[OpenSIPS-Users] Mid-Registrar and SUBSCRIBE

2020-08-07 Thread Yury Kirsanov
I've successfully tested OpenSIPS with Mid-Registrar module in front of
Asterisk server, it works fine for REGISTER messages and INVITEs. But I'm
facing a problem with SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY messages that I'd like to forward to
Asterisk server and back. How do I change Contact field in original
SUBSCRIBE request? Currently it doesn't have ;ctid field and Asterisk will
be sending NOTIFY messages to original Contact listed in SUBSCRIBE without
ctid so mid-registrar lookup is failing
with ERROR:mid_registrar:mid_reg_lookup: failed to locate our ';ctid='
param in URI message. Thanks.

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[OpenSIPS-Users] topology_hiding and contact port

2020-08-07 Thread Yohann Poilvert
Hi all, 

I don't find where I can add the port in the contact header after 

Contact header after topology_hiding() : 

Contact header before topology_hiding() : 
Contact: < sip: @XXX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA:5060> 

It missed the port after topology_hiding... Can you help me ? 


Yohann Poilvert 
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[OpenSIPS-Users] dialogs do not restore on restart

2020-08-07 Thread William Simon
Using opensips 3.0,

I have set up the dialog module for db mode 3 (store dialogs at shutdown) with 
a postgres backend. I have also tested with a local sqlite backend.

On shutdown, the active dialogs are saved to the database. But on restart, the 
dialogs are not restored.

If I try the MI command dlg_db_sync, dialogs are not restored that way either.

Is there a parameter required or something that must be run from the script to 
restore dialogs from the database on startup?

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