Repository conversion

2007-05-09 Thread Alexander Schwartz


I would like to convert a  maven1 repository to a maven2 repository,
only one.
TTBOMK the maven1 repository on ibiblio is converted automatically,
hence there must be some tools...

Are the tools integrated in Archiva?

Best regards,


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[m2] subversion repository upload using webdav

2007-01-19 Thread Alexander Schwartz


(crossposting to and maven-wagon-users)

as Brett Porter suggested (/Storing your Maven Repository in 

I would like to maintain the corporate maven repositories of my company 
in our subversion system.

My questions are:
 -- Does anyone succeeded to configure m2 (and subversion) to upload 
artifacts in

 a subversion repository using the maven webdav support?
 -- Are there any preconditions on the subversion installation?
 -- Are there any related open bugs?
 -- Any common pitfalls?

I appreciate any hints.
(In case it works I will provide a corresponding wiki page. :))

Best regards,


[m2] subversion repository upload using webdav

2007-01-19 Thread Alexander Schwartz


(crossposting to and maven-wagon-users)

as Brett Porter suggested (Storing your Maven Repository in

I would like to maintain the corporate maven repositories of my company
in our subversion system.

My questions are:
 -- Does anyone succeeded to configure m2 (and subversion)
 to upload  artifacts to a subversion repository using the maven
webdav support?
 -- Are there any preconditions on the subversion installation?
 -- Are there any related open bugs?
 -- Any common pitfalls?

I appreciate any hints.
(In case it works I will provide a corresponding wiki page. :))

Best regards,


[m2] Configuring m2 for a corporate environment

2007-01-04 Thread Alexander Schwartz


I am configuring m2 for a corporate enviroment.
Some of our goals are to
 [goal #1] reduce the local (user depending) configuration,
 [goal #2] reduce the manual steps to install/maintain a local m2 
installation on

   on a developer machine or a build server.

The m2 book `Better builds with Maven' suggests to manage the m2
installation using an SCM tool. (BTW, the `vendor branch' idee helps to
simplify this; compare for instance
The configuration for the corporate environment resides in the patched 
settings.xml in

the SCM. The settings.xml file for each user can be reduced to a few lines
containing login data only.
To install m2 on a developer machine a checkout from SCM (followed by 
setting some

environment variables) is sufficient. This satisfies goal #1.

However, what about goal #2 with respect to changes of the global 
settings.xml file?
In this case every developer has to update its m2 checkout installation 
manually to
receive the fresh settings. This is too error prune. We would appreciate 
a solution
which ensures that the m2 configuration is fresh every time m2 is 
executed (without

any manual interaction steps).
Our current solution/workaround is to patch the m2 start scripts and 
perform an
SCM update of the local working copy of the local settings.xml file 
before executing m2.

I would prefer if m2 would read its configuration from an URL. In this case
we could use an http URL pointing to the settings.xml file in our 
subversion system.
M2 allows to relocate the global settings file using the following 
system property:


This system property allows to specify a path to an appropriate settings 
file, but

unfortunately you cannot provide an URL to such a file.

MY QUESTION IS, what do you think about extending the semantics of
'' to support URLs, too?

Any votes for such a change request?
In case of many Ys I will file an issue + commit a patch (including unit 

BTW, for which is the correct JIRA project to file such an issue?

Best regards,


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Maven2, CruiseControl and Surfire

2006-11-07 Thread Alexander Schwartz


I am running a maven2 build with CruiseControl 
Now I would like to configure maven2 such that the surefire XML test 
reports are collected
for CruiseControl and displayed on the corresponding Build Results page 
of CruiseControl.

I assume I'm not the first one using this combination
So, has someone a working configuration?
Or any hints, even about failing approaches?

Thanks in advance,


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Dependency are not downloading from remote repository placed in Subversion with http access

2006-05-17 Thread Alexander Schwartz


we are migrating to maven-1.1 and encountered a mission critical bug:
We could not download dependencies from a maven repo placed under
subversion (with http access).

The problems seems to be known:
Adding all ant jars to our maven installation did not solved the problem.

Is there a solution for the problem?



Maven 1.1 and optional ant tasks (xmlvalidate)

2006-05-04 Thread Alexander Schwartz


I have a custom maven goal which uses the ant task ant:xmlvalidate to 
validate a set of XML files:

  goal name=validate-all-xml-files
description=Validates whether all xml files are well-formed

  ant:xmlvalidate failonerror=false lenient=yes
  fileset dir=$.
  include name=**/*.xml/

It works fine with maven-1.0.2 but it fails with maven-1.1-beta2 (and 
java 5) without

any error message. The output is:
__  __
   |  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
   | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
   |_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.1-beta-2
   xmlvalidate failonerror=false lenient=yes/xmlvalidateBUILD 

   Total time   : 2 seconds
   Finished at  : Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006 10:31:16 CEST

The output of maven -x validate-all-xml-files contains the line

  ( for type 

  [DEBUG] Could not load class

Any hints?



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