configuring one plugin from another

2008-08-13 Thread Kallin Nagelberg

I'm trying to run the maven-clover-plugin to generate a code coverage
report. It instruments my sources, and copies them to target/clover/src and
target/clover/generated-sources.  A problem arises when the plugin invokes
the compiler:compile plugin. Output looks like:

[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[DEBUG] Using compiler 'javac'.
[DEBUG] Source directories: [d:\myartifact\target\clover\src

I end up with lots of duplicate class errors because it tries to compile the
instrumented sources along with the non-instrumented source. I wonder is
there a way to control the compiler plugin to exclude /src/main/java ? I am
executing this plugin from the command line like 'mvn clover:instrument'.


Re: configuring one plugin from another

2008-08-13 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I tried using a profile to alter the compile plugin's config just for
certain executions like:



I can see the exclude is being sent through properly, but still compile
plugin includes it :S

[DEBUG] Configuring mojo
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile' --
[DEBUG]   (f) basedir = D:\myartifact
[DEBUG]   (f) buildDirectory = D:\myartifact\target\clover
[DEBUG]   (f) classpathElements = ...
[DEBUG]   (f) compileSourceRoots = [D:\myartifact\target\clover\src,
[DEBUG]   (f) compilerId = javac
[DEBUG]   (f) debug = true
[DEBUG]   (f) excludes = [D:\myartifact\src/main/java]
[DEBUG]   (f) failOnError = true
[DEBUG]   (f) fork = false
[DEBUG]   (f) maxmem = 512
[DEBUG]   (f) optimize = false
[DEBUG]   (f) outputDirectory = D:\myartifact\target\clover\classes
[DEBUG]   (f) outputFileName = ...
[DEBUG]   (f) projectArtifact = ...
[DEBUG]   (f) showDeprecation = true
[DEBUG]   (f) showWarnings = true
[DEBUG]   (f) source = 1.5
[DEBUG]   (f) staleMillis = 0
[DEBUG]   (f) target = 1.5
[DEBUG]   (f) verbose = false
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[DEBUG] Using compiler 'javac'.
[DEBUG] Source directories: [D:\myartifact\target\clover\src

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Kallin Nagelberg 


 I'm trying to run the maven-clover-plugin to generate a code coverage
 report. It instruments my sources, and copies them to target/clover/src and
 target/clover/generated-sources.  A problem arises when the plugin invokes
 the compiler:compile plugin. Output looks like:

 [INFO] [compiler:compile]
 [DEBUG] Using compiler 'javac'.
 [DEBUG] Source directories: [d:\myartifact\target\clover\src

 I end up with lots of duplicate class errors because it tries to compile
 the instrumented sources along with the non-instrumented source. I wonder is
 there a way to control the compiler plugin to exclude /src/main/java ? I am
 executing this plugin from the command line like 'mvn clover:instrument'.


gmaven plugin vs. script classloading

2008-07-23 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I wrote a groovy plugin a while back, and am now trying to convert it to a
simple script as it is only used by one artifact and it makes more sense to
keep it with the artifact in question rather than as a separate artifact.

The artifact that uses the script, artifact A, depends on some classes in
artifact B.

I have B setup as a dependency of A, and indeed the script can find classes
from B and use them.

However, when something from B invokes a third party library that tries to
load a class from B I get a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: .
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

This is really strange because it doesn't happen when the script is instead
a groovy plugin. There is no change other than that where I used to invoke a
custom plugin, I invoke a groovy script.
50 points for whoever can figure this one out!

Re: gmaven plugin vs. script classloading

2008-07-23 Thread Kallin Nagelberg


Quite peculiar !

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Kallin Nagelberg 

 I wrote a groovy plugin a while back, and am now trying to convert it to a
 simple script as it is only used by one artifact and it makes more sense to
 keep it with the artifact in question rather than as a separate artifact.

 The artifact that uses the script, artifact A, depends on some classes in
 artifact B.

 I have B setup as a dependency of A, and indeed the script can find classes
 from B and use them.

 However, when something from B invokes a third party library that tries to
 load a class from B I get a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: .
 at Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

 This is really strange because it doesn't happen when the script is instead
 a groovy plugin. There is no change other than that where I used to invoke a
 custom plugin, I invoke a groovy script.
 50 points for whoever can figure this one out!

release:prepare performs source generation

2008-07-21 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I've noticed that when i execute release:prepare on one my projects that
generates sources it performs the generation. I don't see why it would do
this, as it does it again during release:perform.
The plugin config in that artifact's POM looks like the following. Is there
a way to prevent release:prepare from executing it?



Re: prevent javadoc during release

2008-07-15 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
OK thanks. I imagine to make this automatic I could put a release
configuration in the relevant POM.

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:41 AM, Magne Nordtveit [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 16:38 -0400, Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
  Is there a way to prevent javadoc from occuring during release? I would
  like to prevent production of source JAR. Any ideas?

 When releasing, try setting the useReleaseProfile property to false,
 mvn release:perform -DuseReleaseProfile=false

 This will disable the attachment of javadoc and sources.

 Magne Nordtveit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Systems Engineer
 Offshore Simulator Centre AS

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java.lang.InternalError: Stubbed method

2008-07-15 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
One my artifacts is using the gmaven plugin for both main and test sources.
It was all working fine until recently the test phase began throwing the
exception java.lang.InternalError: Stubbed method

I have no idea what changed. It seems to be using the compiled stubs instead
of the real groovy classes. Any ideas? I'm stumped!

Re: java.lang.InternalError: Stubbed method

2008-07-15 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Thanks Gert, but I just figured out the problem.
I had the directory config as something like
'${project.basedir}/src/test/java'. Just using 'src/test/java' fixed it!

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:53 PM, wohlgemuth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 did you execute a mvn clean to remove existing stubs?

 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Kallin Nagelberg
  One my artifacts is using the gmaven plugin for both main and test
  It was all working fine until recently the test phase began throwing the
  exception java.lang.InternalError: Stubbed method
  I have no idea what changed. It seems to be using the compiled stubs
  of the real groovy classes. Any ideas? I'm stumped!

 gert wohlgemuth



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release plugin duplication

2008-07-14 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
One of my artifacts takes a long time to generate sources (around 5

I've noticed that when I use the release plugin to release this artifact it
performs that generation at least 3 times.

I am using the maven-source-plugin across all my projects. Maybe i'll
disable that..

Any other ideas?

release plugin duplication

2008-07-14 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
One of my artifacts takes a long time to generate sources (around 5

I've noticed that when I use the release plugin to release this artifact it
performs that generation at least 3 times.

I am using the maven-source-plugin across all my projects. Maybe i'll
disable that..

Any other ideas?

prevent javadoc during release

2008-07-14 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Is there a way to prevent javadoc from occuring during release? I would also
like to prevent production of source JAR. Any ideas?

Re: release plugin duplication

2008-07-14 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Yes I appear to be plagued with duplication.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Michael McCallum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 07:05:52 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 thats hilarious did anyone else get three copies of that email ;-)

 Michael McCallum
 Enterprise Engineer

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Accessing artifact Final name in assembly plugin.

2008-07-10 Thread Kallin Nagelberg

I'm using a dependency set in an assembly of mine using the following



I would like the artifacts to have the output name of whatever their
'finalName' was when they were built.
I understand the default outputFileName mapping is governed by the
Looking at the Artifact API, I don't see a way to access the POM of that
artifact, or the finalName directly.

I guess what I can do is create a new dependency set for each one and
declare the output name thrice, but that doesn't seem so clean.

Any ideas?

Re: assembly plugin includes duplicates

2008-07-09 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I noticed that archive file resolution is mentioned here:

It says that in case file/filesets have conflicting sources only one will be
copied. It seems this isn't true for dependencies though. Is there a way to
make the same rules apply to dependencies?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 5:58 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have an assembly descriptor that looks like the following code.
 There are duplicate libraries in 'target/dependencies' and

 This results in duplicate JARs being zipped up at .
 Is there a way to prevent this?


gmaven classloading issues

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm encountering some really strange classloading issues with the gmaven

I am executing it to generate some sources for a project of mine, and the
script I wrote calls some classes in a dependency.
I get all sorts of exceptions saying classnotfound. I debugged it, and found
that the parent classloader had my dependencies, but not the current one.
Does anyone know a way to fix this?

release plugin without SCM

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Is there a way to use the release plugin without invoking the SCM
activities? (I'm using SVN)

The release plugin doesn't seem to be compatible with my project's branching
strategy for a number of reasons:

1) It seems to always want to release from the trunk. Sometimes we need to
release from branches.
2.) Releasing a non-module nested component doesn't work. Say I have a
project in myproject/reports, and I just want to release reports. I'm
getting the error 'myproject/tags/reports-1.0' doesn't exist.

I would be happy just using the deploy goal directly, but I can't because I
need to change the version of the project throughout multiple POMs.

Any ideas?

Re: release plugin without SCM

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Maybe I should clarify:

My project structure is like this:


so the SVN path is something like http://svnserver/myproject/trunk.

I happen to be working on a branch now, so i checked out from

How would I go about releasing nonmodule1 off my branch?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Kallin Nagelberg 

 Is there a way to use the release plugin without invoking the SCM
 activities? (I'm using SVN)

 The release plugin doesn't seem to be compatible with my project's
 branching strategy for a number of reasons:

 1) It seems to always want to release from the trunk. Sometimes we need to
 release from branches.
 2.) Releasing a non-module nested component doesn't work. Say I have a
 project in myproject/reports, and I just want to release reports. I'm
 getting the error 'myproject/tags/reports-1.0' doesn't exist.

 I would be happy just using the deploy goal directly, but I can't because I
 need to change the version of the project throughout multiple POMs.

 Any ideas?

a simple zip assembly

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg

I'm trying to build a simple distribution with the following layout:


There are some scripts in the bin folder that build a classpath using the
lib folder. It should be distributed as a ZIP.

One caveat: Initially it is built as a template. That is, there is a core
artifact with all the basic libs/scripts required. Sub projects may wish to
add additional libraries/scripts.

I've got some of this working using the assembly plugin, but I'm not sure
that's the right approach.

Does anyone have suggestions as how this could be done smoothly? I noticed
for WARs it is easy to do this sort of templating due to the support of

multiple WAR overlays

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I have an artifact which uses 2 wars as an overlay.

I wonder if there's a way to choose which web.xml to use, or in general,
which one should take priority in the case of conflicts.

Re: multiple WAR overlays

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
It seems like this should do the trick:

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have an artifact which uses 2 wars as an overlay.

 I wonder if there's a way to choose which web.xml to use, or in general,
 which one should take priority in the case of conflicts.

Re: a simple zip assembly

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
One problem I'm having is obtaining the initial template ZIP.

I managed to deploy the template artifact, which is of type JAR. I don't
care about the JAR, but it also deploys my ZIP. Apparently 'zip' isn't a
valid package type.

Now I want to unpack that to use in another project. I want to use it as an
overlay the same way WARs work, but that doesn't seem like an option here so
I'm using the dependency plugin. It only grabs the JAR from the template
though, not the assembled ZIP.

Any ideas?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I'm trying to build a simple distribution with the following layout:


 There are some scripts in the bin folder that build a classpath using the
 lib folder. It should be distributed as a ZIP.

 One caveat: Initially it is built as a template. That is, there is a core
 artifact with all the basic libs/scripts required. Sub projects may wish to
 add additional libraries/scripts.

 I've got some of this working using the assembly plugin, but I'm not sure
 that's the right approach.

 Does anyone have suggestions as how this could be done smoothly? I noticed
 for WARs it is easy to do this sort of templating due to the support of

assembly plugin includes duplicates

2008-07-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I have an assembly descriptor that looks like the following code.
There are duplicate libraries in 'target/dependencies' and

This results in duplicate JARs being zipped up at .
Is there a way to prevent this?


ignore missing web.xml war plugin

2008-07-07 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm trying to build a template WAR (overlay I guess) to be used in other
projects. Every other project will supply it's own web.xml, so I don't need
one in the template. Is there a way to configure the war plugin so that id
doesn't error out on a missing web.xml?

Re: maintaining versions across multi-module project

2008-07-07 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
So I guess the bottom line is 'use the release plugin'. If that's the only
effective way to accomplish it I wonder why there is anything associated
with the deploy phase by default.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 4:09 AM, Stephen Connolly 

 FYI, You are not allowed to use ${blah} in the project/parent/version
 or project/version tags.

 There are bugs in Maven that mean it won't blow up in obvious ways if
 you do use ${blah} in those two tags... but it will blow up when you
 least expect it

 You can use ${blah} in


 On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Kallin Nagelberg
  So what do you use for the version label in the root pom and the 'parent'
  tags of all the modules?
  For inter-module dependencies ${project.version} seems to work..
  On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:52 AM, Martin Höller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Monday 30 June 2008 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
   Can anyone tell me what is the best/simplest way to maintain a version
   number across all the poms in a multi-module project?
   They are all to be deployed with the same version every time.
  Use the maven-release-plugin to release your project. The plugin will
  care to replace alle version occurences in any pom.xml file.
  - martin

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Re: maintaining versions across multi-module project

2008-07-02 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
So what do you use for the version label in the root pom and the 'parent'
tags of all the modules?
For inter-module dependencies ${project.version} seems to work..

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:52 AM, Martin Höller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 30 June 2008 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
  Can anyone tell me what is the best/simplest way to maintain a version
  number across all the poms in a multi-module project?
  They are all to be deployed with the same version every time.

 Use the maven-release-plugin to release your project. The plugin will take
 care to replace alle version occurences in any pom.xml file.

 - martin

configuring a plugin while preventing its execution

2008-07-02 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm trying to create a multi-module project that uses the same plugin for
source generation.
To make it as simple as possible I have a parent POM that contains the
configuration of the plugin in a



My problem is that the plugin is being executed when the parent is built,
even though it is of type 'pom', and i only want to use it to aggregate the
modules and define some standard config. Is there a way to configure a
plugin and prevent it's execution?

obtaining modules as dependencies

2008-07-02 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I have a multi module project with superpom of type 'pom'.
I was wondering how I can obtain all the modules as dependencies in another
project. I thought I could just declare a dependency on the superpom, but
that doesn't work.

Re: configuring a plugin while preventing its execution

2008-07-02 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
great, thanks for the help

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Dennis Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can put your plugin configuration in a pluginManagement [1] element
 inside the build element

 This only configures the plugins, but don't execute them.


 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:

 I'm trying to create a multi-module project that uses the same plugin for
 source generation.
 To make it as simple as possible I have a parent POM that contains the
 configuration of the plugin in a



 My problem is that the plugin is being executed when the parent is built,
 even though it is of type 'pom', and i only want to use it to aggregate
 modules and define some standard config. Is there a way to configure a
 plugin and prevent it's execution?

 Dennis Lundberg

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Re: configuring a plugin while preventing its execution

2008-07-02 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I've noticed that using the pluginmanagment the plugin is not associated to
lifecycle events by default in the children. Is there a way to make this
happen so that I don't have to declare the plugin in every child?

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 great, thanks for the help

 On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Dennis Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You can put your plugin configuration in a pluginManagement [1] element
 inside the build element

 This only configures the plugins, but don't execute them.


 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:

 I'm trying to create a multi-module project that uses the same plugin for
 source generation.
 To make it as simple as possible I have a parent POM that contains the
 configuration of the plugin in a



 My problem is that the plugin is being executed when the parent is built,
 even though it is of type 'pom', and i only want to use it to aggregate
 modules and define some standard config. Is there a way to configure a
 plugin and prevent it's execution?

 Dennis Lundberg

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maintaining versions across multi-module project

2008-06-30 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Can anyone tell me what is the best/simplest way to maintain a version
number across all the poms in a multi-module project?

They are all to be deployed with the same version every time.

Ideally, the version could be declared in one place (the superpom), and all
children would know to use it.

I've tried doing something like this in the root POM:

and then


in the ROOT POM as well.

Then I have my modules below set their parent to be:

This sort of works, but not great.

What's the best way to do something like this?

deploy uploading with SCP freezes

2008-04-28 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm finding it impossible to upload files to a remote repository using the
deploy plugin.
I've setup a tunnel to the server and have all authentication setup
properly. I can ssh/scp through the tunnel with no problems, and the maven
deploy plugin will go so far as to create the directories required for
deployment of the new artifact.
However, when it gets to the point where it needs to upload a file, it just
freezes forever, with no error message. Has anyone encountered something
like the following before?

$ mvn deploy
[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[INFO] Building Something
[INFO]task-segment: [deploy]

[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] [resources:testResources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] [surefire:test]
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] [jar:jar]
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing blahblahblah.jar
[INFO] [deploy:deploy]
altDeploymentRepository = null
[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from dev
[INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot group:artifact:1.0-SNAPSHOT' could
not be found on reposi
tory: somerepo, so will be created
Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/blahblahblah.jar

Re: deploy uploading with SCP freezes

2008-04-28 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Originally I was trying this on cygwin, with scp and ssh. I switched to a
windows command prompt, with plink and pscp, and it works! Magic!

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Kallin Nagelberg 

 I'm finding it impossible to upload files to a remote repository using the
 deploy plugin.
 I've setup a tunnel to the server and have all authentication setup
 properly. I can ssh/scp through the tunnel with no problems, and the maven
 deploy plugin will go so far as to create the directories required for
 deployment of the new artifact.
 However, when it gets to the point where it needs to upload a file, it
 just freezes forever, with no error message. Has anyone encountered
 something like the following before?

 $ mvn deploy
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Building Something
 [INFO]task-segment: [deploy]
 [INFO] [resources:resources]
 [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
 [INFO] [compiler:compile]
 [INFO] No sources to compile
 [INFO] [resources:testResources]
 [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
 [INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
 [INFO] No sources to compile
 [INFO] [surefire:test]
 [INFO] No tests to run.
 [INFO] [jar:jar]
 [INFO] [install:install]
 [INFO] Installing blahblahblah.jar
 [INFO] [deploy:deploy]
 altDeploymentRepository = null
 [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from dev
 [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot group:artifact:1.0-SNAPSHOT'
 could not be found on reposi
 tory: somerepo, so will be created
 Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/blahblahblah.jar

Re: deploy uploading with SCP freezes

2008-04-28 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
This is quite bizarre. I can deploy fine from the command shell now, but in
Cygwin it continues to freeze while uploading. Has anyone experienced these
problems with cygwin? It's a little troublesome, as much of my build scripts
are bash scripts, and so I sort of need cygwin to use them.

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Kallin Nagelberg 

 Originally I was trying this on cygwin, with scp and ssh. I switched to a
 windows command prompt, with plink and pscp, and it works! Magic!

 On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Kallin Nagelberg 

  I'm finding it impossible to upload files to a remote repository using
  the deploy plugin.
  I've setup a tunnel to the server and have all authentication setup
  properly. I can ssh/scp through the tunnel with no problems, and the maven
  deploy plugin will go so far as to create the directories required for
  deployment of the new artifact.
  However, when it gets to the point where it needs to upload a file, it
  just freezes forever, with no error message. Has anyone encountered
  something like the following before?
  $ mvn deploy
  [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  [INFO] Building Something
  [INFO]task-segment: [deploy]
  [INFO] [resources:resources]
  [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
  [INFO] [compiler:compile]
  [INFO] No sources to compile
  [INFO] [resources:testResources]
  [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
  [INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
  [INFO] No sources to compile
  [INFO] [surefire:test]
  [INFO] No tests to run.
  [INFO] [jar:jar]
  [INFO] [install:install]
  [INFO] Installing blahblahblah.jar
  [INFO] [deploy:deploy]
  altDeploymentRepository = null
  [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from dev
  [INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot group:artifact:1.0-SNAPSHOT'
  could not be found on reposi
  tory: somerepo, so will be created
  Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/blahblahblah.jar

Re: 答复: deployment through tunnel

2008-03-17 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
It doesn't seem to have any problem executing scp. There seems to be a
problem with deploy plugin, as it's generating permission problem even
though I have no problem connecting with scp and ssh manually.

2008/3/16 Cody Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Copy scpexe to windows path??

 发件人: Kallin Nagelberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 发送时间: 2008年3月17日 3:47
 收件人: Maven Users List
 主题: Re: deployment through tunnel

 I should also note that I can successfully SSH with
 ssh -p 9000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So I can ssh and scp manually just fine.

 On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Kallin Nagelberg 

  I've been struggling forever trying to use the deploy plugin through a
  tunnel into my office.
  There is a repository, call it
  I have a tunnel, from localhost:9000 to
  Using the following command I can SCP files to it at will:
  scp -P9000 somefile.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:.
  The distribution management section of my pom looks like this:
  And my settings file has the following:
privateKeymyPuttyKey/privateKey  !-- I SHOULDNT NEED THIS AS
  All I get when I run mvn deploy is
  Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/home/cm/maven/dev/..etcetc
  [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Error executing command for transfer
  Exit code 255 - Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
  I should note that when I run SCP directly, I am prompted for a
  When I run mvn deploy, I receive no prompt, just the error message.
  Is there way to prevent mvn from trying to use a key file? I'm so stuck,
  I've tried everything. Please help!

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Re: deployment through tunnel

2008-03-17 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Cool Thanks, I'll try that.
I don't know how to use ssh-add yet, but I'm sure i can find something

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 7:33 AM, Jan Torben Heuer 

  Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/home/cm/maven/dev/..etcetc
  [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Error executing command for transfer
  Exit code 255 - Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

 You need a publickey without password (or you have to unlock it before

 PW prompt is unsupported


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deployment through tunnel

2008-03-16 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I've been struggling forever trying to use the deploy plugin through a
tunnel into my office.

There is a repository, call it

I have a tunnel, from localhost:9000 to

Using the following command I can SCP files to it at will:
scp -P9000 somefile.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:.

The distribution management section of my pom looks like this:

And my settings file has the following:
  privateKeymyPuttyKey/privateKey  !-- I SHOULDNT NEED THIS AS ITS

All I get when I run mvn deploy is

Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/home/cm/maven/dev/..etcetc


[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Error executing command for transfer

Exit code 255 - Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

I should note that when I run SCP directly, I am prompted for a password.
When I run mvn deploy, I receive no prompt, just the error message.
Is there way to prevent mvn from trying to use a key file? I'm so stuck,
I've tried everything. Please help!

Re: deployment through tunnel

2008-03-16 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I should also note that I can successfully SSH with
ssh -p 9000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So I can ssh and scp manually just fine.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Kallin Nagelberg 

 I've been struggling forever trying to use the deploy plugin through a
 tunnel into my office.

 There is a repository, call it

 I have a tunnel, from localhost:9000 to

 Using the following command I can SCP files to it at will:
 scp -P9000 somefile.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:.

 The distribution management section of my pom looks like this:

 And my settings file has the following:
   privateKeymyPuttyKey/privateKey  !-- I SHOULDNT NEED THIS AS

 All I get when I run mvn deploy is

 Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/home/cm/maven/dev/..etcetc
 [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Error executing command for transfer

 Exit code 255 - Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

 I should note that when I run SCP directly, I am prompted for a password.
 When I run mvn deploy, I receive no prompt, just the error message.
 Is there way to prevent mvn from trying to use a key file? I'm so stuck,
 I've tried everything. Please help!

Re: deployment through tunnel

2008-03-16 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Sorry just a typo there, it's 9000 everywhere.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Wayne Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just looking at it, and not knowing anything about it at all, I notice
 you have port 9000 most places, but then Maven errors out with port
 9006. So that might be your problem (?).


 On 3/16/08, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I should also note that I can successfully SSH with
  ssh -p 9000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  So I can ssh and scp manually just fine.
  On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Kallin Nagelberg 
   I've been struggling forever trying to use the deploy plugin through a
   tunnel into my office.
   There is a repository, call it
   I have a tunnel, from localhost:9000 to
   Using the following command I can SCP files to it at will:
   scp -P9000 somefile.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:.
   The distribution management section of my pom looks like this:
   And my settings file has the following:
 privateKeymyPuttyKey/privateKey  !-- I SHOULDNT NEED THIS
   All I get when I run mvn deploy is
   Uploading: scpexe://localhost:9006/home/cm/maven/dev/..etcetc
   [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Error executing command for transfer
   Exit code 255 - Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
   I should note that when I run SCP directly, I am prompted for a
   When I run mvn deploy, I receive no prompt, just the error message.
   Is there way to prevent mvn from trying to use a key file? I'm so
   I've tried everything. Please help!

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details missing in stack trace

2008-03-01 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm using the maven ant task in groovy to try and create a dependency

Something like:

mvn.dependencies(filesetId: 'myfileset') {
 myArtifacts.each {
  dependency(groupId: it.groupId, artifactId: it.artifactId,
version: it.version)

It works when all the artifacts are valid, but dies with a pretty unhelpful
stacktrace when it doesn't. I see something like :



[INFO] java.lang.ClassCastException:

[INFO] Trace
: java.lang.ClassCastException:
at groovy.util.AntBuilder.nodeCompleted(
at groovy.util.BuilderSupport.doInvokeMethod(
at groovy.util.BuilderSupport.invokeMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper.invokePogoMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper.invokeMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.invokeMethodN(
at com.novator.mojo.ArtifactResourcesProcessor.unpackArtifacts(
at com.novator.mojo.ArtifactResourcesProcessor.this$2$unpackArtifacts(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MetaClassHelper.doMethodInvoke(
at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(

but there is no indication of what exactly is wrong. Does anyone know of a
way to get more useful information from these tasks when an error occurs?

Re: including content into apt files

2008-02-04 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Ok, so I added a dependency to site plugin 2.0-beta-6 and now i can use the
file parameter like you suggested.

However, the generated html is not including the file like I expect. Instead
it is doing the following:


given the apt:


On Feb 4, 2008 8:55 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which doxia version are you using? The file parameter was added in
 doxia-1.0-alpha-9 (ie site-plugin 2.0-beta-6).


 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
  Thanks Lukas,
  You know I tried that, but I keep getting the error that 'url' is a
  parameters :S
  On Feb 4, 2008 5:32 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use the file parameter instead of url, eg:
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I've been tasked with creating some .apt documentation for a new maven
 project. Ideally, I'd like to have a lot of the site documentation come
 files in my src/main/resources directory.
 I've read about using the snippet macro, but I can't get it to access
 artifacts resources.
 I've tried something like this but it doesn't work:
 Any ideas would be appreciated!
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Re: including content into apt files

2008-02-04 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I found out that configuring the dependency wasn't enough. I had to
explicitly indicate to use the latest site plugin in a plugin tag.

That being said, there are still some issues:

1. Nothing is actually included. There is just an empty div. when I use:
There definitely is a file at src/main/resources/help/basichelp.txt with
some content.

2. If I don't put that snippet on the first line of the file then it is
treated as text and not interpreted.

On Feb 4, 2008 9:49 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please attach a small test project to jira
 (, it works for me. Just to be
 sure: the macro line is not indented in your apt source, right? (that
 would explain why the line is interpreted as an anchor).


 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
  Ok, so I added a dependency to site plugin 2.0-beta-6 and now i can use
  file parameter like you suggested.
  However, the generated html is not including the file like I expect.
  it is doing the following:
  given the apt:
  On Feb 4, 2008 8:55 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Which doxia version are you using? The file parameter was added in
 doxia-1.0-alpha-9 (ie site-plugin 2.0-beta-6).
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Thanks Lukas,
 You know I tried that, but I keep getting the error that 'url' is a
 parameters :S
 On Feb 4, 2008 5:32 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use the file parameter instead of url, eg:
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I've been tasked with creating some .apt documentation for a new
 project. Ideally, I'd like to have a lot of the site documentation
 files in my src/main/resources directory.
 I've read about using the snippet macro, but I can't get it to access
 artifacts resources.
 I've tried something like this but it doesn't work:

 Any ideas would be appreciated!
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Re: including content into apt files

2008-02-04 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Thanks Lukas,

You know I tried that, but I keep getting the error that 'url' is a required
parameters :S

On Feb 4, 2008 5:32 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Use the file parameter instead of url, eg:



 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
  Hi Everyone,
  I've been tasked with creating some .apt documentation for a new maven
  project. Ideally, I'd like to have a lot of the site documentation come
  files in my src/main/resources directory.
  I've read about using the snippet macro, but I can't get it to access
  artifacts resources.
  I've tried something like this but it doesn't work:
  Any ideas would be appreciated!

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Re: including content into apt files

2008-02-04 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Ok thanks for all the help.

So, currently, it's impossible to have multiple includes throughout an apt

On Feb 4, 2008 10:27 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
  I found out that configuring the dependency wasn't enough. I had to
  explicitly indicate to use the latest site plugin in a plugin tag.
  That being said, there are still some issues:
  1. Nothing is actually included. There is just an empty div. when I use:
  There definitely is a file at src/main/resources/help/basichelp.txt with
  some content.

 And this file contains START SNIPPET: myid and END SNIPPET: myid as
 demarcators of the snippet you want to include? See

  2. If I don't put that snippet on the first line of the file then it is
  treated as text and not interpreted.

 IMO that's the expected behavior (even though I don't see where it's
 documented right now), as otherwise it would not be possible to
 distinguish macros from anchors in apt files.


  On Feb 4, 2008 9:49 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please attach a small test project to jira
 (, it works for me. Just to be
 sure: the macro line is not indented in your apt source, right? (that
 would explain why the line is interpreted as an anchor).
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Ok, so I added a dependency to site plugin 2.0-beta-6 and now i can use
 file parameter like you suggested.
 However, the generated html is not including the file like I expect.
 it is doing the following:

 given the apt:
 On Feb 4, 2008 8:55 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Which doxia version are you using? The file parameter was added in
 doxia-1.0-alpha-9 (ie site-plugin 2.0-beta-6).
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Thanks Lukas,
 You know I tried that, but I keep getting the error that 'url' is a
 parameters :S
 On Feb 4, 2008 5:32 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use the file parameter instead of url, eg:
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I've been tasked with creating some .apt documentation for a new
 project. Ideally, I'd like to have a lot of the site documentation
 files in my src/main/resources directory.
 I've read about using the snippet macro, but I can't get it to
 artifacts resources.
 I've tried something like this but it doesn't work:

 Any ideas would be appreciated!

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Re: including content into apt files

2008-02-04 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Oh, I thought when you said:

2. If I don't put that snippet on the first line of the file then it is
treated as text and not interpreted.

IMO that's the expected behavior (even though I don't see where it's
documented right now), as otherwise it would not be possible to
distinguish macros from anchors in apt files.

you meant that the snippet would only work on the first line.

On Feb 4, 2008 10:52 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can have as many as you want if you distinguish them with a unique
 id, see an example here:


 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
  Ok thanks for all the help.
  So, currently, it's impossible to have multiple includes throughout an
  On Feb 4, 2008 10:27 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 I found out that configuring the dependency wasn't enough. I had to
 explicitly indicate to use the latest site plugin in a plugin tag.
 That being said, there are still some issues:
 1. Nothing is actually included. There is just an empty div. when I
 There definitely is a file at src/main/resources/help/basichelp.txt
 some content.
 And this file contains START SNIPPET: myid and END SNIPPET: myid as
 demarcators of the snippet you want to include? See
 2. If I don't put that snippet on the first line of the file then it is
 treated as text and not interpreted.
 IMO that's the expected behavior (even though I don't see where it's
 documented right now), as otherwise it would not be possible to
 distinguish macros from anchors in apt files.
 On Feb 4, 2008 9:49 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please attach a small test project to jira
 (, it works for me. Just to be
 sure: the macro line is not indented in your apt source, right? (that
 would explain why the line is interpreted as an anchor).
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Ok, so I added a dependency to site plugin 2.0-beta-6 and now i can
 file parameter like you suggested.
 However, the generated html is not including the file like I expect.
 it is doing the following:

 given the apt:
 On Feb 4, 2008 8:55 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Which doxia version are you using? The file parameter was added in
 doxia-1.0-alpha-9 (ie site-plugin 2.0-beta-6).
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Thanks Lukas,
 You know I tried that, but I keep getting the error that 'url' is a
 parameters :S
 On Feb 4, 2008 5:32 AM, Lukas Theussl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use the file parameter instead of url, eg:
 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I've been tasked with creating some .apt documentation for a new
 project. Ideally, I'd like to have a lot of the site
 files in my src/main/resources directory.
 I've read about using the snippet macro, but I can't get it to
 artifacts resources.
 I've tried something like this but it doesn't work:

 Any ideas would be appreciated!

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including content into apt files

2008-02-03 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Hi Everyone,

I've been tasked with creating some .apt documentation for a new maven built
project. Ideally, I'd like to have a lot of the site documentation come from
files in my src/main/resources directory.

I've read about using the snippet macro, but I can't get it to access the
artifacts resources.

I've tried something like this but it doesn't work:

Any ideas would be appreciated!

Re: unable to add custom ant tasks to scripts

2008-01-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg

On Jan 5, 2008 6:44 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Im trying to use the groovy-maven-plugin to execute some groovy scripts
 that make use of the antbuilder. I need to be able to use the
 maven-ant-tasks within this script, which I've tried to do as follows:

 def mvn = NamespaceBuilder.newInstance(ant, 'antlib:


 I've been using this approach within some groovy plugins that I've written
 and it's had no problems picking up the ant tasks from the classpath.

 However, when utilizing the groovy-maven-plugin within a pom with the
 exact same dependencies as my plugins, I'm getting the following error:

 Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:
 Cause: The name is undefined.

 Running dependency:resolve against both poms results in the exact same
 dependencies. I am stumped about how to get this to work. Anyone have any


Re: Add source folder

2008-01-07 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I was using this plugin for a bit to add an additional source directory, but
intellij IDEA does not recognize the additional source. I ended up having to
create a new artifact for the second set of sources.

On Jan 7, 2008 7:50 AM, Tom Huybrechts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 7, 2008 1:48 PM, Jan Torben Heuer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  How can I add another sourcefolder? (/src/extended/java/)
  The setting should be recognized by maven-eclipse-plugin and the built
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Re: Add source folder

2008-01-07 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I would say, theoretically, it should. However, to accomplish it properly,
it would have to execute the given pom and analyze the results to see what
source folders are being looked at... Afer all, any plugin could be jumping
in and adding source folders, even without having them declared anywhere in
the pom.

There is also the problem where you have non-java sources. I am using groovy
in my project, and IDEA/eclipse does not recognize that as a source folder
via the pom.

I would suggest you do what I did, and split your multi-source artifact into
two seperate ones. If they are heavily dependant on each other, you may wish
to factor out the dependencies into a third module which could be depended
on by your two new artifacts.

Alternatively, you could just tell everyone on your team to go add the
appropriate source folders manually whenever they open a project.

On Jan 7, 2008 9:16 AM, Jan Torben Heuer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kallin Nagelberg wrote:

  I was using this plugin for a bit to add an additional source directory,
  but intellij IDEA does not recognize the additional source. I ended up
  having to create a new artifact for the second set of sources.

 eclipse (or the maven-eclipse-plugin) does not add the sourcefolder as
 Or should it?


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unable to add custom ant tasks to scripts

2008-01-05 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Im trying to use the groovy-maven-plugin to execute some groovy scripts that
make use of the antbuilder. I need to be able to use the maven-ant-tasks
within this script, which I've tried to do as follows:

def mvn = NamespaceBuilder.newInstance(ant, 'antlib:


I've been using this approach within some groovy plugins that I've written
and it's had no problems picking up the ant tasks from the classpath.

However, when utilizing the groovy-maven-plugin within a pom with the exact
same dependencies as my plugins, I'm getting the following error:

Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:
Cause: The name is undefined.

Running dependency:resolve against both poms results in the exact same
dependencies. I am stumped about how to get this to work. Anyone have any


Re: Plugins within plugins: best practices

2007-12-30 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
What about creating a mojo instance manually from within another plugin..
Has anyone tried this?

On Dec 29, 2007 11:37 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I need to run the unpack and copy goals repeatedly, with given
 group:artifact:version and different target directories for each one.

 On Dec 29, 2007 4:23 PM, Brian E. Fox  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Which part is it that you need to use in the dependency plugin? The
  actual copying and unpacking is mostly delegated to the maven-archiver
  -Original Message-
  From: Kallin Nagelberg [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 4:03 PM
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Plugins within plugins: best practices
  Hello everyone,
  I've created a standalone plugin in which I'm doing some
  of artifacts in addition to a few other things. I would like to defer
  unpacking/copying operations to the maven dependency plugin for obvious
  Has anyone tried creating and configuring a plugin instance within
  plugin and calling the execute method directly? I'm tempted to try this,
  am worried about potential side effects. I figure I can try to build the
  plugin instance with what components I've already got within my plugin
  pass them along. Is there a better way to use this, perhaps some sort of
  core maven plugin builder?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Plugins within plugins: best practices

2007-12-29 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Hello everyone,

I've created a standalone plugin in which I'm doing some unpacking/copying
of artifacts in addition to a few other things. I would like to defer the
unpacking/copying operations to the maven dependency plugin for obvious

Has anyone tried creating and configuring a plugin instance within another
plugin and calling the execute method directly? I'm tempted to try this, but
am worried about potential side effects. I figure I can try to build the
plugin instance with what components I've already got within my plugin and
pass them along. Is there a better way to use this, perhaps some sort of
core maven plugin builder?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Plugins within plugins: best practices

2007-12-29 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I need to run the unpack and copy goals repeatedly, with given
group:artifact:version and different target directories for each one.

On Dec 29, 2007 4:23 PM, Brian E. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which part is it that you need to use in the dependency plugin? The
 actual copying and unpacking is mostly delegated to the maven-archiver

 -Original Message-
 From: Kallin Nagelberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 4:03 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Plugins within plugins: best practices

 Hello everyone,

 I've created a standalone plugin in which I'm doing some
 of artifacts in addition to a few other things. I would like to defer
 unpacking/copying operations to the maven dependency plugin for obvious

 Has anyone tried creating and configuring a plugin instance within
 plugin and calling the execute method directly? I'm tempted to try this,
 am worried about potential side effects. I figure I can try to build the
 plugin instance with what components I've already got within my plugin
 pass them along. Is there a better way to use this, perhaps some sort of
 core maven plugin builder?

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Maven Documentation

2007-12-27 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I've been struggling to find good documentation for maven ever since I
started using it, especially in regards to plugin development. The basics
are presented on the Maven site, but details like what components are
available and what properties are available cannot be found anywhere. I
just stumbled across a great source of documentation for plugin development,
as well as numerous other maven related issues.

Plugin Development:

Maven Properties:

A whole lot of other stuff:
(a little chaotic, but lots of good stuff if you dig.. [try the
'mini-guides') .

There is also two free books:
The definitive guide:

Better Builds with Maven:

If anyone knows of any other highly useful sources of maven documentation it
would be great to have it on this thread. Who knows, it may even end up
reduce the number of total threads on this list :)

Kallin Nagelberg
Consulting Architect

plugin annotations

2007-12-27 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Hello all,

Does anyone know if it is possible to write java/groovy mojos using Java5
annotations instead of the javadoc annotations? I was just trying to figure
out why the abstract plugin baseclass I was writing wasn't working, then I
hit myself on the head and realized the javadocs do not survive compilation,
meaning that my subclasses do not generate the necessary stubs. If it's not
available now, does anyone know if there are plans to implement it?

Kallin Nagelberg
Consulting Architect

Re: Project Version

2007-12-27 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I believe what is happening here has to do with my plugin haviing the
'@requiresProject false' attribute set.

On Dec 27, 2007 4:01 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm trying to write a plugin in which I need to access the version of the
 plugin while it's running. I've tried using ${project.version} within my
 plugin, but it always resolves to '2.0', as if it is obtaining the maven
 version. Does anyone know a way to obtain the version of the plugin?

Project Version

2007-12-27 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm trying to write a plugin in which I need to access the version of the
plugin while it's running. I've tried using ${project.version} within my
plugin, but it always resolves to '2.0', as if it is obtaining the maven
version. Does anyone know a way to obtain the version of the plugin?

Re: Project Version

2007-12-27 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
That worked. Thanks!

On Dec 27, 2007 4:24 PM, Tom Huybrechts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try ${plugin.version}. Not sure if it works, but it doesn't hurt to try.

 On Dec 27, 2007 10:06 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I believe what is happening here has to do with my plugin haviing the
  '@requiresProject false' attribute set.
  On Dec 27, 2007 4:01 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I'm trying to write a plugin in which I need to access the version of
   plugin while it's running. I've tried using ${project.version} within
   plugin, but it always resolves to '2.0', as if it is obtaining the
   version. Does anyone know a way to obtain the version of the plugin?

transitive dependencies

2007-12-22 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm trying to write a plugin that builds a WAR using a variety of different
I have a 'pom' artifact that manages all my third party dependencies, and I
would like to be able to use the 'maven-dependency-plugin' to unpack them
all. Unfortunately, it seems that plugin only transitively unpacks the
dependencies of whatever pom you have configured it in. I need to be able to
specify which artifacts I want to unpack. I know I can use the 'copy' goal
for individual artifacts, but does anyone know a way to unpack all
transitive dependencies at once?

current directory from module

2007-12-21 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I've written a plugin that is being used by an artifact of mine to create
some files in my project structure (outside maven, like ../../somedir...).
It all works great when I run it from the directory housing the artifact i'm
interested in, but when I attempt to make this artifact a module of another
artifact, and then run maven against that aggregating artifact, it uses the
directory of the aggregating artifact as the current directory when it goes
to package the sub-module.

I hope that makes sense. Is this a feature/bug, and how do you think I
should go about resolving it so that no matter what directory I'm in when I
execute maven, the plugin uses the same relative path. Is there a way to
obtain the artifact's root directory through the plugin api?

Re: current directory from module

2007-12-21 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I figured out how to do this by passing the ${basedir} property from the pom
into my plugin. Problem solved!

On Dec 21, 2007 12:11 PM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've written a plugin that is being used by an artifact of mine to create
 some files in my project structure (outside maven, like ../../somedir...).
 It all works great when I run it from the directory housing the artifact i'm
 interested in, but when I attempt to make this artifact a module of another
 artifact, and then run maven against that aggregating artifact, it uses the
 directory of the aggregating artifact as the current directory when it goes
 to package the sub-module.

 I hope that makes sense. Is this a feature/bug, and how do you think I
 should go about resolving it so that no matter what directory I'm in when I
 execute maven, the plugin uses the same relative path. Is there a way to
 obtain the artifact's root directory through the plugin api?

plugins within plugins

2007-12-21 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I've got a situation on my hands in which I need to convert a maven assembly
system that was built to be only linux compatible to something cross
Among it's quirks, it generates pom files dynamically so that it can call
plugins against it. The first windows hitch I've come across is the
invocation of 'mvn' using ant within a plugin (written in groovy).  It needs
to be mvn.bat on windows.. I can fix this, but in my opinion this system is
a little too complex and it appears the original developer went a little
'maven-happy', trying to do everything through poms which would be better
suited to something like ant scripting..

The flow of the assembly plugin is:

- given an artifact/group/version,
- 1) generate a pom file with some set dependencies, and setup to use
- 2) run mvn against that pom, using the dependency-maven-plugin to either
unpack or copy those dependencies .
- 3) load another pom Artifact from the repository. This pom's only purpose
is to hold a bunch of properties that are then parsed, instructing another
plugin to copy certain artifacts to different places on the file system.

My first question: Is this a familiar pattern for anyone writing assemblies

and Two: How might you suggest to accomplish this? I guess the crux of the
problem is how best to utilize the maven dependency plugin from within
another plugin... I'm going to begin by seeing if I can just use any of the
api's from that plugin in my plugin, but I may have to end up just rewriting
a lot of it.

Re: generated sources convention

2007-12-20 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Thanks guys. I've already got it working with the build helper plugin, but
was hoping there was some convention i could use to avoid it. Hopefully the
maven guys move to add one eventually.

On Dec 20, 2007 8:15 AM, Rémy Sanlaville [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Use the *build* *helper* *plugin* to add additional source paths*build*-*helper*-maven-*plugin*/


generated sources convention

2007-12-19 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm working on adapting some source generation code into the maven
lifecycle. I've written a plugin that is generating the sources (albeit at
random places) and bound it to the generate sources phase.
I've read in a couple places that the standard location is
target/generated-sources/plugin-id. However, the compiler plugin doesn't
check this directory. I could always just ensure these directories are
explicitly added for compilation, but I wanted to check if there was any
convention (besides generating into src/main/java) that would allow the
compilation to occur automatically.


Re: Assembly plugin - help include all subdirectories

2007-12-11 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Your ant-path matching needs to change I believe.
'*' means all files in present directory.
'**/*' is what you want I believe. That would mean any file in any
subdirectory (present directory included).
Easier yet, get rid of the includes tag altogether. If you don't specify
any excludes or includes it defaults to taking everything.
If you specify an include, it excludes everything except what you specified
to be included.

On Dec 11, 2007 9:39 AM, tadamski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all, I am attempting to pull all the contents out of a directory,
 a specified output directory.  The problem I'm running into is that I am
 only getting the root contents, no files or folders in the first level of
 subdirectories.  The code I am attempting to get to work is the following:


 This will not get the contents of the subdirectories...Is there a trick
 including all the contents without having to go through and specifying all
 of the subdirectories?  Or perhaps unpackage a zip file into a specified
 output directory?

 Thank you.
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Re: Assembly plugin - help include all subdirectories

2007-12-11 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Also, what's with the filesets? This looks more like an ant file than a
maven pom...

On Dec 11, 2007 9:39 AM, tadamski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all, I am attempting to pull all the contents out of a directory,
 a specified output directory.  The problem I'm running into is that I am
 only getting the root contents, no files or folders in the first level of
 subdirectories.  The code I am attempting to get to work is the following:


 This will not get the contents of the subdirectories...Is there a trick
 including all the contents without having to go through and specifying all
 of the subdirectories?  Or perhaps unpackage a zip file into a specified
 output directory?

 Thank you.
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Re: JDK 1.5 java.lang.Enum Buid Failure using Maven 2.0.8

2007-12-11 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
To verify this you should try switching Eclipse to use your installed JDK
compiler instead of the built in one.

William also mentioned that ANT was producing successful builds as well, so
unless ANT also uses it's own compiler it might be another issue..

On Dec 11, 2007 11:29 AM, Wayne Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I played with your sample a bit and wrote a lengthy response in JIRA.

 I am reasonably convinced this is simply an example where Eclipse's
 JDT compiler is doing something extra that allows your code to work,
 but it really doesn't. You can't always trust Eclipse, as it does not
 dispatch to your system's JDK for compiling like Maven does (as far as
 I understand what is happening under the hood in Eclipse and Maven).


 On 12/11/07, William Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Done: complete w/sample project.
  -Original Message-
  From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 4:49 PM
  To: Maven Users List
  Subject: Re: JDK 1.5 java.lang.Enum Buid Failure using Maven 2.0.8
  Zip up a small sample project, create a JIRA issue, and attach it.
  Then someone can look at your issue more closely.
  On 12/10/07, William Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   No takers?
   -Original Message-
   From: William Hoover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 8:13 PM
   Subject: JDK 1.5 java.lang.Enum Buid Failure using Maven 2.0.8
   I am using JDK 1.5 / Maven 2.0.8 and am attempting mvn clean install
 on a simple project that contains the following snippet:
   public final Class? extends Enum? extends IDTOPhase
  return someEnumClass;
   for(java.lang.Enum? extends IDTOPhase phase :
   The problem is that this compiles w/o a problem using ANT (or Eclipse
 build), but fails using Maven. I get the error:
   ... incompatible types
   found : java.lang.Enum? extends IDTOPhase
   required : java.lang.Enum? extends IDTOPhase
   I even set the maven-compiler-plugin to ensure compilation in 1.5
   Any clue??? Thanks!
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Game archetype

2007-12-11 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
As much 'fun' as developing enterprise java applications with Maven is, I
would like to think that developing games with Maven would be even better :)

I'm hoping to convince the jMonkeyEngine project to let me mavenize their
project, and in the process create a game archetype supporting 3d
acceleration, sound, input, etc. I think it would be great to get a game-dev
environment up and running with one maven command, as all the existing
tutorials are complex and error prone. I thought I'd mention it on this list
to see if there's any interest in such a project, or if anyone has tried
anything like it so far.

Re: Game archetype

2007-12-11 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Hehe, yeah I meant the gaming tutorials.
And the tutorials are well written, but getting an environment up and
running with the right native libraries etc. doesn't always work as
expected, so hopefully maven can bring some order.

On Dec 11, 2007 5:51 PM, Nick Stolwijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  environment up and running with one maven command, as all the existing
  tutorials are complex and error prone.
  all of them, eh? Careful, buddy, many people on this list wrote those
 I think he meant the Java Gaming Tutorials, not the Maven tutorials. ;)

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Re: Ant to Maven

2007-12-10 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
You may wish to start by using the maven-antrun-plugin, breaking up the ant
into smaller files that you put alongside each pom of your multi-module
project. This way you can avoid writing all the plugins/complex poms that,
while ideal, would take more time initially.
That is the approach my project took, and we had at least 4 ant files (in
the core) with probably about 1000 lines at least. Hopefully once you go
through the process of breaking up the ant you will become intimately
familiar with it's content, and have a better idea of how much work will be
required to complete a full conversion.

As to whether or not it's worth it is another question. What is your
motivation for performing the conversion? What problems are you currently
experiencing with your ant-built process that you felt needed alleviation?

On Dec 10, 2007 8:14 AM, Luis Roberto P. Paula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm work in a huge java project that has a ant script with almost 800

 The last two weeks I'm trying to convert this script into a maven2
 multiproject, in order to simplify the build process, and its being such a
 pain in the ass.

 My questions are:
  - Is it worth to do this?
  - I know it is a great software, but in what causes maven is not


Re: Ant to Maven

2007-12-10 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
While I guess some big advantages are:

1. Jars out of SCM. Depending on the number/size of your JARs and your
choice of SCM you could see big time benefits on branch/checkout/etc
operations, and a corresponding lack of strain on your SCM server.

2. Reporting/site-plugin. The site stage of Maven allows you to keep your
documentation in with your source, which to some degree can ensure
consitency between the code and documentation. There are also plugins that
produce things like javadoc, extract docs from TLDs etc. that will can
automatically show up on a website whenever a new deployment is done.

3. Standardization. This is probably the biggest one. Instead of whatever
custom conventions for project structure you have internally you can always
point people to the Maven standards. Where do tests go? Resources? Groovy
code? a new dependency? It's nice not having to think about these sorts of
things any more, as they really have nothing to do with what you're trying
to accomplish.

4. IDE integration. I'm actually in the middle of a maven conversion of a
pretty huge unwieldly project, and one thing I'm looking foward to is
automatic configuration of IDEs (Eclipse/IDEA). We did a partial
maven-conversion about a year ago, but left a lot of stuff up to ANT. This
meant whenever something new was needed we needed to adjust the maven build
(for deployment), the ant build (for local dev)  and the IDE project files.
This was horribly time consuming and error prone. I haven't tried it yet,
but the maven IDE plugins purport to handle the generation of
modules/classpath management.

All that being said, if you go forward with it my one piece of advice is
take it all the way so that all developers are using maven for all tasks.
People may be reluctant to learn maven if they can still 'get by' with ant,
and as such you'll be left doing support for all maven issues. If you ensure
everyone uses maven for everything (ok 99% of things), you'll find yourself
surrounded by a lot more maven experts than if you hadn't.

On Dec 10, 2007 8:57 AM, Luis Roberto P. Paula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As to whether or not it's worth it is another question. What is your
 motivation for performing the conversion? What problems are you currently
 experiencing with your ant-built process that you felt needed alleviation?

 Actually, our ant-build process works fine and it is well-structured. We
 thought that we could incorporate some advantages from maven, such as
 repositories and work in a more high-level way. But nothing is too simple
 and wonderful like those Hello world examples.

 On Dec 10, 2007 11:20 AM, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  You may wish to start by using the maven-antrun-plugin, breaking up the
  into smaller files that you put alongside each pom of your multi-module
  project. This way you can avoid writing all the plugins/complex poms
  while ideal, would take more time initially.
  That is the approach my project took, and we had at least 4 ant files
  the core) with probably about 1000 lines at least. Hopefully once you go
  through the process of breaking up the ant you will become intimately
  familiar with it's content, and have a better idea of how much work will
  required to complete a full conversion.
  As to whether or not it's worth it is another question. What is your
  motivation for performing the conversion? What problems are you
  experiencing with your ant-built process that you felt needed
  On Dec 10, 2007 8:14 AM, Luis Roberto P. Paula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I'm work in a huge java project that has a ant script with almost 800
   The last two weeks I'm trying to convert this script into a maven2
   multiproject, in order to simplify the build process, and its being
   pain in the ass.
   My questions are:
- Is it worth to do this?
- I know it is a great software, but in what causes maven is not

generating-sources missing resources

2007-12-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I'm trying to convert the source-generation of a legacy system into a
mavenized project. Basically I need to run a couple of java classes from an
already existing dependency (during the generate-sources phase I assume)
which should populate my source directories. The problem I'm having is that
it seems maven is ignoring my resource declarations during the
generate-sources phase. Is this normal? To run the two java classes requried
for source generation I'm using the exec-maven-plugin and it definitely
doesn't find my declared resources on it's classpath..

I've managed to find some hacks around this, like telling the
maven-resources-plugin to execute the 'resources' goal during
generate-sources, but that doesn't seem so clean to me, as it's probably
going to do it again during the generate-resources phase..

Any ideas?

Re: generating-sources missing resources

2007-12-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Thanks for the prompt reply.

My code-generator (the java classes anyways) have been packaged as a regular
jar artifact.
I am using the Maven Exec Plug-In java goal,
It states 'Executes the supplied java class in the current VM with the
enclosing project's dependencies as classpath.' That is accurate, as the
plugin has no problems finding the classes in the pom's dependencies.
However it doesn't seem to include the enclosing POM's resources..
From the sounds of it this is likely an issue with the codehaus plugin more
than a core maven issue. I'll pose this question on their mailing list also.


On Dec 8, 2007 2:14 PM, nicolas de loof [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tell me if I understand well :

 your code-generator has been packaged as a Mojo and is used in another
 project. It loads some config file from classpath to generate code.

 Maven plugins run in isolated classloaders, they have no acces to the
 current project classpath.

 First option (the maven way) is to rework the code generator to use a
 parametrized folder to load config files used in generation. You then just
 have to set a new @parameter in the Mojo.

 Second option - if changing the legacy code is too complex - is to setup a
 new URLClassloader with the plugin classloader as parent and add the
 resources folder. You can the load the generator class using this
 classloader and invoke the generate() method by reflexion.


 2007/12/8, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I'm trying to convert the source-generation of a legacy system into a
  mavenized project. Basically I need to run a couple of java classes from
  already existing dependency (during the generate-sources phase I assume)
  which should populate my source directories. The problem I'm having is
  it seems maven is ignoring my resource declarations during the
  generate-sources phase. Is this normal? To run the two java classes
  for source generation I'm using the exec-maven-plugin and it definitely
  doesn't find my declared resources on it's classpath..
  I've managed to find some hacks around this, like telling the
  maven-resources-plugin to execute the 'resources' goal during
  generate-sources, but that doesn't seem so clean to me, as it's probably
  going to do it again during the generate-resources phase..
  Any ideas?

Re: generating-sources missing resources

2007-12-08 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
Thank you, I've forwarded the discussion to the codehaus mailing list to see
what their opinion is on the matter.

On Dec 8, 2007 3:47 PM, nicolas de loof [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 enclosing project's dependencies as classpath does not mean enclosing
 project classpath.
 You have acces to all declared dependencies BUT not to the project
 classes/ressources. (this may be a valuale enhancement to the plugin).


 2007/12/8, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Thanks for the prompt reply.
  My code-generator (the java classes anyways) have been packaged as a
  jar artifact.
  I am using the Maven Exec Plug-In java goal,
  It states 'Executes the supplied java class in the current VM with the
  enclosing project's dependencies as classpath.' That is accurate, as the
  plugin has no problems finding the classes in the pom's dependencies.
  However it doesn't seem to include the enclosing POM's resources..
  From the sounds of it this is likely an issue with the codehaus plugin
  than a core maven issue. I'll pose this question on their mailing list
  On Dec 8, 2007 2:14 PM, nicolas de loof [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Tell me if I understand well :
   your code-generator has been packaged as a Mojo and is used in another
   project. It loads some config file from classpath to generate code.
   Maven plugins run in isolated classloaders, they have no acces to the
   current project classpath.
   First option (the maven way) is to rework the code generator to use a
   parametrized folder to load config files used in generation. You then
   have to set a new @parameter in the Mojo.
   Second option - if changing the legacy code is too complex - is to
   new URLClassloader with the plugin classloader as parent and add the
   resources folder. You can the load the generator class using this
   classloader and invoke the generate() method by reflexion.
   2007/12/8, Kallin Nagelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I'm trying to convert the source-generation of a legacy system into
mavenized project. Basically I need to run a couple of java classes
already existing dependency (during the generate-sources phase I
which should populate my source directories. The problem I'm having
it seems maven is ignoring my resource declarations during the
generate-sources phase. Is this normal? To run the two java classes
for source generation I'm using the exec-maven-plugin and it
doesn't find my declared resources on it's classpath..
I've managed to find some hacks around this, like telling the
maven-resources-plugin to execute the 'resources' goal during
generate-sources, but that doesn't seem so clean to me, as it's
going to do it again during the generate-resources phase..
Any ideas?

Re: dependencies / is there a smart way to declare it?

2007-12-05 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
You can always wrap certain sets of dependencies up in another POM with
'pom' packaging type to keep the dependencies aspect of your pom isolated
from whatever else you're having it do.

One thing I wish the pom had was a way to perform composition from common
components instead of having to use inheritance. Rigid inheritance
hierarchies are more difficult to maintain than delegation IMHO. For
example, let's say I want a lot of my modules to use certain settings for
the maven-compiler-plugin. I could just wrap those settings into a pom and
inherit from it, but then if there are other common settings i want to
isolate I have to put them in the same pom, or have the compiler pom inherit
from the source pom or vice-versa. Perhaps I've missed something but I can't
find a way to perform this sort of 'composition' as Michael has proposed
within maven. Please let me know what I'm missing !

Kallin Nagelberg
Consulting Architect

On Dec 5, 2007 4:02 PM, Michael McCallum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 refactoring, composition, encasulation, aggregation standard techniques
 making complex systems easier to understand...

 On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:42:49 Marco Mistroni wrote:
  hi all,
just a quick question to see best practices with maven projects.
  i have a pom which contains lot of dependencies... so my pom end up
  i was wondering if there is a  smart way to declare them so that i don'
  end up with a  300 lines pom..
  again, it's not a real problem, i was wondering how peoples on the list
  were dealing with it..

 Michael McCallum
 Enterprise Engineer

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Re: Maven and Ant

2007-12-05 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I may be totally off on this but I'm pretty sure that when using the
maven-antrun-plugin maven uses ant artifacts from the maven repo.

IE some of these guys:

On Dec 5, 2007 11:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Newbie here .. .pretty much ... appreciate help with basic question or
 pointers to finding help ;-)

 How does Maven know which version of Ant to use ?  We're using Maven to
 build for Weblogic, and I'm wondering how it finds the various taskdefs
 BEA provides ... I'm puzzled.

 thanks in advance for any help !

 Ethan Allen
 Extension 7563 (desk)
 414.467.9185 (mobile)

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antLib not producing same classpath as Mvn

2007-11-20 Thread Kallin Nagelberg
I've found what looks like a bug in the Maven Antlib, but I thought I
should check here first before sending the issue to JIRA as I am a
relatively new Maven user.

I've created a pom that transitively has two paths to the artifact
commons-logging. Due to the structure of the poms this resulted in 1.0
being selected instead of what I needed, 1.0.4. In an attempt to
resolve this I added the following to my SuperPom from which all
others inherit:


Now, when I run mvn dependency:resolve on my child pom it changes the
resolved dependency from 1.0 to 1.0.4 as I desired. Hurrah!
Unfortunately when I reference the classpath produced by this pom in
my ant script it still shows the 1.0 version on the classpath. It
seems that the maven antLib is not taking the parent's dependency
management section into account. I've heard that the maven antlib does
not always function as maven should. Is this true?

Kallin Nagelberg.

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