Re: Downloading poms

2006-05-12 Thread Tim McCune
On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 22:28 +1200, Simon Kitching wrote:
 It does seem reasonable for Maven to remember when it tried to download,
 successfully contacted all known remote repositories, but found no pom.
 In this case it could skip later attempts. Of course that assumes that
 no-one uploads a pom later, but that's not too likely to happen. So how
 could maven remember not to download more poms? Well, possibly by
 creating the pom.xml file itself...

I chatted with John Casey online about this, and we basically came to
the same conclusion.

 I think a nicer solution, though, would be a plugin,
 maven-pomgenerator-plugin. If a user is sick of seeing failed pom
 access attempts, they could just run:
   maven pomgenerator:generate-all
 which would cause the plugin to walk the repository tree and generate a
 brain-dead pom for every jar that doesn't have one.

Nice idea, thanks for the suggestion.  Gotta noodle on this...

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Re: Downloading poms

2006-05-09 Thread Tim McCune
On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 22:25 +1200, Simon Kitching wrote:
 Even if your process is just doing a copy, a pom file is a fairly simple
 xml file. I'm sure your automated process could be enhanced to generate

Thanks for the detailed response Simon.  Your answers make sense, but
I'm still disappointed that Maven doesn't handle the missing pom
situation better.  As you suggested, these auto-generated poms will
basically be brain-dead, and will provide no useful information.  If
that's the case, then why-oh-why does Maven require them at all?  I'd
much rather spend a few minutes fixing Maven to make it stop trying to
download pom files when it already has the jars, then write code to
auto-generate useless poms, and make sure that it gets plugged in
everywhere necessary.  I'll probably do this and submit it as a patch,
unless someone can explain to me the virtues of having all of these
empty poms floating around.


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Downloading poms

2006-05-08 Thread Tim McCune
Newbie alert: I've only been seriously trying out Maven 2 for a couple
days now.  Here's my biggest headache so far.  Every time I build, I
have to sit and wait while Maven tries to download poms from the central
repository for all of the jars that have no corresponding poms.  I get a
bunch of messages like:

[WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository central

Sure, in a perfect world, every jar would have a corresponding pom, but
come on.  There are always going to be jars without poms, and this
shouldn't stop me from using them.  It seems like Maven should make a
single attempt to grab a pom when it downloads the jar, realize that
there isn't one, make a note of it in the local repository, and use that
information in the future so it doesn't keep making futile attempts to
download the pom.

Am I understanding the problem correctly?  Any suggestions for a fix?



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Re: Downloading poms

2006-05-08 Thread Tim McCune
On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 13:36 -0500, Wayne Fay wrote:
 When you installed those dependencies in your local repo, did you use
 -DgeneratePom=true   ?
 If not, reinstall the 3rd party artifacts and use that parameter so
 poms are created, to avoid this downloading poms from central thing
 in the future.

Thanks for the reply Wayne.  Not quite sure what you're referring to.
The jars that get installed in my local repo are put there 1 of 2 ways.
1) Checked into a subversion module, which copies them to a web server
on commit.
2) Placed on the web server by Continuum after building the project with
Maven 1.

For option 1, it sounds like you're suggesting that there's a way to get
Maven to generate a pom for the jar file?  If so, could you elaborate?
For option 2, Maven 2 isn't involved at all, and it's an automated
process, so I don't think that it's feasible at all to get a pom
generated for these jars.

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[M1] 302 errors

2006-01-09 Thread Tim McCune
Anyone have any idea what's going on with ibiblio for the past few days?

Getting URL:
Received status code: 302
Error retrieving artifact from
[]: Unknown error downloading; status code was: 302
Error details Unknown error downloading; status code was: 302
Looks like maybe someone tried to combine the maven1 and maven2
repositories, but maven isn't following the redirects.  I patched maven
1.0.2 to follow the redirects and I'm attaching it.  It seems like
whoever is responsible for setting up all of these redirects should undo
the change until a version of maven 1.x is released that follows the
redirects properly.

Index: src/java/org/apache/maven/util/
--- src/java/org/apache/maven/util/	(revision 367358)
+++ src/java/org/apache/maven/util/	(working copy)
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@
 // Must read content regardless
 is = get.getResponseBodyAsStream();
-if ( is == null )
+if ( redirectUrl != null )
 // This could be null, which is fine. The reponse just wasn't a redirect.
 return redirectUrl;

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Re: Strange 2401 prepended to SCM URL

2005-12-08 Thread Tim McCune
On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 11:34 -0500, Mayorgaadame, Alex wrote:
 I've just uploaded my Maven 1 project.xml but for some weird reason I'm 
 getting this:
 Provider message: The cvs command failed.
 Command output: 
 2401/export1/cvsrep/cibos: no such repository
 cvs checkout: authorization failed: server rejected 
 access to 2401/export1/cvsrep/cibos for user anonymous
 cvs checkout: used empty password; try cvs login with a real password
 Where did that 2401 came from??

It's the default port for CVS pserver.

-bash-3.00$ grep 2401 /etc/services
cvspserver  2401/tcp# CVS client/server
cvspserver  2401/udp

Re: Property 'name' has no write method

2005-11-22 Thread Tim McCune
On Mon, 2005-11-21 at 11:08 +0100, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 do you have run it (with continuum and with maven) on the same machine?
 This error isn't a pb with continuum but it's a maven error.
 We write executable, arguments and working directory in logs with INFO level. 
 Search in your logs 

I get this output:

 WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - Could not find the executable
'maven' in this path:
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - /usr/kerberos/bin
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - /usr/local/bin
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - /bin
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - /usr/bin
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - /usr/X11R6/bin
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - /usr/java/jdk1.5.0/bin
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - /usr/local/maven/bin
WARN  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - Executable 'maven'.
INFO  ContinuumBuildExecutor:maven-1 - Arguments:  automated

As the same user, if I run which maven, I get


Doing an ls -l /usr/local/maven/bin/maven gives

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 4740 Dec  7  2004 /usr/local/maven/bin/maven

Maven is running though, so this seems like a bogus warning.  Any idea
what it's all about?

Re: Continuum rocks

2005-11-17 Thread Tim McCune
On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 09:22 +1100, Brett Porter wrote:
 Thanks Tim! Would you mind us sharing your testimonial on the web site
 at some point?

No problem.

 Also, can you perhaps offer some feedback on what the high priority
 plugins would be for you?

Xdoclet, site, dashboard, cobertura, pmd, simian, jnlp, sourceforge, and
javancss in that order.  We're using subversion here, so statcvs doesn't
do me much good these days, but at my old job, I know that's a
high-priority one as well.  Would LOVE to see a statcvs-like subversion

Good luck!

Continuum rocks

2005-11-15 Thread Tim McCune
Just wanted to give the Continuum developer(s) a pat on the back.  I
started a new job last week, and my first task was to set up automated
builds.  Day 1 of that task was spent creating project.xml and maven.xml
files for the projects.  I planned to spend the next day or 2
researching automated build tools and setting something up.  In less
than half a day, I discovered Continuum, tried it out, and everything
was up and running.  You've done an excellent job for a 1.0 release.


Re: Continuum rocks

2005-11-15 Thread Tim McCune
On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 18:23 +0100, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 Thanks Tim.
 You can try maven 2 too ;-)
 We prepare Continuum 1.0.1

Actually, I did spend a day first trying Maven 2.  There were way too
many plugins missing support for Maven 2 to make it of any practical
value.  Hopefully soon.

Re: 1 unmodifiable notifier

2005-11-11 Thread Tim McCune
Looking at the code, I think I see what happened.  I've never defined a
nag email address.  I defined an extra notifier in continuum to go to my
own address before I ever built in continuum.  Looks like continuum
grabbed that on the first build, and set it to the project notifier, and
now I can't remove it. :)

On Fri, 2005-11-11 at 23:06 +0100, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 Are you sure? We don't accept maven 1 pom without nagEmailAddress (under 
 Tim McCune a écrit :
  I don't have one set. :)
  On Fri, 2005-11-11 at 22:53 +0100, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 in maven1 pom, it's defined in nagEmailAddress
 Tim McCune a écrit :
 Ok thanks, that makes more sense.  Except this is a Maven 1 pom, and I
 don't seem to have any notifier defined in my project.xml.  Where does
 this get read from?
 On Fri, 2005-11-11 at 22:33 +0100, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
 Project notifier are defined in pom, User notifier are define in 
 If you want to modify Project notifiers, you just need to modify your 
 pom and commit it.
 Tim McCune a écrit :
 I can add, edit, and delete notifiers for my project in Continuum, but
 there is a single notifier whose recipient is my e-mail address, that
 has no Edit or Delete links.  In the From column, its value is
 Project, while other notifiers have the value User in this column.
 Sorry if I'm just not understanding the intent here, but why can't I
 delete that notifier?  Where did it get my e-mail address from?  What
 does the From column mean?

Sending mail only on failures

2005-11-11 Thread Tim McCune
I'm building a Maven 1 project and I can't seem to find a setting to
only send e-mail on failures.  Continuum is sending mail every time a
build finishes, which is way too much.  Anyone have any suggestions on
how I might set this?

Re: Log4JCategoryLog does not implement Log

2003-08-14 Thread Tim McCune
Filed as MAVEN-678.

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 20:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you raise this in Jira?
 dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
 Paul Libbrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 13/08/2003 01:32:08 AM:
  I've had this problem and... guess what... it's a problem of 
  classloading. At least I'm pretty sure of it.
  I couldn't figure it out but I was implementing my own classloader which 
  was a new thing for me.
  The same happens with sax create drivers methods...
  (I was doing this in jEdit).
  I would look forward to a solution!
  Simon Matic Langford wrote:
   I've not seen this with maven, but it certainly happens with graphical
   junit, I
   think this is a problem with commons-logging, as we're having to work
   around it
   on our current project:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02939.htm
   I'm not sure how you would fix it on maven tho, sorry.
   The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the 
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  -Original Message-
  From: Tim McCune [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 12 August 2003 16:02
  Subject: Log4JCategoryLog does not implement Log
  I am trying out my first maven build.  It's a very simple 
  maven.xml file
  using xdoclet.  Here's the file:
  pregoal name=java:compile
  attainGoal name=xdoclet:ejbdoclet/
  When I run maven jar, I get the following exception:
  file:/home/tmccune/.maven/plugins/maven- xdoclet-plugin-1.2b2/
  Element... deploymentdescriptor
  Line.. 5419
  Column 39
  org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Class
  org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JCategoryLog does not 
  implement Log
  It looks like there is a class-loading bug somewhere and 
  maven is trying
  to use 2 different class loaders for Log and Log4JCategoryLog.  Has
  anyone seen this before?  I'm kind of surprised that I can't 
  get such a
  simple build to work, so I'm guessing I must just be doing something
  stupid here...
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Re: Log4JCategoryLog does not implement Log

2003-08-14 Thread Tim McCune
Here's a little more explanation on what I'm guessing is going on (I've
been through this with JBoss in the past.)

A class in Java is identified by the combination of the class name and
the classloader that loaded it.  Running maven with the -X switch seems
to show 2 classloaders; the ant loader and the parent loader.  I see
the line:
[DEBUG] Class org.apache.commons.logging.Log loaded from ant loader
But I don't get a debug line about which loader is being used to load
Log4JCategoryLog.  If that class is getting loaded by the parent loader,
then I think we could end up with a ClassCastException somewhere like

Log foo = (Log) new Log4JCategoryLog();

because Log4JCategoryLog implements (Log ^ parent) but not (Log ^ ant)
(Using the notation (Class ^ ClassLoader)).

Not that I've opened up a single line of code.  This is just what it
smells like.  I'm still kind of shocked that the very first simple thing
I ever tried with Maven is proving this difficult. :)

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 11:32, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
 I've had this problem and... guess what... it's a problem of 
 classloading. At least I'm pretty sure of it.
 I couldn't figure it out but I was implementing my own classloader which 
 was a new thing for me.
 The same happens with sax create drivers methods...
 (I was doing this in jEdit).
 I would look forward to a solution!
 Simon Matic Langford wrote:
  I've not seen this with maven, but it certainly happens with graphical
  junit, I
  think this is a problem with commons-logging, as we're having to work
  around it
  on our current project:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02939.htm
  I'm not sure how you would fix it on maven tho, sorry.
  The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the person
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  plc and should not be taken as authority to carry out any instruction
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim McCune [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 12 August 2003 16:02
 Subject: Log4JCategoryLog does not implement Log
 I am trying out my first maven build.  It's a very simple 
 maven.xml file
 using xdoclet.  Here's the file:
 pregoal name=java:compile
 attainGoal name=xdoclet:ejbdoclet/
 When I run maven jar, I get the following exception:
 file:/home/tmccune/.maven/plugins/maven- xdoclet-plugin-1.2b2/
 Element... deploymentdescriptor
 Line.. 5419
 Column 39
 org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: Class
 org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JCategoryLog does not 
 implement Log
 It looks like there is a class-loading bug somewhere and 
 maven is trying
 to use 2 different class loaders for Log and Log4JCategoryLog.  Has
 anyone seen this before?  I'm kind of surprised that I can't 
 get such a
 simple build to work, so I'm guessing I must just be doing something
 stupid here...
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