RE: php4 modul cgi mysql

2006-07-15 Thread Marcus Reimann
Hallo Holm,

Du schreibst:

ähm na logisch habe ich ne info.php zum testen im root des jeweiligen
apache2 dirs liegen, bloss sehe ich in der Ausgabe leider nicht ob php
als cgi oder als Modul geladen wird.

Wo steht denn das dort ?

Wenn Du die Ausgabe von phpinfo() anschaust, findest Du im oberen Kopf
der Ausgabe die Zeile Server API:
- die Angabe Apache 2.0 Handler bedeutet, PHP wurde als PHP-Modul
  aufgerufen (unter dem Apache 2.0 Webserver)
- die Angabe CGI/FastCGI bedeutet, PHP wurde als CGI aufgerufen
  und zwar in diesem Falle als FastCGI.

 Und dann verseth ich nicht wann php4 als Modul und wann als cgi
 benutzt wird ?

 Es wird dann als Modul benutzt wenn man seinem Apache gesagt hat das
 er das Modul laden soll ansonsten ist ein Handler zu definieren
 welcher das Programm php (in seiner CGI Form) aufruft.

 z.B Apache 1:
 LoadModule php5_modulelibexec/
 AddModule mod_php5.c

 DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.php4 index.htm index.html
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4 .php3
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

 Bei Apache2 entfaellt das AddModule.

genau hier liegt mein Verständnisproblem. Ich hab php als Modul geladen.
Es wird scheinbar auch benutzt.  Indem ich das hier aktiviere im
jeweiligen vhost wird also php4 als cgi ausgeführt?

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4 .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Nein, damit wird PHP4 nicht als CGI ausgeführt.

Die Erklärung ist ganz einfach, wenn Du Dir genau die Namen der
benutzten Direktiven anschaust und Dir die Logik des Apache-
Servers verinnerlichst:

- LoadModule weist den Apache Server an, ein Modul zu laden
  (load = lade, Module = Modul...).
  Wenn Du dies in deiner Konfiguration stehen hast, dann versucht
  der Apache-Server das Modul zu laden - ob es dann auch
  angesprochen wird, hängt von einer weiteren Direktive, nämlich
  AddType ab. Die Direktive LoadModul lädt und aktiviert
  erstmal nur das Modul.

  Ob Du PHP als Modul laden möchtest oder nicht, hängt von Deinen
  Sicherheitsbedürfnissen und Deiner Serverumgebung ab (weiter-
  führende Stichworte hierzu sind: mehrere Benutzer auf einem
  Webserver (chroot, suExec, ...) und Zuteilung von Ressourcen
  zu einzelnen Virtualhosts (FastCGI), ...).

  Es läßt sich übrigens nur ein PHP-Modul in den Apache laden.
  Das bedeutet, wenn Du gerne mehrere PHP-Versionen benötigst
  (z.B. PHP4 und PHP5 gleichzeitig auf einem Server), dann kann nur
  eine dieser Versionen als Modul eingebunden werden - die andere
  PHP-Version mußt Du dann als CGI/FastCGI aufrufen.

- AddType = zusätzliche Direktive, die den Apache Server anweist,
  Dateien mit einer speziellen Extension (z.B. .php) einem
  MIME-Typ (z.B. dem geladenen PHP-Modul) zuzuordnen.

  Die Anweisung
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4 .php3
  weist den Apache an, alle Aufrufe mit dem Kürzel .php dem
  (vorher mit LoadModule geladenem) Apache-Modul zuzuordnen.


- AddHandler zusammen mit Action weist den Apache Server
  dagegen an, bei einem Aufruf einer Datei mit einer gewissen
  Extension (z.B. .php5 oder .cgi) diesen Aufruf an einen
  speziellen Handler zu übergeben (AddHandler).
  Die Aktion, die beim Auftreten dieses Handlers ausgeführt
  wird, ist im Fall von PHP-CGI der PHP-Interpreter oder FastCGI.

  Mit AddHandler und Action kannst Du also dafür sorgen, dass
  der PHP-Interpreter als CGI (oder FastCGI) aufgerufen wird.


Mit Hilfe dieser Direktiven kannst Du also sowohl PHP als Modul
als auch PHP als CGI aufrufen - es kommt nur darauf an, welche
Direktive Du letztendlich nutzt.

Viele Grüße
 Marcus Reimann
 M. Reimann Systemberatung

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please help... apache hacked?

2006-07-15 Thread Max Dittrich

Ricardo Kleemann schrieb:

I'm running an older version of apache 1.3.28 under a Suse install.
Today I noticed that somehow a bots.txt perl program is being run, yet 
it is not run from the filesystem. Somehow this script is being 
downloaded and run.
Yesterday the server was also a victim of an attack from PSYCH@ mass 
defacement. I don't know if these 2 attacks are related in any way, but 
I certainly need help to figure out what to do!
Does anyone know anything related to running this bots.txt? Here's what 
I have in my error_log:

   = `bots.txt'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 29,378 [text/plain]

0K .. .. 100%  
683.08 KB/s

A first look shows that the script bots.txt currently available 
targets vulnerable installation of Joomla and Mambo. There are some 
vulnerabilities reported for the included phpBB and an extension called 

The bot seems to join a specific IRC-chan waiting for commands and 
looking for new vulnerable installations via google-searches.

Perhaps you want to replace any wget-binaries with a shell script 
logging environment and command-line switches to identify the document 
used to retrieve the script.


You should stop your Apache! :D


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please help... apache hacked?

2006-07-15 Thread Ricardo Kleemann

Thanks Max.

A first look shows that the script bots.txt currently available targets 
vulnerable installation of Joomla and Mambo. There are some 
vulnerabilities reported for the included phpBB and an extension called 

But how in the first place, is apache even downloading the bots.txt, and 
then, running it? Is it running in-memory, since it's not anywhere in the 
filesystem ?

And what commands can be run on port 80 to do the download/run of the 

The bot seems to join a specific IRC-chan waiting for commands and looking 
for new vulnerable installations via google-searches.

Perhaps you want to replace any wget-binaries with a shell script logging 
environment and command-line switches to identify the document used to 
retrieve the script.


You should stop your Apache! :D


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache2 vhost log

2006-07-15 Thread David Sveningsson
Hi, I cannot get custom logs for a vhost to work. The logfiles is
created but empty. I've searched for examples and read the manual but it
don't work. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

This is my vhost config:

VirtualHost *:80
DocumentRoot /www/

CustomLog /www/ %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b
\%{Referer}i\ \%{User-agent}i\
ErrorLog /www/
AcceptPathInfo On

Alias /wiki /www/
Alias /index.php /www/

Does anyone have any tips?

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please help... apache hacked?

2006-07-15 Thread Pid

Morgan Gangwere wrote:
 On 7/15/06, Ricardo Kleemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Max.

  A first look shows that the script bots.txt currently available
  vulnerable installation of Joomla and Mambo. There are some
  vulnerabilities reported for the included phpBB and an extension called


 does ANYBODY even know what bots.txt even DOES?

Clearly not you.

 bots.txt should look like this:
 accept all
 reject altaVista
 look at to see what it SHOULD do... its for
 SEARCH EINGINES. the bot grabs it, looks at it, and it its on the
 white list of eingines, it caches the site, if its on the blacklist
 (reject), it sulks away into a corner...

Don't confuse the widely known robots.txt file, which is the main
component of the Web Robots Exclusion Standard, with a file that happens
to be called bots.txt

A cursory examination of this particular bots.txt file seems to
indicate that it creates an IRC server.


If this server is hosted for you, contact your host and inform them that
the machine is probably compromised.  They'll probably know what to do.

If, instead, you operate the machine, then take it off the internet and
backup any data you need from it, using a local network connection only.
 You will need to scan this data separately, to ensure it doesn't
contain any hostile code.

There are ways of disinfecting a server, but if you're not confident
about your server management skills, the safest way is to format the
disk and start again.

Install a fresh OS, and before you put it on the internet look up and
install: IPTables and an AntiVirus package (ClamAV?).

It's a good opportunity to install up-to-date versions of all your apps,
and ensure that you don't have out-of-date software on your machine.

Good luck.


The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache2 vhost log

2006-07-15 Thread Joshua Slive

On 7/15/06, David Sveningsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, I cannot get custom logs for a vhost to work. The logfiles is
created but empty. I've searched for examples and read the manual but it
don't work. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

This is my vhost config:

VirtualHost *:80
DocumentRoot /www/

CustomLog /www/ %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b
\%{Referer}i\ \%{User-agent}i\
ErrorLog /www/
AcceptPathInfo On

Alias /wiki /www/
Alias /index.php /www/

Does anyone have any tips?

Does /www/ exist?

Are you absolutely sure that this vhost is processing requests?  If you put
Location /
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
in there, does it deny all requests?


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache2 vhost log

2006-07-15 Thread David Sveningsson
No, it didn't process any requests at all. When I tried your settings I
noticed that and found that Apache had a default vhost (which was being
used instead of mine). Just moved the configuration over there and now
it works. How stupid of me..

Anyways, thanks!

Joshua Slive wrote:
 On 7/15/06, David Sveningsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I cannot get custom logs for a vhost to work. The logfiles is
 created but empty. I've searched for examples and read the manual but it
 don't work. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

 This is my vhost config:

 VirtualHost *:80
 DocumentRoot /www/

 CustomLog /www/ %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b
 \%{Referer}i\ \%{User-agent}i\
 ErrorLog /www/
 AcceptPathInfo On

 Alias /wiki /www/
 Alias /index.php /www/

 Does anyone have any tips?

 Does /www/ exist?

 Are you absolutely sure that this vhost is processing requests?  If
 you put
 Location /
 Order allow,deny
 Deny from all
 in there, does it deny all requests?


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 See URL: for more info.
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*//David Sveningsson [eXt]*
Freelance Coder | Game Developer Student
[ ]  [ ]

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please help... apache hacked?

2006-07-15 Thread Max Dittrich

Ricardo Kleemann schrieb:

does ANYBODY even know what bots.txt even DOES?

bots.txt should look like this:

accept all
reject altaVista

look at to see what it SHOULD do... its for
SEARCH EINGINES. the bot grabs it, looks at it, and it its on the
white list of eingines, it caches the site, if its on the blacklist
(reject), it sulks away into a corner...

This particular bots.txt is downloaded from and then is run 
(somehow) from /.

This bots.txt is a perl program that connects to irc servers and sends 
out apache access_log information.

I don't think it sends access_log information. The open file handles for 
access_log you mentioned has been inherited from the parent Apache 

A few other clues... when I run ps, it shows the processes as syslogd 
-m 0, but really when looked at with the real name it simply shows 
perl. It's just running the perl interpreter as nobody (since apache 
runs as nobody). When I look at lsof, it shows that the cwd is /. So how 
apache is able to download a program, and run it, from /, I don't 

Thats exactly what bots.txt does:

my $processo = 'syslogd -m 0';

How can I block apache from being able to do such a thing? Again, here's 
the output from the error_log that shows the download happening, and 
then I have no idea how, after downloaded, the program is run.

I expect that you are using an insecure php-configuration allowing 
include() to fetch php-scripts via HTTP (allow_url_fopen) and executing 
commands via the php-functions exec, system, popen, passthrugh ..

That may be the way how a foreign attacker invoke the perl interpreter 
on you machine.

  = `bots.txt'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 29,378 [text/plain]

   0K .. .. 100%  683.08 

My guess is that maybe the hackers installed a program that is 
performing this download. But I've searched the joomla installation for 
any file containing bots.txt to no success.

Can someone explain why this is logged in the error_log and not in the 

Wget writes status information when retrieving files to STDERR and so 
they get passed to the error_log.

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Problem: MySQL Auth and Apache 2.2

2006-07-15 Thread fredlcore

Dear list,

I've been using mod_auth_mysql for a couple of years with Apache 1.3 and 2.0
and it has been a great help for me ever since.

Now I've had to change to SuSE 10.1 which is shipped with Apache 2.2 and
this is where the trouble starts:

Whenever I try to access a part of the site that is mod_auth_mysql protected
through a .htaccess configuration, Apache throws a 500 Internal Server
Error, complaining:

[Sat Jul 15 17:20:02 2006] [error] Internal error: pcfg_openfile() called
with NULL
[Sat Jul 15 17:20:02 2006] [error] [client] (9)Bad file
descriptor: Could
not open password file: (null)

I then tried to add a


which stopped Apache to complain but wouldn't let a single user pass through
because /dev/null doesn't contain any users ;) ).

I then read that Apache 2.2 requires the AuthBasicProvider directive in
order to work,
but neither options like mysql, dbi or dbd worked.

Furthermore, I cannot (and don't want to) switch to mod_authn_dbd because it
doesn't come with MySQL support precompiled with SuSE 10.1. It's DBDriver
directive throws an error saying that mysql is unknown :(, same goes for
pgsql etc.

So if you have any hint how I could get MySQL authentification working again
under Apache 2.2, your help your be highly appreciated!



Here's my .htaccess configuration that used to work under Apache 2.0:

AuthName  Sicherheitsbereich
AuthType  Basic
AuthMySQLPwEncryption crypt
AuthMySQLHost localhost
AuthMySQLUser vfb
AuthMySQLPassword ***
AuthMySQLDB   vfb
require valid-user
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] Curious error message

2006-07-15 Thread kent stand
Hello,I'm currently attempting to serve pages with mod_vhost_dbi, and it seems to be configured properly, but I'm receiving an error message, seemingly from apache, as it's in apache2.log and not mentioned anywhere in the mod_vhost_dbi source:
File does not exist: /ERRORWhat exactly does that mean, and why is there /ERROR instead of the file attempting to be accessed? 
		I am running Ubuntu (6.06) Apache 2.0.55, mod_dbi_pool 0.4.0, and mod_vhost_dbi 0.1.0.Thanks for any help you can offer,Kent