Re: [users@httpd] loading in

2023-08-20 Thread Daniel Ferradal
El vie, 4 ago 2023 a las 15:19, Marc () escribió:

>  29 
>  30 ProxyPass";
>  31 ProxyPassReverse ";
>  32
>  33 Options +Indexes +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
>  34 Order Allow,Deny
>  35 Allow from all
>  36 
>  37
> Home page loads fine however, I have static urls in html pages to
> is it possible to have those rewriten to /
> relative urls?

You can rewrite anything yes, but the simpler you configure it the better
in the long run.

On another note, you should not still be using Order/Allow/Deny directives,
those are deprecated.

About the whole thing:

I would just create two virtualhosts with their
appropriate documentroots and configurations in virtualhost, that would be
the simplest, less painful, more straightforward way to do it generally.

Daniel Ferradal
HTTPD Project
#httpd help at Libera.Chat

RE: [users@httpd] loading in

2023-08-04 Thread Marc
>   I was wondering if it is even possible to publish an existing shop
> hosted on the subdomain   and
> show it as a 'folder' in  .
> Will I have problems with browsers (cookies?). I don't want to resolve
> this on the file system because both have different uid/gids on files.
> You can just Alias /shop/ /path/to/documentrootof/

Yes I did not expect this to work because of file system permissions and 
different php version.

>  From the http server side, there are a few ways to do it, Alias,
> internal redirects, reverse proxy.

Currently I am having 

 24 SSLProxyEngine On
 25 SSLProxyVerify none
 26 SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
 27 SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
 28 SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
 30 ProxyPass";
 31 ProxyPassReverse ";
 33 Options +Indexes +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
 34 Order Allow,Deny
 35 Allow from all

Home page loads fine however, I have static urls in html pages to is it possible to have those rewriten to / relative 

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Re: [users@httpd] loading in

2023-08-04 Thread Daniel Ferradal
El jue, 3 ago 2023 a las 22:33, Marc () escribió:

> I was wondering if it is even possible to publish an existing shop hosted
> on the subdomain and show it as a 'folder' in
> Will I have problems with browsers (cookies?). I don't
> want to resolve this on the file system because both have different
> uid/gids on files.

You can just Alias /shop/ /path/to/documentrootof/

 From the http server side, there are a few ways to do it, Alias, internal
redirects, reverse proxy.

As per "cookies" that's another thing entirely related to the application
not the http server itself.

If you need you can try to tweak them with the help of mod_headers module
or perhaps reverse proxy from one place to another and try to tweak with
mod_proxy directives ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain and
PRoxyPassReverseCookiePath. What it is for sure is you have low chances of
getting away without paying close attention to the behaviour from your

Daniel Ferradal
HTTPD Project
#httpd help at Libera.Chat