Re: [reactor] sending e-mails upon project failure

2004-03-09 Thread Gareth Cronin
Likewise, I also do it via a cron'd shell script. I pipe the output from 
the call to Maven to a log and if the call to Maven exits with a 
non-zero error-code, i.e. if (( $? != 0 ));, I email the output. I also 
have it send failed unit test traces by email.

My grep script to locate the names of failed tests is:

# script for grepping test reports and stripping the output to lines 
containing failed tests


for i in `find $SRCROOT -name test-reports -print`;
  do grep -l -E -s FAILED|ERROR $i/*.txt | sed s/TEST-// | sed 
s/.txt// |
sed s/.*test-reports\///;

Then I check on each line from the above script, build a log and send that:

find-failed-tests $SRCROOT  /tmp/$BUILDNAME.failedtests
linecount=`wc -l  /tmp/$BUILDNAME.failedtests`
if (( $linecount  0 ));
  echo $BUILDNAME ---Test log---  /usr/local/ci/$BUILDNAME.testlog.txt
  for i in `find $SRCROOT -name test-reports -print`;
for j in `grep -l -E -s FAILED|ERROR $i/*.txt`;
  cat $j  /usr/local/ci/$BUILDNAME.testlog.txt
  cat /tmp/$BUILDNAME.failedtests /usr/local/ci/$BUILDNAME.testlog.txt 
| mail -s [Maven] Unit test failures: $BUILDNAME $NOTIFICATIONEMAIL

The variables are all set by command line arguments so that I can use 
the same scripts across several super-projects and branches.


matthew.hawthorne wrote:
Vincent Massol wrote:

Acutally I work with Dominique. We only need to send emails for now (we
do not need the modificationset Ant task from CC). CC is a good idea but
we'll need to do some research to see how it would work and how to
integrate it with our current continuous build. For now, would you know
of a solution to use the reactor and still be able to send emails on
build errors?
Anyone sending emails while using the reactor?

This is one of the unfortunate things that was so easy to do in Ant but 
just doesn't have an
equivalent in Maven.

I wrote a shell script that pipes Maven's standard out to a file, then I 
grep the file for the word
failed and send an email with the content of the file if it matches.

Not the most elegant solution... but it works.

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Gareth Cronin
Kiwiplan NZ Ltd
Ph 2727622 x854
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Re: ssh cvs

2004-03-08 Thread Gareth Cronin
As the previous post said, you can use ssh-agent, or (and not really a 
good idea, but I guess it's the same as using .cvspass) you can generate 
a key-pair with an empty pass-phrase. Then you won't be prompted for a 
password when you make a successful connection.

Brian Enigma wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Out of the box, ssh supports both key files and passwords--using the 
key files if they exist, then falling back to passwords if they do not 
(or if the keys are incorrect).  It is not an either/or 
configuration.  Disabling key files takes a willful act of the system 
Have you tried using key files yet?  If so, do they have all the 
correct permissions?  (Ssh is picky about some files not being writable 
by group+other and other files not even being readable by group+other, 
and doesn't offer much as far as error messages for permission problems).

On Mar 8, 2004, at 4:18 AM, Stefan Groschupf wrote:

My cvs has only ssh2 access but use passwords instead of key files.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)
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Gareth Cronin
Kiwiplan NZ Ltd
Ph 2727622 x854
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Multiproject jar:install when the jars have never been deployed

2004-02-17 Thread Gareth Cronin
We normally do a multiproject:jar:install to build the latest version 
of all our jars/projects using Reactor. This works fine until... we 
increment the version number for all the projects. The multiproject goal 
fails because it can't find the dependencies, but the dependencies are 
exactly what we want the multiproject to build! Is there any way to do 
this without having to manually go through each project in the usual 
Reactor-specified order and do a jar:install?



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Supress JCoverage analysis of particular classes/packages?

2004-01-20 Thread Gareth Cronin
I've looked through the plugin docs but I can't seem to find any 
reference to this. Is it possible, or could it be made possible to 
specify file patterns to ignore when making the JCoverage analysis? We 
have a number of OS-specific classes that make Runtime calls where unit 
testing is pointless (e.g. calls that spawn lpr to print files) and they 
upset the nice JCoverage statistics.



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Call goal in other project

2003-12-22 Thread Gareth Cronin
I'm using maven.xml and the copy-deps goal to gather together the jars 
required for an installer for a given project.

My problem is that the installer itself lives in another project and I 
want to gather the installer's dependencies as well.

I could do this if I could call the goal in the other project so that I 
knew it's dependencies had been gathered to a known place in that 
projects directory structure. Is it possible to call this way?

Or... I if I could convince copy-deps to gather dependencies from a 
different project that would be useful.

Both the installer project and the other project share the same 



Gareth Cronin
Kiwiplan NZ Ltd
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Aggregating reports

2003-12-16 Thread Gareth Cronin
We have 30-40 components built as separate Maven projects.. all as 
sub-projects of a trivial uber-project.xml that just contains the report 
tag. I'd like to do things like aggregating the JCoverage percentage 
totals and Checkstyle error counts across all of these projects... 
sums/averages etc and put them in an over-all report. Are there any 
existing tools/plugins to do this?



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