Re: Scheduler bug, Continuum 1.1 (MySQL)

2007-12-13 Thread Ingo Siebert

Ups. :)
Thank you.


Emmanuel Venisse schrieb:

Yes, your cron expression is invalid :)

It must be : 0 0/30 8-18 ? * MON-FRI

The doc say this: "Pay attention to the effects of '?' and '*' in the
day-of-week and day-of-month fields!"



i ceated my own "work time" scheduler.
0 0/30 8-18 * * 1-5

But he doesn't accept the 1-5 value. It's the same with MON-FRI.
Continuum says "invalid cron expression".

Is the "day of week" value working for someone?

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CAS Software AG
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Re: continuum 1.1 together with archiva 1.0 on tomcat 5.5

2007-12-03 Thread Ingo Siebert

Hi Ossi,

I posted the same problem today, but i don't use archiva.
If you find a solution, please let me know. :)


ossi petz schrieb:


I tried to install both archiva and continuum on the same tomcat 5.5.25 
/ Java 1.5

When i only install continuum things work fine. When i only install 
archiva things work too.

When i install both continuum and archiva i end up with apache derby 
exceptions. archiva starts (i guess its because of its arc..< con..), 
continuum cant connect / create the database (see attached stacktrace).

there is only a 'see next error'. i dont fully get the source of the 
problem. do i need to copy the derby.jar into each application? or 
should i use different resource names in the container configuration?

any hints would be great!
