the problem otherwise.
 Tips? Pointers? Help?!?
 Thomas Leavitt
 Systems Admin
 Godmoma's Forge, LLC
 The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP 
 Server Project.
 See URL: for more info.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE LINUX version 9

2006-01-05 Thread Kathy . Rixham

I am trying to install Apache Server on a SUSE LINUX Version 9 machine.  The machine is X86_64.

OK, I admit that I am new at this, but I keep getting this same error.  I have tried just the configure and make, and even tried building the apr/apr-util.  I get this same issue on the regular make and also the make for apr-util.  I think I have a corrupt /usr/lib/, but don't know what to do to get this corrected.

I have looked in the archives and the documentation, but have not found this particular problem.  I would appreciate any help you all can give me on this one.  


/bin/sh /usr/local/apr-httpd//build-1/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -pthread  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REEN
TRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util/include -I/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util/inc
lude/private -I/usr/local/apr-httpd//include/apr-1  -version-info 2:2:2  -o -rpath /usr/local/apr-util
/httpd//lib buckets/apr_buckets_alloc.lo buckets/apr_buckets_refcount.lo buckets/apr_buckets_socket.lo buckets/apr_buckets_
file.lo buckets/apr_buckets_heap.lo buckets/apr_buckets.lo buckets/apr_brigade.lo buckets/apr_buckets_mmap.lo buckets/apr_b
uckets_pipe.lo buckets/apr_buckets_eos.lo buckets/apr_buckets_pool.lo buckets/apr_buckets_simple.lo buckets/apr_buckets_flu
sh.lo crypto/apr_sha1.lo crypto/apr_md4.lo crypto/apr_md5.lo crypto/getuuid.lo crypto/uuid.lo dbm/apr_dbm_ndbm.lo dbm/apr_d
bm_sdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_gdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_berkeleydb.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm_hash.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm_lock.lo dbm/sdb
m/sdbm_pair.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm.lo encoding/apr_base64.lo hooks/apr_hooks.lo ldap/apr_ldap_init.lo ldap/apr_ldap_url.lo ldap/a
pr_ldap_option.lo misc/apr_reslist.lo misc/apr_rmm.lo misc/apu_version.lo misc/apr_queue.lo misc/apr_date.lo uri/apr_uri.lo
xml/apr_xml.lo strmatch/apr_strmatch.lo xlate/xlate.lo dbd/apr_dbd.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.lo dbd/ap
r_dbd_pgsql.lo  -lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl -lgdbm -ldb-4.2 /usr/lib/ /usr/local/apr-httpd//lib/ -
lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl

/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:  The information contained in this email message is confidential and may be protected from disclosure.  Please be aware that any unauthorized use, printing, copying, disclosure or dissemination of this communication may be subject to legal restriction or sanction.  If you think you have received this email message in error, please reply to sender.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Stickysession problem

2006-01-05 Thread Serge Knystautas
I'm trying to figure out why sticky sessions aren't working for me. 
This is on Linux RHEL3 w/Apache 2.2.0.

I have debug on and see output for finding JSESSIONID, but then it goes 
ahead and routes to one of the two servers.  Here is the hopefully 
relevant part of my conf:

UseCanonicalName Off

VirtualHost *
  ProxyRequests Off
  Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
  ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID
  ProxyPreserveHost On

  Proxy balancer://mycluster

Attached is the log file.  It has proxy: BALANCER: Found value 
QY3I3aOwol5ekbmBIq for stickysession JSESSIONID and then proceeds to 
just use the regular scheduling algorithm for each request.

Am I missing something in my configuration or is this a bug report I 
should file?

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 301.656.5501
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:45 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1681): proxy: initialized 
single connection worker 4 in child 3520 for (*)
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:45 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1681): proxy: initialized 
single connection worker 0 in child 3520 for (
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:45 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1681): proxy: initialized 
single connection worker 2 in child 3520 for (
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:45 2006] [notice] Apache/2.2.0 (Unix) configured -- resuming 
normal operations
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:45 2006] [info] Server built: Jan  4 2006 23:32:51
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:45 2006] [debug] prefork.c(991): AcceptMutex: sysvsem 
(default: sysvsem)
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(41): proxy: BALANCER: 
canonicalising URL //mycluster/action/manage/which.jsp
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(198): proxy: BALANCER: 
Found value QY3I3aOwol5ekbmBIq for stickysession JSESSIONID
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(803): proxy: Entering 
byrequests for BALANCER (balancer://mycluster)
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(396): proxy: BALANCER 
(balancer://mycluster) worker ( rewritten to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy.c(736): Running scheme balancer 
handler (attempt 0)
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_http.c(1661): proxy: HTTP: serving 
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1754): proxy: HTTP: has 
acquired connection for (
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1811): proxy: connecting to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1911): proxy: connected 
/action/manage/which.jsp to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(2005): proxy: HTTP: fam 2 
socket created to connect to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(2101): proxy: HTTP: connection 
complete to (
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_http.c(1443): proxy: start body 
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_http.c(1530): proxy: end body send
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1769): proxy: HTTP: has 
released connection for (
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:49 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(424): 
proxy_balancer_post_request for (balancer://mycluster)
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(41): proxy: BALANCER: 
canonicalising URL //mycluster/action/manage/which.jsp
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(198): proxy: BALANCER: 
Found value QY3I3aOwol5ekbmBIq for stickysession JSESSIONID
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(803): proxy: Entering 
byrequests for BALANCER (balancer://mycluster)
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_balancer.c(396): proxy: BALANCER 
(balancer://mycluster) worker ( rewritten to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] mod_proxy.c(736): Running scheme balancer 
handler (attempt 0)
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] mod_proxy_http.c(1661): proxy: HTTP: serving 
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1754): proxy: HTTP: has 
acquired connection for (
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1811): proxy: connecting to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(1911): proxy: connected 
/action/manage/which.jsp to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(2005): proxy: HTTP: fam 2 
socket created to connect to
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] [debug] proxy_util.c(2101): proxy: HTTP: connection 
complete to (
[Thu Jan 05 10:41:50 2006] 

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE LINUX version 9

2006-01-05 Thread Kathy . Rixham

Tried that yesterday, with the same results.  I really do think I have a corrupted library, but don't quite know how to fix it.  For the record, here is what I see when I enter /usr/lib/libex*

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 159982 2004-06-30 14:03 libexpat.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  706 2004-06-30 14:03
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2005-12-22 14:57 -
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2005-12-22 14:57 -
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 160096 2004-06-30 14:03
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2005-12-23 10:07 -
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 67684 2005-10-27 08:24

01/05/2006 10:44 AM
Please respond to users

	Subject:	Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE  LINUX version 9

Just curious, can you try compiling 2.0.55 instead and see what happens.

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:32:24 -0500 wrote:

 I am trying to install Apache Server on a SUSE LINUX Version 9 machine.
 The machine is X86_64.

 OK, I admit that I am new at this, but I keep getting this same error. I
 have tried just the configure and make, and even tried building the
 apr/apr-util. I get this same issue on the regular make and also the make
 for apr-util. I think I have a corrupt /usr/lib/, but don't
 know what to do to get this corrected.

 I have looked in the archives and the documentation, but have not found
 this particular problem. I would appreciate any help you all can give me
 on this one.


 /bin/sh /usr/local/apr-httpd//build-1/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc -g
 -O2 -pthread  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REEN
 TRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util/include
 lude/private -I/usr/local/apr-httpd//include/apr-1  -version-info 2:2:2
 -o -rpath /usr/local/apr-util
 /httpd//lib buckets/apr_buckets_alloc.lo buckets/apr_buckets_refcount.lo
 buckets/apr_buckets_socket.lo buckets/apr_buckets_
 file.lo buckets/apr_buckets_heap.lo buckets/apr_buckets.lo
 buckets/apr_brigade.lo buckets/apr_buckets_mmap.lo buckets/apr_b
 uckets_pipe.lo buckets/apr_buckets_eos.lo buckets/apr_buckets_pool.lo
 buckets/apr_buckets_simple.lo buckets/apr_buckets_flu
 sh.lo crypto/apr_sha1.lo crypto/apr_md4.lo crypto/apr_md5.lo
 crypto/getuuid.lo crypto/uuid.lo dbm/apr_dbm_ndbm.lo dbm/apr_d
 bm_sdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_gdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_berkeleydb.lo
 dbm/sdbm/sdbm_hash.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm_lock.lo dbm/sdb
 m/sdbm_pair.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm.lo encoding/apr_base64.lo hooks/apr_hooks.lo
 ldap/apr_ldap_init.lo ldap/apr_ldap_url.lo ldap/a
 pr_ldap_option.lo misc/apr_reslist.lo misc/apr_rmm.lo misc/apu_version.lo
 misc/apr_queue.lo misc/apr_date.lo uri/apr_uri.lo
 xml/apr_xml.lo strmatch/apr_strmatch.lo xlate/xlate.lo dbd/apr_dbd.lo
 dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.lo dbd/ap
 r_dbd_pgsql.lo  -lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl -lgdbm -ldb-4.2
 /usr/lib/ /usr/local/apr-httpd//lib/ -
 lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl

 /usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[1]: *** [] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util'
 make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this email message is
 confidential and may be protected from disclosure. Please be aware that
 any unauthorized use, printing, copying, disclosure or dissemination of
 this communication may be subject to legal restriction or sanction. If you
 think you have received this email message in error, please reply to

Lyndon Tiu

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE LINUX version 9

2006-01-05 Thread Joe Orton
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 10:32:24AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to install Apache Server on a SUSE LINUX Version 9 machine.
 The machine is X86_64.
 pr_ldap_option.lo misc/apr_reslist.lo misc/apr_rmm.lo misc/apu_version.lo
 misc/apr_queue.lo misc/apr_date.lo uri/apr_uri.lo
  xml/apr_xml.lo strmatch/apr_strmatch.lo xlate/xlate.lo dbd/apr_dbd.lo
 dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.lo dbd/ap
 r_dbd_pgsql.lo   -lrt -lcrypt  -lpthread -ldl  -lgdbm -ldb-4.2
 /usr/lib/ /usr/local/apr-httpd//lib/ -
 lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl
 /usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation 
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 

This is a known bug; you can run rpm --erase expat-devel.i386 as root 
to workaround the problem.



The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE LINUX version 9

2006-01-05 Thread Kathy . Rixham

expat-devel.i386 is not installed on the system.  And the expat 1.95.7-37.1 and the expat-32bit all seem to have quite a large number of running programs that depend on them being installed.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.  You state that it's a known bug - is there a web page or something that you can share with me so I can research it more?


01/05/2006 10:50 AM
Please respond to users

	Subject:	Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE LINUX version 9

On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 10:32:24AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to install Apache Server on a SUSE LINUX Version 9 machine.
 The machine is X86_64.
 pr_ldap_option.lo misc/apr_reslist.lo misc/apr_rmm.lo misc/apu_version.lo
 misc/apr_queue.lo misc/apr_date.lo uri/apr_uri.lo
 xml/apr_xml.lo strmatch/apr_strmatch.lo xlate/xlate.lo dbd/apr_dbd.lo
 dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.lo dbd/ap
 r_dbd_pgsql.lo  -lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl -lgdbm -ldb-4.2
 /usr/lib/ /usr/local/apr-httpd//lib/ -
 lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl

 /usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This is a known bug; you can run rpm --erase expat-devel.i386 as root
to workaround the problem.



The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE LINUX version 9

2006-01-05 Thread Joe Orton
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 11:07:09AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 expat-devel.i386 is not installed on the system.  And the expat 1.95.7-37.1
 and the expat-32bit all seem to have quite a large number of running
 programs that depend on them being installed.

You don't need the 32-bit expat-devel package for any running programs; 
that's the one you need to remove.

 Thanks for the suggestion, though.  You state that it's a known bug - is
 there a web page or something that you can share with me so I can research
 it more?

The bug is:


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2006-01-05 Thread Paul Shabash

Running Apache server 2.0.55 on Windows NT. If I load LDAP as 
followsin the httpd.conf file:LoadModule ldap_module 
modules/util_ldap.soLoadModule auth_ldap_module 
modules/mod_auth_ldap.sothe server crashes during shutdown of server and 
during any attempteduse of ldap for authentication.No error messages 
are written into the log. The only visible effect isthe usual Windows 
popup box ("Referenced memory at "0x0". Memorycould not be "read" 
etc.).Does anyone know why this might happen?(I installed Apache 
using the *.msi file, so I don't know what buildoptions were used. I assume 
that --with-ldap was used during the build.Otherwise, why would the 
ldap modules were bundled? But... 

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE LINUX version 9

2006-01-05 Thread David Salisbury

It looks like you're on a 64 bit machine.  Apache doesn't seem to like to be 
compiled for
64 bit machines.  If that is the case, here's a couple of work arounds to try 
and compile for
32 bit.  Start over and re-configure with

LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib32 \
CFLAGS=-m32 \
./configure --prefix=/home/salisbur/apache-install-2.2 \
--enable-mods-shared=mod-etc mod-etc

or a less elegant way


- Original Message - 
From: Lyndon Tiu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Having trouble installing Apache 2.2.0 on SUSE 
LINUX version 9

Just curious, can you try compiling 2.0.55 instead and see what happens.

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 10:32:24 -0500 wrote:

I am trying to install Apache Server on a SUSE LINUX Version 9 machine.
The machine is X86_64.

OK, I admit that I am new at this, but I keep getting this same error.  I
have tried just the configure and make, and even tried building the
apr/apr-util.  I get this same issue on the regular make and also the make
for apr-util.  I think I have a corrupt /usr/lib/, but don't
know what to do to get this corrected.

I have looked in the archives and the documentation, but have not found
this particular problem.  I would appreciate any help you all can give me
on this one.


/bin/sh /usr/local/apr-httpd//build-1/libtool --silent --mode=link  gcc -g
-O2 -pthread   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REEN
TRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE   -I/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util/include
lude/private  -I/usr/local/apr-httpd//include/apr-1-version-info 2:2:2
-o -rpath /usr/local/apr-util
/httpd//lib buckets/apr_buckets_alloc.lo buckets/apr_buckets_refcount.lo
buckets/apr_buckets_socket.lo buckets/apr_buckets_
file.lo buckets/apr_buckets_heap.lo buckets/apr_buckets.lo
buckets/apr_brigade.lo buckets/apr_buckets_mmap.lo buckets/apr_b
uckets_pipe.lo buckets/apr_buckets_eos.lo buckets/apr_buckets_pool.lo
buckets/apr_buckets_simple.lo buckets/apr_buckets_flu
sh.lo crypto/apr_sha1.lo crypto/apr_md4.lo crypto/apr_md5.lo
crypto/getuuid.lo crypto/uuid.lo dbm/apr_dbm_ndbm.lo dbm/apr_d
bm_sdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_gdbm.lo dbm/apr_dbm_berkeleydb.lo
dbm/sdbm/sdbm_hash.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm_lock.lo dbm/sdb
m/sdbm_pair.lo dbm/sdbm/sdbm.lo encoding/apr_base64.lo hooks/apr_hooks.lo
ldap/apr_ldap_init.lo ldap/apr_ldap_url.lo ldap/a
pr_ldap_option.lo misc/apr_reslist.lo misc/apr_rmm.lo misc/apu_version.lo
misc/apr_queue.lo misc/apr_date.lo uri/apr_uri.lo
 xml/apr_xml.lo strmatch/apr_strmatch.lo xlate/xlate.lo dbd/apr_dbd.lo
dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite2.lo dbd/apr_dbd_sqlite3.lo dbd/ap
r_dbd_pgsql.lo   -lrt -lcrypt  -lpthread -ldl  -lgdbm -ldb-4.2
/usr/lib/ /usr/local/apr-httpd//lib/ -
lrt -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl

/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/httpd-2.2.0/srclib/apr-util'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:  The information contained in this email message is
confidential and may be protected from disclosure.  Please be aware that
any unauthorized use, printing, copying, disclosure or dissemination of
this communication may be subject to legal restriction or sanction.  If you
think you have received this email message in error, please reply to

Lyndon Tiu

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Perl cgi question

2006-01-05 Thread Sean Davis
I have a simple perl cgi script.  It runs fine from the command line from
the cgi-bin directory, but not in the browser.  I'm sure it is something
simple, but any ideas why it works from the command line but not the
browser?  Here is the error_log output:

[Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] Can't locate
Dog/HTML/ in @INC (@INC contains: /Users/sdavis/Docum
/System/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darw
in-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl
/Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/P
erl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl
/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6 /Li
brary/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at
/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ line 7.
[Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] BEGIN
failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ l
ine 7.
[Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers:

And the script:

use strict;

use lib '/Users/sdavis/Documents/workspace/DogDB/lib';

use CGI;
use Dog::HTML::DogForm;

my $form = Dog::HTML::DogForm-new;


sub display_page 
my $form = shift;

my $q = CGI-new();

print $q-header();
print $q-start_html();
print $form-start_html;
foreach my $field ($form-fields) {
print $field-html . \n;
print $form-end_html;
print $q-end_html();

Finally, the Scriptalias directive and Directory:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/

Directory /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perl cgi question

2006-01-05 Thread Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV
It seems obvious that there is no file 

But on the other hand it could be too obvious to be true.

Otherwise I thought it was necessary to set Options ExecCGI...


-Original Message-
From: Sean Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:20 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perl cgi question

I have a simple perl cgi script.  It runs fine from the command line from
the cgi-bin directory, but not in the browser.  I'm sure it is something
simple, but any ideas why it works from the command line but not the
browser?  Here is the error_log output:

[Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] Can't locate
Dog/HTML/ in @INC (@INC contains: /Users/sdavis/Docum
/System/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darw
in-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl
/Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/P
erl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl
/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6 /Li
brary/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at
/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ line 7.
[Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] BEGIN
failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ l
ine 7.
[Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers:

And the script:

use strict;

use lib '/Users/sdavis/Documents/workspace/DogDB/lib';

use CGI;
use Dog::HTML::DogForm;

my $form = Dog::HTML::DogForm-new;


sub display_page 
my $form = shift;

my $q = CGI-new();

print $q-header();
print $q-start_html();
print $form-start_html;
foreach my $field ($form-fields) {
print $field-html . \n;
print $form-end_html;
print $q-end_html();

Finally, the Scriptalias directive and Directory:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/

Directory /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perl cgi question

2006-01-05 Thread Sean Davis

On 1/5/06 11:31 AM, Axel-Stéphane  SMORGRAV

 It seems obvious that there is no file
 But on the other hand it could be too obvious to be true.

The script runs successfully from the command line, so the file MUST be
there.  In fact, it is.

 Otherwise I thought it was necessary to set Options ExecCGI...

I'll try it, but that isn't what the error message implies.  The script is
being executed

Thanks for the input, though.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:20 PM
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perl cgi question
 I have a simple perl cgi script.  It runs fine from the command line from
 the cgi-bin directory, but not in the browser.  I'm sure it is something
 simple, but any ideas why it works from the command line but not the
 browser?  Here is the error_log output:
 [Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] Can't locate
 Dog/HTML/ in @INC (@INC contains: /Users/sdavis/Docum
 /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darw
 in-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl
 /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/P
 erl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl
 /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6 /Li
 brary/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at
 /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ line 7.
 [Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] BEGIN
 failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/ l
 ine 7.
 [Thu Jan 05 10:20:45 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of
 script headers:

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perl cgi question

2006-01-05 Thread Ian Stuart

Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:
It seems obvious that there is no file /Users/sdavis/Documents/workspace/DogDB/lib/Dog/HTML/ 

But on the other hand it could be too obvious to be true.

To be more accurate, there is no file /Users/. *THAT THE WEB SERVER 

This would imply that the file, or one of the directories, is not 
readable by the web server group (or world readable, depending on how 
you've set up the server)


Ian Stuart.
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perl cgi question

2006-01-05 Thread Sean Davis

On 1/5/06 11:35 AM, Ian Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Axel-Stéphane SMORGRAV wrote:
 It seems obvious that there is no file
 But on the other hand it could be too obvious to be true.
 To be more accurate, there is no file /Users/. *THAT THE WEB SERVER
 This would imply that the file, or one of the directories, is not
 readable by the web server group (or world readable, depending on how
 you've set up the server)

Good point.  That was the issue.

Thanks, Ian.


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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.0.54 randomly fails to serve index.html for single domain on multi-host server

2006-01-05 Thread Thomas Leavitt

 You mis-read the message. Just to be clear:




One week, the server displays index.html, as it has done for the last
several years, as the default page. On a site that hasn't been touched
in months.

The next week, it doesn't - for one domain out of 100, in a shared
hosting environment. The others continue to work as normal.

The next week, the problem goes away for one domain, and appears on

The only way to get a default page served, is to rename the index.html
file to index.htm, or symlink the two.

There are no .htaccess files involved.

This is why I'm baffled... I've been running web servers since 1994, and
apache for five or six years (not an Apache guru by any means, but I
understand how most of this works). The problem is not reproducible, as
far as I can tell - other than in the fact that the failure isn't
intermittent for the domains experiencing the problem, but continuous
(until it disappears).

Thomas Leavitt

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Leavitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2006 16:09
 Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.0.54 randomly fails to serve 
 for single domainon multi-host server
 I asked this before, with no response, so I'm rephrasing the
 Apache/2.0.54 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-13.1.20060mdk)
 mod_auth_external/2.2.9 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7g
 Mandriva 2006, Pentium III dual processor system, SMP kernal,
768 mb
 memory, ext3 filesystem... can supply any other information
 Using virtual hosting, with a fairly stock set up, via
 files in vhosts.d (about 100 or so different sites)
 Here's the problem:
 Periodically, I get calls from my clients, and/or web site
 telling me that their site is gone... inevitably, when I 
 look, what I
 see is a directory listing.

If you have commented out all DirectoryIndex directives then
apache falls back to the default index.html. If the client
then edits their site and - somehow - renames index.html to
index.htm then apache will not find the index file and so will
list the directory.

Double-triple check that users are not using some helpful editor
that renames the index file

As a fix for the future (since you'll never get them to stop
it), actually start *using* the DirectoryIndex directive. It can
take a list of names, eg:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm

Owen Boyle
Disclaimer: Any disclaimer attached to this message may be

 Now, this isn't because index.html has been munged... because
it is
 there. It just isn't being served by the web server as the 
 default home
 This problem is, as far as I can tell, always confined to a
 domain, and is consistent (as long as it lasts), i.e., 100
attempts to
 load the site produce 100 directory listings.
 What isn't consistent, is that it goes away after a few days
 retested any one domain long enough to see how long)... and 
 usually pops
 up on another domain (had the problem reported a half dozen
times over
 the past few months).
 Nothing I've done seems to make it go away - I removed a bunch
 modules that I wasn't really using, in case there was some odd
 effect. I played around with the order of the DirectoryIndex 
 listing. I
 commented out the DirectoryIndex item in the php apache config
 tried every trick I could think of; nothing works. Which is
why I'm
 asking (again) here for advice.
 What does fix the problem, is symlinking index.htm to
index.html ...
 no idea why the problem doesn't display itself with 
 index.htm, but that
 seems to cure it. Rather reluctant to symlink every damned 
 instance of
 index.html to an equivalent index.htm, but it looks like I 
 might need to
 do that if I can't solve the problem otherwise.
 Tips? Pointers? Help?!?
 Thomas Leavitt
 Systems Admin
 Godmoma's Forge, LLC


2006-01-05 Thread Octavian Rasnita
But I think PHP programs still can be used as a cgi script even without the
mod_php module.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 17:07 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Scripts


 in your config file.  There is a line that looks like this.

  LoadModule php4_module libexec/
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

 You want php out of the question 100% then remove thoes lines.

 If you want php for a directory only (lets say /web/php-files/

 then your your did something like this.

 /Directory /web/php-files
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

 Let me know if that works for ya  :)

 On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 19:41:55 +, Muhammad Rizwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I am just unable to understand that exactly which option is used in
  APACHE (linux) to run PHP pages... and by disabling which option i can
  stop executing these sort of pages... I searched a lot on google,,, but
  none of the article provided me the answer.
  On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 16:06, Steven Pierce wrote:
  On 1/4/2006 at 3:31 PM Muhammad Rizwan wrote:
  Few things i want to ask about Apache (Linux).
  1- How we can enable front page extension
  First you need to go to this web site and dnload the extensions that
  are needed.
  The site is your friend for Linux / Frontpage
  Next you can try this page for the install.  I have not personally used
  these, but you can do
  a google search on Linux FrontPage Extensions and it will give you a
  fair amount of
  hits on the install.
  2- I have add ScriptAlias in my virtual domain entry, as:
   ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
 Now which type of scripts i can execute in cgi-bin directory.
  These two should get you started.  The Doc's on the Apache site are
  the best.  You can use Google to the find the information on Apache's
  site, or
  you can use the Apache site.
  3- How i can execute php pages for this site.
  Again google is your friend.  You can copy and paste the above link and
  it will
  35 million hits on installing PHP.  You can also go to and that
  will give you a really good idea on installing PHP for an Apache web
  The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] cgi pl on apache ?

2006-01-05 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all,Apache/2.0.55 (Debian) PHP/5.0.5-3 mod_perl/2.0.1 Perl/v5.8.7 Server at Port 80this is my server.and the docroot is '/var/www/'i cant run cgi files on apache. [says not found on this server] [/var/www/cgi-bin/ is the directory where i want to store my cgi  pl files]
added some scriptalias line in apache2.conf file but didnt work :(do i have to add the scripalias part between spesific lines ? or what should be written between Directory tags comes directly after scripalias ?
do i need to enclose the scriptalias with IfModules ?help me please.regards,bye.[ps: scripalias comes default in httpd.conf of version 1.3 but theres nothing in the apache2.conf of version 
2.0.55. did the same as described in 1.3 but not worked on apache/2.0.55]

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cgi pl on apache ?

2006-01-05 Thread Software Developer
Apache 2.0.55 uses /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
default path of html files is
and cgi files go to /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin


 hi all,
 Apache/2.0.55 (Debian) PHP/5.0.5-3 mod_perl/2.0.1
 Perl/v5.8.7 Server at Port 80
 this is my server.
 and the docroot is '/var/www/'
 i cant run cgi files on apache. [says not found on
 this server]
 [/var/www/cgi-bin/ is the directory where i want to
 store my cgi  pl files]
 added some scriptalias line in apache2.conf file but
 didnt work :(
 do i have to add the scripalias part between
 spesific lines ? or what should
 be written between Directory tags comes directly
 after scripalias ?
 do i need to enclose the scriptalias with
 IfModules ?
 help me please.
 [ps: scripalias comes default in httpd.conf of
 version 1.3 but theres
 nothing in the apache2.conf of version 2.0.55. did
 the same as described in
 1.3 but not worked on apache/2.0.55]

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cgi pl on apache ?

2006-01-05 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
i didnt install apache2 from its source, instead used apt-get to install it.and default directory path is '/etc/apache2' [and docroot is /var/www/. these are the default directories created when i execute apt-get install apache2]
and under that directory i've httpd.conf and apache2.conf.httpd.conf contains nothing, but my conf file is there is no apache2 directory under /usr/local.would you please paste just the scripalias part of your 
httpd.conf with Directory and IfModule tags ?regards,bye

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stickysession problem

2006-01-05 Thread Serge Knystautas
On 1/5/06, Serge Knystautas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to figure out why sticky sessions aren't working for me.
 This is on Linux RHEL3 w/Apache 2.2.0.

 I have debug on and see output for finding JSESSIONID, but then it goes
 ahead and routes to one of the two servers.  Here is the hopefully
 relevant part of my conf:

Nevermind.  I had read that the stickysession capability was not tied
to Tomcat, but it largely is since it uses either a dot-appended route
or a cookie value dedicated to specifying the route.

Time to create a cookie dedicated to the load balancer for this to work.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 301.656.5501

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache and htaccess file web interface or gui tools site

2006-01-05 Thread Sri
Hi Guys,This is the website which is having the list of Apache and htaccess file web interface or gui tools really useful may be anyone knew new tool only free toolsthey can post here so that it will be useful for all usersApache GUI GUI
		Yahoo! Photos 
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

Re: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Robert Ionescu

Pete Lamborne wrote:
Gentlemen, thanks for revisiting this; I have not gotten it to work yet 
and still need to figure something out.

Oliver, your 1st suggestion resulted in the infinite loop again:

 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ 
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [P,QSA,L]

 RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]

here is the error log. 

it's the access log.

Note that the 3rd line is what I want it to do, 
and I don't know what starts the infinite loop from line 4 on down. - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 
200 18014 - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET 
/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET 
/pub/wiv/?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET 
/pub/?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage HTTP/1.1 302 -


The 2nd suggestion

 RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING}  !^seoName
 RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA,PT]
 RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]

The redirect comes from your application? Did you setup/check the 
rewriteLog? this is essential to debug rewriteRules.

RewriteEngine on
#RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING} !^seoName
RewriteRule ^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/pub/?(.*)  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/$1 [P]

You're using the rules in per-server context, right?

Note: with ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub you're only proxying to 
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub even if you did call /pub/abc -- this is not 
the proxyPass directive. To proxy this request to 
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/abc, you'll have to modify the rule like above.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2.0 and TLS with LDAP

2006-01-05 Thread mark clarkson
I am trying to use TLS with LDAP and Apache 2.2.0. My configuration is asfollows: Solaris 9 OpenSSL v 0.9.8a Berkley DB 4.2 OpenLDAP v 2.2.19 Apache 2.2.0My LDAP implementation works great with TLS:
 ldapsearch -ZZ -x -D cn=someid,dc=example,dc=com -W '((objectclass=posixaccount)(uid=testuser))' Enter LDAP Password: # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base  with scope sub
 # filter: ((objectclass=posixaccount)(uid=testuser)) # requesting: ALL # # testuser, People, dn: uid=testuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com uid: testuser cn: System Administrator objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount
 shadowLastChange: 12440 loginShell: /bin/ksh uidNumber: 2004 gidNumber: 10 homeDirectory: /home/testuser gecos: System Administrator userPassword:: removed # search result

 search: 3 result: 0 Success # numResponses: 2 # numEntries: 1If I use regular LDAP, I can authenticate just fine.The problem I am having is when I enable the use of TLS with the parameter:
 LDAPTrustedMode TLSin my httpd.conf file and attempt to log in to a web site, I get the following in the apache error_log file: [Wed Jan 04 16:34:20 2006] [warn] [client IP Address] [17151] auth_ldap authenticate: user testuser authentication failed; URI /repos/test [LDAP:ldap_start_tls_s() failed][Not Supported]
What do I need to do in order to get TLS supported in Apache?Here is my config.nice file for Apache: #! /bin/sh # # Created by configure CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/include
-I/usr/local/ssl/include export CPPFLAGS  LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/lib -R/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/lib export LDFLAGS ./configure \
 --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 \ --enable-mods-shared=all \ --enable-modules=all \ --enable-so \ --enable-ssl=shared \ --enable-ssl \
 --enable-proxy \ --enable-proxy-connect \ --enable-proxy-http \ --enable-dav \ --enable-authnz-ldap \ --enable-ldap \

 --enable-authn-alias \ --enable-cache \ --enable-disk-cache \ --enable-mem-cache \ --enable-mime-magic \ --enable-dav-fs \
 --enable-dav-lock \ --enable-speling \ --enable-rewrite \ --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl \ --with-ldap=ldap \ --with-ldap-include=/usr/local/include \
 --with-ldap-lib=/usr/local/lib \ --with-berkeley-db=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2 \ $@Here is the startup messages from the error_log too: [Thu Jan 05 12:16:18 2006] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr removed
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] Init: Seeding PRNG with 136 bytes of entropy [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] Loading certificate  private key of SSL-aware server [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] Init: Generating temporary RSA private keys (512/1024 bits)
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] Init: Generating temporary DH parameters (512/1024 bits) [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] Init: Initializing (virtual) servers for SSL [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] Configuring server for SSL protocol
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [warn] RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?) [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] Server: Apache/2.2.0, Interface: mod_ssl/2.2.0, Library: OpenSSL/0.9.8a
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:19 2006] [info] mod_unique_id: using ip addr removed [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Init: Seeding PRNG with 136 bytes of entropy [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Loading certificate  private key of SSL-aware server
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Init: Generating temporary RSA private keys (512/1024 bits) [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Init: Generating temporary DH parameters (512/1024 bits) [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Shared memory session cache initialised
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Init: Initializing (virtual) servers for SSL [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Configuring server for SSL protocol [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [warn] RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Server: Apache/2.2.0, Interface: mod_ssl/2.2.0, Library: OpenSSL/0.9.8a [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ... [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [notice] Digest: done
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] APR LDAP: Built with OpenLDAP LDAP SDK [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] LDAP: SSL support available [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [notice] Apache/2.2.0 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8a DAV/2 PHP/5.1.1 SVN/1.2.3 configured --  resuming normal operations
 [Thu Jan 05 12:16:20 2006] [info] Server built: Dec 9 2005 14:02:01And here is my slightly modified (private information changed) Locationblock in my httpd.conf file: LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CERT_BASE64 /usr/local/etc/openldap/cacert.pem
 LDAPTrustedMode SSL Location /repos  DAV svn  SVNParentPath /opt/repos  AuthType Basic  AuthBasicProvider ldap  AuthName Subversion repository  AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
  AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=com?uid?sub?(objectClass=posixAccou
nt)  AuthLDAPBindDN cn=someid,dc=example,dc=com  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] how to unsubscribe from here?????

2006-01-05 Thread Alessandro Gigli
Hello does anyone of you knows how to unsubscribre from this forum? I tried but I alwasy get errors.  Thank youSri [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Hi Guys,This is the website which is having the list of Apache and htaccess file web interface or gui tools really useful may be anyone knew new tool only free toolsthey can post here so that it will be useful for all usersApache GUI GUI  
 Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.  Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!* 

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can't get stickysession to work

2006-01-05 Thread Robert Ionescu

Germer, Carsten wrote:

We're using apache 2.2.0 as caching proxy in front of several
application servers. No matter what I tried, I can't get stickysession
to see my appservers session-cookie :(

VirtualHost *:80
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^(.*) balancer://mycluster$1 [P,L] stickysession=_ZopeId

This is mod_rewrite/RewriteRule-Directive, not the proxyPass directive. 
Can you set such options also here? If yes, it's at least undocumented 

The proxyPass directive didn't work either?

ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/ stickysession=_ZopeId


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] how to unsubscribe from here?????

2006-01-05 Thread Joshua Slive
On 1/5/06, Alessandro Gigli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello does anyone of you knows how to unsubscribre from this forum?  I tried
 but I alwasy get errors.

No details about what kind of errors?

As it says at the foot of every message, you need to mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  If that doesn't work, look in the
full headers of an email you get from the list for the Return-Path or
similar header near the top.  It will contain the email address the
message was sent to (with @ replaced with =).  That is the address you
need to use to send the unsubscribe request.



2006-01-05 Thread Steven Pierce

No it can not.  You must have the mod_php for it to run.  CGI scripts run
different then PHP scripts.  PHP runs from code on the page, CGI is a
run from a directory.


On 1/5/2006 at 7:36 PM Octavian Rasnita wrote:

But I think PHP programs still can be used as a cgi script even without
mod_php module.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 17:07 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Scripts


 in your config file.  There is a line that looks like this.

  LoadModule php4_module libexec/
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

 You want php out of the question 100% then remove thoes lines.

 If you want php for a directory only (lets say /web/php-files/

 then your your did something like this.

 /Directory /web/php-files
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
  AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

 Let me know if that works for ya  :)

 On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 19:41:55 +, Muhammad Rizwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I am just unable to understand that exactly which option is used in
  APACHE (linux) to run PHP pages... and by disabling which option i can
  stop executing these sort of pages... I searched a lot on google,,, but
  none of the article provided me the answer.
  On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 16:06, Steven Pierce wrote:
  On 1/4/2006 at 3:31 PM Muhammad Rizwan wrote:
  Few things i want to ask about Apache (Linux).
  1- How we can enable front page extension
  First you need to go to this web site and dnload the extensions that
  are needed.
  The site is your friend for Linux / Frontpage
  Next you can try this page for the install.  I have not personally
  these, but you can do
  a google search on Linux FrontPage Extensions and it will give you a
  fair amount of
  hits on the install.
  2- I have add ScriptAlias in my virtual domain entry, as:
   ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
 Now which type of scripts i can execute in cgi-bin directory.
  These two should get you started.  The Doc's on the Apache site are
  the best.  You can use Google to the find the information on Apache's
  site, or
  you can use the Apache site.
  3- How i can execute php pages for this site.
  Again google is your friend.  You can copy and paste the above link
  it will
  35 million hits on installing PHP.  You can also go to and that
  will give you a really good idea on installing PHP for an Apache web
  The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server
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Re: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Pete Lamborne
Robert, I did as you said, and still it rewrote the URL in the address 
bar as if it were a redirect.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/pub/?(.*)  ajp://dev3:8009/pub/$1 [P]

I set up the rewriteLog, here are the pertainent lines:

(note that dev2 is the apache box, dev3 is the tomcat box) - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with 
requested uri /pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$' to uri '/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) rewrite 
'/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx' - 
'/pub/wiv?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) split 
uri=/pub/wiv?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage - uri=/pub/wiv, 
args=seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/?(.*)' to uri '/pub/wiv' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) rewrite '/pub/wiv' - 
'ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) forcing proxy-throughput 
with ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (1) go-ahead with proxy request 
proxy:ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv [OK] - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with 
requested uri /pub/wiv/ - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$' to uri '/pub/wiv/' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/?(.*)' to uri '/pub/wiv/' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) rewrite '/pub/wiv/' - 
'ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv/' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) forcing proxy-throughput 
with ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv/ - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (1) go-ahead with proxy request 
proxy:ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv/ [OK]

I want the URL bar to read:

But the GET in the access log to read:

I am achieving the latter, but not the former.

I still cannot figure out why it rewrites the URL in the address bar 
from this debug code.

Robert Ionescu wrote:

Pete Lamborne wrote:

Gentlemen, thanks for revisiting this; I have not gotten it to work 
yet and still need to figure something out.

Oliver, your 1st suggestion resulted in the infinite loop again:

 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ 
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [P,QSA,L]

 RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]

here is the error log. 

it's the access log.

Note that the 3rd line is what I want it to do, and I don't know what 
starts the infinite loop from line 4 on down. - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET /favicon.ico 
HTTP/1.1 200 18014 - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET 
/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET 
/pub/wiv/?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [05/Jan/2006:11:51:39 -0700] GET 
/pub/?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage HTTP/1.1 302 -


The 2nd suggestion

 RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING}  !^seoName
 RewriteRule /pub/wiv/(.*).asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA,PT]
 RewriteRule /pub  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub [P]

The redirect comes from your application? Did you setup/check the 
rewriteLog? this is essential to debug rewriteRules.

RewriteEngine on
#RewriteCond  %{QUERY_STRING} !^seoName
RewriteRule ^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/pub/?(.*)  ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/$1 [P]

You're using the rules in per-server context, right?

Note: with ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub you're only proxying to 
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub even if you did call /pub/abc -- this is 
not the proxyPass directive. To proxy this request to 
ajp://theTomcatBox:8009/pub/abc, you'll have to modify the rule like 

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2006-01-05 Thread David Salisbury
No, that's not true.  I'm not up with php much, but you can run it as cgi.  I don't know if it's still true, but php didn't used to 
work with Apache 2.0.* as a module, but you could run it still as cgi, though it's not recommended for security reasons..

you could...

ScriptAlias /php/ /usr/local/bin/
Location ~ /php
 Options -Indexes

%{109}: file /usr/local/bin/php
/usr/local/bin/php: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), 
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped


- Original Message - 
From: Steven Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Scripts

No it can not.  You must have the mod_php for it to run.  CGI scripts run
different then PHP scripts.  PHP runs from code on the page, CGI is a
run from a directory.


On 1/5/2006 at 7:36 PM Octavian Rasnita wrote:

But I think PHP programs still can be used as a cgi script even without
mod_php module.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 17:07 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Scripts


in your config file.  There is a line that looks like this.

 LoadModule php4_module libexec/
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

You want php out of the question 100% then remove thoes lines.

If you want php for a directory only (lets say /web/php-files/

then your your did something like this.

/Directory /web/php-files
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Let me know if that works for ya  :)

On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 19:41:55 +, Muhammad Rizwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I am just unable to understand that exactly which option is used in
 APACHE (linux) to run PHP pages... and by disabling which option i can
 stop executing these sort of pages... I searched a lot on google,,, but
 none of the article provided me the answer.


 On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 16:06, Steven Pierce wrote:

 On 1/4/2006 at 3:31 PM Muhammad Rizwan wrote:

 Few things i want to ask about Apache (Linux).
 1- How we can enable front page extension
 First you need to go to this web site and dnload the extensions that
 are needed.
 The site is your friend for Linux / Frontpage

 Next you can try this page for the install.  I have not personally


 these, but you can do
 a google search on Linux FrontPage Extensions and it will give you a
 fair amount of
 hits on the install.

 2- I have add ScriptAlias in my virtual domain entry, as:
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
Now which type of scripts i can execute in cgi-bin directory.

 These two should get you started.  The Doc's on the Apache site are


 the best.  You can use Google to the find the information on Apache's
 site, or
 you can use the Apache site.

 3- How i can execute php pages for this site.

 Again google is your friend.  You can copy and paste the above link


 it will
 35 million hits on installing PHP.  You can also go to and that
 will give you a really good idea on installing PHP for an Apache web


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The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Robert Ionescu

Pete Lamborne wrote:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/pub/?(.*)  ajp://dev3:8009/pub/$1 [P]

I set up the rewriteLog, here are the pertainent lines:

(note that dev2 is the apache box, dev3 is the tomcat box) - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with 
requested uri /pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$' to uri '/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) rewrite 
'/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx' - 
'/pub/wiv?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) split 
uri=/pub/wiv?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage - uri=/pub/wiv, 
args=seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/?(.*)' to uri '/pub/wiv' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) rewrite '/pub/wiv' - 
'ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) forcing proxy-throughput 
with ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (1) go-ahead with proxy request 
proxy:ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv [OK] - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with 
requested uri /pub/wiv/

Here -- last line: Something did send a redirect from /pub/wiv to 
/pub/wiv/ (trailing slash). So try to specify the slash within the 
substitution of the first RewriteRule:

/pub/wiv/?seoName=$1 [QSA]


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] How to require authentication for a proxy?

2006-01-05 Thread leam
Pointers to documentation would be appreciated. I can do the proxy and the 
authentication but am not sure how to authenticate anyone going through the 
proxy. I need a limited user set to be able to pass through, apache 2.0.x.



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Re: AW: [EMAIL PROTECTED] rewrite gurus help? (with mod_proxy_ajp)

2006-01-05 Thread Pete Lamborne

Robert, if you are ever in Denver I am treating you to dinner.

Thanks so much

I've been battling this for days and it was that easy.

Robert Ionescu wrote:

Pete Lamborne wrote:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$ /pub/wiv?seoName=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/pub/?(.*)  ajp://dev3:8009/pub/$1 [P]

I set up the rewriteLog, here are the pertainent lines:

(note that dev2 is the apache box, dev3 is the tomcat box) - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with 
requested uri /pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/wiv/(.*)\.asx$' to uri 
'/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) rewrite 
'/pub/wiv/Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage.asx' - 
'/pub/wiv?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) split 
uri=/pub/wiv?seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage - uri=/pub/wiv, 
args=seoName=Shop_Surf_00314_All_The_Rage - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (3) applying pattern 
'^/pub/?(.*)' to uri '/pub/wiv' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) rewrite '/pub/wiv' - 
'ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv' - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) forcing proxy-throughput 
with ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (1) go-ahead with proxy 
request proxy:ajp://dev3:8009/pub/wiv [OK] - - [05/Jan/2006:14:03:32 --0700] 
[dev2/sid#9de9ac0][rid#9eaff98/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with 
requested uri /pub/wiv/

Here -- last line: Something did send a redirect from /pub/wiv to 
/pub/wiv/ (trailing slash). So try to specify the slash within the 
substitution of the first RewriteRule:

/pub/wiv/?seoName=$1 [QSA]

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts help needed?

2006-01-05 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all,i am a newbie on such subjects :)but i want to ask something to you:NameVirtualHost *:80VirtualHost *:80ServerName debianServerAlias localhostDocumentRoot /var/www//VirtualHost
VirtualHost *:80ServerName debian1ServerAlias localhost1DocumentRoot /var/ww//VirtualHostthese are my virtual host definitions and all i want to do is this :i have two folders under /var/ which are /www and /ww
and i want apache to show files under /www when 'http://localhost' is typed on browser.and to show files under /ww when 'http://localhost1' is typed on browser.
for 'http://localhost' everything is ok. but when i type 'http://localhost1' get the error below :An error occurred while loading 
http://localhost1/Unknown host localhost1 i can achieve ?

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts help needed?

2006-01-05 Thread David Salisbury

I'm going to guess that you're just making up the name localhost1.

You will actually need a dns entry to your computer.  You might want to
talk to your system's administrator.

If you can't ping the name, apache wont be able to do anything with it.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:34 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts help needed?

hi all,
i am a newbie on such subjects :)
but i want to ask something to you:

NameVirtualHost *:80

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName debian
ServerAlias localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName debian1
ServerAlias localhost1
DocumentRoot /var/ww/

these are my virtual host definitions and all i want to do is this :

i have two folders under /var/ which are /www and /ww
and i want apache to show files under /www when 'http://localhost' is typed
on browser.
and to show files under /ww when 'http://localhost1' is typed on

for 'http://localhost' everything is ok. but when i type 'http://localhost1'
get the error below :

An error occurred while loading http://localhost1/
Unknown host localhost1 ...

how i can achieve ?

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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 from the digest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts help needed?

2006-01-05 Thread David Salisbury

Opps.. hit the send button early.

Actually, what happens when you use the debian and debian1 names?  Do they work?

Personally, I don't know what the ServerAlias directives do?  You probably 
don't need them.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:34 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts help needed?

hi all,
i am a newbie on such subjects :)
but i want to ask something to you:

NameVirtualHost *:80

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName debian
ServerAlias localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/

VirtualHost *:80
ServerName debian1
ServerAlias localhost1
DocumentRoot /var/ww/

these are my virtual host definitions and all i want to do is this :

i have two folders under /var/ which are /www and /ww
and i want apache to show files under /www when 'http://localhost' is typed
on browser.
and to show files under /ww when 'http://localhost1' is typed on

for 'http://localhost' everything is ok. but when i type 'http://localhost1'
get the error below :

An error occurred while loading http://localhost1/
Unknown host localhost1 ...

how i can achieve ?

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts help needed?

2006-01-05 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
lol,its too complicated then i thought :)its my personal computer at home. dont know much about dns or apache :)just trying to learn on my own.i wondered how virtual hosts work. i mean how one can posses more than one domain one one disk :)
as your reply means, i have to work a lot to learn such things ;)regards, http://debian [my hostname or] works fine, but debian1 is just something i defined in 
httpd.conf :) so i had better learn the usage of bind or something like bind too :'(.damn its too hard to progress :)

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Hosts help needed?

2006-01-05 Thread G . Lams
 its too complicated then i thought :)
 its my personal computer at home. dont know much about dns or apache :)
 just trying to learn on my own.
 i wondered how virtual hosts work. i mean how one can posses more 
 than one domain one one disk :) 

If you want to use only on your computer, you could define the two hosts 
in the hosts file of your computer (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 
on windows, /etc on linux).



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