Re: [POLL] Why switch to Maven?

2006-08-30 Thread Jan Vissers
Maven's key strength is to say don't worry about trying to build a jar /
war / ear / sync with eclipse / autorun tests / publish javadocs / etc /
etc, because I already know how to do that, you go and do what you do
best, work on the primary code.

I would like this approach very much, but...
have you tried to publish javadocs/jxr/surefire/pmd... etc
for a multimodule project in an aggregated fashion?

 On Wed, August 30, 2006 7:37 am, Jan Vissers wrote:

 I'm reading a lot of we need about x weeks to convert to maven, the
 learning curve is steep, it is messy but it works, if it cannot be
 done we can use ant...

 More and more I'm getting the feeling that ANT still isn't such a bad
 idea for building software. You can do a lot of the convention over
 configuration stuff for your own projects with ant and things like
 macrodef, subant and antlib. For dependency management we're currently
 using Ivy - which is pretty descent. What's more the reporting just
 works, even aggregated

 Can somebody tell me what the main reason would be for changing from ANT
 to Maven?
 I'm starting to get serious doubts.

 I recently got involved in a project whose build system uses ant + ivy,
 and to sum it up: what an inefficient mess.

 Within themselves, ant and ivy are worthy tools, that perform their tasks
 well. The real problem is that once developers get hold of them, things
 quickly go pear shaped.

 The key biggest problem with the ant + ivy combo is the fact that
 developing the build system is a secondary concern, the primary concern
 being developing the software itself. This causes numerous problems,

 - ant scripts are often half finished.

 In this project, nobody bothered to take advantage of incremental builds.
 Any attempt to build, will build clean - a huge time waster.

 - ant scripts are almost always riddled with hard coded paths, and
 developer specific customisations.

 In this project, that means that every developer has to set up their
 development environment the same way as the other developers, which may
 seem perfectly acceptable to some, until you realise that developers don't
 just work on one project.

 This makes it difficult / impossible to introduce continuous integration
 techniques, despite this particular project desperately needing it.

 - ant scripts are often riddled with relative paths to other projects,
 where it is assumed a sister project is checked out.

 Again, this prevents continuous integration from being possible.

 - ivy dependencies are often set up by developers who fiddle until they

 In this project, the eclipse jars were removed from their plugins, had
 their version numbers removed, and dumped into one big ivy dependency
 called eclipse. There is no way of knowing what jar offers what
 functionality, because the jars are called sac.jar, core.jar, etc.

 Upgrading the jars (to take advantage of a bugfix, for example) in this
 project is very impractical.

 To sum up the above:

 Giving developers the power to do what they want, simply means that
 developers are given the power to do something badly, or not at all.

 Build systems are always secondary to the primary code, and do not receive
 proper attention from developers, and this wastes copious amounts of time,
 and therefore money.

 Maven's key strength is to say don't worry about trying to build a jar /
 war / ear / sync with eclipse / autorun tests / publish javadocs / etc /
 etc, because I already know how to do that, you go and do what you do
 best, work on the primary code.


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Re: [POLL] Why switch to Maven?

2006-08-29 Thread Jan Vissers

The really bad documentation is already mentioned, and rightly so!
Also, I feel for multi module projects (every meaningful JEE project) 
the reporting part is really awful.

There is no consistency in the reporting plugins.

Maven to me (still) looks like a great tool for single module 
applications/libraries - but not so much for big(ger) multi module apps.

Eric Redmond wrote:

Hi all Maven users!

I'm beginning a study to outline the real reasons that people have for
avoiding Maven. My questions to you all are:
What were your anxieties about using Maven? If you use Maven: what helped
you make the decision? If you don't: why did you avoid it?

Here are some that I have heard in the past:

* Lack of good documentation.
* Community unwilling to help me with my problems.
* Not industry supported or mainstream enough.
* I don't like conforming to the Maven project layout.
* My project is too complex to switch.
* There are not enough plugins available.
* We already have a large investement in tool X.
* I have to build native/non-Java code.

Any more reasons? Care to expand these ideas?
Thanks for your help!

Eric Redmond

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Re: [POLL] Why switch to Maven?

2006-08-29 Thread Jan Vissers
Maven to me (still) looks like a great tool for single module 
applications/libraries - but not so much for big(ger) multi module apps. 

-- When reporting is concerned.

Jan Vissers wrote:

The really bad documentation is already mentioned, and rightly so!
Also, I feel for multi module projects (every meaningful JEE project) 
the reporting part is really awful.

There is no consistency in the reporting plugins.

Maven to me (still) looks like a great tool for single module 
applications/libraries - but not so much for big(ger) multi module apps.

Eric Redmond wrote:

Hi all Maven users!

I'm beginning a study to outline the real reasons that people have for
avoiding Maven. My questions to you all are:
What were your anxieties about using Maven? If you use Maven: what 

you make the decision? If you don't: why did you avoid it?

Here are some that I have heard in the past:

* Lack of good documentation.
* Community unwilling to help me with my problems.
* Not industry supported or mainstream enough.
* I don't like conforming to the Maven project layout.
* My project is too complex to switch.
* There are not enough plugins available.
* We already have a large investement in tool X.
* I have to build native/non-Java code.

Any more reasons? Care to expand these ideas?
Thanks for your help!

Eric Redmond

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Re: [POLL] Why switch to Maven?

2006-08-29 Thread Jan Vissers
I'm reading a lot of we need about x weeks to convert to maven, the 
learning curve is steep, it is messy but it works, if it cannot be 
done we can use ant...

More and more I'm getting the feeling that ANT still isn't such a bad 
idea for building software. You can do a lot of the convention over 
configuration stuff for your own projects with ant and things like 
macrodef, subant and antlib. For dependency management we're currently 
using Ivy - which is pretty descent. What's more the reporting just 
works, even aggregated 

Can somebody tell me what the main reason would be for changing from ANT 
to Maven?

I'm starting to get serious doubts.

Eric Redmond wrote:

Hi all Maven users!

I'm beginning a study to outline the real reasons that people have for
avoiding Maven. My questions to you all are:
What were your anxieties about using Maven? If you use Maven: what helped
you make the decision? If you don't: why did you avoid it?

Here are some that I have heard in the past:

* Lack of good documentation.
* Community unwilling to help me with my problems.
* Not industry supported or mainstream enough.
* I don't like conforming to the Maven project layout.
* My project is too complex to switch.
* There are not enough plugins available.
* We already have a large investement in tool X.
* I have to build native/non-Java code.

Any more reasons? Care to expand these ideas?
Thanks for your help!

Eric Redmond

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Eclipse LibCopy plugin for Maven/WTP1.5 usage

2006-08-21 Thread Jan Vissers


I'm looking for the LibCopy plugin that gets mentioned on:
The link: 

appears to be dead.

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Re: M2 site:stage does not copy apidocs and xref?

2006-08-17 Thread Jan Vissers
Hi, this is an issue that has been brought earlier...
as things stand with maven (or at least 2.0.4 which I'm checking) the
multi module / aggregated reporting sucks!

Don't know whether this is going to change any time soon.
This might well mean, that we're not leaving ANT - as one of the key
'selling' points of maven (reporting) isn't ready for (J2EE) use.

Benoit Xhenseval wrote:
 Hi *,

 I believe that I've followed Anne's suggestions on:

 I call maven:
 mvn site:stage -DstagingDirectory=C:\fullsite

 However, it seems that the apidocs and xref files for the modules are not 
 copied in the fullsite directory (or module sub-directory)
 \fullsite\moduleA\apidocs\index.html (ONLY file in apidocs and it is 0KB)
 same for xref and xref-test

 Should I call those differently?


 Many thanks



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Yet another question about multi module reporting...

2006-08-13 Thread Jan Vissers

Is it possible to have *only* aggregated reports and
remove the submodule 'links' at the upper left hand
corner of the main index.html page?

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Re: Yet another question about multi module reporting...

2006-08-13 Thread Jan Vissers

| Care to elaborate? Why unreadable?

Yes, I'm also interested in the arguments for that.

At the moment I'm responsible for a relatively big build environment 
that is using ANT and also has
its fair amount of reporting done. Using ANT's functionality for 
macro's, subant and what have
you the final reporting result consists of two pages. One for my 
aggregated reports, and
one for each module's own reports. My experience is that nobody is 
actually reading/interested

in the module's own reporting and only browsing the aggregated reports.

I'm currently revisiting Maven to see whether version 2.0.4 is something 
I could
use in my next engagement, but am a bit disappointed by the whole multi 
reporting part of it. It seems to me that convention over 
configuration hasn't

gotten through to that section yet - as there is no real convention about
multi module reporting. What I would like to see is a standardized way 
for this.
So for instance, each report should support a aggregate configuration 

Torsten Curdt wrote:

Not all plugins support aggregation, though, and I'm not sure if that's
desirable (i.e. the surefire report, if it's aggregated it might become

Care to elaborate? Why unreadable?


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link to module sites - and aggregated javadoc

2006-08-11 Thread Jan Vissers

Maven 2.0.4.

Trying to create a site for multi module project where the module links 
are actually shown. Using the following command:

  site:stage -DstagingDirectory=

the module links are shown, but the aggregated javadoc page on the 
toplevel is empty.

Here is the reports section of my toplevel pom:


The actual javadoc is generated within the original toplevel 

Looks like the javadoc is not copied to the site staging area.

Is this a known issue?

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Surefire reports and multiple module projects - multi module (aggregated) reporting not 'ready for prime time'?

2006-08-11 Thread Jan Vissers

Maven 2.0.4

(Surefire) Aggregation doesn't seem to be working. I don't get a 
toplevel surefire report.

I do get surefire reports for each contained module.

Is this a known issue?

Note also that I need to use a 'site:stage -DstagingDirectory=' when 
creating the site, because otherwise the module links don't show up, and 
I have no visual way of navigating
to the actual module to view the surefire report. However doing that 
will disrupt the javadoc reporting - which is empty in that
case (See also my previous post: link to module sites - and aggregated 

I'm beginning to think that multi module reporting is not 'ready for 
primetime' yet.
Multi module (aggregated) reporting is one of my main reasons to revisit 

Thanks for feedback,

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Changes report - maven 2.0.4

2006-08-11 Thread Jan Vissers

Cannot use this report, cause it cannot be located.
Tried several things here:

according to documentation:


And according to some 'rumours' about relocation of the plugin:


Come on guys ... this is getting pretty awkward!

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Re: Maven 2.0.4 - multi module reporting

2006-08-11 Thread Jan Vissers

Well... this has been a journey, which appears to have become a deception.
My conclusions after a day trying to figure the reporting (surefire, 
checkstyle, jdepend, javancss,

cobertua, pmd, jxr, changes, changelog) are:

  * multi-module reporting 'out-of-the-box' isn't behaving properly,
the module links don't show up, so there is no easy way to
navigate to these locations - where in fact several reports have
been generated.

  * trying to overcome this issue by setting a staging area for the site,
only results in several aggregation reports (javadoc/jxr) not being
populated correctly.

  * report aggregation for multi-module projects is a pain in the ...
various reports use different ways, to (try) to set aggregation
only a few actually manage to succeed. In my opinion report
aggregation for multi-module projects should work straight away.
Looks like PMD reporting has got the basic idea, in that it 

for modules for aggregation are automatically performed - but
maven's behavior gets in the way.

I'll be continuing my tests for maven 2.0.4, next time for basic building
specifics like; install, package, deploy, release.

If anybody has some more information about the multi module reporting status
and how (soon) things will get better - I would definitely like to know!


Jan Vissers wrote:
I'm evaluating maven 2.0.4 and am wondering what the current 'state' 
is for multi module reporting. I've read that there are various issues 
with it. What I like to know is:

* does multi module reporting (aggregation) work for:
- surefire
- checkstyle
- jdepend
- javancss
- cobertura
- pmd
- jxr
* what are potential issues that I might have when performing reports 
on multi module projects?


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Re: link to module sites - and aggregated javadoc

2006-08-11 Thread Jan Vissers
Hi - without the site:stage, but with the aggregate configuration 
element in javadoc set to true, site will generate the javadoc at the 
top level for me.

Sam Merrell wrote:

I get the same issue without aggregating my javadocs.

On 8/11/06, Jan Vissers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maven 2.0.4.

Trying to create a site for multi module project where the module links
are actually shown. Using the following command:

   site:stage -DstagingDirectory=

the module links are shown, but the aggregated javadoc page on the
toplevel is empty.
Here is the reports section of my toplevel pom:


The actual javadoc is generated within the original toplevel
Looks like the javadoc is not copied to the site staging area.

Is this a known issue?

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multi module site generation - module links not showing in index.html

2006-08-11 Thread Jan Vissers

Wondering whether this is default behavior.
When I generate the site for a multi module project
the contained modules are displayed at the upper-left
of the index.html page - but it is 'plain' text and no hyperlink.

How come?

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Maven 2.0.4 - multi module reporting

2006-08-10 Thread Jan Vissers
I'm evaluating maven 2.0.4 and am wondering what the current 'state' is 
for multi module reporting. I've read that there are various issues with 
it. What I like to know is:

* does multi module reporting (aggregation) work for:
- surefire
- checkstyle
- jdepend
- javancss
- cobertura
- pmd
- jxr

* what are potential issues that I might have when performing reports on 
multi module projects?


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Re: Maven, Eclipse, SVN, J2EE and directory layout

2006-08-10 Thread Jan Vissers
I'm currently investigating the same thing, with as my point 
of reference. I just today created the desired structure - which indeed 
requires one 'complete' checkout in a client tool like TortoiseSVN, as 
suggested in the guide. From eclipse I use the flat layout.

I've just started with the journey and am especially interested in how 
the reporting (aggregation) is going to behave.


jan_bar wrote:


I have spent quite a time looking for good J2EE directory layout that will
work with maven, Eclipse and SVN (CVS). It's not clear to me how you solve
this problem. So far here are two options and their troubles:

1. Flat layout (parent POM folder is located next to EJB, WAR, ... folders).
This plays nice with Eclipse/SVN, but has troubles: maven1 cannot handle
this structure, maven2 plugins has issues with this structure (release
plugin), this is not standard layout

2. Almost flat layout (parent POM is one folder up from the EJB, WAR, ...
folders). This is maven2 recommended layout, but it doesn't fit into
Eclipse/SVN. Developers are required to use SVN/CVS clients to check out the
whole layout to some folder and then each EJB, WAR are linked into
workspace. You cannot use Eclipse CVS/SVN plugin to checkout the parent POM
without fiddling with files - moving checkouted files out of workspace
(possible space for errors).

3. ?

I don't like any of the two solutions, solution 2 will require to use
another CVS/SVN client (all developers must learn it) or to follow some

Thanks for any idea, Jan

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Re: Offline documentation

2006-08-07 Thread Jan Vissers
Probably not the best way to do it, but I used 'Scrapbook' plugin for 
Firefox to get all the things I needed.

Paul Michael Reilly wrote:

As near as I can tell, all Maven2 reference documentation is on-line
accessible.  I find myself on vacation now with rare and low quality
on-line access.  Is there some way I can easily download documentation
for the Maven2 core and plugins?  I am about to go get the Mergere
book (pdf) but I was wondering if there is some other options?



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Multiple Module Project + Eclipse + subversion

2006-08-04 Thread Jan Vissers

(Using Maven 2.0.4)

I'm trying to figure out how to use a (Maven) multi module project in
Eclipse where Subversion is the SCM. Following the Guide to using Eclipse
with Maven 2.x somehow doesn't do it for me.

Things I don't understand:

+ why should I remove .project, .classpath ?

+ given the fact that I have indeed thrown about .project, .classpath
from the modules and have checked this in into subversion, how comes
that when I start a completely new workspace and import the modules
I end up with resources not being 'connected' anymore to subversion?

+ I've read somewhere that flattening the project layout, doesn't work due
to issues with the Maven release plugin. From JIRA it seems this is still
the case. Anyone now whether there are any workarounds for this and if
their are other issues in flattening the layout?


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Multiple Module Project + Eclipse + subversion

2006-08-04 Thread Jan Vissers
I'm ready to give up on this ... after numerous tries.
It seems to me the documentation as stated in the guide is wrong. The
-import existing projects- 'breaks' the connection the sources initially
have with subversion.

So as it says in the guide:

The result is equals to checking out the whole project from the command
line, running mvn eclipse:eclipse and finally importing the projects into
your eclipse workspace. In both cases you will be able to synchronize your
changes using eclipse.

Simply is not true!
Can somebody confirm this,


 (Using Maven 2.0.4)

 I'm trying to figure out how to use a (Maven) multi module project in
 Eclipse where Subversion is the SCM. Following the Guide to using Eclipse
 with Maven 2.x somehow doesn't do it for me.

 Things I don't understand:

 + why should I remove .project, .classpath ?

 + given the fact that I have indeed thrown about .project, .classpath
 from the modules and have checked this in into subversion, how comes
 that when I start a completely new workspace and import the modules
 I end up with resources not being 'connected' anymore to subversion?

 + I've read somewhere that flattening the project layout, doesn't work due
 to issues with the Maven release plugin. From JIRA it seems this is
 the case. Anyone now whether there are any workarounds for this and if
 their are other issues in flattening the layout?


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Re: Multiple Module Project + Eclipse + subversion

2006-08-04 Thread Jan Vissers
I stand corrected.

The thing I missed was to 're-establish' the connection with subversion.

 I'm ready to give up on this ... after numerous tries.
 It seems to me the documentation as stated in the guide is wrong. The
 -import existing projects- 'breaks' the connection the sources initially
 have with subversion.

 So as it says in the guide:

 The result is equals to checking out the whole project from the command
 line, running mvn eclipse:eclipse and finally importing the projects into
 your eclipse workspace. In both cases you will be able to synchronize your
 changes using eclipse.

 Simply is not true!
 Can somebody confirm this,


 (Using Maven 2.0.4)

 I'm trying to figure out how to use a (Maven) multi module project in
 Eclipse where Subversion is the SCM. Following the Guide to using
 with Maven 2.x somehow doesn't do it for me.

 Things I don't understand:

 + why should I remove .project, .classpath ?

 + given the fact that I have indeed thrown about .project, .classpath
 from the modules and have checked this in into subversion, how comes
 that when I start a completely new workspace and import the modules
 I end up with resources not being 'connected' anymore to subversion?

 + I've read somewhere that flattening the project layout, doesn't work
 to issues with the Maven release plugin. From JIRA it seems this is
 the case. Anyone now whether there are any workarounds for this and
 their are other issues in flattening the layout?


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