Hello, I am curious who, or what team, is responsible for the GUI design of 
Sculpt OS. Especially the Window Manager preset that comes with Sculpt by 
default. Which I am sure is the window manager that most users are using?

I am willing to create icons for the Window Manager GUI if needed. I don't know 
what licenses are equivalent to the AGPLV3 when it comes to graphic design? But 
whatever license is closest, I can publish my icons under that for the project 
so that there is no interference with licensing. You can see my icon 
suggestions in the github issues on the genode repository for anyone who hasn't 
seen my suggestions.


I am curious if it is possible to use SVG rendering instead of pixel 
rasterizing for Icons? It would mean that we could have a single universal icon 
file that could be scaled and oriented/rotated without having to make several 
rasterized file copies of the same SVG icon for a particular resolution, scale 
and orientation/rotation. There are so many different screen formats and 
resolutions now from smart watches, phone screens to large high dpi desktop 
screens and TV's.
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