[Pw_forum] Hybrid calculation stop!!

2014-05-30 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear qe users and developpers,

i want do calculations with hybrid functionnal using qe 5.0.1 parallel version
after 23 iterations and plot k, the job suddenly stops without any error 

the last line in the output file is :? " the Fermi energy is??? 12.1994 ev"
i can't say "out of memory" because i have 0.5 To in the scratch (where 
calculations will be done) and 5Go in the data?
i use :
 Parallel version (MPI), running on??? 32 processors
 R & G space division:? proc/pool =?? 32

?? ? 48 atoms (metal type)

i do not understand what happens
any suggestions?


Sakhraoui Taoufik,Phd student

Laboratoire de la Mati?re Condens?e & Nanosciences
Facult? des sciences de Monastir

Avenue de l'environnement 5019-Monastir,Tunisie

tel. :(+216) 96 173 454 || 22 618 579
email :tsakhrawi at yahoo.com || tousak at hotmail.fr

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[Pw_forum] is AM05 implemented??

2014-05-14 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear qe users and developers, 

i wonder if the Armiento and Mattsson 2005 (AM05) functionnal
implemented into quantum espresso (actually i use espresso5.0.1)
if yes can I use the
same input file like PBE0,? just I put input_dft='am05' in my input file?? 


Sakhraoui Taoufik,Phd student

Laboratoire de la Mati?re Condens?e & Nanosciences
Facult? des sciences de Monastir

Avenue de l'environnement 5019-Monastir,Tunisie

tel. :(+216) 96 173 454 || 22 618 579
email :tsakhrawi at yahoo.com || tousak at hotmail.fr

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[Pw_forum] k-resolveddos

2013-12-21 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,
i want to do k-resolveddos, in the exapmle08 (espresso-4.3.2) K-resolved PDOS 
calculation along Delta and Sigma lines are computed before in the band 
i wonder if i can do scf and nscf calculation and then k-resolved DOS without 
doing band calculation, if? yes how can i put the direction to compute??




Sakhraoui Taoufik,Phd student

Laboratoire de la Mati?re Condens?e & Nanosciences
Facult? des sciences de Monastir

Avenue de l'environnement 5019-Monastir,Tunisie

tel. :(+216) 96 173 454 || 22 618 579
email :tsakhrawi at yahoo.com || tousak at hotmail.fr

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[Pw_forum] pp.x input

2013-10-02 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear Fernando

??? prefix? = '...'
??? outdir? = '$TMP_DIR',
??? filplot = '...'
??? plot_num= 0? ---> charge
? nfile=1
? filepp(1)='...'
? iflag=3? ---> 3D plot
? output_format=5? ---> format suitble for xcrysden
? e1(1)=1.0, e1(2)=0.0, e1(3)=0.0,
? e2(1)=0.0, e2(2)=1.0, e2(3)=0.0,
? e3(1)=0.0, e3(2)=0.0, e3(3)=1.0,
? x0(1)=0.0, x0(2)=0.0, x0(3)=0.0,
? nx=45, ny=45, nz=100
? fileout='xsf' --> can be plotted with xcrysden


?more details on :


Sakhraoui Taoufik,Phd student

Laboratoire de la Mati?re Condens?e & Nanosciences
Facult? des sciences de Monastir

Avenue de l'environnement 5019-Monastir,Tunisie

tel. :(+216) 96 173 454 || 22 618 579
email :tsakhrawi at yahoo.com || tousak at hotmail.fr


 De?: Fernando Reboredo 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Mercredi 2 octobre 2013 14h59
Objet?: [Pw_forum] pp.x input

Dear All,
Can someone send me an example for a complete input file for post 
processing program pp.x?

It might be helpful to add a example to the documentation on

I can appreciate that the documentation on quantum espresso has improved 
considerably since the
last time I used it six years ago.

Fernando Reboredo
Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] scf exit without error messag

2013-06-26 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all, 

I do self consistent calculation for fr relaxed structur, after few minutes the 
it stops without printing? any error message.
i do not understand what's happened


?? Program PWSCF v.5.0.1 starts on 26Jun2013 at 15:19:34

 This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
 for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
? URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org";,
 in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

?? Largest allocated arrays est. size (Mb) dimensions
??? Kohn-Sham Wavefunctions 1.14 Mb (?? 1068,?? 70)
??? NL pseudopotentials 3.00 Mb (?? 1068,? 184)
??? Each V/rho on FFT grid? 1.87 Mb (? 61200,?? 2)
??? Each G-vector array 0.23 Mb (? 30679)
??? G-vector shells 0.11 Mb (? 14089)
 Largest temporary arrays est. size (Mb) dimensions
??? Auxiliary wavefunctions 4.56 Mb (?? 1068,? 280)
??? Each subspace H/S matrix??? 1.20 Mb ( 280, 280)
??? Each  matrix? 0.20 Mb (??? 184,?? 70)
??? Arrays for rho mixing?? 7.47 Mb (? 61200,?? 8)


Sakhraoui Taoufik PhD Student

Laboratoire de la mati?re condes?e et des nanosciences
Facult? des sciences de Monastir,
Avenue de l'environnement, 5019 Monastir Tunisie
Phone: +33 7 53038251 || +216 96 173 454
E-mail: tsakhrawi at yahoo.com
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[Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges

2013-06-05 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
thank you very much

 De?: Giuseppe Mattioli 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Mercredi 5 juin 2013 16h42
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges

Dear Sakhrawi Taoufek
I'm not sure I have understood... Yes, Bader? (or "Natural") charges are (best) 
calculated on the all electron density, and Lowdin charges are 
calculated in a different way and on the valence charge density only. They are 
also projected on atomic orbitals (more precisely, on angular momentum 
channels which are present in the corresponding pseudopotentials). Both can be 
used to study charge transfer effects. For example, you may calculate 
Lowdin charges for an isolated molecule and for a molecule interacting with a 
metal surface, and you may compare the values. By using the Lowdin 
charges you will obtain small differences between the values, which generally 
correspond to the correct trends of charge transfer, but are only 
qualitative estimates of what is happening to your interacting molecule.

On Tuesday 04 June 2013 20:08:54 Sakhrawi Taoufek wrote:
> i ama asking about charge transfer analysis, Lowdin charge take in acount
> the population in orbital (if i am wrong correct me) and they are only
> valence electrons, compared with Bader analysis in wich we can analyse all
> electron (core and valence) and we can say that there ischarge transfer
> from metal to the substrate or vice versa, is it the same with Lowdin
> charge when we calculate the total electronic population in the fre metal
> and the total electronic population in the surface.
>? De : Giuseppe Mattioli 
> ? : PWSCF Forum 
> Envoy? le : Mardi 4 juin 2013 18h31
> Objet : Re: [Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges
> > i mean the unit of total charge,
> They are valence electrons, of course; what else...? They are 
> partitioned in agreement with the Lowdin method, and are generally 
> neither integer values, nor too meaningful (in terms of physical 
> insight) values. Nevertheless, you may trust in trends: you change 
> something and see how the Lowdin partition reacts to such changes...
> Giuseppe
> Quoting Sakhrawi Taoufek :
> > i am sorry, i mean the unit of total charge, i am traying to do 
> > charge transfer with lowdin charge diference? in the interface 
> > metal/oxyde.
> > i run projwfc.x for free metal and projwfc.x for the interface then 
> > the difference in the total charge.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> >? De : Giuseppe Mattioli 
> >
> > ? : PWSCF Forum 
> > Envoy? le : Mardi 4 juin 2013 13h55
> > Objet : Re: [Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Dear Sakhraoui Taoufik
> > 
> > And... what are you asking...? :-)
> > 
> > Giuseppe
> > 
> > 
> > Giuseppe mattioli
> > Italy
> > 
> > Quoting Sakhrawi Taoufek :
> >> Dear all,
> >> 
> >> it seems naaive but i am really asking about Lowdin charge 
> >> calculated with pdos.
> >> ===
> >> 
> >> Lowdin Charges:
> >> 
> >>? ? ? Atom #?  1: total charge =?  7.2206, s =? 0.4905, p =? 0., 
> >> d =? 6.7302,
> >>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? spin up? ? ? =?  5.1646, s =? 0.2575, p =? 0., 
> >> d =? 4.9072,
> >>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? spin down? ? =?  2.0560, s =? 0.2330, p =? 0., 
> >> d =? 1.8230,
> >>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? polarization =?  3.1086, s =? 0.0245, p =? 0., 
> >> d =? 3.0841,
> >> 
> >> ===
> >> thanks
> >> 
> >> Sakhraoui Taoufik
> >> Phd student, LMCN
> >> Monastir,
> >>?  Tunisia
> >> 
> > 
> > --
> > 
> > - Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
> > libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
> > ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
> > - Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
> > est la conservation des droits naturels et
> > imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
> > la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.
> > 
> > 
> >? ?  Giuseppe Mattioli
> >? ?  v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
> >? ?  I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
> >? ?  Tel + 39 06 906

[Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges

2013-06-04 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
i ama asking about charge transfer analysis, Lowdin charge take in acount the 
population in orbital (if i am wrong correct me) and they are only valence 
electrons, compared with Bader analysis in wich we can analyse all electron 
(core and valence) and we can say that there ischarge transfer from metal to 
the substrate or vice versa, is it the same with Lowdin charge when we 
calculate the total electronic population in the fre metal and the total 
electronic population in the surface.

 De?: Giuseppe Mattioli 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Mardi 4 juin 2013 18h31
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges

> i mean the unit of total charge,

They are valence electrons, of course; what else...? They are? 
partitioned in agreement with the Lowdin method, and are generally? 
neither integer values, nor too meaningful (in terms of physical? 
insight) values. Nevertheless, you may trust in trends: you change? 
something and see how the Lowdin partition reacts to such changes...



Quoting Sakhrawi Taoufek :

> i am sorry, i mean the unit of total charge, i am traying to do? 
> charge transfer with lowdin charge diference? in the interface? 
> metal/oxyde.
> i run projwfc.x for free metal and projwfc.x for the interface then? 
> the difference in the total charge.
>? De?: Giuseppe Mattioli 
> ??: PWSCF Forum 
> Envoy? le : Mardi 4 juin 2013 13h55
> Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges
> Dear Sakhraoui Taoufik
> And... what are you asking...? :-)
> Giuseppe
> Giuseppe mattioli
> Italy
> Quoting Sakhrawi Taoufek :
>> Dear all,
>> it seems naaive but i am really asking about Lowdin charge?
>> calculated with pdos.
>> ===
>> Lowdin Charges:
>>  Atom #?? 1: total charge =?? 7.2206, s =? 0.4905, p =? 0.,?
>> d =? 6.7302,
>>  spin up? =?? 5.1646, s =? 0.2575, p =? 0.,?
>> d =? 4.9072,
>>  spin down??? =?? 2.0560, s =? 0.2330, p =? 0.,?
>> d =? 1.8230,
>>  polarization =?? 3.1086, s =? 0.0245, p =? 0.,?
>> d =? 3.0841,
>> ===
>> thanks
>> Sakhraoui Taoufik
>> Phd student, LMCN
>> Monastir,
>> ? Tunisia
> --
> - Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
> libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
> ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
> - Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
> est la conservation des droits naturels et
> imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
> la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.
> ? ? Giuseppe Mattioli
> ? ? v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
> ? ? I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
> ? ? Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316
> ? ? E-mail: 
> ___
> Pw_forum mailing list
> Pw_forum at pwscf.org
> http://pwscf.org/mailman/listinfo/pw_forum


- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.

? ? Giuseppe Mattioli
? ? v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
? ? I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
? ? Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316
? ? E-mail: 

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges

2013-06-04 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
i am sorry, i mean the unit of total charge, i am traying to do charge transfer 
with lowdin charge diference? in the interface metal/oxyde.
i run projwfc.x for free metal and projwfc.x for the interface then the 
difference in the total charge.

 De?: Giuseppe Mattioli 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Mardi 4 juin 2013 13h55
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges

Dear Sakhraoui Taoufik

And... what are you asking...? :-)


Giuseppe mattioli

Quoting Sakhrawi Taoufek :

> Dear all,
> it seems naaive but i am really asking about Lowdin charge? 
> calculated with pdos.
> ===
> Lowdin Charges:
>  Atom #?? 1: total charge =?? 7.2206, s =? 0.4905, p =? 0.,? 
> d =? 6.7302,
>  spin up? =?? 5.1646, s =? 0.2575, p =? 0.,? 
> d =? 4.9072,
>  spin down??? =?? 2.0560, s =? 0.2330, p =? 0.,? 
> d =? 1.8230,
>  polarization =?? 3.1086, s =? 0.0245, p =? 0.,? 
> d =? 3.0841,
> ===
> thanks
> Sakhraoui Taoufik
> Phd student, LMCN
> Monastir,
>? Tunisia


- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.

? ? Giuseppe Mattioli
? ? v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
? ? I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
? ? Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316
? ? E-mail: 

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] Lowdin Charges

2013-06-04 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,

it seems naaive but i am really asking about Lowdin charge calculated with pdos.

Lowdin Charges:

 Atom #?? 1: total charge =?? 7.2206, s =? 0.4905, p =? 0., d =? 6.7302,
 spin up? =?? 5.1646, s =? 0.2575, p =? 0., d =? 4.9072,
 spin down??? =?? 2.0560, s =? 0.2330, p =? 0., d =? 1.8230,
 polarization =?? 3.1086, s =? 0.0245, p =? 0., d =? 3.0841,


Sakhraoui Taoufik
Phd student, LMCN

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[Pw_forum] bader analysis

2013-05-31 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear Giuseppe, Ari, Giovani and xel,
first of all thanks for replaying.

>1) It works well with PAW PPs only.
>2) After reaching "normal" convergence in the pw.x (vc-relax, relax, scf) 
i did pw.x (vc-relax, relax, scf) calculation(vc-relax, relax, scf) calculation 
with Ultrasoft pps should i repeat all calculations with PAW PP's.

 De?: Giuseppe Mattioli 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Vendredi 31 mai 2013 10h11
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] bader analysis

Dear Sakhrawi Taoufek (and Ari, Giovanni, Axel)
I've done some test with the Bader post processing tool few months ago. I have 
found/can suggest:

1) It works well with PAW PPs only.

2) After reaching "normal" convergence in the pw.x (vc-relax, relax, scf) 
calculation, a new scf calculation should be done by using a denser fft grid 
than the one reported in the pw.x output; I do not now if nscf are implemented 
in this case. The convergence of Bader charges should be checked 
against the denser grid, but a factor 2 seems to be always sufficient to ensure 

3) As pointed out by Ari, the pp.x calculations must be done by using plot_num= 
17, that is, the all-electron reconstructed charge density.

4) Atoms on the cell boundaries seem to lead to severe instabilities of the 
Bader charge estimates, but I did not perform in-depth tests in this case.



On Friday 31 May 2013 09:55:09 Giovanni La Penna wrote:
> Dear Dr Sakhrawi Taoufek,
>?  I used the Bader's analysis you mentioned on
> cube files generated with PP:
> http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00214-011-0955-3
> There is a problem in the core contribution
> to charge density that MUST be included. I made
> this manually (see article above for some details).
> Maybe, PP improvements nowadays allow this
> operation more easily (and more accurately).
> HTH,
>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Giovanni
> National research council of Italy (CNR)
> Institute for chemistry of organometallic compounds (ICCOM)
> Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy
> tel.: +39 0555225264 / skype: giovannilapenna
> http://www.iccom.cnr.it/lapenna
> On Fri, 31 May 2013, Sakhrawi Taoufek wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > i want to study charge transfer in interface metal/oxide with bader
> > analysis, i looked in the archive of the forum,? found this link
> > 
> > http://theory.cm.utexas.edu/vtsttools/bader/
> > but corresponds to vasp code.
> > how can i proceed after generating a cube with pp.x??
> > thinks
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sakhraoui Taoufik
> > Phd student, LMCN
> > Monastir, Tunisia
> > 

- Article premier - Les hommes naissent et demeurent
libres et ?gaux en droits. Les distinctions sociales
ne peuvent ?tre fond?es que sur l'utilit? commune
- Article 2 - Le but de toute association politique
est la conservation des droits naturels et 
imprescriptibles de l'homme. Ces droits sont la libert?,
la propri?t?, la s?ret? et la r?sistance ? l'oppression.

?  Giuseppe Mattioli? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 
?  v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 
?  I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)? ? ? ? ? 
?  Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316? ? 
?  E-mail: 
?  ResearcherID: F-6308-2012

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] bader analysis

2013-05-31 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all, 

i want to study charge transfer in interface metal/oxide with bader analysis, i 
looked in the archive of the forum,?found this link 

but corresponds to vasp code.
how can i proceed after generating a cube with pp.x??


Sakhraoui Taoufik
Phd student, LMCN
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] *.save non existent or non writable

2013-05-29 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
why no suggestion!!

 De?: Sakhrawi Taoufek 
??: "Pw_forum at pwscf.org"  
Envoy? le : Mercredi 29 mai 2013 13h12
Objet?: [Pw_forum] *.save non existent or non writable

Dear all,
i am doing scf calculations (parallel run) with qe 5.0.1.
after many iterations it crashes with error "*.save non existent or non 
i virify with "ls -l? /*/*/*.save" the folder exists and writable and it 
contains files : charge-density.dat, data-file.xml??? 

K1? K3? K5??? K2? K4? K6  charge-density.old.dat? 

i can't figure out wrong? here
any suggestion will be apprecieted 

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Phd student, LMCN

Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] *.save non existent or non writable

2013-05-29 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,
i am doing scf calculations (parallel run) with qe 5.0.1.
after many iterations it crashes with error "*.save non existent or non 
i virify with "ls -l? /*/*/*.save" the folder exists and writable and it 
contains files : charge-density.dat, data-file.xml??? 

K1? K3? K5??? K2? K4? K6  charge-density.old.dat? 

i can't figure out wrong? here
any suggestion will be apprecieted

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Phd student, LMCN
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] restart_mode

2013-05-27 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,
i am doing relax calculation, i want to restart calculation from the last 
iteration and last geometry where job stops, so in the control section i 
activate "restart_mode='restart'", but when rerun the job it starts from the 
note that in the scratch folder there is all files *.wfc *.save *.igk
there is any idea how to fix that.

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Phd student, LMCN
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] Pression explose

2013-05-03 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
I am doing MD calculation in QuantumEspresso-5.0.1, and have a question now...

 tempw= 300.D0, nraise=20,

the pressure "explose"

entering subroutine stress ...

total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)   (kbar) P=
2.07818609  -0.00035530  -0.00032388 305711.68-52.27-47.64
-0.00035530   2.07808402   0.00031769-52.27 305696.66 46.73
-0.00032388   0.00031769   2.07750616-47.64 46.73 305611.66

there is someone have the same problem?
thanks in advance

Sakhraoui Taoufik
PhD student

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[Pw_forum] md output

2013-05-02 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek

doing born openheimer molecular dynamics, in the job i modify the temperature 
but everytime i have the same output with 

kinetic energy (Ekin) = 0. Ry
 temperature?? =??? NaN K
 Ekin + Etot (const)?? =? -517.89584213 Ry
 Ions kinetic stress =?? 0.00 (kbar)
 0.00? 0.00? 0.00
 0.00? 0.00? 0.00
 0.00? 0.00? 0.00

this is part of my input file :
??? calculation= 'md',
??? prefix='*',
??? iprint = 10,
??? etot_conv_thr = 1d-5,? forc_conv_thr = 1d-4,
??? dt=5.0,
??? nstep=1000,
??? restart_mode = 'from_scratch',
??? tstress = .true.,??? tprnfor = .true.,
??? pseudo_dir = '$PSEUDO_DIR',??? outdir='$TMP_DIR'
? ibrav =2,? celldm(1)=5.631,
? nat =4,??? ntyp =3,? ecutwfc =60,
? mixing_mode = 'plain' ,? mixing_beta = 0.7,
? diagonalization = 'david' ,? conv_thr = 1.0d-5,
? electron_maxstep=1000,
??? ion_dynamics='verlet',
??? ion_temperature='rescale-v',??? nraise=1.0,
??? tempw=350.D0,?? (300.D0? , ? 320.D0 ) ? 
?? atm1 ??? 0.?? 0.?? 0.?? 0 0 0
?? atm2 0.5000?? 0.5000?? 0.5000?? 0 0 0
?? atm3 ??? 0.2500?? 0.2500?? 0.2500??? 0 0 0
?? atm4 ??? 0.7500?? 0.7500?? 0.7500??? 0 0 0
K_POINTS {automatic}
?? 6 6 6 1 1 1
Anyone has the same problem?
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[Pw_forum] murnaghan : bct

2013-04-28 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear emine,
as yo see the energy is written as function as volume, Each structure has its 
own volume.
So? >> the equation is written as function as volume >? the equation is 
written as fucion as structurre.

 De?: Kucukbenli Emine 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Dimanche 28 avril 2013 15h31
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] murnaghan : bct

Dear?Sakhraoui, Hui
as you see below, the equation is state is written as a function of volume,
so as long as you can find a way to provide the ev.x with the right volume,
the equation of state fit you get is independent of the structure.


emine kucukbenli, postdoc at theos, epfl, switzerland
Pw_forum mailing list
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[Pw_forum] murnaghan : bct

2013-04-28 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
dear all,
when i want to fit with murnaghan eos with ev.x, i should choose the structure 
(fcc, bcc, sc or hex) 
>>> Enter type of bravais lattice (fcc, bcc, sc, hex)
in my case i work with bct (body centered tetragonal) stucture.
what type of structure should i use??
thanks in advance

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Phd student, LMCN
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] projwfc.x

2013-04-12 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,
i use the same for pdos calculation with projwfc.x, it works with 
espresso-4.3.2 but not with espresso-5.0.1 with the error message : 

 Error in routine projwfc (1):? reading projwfc namelist

my input is : 

? &inputpp
??? prefix='fe',
??? outdir='$outdir',
??? degauss=0.01,
??? Emin=2.0,? Emax=22.0, DeltaE=0.1, smoothing=0.3,
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[Pw_forum] parallel execution

2013-04-05 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,
I actually did some calculations with my pc and i passed another group that 
they are creating an account for me on a machine (Parallel calculation). I saw 
an example of a script they use, rely on input (using the code VASP). My 
question is how can i write a script that i can "call" the pseudopotentials, 
input ...? the script contains loops.
sakhraoui taoufik
laboratoire de la mati?re condens?e et des nanosciences
Facult? des sciences de Monastir
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[Pw_forum] surface

2013-03-10 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
dear all, 

i do surface calculation with pw.x, i want to estimate the C value in the 
tetragonal structure,?
after scf calculation i find that many values of C have the same energy which 
you can see it in the figure.

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Faculty of science 

Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] surface

2013-03-10 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
dear all, 

i do surface calculation with pw.x, i want to estimate the C value in the 
tetragonal structure,?
after scf calculation i find that many values of C have the same energy which 
you can see it in the figure.

Faculty of science 

Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] ev.x with parallel execution

2013-02-26 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
dear all, 

I go to use parallel executions, i can execute pw.x, dos.x,  but not ev.x 
there is any idea how to proceed??

thanks in advance

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Faculty of science 

Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] d projections

2013-02-21 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear qe users,
i do post processing calculation for Fe with "projwfc.x", the output file look 
like "fe.pdos_***", this is fe.pdos_atm#1(Fe)_wfc#2(d) file :

# E (eV)? ldosup(E)? ldosdw(E) pdosup(E)? pdosdw(E)? pdosup(E)? pdosdw(E)? 
pdosup(E)? pdosdw(E)? pdosup(E)? pdosdw(E)? pdosup(E)? pdosdw(E) 
? 5.894? 0.938E-10? 0.000E+00? 0.606E-16? 0.000E+00? 0.313E-10? 0.000E+00? 
0.313E-10? 0.000E+00? 0.606E-16? 0.000E+00? 0.313E-10? 0.000E+00
? 5.904? 0.161E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.148E-15? 0.000E+00? 0.538E-10? 0.000E+00? 
0.538E-10? 0.000E+00? 0.148E-15? 0.000E+00? 0.538E-10? 0.000E+00
? 5.914? 0.273E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.357E-15? 0.000E+00? 0.911E-10? 0.000E+00? 
0.911E-10? 0.000E+00? 0.357E-15? 0.000E+00? 0.911E-10? 0.000E+00
? 5.924? 0.455E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.846E-15? 0.000E+00? 0.152E-09? 0.000E+00? 
0.152E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.846E-15? 0.000E+00? 0.152E-09? 0.000E+00
? 5.934? 0.744E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.197E-14? 0.000E+00? 0.248E-09? 0.000E+00? 
0.248E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.197E-14? 0.000E+00? 0.248E-09? 0.000E+00
? 5.944? 0.120E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.451E-14? 0.000E+00? 0.399E-09? 0.000E+00? 
0.399E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.451E-14? 0.000E+00? 0.399E-09? 0.000E+00
? 5.954? 0.189E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.102E-13? 0.000E+00? 0.631E-09? 0.000E+00? 
0.631E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.102E-13? 0.000E+00? 0.631E-09? 0.000E+00
? 5.964? 0.294E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.225E-13? 0.000E+00? 0.981E-09? 0.000E+00? 
0.981E-09? 0.000E+00? 0.225E-13? 0.000E+00? 0.981E-09? 0.000E+00
? 5.974? 0.450E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.489E-13? 0.000E+00? 0.150E-08? 0.000E+00? 
0.150E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.489E-13? 0.000E+00? 0.150E-08? 0.000E+00
? 5.984? 0.676E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.105E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.225E-08? 0.000E+00? 
0.225E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.105E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.225E-08? 0.000E+00
? 5.994? 0.100E-07? 0.000E+00? 0.220E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.333E-08? 0.000E+00? 
0.333E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.220E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.333E-08? 0.000E+00
? 6.004? 0.145E-07? 0.000E+00? 0.456E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.484E-08? 0.000E+00? 
0.484E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.456E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.484E-08? 0.000E+00
? 6.014? 0.208E-07? 0.000E+00? 0.927E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.692E-08? 0.000E+00? 
0.692E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.927E-12? 0.000E+00? 0.692E-08? 0.000E+00
? 6.024? 0.292E-07? 0.000E+00? 0.185E-11? 0.000E+00? 0.973E-08? 0.000E+00? 
0.973E-08? 0.000E+00? 0.185E-11? 0.000E+00? 0.973E-08? 0.000E+00
? 6.034? 0.404E-07? 0.000E+00? 0.365E-11? 0.000E+00? 0.134E-07? 0.000E+00? 
0.134E-07? 0.000E+00? 0.365E-11? 0.000E+00? 0.134E-07? 0.000E+00
? 6.044? 0.548E-07? 0.295E-17? 0.705E-11? 0.325E-29? 0.183E-07? 0.984E-18? 
0.183E-07? 0.984E-18? 0.705E-11? 0.325E-29? 0.183E-07? 0.984E-18
? 6.054? 0.733E-07? 0.745E-17? 0.134E-10? 0.821E-29? 0.244E-07? 0.248E-17? 
0.244E-07? 0.248E-17? 0.134E-10? 0.821E-29? 0.244E-07? 0.248E-17
? 6.064? 0.964E-07? 0.185E-16? 0.251E-10? 0.203E-28? 0.321E-07? 0.615E-17? 
0.321E-07? 0.615E-17? 0.251E-10? 0.203E-28? 0.321E-07? 0.615E-17
? 6.074? 0.125E-06? 0.450E-16? 0.461E-10? 0.496E-28? 0.415E-07? 0.150E-16? 
0.415E-07? 0.150E-16? 0.461E-10? 0.496E-28? 0.415E-07? 0.150E-16
? 6.084? 0.158E-06? 0.108E-15? 0.833E-10? 0.119E-27? 0.528E-07? 0.360E-16? 
0.528E-07? 0.360E-16? 0.833E-10? 0.119E-27? 0.528E-07? 0.360E-16
is there any one help me to know t2g(dxy,dyz,dzx) and eg(dz?,dx?-y?) 
projections from this file???
PhD student
faculty of science of Monastir,
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[Pw_forum] t2g eg

2013-02-19 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
dear qe users,
I found in many references the authors pointed out the eg and t2g band
in the DOS, and wrote in the text accordingly that it had eg
symmetry (or t2g symmetry). How do i conclude that just from one
Best regards

Sakhraoui TAOUFIK
PhD student
LMCN, Monastir, Tunisia
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[Pw_forum] ev.x problem with MgO

2012-12-01 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all, 
I try to optimize the lattice parameter of different compounds, i fit with 
ev.x, the problem is that only in the case of compound MgO, it gives me no 

[***@*** MgO_cc]$ ../../../bin/ev.x 
 Lattice parameter or Volume are in (au, Ang) > 
 Enter type of bravais lattice (fcc, bcc, sc, hex) > bcc
 Enter type of equation of state :
 1=birch1, 2=birch2, 3=keane, 4=murnaghan > 4
 Input file > mgo.etot_vs_alat

There is any idea??
any suggestion will be appreciated.

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] plotrho.x

2012-11-26 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,
i want to run plotrho.x for FeRh,
my input file 
0. 0. 0.,
0. 0. 1.,
1. 1. 0.,
29  41 ,
0.001411 0.087060,
0 0.09 10,
the error message : 
"At line 40 of file plotrho.f90 (unit = 1, file = '')
Fortran runtime error: File '0 0.09 10,' does not exist"
i read the file "plotrho.f90" but i can't understand where is the problem
There is any idea?? 
any suggestion will be appracieted

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] fix volume

2012-11-12 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
I read the file, but I have not figured out how to fix the volume myself then i 
each time extract the total energy

 De?: Paolo Giannozzi 
??: Sakhrawi Taoufek ; PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Lundi 12 novembre 2012 9h22
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] fix volume
On Mon, 2012-11-12 at 08:13 +, Sakhrawi Taoufek wrote:

> i want to fix the volume and each time calculate the total energy to optimize 
> the lattice parameter, 
> there is any idea how to proceed.

$ grep -i volume PW/Doc/INPUT_PW.def 
? ? ? ? ? ? ?  shape?  = all axis and angles, keeping the volume fixed

Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy
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[Pw_forum] fix volume

2012-11-12 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,

i want to fix the volume and each time calculate the total energy to optimize 
the lattice parameter, there is any idea how to proceed.
each suggestion will be appreciated.

Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] GGA not converge

2012-11-07 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all 

i am calculating the lattice parameter for antiferromagnetic FeRh, it dosen't 
??? prefix='FeRh_afm',
??? pseudo_dir = '***/',
??? outdir='***/'
??? ibrav= 0,??? celldm(1) =$alat,
??? nat=4,??? ntyp=3,
??? ecutwfc = 20,
??? occupations='smearing',
??? smearing='mv',
??? degauss=0.02,
??? nspin=2,
??? starting_magnetization(1)= 0.3,
??? starting_magnetization(2)= -0.3,
??? starting_magnetization(3)=? 0.0,
? /
? &electrons
mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
mixing_beta = 0.5,
diagonalization = 'david' ,
conv_thr = 1.0d-7,
?? 1.?? 0.?? 0.
?? 0.?? 1.?? 0.
?? 0.?? 0.?? 1.
?Fe1 55.85??? Fe.pbe-spn-rrkjus.UPF
?Fe2 55.85??? Fe.pbe-spn-rrkjus.UPF
?Rh 102.91??? Rh.pbe-spn-rrkjus.UPF
?? Fe1? 0.? 0.? 0.
?? Fe2? 0.5000? 0.5000? 0.5000
?? Rh?? 0.2500? 0.2500? 0.2500
?? Rh?? 0.7500? 0.7500? 0.7500
K_POINTS {automatic}
?? 10 10 10 1 1 1

see the attached file please.
any suggestion will be appraciated.

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] Relaxtion

2012-11-06 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear Lorenzo 

I added the hooks and it works without any change in the code.

?? /]

? /]
thank you 

 De?: Lorenzo Paulatto 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Mardi 6 novembre 2012 11h08
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] Relaxtion

On 6 November 2012 10:11, Giovanni Pizzi  wrote:

try also to put the &electrons namelist before ions and cell. This should solve 
the problem.

That is it! I'm not sure it is stated in the documentation, but &electrons must 
always preced &ions and &cell...


Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto?
IdR @ IMPMC -- CNRS & Universit? Paris 6
phone: +33 (0)1 44275 084 / skype: paulatz
www: ? http://www-int.impmc.upmc.fr/~paulatto/
mail: ?23-24/4?16 Bo?te courrier 115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris C?dex 05

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[Pw_forum] Relaxation

2012-11-01 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all 

i try do relax atomic positions with constant volume for FeRh non magnetic 

my input file:
??? calculation = 'vc-relax',
??? restart_mode='from_scratch',
??? prefix='FeRh',
??? pseudo_dir = '../',
??? outdir='../'
??? forc_conv_thr=1.0D-4,
? /
??? ibrav=0,
??? celldm(1) =5.45,
??? nat=? 2, ntyp= 2,
??? ecutwfc=20,
??? occupations='smearing',
??? smearing='mv',
??? degauss=0.02,
? /
??? ion_dynamics='bfgs',
? /
??? cell_dynamics='bfgs',
??? cell_dofree='shape',
? /
??? mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
??? mixing_beta = 0.5,
??? diagonalization = 'david'
??? conv_thr = 1.0d-7,
??? electron_maxstep=1000,
? /
??? 1.00??? 0.00??? 0.00
??? 0.00??? 1.00??? 0.00
??? 0.00??? 0.00??? 1.00
??? Fe 55.85??? Fe.pz-nd-rrkjus.UPF
??? Rh 102.91?? Rh.pz-rrkjus.UPF
??? Fe? 0.? 0.? 0.
??? Rh? 0.5000? 0.5000? 0.5000
K_POINTS {automatic}
??? 10 10 10 1 

i get this error

 from? read_namelists? : error # 1
? reading namelist ions


Sakhraoui Taoufik
Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] Relaxtion

2012-11-01 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all 

i try do relax atomic positions with constant volume for FeRh non magnetic 

my input file:
??? calculation = 'vc-relax',
??? restart_mode='from_scratch',
??? prefix='FeRh',
??? pseudo_dir = '../',
??? outdir='../'
??? forc_conv_thr=1.0D-4,
? /
??? ibrav=0,
??? celldm(1) =5.45,
??? nat=? 2, ntyp= 2,
??? ecutwfc=20,
??? occupations='smearing',
??? smearing='mv',
??? degauss=0.02,
? /
??? ion_dynamics='bfgs',
? /
??? cell_dynamics='bfgs',
??? cell_dofree='shape',
? /
??? mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
??? mixing_beta = 0.5,
??? diagonalization = 'david' ,
??? conv_thr = 1.0d-7,
??? electron_maxstep=1000,
? /
??? 1.00??? 0.00??? 0.00
??? 0.00??? 1.00??? 0.00
??? 0.00??? 0.00??? 1.00
??? Fe 55.85??? Fe.pz-nd-rrkjus.UPF
??? Rh 102.91?? Rh.pz-rrkjus.UPF
??? Fe? 0.? 0.? 0.
??? Rh? 0.5000? 0.5000? 0.5000
K_POINTS {automatic}
??? 10 10 10 1 

i get this error

 from? read_namelists? : error # 1
? reading namelist ions


Sakhraoui Taoufik
Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] Fermi energy

2012-10-15 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all
I do a calculation of the density of states of non-magnetic FeRh, looking in 
the file. ** scf.out I found:
 the Fermi energy is??? 14.7785 ev

!??? total energy? = -99.87320782 Ry
 Harris-Foulkes estimate?? = -99.87320783 Ry
 estimated scf accuracy??? http://pwscf.org/pipermail/pw_forum/attachments/20121015/ae3b402e/attachment-0001.html
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[Pw_forum] magnetic moment

2012-10-11 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
i read that the value of starting magnetization is used to brake the up/dw 
symmetry? in the charge density but when i fix all parameters and i change the 
values of starting magnetization the value of total magnetization and 

the magnetic moment of each atom changes. U can't understand the relation 
between starting magnetization, total magnetization and the local magnetic 
there is any adea??

 De?: Guido Fratesi 
??: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Envoy? le : Jeudi 11 octobre 2012 15h21
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] magnetic moment
Dear Sakhroui,

> Is there a way to get the magnetic moment
> of each atom in the input cell??

Bearing in mind that partitioning charge among atoms is arbitrary, the 
code projwfc.x will do that job by projecting the charge on atomic 
wavefunctions. Then, mu=rho_up-rho_dw where rho is the charge on the 
atomic wavefunctions of each atom.


PS having a spell-checker installed could be a good idea ;-)

Guido Fratesi

Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
via Cozzi 53, 20125 Milano, Italy

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[Pw_forum] magnetic moment

2012-10-11 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,

I try to do a calculation of antiferromagnetic FeRh, by changing different 
parameters (point_k, smearing, ECUT ...),? i can find the expected value of the 
total magnetic momentwich is not the case forthe magnetic moment of each 
atom.Is there a way to get the magnetic moment of each atom in the input cell??


Sakhraoui Taoufik
Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] Fermi level too large

2012-10-06 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear Mr. Stefano
by modifying k-points sampling, i get total magnetization=4.11 (expected value 
4.22) and E_F=14.88 eV (expected value must be between 1 and 5 eV)

 De?: Stefano de Gironcoli 
??: pw_forum at pwscf.org 
Envoy? le : Samedi 6 octobre 2012 11h50
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] Fermi level too large

the value of starting magnetization is used to brake the up/dw symmetry? in the 
charge density but the code then find a self-consistent solution so if there 
aren't many different minima the final value of the total magnetization should 
be independent from it.
the Fermi energy is what it has to be in order to minimise the
  energy with the specified system parameters so it's not clear to
  me what do you mean by saying it's too large

what may influence the value of E_F and tot_magnetization are more
  likely:? structure, lattice parameter, nearest-neighbour
  distances, xc-functional, k-point sampling, smearing,? ...


On 10/06/2012 11:01 AM, Sakhrawi Taoufek wrote:

Dear all
I try to do dos calculation for FeRh ferromagnetic. Itried with different 
values ??starting_magnetization to reach the expected value of 
total_magnetization,  the problem is that when we get to do there is a value of 
the Fermi energy very large compared to the expected.
Sakhraoui Taoufik
PhD student  Department of Physics
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Monastir, Tunisia 
Pw_forum mailing list Pw_forum at pwscf.org 

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[Pw_forum] Fermi level too large

2012-10-06 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all
I try to do dos calculation for FeRh ferromagnetic. Itried with different 
values ??starting_magnetization to reach the expected value of 

the problem is that when we get to do there is a value of the Fermi energy very 
large compared to the expected.

Sakhraoui Taoufik
PhD student 

Department of Physics
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] symmetry

2012-10-04 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all

how to know the high symmetry points of any structure (in my case the structure 
is cubic)??

Sakhraoui Taoufik
Phd student 

Department of Physics
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] starting_magnetization

2012-09-28 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear all,

i want to calculate the ferromagnetique structure for Fe compound, in the 
litterature i find that the magnetic moment is 2.84.
in the pwscf_input : -1< starting_magnetization<1
i can't understand the relation between starting_magnetization and the magnetic 
there is any adea??
thinks in advance
Sakhraoui Taoufik
PhD student
Research Unit of Solid State Physics
F.S.Monastir, Tunisia

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[Pw_forum] Tr : (no subject)

2012-09-21 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek

i'am trying to estimate celldm(1) for the compound FeRh, the problem is thatI 
always find a value that doubles the expected value

# self-consistent calculation
cat > ferh_fm.scf.in << EOF
??? prefix='FeRh_fm',
 pseudo_dir = '$pseudo_dir/',
??? outdir='$outdir/'
??? ibrav= 3,
??? celldm(1) =$alat,
??? nat=? 2,
??? ntyp= 2,
??? ecutwfc = 30,
??? nbnd = 16,
??? occupations='smearing',
??? smearing='mv',
??? degauss=0.022,
? /
? &electrons
mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
mixing_beta = 0.4,
diagonalization = 'david' ,
conv_thr = 1.0e-7,
?Fe 55.85??? Fe.pz-nd-rrkjus.UPF
?Rh 102.91?? Rh.pz-rrkjus.UPF
?? Fe? 0.? 0.? 0.
?? Rh? 0.5000? 0.5000? 0.5000
?? 8 8 8 1 1 1

$espresso_dir/bin/pw.x < ferh_fm.scf.in > ferh_fm.scf.out

grep -e 'lattice parameter' -e ! ferh_fm.scf.out | \
? awk '/lattice/{alat=$(NF-1)}/!/{print alat, $(NF-1)}' >> 

Sakhraoui TaoufikUnit? de Recherche Physique des Solides
D?partement de Physique, Facult? des Science de
Avenue de l'Environnement 5019, Monastir
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[Pw_forum] celldm

2012-09-21 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dear pwsf users,
I made ??a pw.xcalculation for the compound FeRh to estimate the value of 
celldm(1), the problem is thatI always find a value that doubles the expected 
Do you have any idea what to do
thank you

My input :

for alat in 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.4 9.6 ;do

# self-consistent calculation
cat > ferh_nm.scf.in << EOF
??? prefix='FeRh_nm',
??? pseudo_dir = '$pseudo_dir/',
??? outdir='$outdir/'
??? !verbosity = 'high',
??? ibrav= 3, 
??? celldm(1) =$alat,
??? nat=? 2,
??? ntyp= 2,
??? ecutwfc =30,
??? nbnd = 16,
??? occupations='smearing',
??? smearing='gaussian',
??? degauss=0.02, 
? /
? &electrons
mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
mixing_beta = 0.4,
diagonalization = 'david' ,
conv_thr = 1.0d-7, 
?Fe 55.85??? Fe.pz-nd-rrkjus.UPF
?Rh 102.91?? Rh.pz-rrkjus.UPF
?? Fe? 0.? 0.? 0.
?? Rh? 0.5000? 0.5000? 0.5000 
K_POINTS {automatic} 
?? 3 3 3 1 1 1

$espresso_dir/bin/pw.x < ferh_nm.scf.in > ferh_nm.scf.out


Sakhraoui Taoufik
depatement de physique, facult? des sciences de Monastir
Monastir, Tunisie
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[Pw_forum] (no subject)

2012-09-20 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
i'am trying to estimate celldm(1) for the compound FeRh, the problem is thatI 
always find a value that doubles the expected value

# self-consistent calculation
cat > ferh_fm.scf.in << EOF
??? prefix='FeRh_fm',
 pseudo_dir = '$pseudo_dir/',
??? outdir='$outdir/'
??? ibrav= 3,
??? celldm(1) =$alat,
??? nat=? 2,
??? ntyp= 2,
??? ecutwfc = 30,
??? nbnd = 16,
??? occupations='smearing',
??? smearing='mv',
??? degauss=0.022,
? /
? &electrons
mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
mixing_beta = 0.4,
diagonalization = 'david' ,
conv_thr = 1.0e-7,
?Fe 55.85??? Fe.pz-nd-rrkjus.UPF
?Rh 102.91?? Rh.pz-rrkjus.UPF
?? Fe? 0.? 0.? 0.
?? Rh? 0.5000? 0.5000? 0.5000
?? 12 12 12 1 1 1

$espresso_dir/bin/pw.x < ferh_fm.scf.in > ferh_fm.scf.out

grep -e 'lattice parameter' -e ! ferh_fm.scf.out | \
? awk '/lattice/{alat=$(NF-1)}/!/{print alat, $(NF-1)}' >> 

Sakhraoui TaoufikUnit? de Recherche Physique des Solides
D?partement de Physique, Facult? des Science de
Avenue de l'Environnement 5019, Monastir
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[Pw_forum] revPBE pseudo potentials

2012-09-20 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
in this cite you choose your element and you see all pseudopotentials

Sakhraoui Taoufik 

d?partement de physique, facult? des sciences de monastir
Monastir, Tunisia

 De?: Ary Junior 
??: PWSCF Forum  
Envoy? le : Jeudi 20 septembre 2012 15h53
Objet?: Re: [Pw_forum] revPBE pseudo potentials


You can start from the pslibrary project ( 
http://qe-forge.org/gf/project/pslibrary/ )... 

Ary Junior

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Brazil

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Violeta Iancu  wrote:

>Dear All,
>We are trying to calculate a weakly adsorbed molecule on a metallic substrate 
>using a vdW-DF functional. ?Does anyone know where to find 
the revPBE pseudo potentials??
>Thank you very much,
>Violeta Iancu
>Laboratory of Solid-State Physics and Magnetism
>Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
>Celestijnenlaan 200 D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
>Pw_forum mailing list
>Pw_forum at pwscf.org


Pw_forum mailing list
Pw_forum at pwscf.org
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[Pw_forum] pw.x

2012-09-20 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
I made ??a pw.xcalculation for the compound FeRh to estimate the value of a, 
the problem is thatI always find a value that doubles the expected value
Do you have any idea what to do
thank you
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[Pw_forum] error 1

2012-09-11 Thread Sakhrawi Taoufek
Dr. Gianozzi
i am new in pwscf calculations:
wen calculating lattice the code stops!

 Program PWSCF v.4.2??? starts on 10Sep2012 at 14:52:45

 This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
 for quantum simulation of materials; please acknowledge
 "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
? URL http://www.quantum-espresso.org";,
 in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at


 Current dimensions of program PWSCF are:
 Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
 Max number of k-points (npk) =? 4
 Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =? 3
 Waiting for input...

 from? iosys? : error # 1
? invalid lattice parameters ( celldm or a )

 stopping ...
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