[Pw_forum] PlotPhon Examples

2011-11-21 Thread GAO Zhe
*.fc is generated from dynamics matrics by q2r.x.
The script in examples just organizes several programs, matdyn.x, 
k_for_bands.x, bands_to_gnuplot.x and E_min_max.x, working one by one with 
certain data exchanging.
Through pw.x and ph.x, you can just obtain dynamics matrics.

CMC Lab, MSE, SNU, Seoul, S.Korea

At 2011-11-21 15:32:17,W2AGZ  wrote:

To All (especially Eyvas),


Are the input scripts used to generate the .fc files for the two Al examples 
and Fe from pw.x and ph.x available?


Thanks, -Paul


Paul Michael Grant, PhD

Physicist and Science Writer

Senior Life Fellow, American Physical Society

Fellow, Institute of Physics, United Kingdom

Staff Associate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA (2011)

Visiting Scholar, Applied Physics, Stanford (2005-2008)

EPRI Science Fellow (Retired)

IBM Research Staff Member Emeritus

Principal, W2AGZ Technologies

w2agz at w2agz.com






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[Pw_forum] Segmentation Faults - Running QE-4.3.2 under Kubutu 11.10 within Latest Oracle Virtualbox

2011-11-21 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Sun, 2011-11-20 at 23:48 -0800, W2AGZ wrote:

> The Forum blames most segmentation issues on virtual memory
> limitations?but I have 100 gigs.

not sure about whom the Forum blames; I tend to blame (unless 
there is evidence of the opposite) bad compilers for most 
"segmentation faults" 


Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] ploting difference in charge density

2011-11-21 Thread vicky singh
Dear PWSCF community,

I am comparing the effect of alloying on Ni system. I have ploted the
charge density with various alloying element. I wish to plot the difference
in charge density i.e charge density of A alloyed in Ni system - charge
density of pure Ni system, where A are different elements. Can anybody help
me in this calculation. Can xcrysden be of any help in this.

thanks in advance

vicky singh
Research student
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[Pw_forum] PlotPhon Examples

2011-11-21 Thread Paolo Giannozzi
On Sun, 2011-11-20 at 23:32 -0800, W2AGZ wrote:

> Are the input scripts used to generate the .fc files for the two Al
> examples and Fe from pw.x and ph.x available?

examples 6 and 7 contain the procedure to produce force constants.
Maybe not exactly you mention, though

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

[Pw_forum] Segmentation Faults - Running QE-4.3.2 under Kubutu 11.10 within Latest Oracle Virtualbox

2011-11-21 Thread Axel Kohlmeyer
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:48 AM, W2AGZ  wrote:
> To All,
> I know segmentation faults are a constant nuisance given the multitude of
> platforms on which we ask QE to perform, but I?m having consistent failures
> trying to run the examples on a new Windows box I?ve built based on the
> latest Win7 and Oracle VB (Yeah, Yeah?I know?just switch to Linux,
> period?but I need to run antediluvian tasks from time to time).

hi paul,

> The Forum blames most segmentation issues on virtual memory limitations?but
> I have 100 gigs.

those 100gigs may be useless if you have a 32-bit compiler
or are compiling for a 32bit target. windows can be a bit funny
there at times. if you _do_ compile for 64-bit, please keep an
eye out for differences in sizes of integer variables. as far as
i remember, there are differences between linux and windows
and i would bet that very few Q-E developers, if any test on

the first step to solving a segfault issue is to determine
exactly what is segfaulting where. for that you usually
need to compile with debug information turned on and
run under the control of a debugger to get a stack trace
and thus determine the location of the segfault and then
figure out whether you are running out of stack space
or into some other issue.


> Thanks, -Paul
> Paul Michael Grant, PhD
> Physicist and Science Writer
> Senior Life Fellow, American Physical Society
> Fellow, Institute of Physics, United Kingdom
> Staff Associate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA (2011)
> Visiting Scholar, Applied Physics, Stanford (2005-2008)
> EPRI Science Fellow (Retired)
> IBM Research Staff Member Emeritus
> Principal, W2AGZ Technologies
> w2agz at w2agz.com
> http://www.w2agz.com
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://www.democritos.it/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
akohlmey at gmail.com ?http://goo.gl/1wk0

College of Science and Technology
Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.

[Pw_forum] SCF calculations do not converge

2011-11-21 Thread IYAD AL-QASIR
Hello All,
I am trying to calculate the phonon dispersion relations and phonon density
of states of UO2.
Please find the attached files UO2.scf.in and UO2.ph.in

The calculations assume GGA and include spin-polarized effects.

There are 6 representations and nine modes. The problem I have is: When I
run the input file UO2.ph.in, the second  representation of the second mode
for q (-0.167   0.167  -0.167), the *scf **calculations do not

1- My runs assume UO2  is metallic, in fact UO2 is insulator with band gap
of 2eV.( However, when I do the calculations using the VASP code I got very
good result only by including the polarization effects)
2- In order to account for the band gap, one should implement the Hubbard
term (LDA/GGA+U)
3- I tried different occupations  (smearing, tetrahedra)
4- I tried different starting_magnetization= 0.5, 1.0
5- the lattice parameter a= 10.285, is based on optimizing the structure
and including spin-polarization effects.

Any adivce to overcome this problem is highly welcomed.

Kindest Regards,
Research Associate

Department of Nuclear Engineering
North Carolina State University
Campus Box 7909
2500 Stinson Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27695-7909
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[Pw_forum] Problem With Total-Energy Convergence vs. ecutwfc

2011-11-21 Thread Vic Bermudez

I seem to be having some serious trouble getting total energies to 
converge as I vary
"ecutwfc" and "ecutrho". This is for a slab-model calculation, using PBE and 
USPP's, for
an HF molecule reacting with the surface of Si3N4. The total energy results I 
get in
representative calculations are:

ecutwfc = 40  ecutrho = 400  Etot = -1504.8173322951
ecutwfc = 50  ecutrho = 500  Etot = -1505.03408093
ecutwfc = 60  ecutrho =720   Etot = -1505.12486679

[Pw_forum] Problem With Total-Energy Convergence vs. ecutwfc

2011-11-21 Thread Nicola Marzari

Dear Vic,

as you correctly point out, differences in total energy are
very well converged in your calculations. This is all what matters.

Absolute total energies are not yet converged, but those are not
relevant or useful - if you think about, what you'll need will always
be differences in energies between different calculations, and those
are the ones you need to converge (as indeed you do).


On 11/21/11 9:32 PM, Vic Bermudez wrote:
> Hello,
>   I seem to be having some serious trouble getting total energies to 
> converge as I vary
> "ecutwfc" and "ecutrho". This is for a slab-model calculation, using PBE and 
> USPP's, for
> an HF molecule reacting with the surface of Si3N4. The total energy results I 
> get in
> representative calculations are:
>   ecutwfc = 40  ecutrho = 400  Etot = -1504.8173322951
>   ecutwfc = 50  ecutrho = 500  Etot = -1505.03408093
>   ecutwfc = 60  ecutrho =720   Etot = -1505.12486679
>  From what I'm reading in various posts in the Users' Forum, in tutorials 
> available on the
> web and in the Users' Guide, these values of "ecutwfc" and "ecutrho" are 
> greatly in excess
> of what should be needed to achieve convergence.
>   This raises the question of how to define convergence. One Users' Forum 
> post said that a
> convenient criterion is 1 mryd/atom. Since my slab unit cell contains 91 
> atoms, the
> difference between 40/400 and 50/500 is 2.4 mryd/atom. Is it total energy or 
> total energy
> per atom that I should be looking at ?
>   What I'm actually interested in is reaction energies (or adsorption 
> energies). The
> reaction energies I get for 40/400 and 60/720 are -0.316 and -0.317 eV 
> respectively. In
> other words, they're identical, because the energy differences between 40/400 
> and 60/720
> for the bare slab and for the slab+adsorbate cancel. I'm not sure whether I 
> should be
> relieved by this or if I should be wary of a hidden problem.
>   As another comment, results for 6x6x1 and 12x12x1 Monkhorst-Pack grids 
> are virtually
> identical (with ecutwfc=40 and ecutrho=400 in both cases). Hence, k-point 
> spacing doesn't
> appear to be an issue.
>   I'm inserting below a typical input file here:
> calculation='scf',
> title='repeat energy calculation like #50400 but bigger ecutwfc and ecutrho',
> pseudo_dir='/lustre/cmf/scratch/b/bermudez/QE_PP/',
> verbosity='default'
> /
> ibrav=8,
> a=5.860, b=7.673, c=53.00,
> nat=91,
> ntyp=5,
> ecutwfc=50.0,
> ecutrho=500.0,
> occupations='fixed',
> nosym_evc=.TRUE.
> /
> electron_maxstep=100,
> conv_thr=1.0D-9,
> mixing_beta=0.7D0,
> mixing_ndim=8,
> mixing_mode='plain'
> /
> Si  28.0855  Si_pbe-n-van_UPF
> N   14.0067  N_pbe-van_ak_UPF
> O   15.9994  O_pbe-van_ak_UPF
> F   18.9984032 F_pbe-n-van_UPF
> H   1.00794  H_pbe-van_ak_UPF
> F   -0.828943122  -3.842610696  10.898762889
> H2.956336746  -3.913628193  11.481740207
> O2.130945237  -3.743406775  10.990758649
> Si  -0.740055896  -3.727473495   9.278104350
> Si   2.197736003  -3.719125735   9.357412872
> O0.733635389  -0.092404715   8.709367118
> O   -2.198390199  -0.092106250   8.703606145
> N0.727690134  -2.912055280   8.831492617
> N   -2.199510369  -2.913961388   8.797211298
> N   -0.730334009   2.291265533   8.708545486
> N2.200026883   2.26238   8.715832903
> Si   0.740325891   1.486240963   8.197839727
> Si  -2.201425602   1.487223849   8.194133645
> Si   0.731520021  -1.484390893   7.805743483
> Si  -2.199544503  -1.481807201   7.794749488
> N   -0.730477119  -1.509950402   6.851115290
> N2.192766376  -1.509070971   6.850785646
> N0.734572342   1.428876787   6.443023829
> N   -2.196689576   1.428710465   6.440830516
> Si  -0.730671582   1.383061493   5.485559504
> Si   2.198231920   1.383467537   5.484097670
> Si  -0.731571258  -1.634722031   5.102794951
> Si   2.196186337  -1.634652146   5.102809652
> N0.732378551  -2.470977191   4.637802788
> N   -2.197580366  -2.470463034   4.640966741
> N   -0.731691807   2.788232427   4.443687098
> N2.197979174   2.788401786   4.442656379
> N   -0.731484010  -0.019627141   4.441442429
> N2.198010976  -0.019733235   4.440785365
> Si   0.732965820   3.599969198   3.935485972
> Si  -2.196881366   3.600616053   3.936927345
> Si  -0.732092418   0.194969145   2.706451385
> Si   2.197948022   0.194942344   2.705997893
> N0.732838523   3.815828133   2.206216987
> N   -2.196890255   3.816167783   2.207269314
> N0.732842940   1.010463084   2.200606165
> N   -2.197021884   1.010498140   2.200720312
> N   -0.732301333  -1.402362859   1.988160033
> N2.197752904  -1.402429612   1.987932157
> Si   0.732683992  -2.247692417   1.532621948
> Si  -2.197244178  

[Pw_forum] Problem With Total-Energy Convergence vs. ecutwfc

2011-11-21 Thread Eduardo Ariel Menendez Proupin
As Nicola said, what matters are the energy differences. Please, check that
the forces and stresses are converged. From a practical point of view that
is enough. To be happy, I prefer that the energy also converge. I think the
non convergence is the (frequent) fault of the pseudopotential. If you are
worrried enough, try to generate a new pseudopotential, and chek that is
yet transferible.
Eduardo Menendez
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[Pw_forum] unallocated variable

2011-11-21 Thread David Strubbe
Dear developers,

I compiled with Intel and debugging flags, and encountered a runtime error
due to use of an unallocated variable. The value will not ultimately be
used, but it seems like it could cause segmentation faults or memory
corruption, and at any rate makes it harder to use these flags to find
other bugs.

I ran example09, on 4 nodes, ch4.nm.in
intel/11.1.072, mkl/11.1.072, fftw/3.2.2-intel,openmpi/1.4.2-intel
FFLAGS = -g -O0 -check all -traceback

In the output, I get:

Representation #  3 mode #   3


End of self-consistent calculation

 Convergence has been achieved

 Number of q in the star =1
 List of q in the star:
  1   0.0   0.0   0.0
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (8): Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable
RAMTNS when it is not allocated

Image  PCRoutineLineSource

ph.x   01A7F16D  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
ph.x   01A7DC75  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
ph.x   01A201A0  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
ph.x   019B853F  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
ph.x   019B8942  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
ph.x   0046EFAC  dynmatrix_150
ph.x   00443CAA  MAIN__118
ph.x   00443A9C  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
libc.so.6  2B76493A8994  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown
ph.x   004439A9  Unknown   Unknown  Unknown

The offending lines in PH/dynmatrix.f90 are:

 IF (lgamma.AND.done_epsil.AND.done_zeu) THEN
CALL write_dyn_mat_header( fildyn, ntyp, nat, ibrav, nspin_mag, &
 celldm, at, bg, omega, symm_type, atm, pmass, tau, ityp,
m_loc, &
 nqq, epsilon, zstareu, lraman, ramtns*omega/fpi*convfact)

I added

  if(.not. allocated(ramtns)) allocate ( ramtns (3, 3, 3, nat) )

before the call, which allowed the calculation to complete, but what really
ought to be done is to avoid passing this thing at all when lraman ==
.false. since ramtns is an optional parameter to write_dyn_mat_header.

David Strubbe
UC Berkeley
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[Pw_forum] (no subject)

2011-11-21 Thread Mahdi Faqieh nasiri
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