Re: M2Eclipse -workspace resolution

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Hewett
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Salgar, Mehmet (external) 

 I would try to find the JIRA for m2eclipse and write this there...


Sounds like you may be running into this (or a variation of)...

Re: Repository search order

2008-04-12 Thread Mark Hewett
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Jason van Zyl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is another classic example of why using a repository manager is a
 good thing. You can specify repositories in one central place, and with
 Nexus you can order, group, and route which means you can get certain
 artifacts from particular repositories if you so choose. Using Nexus will
 also help you manager all your repository use from one location. If you're a
 lone developer then this isn't much of an advantage, but if there is a team
 then using a repository manager has definite advantages.

 You can read about repository managers here:

I've not tried using a repository manager for a while, so maybe I'm not
understanding/remembering something, but is there a way to use a repository
manager without making your builds dependent upon the correct configuration
in settings.xml and on the repository manager being available?  I don't
version my settings.xml with my project source code, and we don't
necessarily share a common settings.xml in our team, so depending on
settings in there makes the build potentially non-repeatable and
environmentally sensitive.  I also tend to work disconnected from the
company network quite a bit, so depending upon a corporate repository
manager in order for the builds to work correctly can also be an issue (e.g.
if Nexus is grouping several repositories under one URL, people are likely
to miss adding the appropriate repository definition to the POM, and also
the issue of artifacts in central also being in some 3rd party repositories
- maybe with different content - which Nexus can work around - if I'm not
using the Nexus proxy/mirror, maybe I'll pick up different artifacts).

I think these were the issue I ran into last time around.  I'll have to give
it a go again - but has anyone else run into similar issues using repository
managers, and if so, how do you work around them?


Re: [IMPORTANT] Maven 2 Plugin Auto-Versioning Considered Dangerous

2007-04-15 Thread Mark Hewett

On 4/15/07, John Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Did you file a jira issue for this? If your assembly broke, then I'm
assuming there was some behavior change from 2.1 - 2.2-beta-1 that got you
in trouble...I think that even if we're not going to fix it, we should have
some doco for it...

So, would you file a JIRA for this?



My first issue seems to be covered by an existing issue.  I am seeing
that for dependencies that I want unpacked into the assembly, the JAR
name is being used as part of the path - i.e. one-jar-boot-0.95.jar is
being unpacked into /one-jar-boot-0.95.jar/*.  This is covered by

My second issue is a little odd.  The current project artifact is not
being included by my dependency set:


This seems like it may be related to the current project's artifact
being associated with no scope, so maybe it's something I'm doing
wrong (I copied someone else's one jar assembly from the mailing
list archives, so maybe I don't fully understand it!).  Here's the
relevant log messages (from 2.2-beta-1):

[INFO] Processing DependencySet (output=/main)
[DEBUG] com.firstdata.fdcs:CryptoUtil:jar:1.3-SNAPSHOT (selected for null)
[DEBUG]   junit:junit:jar:3.8.1:compile (selected for compile)
[DEBUG]   log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14:compile (selected for compile)
[DEBUG]   com.simontuffs:one-jar-boot:jar:0.95:runtime (selected for runtime)
[DEBUG] While resolving dependencies of
[DEBUG] Statistics for Scope filter [compile=true, runtime=true,
test=false, provided=false, system=false]

[DEBUG] The following scope filters were not used:
o Test
o Provided
o System
[DEBUG] log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14 was removed by one or more filters.
[DEBUG] com.simontuffs:one-jar-boot:jar:0.95 was removed by one or more filters.
[DEBUG] junit:junit:jar:3.8.1 was removed by one or more filters.
[DEBUG] Statistics for Includes filter:
o 'com.firstdata.fdcs:CryptoUtil'

[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact
inclusion filter:
o  'com.firstdata.fdcs:CryptoUtil'

[DEBUG] The following artifacts were removed by this artifact inclusion filter:

The com.firstdata.fdcs:CryptoUtil artifact is copied into the /main
directory using 2.1, but with 2.2-beta-1 the /main directory is not
even created.

I'll see if I can make more sense of this and maybe create an example
project and create a JIRA for it.


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Re: [IMPORTANT] Maven 2 Plugin Auto-Versioning Considered Dangerous

2007-04-14 Thread Mark Hewett

On 4/11/07, John Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm sure many people have hit this plugin-versioning problem before...


The first time this has really bit me in the rear is when the assembly
plugin 2.2-beta-1 hit central, and my formerly working assembly went
all to hell.  Almost like you planned it!  ;-)

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Re: Skipping Tests but Still Compiling

2007-01-30 Thread Mark Hewett

On 1/30/07, Bashar Abdul Jawad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That is not true. Maven will still compile the test classes, but only if
they have changed since the last compilation. To force maven to compile even
if there were no changes run a clean first.


Doesn't seem to for me...

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install

lines deleted
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
[INFO] Not compiling test sources
[INFO] [surefire:test]
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
lines deleted

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Re: Continuum behind Apache Proxy

2006-10-02 Thread Mark Hewett

On 9/28/06, Vivian Stelller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello at all,
I want to setup continuum in a subdomain of my Apache 2.0.x managed
domain. It should appear on

Not sure if this will help, but here's how I'm doing it (which ends up
with continuum being at

VirtualHost *:80
 RewriteEngine on
 # Proxy Continuum
 RewriteRule ^/continuum$ continuum/ [R]
 ProxyPass /continuum/ http://localhost:8090/continuum/
 ProxyPassReverse /continuum/ http://localhost:8090/continuum/


Re: [m2] eclipse attached sources for snapshot builds

2006-08-08 Thread Mark Hewett


great, that's it!

But now the javadoc source is also generated, is it possible to switsh it off?

the javadoc location in eclispse is not updated ;-(


If you take a look at the super POM at
you can see what the -DperformRelease=true is doing - i.e. it enables
a profile that configures the maven-source-plugin and
maven-javadoc-plugin to generate the appropriate JARs.  What I did, to
always generate source and javadoc JARs during my builds, is to copy
the configurations for those two plugins to my organization POM.  You
could just add the maven-source-plugin configuration to your POM if
you always want a source JAR generated.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Maven 2.0 Eclipse Plug-in compatibility with Eclipse 3.2.x (and IBMRAD 6.x)

2006-07-29 Thread Mark Hewett


Actually I get appears whenever I now access the Eclipse preferences dialog
e.g. MenuBar - Windows - Preferences.

Plug-in org.maven.ide.eclipse was unable to load class 


Check that you have a .m2 directory in the default location (~/.m2,
C:\Documents and Settings\userid\.m2).  See

Hope this helps,

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[m2] Custom built org.apache.maven.plugins.* plugins

2006-07-25 Thread Mark Hewett

I'm having an issue with some custom built plugins - I'm taking a
SNAPSHOT version of a plugin (e.g. maven-jar-plugin-2.1-SNAPSHOT) from
SVN, modifying the version to be a release (e.g. 2.1-417949, using the
svn version for the number) and building the plugin and deploying it
into an in-house remote plugin repository (this is so we can use the
release plugin, which doesn't like SNAPSHOTs).  I have referenced this
plugin repository in our organization POM:

   nameCustom Built Plugin Repository/name

Everything works fine *as long as* this custom build is also installed
in the local repository.  If it is not installed in the local
repository it doesn't seem to download correctly from the remote
custom plugin repository and the build fails.  Also, in my local
repository I am left with just the JAR and not the POM for the plugin.

I can also get this to work if I use our central proxy (using
Proximity) to also proxy this custom repository - I suppose because
then the custom version is in central, as far as mvn knows.  My reason
for not wanting to do this is so that if someone doesn't have their
mirror settings set up to point to our proxy then things should still
work because the custom build is in a specifically defined plugin
repository.  i.e. the central mirror contains *only* central
artifacts and nothing else.

So, is there a way to deploy custom builds of
org.apache.maven.plugins.* plugins to an internal remote repository?
I had a search through the archives and it seems that maybe others
have seen this, but previous messages seemed to imply that the issue
was resolved.  Am I just doing something wrong or is there a real
issue here?

Hopefully this makes sense - let me know if I need to clarify anything!


Here's the partial output from mvn clean package on our project that
should use the custom maven-jar-plugin version.  (this is edited a
little to remove company specifics - just paths, URLs etc.)

[INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin: checking
for updates from custom
[INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin: checking
for updates from central
[DEBUG] maven-jar-plugin: resolved to version 2.1-417949 from repository central
[DEBUG] Trying repository central
[DEBUG] Artifact not found - using stub model: Unable to locate
resource in repository


from the specified remote repositories:
 central (,
 custom (

[DEBUG] Using defaults for missing POM
[DEBUG] Trying repository fdsecure-custom
20K downloaded
[DEBUG]   Artifact resolved
(selected for runtime)
this realm = app0.child-container[org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin]
urls[0] = 
Number of imports: 0

this realm = plexus.core.maven
urls[0] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/commons-cli-1.0.jar
urls[1] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/doxia-sink-api-1.0-alpha-7.jar
urls[2] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/jsch-0.1.24.jar
urls[3] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-artifact-2.0.4.jar
urls[4] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-artifact-manager-2.0.4.jar
urls[5] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-core-2.0.4.jar
urls[6] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-error-diagnostics-2.0.4.jar
urls[7] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-model-2.0.4.jar
urls[8] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-monitor-2.0.4.jar
urls[9] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-plugin-api-2.0.4.jar
urls[10] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-plugin-descriptor-2.0.4.jar
urls[11] = 
urls[12] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-plugin-registry-2.0.4.jar
urls[13] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-profile-2.0.4.jar
urls[14] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-project-2.0.4.jar
urls[15] = file:/G:/bin/maven-2.0.4/bin/../lib/maven-reporting-api-2.0.4.jar
urls[16] = 

Re: settings.xml activation activeByDefault setting

2006-07-19 Thread Mark Hewett

On 7/19/06, Max Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am glad you posted your experience!

I tried an empty activeByDefault/ the same way you did and assumed
that it didn't work.

I ended up listing the profile I wanted active in activeProfiles. And
then setup an example settings.xml for the rest of my team to active the
profile this way. So now my whole team is missing out on the simpler
activeByDefault tag.

If I had only known... :-)


And I did exactly the same thing!  I wonder if at some point one of
the examples had the empty activeByDefault/ tag?  Anyway, my thanks
also to Mykel for showing the solution.


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[m2] release:perform checkout vs. export (with Subversion)

2006-07-17 Thread Mark Hewett

When doing a release:perform the tagged version is checked out into
target/checkout.  This causes some issues with Subclipse - you end up
with a Subversion working copy nested within a Subversion working
copy, and even though the target directory is marked as ignored this
causes new resources created under target/checkout during the build
(in my case, cobertura.ser) to show up during a Team/Synchronize with
Repository operation in Eclipse, and also causes the operation to
take much longer.

I'm told (on the Subclipse list) that if Maven 2 did an export instead
of a checkout that this would not be an issue, performance would be
improved (since the exported resources are not versioned at all the
status would not be checked) and disk space would be saved (since you
don't have a full working copy with export - just the actual

This applies to Subversion.  I'm not sure if it also applies to CVS,
although with export at least you would save creating the .CVS

So, any reason that release:perform can't use export instead of
checkout?  Should this be asked on the dev list instead (I'm not
subscribed, and I don't see a way to search the archives to see if
this has come up already).


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Re: [m2] release:perform checkout vs. export (with Subversion)

2006-07-17 Thread Mark Hewett

On 7/17/06, Mike Perham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

release:perform just uses the scm:checkout command.  There's no
scm:export command.

Ahh, and it seems that someone has already requested that export be added:

Maybe it's time to roll up my sleeves and see how hard it would be to
add this.  Hopefully there is a common base class for the providers
that can just delegate export() to checkOut().

Thanks for the pointer.

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Re: [M2] Mojo development: access to resources inside the plugin

2006-07-16 Thread Mark Hewett

Maybe you can pack your foo directory structure into a JAR that gets
put into your plugin JAR.  You can then try something like:

InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
/foo.jar );
JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(is);
JarEntry je = null;
while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
   // write jar entry to file system

Note that this is completely untested (not even compiled!), and you
will have to write code to extract each file from the JAR (or google
it), but hopefully it's something that might work for you.


On 7/16/06, Sebastien Arbogast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I tried that, based on Dennis' proposition:

URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( /foo );
try {
File servlet = new File(url.toURI());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(),e);

But then I got an exception on the first line of the try block:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical

I was thinking of using IOUtils to copy the content of foo to another
directory but it seems to be harder than I thought.

2006/7/16, dan tran [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 7/16/06, Dennis Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It depends on what you want to do with the resource.
  I used it with
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( url, new File( outputDirectory, filename ) );
  to copy a resource from within the jar file to the target directory.
  Dennis Lundberg
  dan tran wrote:
   Dennis, would you suggestion work? since the resource is in a jar,
   and therefore obtaining a File object is not possible.
   am I missing something?
   On 7/16/06, Dennis Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
In the plugin I'm working on, I have a src/main/resources/foo
directory and as a result, when the plugin is packaged, I get a foo
directory at the root of the plugin jar, and that's fine.
But now I want to get a reference to this foo directory
from inside the code of one of my mojos. How can I do that?
   You can get a URL which can then be used to create a file like this:
   URL url = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( /foo );
   Dennis Lundberg
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Sébastien Arbogast

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[m2] release:prepare generateReleasePoms?

2006-06-30 Thread Mark Hewett

I have been trying to work out how to use release:prepare to create
reproducible releases of our projects - i.e. trying to get a
release-pom.xml generated with the versions of all the plugins
resolved (as documented in the Mergere book and the plugin
documentation).  It seems like I should just specify
-DgenerateReleasePoms=true (not sure why this wouldn't be the
default), but this doesn't seem to result in a release-pom.xml being
checked into the release-tag version in my SCM.

After not being able to get it to work, I had a look at the code for
the release plugin and it seems that the code in that would actually do anything (other
than printing out Generating release POMs...) is all commented out!
I guess this would explain the results I am seeing, but does anyone
know why this is the case?

If this really isn't implemented, should we at least update the
documentation to indicate this?  Also, if anyone can confirm if the
commented code worked at some point maybe I can take a look at it and
see if it still works.


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[m2] maven-jar-plugin-2.1 status?

2006-06-22 Thread Mark Hewett

Is there any estimate on when there will be a release build of the
maven-jar-plugin-2.1 - even if it is a beta release build?  We are
using this to create signed JAR files, and so we are relying on the
snapshot build on
However, this seems to stop us from using the release plugin for
releasing our internal code.

Alternatively, we could build an internal release version and deploy
to our internal repository.  Is there a versioning standard for
internal release builds so that we would pick up any future release
builds on the official repo?  I'm thinking something like
2.1-INTERNAL1, but I'm afraid this would be seen as a later version
than say 2.1-BETA1.


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Re: [maven2] Generating several artifacts per project ?

2006-05-27 Thread Mark Hewett

You may be able to use the assembly plugin to do something like what
you want - although I'm not sure if the extra jars will make it into
your repository so that you could depend on them in other projects.

Bind the assembly:attached target into your build process in your
pom.xml with something like:


The client/server/util.xml files should be something like (see
documentation for the assembly plugin at


This should build the extra jars in your target directory during the
package phase.

Hope this is helpful, and if anyone more experienced than me has any
input on this method (like it sucks! :-), please let me know.


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Re: Location of cobertura-maven-plugin?

2006-04-20 Thread Mark Hewett
On 4/20/06, Sean McNamara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Simple question:

 Can anyone point me to the location of the
 cobertura-maven-plugin?  I can't seem to find it in
 any of the online repositories.


I think it's only in the snapshots repository at the moment.

Just about to try it out myself!  Docs are at

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Re: Location of cobertura-maven-plugin?

2006-04-20 Thread Mark Hewett
No problem.  I just tried it out and have a very nice report, so many
thanks to the people working on this plugin!

I should have mentioned that you can add the following to your POM to
enable the snapshot repository, in case you haven't done this before.


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Re: [M2] How to sign a jar file

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Hewett
We are using the following.



The keystore properties are defined in our parent POM, but you can
just hard code them

You will also need to enable snapshots, since this needs the
2.1-SNAPSHOT version of the maven-jar-plugin. See

This also seems to install the signed JAR into the repository, in
place of the unsigned JAR.

Hope this helps.

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Re: [m202] eclipse plugin not running install correctly on multiproject?

2006-02-03 Thread Mark Hewett
 I searched google and jira and found no hits. Has anyone else seen this

This has come up on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  Probably
worth creating a Jira entry for it, although I'm not sure if this is
caused by the m2eclipse plugin or the Maven Embedder.  I think the
work around for now is to use an External Tool, as you have already

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