dumb quetsion . . .

2009-12-07 Thread ChadDavis
I'm been starting to use Maven for some of my projects.  One thing
that I've not been able to clear up is how the dependencies get
deployed to my deployment environment.  For development, I sometimes
use the assembly plugin's ability to generate a single Jar with all
dependencies included, or I use the jetty plugin to run web apps, and
this knows about all of the maven managed dependencies inherently.

But what is the best way to deploy and run my app in a production setting?

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archetypes location

2009-03-14 Thread ChadDavis
When I run mvn archetype:generate, I get a list of 41 archetypes.

Where are these located? In http://repo2.maven.org/maven2?

If so, why doesn't it pick up the struts 2 archetypes that are also
inside of that repo?

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Re: archetypes location

2009-03-16 Thread ChadDavis
But I can use a groupId, artifactId, and version to target an
archetype in the repository with out the aid of a catalog . . .

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Wayne Fay  wrote:
>> Where are these located? In http://repo2.maven.org/maven2?
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/specification/archetype-catalog.html
> Wayne
> -
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Re: archetypes location

2009-03-16 Thread ChadDavis
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/specification/archetype-catalog.html

Sorry about that.  I actually "scoured" over the archetype docs on the
site, but hadn't checked out the specification link.  Now I know to
check the specification link -- ;)

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Re: archetypes location

2009-03-16 Thread ChadDavis
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/specification/archetype-catalog.html

It says that there is a remote catalog file at

This file isn't there.  Is this just supposed to mean that you may
have a remote catalog file in your repo, or is there supposed to be
one in the repo1 repo?

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central repo, snapshots and releases

2010-08-23 Thread ChadDavis
I'm reading the Nexus book.  It describes how a given repository is
either for releases or snapshots.  It says that the central maven repo
is a release repository.  But then in the example for how to configure
a profile that will use the nexus served repository instead of
central, it shows configuring the central repo to lookup both
snapshots and releases.

This is a bit confusing . . . can someone elaborate.  First, is it
true that central repo only serves releases?  Second, what's going on
with the example configuration that turns on both releases and
snapshots for the central repo?


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Re: central repo, snapshots and releases

2010-08-23 Thread ChadDavis
> nexus
> central
> http://central
> true
> true
> central
> http://central
> true
> true
> nexus

Thanks for the responses.  I'm still confused about the "logic" of
that profile element in the settings.xml.  It sets up a mock central
repo, for both plugins and artifacts, and enables snapshots and
releases on this central mock.  Can someone illuminate what is going
on there?

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nexus, local repository, and m2eclipse

2010-08-23 Thread ChadDavis
I'm trying to use nexus to serve a 3rd party dependency.  Following
the nexus book, I was able to upload the artifact with out incident.
I then tried to search for the dependency in the various interfaces of
m2eclipse: via add dependency on the pom.xml view, via the repository
view.  In none of these could I find the artifact.  Note, nexus does
show up in the repository view, so I guess my settings.xml profile (
which I completed according to the book ) is in effect and
successfully bringing the public repository group into play.

I tried updating the index, and rebuilding the index, but the artifact
still doesn't show.  Finally, I entered the coordinates by hand, in
the add dependency interface of the pom.xml editor, and the artifact
was successfully located.  Now, when I view the repositories, in
m2eclipse, the 3rd party artifact shows up in the local repository,
but still NOT in the nexus public repository group.

Any ideas?

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Re: nexus, local repository, and m2eclipse

2010-08-23 Thread ChadDavis
> Is there a reason you're posting these Nexus questions on the Maven
> Users list instead of the proper forum?

I didn't know there was a nexus list.  Thanks.

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Re: nexus, local repository, and m2eclipse

2010-08-23 Thread ChadDavis
I think the issue is that the boundaries between maven, sonatype,
m2eclipse, nexus, etc. are a bit unclear to the unitiated, i.e. me.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Brian Fox  wrote:
> You mean, like adding a project information page in the community
> section with links to all the lists?
> http://nexus.sonatype.org/project-information.html
> ;-p
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Wayne Fay  wrote:
>>> I didn't know there was a nexus list.  Thanks.
>> This happens often. I don't know why there is such confusion. Perhaps
>> the Sonatype folks need to make this more obvious somewhere on the
>> Nexus site?
>> Wayne
>> -
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Re: central repo, snapshots and releases

2010-08-23 Thread ChadDavis
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Brian Fox  wrote:
> The reason is simple:

Simple, but not obvious ;)

> Maven needs at least one snapshot repo configured, or it won't even
> attempt to ask anyone (specifically Nexus via the mirrorOf * setting)
> for any snapshots. Maven has built in an existing repository with the
> ID central but it is enabled only for releases. We must do either: 1)

I was kind of guessing that.  So, Maven, by default has the actual
Maven Central Repo defined under the id "central" . . . I didn't quite
realize that before.

> define another repo as snapshot only, or 2) enable snapshots for the
> built in central id. The example chooses 2. We could have used 1, but
> since I put in the example from years of habit, that's what stuck ;-)

So, in a nutshell, you've redefined the repo with id of central to
point somewhere else, the bogus URL, and then mirrored it with the

> You'll also note that I like to redefine the url as well so that when
> maven spits out what it's doing, it's immediately apparent if my
> settings are ignored or not.

Makes perfect sense.  Thanks for the explanation.

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