Re: Refactoring the Maven Build

2010-03-09 Thread Ron Wheeler

Wendy Smoak wrote:

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Ron Wheeler

I suggested some rewording and table changes and provided an example to the
web page on transitive dependencies
to make it more readable by someone who does not know how it works but they
were never incorporated.

Link? Is there a JIRA issue with a patch?


This was my posting with the suggestions.
It was at  the end of a long discussion where Anders gently but firmly 
hammered the concept of transitive dependencies into my thick skull.
I finally got it and now my staff regrets the day I found this. We are 
refactoring all of our builds to use Maven differently (and, I hope, 

I am sure that my wording could be improved and the example more detailed.
There was no positive response to my suggestion so I did not press the 
issue with a JIRA entry.


Once you know the answer, the matrix is accurate but it is too 
convoluted to be read by someone who does not know the answer already.

Each of the scopes (except for import) affects transitive dependencies 
in different ways, as is demonstrated in the table below. If a 
dependency is set to the scope in the left column, transitive 
dependencies of that dependency with the scope across the top row will 
result in a dependency in the main project with the scope listed at the 
intersection. If no scope is listed, it means the dependency will be 

might be written as follows:

"Each of the scopes affects transitive dependencies in different ways. 
The table below describes the rules. If a dependency in the higher level 
pom is set to the scope in the left column and the transitive 
dependencies of the lower level pom are set to the scopes named at the 
top of other column, this will result in a dependency with the derived 
scope listed in the cell at the intersection. If no scope is listed, it 
means the dependency will be omitted.
For example, if the project pom declares a dependency on a group pom  
with a scope of "provided" and the group pom includes a jar with scope 
"compile", the resulting scope for that jar will be "provided".

Of course, "import" scope does not participate in transitive dependencies."

If it is possible to colour the table or apply fonts so that header 
columns and rows are more clearly marked, that would also help.

Thanks for all the help. My test project compiles and produces a 27K war 
file instead of a 21Mb war.
Once I get the other 20+ projects fixed up and tested, I will have a 
much quicker portal startup and some relief from the Java equivalent of 

It also should make starting a new project much easier since the 
dependencies are now grouped much more sensibly.

I just hope it runs after it is deployed.


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Re: Refactoring the Maven Build

2010-03-09 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Ron Wheeler
> I suggested some rewording and table changes and provided an example to the
> web page on transitive dependencies
> (
> to make it more readable by someone who does not know how it works but they
> were never incorporated.

Link? Is there a JIRA issue with a patch?


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Re: Refactoring the Maven Build

2010-03-09 Thread Ron Wheeler

I agree with your comments about the documentation.

It needs some outside review to get the organization more oriented to 
the new person.

The definitive guide is missing some of the things that you need to 
actually build something functional.

I suggested some rewording and table changes and provided an example to 
the web page on transitive dependencies 
to make it more readable by someone who does not know how it works but 
they were never incorporated.

The proliferation of plug-ins is also confusing. If you have a million 
supported conventions does that really help?

There probably should be a "Best Practices" document that describes the 
most productive ways to use Maven to do software development.
It would likely be highly contentious for those who have developed some 
odd ways to do things.
For most of us, we would just adapt if the "Best Practices" promised 
that Maven would be our faithful servant if we followed them.
It would tell you how to structure your IDE project, how to manage your 
own libraries, how to deal with dependencies, etc. for different 
"normal" applications. It would give you examples of great parent poms, 
poms to build libraries and poms to build and deploy different types of 
applications (web, portal, web services, standalone applications) using 
your libraries and 3rd party libraries.
There are probably 10-15 "Best Practices" that would satisfy 98% of 
software developers. The other 2% could read the Maven docs and explore 
the plug-ins.


Mark H. Wood wrote:

As good and as pervasive as Maven is, if you review build tools then you
may want to take a look at Ivy too.  I plan to.

Yes, Maven is hard to learn.  The web site doesn't quite seem to be
organized either for learning *or* for reference.  The only book I
could find when I went looking for one, _Maven:  the Definitive
Guide_, would have to be three times as thick if it were really
definitive.  Everything the new user reads praises "convention over
configuration" and then doesn't tell you the conventions.

Maven embodies some very definite ideas about how software should be
built.  If you try going some other way, Maven will smack your hand
over and over until you winkle out what it wants you to do.

Maven wants to be in control of things.  It downloads what it wants,
when it wants to, without asking.  It puts things where it wants to,
without telling you where they went.  You must accept this.  It is a
thing that goes down hard for many developers.

Maven is not readily discoverable.  The way to get basic help from it
is a complex formula that stretches all the way across the screen.
The usual ways of asking a tool how it works will yield either
reminders of things the newbie wasn't ready to learn, or a screenful
of seeming gibberish.

All that said, once you have scaled the learning wall (I'm maybe 40%
up) Maven will do a good job for you so long as you use it the way it
expects to be used.  I haven't given up on it.  (Oh, no!  I've
suffered enough that I won't rest until Maven cringes before my stern
gaze, whimpering, "what is thy will, O my master?" as a good tool


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Re: Refactoring the Maven Build

2010-03-09 Thread Mark H. Wood
As good and as pervasive as Maven is, if you review build tools then you
may want to take a look at Ivy too.  I plan to.

Yes, Maven is hard to learn.  The web site doesn't quite seem to be
organized either for learning *or* for reference.  The only book I
could find when I went looking for one, _Maven:  the Definitive
Guide_, would have to be three times as thick if it were really
definitive.  Everything the new user reads praises "convention over
configuration" and then doesn't tell you the conventions.

Maven embodies some very definite ideas about how software should be
built.  If you try going some other way, Maven will smack your hand
over and over until you winkle out what it wants you to do.

Maven wants to be in control of things.  It downloads what it wants,
when it wants to, without asking.  It puts things where it wants to,
without telling you where they went.  You must accept this.  It is a
thing that goes down hard for many developers.

Maven is not readily discoverable.  The way to get basic help from it
is a complex formula that stretches all the way across the screen.
The usual ways of asking a tool how it works will yield either
reminders of things the newbie wasn't ready to learn, or a screenful
of seeming gibberish.

All that said, once you have scaled the learning wall (I'm maybe 40%
up) Maven will do a good job for you so long as you use it the way it
expects to be used.  I haven't given up on it.  (Oh, no!  I've
suffered enough that I won't rest until Maven cringes before my stern
gaze, whimpering, "what is thy will, O my master?" as a good tool

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Refactoring the Maven Build

2010-03-09 Thread Bob Aiello

Hi Jesse (and everyone),

you are more than welcome to not go so easy on me. I am a hands-on 
process improvement guy with many years of experience as a build 
engineer and release manager. I am also the Editor in Chief at CM 
Crossroads ( where I write about topics related to 
configuration management including build engineering. I have worked with 
Ant, Make/GNU Make and MS Build along with Maven 1.0.2 and Maven 2.

I have been struggling to get my arms around Maven for some time now and 
wanted to make a concerted effort to get past my learning curve because 
it has become increasingly clear that Maven is the build tool of choice 
for Java applications. In my work, I have been asked several times to 
review existing Maven builds that had the problems that I described in 
the article. I did not create these problems. They were created by 
software developers who were, as you say, "a higher caliber maven user" 
than I am today.

I appreciate your comments which I am reviewing and I am glad to 
refactor my article on "Refactoring the Maven build", but I suspect that 
I am not the only person struggling to get up to speed with maven. 
Perhaps I am a little more daring because I am willing to publicly start 
the conversation. I would also suggest that Maven is tough for many 
people to master and it could be argued that we, as a community, could 
do a better job explaining the concepts and spreading the knowledge. I 
would like to be part of that effort.

So I will challenge you Jesse (and others) to share what you know (as 
you obviously do on this list) and also to help mentor the rest of us 
along. I will do my best to come up to speed as well and I can probably 
add some value by helping others along with their learning curve too. 
What other resources are there available for newbies to learn how to use 
Maven? I know of the PDF that we can all download and books published by 
O'Reilly and Packt. I have written a number of articles on Maven and 
will write lots more (which you are absolutely welcome to critique). 

Feel free to send me your articles and I will get them published (that 
includes articles from other beginners who climbing the stairs with me).

I will always be delighted incorporate feedback and suggestions as I try 
to be the best that I can be.



On 3/8/2010 9:39 AM, Jesse Farinacci wrote:

Hi Bob,

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Bob Aiello  wrote:

I just wrote an article on tactics for refactoring the Maven build and I
would love to get your input.

Feel free to post comments or send them to me privately.

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
CM Crossroads
raiello [at]


Well, you seem to be a manager and not a technical developer, so I'll
go easy on you. Your article is definitely filled with the right buzz
words, they just don't seem to be used appropriately. The title,
Refactoring the Maven Build, suggests that there will be some sort of
detail provided on how to refactor the Maven pom.xml, but there aren't
any details on this at all.

Tip # 1 - Using help:effective-pom to diagnose problems is good
Tip # 2 - Understanding what is going on in the build is generically useful
Tip # 3 - Adding tracing to Maven itself isn't going to be useful to
any reader unless you provide your changes, please do not
Tip # 4 - Declaring dependencies in a clear and consistent way? What
does this even mean? Being a correct, well-formed XML document will
see to that..
Tip # 5 - There's so much wrong in this one I don't know where to
start ... please just delete it
Tip # 6 - This is the likely result of your misunderstanding Maven,
and switching the packaging type from jar to war without ever cleaning
out the .m2/repo and/or without changing the artifact's version -
tsk-tsk on you!
Tip # 7 - Anyone that has written a plugin for Maven, even a
HelloWorldMojo, is going to be of a higher caliber Maven user than
you.. telling them to 'optimize' their plugins isn't at all valuable
or useful
Tip # 8 - Here, you seem to have digressed from the original thesis;
are you speaking about a Maven Repository Manager? It's unclear, and
worse still, you provide no details about what you're trying to fix,
or how you recommend fixing it
Tip # 9 - This is a non-issue if you are using well defined best
practices for software development - by this I mean using actual
versions and tagging your source code version control system
appropriately during a release; a

Re: Refactoring the Maven Build

2010-03-08 Thread Justin Edelson
In addition to some strangeness that Jesse mentioned, I think you missed
a few important points, especially given what I understand to be your
site's core audience:

1. Use a Maven Repository Manager
2. Use an organizational POM.
3. Lock down all plugin versions (probably via #1)
4. Use a Maven Repository Manager

These three are far more important than most of the items you've listed.
In fact, #4 would make more sense if it talked about using
dependencyManagement at the organizational pom level to declare the
standard version of libraries to be used.

#7 cracked me up. If you're sitting around optimizing inhouse Maven
plugins, that might be a sign you have too much time on your hands. I'd
agree that you shouldn't assume a plugin "knows what you want done" but
that's not really optimization.

I can only assume that the "external repository" referred to in #8 is
actually an internal Maven Repository Manager. In which case, if you
search the archives I think you'll see that "controlled access to the
Internet" really creates support problems. We can debate why
organizations think they need to do this (although I'll pass right now),
but if you're going to advocate for deploying an MRM with locked down
Internet access, the least you can do is articulate the consequences of
doing so.

I'll disagree with Jesse a bit about #10 - I actually think there's a
good point in there - Maven supports asymmetrical parent/child
relationships and each combination (parent->child, child->parent,
child<->parent) corresponds to a specific pattern (e.g. aggregation,
inheritance, multi-module). The times I've seen multi-module projects
which needed to be "rightsized" it was largely due to using the wrong
parent child relationship. (also see "Use an organizational POM")

In any case, thanks for writing this and getting the word out.


On 3/8/10 9:39 AM, Jesse Farinacci wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Bob Aiello  wrote:
>> I just wrote an article on tactics for refactoring the Maven build and I
>> would love to get your input.
>> Feel free to post comments or send them to me privately.
>> Bob Aiello
>> Editor in Chief
>> CM Crossroads
>> raiello [at]
> Well, you seem to be a manager and not a technical developer, so I'll
> go easy on you. Your article is definitely filled with the right buzz
> words, they just don't seem to be used appropriately. The title,
> Refactoring the Maven Build, suggests that there will be some sort of
> detail provided on how to refactor the Maven pom.xml, but there aren't
> any details on this at all.
> Tip # 1 - Using help:effective-pom to diagnose problems is good
> Tip # 2 - Understanding what is going on in the build is generically useful
> Tip # 3 - Adding tracing to Maven itself isn't going to be useful to
> any reader unless you provide your changes, please do not
> Tip # 4 - Declaring dependencies in a clear and consistent way? What
> does this even mean? Being a correct, well-formed XML document will
> see to that..
> Tip # 5 - There's so much wrong in this one I don't know where to
> start ... please just delete it
> Tip # 6 - This is the likely result of your misunderstanding Maven,
> and switching the packaging type from jar to war without ever cleaning
> out the .m2/repo and/or without changing the artifact's version -
> tsk-tsk on you!
> Tip # 7 - Anyone that has written a plugin for Maven, even a
> HelloWorldMojo, is going to be of a higher caliber Maven user than
> you.. telling them to 'optimize' their plugins isn't at all valuable
> or useful
> Tip # 8 - Here, you seem to have digressed from the original thesis;
> are you speaking about a Maven Repository Manager? It's unclear, and
> worse still, you provide no details about what you're trying to fix,
> or how you recommend fixing it
> Tip # 9 - This is a non-issue if you are using well defined best
> practices for software development - by this I mean using actual
> versions and tagging your source code version control system
> appropriately during a release; any deployed artifact should be
> recreatable
> Tip # 10 - This seems like more buzz word jumbo, I'm not sure I see
> any tip here at all
> I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but this really isn't going to be a
> valuable contribution. You don't even link to where you can get more
> information about Maven, or where much better resources may be found
> (e.g.
> )
> -Jesse

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Re: Refactoring the Maven Build

2010-03-08 Thread Jesse Farinacci
Hi Bob,

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Bob Aiello  wrote:
> I just wrote an article on tactics for refactoring the Maven build and I
> would love to get your input.
> Feel free to post comments or send them to me privately.
> Bob Aiello
> Editor in Chief
> CM Crossroads
> raiello [at]

Well, you seem to be a manager and not a technical developer, so I'll
go easy on you. Your article is definitely filled with the right buzz
words, they just don't seem to be used appropriately. The title,
Refactoring the Maven Build, suggests that there will be some sort of
detail provided on how to refactor the Maven pom.xml, but there aren't
any details on this at all.

Tip # 1 - Using help:effective-pom to diagnose problems is good
Tip # 2 - Understanding what is going on in the build is generically useful
Tip # 3 - Adding tracing to Maven itself isn't going to be useful to
any reader unless you provide your changes, please do not
Tip # 4 - Declaring dependencies in a clear and consistent way? What
does this even mean? Being a correct, well-formed XML document will
see to that..
Tip # 5 - There's so much wrong in this one I don't know where to
start ... please just delete it
Tip # 6 - This is the likely result of your misunderstanding Maven,
and switching the packaging type from jar to war without ever cleaning
out the .m2/repo and/or without changing the artifact's version -
tsk-tsk on you!
Tip # 7 - Anyone that has written a plugin for Maven, even a
HelloWorldMojo, is going to be of a higher caliber Maven user than
you.. telling them to 'optimize' their plugins isn't at all valuable
or useful
Tip # 8 - Here, you seem to have digressed from the original thesis;
are you speaking about a Maven Repository Manager? It's unclear, and
worse still, you provide no details about what you're trying to fix,
or how you recommend fixing it
Tip # 9 - This is a non-issue if you are using well defined best
practices for software development - by this I mean using actual
versions and tagging your source code version control system
appropriately during a release; any deployed artifact should be
Tip # 10 - This seems like more buzz word jumbo, I'm not sure I see
any tip here at all

I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, but this really isn't going to be a
valuable contribution. You don't even link to where you can get more
information about Maven, or where much better resources may be found


There are 10 types of people in this world, those
that can read binary and those that can not.

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