Re: How to mount floppy?

2011-08-16 Thread Paul Allen Newell
On 8/16/2011 7:52 PM, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0u1440 /mnt/floppy
>> See URL:
> Worked for me on F13.  Cannot speak for later versions.

I am off floppys at this point, but I'd be curious to see if anyone 
tries this on F14.

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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Paul Allen Newell
On 8/16/2011 10:51 PM, Andre Speelmans wrote:

I have been going through all the responses I got so far and am now in 
process of going through this. I can't test the as I've got my 
systems somewhat horked trying to sort things out ... after this email I 
am backing everything up to "factory install" to try out this and the 
other suggestions for tests.

What I do know at this point is that it is not a matter of name 
resolution as I tried telnet  22 to use ssh which I know works and 
the name resolved with a connection made (though utterly useless to use).

Aside from the concerns about "why is my network the way it is" which I 
intend to address, I am pretty certain the problem is in iptables. I can 
telnet to, so I know telnet is working on all my machines.

My iptables is the default per F14 installation:
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.9 on Tue Aug 16 22:13:30 2011
# Used command "iptables-save > iptables_F14_ORIGINAL_yoyo"
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [9950:627381]
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
-A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
# Completed on Tue Aug 16 22:13:30 2011

I don't understand the OUTPUT as it is different for each of the three 
machines I am working with, but from what I can tell from the iptables 
literature, my issue is with INPUT

I added a LOG on input immediately before rejecting and can see that, on 
the destination machine, there is an entry corresponding to the request 
"telnet " (note I have dropped the port number to allow telnet to 
use its default port):
Aug 16 22:39:58 chalupa kernel: [ 2784.447580] IN=eth0 OUT= 
MAC=00:e0:81:00:4c:b0:00:e0:81:00:62:94:08:00 SRC= 
DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x10 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=49145 DF PROTO=TCP 
SPT=36385 DPT=23 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

I don't see anything in /var/log/message on the machine that I did the 
telnet request on (which would be the in the above message)

I have been trying what I think is the correct edit in all permuations I 
can think of ... as in:
iptables -I INPUT  -{s,d} 
192.168.2.{10,11} -p tcp -{destination,source}-port telnet -j ACCEPT

I am not having success and the messages in the log are showing me that 
I am making a mess. One of the interesting things is I am now getting 
"connection refused" rather than "no route to host" and I need to see 
what change I made caused that (which is also interesting as I would 
have expected "connection refused" if the resolution was "REJECT"?)

If I know what 192.168.2.x machines I want to be able to telnet to and I 
modify all machines to have the necessary in iptables to allow a telnet 
to/from, what am I missing?

Thanks in advance (this iptables stuff is a bit daunting ...),

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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Andre Speelmans
Hi Tim,

> That's a rather complex explanation, which sounds like you're giving
> each machine a unique hosts file, where their own hostnames are written
> differently than the other machines on the LAN.  I wouldn't do that.

It sounds to me quite normal what he says.
Every host has a hosts-file where all other machines are listed as
And the local machine has its name added to the line.

> It gets messier if a box has two addresses (whether or not it has two
> network interfaces.  In that situation, I don't try associating the same
> hostname with two different addresses, it causes problems.  I'll have a
> variation for the second address.

I don't see any problem with a machine that has the same name on
different addresses. One of our servers actually does have 10 NIC's,
of which some are bonded and some have aliases, leaving it with about
a dozen IP-adresses. It still has only one hostname. Depending on who
or what is talking to it, it will know which IP to use. (Of course,
you know that.)

> You don't need to put hostnames into specific interface configuration
> files.  The computer *works* *out* its host name from its IP.

Normally the hostname is put into the file /etc/sysconfig/network.
And regarding the working out the hostname: it does not even need to
know its own name to send or receive data. All it needs to know is the
IP-address of the remote machine. It will not do reverse or any
look-up to resolve its own hostname to do a telnet to a remote server.

>> Ping works great between all of the machines for both  and
>> .localdomain, lists the 192.168.10.x address like a happy camper
>> should

This part from OP is a dead give-away that his hosts file are
apparently working fine, that his network configuration is okay and he
has packets going out and being received. Name resolving, gateways,
whatever has no part of it. If that would be the case, ping would not

> The default configuration for a mail server has it only listening to the
> local loopback addresses, it needs customising to accept connections
> from another machine.

That is a very probably answer. And easy for Paul to test.
If he can do locally a telnet to on port 25, but not
remotely to the IP of the server, his most likely case is the
mailserver not listening, or a firewall.

>  And may need customising for the domain names
> that you are using.  And, you may have fun with mail is you don't use a
> DNS server, since hosts files can't answer MX queries.  Mailservers will
> also do the IP/name look-up game that I've already detailed.

He is not doing any MX-queries, he is telnetting to the mailserver.
Only after the mailserver responds will it do a reverse look-up. And,
as the remotes IP is in the hosts file, will happily continue. It
would even if it were not, accept it can't list the hosts name then in
logfile, but will only use the IP-address.

> You might want to expand upon *why* you're wanting to use different
> FQDNs for machines.  That may point out where the snag is.

As far as I see, he is not.

> It does sound like IP and name resolution is your prime problem.

No, after all he can ping them by name. Name resolving works. And
reverse lookups by the mail server are done after it has made a

> For anything more than about three machines I prefer using DNS than
> hosts files.  It gets a pain having to synchronise changes across
> several computers, particularly if you experiment and change names and
> IPs around.

DNS is indeed the way to go for a larger environment. Three computers?
I would probably use hosts files. But then, you tell you switch the
IP's often. And although off topic I really wonder: why??
A servers IP-address is about one of the most static things I can think of.

Note: sorry if this sounded a bit like nit-picking, Tim (as it feels
to me now I read it over again). That was not the intention, although
I want to make clear to the OP that name resolving is *not* his
primary problem, seeing he can ping by name.


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Re: Dual monitors on Radeon 5770 with fc15

2011-08-16 Thread T.C. Hollingsworth
On 8/16/11, Alex  wrote:
> Hi,
>>> Is there another way, besides hacking the xorg.conf like it's 1998
>>> again, to configure resolution and dual monitors?
>> Try the "Catalyst Control Center" that was installed along with the
>> driver.  FInd it in whatever GNOME 3 calls an application menu or run
>> "amdccle" from a terminal.
> Okay, great. I see the program now.
>>> Also, what the hell happened to the minimize button on each window?
>> It was removed in GNOME 3.  I understand installing and using the
>> gnome-tweak-tool package permits you to restore some sane behaviors to
>> the desktop.
> Is there an easy way to install this? The only reference I see is
> through a copy using git.

It's included in the Fedora repository.  Just find it in the graphical
package manager or via the command line:
yum install gnome-tweak-tool

>>> Is there any way to fix the screen corruption without switching from
>>> GNOME to another DE?
>> Exactly what are you experiencing?
> - Icons missing from "Applications" menu. There are one or two there,
> but for the majority it is only the description.
> - There is like a checkerboard flickering when moving some windows.
> Not exactly sure under what circumstances it occurs.
> - What happened to the menu bar that displays which applications are
> running so I can click on them to bring it to the foreground? There
> are some programs listed at the top that are running, but even firefox
> and thunderbird are not there, and can only be chosen by clicking
> Activities first.
> I saw a screenshot somewhere of a program selection thing at the
> bottom of the screen that was pretty nice looking. Any idea how to
> enable such a thing with GNOME3?

That might be the dock extension ("gnome-shell-extensions-dock" in the
repo), but I'm not sure. In general, you might want to run "yum search
gnome-shell-extension" and see if anything strikes your fancy.

> - Playing 720p video causes the audio to be out of sync with the
> video. It's like the video can't keep up with the audio. Screen
> refresh doesn't seem terrible, but certainly doesn't feel as good as
> it should for a $250 video card.
>> You could also try fallback mode:
> I will investigate this.

That will turn off all the graphics-accelerated crap and give you
something closer to a GNOME 2 experience.  You probably should still
investigate what's going on with your graphics (that's unfortunately
above my pay grade), but it will get you a usable desktop in the

> Thanks so much for your help.
> Best,
> Alex

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Re: PDF to text?

2011-08-16 Thread Joel Rees
On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 2:41 AM, Bob Goodwin  wrote:
> On 12/08/11 12:22, mike cloaked wrote:
>> However if the pdf is a scanned image then it would need ocr before
>> the text could be extracted -

As someone else noted, some recent scan-to-pdf tools try to pre-ocr
the text. Sometimes it's sort of helpful. Sometimes not so much.

Some pdf output tools actually bury the real text into the pdf as well
as an image of the text. But that's not scanning. This doesn't seem to
be the case, either.

>        I believe it is a scanned image now that I realize it has a
>        handwritten signature.
>        Xsane does ocr. I tried scanning a printed copy and letting
>        xsane save it as a text message as well as trying gocr to read
>        an xsane .pnm file. Both produced the same output which looks
>        like it would require a lot of work to be usable if it is
>        possible at all?
>        I will do without the Google translation.
>        Thanks for all the suggestions. This has been interesting, I
>        always wondered about ocr, what it could do. I need to
>        experiment with a document in English so that I have something I
>        understand however it looks like the output quality is poor?

ocr is still hit-and-miss. Some combinations of
languages/fonts/scanners/image format/paper quality/ocr software and
the price of 10base5 cable on Saipan work well. Others don't.

Well, probably not 10base5. :/

But the tuning is sometimes so time-intensive that you'd prefer to
just type it in by hand. On the other hand, if you have a lot of the
scanned text that comes from the same source, the tuning can be worth

Don't ask me how to tune the ocr. Some years ago I read up on it and
decided, for that doc, I'd pass. Open source ocr seems to have
progressed since then, which is nice.

Joel Rees
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Re: Dual monitors on Radeon 5770 with fc15

2011-08-16 Thread Alex

>> Is there another way, besides hacking the xorg.conf like it's 1998
>> again, to configure resolution and dual monitors?
> Try the "Catalyst Control Center" that was installed along with the
> driver.  FInd it in whatever GNOME 3 calls an application menu or run
> "amdccle" from a terminal.

Okay, great. I see the program now.

>> Also, what the hell happened to the minimize button on each window?
> It was removed in GNOME 3.  I understand installing and using the
> gnome-tweak-tool package permits you to restore some sane behaviors to
> the desktop.

Is there an easy way to install this? The only reference I see is
through a copy using git.

>> Is there any way to fix the screen corruption without switching from
>> GNOME to another DE?
> Exactly what are you experiencing?

- Icons missing from "Applications" menu. There are one or two there,
but for the majority it is only the description.
- There is like a checkerboard flickering when moving some windows.
Not exactly sure under what circumstances it occurs.
- What happened to the menu bar that displays which applications are
running so I can click on them to bring it to the foreground? There
are some programs listed at the top that are running, but even firefox
and thunderbird are not there, and can only be chosen by clicking
Activities first.

I saw a screenshot somewhere of a program selection thing at the
bottom of the screen that was pretty nice looking. Any idea how to
enable such a thing with GNOME3?

- Playing 720p video causes the audio to be out of sync with the
video. It's like the video can't keep up with the audio. Screen
refresh doesn't seem terrible, but certainly doesn't feel as good as
it should for a $250 video card.

> You could also try fallback mode:

I will investigate this.

Thanks so much for your help.
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Re: fingerprint reader

2011-08-16 Thread Craig White
On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 08:52 +0800, Zhangsan wrote:
> I enabled fingerprint reader on F15 and it works correctly,
> but I an unable to login from local via password any more.
> If I login remotely via ssh and then run sudo, it will wait
> for me to go back to input finger. It's too funny. Is it 
> possible to support both password login and fingerprint
> login at the same time?

never used fingerprint authentication so I wouldn't know if it becomes
exclusive authentication when it's implemented but I wouldn't think so.

The GUI way to configure authentication is to run
'system-config-authentication' and you can select the various methods
you want to use for authentication (more than one is OK). Thus you would
probably want to make sure that both fingerprint and local
authentication are selected.

I would tend to use command line - 'authconfig' and you can get all the
possible options just by typing 'authconfig --help' and I would think
that something like...

authconfig \
 --enablelocauthorize \
 --enablesssd \
 --enablefingerprint \
 --enableshadow \

would likely work - but of course, I don't have fingerprint hardware to
even test this.

If you don't have sssd package installed, then don't enable it

Either authconfig or system-config-authentication should
update /etc/pam.d/system-auth, /etc/nsswitch, possibly other files


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Re: How to mount floppy?

2011-08-16 Thread Daniel B. Thurman
On 08/16/2011 11:34 AM, Jon Ingason wrote:
> 2011-08-16 19:57, Vinny Onelli skrev:
>> Hello,
>> I installed vmware and now I would like to install windows Me. The
>> windows me CD it is not bootable it came with bootable diskette, vmware
>> to install windows need the operating system which is on the floppy. The
>> problem is that I could not mount the floppy, (I am using Fedora 14) I
>> try few suggested away in the past with no result. Is the floppy
>> supported in Fc14? and if it is I would appreciate direction of how to,
>> thank you in advance. Vinny
> Do a"modprobe floppy" first. Then you get the floppy device in /dev:
> /dev/fd0u1040
> /dev/fd0u1120
> /dev/fd0u1440
> /dev/fd0u1600
> /dev/fd0u1680
> /dev/fd0u1722
> /dev/fd0u1743
> /dev/fd0u1760
> /dev/fd0u1840
> /dev/fd0u1920
> /dev/fd0u360
> /dev/fd0u720
> /dev/fd0u800
> /dev/fd0u820
> /dev/fd0u830
> Now you can create the directory /mnt/floppy and mount your floppy to 
> that point:
> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0u1440 /mnt/floppy
> See URL: 
Worked for me on F13.  Cannot speak for later versions.
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error software update on a new installation

2011-08-16 Thread Andre Robatino
Peter Klaassen> writes:

> I am an Ubuntu user and now testing Fedora.I have 360+ updates of software
after installation.But I get the following error.could not add package update
for fedora-release-rawhide-15-3(noarch)updates:
fedora-release-rawhide-15-3.noarchTo my knowledge I run Fedora 15 LovelockWhat
is going wrong?-- Peter

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Re: Samba asking for authorization to browse suddenly

2011-08-16 Thread Craig White
On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 11:50 -0400, Claude Jones wrote:
> I'm still trying to figure this out, but, what puzzles me is what
> caused things to change. It was working perfectly. It could easily be
> some Windows update as well as some Samba update, I suppose. I've
> tried to google this issue, but most hits I'm getting are old and talk
> about an smbclient update being the culprit... If this were an update
> caused problem, one would presume that others would be having the
> issue...

your configuration is marginal at best - defective according to the man
page so that it might have worked in the past and ceased to work at some
point thereafter is probably not worth the energy to investigate.

As for googling for suggestions on Samba - I think it's pointless. It
will chase you down a thousand alleys. The official documentation is the
best that open source has to offer. If you want to spend your time
productively doing research...

See 'Official Samba Howto' and 'By Example' though I'm not sure that
they have any examples for 'security = share' as that is thoroughly
discouraged usage these days and the only reason they don't remove it is
for backward compatibility (yeah, there are some Windows 98 systems
still out there).

I do sort of suspect that the issue you first reported doesn't seem to
be a Samba problem at all. There's absolutely no reason to have to
provide a user name and password to browse a Windows network. Not only
is it not required, it's not a function of a Windows workgroup at all -
there isn't any Windows or Samba service designed to authenticate
network browsing.


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Re: Dual monitors on Radeon 5770 with fc15

2011-08-16 Thread T.C. Hollingsworth
On 8/16/11, Alex  wrote:
> Hi,
>>> - Has AMD bought ATI? It seems there are several references to drivers
>>> available for download from AMD.
>> Forgot to mention that the driver from RPMFusion is exactly the same
>> as the one available for download from AMD/ATI, just packaged such
>> that installation on Fedora is painless.  Trying to use the stock ATI
>> driver is much more difficult to get going.
> Yes, that's exactly why I was trying to get the RPMFusion stuff going.
> I've now got it going, and have a basic ATI driver running now, rather
> than the 640x480 I had previously.
> After experiencing GNOME3 for the last few minutes, I can definitely
> say it's "form over function" in this release. I'm already regretting
> upgrading. The lack of function, specifically the video support, is
> frustrating.
> Trying to run the livna config program fails:
> Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrt: detected unhandled
> Python exception in
> /usr/share/livna-config-display/
> Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: Unrecognized variable 'DumpLocation' in
> '/etc/abrt/abrt.conf'
> Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: New client connected
> Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrt-server[4251]: Saved Python crash dump of pid
> 4246 to /var/spool/abrt/pyhook-2011-08-16-15:46:57-4246
> Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: Directory
> 'pyhook-2011-08-16-15:46:57-4246' creation detected
> Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrt-server[4251]: Unrecognized variable
> 'DumpLocation' in '/etc/abrt/abrt.conf'
> Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: Corrupted or bad dump
> /var/spool/abrt/pyhook-2011-08-16-15:46:57-4246 (res:2), deleting
> Is there another way, besides hacking the xorg.conf like it's 1998
> again, to configure resolution and dual monitors?

Try the "Catalyst Control Center" that was installed along with the
driver.  FInd it in whatever GNOME 3 calls an application menu or run
"amdccle" from a terminal.

Theoretically the display settings in the GNOME Control Center should
also work.  The proprietary ATI driver didn't support the standard
interface for controlling the display (XRadR) for ages, but I
understand they've got their act together as of late.

> Also, what the hell happened to the minimize button on each window?

It was removed in GNOME 3.  I understand installing and using the
gnome-tweak-tool package permits you to restore some sane behaviors to
the desktop.

> Is there any way to fix the screen corruption without switching from
> GNOME to another DE?

Exactly what are you experiencing?

You could also try fallback mode:

> I figured since it was released in May, and now it's August, they
> would have worked out the basic usability issues, but this is
> definitely the release to skip.

Most of what you're experiencing is either problems with the ATI
driver, which has and always will be a pain, or GNOME 3, in which all
your problems are "by design".  I'm afraid F16 won't be able to help
you with either of those.

> Ideas greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Alex

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Re: error software update on a new installation

2011-08-16 Thread Kam Leo
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Peter Klaassen
> I am an Ubuntu user and now testing Fedora.
> I have 360+ updates of software after installation.
> But I get the following error.
> could not add package update for fedora-release-rawhide-15-3(noarch)updates:
> fedora-release-rawhide-15-3.noarch
> To my knowledge I run Fedora 15 Lovelock
> What is going wrong?
> --
> Peter

1. What method or source did you use for installing Fedora 15?

>From the command line run "rpm -q fedora-release". The returned value
should be "fedora-release-15-3.noarch".
If the returned value does not match you can download officially
released version from
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Re: networking from the command line

2011-08-16 Thread Kevin J. Cummings
On 08/16/2011 05:59 PM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
> How do I turn on networking from the command line?
> When I do a minimal install, Fedora 14 won't turn on networking for me.
> eth0 never gets an IP address.
> Where is the on-switch?
> Nothing I've tried gets the job done.
> In particular, ifconfig eth0 up does not produce an IP address.

What are you doing?  All "ifconfig eth0" will do is print out the
device's current configuration and let you know if it is up or down.

man ifconfig is your friend.

In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts you will find a bunch of scripts.
The one named:  "ifcfg-eth0"  will contain the parameters to configure
the eth0 interface for you.  If everything is configured statically, the
all you should need to do is issue the "ifup eth0" command.  If it is
more complicated than that, there may be other steps involved.
In particular, pay attention to the stuff Reindl showed you in his
email.  NM_CONTROLLED, ONBOOT, and BOOTPROTO are all important to you.
Set them to the appropriate values for what you need.

>From the command line, you can always use "ifconfig" or "ip" to set up
anything that you already know about the interface, particularly if you
are using static IP addressing.  After everything is configured, a
simple "ifconfig eth0 up" should bring up the interface.
If you use this method, you are responsible for any necessary changes to
your system's routing table.

If you are accepting a DHCP address, then you need to use "dhclient" to
actually invoke the DHCP and get an address from the DHCP server.  IIRC,
dhclient will bring up the interface after it obtains the IP address it

> In this case, Fedora 14 is a guest on a VirtualBox.
> If I install the rather large graphical desktop,
> networking works after I click on its toolbar icon,

Because NetworkManager is doing the work for you.

> so I expect the issue is not specfic to VirtualBox.
>>From a thread I started earlier,
> one might get the opposite impression.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (
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fingerprint reader

2011-08-16 Thread Zhangsan
I enabled fingerprint reader on F15 and it works correctly,
but I an unable to login from local via password any more.
If I login remotely via ssh and then run sudo, it will wait
for me to go back to input finger. It's too funny. Is it 
possible to support both password login and fingerprint
login at the same time?
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Re: Time sync is foobar

2011-08-16 Thread Todd Zullinger
Steven Stern wrote:
> Last night, I noticed that the time on my computer was off by about 20
> minutes.
> So,
>   service ntpd stop
>   ntpdate
>   service ntpd start

Totally tangential to the issue (which I see you've now solved), but
you don't have to stop ntpd to use ntpdate.  You just need to pass the
-u option so ntpdate uses an unprivileged port, one that ntpd won't be
using.  You can also add -s to log to syslog if you use this via cron.

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Happiness is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only
you can feel its warmth

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Re: networking from the command line

2011-08-16 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 16.08.2011 23:59, schrieb Michael Hennebry:
> How do I turn on networking from the command line?

first configure it

> When I do a minimal install, Fedora 14 won't turn on networking for me.
> eth0 never gets an IP address.
> Where is the on-switch?

service network start

but without configuration useless

> Nothing I've tried gets the job done.
> In particular, ifconfig eth0 up does not produce an IP address.

how should it "procude" one?
this is not a gambling machine

se below a static standard configuration for eth0
you have always to edit this with VI or possible faster
with echo "full-line" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
per line you need (reset a file is "> filename" once)

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Michael Hennebry
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Tom H wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Michael Hennebry
>>  wrote:
>>> What is the magic formula for doing networking
>>> from a VirtualBox guest?
>>> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
>>> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
>>> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
>>> What does?
>> I saved this link because I've been meaning to test "VBoxManage..."
>> but haven't yet. Maybe it'll help:
>> and for networking:
> Thanks, but I think that my VirtualBox settings are correct:
> I can make networking work if I install a graphical desktop.
> What I can't seem to find is the guest's (Fedora 14's)
> command-line on-switch for networking.
> I don't understand why this is hard.

Sorry, I misunderstood completely!

What's the output of "chkconfig --list NetworkManager" and "chkconfig
--list network"?

What's the content of your ifcfg-X file?
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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread Marko Vojinovic
On Tuesday 16 August 2011 22:24:56 Michael Hennebry wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Tom H wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Michael Hennebry
> > 
> >  wrote:
> >> What is the magic formula for doing networking
> >> from a VirtualBox guest?
> >> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
> >> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
> >> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
> >> What does?
> > 
> > I saved this link because I've been meaning to test "VBoxManage..."
> > but haven't yet. Maybe it'll help:
> >
> > and for networking:
> >
> Thanks, but I think that my VirtualBox settings are correct:
> I can make networking work if I install a graphical desktop.
> What I can't seem to find is the guest's (Fedora 14's)
> command-line on-switch for networking.
> I don't understand why this is hard.

Maybe you want to "yum install cnetworkmanager", and then RTFM,
"cnetworkmanager --help".

Also, given that the network isn't available for the guest, you might want to 
install this on the host machine instead, then look inside /var/cache/yum/ to 
find the appropriate rpm files and transfer them and install to the guest 
manually (via the .iso image or something).

Alternatively, you might consider disabling NetworkManager and configuring the 
old network service instead. I believe the guest has a virtual wired LAN card 
which is in the "connected" state to the virtual switch that VBox provides, so 
it makes sense to use the network service instead of NetworkManager, as the 
guest is always online via the (virtual) wired cable. Go to 
/etc/sysconfig/networking/ and edit the appropriate files, then do a "service 
network start" to activate it.

At any rate, if you are configuring a minimal, CLI-only Fedora system as the 
guest, you are supposed to be familiar with manual network configuration. There 
is no simple "on-switch". If you are not using the GUI tools, you are assumed 
to be an advanced user who knows his way around with the command prompt and 
/etc directory.

HTH, :-)

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Re: Time sync is foobar [Solved]

2011-08-16 Thread Steven Stern
On 08/15/2011 11:05 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 08/15/2011 08:52 AM, Steven Stern wrote:
>> This morning, the time is once again off.  It appears that ntp is not
>> synching time.  I see nothing unusual in /var/log/messages.
> Is it running fast or slow?  If it's slow, it could simply be that your 
> CMOS battery is getting low.  Modern mobos are designed to do this as a 
> warning.

That seems to have been the problem.  I replaced the battery and the
clok's been OK since.  The old one was putting out under 1 volt -- the
battery is marked 3V.

-- Steve
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networking from the command line

2011-08-16 Thread Michael Hennebry
How do I turn on networking from the command line?
When I do a minimal install, Fedora 14 won't turn on networking for me.
eth0 never gets an IP address.
Where is the on-switch?
Nothing I've tried gets the job done.
In particular, ifconfig eth0 up does not produce an IP address.

In this case, Fedora 14 is a guest on a VirtualBox.
If I install the rather large graphical desktop,
networking works after I click on its toolbar icon,
so I expect the issue is not specfic to VirtualBox.
>From a thread I started earlier,
one might get the opposite impression.

"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
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Re: [389-users] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing

2011-08-16 Thread Rich Megginson
On 08/16/2011 03:33 PM, Anthony Messina wrote:
> On 08/16/2011 03:25 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
>>> I havent filed a bug yet as I am working on a virtual environment to
>>> test, which I'm sure you'll want me to, in order to be able to replicate
>>> the issue ;)
>> Indeed, yes, please let us know asap.
> Sure.  If you know the settings I need to enable to increase logging, as
> well as what you would need for this type of problem, etc., please let
> me know as this will greatly speed up my ability to provide useful
> information.  -A
If it is aci related, there are two:
128 Access control list processing (very detailed!)
262144 ACI summary information

probably the latter for starters.  Otherwise, just a way to reproduce 
the problem in a few steps.  If you do get the server to hang, follow 
the steps at except 
that, instead of a core file, pass in the process id of the running slapd.
389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing

2011-08-16 Thread Anthony Messina
On 08/16/2011 03:25 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
>> I havent filed a bug yet as I am working on a virtual environment to
>> test, which I'm sure you'll want me to, in order to be able to replicate
>> the issue ;)
> Indeed, yes, please let us know asap.

Sure.  If you know the settings I need to enable to increase logging, as
well as what you would need for this type of problem, etc., please let
me know as this will greatly speed up my ability to provide useful
information.  -A

Anthony - -
8F89 5E72 8DF0 BCF0 10BE 9967 92DC 35DC B001 4A4E

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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Re: Fprint service?

2011-08-16 Thread Frantisek Hanzlik
Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-08-15 at 18:39 -0500, Steven Stern wrote:
>> I see a lot of stuff like this in /var/log/messages:
>> Aug 15 18:35:15 sds-desk dbus-daemon: [system] Activating service
>> name='net.reactivated.Fprint' (using servicehelper)
>> Aug 15 18:35:15 sds-desk dbus-daemon: [system] Successfully activated
>> service 'net.reactivated.Fprint'
>> Googling indicates this has something to do with a fingerprint reader.
>> As this system doesn't have one, how can I disable the service?
>> systemctl doesn't list it, nor does chkconfig.
>> -- 
>> -- Steve
> If you go to a program called Authentication , under the Advanced
> Options is an option to enable fingerprint reader support. On my machine
> this option was chosen by default. Unchoose it and that might help your
> problem.

I think Rahul in his response perfectly clarified this things.
Precisely, in two simple sentenses.
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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread Michael Hennebry
On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Tom H wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Michael Hennebry
>  wrote:
>> What is the magic formula for doing networking
>> from a VirtualBox guest?
>> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
>> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
>> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
>> What does?
> I saved this link because I've been meaning to test "VBoxManage..."
> but haven't yet. Maybe it'll help:
> and for networking:

Thanks, but I think that my VirtualBox settings are correct:
I can make networking work if I install a graphical desktop.
What I can't seem to find is the guest's (Fedora 14's)
command-line on-switch for networking.
I don't understand why this is hard.

"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
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Re: Dual monitors on Radeon 5770 with fc15

2011-08-16 Thread Alex

>> - Has AMD bought ATI? It seems there are several references to drivers
>> available for download from AMD.
> Forgot to mention that the driver from RPMFusion is exactly the same
> as the one available for download from AMD/ATI, just packaged such
> that installation on Fedora is painless.  Trying to use the stock ATI
> driver is much more difficult to get going.

Yes, that's exactly why I was trying to get the RPMFusion stuff going.

I've now got it going, and have a basic ATI driver running now, rather
than the 640x480 I had previously.

After experiencing GNOME3 for the last few minutes, I can definitely
say it's "form over function" in this release. I'm already regretting
upgrading. The lack of function, specifically the video support, is

Trying to run the livna config program fails:

Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrt: detected unhandled
Python exception in
Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: Unrecognized variable 'DumpLocation' in
Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: New client connected
Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrt-server[4251]: Saved Python crash dump of pid
4246 to /var/spool/abrt/pyhook-2011-08-16-15:46:57-4246
Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: Directory
'pyhook-2011-08-16-15:46:57-4246' creation detected
Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrt-server[4251]: Unrecognized variable
'DumpLocation' in '/etc/abrt/abrt.conf'
Aug 16 15:46:57 sage abrtd: Corrupted or bad dump
/var/spool/abrt/pyhook-2011-08-16-15:46:57-4246 (res:2), deleting

Is there another way, besides hacking the xorg.conf like it's 1998
again, to configure resolution and dual monitors?

Also, what the hell happened to the minimize button on each window?

Is there any way to fix the screen corruption without switching from
GNOME to another DE?

I figured since it was released in May, and now it's August, they
would have worked out the basic usability issues, but this is
definitely the release to skip.

Ideas greatly appreciated.
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Re: How to mount floppy?

2011-08-16 Thread Alan Cox
On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 12:29:44 -0700
Paul Allen Newell  wrote:

> On 8/16/2011 10:57 AM, Vinny Onelli wrote:
> >   Is the floppy
> > supported in Fc14?
> >
> See (amongst other 
> bugs). My floppy drive has been dead for a couple releases ... I figure 
> that media has gone the way of the 8-track tape

I think thats more of an upstream thing. Basically the floppy driver
isn't used any more and has no real maintainer. If you want your floppy
to work and like arguing with well documented but ancient hardware
that rather like a grumpy old relative plays up and sulks if not treated
the way it wants then it's your opportunity for a moment of retro-glory.

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Re: How to mount floppy?

2011-08-16 Thread Paul Allen Newell
On 8/16/2011 10:57 AM, Vinny Onelli wrote:
>   Is the floppy
> supported in Fc14?
See (amongst other 
bugs). My floppy drive has been dead for a couple releases ... I figure 
that media has gone the way of the 8-track tape


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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Paul Allen Newell
Thanks to everyone for replies ... lot of information that I need to 
learn about before I can test. I wanted to make sure I got this "thanks" 
out now rather than waiting for me to sort through it all.

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Re: How to mount floppy?

2011-08-16 Thread Jon Ingason
2011-08-16 19:57, Vinny Onelli skrev:
> Hello,
> I installed vmware and now I would like to install windows Me. The
> windows me CD it is not bootable it came with bootable diskette, vmware
> to install windows need the operating system which is on the floppy. The
> problem is that I could not mount the floppy, (I am using Fedora 14) I
> try few suggested away in the past with no result. Is the floppy
> supported in Fc14? and if it is I would appreciate direction of how to,
> thank you in advance. Vinny

Do a"modprobe floppy" first. Then you get the floppy device in /dev:


Now you can create the directory /mnt/floppy and mount your floppy to 
that point:

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0u1440 /mnt/floppy

See URL:

Jon Ingason
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Re: [389-users] Is stable?

2011-08-16 Thread Rich Megginson
On 08/16/2011 12:17 PM, Diego Woitasen wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Rich Megginson  wrote:
>> On 08/16/2011 12:04 PM, Diego Woitasen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>   I saw that there is a version in the source repository. Is
>>> this version stable? Because it hasn't been announced.
>> No.  There is a new version that is more stable, but we're still
>> testing it.  If you can, please test it and give us your feedback.
> is the current master branch in the git repo?
>>> Regards,
>>>   Diego

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Is stable?

2011-08-16 Thread Diego Woitasen
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Rich Megginson  wrote:
> On 08/16/2011 12:04 PM, Diego Woitasen wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I saw that there is a version in the source repository. Is
>> this version stable? Because it hasn't been announced.
> No.  There is a new version that is more stable, but we're still
> testing it.  If you can, please test it and give us your feedback. is the current master branch in the git repo?

>> Regards,
>>  Diego

Diego Woitasen
389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Is stable?

2011-08-16 Thread Rich Megginson
On 08/16/2011 12:04 PM, Diego Woitasen wrote:
> Hi,
>   I saw that there is a version in the source repository. Is
> this version stable? Because it hasn't been announced.
No.  There is a new version that is more stable, but we're still 
testing it.  If you can, please test it and give us your feedback.
> Regards,
>   Diego

389 users mailing list

[389-users] Is stable?

2011-08-16 Thread Diego Woitasen
 I saw that there is a version in the source repository. Is
this version stable? Because it hasn't been announced.


Diego Woitasen
389 users mailing list

How to mount floppy?

2011-08-16 Thread Vinny Onelli
I installed vmware and now I would like to install windows Me. The
windows me CD it is not bootable it came with bootable diskette, vmware
to install windows need the operating system which is on the floppy. The
problem is that I could not mount the floppy, (I am using Fedora 14) I
try few suggested away in the past with no result. Is the floppy
supported in Fc14? and if it is I would appreciate direction of how to,
thank you in advance. Vinny  

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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Michael Hennebry
> What is the magic formula for doing networking
> from a VirtualBox guest?
> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
> What does?

I saved this link because I've been meaning to test "VBoxManage..."
but haven't yet. Maybe it'll help:
and for networking:
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Re: Enable coredump for daemon (oidentd)

2011-08-16 Thread Ian Pilcher
On 08/16/2011 11:58 AM, Ian Pilcher wrote:
> oidentd is crashing on me intermittently.  I have done the folowing to
> try to get a core dump when this happens:
>   * Add "DAEMON_COREFILE_LIMIT=unlimited" to /etc/sysconfig/oidentd
>   * Add "kernel.core_pattern = /tmp/core" to /etc/sysctl.conf
> ("kernel.core_uses_pid = 1" was already set.)
> Despite this, there is no file named /tmp/core* after the daemon
> crashes.
> What am I missing?

I have also removed abrt for good measure.
/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern is back to /tmp/core, but I still don't
get anything in /tmp/core* when I kill the oidentd process with a


Ian Pilcher
"If you're going to shift my paradigm ... at least buy me dinner first."

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Enable coredump for daemon (oidentd)

2011-08-16 Thread Ian Pilcher
oidentd is crashing on me intermittently.  I have done the folowing to
try to get a core dump when this happens:

  * Add "DAEMON_COREFILE_LIMIT=unlimited" to /etc/sysconfig/oidentd
  * Add "kernel.core_pattern = /tmp/core" to /etc/sysctl.conf

("kernel.core_uses_pid = 1" was already set.)

Despite this, there is no file named /tmp/core* after the daemon

What am I missing?



Ian Pilcher
"If you're going to shift my paradigm ... at least buy me dinner first."

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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread Michael Hennebry
On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Michael Hennebry wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Michael Hennebry wrote:
>> What is the magic formula for doing networking
>> from a VirtualBox guest?
>> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
>> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
>> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
>> What does?
> As I should have mentioned before,
> Fedora 14 is both the guest and the host.

Also,  /etc/dhcp/dhclient.d is empty and has no siblings.

"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
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Re: Samba asking for authorization to browse suddenly

2011-08-16 Thread Claude Jones
On Tuesday, August 16, 2011, Craig White wrote:
> I think you need to set 'guest account'
> see the man page for smb.conf and locate the 
> sections
> also - fwiw, 'testparm -sv' will give you all the settings,
> including the defaults which are surely there if you don't
> have any configuration for them and doing 'testparm -sv | grep
> guest' will probably show you who is configured for the guest
> account which is likely not working for you.

I'm still trying to figure this out, but, what puzzles me is what 
caused things to change. It was working perfectly. It could easily 
be some Windows update as well as some Samba update, I suppose. 
I've tried to google this issue, but most hits I'm getting are old 
and talk about an smbclient update being the culprit... If this 
were an update caused problem, one would presume that others would 
be having the issue...

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA
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Re: Dual monitors on Radeon 5770 with fc15

2011-08-16 Thread T.C. Hollingsworth
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 7:49 AM, Alex  wrote:
> - Has AMD bought ATI? It seems there are several references to drivers
> available for download from AMD.

Forgot to mention that the driver from RPMFusion is exactly the same
as the one available for download from AMD/ATI, just packaged such
that installation on Fedora is painless.  Trying to use the stock ATI
driver is much more difficult to get going.

> - Do you know how the Radeon and Catalyst models relate? Can I follow
> the instructions available for installing Catalyst cards for use with
> Radeon cards?

Radeon is the name of ATI/AMD's line of graphics hardware.  Catalyst
is the name of their driver software.  You use Catalyst drivers with
Radeon hardware.

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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread Michael Hennebry
On Tue, 16 Aug 2011, Michael Hennebry wrote:

> What is the magic formula for doing networking
> from a VirtualBox guest?
> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
> What does?

As I should have mentioned before,
Fedora 14 is both the guest and the host.

The host uses my second newest kernel because my newest won't shut down.

"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
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Re: Dual monitors on Radeon 5770 with fc15

2011-08-16 Thread T.C. Hollingsworth
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 7:49 AM, Alex  wrote:
> Hi,
>> Try this:
>> or this
> Yes, it does look like the default xorg ati drivers don't support this
> card, so I'm investigating the third-party drivers. A few more
> questions.
> - Has AMD bought ATI? It seems there are several references to drivers
> available for download from AMD.

Yes, several years ago.

> - Do you know how the Radeon and Catalyst models relate? Can I follow
> the instructions available for installing Catalyst cards for use with
> Radeon cards?
> - When I try to install the RPMFusion packages, I get the following error:
> rpm -Uvh  
> Retrieving 
> Retrieving 
> error: Failed dependencies:
>        system-release >= 16 is needed by rpmfusion-free-release-16-0.1.noarch
>        system-release >= 16 is needed by
> rpmfusion-nonfree-release-16-0.1.noarch

Those are for what will become Fedora 16.  For F15, you want the
following command:

su -c 'yum localinstall --nogpgcheck'

> I followed the directions from here:
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Alex

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Re: Fprint service?

2011-08-16 Thread Aaron Konstam
On Mon, 2011-08-15 at 18:39 -0500, Steven Stern wrote:
> I see a lot of stuff like this in /var/log/messages:
> Aug 15 18:35:15 sds-desk dbus-daemon: [system] Activating service
> name='net.reactivated.Fprint' (using servicehelper)
> Aug 15 18:35:15 sds-desk dbus-daemon: [system] Successfully activated
> service 'net.reactivated.Fprint'
> Googling indicates this has something to do with a fingerprint reader.
> As this system doesn't have one, how can I disable the service?
> systemctl doesn't list it, nor does chkconfig.
> -- 
> -- Steve

If you go to a program called Authentication , under the Advanced
Options is an option to enable fingerprint reader support. On my machine
this option was chosen by default. Unchoose it and that might help your
A reverend wanted to telephone another reverend. He told the operator,
"This is a parson to parson call."
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail:

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error software update on a new installation

2011-08-16 Thread Peter Klaassen
I am an Ubuntu user and now testing Fedora.
I have 360+ updates of software after installation.
But I get the following error.

could not add package update for fedora-release-rawhide-15-3(noarch)updates:

To my knowledge I run Fedora 15 Lovelock

What is going wrong?
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Re: Dual monitors on Radeon 5770 with fc15

2011-08-16 Thread Alex

> Try this:
> or this

Yes, it does look like the default xorg ati drivers don't support this
card, so I'm investigating the third-party drivers. A few more

- Has AMD bought ATI? It seems there are several references to drivers
available for download from AMD.
- Do you know how the Radeon and Catalyst models relate? Can I follow
the instructions available for installing Catalyst cards for use with
Radeon cards?
- When I try to install the RPMFusion packages, I get the following error:

rpm -Uvh
error: Failed dependencies:
system-release >= 16 is needed by rpmfusion-free-release-16-0.1.noarch
system-release >= 16 is needed by

I followed the directions from here:

What am I missing?

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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Tim
On Mon, 2011-08-15 at 22:04 -0700, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> Each machine has a /etc/hosts looking like (where  is the machine 
> name and  is any other machine:
> +++
> localhost.localdomainlocalhost .localdomain
> localhost4
> ::1 localhost6.localdomain6localhost6 .localdomain
> .localdomain 
> .localdomain 
> .localdomain 
> +++
> For the other machines, its name is removed in the 192.168.10.x list and 
> .localdomain  is added

That's a rather complex explanation, which sounds like you're giving
each machine a unique hosts file, where their own hostnames are written
differently than the other machines on the LAN.  I wouldn't do that.

Or that you've got two different subnets on the same LAN (192.168.10 and
192.168.2), and you're trying to talk between them.  Again, I wouldn't
do that, unless I had to.  You've either got to have a gateway between
them, at the boundary between the two networks (and all the computers
have to be configured to appropriately use the gateway).  Or, if they
actually are all on the same LAN, you'd set the netmask to be instead of (so they don't try to reach the
other subnet through a gateway).  

Presume that I have about four machines, I've called them fred, george,
martha, and dave.  They'll all have the same hosts file on them, like
this.   localhost.localdomainlocalhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6  localhost6  fred.localdomainfred  george.localdomain  george  martha.localdomain  martha  dave.localdomaindave

None of them will have any part of their hostnames inserted into the
local loopback lines.  That /can/ cause problems with reverse look-ups,
when you want the looked-up IP of a hostname to actually be their IP on
the LAN, not the loopback address (which is identical on each machine).

It gets messier if a box has two addresses (whether or not it has two
network interfaces.  In that situation, I don't try associating the same
hostname with two different addresses, it causes problems.  I'll have a
variation for the second address.

e.g. fred.localdomain fred fred-two.localdomain fred-two

Do you really have:


In the /etc/sysconfig/network file?

> I didn't see any reference to  or  in 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, so I am not including it ... 
> if there should be something, I'd love to know! I can't think of any 
> other place for  or .localdomain, but that's out of 
> ignorance as I haven't encountered this sort of problem before.

You don't need to put hostnames into specific interface configuration
files.  The computer *works* *out* its host name from its IP.

i.e. From the computer's point of view, it's told I'm (by
any of several means of configuring an IP).  I do a reverse look-up of
that IP, and find out that it's george.localdomain.  I do a forward
look-up of george.localdomain and find out I'm (I could have
more than one, and if it's different, I cycle through looking forward
and back).  I work out that my hostname is george, and my domain name is
localdomain (there's a configuration option of how many dots in a name,
to handle multiple dots in fully-qualified domain names, to work out the
separation between hostname and domain name).

The point being that name resolution of what name is associated with
what IP, tells me what the hostname is (whether by hosts file, DNS
look-ups, or some other method).  Rather than hardcoding I am george,
into some configuration file.  Although that is also possible.

> Ping works great between all of the machines for both  and 
> .localdomain, lists the 192.168.10.x address like a happy camper 
> should
> But a telnet  25 or telnet .localdomain 25 fails.

The default configuration for a mail server has it only listening to the
local loopback addresses, it needs customising to accept connections
from another machine.  And may need customising for the domain names
that you are using.  And, you may have fun with mail is you don't use a
DNS server, since hosts files can't answer MX queries.  Mailservers will
also do the IP/name look-up game that I've already detailed.

> I also can't use mail/mailx between the machines. I noticed that 
> mail/mailx always resolves  to .localdomain (and sending 
> to self is resolved to .localdomain), so I changed network to use 
> the localdomain suffix and added it in /etc/hosts before the instance of 
> . Neither telnet or mail/mailx worked with just , so I am 
> pretty certain that I didn't break anything by changing  to 
> .localdomain.

You might want to expand upon *why* you're wanting to use different
FQDNs for machines.  That may point out where the snag is.

As I outlined, above, how a machine works out its address.  When it
comes to multiple addresses, the sequence will determine which out of
many it ma

Re: Time sync is foobar

2011-08-16 Thread Tim
On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 04:51 +1000, Roger wrote:
> UTC is off in both systems.

Unless you're triple booting with some other system that requires a
local time hardware clock, I'd try setting them both to use UTC, and see
if things change (such as one of the OSs not obeying your current

I don't know if it really makes any difference, these days, but the
recommendation was that it was better to leave the hardware clock on
UTC.  More so if you used a computer that might travel across time
zones, and needs clock settings changed.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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Re: Time sync is foobar

2011-08-16 Thread John Pilkington
On 16/08/11 12:21, Craig White wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 04:51 +1000, Roger wrote:
>>> sounds like one of them is set to use UTC and the other is not.
>>> on Fedora, run the command (as root)
>>> system-config-date
>>> check the tab 'Date and Time', verify the time server, under 'Advanced
>>> Options', you may want to uncheck the local time source
>>> check the tab called 'Time Zone', change the time zone to whatever it
>>> should be, check the option for 'system uses UTC clock'
>>> Craig
>> It's puzzling.
>> Ubuntu timezone is Melbourne Victoria and shows correct time and date
>> Fedora timezone is Melbourne Victoria and DateTime shows 4:27:40 seconds
>> and correct date.
>> Synchronise System Time is off for both installations

If you want your time synchronised why do you have this setting? 
Without it you just have two free-running clocks.

>> UTC is off in both systems.
>> PC system time is correct for Ubuntu.
>> Changing Fedora time and saving resets Ubuntu time to +10 hours
>> When I first noted this issue I fresh installed Fedora but problem
>> remains.
> If they are both NOT set to UTC time you should be able to leave things
> alone and they would work themselves out.
> Melbourne is definitely GMT + 10.00 hours
> If things don't get fixed by leaving them alone, then one of them is
> still set to use UTC despite your declarations above.
> Craig

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Re: Qemu and Fedora text install

2011-08-16 Thread T.C. Hollingsworth
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:36 AM, Lars Bjørndal  wrote:
> Actually, my system does not support KVM, so I left out that option.

virt-tools will fall back on QEMU when KVM is unavailable, so all that
will still work.

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Re: Time sync is foobar

2011-08-16 Thread Craig White
On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 04:51 +1000, Roger wrote:
> > sounds like one of them is set to use UTC and the other is not.
> > 
> > on Fedora, run the command (as root)
> > 
> > system-config-date
> > 
> > check the tab 'Date and Time', verify the time server, under 'Advanced
> > Options', you may want to uncheck the local time source
> > 
> > check the tab called 'Time Zone', change the time zone to whatever it
> > should be, check the option for 'system uses UTC clock'
> > 
> > Craig
> It's puzzling.
> Ubuntu timezone is Melbourne Victoria and shows correct time and date
> Fedora timezone is Melbourne Victoria and DateTime shows 4:27:40 seconds
> and correct date.
> Synchronise System Time is off for both installations
> UTC is off in both systems.
> PC system time is correct for Ubuntu.
> Changing Fedora time and saving resets Ubuntu time to +10 hours
> When I first noted this issue I fresh installed Fedora but problem
> remains.

If they are both NOT set to UTC time you should be able to leave things
alone and they would work themselves out.

Melbourne is definitely GMT + 10.00 hours

If things don't get fixed by leaving them alone, then one of them is
still set to use UTC despite your declarations above.


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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread T.C. Hollingsworth
On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Michael Hennebry
> What is the magic formula for doing networking
> from a VirtualBox guest?
> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
> What does?

Set it to DHCP if you use NAT mode or whatever your network uses if
you use Bridged mode.

> --
> Michael
> "Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
> Optimist:   The glass is half full.
> Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Craig White
On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 06:11 -0500, Rick Sewill wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:04:57 AM Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> > Greetings
> > 
> > I am trying to figure out how to get communication between my F14 boxes
> > on a local wired LAN. The best test case I can come up with to prove
> > that I don't know what I am doing wrong is telnet.
> > 
> <...snip...>
> > Ping works great between all of the machines for both  and
> > .localdomain, lists the 192.168.10.x address like a happy camper
> > should
> > 
> > But a telnet  25 or telnet .localdomain 25 fails.
> > 
> > I can't tell if I need to add information about the other machines
> > somewhere else on  or if they really are known but something is
> > blocking it.
> > 
> You didn't say if you could telnet locally to your local host:
> Does this command work: telnet localhost
> If not, the telnet service needs to be enabled/started.

you obviously missed that he was trying to telnet to port 25

Please use greater care in understanding what the OP is trying to do
before chasing him down a useless path. He doesn't need telnet server.


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Re: networking vs. VirtualBox

2011-08-16 Thread Craig White
On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 00:11 -0500, Michael Hennebry wrote:
> What is the magic formula for doing networking
> from a VirtualBox guest?
> So far, the only way I've been able to make it work at all is
> to install a graphical version and click on the networking icon.
> That doesn't work if I do a minimal install.
> What does?

can't recall specifically because work has me using VMWare and not
VirtualBox but you really want to use 'bridging' for networking in setup
so it gets its own IP address rather than trying to NAT from the host.


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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Craig White
On Mon, 2011-08-15 at 22:04 -0700, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> Greetings
> I am trying to figure out how to get communication between my F14 boxes 
> on a local wired LAN. The best test case I can come up with to prove 
> that I don't know what I am doing wrong is telnet.
> Each machine has a /etc/hosts looking like (where  is the machine 
> name and  is any other machine:
> +++
> localhost.localdomainlocalhost 
> .localdomainlocalhost4
> ::1 localhost6.localdomain6localhost6 .localdomain
> .localdomain 
> .localdomain 
> .localdomain 
> +++
> For the other machines, its name is removed in the 192.168.10.x list and 
> .localdomain  is added
> Each machines has a /etc/sysconfig/network of:
> +++
> HOSTNAME=.localdomain
> +++
> I didn't see any reference to  or  in 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, so I am not including it ... 
> if there should be something, I'd love to know! I can't think of any 
> other place for  or .localdomain, but that's out of 
> ignorance as I haven't encountered this sort of problem before.
> The splash screen for all machines is .localdomain. The command 
> hostname returns .localdomain.
> Ping works great between all of the machines for both  and 
> .localdomain, lists the 192.168.10.x address like a happy camper 
> should
> But a telnet  25 or telnet .localdomain 25 fails.
> I can't tell if I need to add information about the other machines 
> somewhere else on  or if they really are known but something is 
> blocking it.
> I also can't use mail/mailx between the machines. I noticed that 
> mail/mailx always resolves  to .localdomain (and sending 
> to self is resolved to .localdomain), so I changed network to use 
> the localdomain suffix and added it in /etc/hosts before the instance of 
> . Neither telnet or mail/mailx worked with just , so I am 
> pretty certain that I didn't break anything by changing  to 
> .localdomain.
> Some machines were already using hostname of .localdomain and my 
> records aren't good enough to know how I specified the name of the 
> machine when I installed F14 (it never was an issue as everything worked 
> until I tested mail/mailx and telnet so I never documented exactly how I 
> should set machine name on install).
> It seems that the telnet problem is a simpler one than the mail/mailx 
> and if I can at least get telnet working, then I am closer to getting 
> mail/mailx working.
> Any suggestions?

by default, the typical smtp servers aren't listening for connections on
any interface other than - which smtp daemon are you using? Is
it configured to listen on the 192.168.2.x interface?

As far as name resolution goes, unless you have a local dns server, you
will have to manage /etc/hosts file on each computer if you want
computers know each other by name. I much prefer using DNS over managing
separate files on separate computers but that is for you to decide.

localdomain is fine - some people also use .local (which comports with
other service providers such as avahi) - it really doesn't matter as
long as what you use is consistent from machine to machine and fits DNS
standards (alpha-numerics and dashes)

Also - I think you sort of discovered, on redhat systems (and Fedora is
of this class)... /etc/sysconfig/network
is a reasonable configuration


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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Rick Sewill
On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:04:57 AM Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> Greetings
> I am trying to figure out how to get communication between my F14 boxes
> on a local wired LAN. The best test case I can come up with to prove
> that I don't know what I am doing wrong is telnet.
> Ping works great between all of the machines for both  and
> .localdomain, lists the 192.168.10.x address like a happy camper
> should
> But a telnet  25 or telnet .localdomain 25 fails.
> I can't tell if I need to add information about the other machines
> somewhere else on  or if they really are known but something is
> blocking it.

You didn't say if you could telnet locally to your local host:
Does this command work: telnet localhost
If not, the telnet service needs to be enabled/started.

Another possibility, iptables might be blocking it.
See if your iptables allows new incoming connections on the tcp telnet port.

There are other possibilities, but these are the first two I'd check.

If you plan to use ssh instead of telnet anyway, is best to do ssh instead.
I believe ssh is normally enabled/started.
I believe iptables is normally set up to allow incoming ssh connections.

I'm not sure the default sshd settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
I'd go through those options.  Please see man sshd_config

I think the default is now only protocol 2 -- good if that's true.

I wish the default didn't allow PasswordAuthentication.
For testing and getting ssh working, password authentication may be okay.
Wouldn't want PasswordAuthentication as my default.
Is best to use PubkeyAuthentication, at a minimum, with good keys.

I think the default is to allow root login.  Wish that were not the case.
Make the person ssh in on a normal user account and su to root.
Please change "PermitRootLogin yes" to "PermitRootLogin no"

Please limit which users can come in over ssh in /etc/sshd_config.
Use AllowGroups and/or AllowUsers.

Not sure if you want X11Forwarding or not.

Some object to security by obscurity,
but you might wish to change the ssh port from port 22 to some other port.
It doesn't stop hackers if they discover your open ssh port.
It slows down those hackers who only look for ssh on port 22.

Question for iptables/firewall GUI people...
is there a way to specify ip address ranges in any firewall GUIs?

Rather than allow new incoming ssh connections 
from any IP address given by the rule, 
"-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT"
I think the OP would like to specify acceptable IP address ranges.

The OP sounds like he only wants local hosts coming in.
By hand, I would have entries with the source IP address range specified 
as in -s, -s, -s 

I can muck up /etc/sysconfig/iptables manually...most people shouldn't.
Bad things can happen if they don't know what they are doing.
It would be nice if firewall GUIs did this for them.  
Which firewall GUIs do?
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Re: telnet on local LAN question

2011-08-16 Thread Andre Speelmans
You say you tried telnet to port 25 at , have you tried it to
the IP-address as well? It seems unlikely this will work, as ping to
 resolves fine, but just to be sure.
On other, is there actually a mailserver listening on port 25?
Is there a firewall on  or on ?

If needed you can always use tcpdump to se what traffic is going out,
and what traffic is coming in.


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Re: Qemu and Fedora text install

2011-08-16 Thread suvayu ali
Hi Lars,

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Lars Bjørndal  wrote:
> The text install of Fedora is really poor. You cannot choose packages,
> nor manipulate partitions. I wonder, is there any plans for extending
> the text install? This is really important, at least to blind people
> like me, who cannot use any other method.

This has been the case for several releases now (since F10 I think). I
think the recommended installation method when you don't have a gui is
to use kickstart[1] files. You can use the different spin
kickstarts[2] as a starting point.



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Re: Qemu and Fedora text install

2011-08-16 Thread Lars Bjørndal
Hi, panicloop!

Thank you very much for useful information!

You writes:

> If you have installed virtualization package group in the Fedora 14,
> you can use virsh, virt-install, etc commands and
> it's easy to use them than qemu command.
> You can start installation of fedora 15 guest with text console mode
> with following command.
> # virt-install \
> --connect qemu:///system \
> --name fedora15 \
> --ram 1024 \
> --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/fedora15.img,size=8 \
> --network network:default \
> --location \
> --os-type Linux \
> --os-variant virtio26 \
> --nographics \
> --accelerate \

Actually, my system does not support KVM, so I left out that option.

> --hvm \
> --extra-args 'console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200';

Since I'm running i386, I did also need the --arch option. Also, it took
some time until I realized that I did need to login as root.

> When you entered the above command, following message will be displayed.
> -- message begin --
> Creating domain...
> Connected to domain fedora15
> Escape character is ^]
> -- message end --

Yes, after downloading vmlinuz/initrd.

> Wait here for about 1〜2 minutes.
> After this, the CUI screen of
> "Welcome to Fedora for x86_64 Choose a Language" will be displayed.
> You can proceed as usual installtion of fedora.

The text install of Fedora is really poor. You cannot choose packages,
nor manipulate partitions. I wonder, is there any plans for extending
the text install? This is really important, at least to blind people
like me, who cannot use any other method.


> After this, Fedora15 login prompt will be displayed.

No, the startup fails. Please see some output:

Starting udev Coldplug all Devices...
[  241.046725] udev[340]: starting version 167
Started Setup Virtual Console.
[  257.938330] systemd[1]: Job 
 timed out.
Starting /boot [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.
Starting Mark the need to relabel after reboot [1;31maborted[0m because a 
dependency failed.[  258.054984] systemd
[1]: Job fedora-autorelabel-mark.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
Starting Relabel all filesystems, if necessary [1;31maborted[0m because a 
dependency failed.
[  258.140537] systemd[1]: Job fedora-autorelabel.service/start failed with 
result 'dependency'.
[  258.154881] systemd[1]: Job failed with result 
[  258.158677] systemd[1]: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies of
Starting Getty on tty6 [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.
[  258.277926] systemd[1]: Job getty@tty6.service/start failed with result 
Starting Getty on tty5 [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.[  
258.355612] systemd[1]: Job getty@tty5.service/start failed with result 

Starting Getty on tty1 [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.[  
258.453053] systemd
[1]: Job getty@tty1.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
Starting Getty on tty2 [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.
[  258.545363] systemd[1]: Job getty@tty2.service/start failed with result 
Starting Getty on tty4 [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.
[  258.631861] systemd[1]: Job getty@tty4.service/start failed with result 
Starting Getty on tty3 [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.
[  258.712916] systemd[1]: Job getty@tty3.service/start failed with result 
Starting Serial Getty on ttyS0 [1;31maborted[0m because a dependency failed.
[  258.789073] systemd[1]: Job serial-getty@ttyS0.service/start failed with 
result 'dependency'.
[  259.651464] systemd[1]: Job boot.mount/start failed with result 'dependency'.
[  259.662549] systemd[1]: Job 
 failed with result 'timeout'.
udevd[340]: worker [353] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

udevd[340]: worker [354] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

udevd[340]: worker [355] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

udevd[340]: worker [358] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

udevd[340]: worker [359] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

Welcome to emergency mode. Use "systemctl default" or ^D to activate default 
udevd[340]: worker [366] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

udevd[340]: worker [370] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

udevd[340]: worker [372] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it

Give root password for maintenance
(or type Control-D to continue): [  276.126762] systemd[1]: Startup finished in 
14s 159ms 689us (kernel) + 2min 27s 791ms 24us (initrd) + 1min 54s 165ms 1us 
(userspace) = 4min 36s 115ms 714us.

How can this be fixed, and what's wrong here?


> On 08/11/20