installing non-maven jars before compile

2012-04-02 Thread Paul Rivera

I'm trying to install some non-maven files before I compile my project.
Here's a snippet of my pom.xml:







Now, this works fine if I call:
  mvn validate

But if I call:
  mvn compile

These jars don't get installed.  I thought that if I call "mvn compile",
all phases before it will also get called (e.g. validate, initialize,
generate-sources, process-sources, generate-resources, process-resources).
Why is this not happenning?

Best Regards,

configuration plugin

2012-04-02 Thread martin.eisengardt

I am looking for a configuration plugin or (if it does not exist) some
brainstorming related to the maven-way of configuration. First let me
say that the configuration task is relevant for our php-maven projects
where we do not have clear conventions sou may know from java/jar or
java/war files. Please do not answer with something saying "But a java
servlet should be able to load configuration via server.xml and
server.xml is never part of the generated war". Let us assume the
config.ini is part of the file structure of our application and thus
may be part of the package we are building.

Let us look at a simple scenario of a php web application:
src/main/php/lib --> contains some useful classes
src/main/php/htdocs --> contains the index.php (and maybe other scripts)
src/main/resources/htdocs --> contains .htacces, css files etc.
src/main/resources/config/config.ini --> contains the ini file with
application configuration.

The maven way would be to activate filtering and declaring something
like this in the config.ini:
bar = ${baz}

Typically you would add the properties to your settings.xml and
everything will be fine.

But what happens now? Maven will filter the config.ini and place the
filtered content at the target/classes. Typically a developer (maybe
by using the IDE) wants to place his personal local database
information in the settings.xml. Everything he needs to test his small
web application inside a local tomcat/jetty/apache-httpd. Maybe he
wants to use a different database for unit testing. This is because he
do not want to influence the data he created by manual testing the
As soon as we want to deploy he runs into trouble because normally the
maven way says: Take the target/classes and create a package. Then
deploy this package to the repository. For java projects this creates
jars/wars, for php-maven it creates phars. But all of them contain the
developers config and maybe the database credentials. This is not that

As far As I understood the maven way we are now forced to use
profiles. For example one could name profiles "development",
"testing", "deploy", "production". That is ok for me because I do not
want to reinvent the wheel and profiles are somehow magic :-). But I
did not see a way to declare something like "For goal package do use
profile deploy; for goal test do use profile testing". Must the
developers remember what profiles to activate before deploying their
module? They may use a jenkins for deploying but keep in mind that
there are enough small projects around that do not have ci servers.

What about the installation phase? I do not know how to name it, I
think of installation to a productional server and not installation in
the meaning of copying it to local repository. So let me call it
"install-app". I saw some small examples to store war projects into
tomcats. Is there any convention around how the lifecycle is named for
the different application types? What I mean is something like this:
"mvn -DgroupId=org.mygroup -DartifactId=my-app -Dversion=1.5.0 install-app"

If there are no plugins around that solve this tasks what about
writing a generic one? A plugin that is able to "hack" the config.ini
by activating the correct profile depending on the use case of the
developer. All we need to know is what files represent mutable
configuration files. And as soon as we want to execute "install-app"
it means to load it from repository (containing non-filter
configuration files), to ask for the configuration parameters "baz" at
command line and to provide a filtered config.ini.

Similar to the way the archetype:generate asks for additional parameters.

What do you think about it?


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Re: configuration plugin

2012-04-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Profiles appear to be magic but it is black magic.
They should only be used by senior sorcerers who possess advanced skills 
and have all of the required potions of healing and invulnerability.

They are inherently evil and can make your life a living hell.
There are a few Maven experts who can handle them with some level of 
safety but for the rest of us they are to be avoided.

Configuration does not belong with software developers. It belongs to 
system administrators.

If possible, structure your Maven projects to produce a single artifact.
Make a project that produces an artifact for development, another for 
your test environment.

Have a look at the assembly plug-in or shade. These are safe and will 
not hurt you.

They might be able to build the artifacts that you need.


On 02/04/2012 2:55 PM, martin.eisengardt wrote:


I am looking for a configuration plugin or (if it does not exist) some
brainstorming related to the maven-way of configuration. First let me
say that the configuration task is relevant for our php-maven projects
where we do not have clear conventions you may know from java/jar or
java/war files. Please do not answer with something saying "But a java
servlet should be able to load configuration via server.xml and
server.xml is never part of the generated war". Let us assume the
config.ini is part of the file structure of our application and thus
may be part of the package we are building.

Let us look at a simple scenario of a php web application:
src/main/php/lib -->  contains some useful classes
src/main/php/htdocs -->  contains the index.php (and maybe other scripts)
src/main/resources/htdocs -->  contains .htacces, css files etc.
src/main/resources/config/config.ini -->  contains the config.

The maven way would be to activate filtering and declaring something
like this in the config.ini:
bar = ${baz}

Typically you would add the properties to your settings.xml and
everything will be fine.

But what happens now? Maven will filter the config.ini and place the
filtered content at the target/classes. Typically a developer (maybe
by using the IDE) wants to place his personal local database
information in the settings.xml. Everything he needs to test his small
web application inside a local tomcat/jetty/apache-httpd. Maybe he
wants to use a different database for unit testing. This is because he
do not want to influence the data he created by manual testing the
As soon as we want to deploy he runs into trouble because normally the
maven way says: Take the target/classes and create a package. Then
deploy this package to the repository. For java projects this creates
jars/wars, for php-maven it creates phars. But all of them contain the
developers config and maybe the database credentials. This is not that
clever. You may exclude the config from build or use assemblies. But
then the configuration is gone.

As far As I understood the maven way we are now forced to use
profiles. For example one could name profiles "development",
"testing", "deploy", "production". That is ok for me because I do not
want to reinvent the wheel and profiles are somehow magic :-). But I
did not see a way to declare something like "For goal package do use
profile deploy; for goal test do use profile testing". Must the
developers remember what profiles to activate before deploying their
module? They may use a jenkins for deploying but keep in mind that
there are enough small projects around that do not have ci servers.

What about the installation phase? I do not know how to name it, I
think of installation to a productional server and not installation in
the meaning of copying it to local repository. So let me call it
"install-app". I saw some small examples to store war projects into
tomcats. Is there any convention around how the lifecycle is named for
the different application types? What I mean is something like this:
"mvn -DgroupId=org.mygroup -DartifactId=my-app -Dversion=1.5.0 install-app"

If there are no plugins around that solve this tasks what about
writing a generic one? A plugin that is able to "hack" the config.ini
by activating the correct profile depending on the use case of the
developer. All we need to know is what files represent mutable
configuration files. And as soon as we want to execute "install-app"
it means to load it from repository (containing non-filter
configuration files), to ask for the configuration parameters "baz" at
command line and to provide a filtered config.ini.

Similar to the way the archetype:generate asks for additional parameters.

What do you think about it?



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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102


Re: Using artifacts as resources in other projects.

2012-04-02 Thread Jeff MAURY
You should probably use the maven assembly plugin

Le 2 avr. 2012 17:47, "Mariusz Plucinski"  a
écrit :

> Hello Maven users,
> I am really newbie in Maven, so I am not pretty sure if my way of thinking
> is right. If it's not, do not hesitate to criticize it.
> I am developing medium-size project, which contains both Java SE and
> Android sub-projects. After many troubles with Ant, I've decided to give
> Maven's a try.
> To make it simple, let's say that I have three projects:
>  - Android application
>  - Swing application
>  - Main application (also uses Swing, but this is not important now)
> Those three applications are building pretty well with maven. I am typing
> "mvn package" and - as expected - I get one *.apk file and two *.jar files.
> Thanks to maven-shade-plugin, JAR files contains all required dependencies.
> They are, of course, executable jars.
> Goal of Main application is to "generate" Swing and Android applications
> for user's request. Those applications are prebuilt, so Main program needs
> only to slightly modify it before putting onto user's disk. However, I
> would like to deliver only one file - Main.jar. Two other files -
> Android.apk and Swing.jar should be put as entire files inside of Main.jar
> (they should stay there as full files, without unpacking or anything). This
> way, when user decided to generate e.g. Swing application, Main application
> gets whole file Swing.jar from itself, modifies it a little and put
> somewhere to user's file system. That same is possible in case of
> generating Android program. But it requires shipping Android.apk and
> Swing.jar inside of Main.jar.
> Is it possible to be done using Maven? I suppose that Swing.jar and
> Android.apk should be provided as resources during build of Main.jar, but I
> don't know how to instruct Maven to do it this way. I have tried to set
> compile in maven-jar-plugin configuration in Swing.jar. I
> suppose it is wrong solution - in compile phase, Main application should
> already have all required resources. Is there any way to instruct Maven to
> "package" my Android and Swing projects during "prepare-resources" of Main
> project? Of course, those two are dependencies, so Main project should be
> informed, that resources were changed in case of modifications in those two.
> I am using Maven 3.0.3 and m2e 1.0.200.
> Thank you in advance for any help/advise/criticism :).
> Best Regards,
> Mariusz Pluciński
> -
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Re: Different behavior when building a project as a module or "stand-alone"

2012-04-02 Thread Wayne Fay
> Our project depends on various corporate libraries which are not
> "Mavenized". In order to use these libraries, we frequently use
> deploy:deploy-file to drop them on our repository, with a fixed version
> (given that new versions are duly tested and obsolete older versions).

I want to be sure that I understand what you are saying here. The
versions are DIFFERENT each time you run deploy-file, right? It is a
basic premise of Maven and most sane build systems that that a given
artifact with a particular version number must be immutable. Otherwise
you have no idea if your file versioned 2.3.2 is the "right one" vs
another file with version 2.3.2 that exists somewhere else.


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configuration plugin

2012-04-02 Thread martin.eisengardt

I am looking for a configuration plugin or (if it does not exist) some
brainstorming related to the maven-way of configuration. First let me
say that the configuration task is relevant for our php-maven projects
where we do not have clear conventions you may know from java/jar or
java/war files. Please do not answer with something saying "But a java
servlet should be able to load configuration via server.xml and
server.xml is never part of the generated war". Let us assume the
config.ini is part of the file structure of our application and thus
may be part of the package we are building.

Let us look at a simple scenario of a php web application:
src/main/php/lib --> contains some useful classes
src/main/php/htdocs --> contains the index.php (and maybe other scripts)
src/main/resources/htdocs --> contains .htacces, css files etc.
src/main/resources/config/config.ini --> contains the config.

The maven way would be to activate filtering and declaring something
like this in the config.ini:
bar = ${baz}

Typically you would add the properties to your settings.xml and
everything will be fine.

But what happens now? Maven will filter the config.ini and place the
filtered content at the target/classes. Typically a developer (maybe
by using the IDE) wants to place his personal local database
information in the settings.xml. Everything he needs to test his small
web application inside a local tomcat/jetty/apache-httpd. Maybe he
wants to use a different database for unit testing. This is because he
do not want to influence the data he created by manual testing the
As soon as we want to deploy he runs into trouble because normally the
maven way says: Take the target/classes and create a package. Then
deploy this package to the repository. For java projects this creates
jars/wars, for php-maven it creates phars. But all of them contain the
developers config and maybe the database credentials. This is not that
clever. You may exclude the config from build or use assemblies. But
then the configuration is gone.

As far As I understood the maven way we are now forced to use
profiles. For example one could name profiles "development",
"testing", "deploy", "production". That is ok for me because I do not
want to reinvent the wheel and profiles are somehow magic :-). But I
did not see a way to declare something like "For goal package do use
profile deploy; for goal test do use profile testing". Must the
developers remember what profiles to activate before deploying their
module? They may use a jenkins for deploying but keep in mind that
there are enough small projects around that do not have ci servers.

What about the installation phase? I do not know how to name it, I
think of installation to a productional server and not installation in
the meaning of copying it to local repository. So let me call it
"install-app". I saw some small examples to store war projects into
tomcats. Is there any convention around how the lifecycle is named for
the different application types? What I mean is something like this:
"mvn -DgroupId=org.mygroup -DartifactId=my-app -Dversion=1.5.0 install-app"

If there are no plugins around that solve this tasks what about
writing a generic one? A plugin that is able to "hack" the config.ini
by activating the correct profile depending on the use case of the
developer. All we need to know is what files represent mutable
configuration files. And as soon as we want to execute "install-app"
it means to load it from repository (containing non-filter
configuration files), to ask for the configuration parameters "baz" at
command line and to provide a filtered config.ini.

Similar to the way the archetype:generate asks for additional parameters.

What do you think about it?



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Re: Different behavior when building a project as a module or "stand-alone"

2012-04-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

Are you using a Maven repo such as Nexus?

Can you not give your corporate libraries GAV designations that are 
controlled so the version numbers are monotonically increasing?


On 02/04/2012 11:53 AM, Philippe Lagardère wrote:

Indeed, our use case for purge-local-repository is a bit dodgy and definitely

Our project depends on various corporate libraries which are not
"Mavenized". In order to use these libraries, we frequently use
deploy:deploy-file to drop them on our repository, with a fixed version
(given that new versions are duly tested and obsolete older versions).
Clearly, this is not the best way of doing things, but it was by far the
easiest solution for us, and we expected it to be somewhat sustainable.

The purge-local-repo goal (with the right set of exclusions) was used in
order to ensure the latest versions of there corporate libraries were used
whenever we release a new version of the project. I configured an execution
as it was the first idea I had in order to have the goal run once for a
multi-module build.

Now, since it doesn't seem to work all that well, it probably won't be too
hard finding another way around, so I suppose we can say my problem is

But I'm still curious as to why this problem occurred, can anyone fill me in
on that ? No biggie if it's not possible, but I do wonder what I did wrong
there (aside from the management of non-maven libraries ;) ) !

Anyway, thanks for your insight, Wayne !


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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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Re: Using artifacts as resources in other projects.

2012-04-02 Thread Wayne Fay
> However, I would like to deliver only one file - Main.jar. Two other files - 
> Android.apk
> and Swing.jar should be put as entire files inside of Main.jar (they should 
> stay there
> as full files, without unpacking or anything). This way, when user decided to 
> generate
> e.g. Swing application, Main application gets whole file Swing.jar from 
> itself, modifies
> it a little and put somewhere to user's file system. That same is possible in 
> case of
> generating Android program. But it requires shipping Android.apk and 
> Swing.jar inside
> of Main.jar.

I don't see this as being a good way to handle your user case.

Instead I think you should be using the assembly plugin to create a
Zip file containing your 3 files, then provide instructions to your
users about how to unzip and run the Main.jar and tell Main.jar to
look in the same directory (or under a lib/ subdir) it is located in
for the other 2 files.


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Re: Different behavior when building a project as a module or "stand-alone"

2012-04-02 Thread Philippe Lagardère
Indeed, our use case for purge-local-repository is a bit dodgy and definitely

Our project depends on various corporate libraries which are not
"Mavenized". In order to use these libraries, we frequently use
deploy:deploy-file to drop them on our repository, with a fixed version
(given that new versions are duly tested and obsolete older versions).
Clearly, this is not the best way of doing things, but it was by far the
easiest solution for us, and we expected it to be somewhat sustainable.

The purge-local-repo goal (with the right set of exclusions) was used in
order to ensure the latest versions of there corporate libraries were used
whenever we release a new version of the project. I configured an execution
as it was the first idea I had in order to have the goal run once for a
multi-module build.

Now, since it doesn't seem to work all that well, it probably won't be too
hard finding another way around, so I suppose we can say my problem is

But I'm still curious as to why this problem occurred, can anyone fill me in
on that ? No biggie if it's not possible, but I do wonder what I did wrong
there (aside from the management of non-maven libraries ;) ) !

Anyway, thanks for your insight, Wayne !


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Re: Avoiding duplicate POM code: profiles, inheritance, properties

2012-04-02 Thread Laird Nelson
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Gillet Thomas (2) <> wrote:

> Seems my first post was really not clear. Trying to make it simpler:
> Basically, my main concern is to be able to package separately parts of
> the POM:
> - plugin configuration and/or dependencies (previously the "type POM")
> - distribution management information (previously the "deployment POM")

Yes, this is a clear and obvious thing to want to do.  You are not crazy
for wanting to be able to do this.  But you can't do it in Maven (to the
best of my knowledge).  You can get close though.

You can make a grandparent pom.xml with non-project but company-specific
information in it (company name, maybe the location of your Nexus, various
domain- and project-independent properties).  Ideally this pom.xml changes
rarely, if ever.  Do not be tempted to load it up with plugin version
specifiers and dependency information; this is really just common
boilerplate, and that's it.

You can then make several child poms beneath it that inherit from it that
contain various plugin or pluginManagement stanzas--maybe one, for example,
combines together plugins that are useful for JPA development (or whatever)
and you don't want to keep specifying those plugins over and over and over
again for your various JPA projects.  Just an example.

You can repeat this as many levels deep as you want.

Finally at the end of the inheritance stack here you would have a project
pom.xml that would inherit from one of these "type" poms.  This would allow
you to pick and choose which effective combinations of plugins and
pluginManagement (and/or dependencies, etc.) you might want for that
project (maybe one project needs the

But there will come a time when you discover you want a mix of several of
these pom.xmls.  Maven has no way to import sections from another pom.xml
(sure wish it did, or that it could permit this sort of thing via magic XML
namespaces or xinclude or something; I'm no W3C XML wonk so I don't know
fully what's possible here).  Nor does it offer a way to have a project
extend from several poms at once.

For dependencies (and this one took me probably about a year before I fully
got it), recall that dependencies are transient, so in this one case you
can actually declare a dependency on an artifact of pom.
Think about that for a moment.  If *that* artifact (a pom file) in turn
declares a pile of dependencies, then THOSE dependencies will be pulled in

This is a nice hack--and it is a hack--that allows you to at *least* group
dependencies into bundles that you can suck in fairly conveniently, and, to
your point, maintain separately (something that I think maybe got lost in
your original request).

There is no equivalent hack for plugins to my knowledge.

I've usually done a moderately deep inheritance stack and then pretty much
just deal with the duplicate code after that.

I hope this helps you out.  Just another user's data point; always
interested to hear better approaches.



Using artifacts as resources in other projects.

2012-04-02 Thread Mariusz Plucinski
Hello Maven users,

I am really newbie in Maven, so I am not pretty sure if my way of thinking is 
right. If it's not, do not hesitate to criticize it.

I am developing medium-size project, which contains both Java SE and Android 
sub-projects. After many troubles with Ant, I've decided to give Maven's a try.

To make it simple, let's say that I have three projects:
 - Android application
 - Swing application
 - Main application (also uses Swing, but this is not important now)

Those three applications are building pretty well with maven. I am typing "mvn 
package" and - as expected - I get one *.apk file and two *.jar files. Thanks 
to maven-shade-plugin, JAR files contains all required dependencies. They are, 
of course, executable jars.

Goal of Main application is to "generate" Swing and Android applications for 
user's request. Those applications are prebuilt, so Main program needs only to 
slightly modify it before putting onto user's disk. However, I would like to 
deliver only one file - Main.jar. Two other files - Android.apk and Swing.jar 
should be put as entire files inside of Main.jar (they should stay there as 
full files, without unpacking or anything). This way, when user decided to 
generate e.g. Swing application, Main application gets whole file Swing.jar 
from itself, modifies it a little and put somewhere to user's file system. That 
same is possible in case of generating Android program. But it requires 
shipping Android.apk and Swing.jar inside of Main.jar.

Is it possible to be done using Maven? I suppose that Swing.jar and Android.apk 
should be provided as resources during build of Main.jar, but I don't know how 
to instruct Maven to do it this way. I have tried to set compile 
in maven-jar-plugin configuration in Swing.jar. I suppose it is wrong solution 
- in compile phase, Main application should already have all required 
resources. Is there any way to instruct Maven to "package" my Android and Swing 
projects during "prepare-resources" of Main project? Of course, those two are 
dependencies, so Main project should be informed, that resources were changed 
in case of modifications in those two.

I am using Maven 3.0.3 and m2e 1.0.200.

Thank you in advance for any help/advise/criticism :).

Best Regards,
Mariusz Pluciński

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Re: Avoiding duplicate POM code: profiles, inheritance, properties

2012-04-02 Thread Curtis Rueden
Hi Gillet,

Basically, my main concern is to be able to package separately parts of the
> POM:
> - plugin configuration and/or dependencies (previously the "type POM")
> - distribution management information (previously the "deployment POM")

To me, it sounds like you are asking for multiple inheritance in POMs—or
else a non-inheritance-based include mechanism. AFAIK, Maven does not have
either of those capabilities.

Just like in Java, which is also single-inheritance only, it can be
difficult or impossible to avoid code duplication in certain complex cases.
But in my experience it is fairly rare, and often you can find an
alternative design that avoids the issue.

Does your project really need to "mix and match" the type and deployment
POMs in many different configurations? In other words, are you sure you
need a graph of POMs, rather than only a tree? As we all know, graphs can
be much trickier to deal with.

I suggest identifying the commonalities across most of your projects, and
including those in a common parent POM. In the case of dependencies and
plugins, ideally all projects will use the same versions of those anyway,
so they can largely be declared at the top level. In places where 9 out of
10 projects use version A, but the 10th uses version B, declare version A
in your toplevel, but override with B in the 10th project's POM. Then there
is no repetition, and you are consistent with Maven's "convention over
configuration" approach.

Maybe some day Maven will support some form of multiple inheritance for
adding in extra common configuration more efficiently. Until then, it
certainly is not perfectly DRY, but you can usually do fairly well.


On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Gillet Thomas (2) <> wrote:

> Hello Wayne,
> Seems my first post was really not clear. Trying to make it simpler:
> Basically, my main concern is to be able to package separately parts of
> the POM:
> - plugin configuration and/or dependencies (previously the "type POM")
> - distribution management information (previously the "deployment POM")
> So I can later define one set of distribution management information per
> project, and one set of configuration per bundle type.
> Then each bundle will, depending on the project it is member of and
> depending on its type, inherit from one set of distribution management
> information, and from one set of configuration.
> Hope this is a better explanation.
> Then, about your proposals:
> > 1. Inheritance does not necessarily follow aggregation.
> That's right, I didn't think about aggregator POMs. Actually if properties
> defined in an aggregator POM are accessible in the sub-modules, then it
> could be a place to put shared properties for distribution management.
> But I'm not sure it is the case, and anyway it would make those properties
> available only when building the aggregator. I need to be able to build
> each module alone.
> > 2. The maven-remote-resources-plugin can help share resources
> (configuration files etc) between modules
> Didn't know that. But I need to share properties, dependencies and plugin
> configurations, not only resources.
> > 3. Look into the "import" scope (but this really only helps managing
> dependencies, not necessarily useful to you)
> Didn't know that either, thanks to point it out.
> It actually could be used for the sets of configuration which only contain
> dependencies, but when it comes to plugin configuration, again, not working.
> Not helping this particular problem I think, but that's indeed good thinks
> to know.
> Thanks for the pointers.
> Thomas GILLET

Re: Different behavior when building a project as a module or "stand-alone"

2012-04-02 Thread Wayne Fay
> between the two builds. It happens during the execution of
> dependency:purge-local-repository. As you can see in the "build" pastebins

I have a lot of projects that are built with Maven, and not a single
one uses purge-local-repo. Why are you using it?

> below, there's only one library affected (profilage-lse). But, it's
> re-downloaded once during the standalone build, and twice during the
> "multi-module" build. Might seem benign, but when I comment out the
> execution for that goal, the warning disappears, and the "multimodule" build
> is successful.

I would eliminate your usage of purge-local-repo if at all possible
since it sounds like that would solve your problem.


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Re: Avoiding duplicate POM code: profiles, inheritance, properties

2012-04-02 Thread Ron Wheeler

It sounds like you are describing the usage of a parent POM.
A parent is a project specific POM that ideally carries your plug-in 
versions, deployment information and code versions for all of the POMs 
in the maven projects that makes up your application. Some of this is 
properties and some is full specifications.

This puts these decisions under the control of the project team and 
reduces the concerns of the individual developers and shrinks the maven 
project POMs by a lot.

You should read the docs on the usage of parent POMs.

1) A lot of people have built whatever it is that you are doing and 
there are Best Practices for doing it.
2) Maven has a very particular way of doing things and until you comply, 
you will be in a constant losing battle. "Resistance is futile".

Have a look at the list of Maven PMC members and the committers to see 
the quality of advice that you are getting.


On 02/04/2012 7:55 AM, Gillet Thomas (2) wrote:

Hello Wayne,

Seems my first post was really not clear. Trying to make it simpler:

Basically, my main concern is to be able to package separately parts of the POM:
- plugin configuration and/or dependencies (previously the "type POM")
- distribution management information (previously the "deployment POM")

So I can later define one set of distribution management information per 
project, and one set of configuration per bundle type.
Then each bundle will, depending on the project it is member of and depending 
on its type, inherit from one set of distribution management information, and 
from one set of configuration.

Hope this is a better explanation.

Then, about your proposals:

1. Inheritance does not necessarily follow aggregation.

That's right, I didn't think about aggregator POMs. Actually if properties 
defined in an aggregator POM are accessible in the sub-modules, then it could 
be a place to put shared properties for distribution management.
But I'm not sure it is the case, and anyway it would make those properties 
available only when building the aggregator. I need to be able to build each 
module alone.

2. The maven-remote-resources-plugin can help share resources (configuration 
files etc) between modules

Didn't know that. But I need to share properties, dependencies and plugin 
configurations, not only resources.

3. Look into the "import" scope (but this really only helps managing 
dependencies, not necessarily useful to you)

Didn't know that either, thanks to point it out.
It actually could be used for the sets of configuration which only contain 
dependencies, but when it comes to plugin configuration, again, not working.

Not helping this particular problem I think, but that's indeed good thinks to 
Thanks for the pointers.


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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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RE: Avoiding duplicate POM code: profiles, inheritance, properties

2012-04-02 Thread Gillet Thomas (2)
Hello Wayne,

Seems my first post was really not clear. Trying to make it simpler:

Basically, my main concern is to be able to package separately parts of the POM:
- plugin configuration and/or dependencies (previously the "type POM")
- distribution management information (previously the "deployment POM")

So I can later define one set of distribution management information per 
project, and one set of configuration per bundle type.
Then each bundle will, depending on the project it is member of and depending 
on its type, inherit from one set of distribution management information, and 
from one set of configuration.

Hope this is a better explanation.

Then, about your proposals:

> 1. Inheritance does not necessarily follow aggregation.

That's right, I didn't think about aggregator POMs. Actually if properties 
defined in an aggregator POM are accessible in the sub-modules, then it could 
be a place to put shared properties for distribution management.
But I'm not sure it is the case, and anyway it would make those properties 
available only when building the aggregator. I need to be able to build each 
module alone.

> 2. The maven-remote-resources-plugin can help share resources (configuration 
> files etc) between modules

Didn't know that. But I need to share properties, dependencies and plugin 
configurations, not only resources.

> 3. Look into the "import" scope (but this really only helps managing 
> dependencies, not necessarily useful to you)

Didn't know that either, thanks to point it out.
It actually could be used for the sets of configuration which only contain 
dependencies, but when it comes to plugin configuration, again, not working.

Not helping this particular problem I think, but that's indeed good thinks to 
Thanks for the pointers.


Re: eclipse plugin for maven using jdk 1.3

2012-04-02 Thread Thorsten Heit

> I checked if the JRE in the Run AS configuration was 1.3 but it was not. 
> is the maven plugin using 1.3 is beyond my understanding.



Re: Ear Plugin skinnyWars EJB problem

2012-04-02 Thread sarmahdi
I tried this approach,


WEB-INF/lib/*.jar //this
excludes all jars from being added to the WAR.





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eclipse plugin for maven using jdk 1.3

2012-04-02 Thread sarmahdi
Hello guys,

I installed a maven plugin in eclipse when i ran my pavne project and tried
to build it there it used jdk 1.3 to build and compile. here is the verbose
out put sections related to this:

[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile (default-compile) @ CorpWeb
[DEBUG] Created new class realm
[DEBUG] Populating class realm
[DEBUG]   Included:
[DEBUG]   Included: org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.0.4
[DEBUG]   Included: org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-api:jar:1.5.3
[DEBUG]   Included: junit:junit:jar:3.8.1
[DEBUG]   Included: org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-manager:jar:1.5.3
[DEBUG]   Included: org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-javac:jar:1.5.3
[DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.0
[DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.0
[DEBUG]   Excluded:
[DEBUG]   Excluded: classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1-alpha-2
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile' with basic
configurator -->
[DEBUG]   (f) basedir = C:\RSA75Workspace\workspace\Corpweb
[DEBUG]   (f) buildDirectory = C:\RSA75Workspace\workspace\Corpweb\target
[DEBUG]   (f) compileSourceRoots = [C:\RSA75Workspace\workspace\Corpweb\src]
[DEBUG]   (f) compilerId = javac
[DEBUG]   (f) debug = true
[DEBUG]   (f) failOnError = true
[DEBUG]   (f) fork = false
[DEBUG]   (f) optimize = false
[DEBUG]   (f) outputDirectory =
[DEBUG]   (f) outputFileName = CorpWeb
[DEBUG]   (f) projectArtifact = CorpWeb:CorpWeb:war:1.0
[DEBUG]   (f) showDeprecation = false
[DEBUG]   (f) showWarnings = false
[DEBUG]   (f) staleMillis = 0
[DEBUG]   (f) verbose = false
[DEBUG] -- end configuration –/

here it doesnt indicate to me which JDK it is using but then it fails on

/ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-compile) on project CorpWeb: Compilation failure: Compilation
annotations are not supported in *-source 1.3*
(use -source 5 or higher to enable annotations)

annotations are not supported in *-source 1.3*
(use -source 5 or higher to enable annotations)

generics are not supported in *-source 1.3*
(use -source 5 or higher to enable generics)
  public LinkedList generateSpecificDetails()/

I checked if the JRE in the Run AS configuration was 1.3 but it was not. Why
is the maven plugin using 1.3 is beyond my understanding. 

Also: i couldnt find the settings.xml of the plugin or maven installation i
had to add a new one manually. neither could i find mvn,bat any where on my
harddisk . even though when i try to Run it through maven i can see that it
issued a command 
mvn -B -Dmaven.test.skip=true -s "C:\Documents and
Settings\5510041\.m2\settings.xml" clean install

so everything seems to be embedded in the plugin. 

any help in understanding this would be appreciated.

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Re: Different behavior when building a project as a module or "stand-alone"

2012-04-02 Thread Philippe Lagardère
Thanks for your answer, Wayne. I'll refrain from using Nabble's formatting
options from now on.
Here are the informations from my first message, in plain text this time.

=== === ===

My project has a basic multi-module structure, like this :


The thing is, I get two different results for executing mvn clean package,
whether I run it from project-core or from project.

>From project-core

[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.1:jar (default-jar) @ profilage-core ---
[INFO] Building jar: D:\ozp6kz\Mes

>From project

[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.1:jar (default-jar) @ profilage-core ---
[WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion!
[INFO] Building jar: D:\ozp6kz\Mes

Basically, as a stand-alone, the project builds perfectly well, which allows
in turn the other modules to build correctly.
But when built as part of the global, multi-module project, there's this one
[WARNING] line which throws off the rest of the build.

=== === ===

When preparing my code for paste-bins, I (finally) noticed the difference
between the two builds. It happens during the execution of
dependency:purge-local-repository. As you can see in the "build" pastebins
below, there's only one library affected (profilage-lse). But, it's
re-downloaded once during the standalone build, and twice during the
"multi-module" build. Might seem benign, but when I comment out the
execution for that goal, the warning disappears, and the "multimodule" build
is successful.
I'm definitely at a loss as to why this happens, so any explanation would be
greatly appreciated !

Here are the pastebins from poms and builds, expurged of information
unrelated :

pom.xml - core module :
pom.xml - project parent :
pom.xml - corporate parent :
pom.xml - help:effective-pom :
build - standalone :
build - as a module :


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