Re: Proposal: Change to Markdown format instead of GOSH

2024-07-25 Thread Jack Curran
Jana Hirsch wrote:
> I first saw the discussion on this I thought "oh no, hopefully someone 
> doesn't try to conform us into MD."  There is a taller stack of deeper 
> problems with the reasoning of the humans who do what you did, but I will 
> restrain from writing an unpragmatic response, focusing on concrete details.

Genuine curiosity. What is the problem with adopting standards? I can’t see the 
downside of adopting Markdown over GOSH. Markdown is not proprietary, it’s an 
open standard. I understand the FOSS community can be resistant to standards, 
especially corporate backed ones, but they can be a necessity. Some individuals 
don’t like things just because they are popular and feel the need to be 
contrarian without substance behind that desire. There is also a forking 
culture in FOSS. The community will often fork a project if it becomes popular, 
but often it is in vain due to network effects, unless it is a significant 

We would not be able to send emails, do mathematics, chemistry, or use the 
internet without common standards. We read English from left to right not 
because it is technically superior to right to left or bottom to top, but 
because we had to choose a standard method. There will always be competing 
standards, but eventually a single standard usually wins over the rest, even 
when it may not be the best at everything, at a certain point it just isn’t 
worth swimming against the tide unless you have good reason. Such valid reasons 
may be avoiding proprietary standards like Thunderbolt, DRM, Fire Wire or HDMI. 
Sometimes it may make sense if the dominant standard is significantly 
technically inferior to a competing standard.

We all agree the year is 2024, that’s the Gregorian calendar, but there are 
many other calendars that exist. Is it worth using alternatives if the 
Gregorian calendar is adequate? 

At a certain point you must prioritise what really matters over others that 
don’t. Genode Framework and Sculpt OS are important, but GOSH isn’t IMO, we 
could easily use Markdown without losing what really matters(In case Norman 
reads this. This is not an attack on you or GOSH format, it’s simply that GOSH 
is not adopted outside of Genode and therefore isn’t supported on GitHub.). 
GitHub has explicitly said they do not intend to add support for additional 
markup formats. So we can’t expect GOSH to be adopted by GitHub.

For instance, Genode has adopted English as the standard for all communication 
in the project. In fact English is the dominant languages for nearly all 
programming languages, firmware, operating systems and open source projects. 
From a technical perspective, other languages could be better than English. But 
English is sufficient to not warrant change.

“Write your postings in English only. The use of any other language will 
generally be perceived as inconsiderate. ”

If we had several languages on the GitHub Repository and mailing lists, it 
would cause such friction and inefficiencies that it would slow down progress 
significantly for no valid reason other than allowing people to use what they 
feel comfortable with, even at the detriment of collaboration ease and 

I am not a fan of Git at all. I don’t think it could be much more user 
unfriendly. I much prefer Darcs Version Control, but Git nonetheless is the 
standard, so I use it alongside Darcs.

> The Gosh **format** is more universal than markdown, because one can read it 
> on any device that displays txt-file. Lack of rendering does not prevent one 
> from reading the files. Therefore your premise is certainly unsound.

I didn’t say that you can’t read GOSH without rendering it. It’s that reading 
the plain text version of any of these markup formats are distracting and 
mentally fatiguing compared to the rendered versions. I have spent time reading 
the Genode repository in plain text on GitHub. It is not enjoyable compared to 
reading natively rendered Markdown in other GitHub repositories. GitHub doesn’t 
support GOSH rendering, I desire a format that is natively rendered. Markdown 
fits that bill. There are alternate formats that GitHub supports too, if you 
have technical reasons for avoiding Markdown specifically.

> The second one is a good idea: for new formats, the problem will always be 
> how to convert this to Gosh (1 problem) instead of how to convert this to 
> others (~ n problems). Also, it improves security, because we can know / can 
> know that conversions should not be able to do anything more than what Gosh 
> can.

I’ve never heard of any markup malware. I don’t even know if it’s possible. We 
would still audit the plain text before accepting it using any markup format 
including GOSH. GOSH doesn’t prevent this any more than Markdown would, you 
have to run the GOSH syntax through the GOSH Shell executable. You are still 
executing code based off the plain text file, GOSH or Markdown alike. If 

Proposal: Change to Markdown format instead of GOSH

2024-07-23 Thread Jack Curran
Here is my corresponding GitHub issue to track the progress, discussions or 
changes/commits made in regards to this proposal:

I propose that Genode adopts Markdown instead of GOSH.

Markdown has become the standard format for nearly all Open Source projects and 
Git hosting sites. GitHub, GitLab, Gitea and Codeberg/Forgejo all use Markdown, 
none support GOSH format.

I can read Markdown in GitHub repositories using my Android phone with the 
GitHub app. I cannot read GOSH files on a phone or tablet. This makes it harder 
to read correctly rendered GOSH files compared to Markdown. If I want to read a 
rendered GOSH document(not in plain text), I must clone the Genode & GOSH repo, 
install GOSH & TCL/TK, export the GOSH files to HTML or LaTeX from the command 
line, then view in PDF or HTML viewer. This is not simple compared to Markdown 
which is rendered natively on almost any device.

FOSS is a collaborative community. To make an open source project successful, 
It is important to use common formats and tools so the community can 
collaborate easily. The higher the barrier to entry, the less likely it is for 
people to bother contributing.

Switching to Markdown does not lose the benefits of LaTeX. The Git hosting 
sites as listed above, support inline LaTeX rendering within Markdown documents 
for mathematical expressions and diagrams. Markdown is used on these Git 
hosting sites for writing documentation, wiki, comments, issues, README, blogs 
and web pages etc.

Having an appealing looking GitHub repository is important as it could be the 
first time a user encounters the project, thus setting their first impressions. 
If using GOSH, which isn't rendered correctly, they may not decide to look 
further into the project as it looks unappealing. Most users won't try to learn 
or use GOSH because it is not a portable skill or format outside of the Genode 

I would be happy to contribute by working on converting GOSH files to Markdown 
format. I have already converted all 9 README files of the 9 public Genodelabs 
GitHub repositories to Markdown. I could continue doing this. However I don't 
want to waste my time doing something that wouldn't be accepted by the Genode 

There is an automatic way to convert all the GOSH documents to Markdown.

First, export GOSH documents to HTML or LaTeX. Then use a HTML or LaTeX to 
Markdown converter, then it will be automatically written to native Markdown. 
Thus saving manual labour.

These tools can be used to convert from HTML to Markdown format automatically: (This one can convert from LaTeX or HTML to 
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Re: Pull requests. Staging or Master branch?

2024-07-15 Thread Jack Curran
Although, I have noticed that they do use files in some of other 
other Genode Labs repositories. So maybe they do use also use markdown.  
Although it does just seem to be the main front page file in the 
repository, which looks nicer on the Github web page.
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Re: Pull requests. Staging or Master branch?

2024-07-15 Thread Jack Curran
Spencer wrote:
> I'm curious about this too - looking at the github repo, it seems like 
> there's a mix of pulls into staging and into master. The git flow section of 
> is a little 
> ambigious - it mentions staging as being the place to put untested changes 
> and then requests that topic branches be pulled from the most current 
> genodelabs/master.

Yes, as an outsider I find it hard to follow how they are dealing with pull 
requests/commits/issues. Hopefully we can get some clarification as I would 
like to add my own contributions to the project soon, but I don't know how to 
do it correctly.

> @Jack: I am in no way affiliated with the Genode team, so I don't claim to 
> speak for them, but I think it is unlikely that they will choose to convert 
> their README files to markdown as they are currently using a homebrew 
> formatting tool which has a few more features 
> including compiling to LaTeX.
> I agree that the code formatting looks prettier on github fwiw

Ah that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for letting me know. The README files did 
look like they had been written in some sort of syntax that I couldn't 
recognise. Github rendered them as plain text so I presumed it was just plain 
text with no actual file type. I will download Gosh and try it out on the 
genode repository to see how the pages look.

It would also make sense since I believe the Genode foundations book and the 
other books are written in LaTeX and PDF format, so the other documentation 
like the readme files would also be written in the same format.
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Re: Pull requests. Staging or Master branch?

2024-07-15 Thread Jack Curran
Sorry, I believe I misread the Genode Contributors guide. Genode does not use 
pull requests, they copy commits that are referenced within issues? So I should 
make an issue in the repository, then reference my commit against it and genode 
will copy that into their repository?

Should I use the master branch for my development in this case and reference my 
commits to the issues from my master branch?

On Mon, 15 Jul 2024, at 14:38, Jack Curran wrote:
> Hello, I have made some pull requests. I have just updated some readme files 
> to markdown format. As far as I understand pull requests are a request to 
> introduce/upload my changes to the Genode repository. This is my first time 
> ever using/learning git, so I am not very familiar with how it works. I see 
> that there are two branches in the genode repository, Master and Staging. 
> Staging seems to be the most active branch where new changes are being 
> introduced before an official release?
> Is the master branch supposed to be a copy of the latest public release and 
> is only updated every time a full public release is announced? Staging seems 
> to be the active development branch. So I made my pull request to that 
> branch. Although I am not sure which branch I am supposed to make pull 
> requests to? The genode contributions page says to make pull requests to the 
> master branch.
> > As a rule of thumb, every line of development should have a corresponding 
> > issue in the issue tracker. 
> > This will be the place where we will discuss your ongoing work. If there is 
> > no issue for your topic, please create one. 
> > Once there exists the issue with a short description about what your line 
> > of work is about, create a new topic branch based on the genodelabs/master 
> > branch.
> ___
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Pull requests. Staging or Master branch?

2024-07-15 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, I have made some pull requests. I have just updated some readme files to 
markdown format. As far as I understand pull requests are a request to 
introduce/upload my changes to the Genode repository. This is my first time 
ever using/learning git, so I am not very familiar with how it works. I see 
that there are two branches in the genode repository, Master and Staging. 
Staging seems to be the most active branch where new changes are being 
introduced before an official release?

Is the master branch supposed to be a copy of the latest public release and is 
only updated every time a full public release is announced? Staging seems to be 
the active development branch. So I made my pull request to that branch. 
Although I am not sure which branch I am supposed to make pull requests to? The 
genode contributions page says to make pull requests to the master branch.

> As a rule of thumb, every line of development should have a corresponding 
> issue in the issue tracker. 
> This will be the place where we will discuss your ongoing work. If there is 
> no issue for your topic, please create one. 
> Once there exists the issue with a short description about what your line of 
> work is about, create a new topic branch based on the genodelabs/master 
> branch.
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Re: Converted Genode, Goa and Github repositories README files to markdown

2024-07-12 Thread Jack Curran
I have now converted/updated all 9 of the Genode Labs Github repositories 
README files to markdown files. I believe they look more clear, 
modern and readable now.
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Converted Genode, Goa and Github repositories README files to markdown

2024-07-09 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, I have made 3 pull requests for the Genode, Goa and Github 
repositories. I have changed the README file to to make it a markdown 
file. Nearly all big Github repositories use markdown files as it 
allows the creation of more sophisticated and professional Github pages. I 
would appreciate any feedback on the changes.

You can view my changes on my Github forks:

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Re: Use SculptOS as a server?

2024-07-08 Thread Jack
Interesting! I have never heard of it. It does look like the project is 
practically dead.

On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, at 16:36, Spencer via users wrote:
> You might also be interested in Sandstorm, a service that only does the 'user 
> apps' type of thing that nextcloud has. It has a strong focus on security 
> (even over usability) and is big into capabilities much like Genode is. IMO. 
> if there is a 'right way' to do a web app store, this is it.
> Development on it is slow, as the business behind it failed and there's only 
> a few volunteers left, and truthfully there's not enough apps for it to be 
> that useful yet, but if you're into Sculpt it seems like that shouldn't be a 
> problem ;)
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2024, at 9:59 AM, Jack Curran wrote:
>> John J. Karcher wrote:
>> > Do you mind if I ask what software you run for your e-mail and NAS servers?
>> Hi John, I haven't actually set up my NAS completely yet. However I have 
>> setup the software I'll be using for NFS. I am running a docker container of 
>> Owncloud Infinite Scale(OCIS) on NixOS. I just use NixOS as it is my daily 
>> driver OS, however it isn't necessary to use, as long as you are able to run 
>> docker on whatever OS. OCIS is the new version of Owncloud(OC) which has 
>> been written in GO from scratch I believe and is intended to be used by 
>> enterprise environments with many users, therefore it is very stable and 
>> secure. OC is written in PHP and is still used by many people, however I 
>> don't recomended using it. I think most of the development focus is now on 
>> OCIS rather than OC. 
>> One major difference with OCIS is that you can't install apps like you can 
>> with OC and Nextcloud. I don't believe there are any plans to add app 
>> support, which I think is good, they should just focus on file storage. With 
>> nextcloud you can download calendars, news feeds, radio, mail servers and 
>> clients, contact storage, weather apps etc. However, I prefer to use 
>> dedicated software in their own containers for each requirement I have, 
>> rather than use one piece of software, such as nextcloud, that tries to be a 
>> jack of all trades, but isn't great at any singular task. I Like the Unix 
>> philosophy, do one thing and do it well. I have also heard many complaints 
>> about nextcloud corrupting user's file storage and having other database 
>> issues. Also the encryption in nextcloud is not good, to say the least, as 
>> far as I've read. I don't have first hand experience however.
>> I haven't yet looked into what software I will run for an e-mail server.
>> > Your comment also brings up the possibility of porting docker to Genode. 
>> >   I wonder if the new Linux device driver porting paradigm would help 
>> > here.
>> Yeah, I don't know how hard or easy that would be. But it seems like it 
>> should be possible if we can already run virtual machines in Sculpt.
>> ___
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Native SVG icon rendering instead of rasterizing? Who is responsible for GUI design?

2024-07-08 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, I am curious who, or what team, is responsible for the GUI design of 
Sculpt OS. Especially the Window Manager preset that comes with Sculpt by 
default. Which I am sure is the window manager that most users are using?

I am willing to create icons for the Window Manager GUI if needed. I don't know 
what licenses are equivalent to the AGPLV3 when it comes to graphic design? But 
whatever license is closest, I can publish my icons under that for the project 
so that there is no interference with licensing. You can see my icon 
suggestions in the github issues on the genode repository for anyone who hasn't 
seen my suggestions.

I am curious if it is possible to use SVG rendering instead of pixel 
rasterizing for Icons? It would mean that we could have a single universal icon 
file that could be scaled and oriented/rotated without having to make several 
rasterized file copies of the same SVG icon for a particular resolution, scale 
and orientation/rotation. There are so many different screen formats and 
resolutions now from smart watches, phone screens to large high dpi desktop 
screens and TV's.
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Re: Use SculptOS as a server?

2024-07-08 Thread Jack Curran
John J. Karcher wrote:
> Do you mind if I ask what software you run for your e-mail and NAS servers?

Hi John, I haven't actually set up my NAS completely yet. However I have setup 
the software I'll be using for NFS. I am running a docker container of Owncloud 
Infinite Scale(OCIS) on NixOS. I just use NixOS as it is my daily driver OS, 
however it isn't necessary to use, as long as you are able to run docker on 
whatever OS. OCIS is the new version of Owncloud(OC) which has been written in 
GO from scratch I believe and is intended to be used by enterprise environments 
with many users, therefore it is very stable and secure. OC is written in PHP 
and is still used by many people, however I don't recomended using it. I think 
most of the development focus is now on OCIS rather than OC. 

One major difference with OCIS is that you can't install apps like you can with 
OC and Nextcloud. I don't believe there are any plans to add app support, which 
I think is good, they should just focus on file storage. With nextcloud you can 
download calendars, news feeds, radio, mail servers and clients, contact 
storage, weather apps etc. However, I prefer to use dedicated software in their 
own containers for each requirement I have, rather than use one piece of 
software, such as nextcloud, that tries to be a jack of all trades, but isn't 
great at any singular task. I Like the Unix philosophy, do one thing and do it 
well. I have also heard many complaints about nextcloud corrupting user's file 
storage and having other database issues. Also the encryption in nextcloud is 
not good, to say the least, as far as I've read. I don't have first hand 
experience however.

I haven't yet looked into what software I will run for an e-mail server.

> Your comment also brings up the possibility of porting docker to Genode. 
>   I wonder if the new Linux device driver porting paradigm would help 
> here.

Yeah, I don't know how hard or easy that would be. But it seems like it should 
be possible if we can already run virtual machines in Sculpt.
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Re: Holiday season 2024

2024-07-05 Thread Jack Curran
Enjoy your break Genode Staff!
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Change genode github source code link

2024-07-03 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, the github source code link doesn't work when I try to download the 
source code.

I have to change the link from:
>To download the source code, use
> git clone git://

When I run this command, it stalls for several minutes before giving up. I 
googled why it wasn't working and the answers said you now have to use HTTPS:// 
instead of GIT:// for git clone of github repositories

So I advise to change the link on the website to:
>To download the source code, use
> git clone

This works for me every time, but the git version does not work even when 
trying several times.
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Re: Help building genode tool_chain source code for goa application porting

2024-07-03 Thread Jack Curran
Johannes Schlatow wrote:
> > Yesterday, Norman updated the challenges page and actually added GTK to 
> our wishlist:

Ah very interesting! Sorry I must have missed the genodians post yesterday, 
I've just read it now. Very exciting goals, I like them. It's great to see 
Ladybird, I've been following that project for roughly the last year. I'm 
hopeful we will get browser diversity with Ladybird and Servo.

I'm also excited to see the goal of getting Goa SDK to work on Sculpt OS 
natively without reliance on Linux VM's. I'll definitely be using it on Sculpt 
once it becomes reality.
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Re: Help building genode tool_chain source code for goa application porting

2024-07-03 Thread Jack Curran
Okay thank you for the advice! I will attempt to port emacs soon.

Thank you for letting me know about GTK. I was going to make a question about 
the graphical front end of Sculpt OS. What is the GUI in Sculpt OS running on? 
Is the Window Manager Preset and Leitzentrale using the same graphics engine? 
Is it QT? or Opengl or something else?

Are there plans to eventually support GTK? Many applications I use in NixOS are 
GTK, so not having GTK would mean we would lose many applications that could be 
ported to Sculpt.
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Re: Help building genode tool_chain source code for goa application porting

2024-07-02 Thread Jack Curran
I was planning on porting Emacs to Sculpt OS as a first project. I understand 
that Vim is already in Sculpt OS, however I use Emacs. I don't think anyone has 
ported it yet?

Would this be a realistic goal to port Emacs to Sculpt OS as a first time Goa 

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Re: Help building genode tool_chain source code for goa application porting

2024-07-02 Thread Jack
Hello Johannes, thank you for the quick reply!

I have been watching your Fosdem lectures on youtube and the Fosdem website to 
try learn how to use Goa.

Yes I had visited the link on source forge however it said:

"*** Genode migrated to
*** From version 24.08 on, release are exclusively available from
*** The files here are kept as an archive only."

So I thought since you have migrated to github now, the latest tool chain is on 
the github repository releases, but I couldn't find the pre-compiled 
genode-toolchain for 24.08, so I thought I must have to compile it myself.

"From version 24.08 on, release are exclusively available from;

Is 23.05 on source forge the most recent pre-compiled tool_chain available 

Thank you, I will use that now instead of compiling myself.

On Tue, 2 Jul 2024, at 09:17, Johannes Schlatow wrote:
> Hi Jack,
> I'm amazed that you pushed through the many obstacles you experienced as 
> a first-time user. It's a valuable feedback on what we can improve 
> w.r.t. documentation. The Goa installation guide is actually found in 
> the README file but maybe we need to make this more prominent.
> Building the tool chain from source indeed takes quite some time and 
> computation. This is why we provide a pre-compiled tool chain. Please 
> download the archive from [1] and follow the install instructions [2]. 
> This saves you the time and hassle to compile the tool chain from source.
> [1]
> [2]
> Cheers
> Johannes
> On 02/07/2024 03:58, Jack Curran wrote:
> > Hello, I want to learn Genode and SculptOS so I am trying to learn how to 
> > port applications to Genode/SculptOS as a learning experience and to help 
> > contribute to the project.
> > 
> > I have never packaged an application or ported one before, so this is a 
> > first time experience. I know that Genode is quite an advanced project and 
> > probably not for novices like myself, however I am very interested in the 
> > project and would like to contribute. I would guess the best way to learn 
> > how to port applications and make packages is by actually trying to just do 
> > it.
> > 
> > I've been looking around the internet trying to find various guides from 
> > github and to learn how to do this. So far I have come to the 
> > conclusion that I need to use Goa on a Linux system to build these ports. 
> > So I am using a virtual machine with Ubuntu to do so. However none of the 
> > Goa guides show how to actually install Goa, so that is what I have been 
> > struggling to find information on.
> > 
> > I am now reading the Genode Foundations Book as it seems to have more 
> > information on compiling the genode applications and tools from source.
> > 
> > I am using a virtual machine running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and I have installed 
> > the necessary packages as stated in the book:
> > 
> > "Recommended development environment Genode is regularly used and devel-
> > oped on GNU/Linux. It is recommended to use the latest long-term support 
> > (LTS)
> > version of Ubuntu. Make sure that your installation satisfies the following 
> > require-
> > ments:
> > • GNU Make version 3.81 (or newer) needed by the build system,
> > • libsdl2-dev, libdrm-dev, and _libgbm-dev needed to run interactive system 
> > scenarios
> > directly on Linux,
> > • tclsh and expect needed by test-automation and work-flow tools,
> > • xmllint for validating configurations,
> > • qemu, xorriso, sgdisk, and e2tools needed for running system scenarios on 
> > non-
> > Linux platforms via the Qemu emulator."
> > 
> > Reading the Goa github readme, it says I need the genode tool_chain. To get 
> > the genode tool chain, I have cloned the genode github repository and I 
> > have the source tree with the genode/tool/tool_chain file
> > 
> > I have run the following commands: "git clone 
> >;
> > 
> > "cd 
> > git checkout -b 24.05 24.05"
> > 
> > "cd 
> > ./tool/create_builddir x86_64"
> > 
> > Reading the Genode Tool_Chain section on the genode website it says: 
> > "Compile from source
> > 
> >  For those of you who prefer compiling the tool chain from source, we 
> > provide a tool for downloading, building, and installing the Genode tool 
> > chain. 

Help building genode tool_chain source code for goa application porting

2024-07-01 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, I want to learn Genode and SculptOS so I am trying to learn how to port 
applications to Genode/SculptOS as a learning experience and to help contribute 
to the project.

I have never packaged an application or ported one before, so this is a first 
time experience. I know that Genode is quite an advanced project and probably 
not for novices like myself, however I am very interested in the project and 
would like to contribute. I would guess the best way to learn how to port 
applications and make packages is by actually trying to just do it.

I've been looking around the internet trying to find various guides from github 
and to learn how to do this. So far I have come to the conclusion 
that I need to use Goa on a Linux system to build these ports. So I am using a 
virtual machine with Ubuntu to do so. However none of the Goa guides show how 
to actually install Goa, so that is what I have been struggling to find 
information on.

I am now reading the Genode Foundations Book as it seems to have more 
information on compiling the genode applications and tools from source.

I am using a virtual machine running Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and I have installed the 
necessary packages as stated in the book:

"Recommended development environment Genode is regularly used and devel-
oped on GNU/Linux. It is recommended to use the latest long-term support (LTS)
version of Ubuntu. Make sure that your installation satisfies the following 
• GNU Make version 3.81 (or newer) needed by the build system,
• libsdl2-dev, libdrm-dev, and _libgbm-dev needed to run interactive system 
directly on Linux,
• tclsh and expect needed by test-automation and work-flow tools,
• xmllint for validating configurations,
• qemu, xorriso, sgdisk, and e2tools needed for running system scenarios on non-
Linux platforms via the Qemu emulator."

Reading the Goa github readme, it says I need the genode tool_chain. To get the 
genode tool chain, I have cloned the genode github repository and I have the 
source tree with the genode/tool/tool_chain file

I have run the following commands: "git clone;

git checkout -b 24.05 24.05"

./tool/create_builddir x86_64"

Reading the Genode Tool_Chain section on the genode website it says: "Compile 
from source

For those of you who prefer compiling the tool chain from source, we 
provide a tool for downloading, building, and installing the Genode tool chain. 
You find the tool in Genode's source tree at tool/tool_chain. For usage 
instructions, just start the tool without arguments."

I have run this command:  "./genode/tool/tool_chain"

Is this what is meant by start the tool without arguments?

The following message comes up: 

"~$ ./genode/tool/tool_chain
bash: line 1: gcc: command not found
 Need to have 'flex' installed.
 Need to have 'bison' installed.
 Need to have 'g++' installed.
 Need to have 'libncurses' installed.
  Need to have 'libncurses' installed.
 Need to have 'texinfo' installed.
 Need to have 'libexpat' installed.
bash: line 1: gnatmake: command not found
 Need to have GNAT installed and the GNAT version must match the GCC version 
(found GCC ).
 Need to have 'libgmp' installed.
genode/tool/tool_chain:170: *** Please install missing tools..  Stop."

Do I have to also manually install each of these packages using 

sudo apt install gcc flex bison g++  etc 

I would have thought that a make file or something similar would manually 
install all the dependencies for me? I am just not sure if I am doing this 
correctly and want to know if I am doing something wrong.

I previously installed each dependency/packages needed as stated in the error 
message until I had no errors left. Then it seemed to start compiling the 
genode tool_chain via GCC, however it continued compiling for several hours, so 
I thought maybe I was doing it the incorrect way, so I cancelled the 
compilation. I want to first ask if I am even doing this the correct way before 
I spend more time trying to compile something incorrectly.

Thank you.
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Use SculptOS as a server?

2024-06-27 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, I am interested in the possibility of using SculptOS as a server?

I am not sure how viable this is as I am still learning how to use SculptOS and 
what capabilities it has. But to me, it seems like the perfect server OS 
because it is focused on capability security and uses a micro kernel which has 
many benefits such as isolation/sandboxing and stability due to driver crashes 
being in user-space instead of kernel level etc.

I was planning to use NixOS and run several docker containers as my home NAS 
and email server, however, I see no reason why I couldn't run docker containers 
in a virtual machine on Sculpt OS instead? Then it would be a lot more secure 
and an interesting project to try and use it as a server.

I plan to use the HPE Proliant Microserver Gen10 Plus V2 which is an Intel 
based server computer. So it should be compatible with SculptOS.
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Leitzentrale only displays NVME1

2024-06-27 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, I have 4 NVME SSD's in my laptop. However, the Leitzentrale only allows 
shows me the NVME1 slot, but it will not display NVME2, NVME3 or NVME4 to 
select. I wanted to use a SSD that was in the 4 slot, so I physically had to 
swap the SSD in slot 4 with slot 1 with so I could select the desired SSD for 
sculptOS to format and use on the NVME1 slot.

I am not sure if this is just a GUI bug, or if the other 3 NVME SSD's are 
simply not being detected by the OS?

Thank you.
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Re: Edit ram allocation to processes in Sculpt OS?

2024-06-27 Thread Jack Curran
Hello Alex, sorry for the very late reply! I have only now just gotten to test 
this out, I got busy with other things.

I have just used your disposable Firefox VM and it works great! The audio works 
great too! Although, as stated by Josef, switching presets can stop the audio 
driver which cannot be restarted unless you reboot SculptOS I believe, so after 
editing things in SculptOS, the audio stopped working until I did a restart 

I was able to use jschlatow depot firefox AV virtual machine successfully too.

I have formatted and installed my NVME drive in sculpt and chosen it as the 
File System instead of the RAMFS which I had been using prior. So far I believe 
it is working. Although I have noticed that when I restart the VM, the settings 
do not persist and are reset. I am not using the disposable VM for this either, 
I chose the VMFS which I believe is a file system for virtual machines? Is this 
not persistent? I don't know what FS option I have to select to have the VM 
changes be saved.

I would like to have a persistent Firefox VM, with a high amount of ram 
allocation so that it does not crash when I have lots of tabs open. I would 
like to be able to save the settings and files to the NVME FS instead of using 
the RAMFS which is what I have been using prior. I am struggling to create my 
own. So I require some advice.

I am trying to use Genodelabs Depot vbox6, but for whatever reason I cannot get 
the virtual machine to work. It won't display as a window inside the WM even 
though I am able to use your VM inside the WM I have also successfully used 
other developer's public depot VM fine. 

When I configure the Genodelabs Depot vbox6 it asks for ROM Mesa GPU driver. I 
am thinking maybe I am doing something wrong with configuring the GPU to work, 
as this is one of the only options that isn't asked for in your VM settings.

Sorry for the long winded message, I hope I am conveying my message clearly.

Thank you!
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Edit ram allocation to processes in Sculpt OS?

2024-05-06 Thread Jack Curran
Hello, I've started using Sculpt OS and the integrated Falkon web browser. It 
frequently crashes when I have several tabs open, I believe this is because the 
ram it has been assigned is too small. I couldn't seem to find any mention of 
how to edit the ram allocated to processes in the Sculpt OS documentation?

How do I dynamically edit the allocated ram to processes such as the Falkon web 
browser? When I am using the Leitzentrale and I click on the Falkon web 
browser, I can see it shows 1.95 GiB / 2.00 GiB, I am guessing this is the 
allocated ram? However I am only assuming this is the allocated Ram size as it 
does not specify what type of storage this is, i.e Hard Drive Storage or Ram 

The audio works in the browser too, I was able to play music in youtube music. 
However, the first couple times I tried playing any audio through Falkon, it 
didn’t work. I rebooted and started fresh RAM FS in an attempt to get audio 
working. For the first 2 or 3 times it didn’t work. I am not sure what I did 
differently, but on the 3rd time I tried and downloaded the Falkon browser, the 
audio suddenly worked. I was able to control the volume by editing the config 
audio XML file and saving it.

I will need to do more tests to see if the audio not working was a fluke or I 
was doing something incorrectly before.

Thank you, Jack Curran
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Re: Sculpt OS stuck on boot logo - 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700HX - HP ZBook Fury 16 G10

2024-05-06 Thread Jack Curran
I can see in the documentation for SculptOS that:

"Touchpad on Intel Gen11+
Touchpads on recent Intel laptops are integrated as I2C HID devices without 
legacy PS/2 emulation. To support such trackpads, a dedicated driver is needed. 
Even though Sculpt OS has no built-in trackpad driver, it offers an I2C HID 
driver as an option in the + menu. Of course, you will need to use a USB mouse 
to initially activate and configure this option.

The driver needs to know a few platform-specific values that must be manually 
configured at /config/launcher/trackpad. The configuration is annotated with 
known values for several laptop models. Adjust the configuration by using the 
values matching your hardware and restart the touchpad driver to let the new 
configuration take effect."

I can see in the config options that I can edit the touchpad XML file and it 
has framework laptop touchpad values already included. So I should be able to 
edit it and replace it with my laptop's driver values, however I just don't 
know how to find what values my laptop touchpad uses?

Do you have any guidance on how I would find the necessary values? I am not 
sure how I would find the GPIO values for my touchpad. 

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Re: Sculpt OS stuck on boot logo - 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700HX - HP ZBook Fury 16 G10

2024-05-06 Thread Jack .
Hello Alexander, thank you for the response! I am messaging you from the Falcon 
web browser running on Sculpt on the HP Fury Workstation Laptop now! It worked 
great after using your image. Thanks Alice for the fix! I've never encountered 
such a quick fix to an OS problem I've had before!

Now that I am using the laptop with Sculpt, the only issue that I've 
encountered so far is that the touchpad is not recognised/working, even when I 
enable it in hardware component options. I am able to use my USB mouse as an 
alternative optin for now. The laptop integrated keyboard and my external USB 
keyboard and mouse work fine, it's just the laptop integrated touchpad that 
doesn't work.

This is an issue I have encountered before when installing other operating 
systems from a fresh ISO image. The touchpad doesn't work until after I have 
installed the operating system and updated the system post installation in 
which it seems to download the new touchpad driver needed for my laptop, as it 
doesn't seem to be included in the base install image.

Cheers, Jack
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Re: Sculpt OS stuck on boot logo - 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700HX - HP ZBook Fury 16 G10

2024-05-05 Thread Jack .
I should also add, my Sony Vaio laptop has an Intel i7 CPU with integrated 
graphics and a dedicated Nvidia GPU, I believe the GT 430M(it's very old). I 
wonder why I had no issues booting Sculpt OS with that laptop even though it 
also has a dedicated gpu?
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Re: Sculpt OS stuck on boot logo - 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700HX - HP ZBook Fury 16 G10

2024-05-05 Thread Jack Curran
Hello Alice, thanks for the reply. I have followed the issue on github now. 
Upon reading the github issue, it appears you link to a commit that solves the 
problem? So is it simply a matter of waiting for it to be merged and included 
in the next release?

Cheers, Jack
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