Re: maven-ejb3-plugin

2008-06-22 Thread Tim Kettler


you don't need to use the maven-ejb3-plugin. It was developed because a 
draft version of the EJB3 specification contained a new .ejb3 packaging 
type. This new type was dropped for the final specification and the 
plugin never maid it out of the sandbox and was never released. Just use 
the standard maven-ejb-plugin.


langlois yan schrieb:


I would like to use EJB3 in my application. As I want to use an EAR archive 
which contains un web module and an EJB3 module I need to package my ejb3 with 
maven-ejb3-plugin and not with maven-ejb-plugin. This behaviour is mandatory by 
the maven-ear-plugin.

After a long search I find that the maven-ejb3-plugin is not in the central 
repository. So I downloaded it and install it (svn checkout
 Does someone know why this plugin is not in the centrale repository ? I think 
it would help a lot of people like me if it were there.


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2008-06-21 Thread langlois yan

I would like to use EJB3 in my application. As I want to use an EAR archive 
which contains un web module and an EJB3 module I need to package my ejb3 with 
maven-ejb3-plugin and not with maven-ejb-plugin. This behaviour is mandatory by 
the maven-ear-plugin.

After a long search I find that the maven-ejb3-plugin is not in the central 
repository. So I downloaded it and install it (svn checkout
 Does someone know why this plugin is not in the centrale repository ? I think 
it would help a lot of people like me if it were there.


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How to use maven ejb3 plugin

2006-10-20 Thread Atanu Dasgupta

How do use maven-ejb3-plugin? Please provide an example or documentation.

