Re: [QE-users] bfgs failed after 11 scf cycles and 10 bfgs steps, convergence not achieved

2023-03-08 Thread Kazume NISHIDATE
Dear Mike Pionteck

> bfgs failed after 11 scf cycles and 10 bfgs steps, convergence not
> would like to use these settings. Does anyone know how I can fix
  this problem?

I'm not sure but the following procedure usually works for me.  

- Edit the output file of your failed bfgs run.

- Go to the last line of the file.
- Back search the 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' section.

You will find the 'last' atomic positions at the 'bfgs' step.

- Copy all the atomic positions and paste it into the input file.

Now you have a new input file. Delete (or copy) the original output
file and run the next JOB with the new input file.

One reason why it works may be that the last atomic positions in the
'faled bfgs step' is not so bad assumption as the starting point for
the next bfgs steps (and also because the atomic positions at the
previous time step will not be used to construct the new bfgs
dynamics). Repeat the above procedure until you can get the converged

You can also try the other option for the 'ion_dynamics' such as
'dump'. Alternately, quenching Molecular Dynamics, decreasing its
temperature to 0 K, may also work.

Check the input options.


Department of Systems Innovation Engineering,
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Iwate University
4-3-5 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate, 020-8551 JAPAN

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[QE-users] error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

2023-03-08 Thread Abdul Muhaymin via users
Dear users,

I am trying to run pw.x in a cluster (centos) that requires loading three 
modules: intel, impi, and quantum-espresso. Now, I am getting an error saying: 
`pw.x: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory`. According to the instruction I find in 
QE troubleshooting guide, I added the `export 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"` line in my script because exists in `/lib64/`. However, it still gives the same error.
So, I ran a `ldd pw.x` command to check what happened, and I saw that:
... (truncated ) => 
 (0x7fe15c6ea000) => Not found
... (truncated) 

That means only is not linked. When I checked the value of 
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it successfully added the `/lib64` part but still I get the 
same error. What could be the reason for this error? Do I need to recompile QE? 
The version of QE running is 6.4.1. Thanks. 

Abdul Muhaymin
Undergraduate – Bilkent University

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Re: [QE-users] Fwd: Hydrogen atom pseudopotential files with q=1.5e and q=0.75e (PBE, USPP)

2023-03-08 Thread Nicola Marzari via users

Dear Gökhan,

as far as I know there is a legacy table of old pseudopotentials:

It's not recommended in general, but for H you can find some old Von 
Barth Car pseudos with fractional charges (maybe good to test these to 
make sure they give reasonable results).

Another very precious pseudo there is the pure Coulombic one:

Again, to be checked, but I believe that just chaning Zval you can also 
use it as a Cooulomb pseudo for heavier atoms, e.g. the second row from 
Li onwards, that can be useful to do all-electron tests with QE (mind 
you, for second row you easily need 1000 Ry of ecutrho).

Any comments on this actually much appreciated,


On 08/03/2023 09:13, Paolo Giannozzi wrote:

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Hydrogen atom pseudopotential files with q=1.5e and q=0.75e 

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 19:58:51 +0300
From: gökhan haseki 

Dear Quantum Espresso users, I would like to passivate the surface of a 
III-V nanowire with pseudo-Hydrogen atoms. So I need Hydrogen atom 
pseudopotential files with q=1.5e and q=0.75e (PBE, USPP). I've searched 
many pessupotential libraries but haven't been able to find it. your 
help and suggestions will guide me in this regard. Kind regards..

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Prof Nicola Marzari, Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL
Director, National Centre for Competence in Research NCCR MARVEL, SNSF
Head, Laboratory for Materials Simulations, Paul Scherrer Institut
Contact info and websites at

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people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
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[QE-users] bfgs failed after 11 scf cycles and 10 bfgs steps, convergence not achieved

2023-03-08 Thread Pionteck, Mike Nico
Dear users,

I am using QE version 7.1 and have an issue with pw.x. I want to perform 
calculations under uniaxial stress. Therefore, I first want to optimize my unit 
cell with vc-relax to a stress tensor of (almost) zero. In order to reduce the 
Pulay stress, I increased ecutwfc =85.0 and decreased forc_conv_thr = 1e-5. 
Then the calculation runs normally. However in the last bfgs step I get the 
following message

 Message from routine bfgs:
 history already reset at previous step: exiting
 Energy error=  9.7E-09 Ry
 Gradient error  =  2.2E-05 Ry/Bohr
 Cell gradient error =  7.2E-03 kbar

 bfgs failed after  11 scf cycles and  10 bfgs steps, convergence not 
 (criteria: energy <  1.0E-05 Ry, force <  1.0E-05 Ry/Bohr, cell <  5.0E-01 

although the energy and the forces seem to be converged. The message doesn’t 
appear for calculations with lower ecutwfc and  forc_conv_thr = 1e-5 or higher 
forc_conv_thr and ecutwfc =85.0. So, the issue seems to be the combination of  
ecutwfc =85.0 and forc_conv_thr = 1e-5, but I would like to use these settings. 
Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?

Please find the input and output attached:

Mike Pionteck
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
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[QE-users] Fwd: Hydrogen atom pseudopotential files with q=1.5e and q=0.75e (PBE, USPP)

2023-03-08 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: 	Hydrogen atom pseudopotential files with q=1.5e and q=0.75e 

Date:   Tue, 7 Mar 2023 19:58:51 +0300
From:   gökhan haseki 

Dear Quantum Espresso users, I would like to passivate the surface of a 
III-V nanowire with pseudo-Hydrogen atoms. So I need Hydrogen atom 
pseudopotential files with q=1.5e and q=0.75e (PBE, USPP). I've searched 
many pessupotential libraries but haven't been able to find it. your 
help and suggestions will guide me in this regard. Kind regards..

The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
effects that the Russian military offensive has on their
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Re: [QE-users] [SPAM] DFT-D2 for ph calculatio in QE7.1

2023-03-08 Thread Paolo Giannozzi

In line 291 of Module/mm_dispersion.f90, replace line
  IF ( ionode ) THEN
  IF ( ionode .AND. ALLOCATED(R_vdw) ) THEN
It is fixed in the development version, soon to be released


On 08/03/2023 02:41, 526587466--- via users wrote:

Dear Developers,

Recently I did a test abou the ph calulcation with  
  vdw_corr='grimme-d2' for ph calculation in QE7.1 version.  It prints 
the error in the ph calculation, as follows,

      Parameters for Dispersion (Grimme-D2) Correction:
        atom      VdW radius       C_6

forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
ph.x               010D293A  for__signal_handl     Unknown  Unknown
libpthread-2.17.s  149F4F86D630  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               00B8FBE9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               008664F1  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               00774BFD  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               004BD7FF  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               0041A7C2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               00414F0E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               00414E62  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       149F4ED77555  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
ph.x               00414D69  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

In addition,  it works fine if this parameter vdw_corr='grimme-d2' is 
not set.




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Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine Italy, +39-0432-558216
The Quantum ESPRESSO community stands by the Ukrainian
people and expresses its concerns about the devastating
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and economic cooperation amongst peoples
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