Vaadin plugin

2022-08-31 Thread Greenberg, Gary
I wanted to make some changes to my old project that was created few years ago 
on NB 8.2 with Vaadin plugin.
Now I am using NB 14.0 and 8.2 was uninstalled a while ago.
However, I can't find Vaadin in the list of available plugins.
I ran a search on but found nothing.
Can someone please tell me where it is now?

Gary Greenberg
Staff Software Engineer

Re: Warnings in pom.xml files of a multi-module project

2022-08-31 Thread Mark Eggers
The warning does not appear when the project is opened in either 
NetBeans 12.6 or 13 when running under JDK 11 on Windows 10 Professional.

It does appear when running NetBeans 14 or 15 (vc) when running on 
either JDK 11 or JDK 17.

I guess I should write up how to reproduce the issue and file a bug.

If anyone can give me a clue as to where to start looking for Maven pom 
parsing, I can try to see what changed.

I also tried using different versions of Maven.

I also tried clearing the cache.

I also tried a completely clean user directory.

Multi-module projects that open cleanly in NetBeans 12.6 and 13 generate 
the parent.relativePath warning in NetBeans 14 and 15 (vc).

. . . just my two cents

On 8/29/2022 2:37 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:


I have the following setup:

Windows 10 Pro - latest updates
JDK 17 (JDK 11, JDK 8 defined for legacy projects)
Netbeans 15 (voting candidate) installed from zip

I did not import any settings from NetBeans 14.

I have the following project structure to build with JDK 8:

|--- pom.xml
+--- Module_1
  | pom.xml
+--- Module_2
  | pom.xml
+--- Module_3
  | pom.xml

The parent definition in the modules are:


(jar or war)

where n = [1,2,3].

The Aggregator project:



In each of the modules, I get the following warning in my pom.xml files:

'parent.relativePath' of some.organization:Module_n:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT 
points to some.organization:Module_n instead of 
some.organization:Aggreagator, please verify your project structure.

This occurs for n = [1,2,3].

This also occurs with a zip-installed copy of NetBeans 14 on Windows.

I do not get this warning when running the same setup on Ubuntu 22.04 
with either the SNAP-installed NetBeans 14 or a zip-installed NetBeans 15.

What am I missing?

. . . just my two cents

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2022-08-31 Thread Ronald Herman
I recently updated my Netbeans to version 14 in hopes that it would solve a 
problem on my raspberry pi 4 with open-idk version 11 related to QWIC/I2C. I 
got the missing SharedSecrets thing. While I have seen numerous postings 
regarding this problem I don’t think I’ve seen any definitive solution unless I 
missed it. Is there anything I can do to correct this or is a solution in the 
Ronald T. Herman
Canterbury NH
Sent from my MacMini

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Re: Remove old LAFs from application and use new default LAF instead

2022-08-31 Thread Mike Hallan
 Neil, thank you, that is much better! For some reason, I didn't realize that 
just setting the LAF in NbPreferences is all that was required.
As for filtering, in validate() I just call 
UIManager.setInstalledLookAndFeels(flatLafs) where UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] 
flatLafs contains just the 2 FlatLafs from 
UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(). It works, it just shows the 2 LAFs in 

On Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 04:42:42 PM GMT+3, Neil C Smith 
 On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 at 14:28, Mike Hallan  wrote:
>  I found that Installer's validate() may not return the correct LAF that will 
>actually be used.

No, it won't.  It'll run before NetBeans sets up the look and feel.
Which is actually what you want.

I suggested you look at filtering the installed look and feels, and
correcting the value of NbPreferences laf property in a validate().
This needs to run in a module that depends on FlatLaf.

> then UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf") ...
> As I said, it seems to work although it doesn't feel ideal.

No, it isn't ideal - you can get weird artefacts by calling
UIManager::setLookAndFeel.  Better to let NetBeans look and feel setup
handle this for you.

Best wishes,


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Re: Remove old LAFs from application and use new default LAF instead

2022-08-31 Thread Neil C Smith
On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 at 14:28, Mike Hallan  wrote:
>  I found that Installer's validate() may not return the correct LAF that will 
> actually be used.

No, it won't.  It'll run before NetBeans sets up the look and feel.
Which is actually what you want.

I suggested you look at filtering the installed look and feels, and
correcting the value of NbPreferences laf property in a validate().
This needs to run in a module that depends on FlatLaf.

> then UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf") ...
> As I said, it seems to work although it doesn't feel ideal.

No, it isn't ideal - you can get weird artefacts by calling
UIManager::setLookAndFeel.  Better to let NetBeans look and feel setup
handle this for you.

Best wishes,


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Re: Remove old LAFs from application and use new default LAF instead

2022-08-31 Thread Mike Hallan
 Thanks Neil, I have the FlatLaf modules already installed when compiled. I 
found that Installer's validate() may not return the correct LAF that will 
actually be used. i.e. In validate(), UIManager.getLookAndFeel() may return 
Metal and then go on to a later stage where it will actually become Windows (or 
Anyway, I managed to achieve what I wanted but I'm not sure if I'm just lucky 
for now and at some point this won't work due to some async nature of NB 
startup, now or in a future version of NB.
Basically, in every module that is likely used early or may do anything 
significant in rendering the GUI (TopComponents), I included an Installer 
module where I override restored(). It seems that by the time any Installer's 
restored() is called, the actual LAF has been chosen by NB (not true in 
validate() as mentioned above). So, the first statement in each restored() 
calls MyUiSettings.init(). This init() is synchronized and is latched to be 
performed only once by first caller.init() checks the current LAF using 
UIManager.getLookAndFeel(). If it's not a FlatLaf type, then 
UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf") is called followed 
by NbPreferences.root().node("laf").put("laf", 
As I said, it seems to work although it doesn't feel ideal.        

On Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 03:08:35 PM GMT+3, Neil C Smith 
 On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 at 12:30, Mike Hallan  wrote:
> Sounds like there is no simple or non-brittle way to do this. Thanks anyway.

You might also look at configuring the installed look and feels -

The NetBeans UI is just showing the installed look and feels.  Or you
could hide the existing UI selection and provide your own.

You should be able to validate and change the LAF preference during startup too.

Both should probably happen in a ModuleInstall validate method that
runs after this one -


Re: Remove old LAFs from application and use new default LAF instead

2022-08-31 Thread Neil C Smith
On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 at 12:30, Mike Hallan  wrote:
> Sounds like there is no simple or non-brittle way to do this. Thanks anyway.

You might also look at configuring the installed look and feels -

The NetBeans UI is just showing the installed look and feels.  Or you
could hide the existing UI selection and provide your own.

You should be able to validate and change the LAF preference during startup too.

Both should probably happen in a ModuleInstall validate method that
runs after this one -


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Re: Remove old LAFs from application and use new default LAF instead

2022-08-31 Thread Mike Hallan
 Sounds like there is no simple or non-brittle way to do this. Thanks anyway.

On Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 04:56:10 AM GMT+3, Laszlo Kishalmi 
Right now we are using all installed LaF-s to display in the combo box. You 
might create an SPI PR for a filtering interface. It's in the 
platform/ module.
You might create something that checks/changes the following file on startup:

 On 8/29/22 00:43, Mike Hallan wrote:
 Hi,   I would like to remove all LAFs so that the only ones available in MyApp 
are "FlatLaf Light" and "FlatLaf Dark". I have set the default LAF in branding 
resource bundle for MyApp to be com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf. Ideally I 
want that if a user of a previous version of MyApp, who had been using 
"Windows" LAF, now starts the new new version of MyApp that MyApp won't find 
"Windows" LAF (because it no longer exists) and will therefore revert to using 
the new branded default of "FlatLAF Light". Therefore:  1) Is is possible to 
remove all non-FlatLaf LAFs? Please tell me how to do it safely. 2) Will the 
application revert to using the branded default LAF if it can't find the 
previous LAF because it no longer exists in the application? Thanks!  

Re: C++ netbeans

2022-08-31 Thread Gregor Kovač

Hi there fellow Slovenian. :)

as far as I know C++ was donated to Apache, but the modules are not yet 
integrated. You could use older version of NetBeans or import modules 
from it.

Best regards,


Eduard Filipas je 31. 08. 22 ob 01:49 napisal:

it was probably asked many times but i cannot figure a way to enable 
autocomplite for c++. atleast to get shown possible procedures as 
options. search results are all about java, thus not helpfull .. other 
than that i like it very much.
