extra jars not kept up-to-date in remote repository

2006-12-20 Thread gdub


We're building with Continuum and I have the problem
that builds aren't causing all of the artifacts to be

What seems to happen is that for the first build for
a given date code, all the source, test, and javadoc
jars get deployed. For subsequent builds that have
the same date in the name, only the primary library
jar gets stores (see example at end).

If the date code is bumped, then the cycle starts
over--all the artifacts are stored one time but sub-
sequent builds do not cause them to be stored.

These are snapshots, BTW.

The main problem this causes is on the developer
side. When one does something like:
 mvn -U eclipse:eclipse
sources do not get attached.

I have all the requisite plugins for source, javadoc,
and test jar creation in the poms.

Any ideas?



Index of /.../service-domain/1.0-SNAPSHOT
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-javadoc.jar  12-Dec-2006 19:59  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-javadoc.jar.md5  12-Dec-2006 
20:00   32  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-javadoc.jar.sha1 12-Dec-2006 
20:00   40  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-sources.jar  12-Dec-2006 
19:59   15K 
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-sources.jar.md5  12-Dec-2006 
19:59   32  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-sources.jar.sha1 12-Dec-2006 
19:59   40  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-tests.jar12-Dec-2006 19:59  
19:59   32  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4-tests.jar.sha1   12-Dec-2006 
19:59   40  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4.jar  12-Dec-2006 
19:59   19K 
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4.jar.md5  12-Dec-2006 
19:59   32  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4.jar.sha1 12-Dec-2006 
19:59   40  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4.pom  12-Dec-2006 19:59  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4.pom.md5  12-Dec-2006 
19:59   32  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.005715-4.pom.sha1 12-Dec-2006 
19:59   40  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.222334-5.jar  13-Dec-2006 
17:40   19K 
service-domain-1.0-20061213.222334-5.jar.md5  13-Dec-2006 
17:40   32  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.222334-5.jar.sha1 13-Dec-2006 
17:40   40  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.222334-5.pom  13-Dec-2006 17:40  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.222334-5.pom.md5  13-Dec-2006 
17:40   32  
service-domain-1.0-20061213.222334-5.pom.sha1 13-Dec-2006 
17:40   40  

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successful AJDT integration?

2006-11-14 Thread gdub

Good morning-

I'm trying to figure out the best way to
use AspectJ with both Eclipse and Maven 2.

Problem 1:
I have the Codehaus plugin installed and
working. But the eclipse:eclipse target
does not configure the project as AspectJ.
Does anyone know if this feature is being
considered? If it is not in the works
already, in which plugin (aspectj or
eclipse or both) should the support lie?

Problem 2:
Say the rt dependency in Maven is set
to Eclipse 1.5.2a. Run eclipse:eclipse
target and the dependency is is set
correctly in the IDE. However, changing
the project to an AJ project from within
the IDE (required because of P1 above),
adds a conflicting dependency on a jar from
AJDT itself (1.5.2.something).

Problem 3:
There is, AFAICT, no Maven source location
convention for source files that require an
AspectJ compiler. I am not sure that
src/{main,test}/java is the correct
place since it is not strictly Java code.
I imagine that there are good reasons
against establishing a convention such as
using src/{main,test}/aspectj and I'd like
to hear them. Pragmatically wrt to
the topic at hand, the use of the
AspectJ compiler is all-or-nothing at the
project level in Eclipse so a separate
code location is meaningless there. But, I
don't think basic build convention
decisions should be made on the basis
of supporting any particular development

I know this is a big conceptual
problem. The value of AspectJ in many
cases is to enable unanticipated extension
of Java software. So, a large portion
of the code that is compiled/woven by ajc is
not aware (nor should it be) that it is
being advised--meaning the advised code
developer would rightly place sources in
.../java. Aspects might be best packaged
separately for such situations. But, a
growing body of software is being designed
with aspects for application logic. That
means, for instance, pointcuts in class
definitions and aspect source files mixed
in with standard java sources. Such code
might belong in a directory such as
.../aspectj to signal, by convention, that
the code requires an AspectJ compiler.
There are many such issues with this
particular language because it doesn't fit
traditional language models and probably
breaks subtle assumptions in the models
of many development tools such as Maven
and Eclipse.

Any thoughts? Am I missing some
fundamental piece of understanding that
makes AJDT and Maven integration a



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Re: creating and using source archive

2006-04-26 Thread gdub

Jamie Bisotti wrote:

On 4/26/06, Aaron Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So what you all are saying is that the "eclipse:eclipse
-DdownloadSources=true" command is the only way to get Maven to copy
source jars into the local repository. So if you already have .project
and .classpath file, the there is no way to get the sources in the
local repository without messing up my .project and .classpath file.

I think that is correct. In
browsing mail archives and
Jira reports, I get the
impression that the eclipse
plugin is the reason that
source archives exist in the
repositories at all.

Of course, now that sources
might start to show up in
the repositories, it
opens up all kinds of interesting
possibilities.  For instance,
the facility could be used to
create a complete javadoc
site for a project and all
of its dependencies with
near-zero configuration.

Similarly, for jobs that
require available 3rd-party
source code be delivered
with the system, having those
sources--tied to exact
releases--available in a repo
could help ease the pain of
"operation shrinkwrap" (as a
colleague used to call it).


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Re: creating and using source archive

2006-04-26 Thread gdub

Tom Huybrechts wrote:
> The Eclipse plugin will (or should)
> only download javadocs if the
> sources are not available. Makes
> sense for Eclipse, since it will
> extract the javadocs from the sources if needed.

Ah. I see. I deleted a source
archive and it did indeed attach
the javadoc archive instead.

However, I think it should attach
both if if finds them. In Eclipse,
shift-f2 pops up a browser pointed
at the javadocs for the item under
the cursor. If only the sources
are attached that function doesn't

With only the sources attached,
hovering over an item shows the javadoc
in a local window but the ui is not
as functional as the normal browser-
based api docs.


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Re: creating and using source archive

2006-04-26 Thread gdub

Tom Huybrechts wrote:

If you execute 'mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true', an
Eclipse project will be generated with sources or javadocs attached.

Thanks, Tom. I've started using that
flag. However, a surprising number
of packages on ibiblio don't include
source or javadoc archives.

I've resorted to packaging up those
jars manually and copying them directly
to the local repo. If we ever get our
act together and set up a workgroup
repository that effort won't have to
be duplicated on every workstation.


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Re: creating and using source archive

2006-04-26 Thread gdub

gdub wrote:

gdub wrote:
I have the source and
javadoc archives going into the
repository  just fine but the eclipse
plugin isn't picking them up when I
execute the eclipse:eclipse goal.

It was just a plugin version issue. The
newest version picks up the sources just

It does not set the javadoc archive,
though. Is that functionality supported
by the plugin?


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creating and using source archive

2006-04-26 Thread gdub

Good morning-

We just completed our first Maven-based
project and are on to the next. First,
thanks to the Maven developers for
their efforts and to the members of
this list who were invariably helpful
and patient during the newbie days.

So, we are moving from the "let's see
how Maven works" phase to the "let's
look at the impact of Maven" phase.
Personally, I have grown from "Maven
child" to "Maven rebellious teenager."

Now, a thing that would really cut
time would be to have source and javadoc
archives available in the local
repository--for all local and 3rd-
party artifacts.

So my question is, how can I
automatically install source and javadoc
jars from development projects to the
local repository? I see the instructions
on how to upload them to ibiblio and I
can successfully use the source:jar and
javadoc:jar goals. But how do I get those
jars into my local repository using
Maven?. I know I can copy them directly
but hopefully that's not the recommended
means. Ideally, I'd like it configured so
that building the install goal installs
those jars as well.

On the comment side, I would like to
plead with ibiblio uploaders to please
include source and javadoc archives
with your packages if at all possible.
I know it's extra work but it could
have a big impact on Maven usability.

Thanks as always,


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Re: jetty out of memory reloading spring app

2006-04-21 Thread gdub

Stephen Duncan wrote:

Also look at the second question in this FAQ:

It explains why reloading an app causes this problem to show up more quickly.

The description sounds like it would apply to any container that uses
multiple classloaders, not just Tomcat, so it's likely true for Jetty
as well.

That would explain it. I wonder why the
difficulty with releasing unreferenced
class loaders.


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Re: jetty out of memory reloading spring app

2006-04-21 Thread gdub

I wrote:

> It does say that it's PermGen space
> memory that's the problem. I'll look
> at the article you mention tomorrow
> and see if it helps.

I increased the perm memory to 128Mb
as a responder on the blog suggested.


Now, I'm not getting the out-of-memory
errors. One new weirdness is that now
almost every time a class definition
changes, the Jetty plug-in has to be
restarted to avoid cast exceptions.
I wonder if by setting MAVEN_OPTS
(which wasn't set before) in the
environment, some implicit setting
was changed.


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Re: jetty out of memory reloading spring app

2006-04-20 Thread gdub
> Hi is this a problem with perm memory? if so I think it 
is > the same problem

> Matt Railble describes on his blog:
> http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd/20060419

Thank you, Rolf-

It does say that it's PermGen space memory
that's the problem. I'll look at the article
you mention tomorrow and see if it helps.


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Re: jetty out of memory reloading spring app

2006-04-20 Thread gdub

Thanks, Jan-

> The jetty maven plugin is up to release beta14
> so I would give that a go and see if it helps
> with your memory issue.

I'll try that.

> Are the spring jars explicitly on the plugin's
> classpath or are they as dependencies of the
> project?

All dependencies are configured in Maven using
the pom.xml dependencies section. I didn't even
know the plug-in had its own classpath config


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jetty out of memory reloading spring app

2006-04-19 Thread gdub

I use the jetty6:run (6.0 beta 9) target
to launch Jetty with my web app under

It has a not-too-extensive Spring/Hibernate
configuration. Jetty detects code changes
just fine but after maybe 10 reloads, it
starts reporting out-of-memory problems
and refuses to reload. The machine isn't
out of memory so it's the JVM itself that
hits a wall.

Is this a known Jetty plug-in problem? Or
should I be looking for memory leaks in
Spring and Hibernate (or, e gads, my own
code). Is there something I need to
configure to make sure that Jetty releases
all app objects before reloading?

BTW, I also ran into out of memory
problems under surefire when running
integration tests but was able to solve
it by using a singleton Spring application
context as a class member. But it leads
me to think that my Spring context isn't
releasing everything when it stops being
referenced (closing the context and
explicitly setting all references to it
null helped me get about 10 more tests
in a run).

This is really only an issue during this
final integration phase so it's not too
big a deal but it does stop the thought
flow when it happens. It's also an appli-
cation confidence issue but I will do
some memory profiling later.



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Re: test cases failing in Maven but not Eclipse

2006-04-14 Thread gdub

Jakub Pawlowicz wrote:
> Did you take a look at files in the
> 'target/surefire-reports' directory of
> your project?

Wayne Fay wrote:
> Have you tried mvn -X, it reports a lot more
> data than -e. Perhaps you'll see something
> strange with -X?

Valerio Schiavoni wrote:
> we spotted out that our tests were based
> on the path of some resources only reachable
> within eclipse

Awesome! Thanks for the help everyone.
It WAS a path problem. And the surefire-
reports dir and -X flag let me track
it down.

So, the deal was that a Spring config-
uration file wasn't found. It is a one-
bean file that defines the data source.
For the testing DB server, I made a
specialized data source config. Because
it was a one-off and only used in testing,
I just put it in with the test sources.

That was the problem. Eclipse copies
resources from all source directories
to the classpath directories. Maven
only copies the resources from the
resources directory to there.

Thanks again all,


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test cases failing in Maven but not Eclipse

2006-04-13 Thread gdub

I am trying to install a module that
depends on Spring and Hibernate. All
of those dependencies for the app
are in that Maven project. The trouble
is that the tests won't pass. They pass
fine in Eclipse. All the rest of the
modules for this  project pass their
tests in both Maven and Eclipse.

I can't see where the trouble is because
nothing is reported back on the failures.
The console shows INFO lines saying that
Spring is loading the configuration
files (which are all classpath resources,
BTW) but no indication of how the tests
are failing--only a message before
maven exits saying that all the tests
have failed.

I sprinkled some printlns into some test
methods to see if the test methods were
even entered--they are not (well, at
least I don't think they are, maybe
the standard output is being shunted).

The -e switch only reports the surefire
exception that there were failed tests.

I don't think module dependencies are
the issue because I am using eclipse:
eclipse to generate them for Eclipse--
i.e. they are the same in both

How do I approach finding the source of
this trouble? There doesn't appear to be
enough information to track it down.


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Using the Eclipse compiler under maven

2006-04-08 Thread gdub

I see messages that suggest that I
can use the Eclipse compiler instead
of the Sun compiler from within
Maven. Is this true? Is there a con-
figuration page somewhere? I can't
seem to find it.

I have run across a situation where
the Eclipse compiler compiles my
1.5 code but the Sun compiler won't.
I think that the Eclipse compiler
is correct but whether or not that
is the case, I'm in the 11th hour
and would just like to install my
modules and keep moving.



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Re: configure ArrayList in POM

2006-04-04 Thread gdub

Mike Perham wrote:

>   http://...
>   http://...

Thanks, Mike.

Is configuration syntax like
that specifically written into
each each plug-in? Or does
Maven somehow automatically
discern that "link" is the
element that holds list items
for a property named "links?"

I'm just wondering how one
might determine the configuration
syntax for a plug-in generally.
Is it just convention or is there
actually code that reflects on
plug-in objects and uses property
names to infer XML element names?


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configure ArrayList in POM

2006-04-04 Thread gdub

When a plugin lists a configuration property
of type ArrayList, how are values expressed
in a POM?

In particular, I want to use the links
configuration of the javadoc plugin but
when I do the simple thing--just put
a URL in the configuration/links element--
Maven complains that I'm trying to assign
a String to an ArrayList.

Is there a document somewhere that contains
a java-type-to-POM-lex mapping reference?



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thoughts on project lifecycle and editor configs (was: eclipse plug-in now compiles project)

2006-04-01 Thread gdub

I've re-read the MECLIPSE-37 discussion
and thought a bit about the bigger picture:

Maybe the root of the problem is that
plug-ins like eclipse are logically outside
Maven's scope.

Arguably, Maven as a project lifecycle
management tool should not be concerned with
how developers view and modify project source
artifacts. A POM is an expression of project
policy. Should that policy dictate how
editing tools are used?

A practical example of the problem of coupling
these concerns would arise when two developers
wish to use the same IDE but with different
configurations. Putting any such configuration
information into a POM makes a policy statement
about how that particular IDE is used. But
IDE configuration should be developer-specific,
not project-specific. In the example, each
developer would have to maintain her own POM or
one of the developers would have to defer to the
other developer's ways.

Maybe the whole issue should be viewed from
the other direction. That is, the artifact
view/modify tools should use Maven as a service
rather than having Maven try to incorporate,
via plug-ins, v/m tool configuration into the
project lifecycle.


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eclipse plug-in now compiles project

2006-03-31 Thread gdub


I'm wondering if this is a bug or just
intended new behavior. I also don't
know if it is a plug-in issue or a
Maven application issue.

Recently, I installed 2.02 on my laptop
(I use 2.01 at the office). The
eclipse:eclipse target on the laptop
tries (and fails) to compile my project.
This doesn't occur on my office machine.

What this means is that I can't take
uncompilable code with me on the road
without manually configuring eclipse.

If this is an intended behavior, is there
a property recognized by the eclipse
plug-in that turns it off?



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