RE: [Trinidad] panelTabbed - validation of unvisited tabs

2007-07-20 Thread Peter Rawlins

On 7/19/07, Adam Winer wrote:

 There's two questions here:
 (1) Is there a way to validate tabs that have been disclosed,
   but aren't disclosed right now?
 (2) Is there a way to validate tabs that have never been disclosed.

 For 1, the answer is yes:  call processValidators() and
 processUpdateModel() on the children of the showDetailItem.

 For 2, the answer is no, you can't.  And you can't set the submitted value to 
 , because  that'll blow up for many renderers.

 What you need here is bean-level validation, not component-level validation.
 Alternatively, you might disable the button until all tabs have been visited.

Adam,  thanks for the quick reply.

I've got quite a lot of similar pages to create using tabbedPanels, so I'd like 
to make the most of the automatic validation based on the declarative page 

After careful consideration, I've decided to go with your very last suggestion 
- with a slight tweak :-)

I plan to track which tabs have been visited, but leave the button always 
When the button is pushed, the action will first perform a check that all 
necessary tabs have been visited, and if not, disclose the next required tab as 
appropriate.  If the check passes, then the normal button action will be 
performed.  I'll be relying on the standard behaviour of not letting the user 
get out of the current tab unless it's valid - so I need to ensure that no 
immediate actions switch away from the current tab.

Additionally, I expect to use bean-level validation for cross-field validation 
where the fields are on different tabs.

Many thanks for your help.


[Trinidad] tr:panelTabbed - validation of unvisited tabs

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Rawlins

Hi All,

Is it possible to make a tr:panelTabbed validate all its rendered 
tr:showDetailItem children?  The default behaviour appears to not validate the 
children of undisclosed tabs, even though they have rendered=true.

The application I am working on, wants to allow users to visit the tabs as they 
see fit, but to ensure that all tabs are valid before progressing to the next 

I've attempted a workaround by adding code to temporarily disclose the other 
tabs in turn, and manually call processValidators() on them, but this doesn't 
work because the input fields of the undisclosed tabs have no submitted data, 
and claim to be valid (which also seems strange).

Looking through the mailing lists, I found an old thread which looked similar, 
but no solution:

Thanks in advance.


P.S. I'm on trinidad-1.0.1.

[Trinidad] panelTabbed - validation of unvisited tabs

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Rawlins
I have a form containing various input fields followed by a panelTabbed, and 
lastly an OK commandButton.  The panelTabbed contains some showDetailItem 
children, which have various input fields, some of which have required=true.  
The users may visit the tabs as they see fit, and then press the OK button, and 
I need each showDetailItem child to be valid as a precondition for the button 

However if a showDetailItem is not disclosed it will not validate its children. 
 So if the user doesn't happen to visit every tab, the unvisited tabs may not 
be valid, but the validation phase passes, and the commandButton's action 
method is invoked.

This behaviour seems wrong to me, as I would have expected that all 
rendered=true fields inside a form should be valid before the form is 
considered valid.  Does anyone know of a way to force the display of the 
invalid tabs, with their errors?

I've attempted a workaround by adding code to temporarily disclose the other 
tabs in turn, and manually call processValidators() on them, but this doesn't 
work because the input fields of the undisclosed tabs have no submitted data, 
and claim to be valid (which also seems strange).  I've also considered adding 
code to replace submitted values of null with , but this seems like a kludge 
too far.

Looking through the mailing lists, I found an old thread which looked similar, 
but no solution:

I'm using trinidad-1.0.1.

RE: [Trinidad] panelTabbed - validation of unvisited tabs - apologies for duplicate

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Rawlins
the original didn't appear for over 12 hours :-(