Re: Java NetBeans IDE14 Project (Unloadable) pom.xml Error

2022-08-11 Thread David Green
1.8 is a long way back but I think I used this article as a starting point:


On Thu, Aug 11, 2022 at 6:22 PM M. Hagen  wrote:

> Hello,
> I am fairly new to NetBeans and a novice user of Java 1.8... (Most of my
> Java programming has been done with Notepad at the command prompt.)
> While attempting to created a packaged JAR file for distribution with
> NetBeans Maven, I get an error of "No MANIFEST.MF attributes found" when
> running the Jar file.  However NetBeans Jar worked with Ant on other
> projects.
> I did and still researching the internet on how to create a working
> MANIFEST.MF file for Maven.
> I tried modifying the pom.xml file to get a good MANIFEST.MF file.
> After modifying the pom.xml file I get error:
> 1 problem was encountered while building the effective model [FATAL]
> Non-parseable POM
> C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1\pom.xml:
> TEXT must be immediately followed by END_TAG and not START_TAG (position:
> START_TAG seen ... \r\n  ... @15:26) @ line 15, column 26 for project at
> C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1\pom.xml
> 2 the below pom.xml file errors at " with a red line.  So I get
> "TestJarmavenproject1 (Unloadable)" in NetBeans.
> Error Message:
> Non-parsable POM
> C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1\pom.xml:
> TEXT must be immediately followed by END_TAG and not START_TAG (position:
> START-TAG seen ... \n\n plugins> ... @14:12
> I tried several different attempt to stop this error and failed.
>; xmlns:xsi="
>; xsi:schemaLocation="
> 4.0.0
> com.electronicrepair.testjarmavenproject1
> TestJarmavenproject1
> jar
> UTF-8
> 1.8
> 1.8
> com.electronicrepair.testjarmavenproject1.TestJarmavenproject1
> com.electronicrepair.testjarmavenproject1
> maven-assembly-plugin
> jar-with-dependencies
> true
> lib/
> com.electronicrepair.testjarmavenproject1.TestJarmavenproject1
> make-assembly
> package
> single
> *
> Other error messages about the pom.xml file are:
> *
> cd
> C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1;
> "JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_333" cmd /c "\"C:\\Program
> Files\\NetBeans-14\\netbeans\\java\\maven\\bin\\mvn.cmd\" -DskipTests=true
> \"-Dmaven.ext.class.path=C:\\Program
> Files\\NetBeans-14\\netbeans\\java\\maven-nblib\\netbeans-eventspy.jar\"
> --fail-at-end package"
> Scanning for projects...
> [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
> Non-parseable POM
> C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1\pom.xml:
> TEXT must be immediately followed by END_TAG and not START_TAG (position:
> START_TAG seen ...\r\n... @15:26)  @ line
> 15, column 26
>  @
> The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
>   The project
> (C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1\pom.xml)
> has 1 error
> Non-parseable POM
> C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1\pom.xml:
> TEXT must be immediately followed by END_TAG and not START_TAG (position:
> START_TAG seen ...\r\n... @15:26)  @ line
> 15, column 26 -> [Help 2]
> To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
> Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read
> the following articles:
> [Help 1]
> [Help 2]
> *
>  ProjectBuildingException
> Skip to end of metadata
> *
> Location:
> C:\Users\elect\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Tutorials\TestJarmavenproject1
> GroupID: 

RE: [NB13] [Maven] [POM] Netbeans 13 Maven POM problem

2022-03-08 Thread David Green
 I used the release candidate of the OSX installer that has been
retracted.  I had already unlocked the Security & Privacy panel of System

When I used File Open Project of NetBeans and moved it to my user
directory, I got a prompt to allow Apache NetBeans 13 to access my Desktop
(which I denied) but looking at the Files and Folders part of Security &
Privacy, I saw that Apache NetBeans was added with the three special
folders (Downloads, Document, Desktop) and had checked Download & Documents
for access but not Desktop.

I delete Apache NetBeans (and its 3 subfolders) from panel with the
“-" and was able to retrigger the requests when I tried to access and while
the panel was unlocked.  Not sure that will work for you or is part of the
configuration for the application.  The “13” app is shown
right below the “12.6” app in the Files and Folders panel.


On Mar 8, 2022 at 2:57:40 PM, Peter Ream  wrote:

> I know what the problem is, I have a work around, but don’t know how to
> fully resolve. Applications that want access to folders ~/Desktop,
> ~/Downloads, or ~/Documents have to first get access permission from the
> user. I don’t know how this is done, an API request, first access to a file
> within, or something else. Anyway, NB12.6 requested access which I
> authorized for ~/Documents (my netbeans project folders reside here).  NB13
> (downloaded and installed with Carl Mosca’s installer) never requests
> access rights. As a result, “Apache Netbeans”, (see attached)
> has an entry in “System Preferences | Files and Folders”, while NB13 does
> not.   As a result, I am unable to navigate any of the special folders in
> NB13. To open and get the error, you have to supply path to project in
> “File Name: “ input box, then click “Open Project.” Then the error I noted
> in my earlier post.
> I can reproduce the same situation in NB12.6 by unticking “Documents
> Folder” in Files and Folders. Can no longer navigate the special folders,
> and same open failure.
> How does “Apache Netbeans” request access to ~/Documents? There is
> +/- to add applications, but it is always grayed out (not user addable).
> Give “Full Disk Access” does not work. I went down the quarantine route,
> but don’t think that is the issue. The uses curl to download and
> I read curl downloads are not quarantined.
> My work around:  I moved my projects out of ~/Documents. NB13 then works
> fine. If you don’t have your projects under one of the 3 special folders,
> you’ll never see the problem.
> I’m out of ideas and I’m guessing it has something to do with signing the
> app, and hope the MacOS installer will resolve this (non)issue.
> On 2022/03/06 16:53:39 Peter Ream wrote:
> I installed NB13 using carljmosca/netbeans-macos-bundle: NetBeans
> installation script for Mac OS X (
>  on MacOS 12.2.1 on
> MacBook Air M1. The install went without a hitch. However none of my maven
> projects will open. I get:
> 1 problem was encountered while building the effective model
> [FATAL] Non-readable POM /Users/user/Documents/Java
> Projects/NetBeansProjects/Maven/Test/DRHandicapMonitor/pom.xml:
> /Users/user/Documents/Java
> Projects/NetBeansProjects/Maven/Test/DRHandicapMonitor/pom.xml (Operation
> not permitted) @
>  for project  at /Users/user/Documents/Java
> Projects/NetBeansProjects/Maven/Test/DRHandicapMonitor/pom.xml
> When I try “Resolve Problem”, I get:
> cd /Users/user/Documents/Java
> Projects/NetBeansProjects/Maven/Test/Handicap;
> JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home
> "/Applications/NetBeans/Apache NetBeans
>" -DskipTests=true
> --fail-at-end package
> shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access
> parent directories: Operation not permitted
> pwd: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
> directories: Operation not permitted
> pwd: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
> directories: Operation not permitted
> chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
> directories: Operation not permitted
> chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
> directories: Operation not permitted
> pwd: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent
> directories: Operation not permitted
> Scanning for projects…
> There appears to be a problem with accessing the POM. I have “Files and
> Folders” and “Full Disk Access” set for NB13.
> Any ideas?
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> For further information about the NetBeans 

Re: Netbeans 8.2 download link

2022-03-01 Thread David Green
On Mar 1, 2022 at 8:50:59 PM, Jonathan Bergh 

> just wondering if anyone has / knows the (a) link for the old Oracle
> Netbeans 8.2 download. I know there is any floating around, but the one on
> the Apache Netbeans pre-Apache page currently redirects to a dead end.

How about  (realizing there is
a JDK with it).


Re: NetBeans 12.6 Push to GitHub

2022-01-27 Thread David Green
On Jan 27, 2022 at 9:41:12 AM, Sam Lalani 

> Incorrect credentials for repository at
> If I use the GitHub Desktop application, then I am able to drag and drop
> my NetBeans project to GitHub, but I would prefer to use the NetBeans Git
> integration to update my repository.  I Google searched this issue but am
> unable to find anything that helps me resolve it.
> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Are you using a personal authentication credential as your password rather
than the Github website password?  I read that GitHub has stopped accepting
the password.  You build the personal authentication credential on the
GitHub site and then grab it for your local system for use.  I think it is
only available as you make it so you have to securely store it locally.


Re: Blank Terminal window on M1 Mac with Netbeans 12.5

2022-01-13 Thread David Green
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/process_start"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/pty_open"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/sigqueue"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86/unbuffer.dll"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/killall"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/process_start"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/pty"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/pty_open"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/sigqueue"/>
> name="bin/nativeexecution/Windows-x86_64/unbuffer.dll"/>
> name="config/Modules/org-netbeans-modules-dlight-nativeexecution.xml"/>
> name="modules/org-netbeans-modules-dlight-nativeexecution.jar"/>
> On Jan 13, 2022, at 4:43 PM, Tim Mullé  wrote:
> So, I did some digging in the debugger of the Netbeans source (12.6) and I
> think I found where the issue is happening, just not sure why.
> One weird thing is that the HostInfo doesn’t know what `platform` my M1
> Pro Mac is..
> Then later on in
> ‘org.netbeans.modules.nativeexecution.api.util.HelperUtility.getLocalFile()’
> it throws a MissingResourceException because it’s trying to find
> "bin/nativeexecution/MacOSX-unknown_64/pty” on the local file system..and
> that’s not correct because of the `-unknown`
> A ’null’ is then returned and that then gets set into the ‘Info” variable
> which then ultimately causes the exception, in PtyNativeProcess.create() it
> then calls `LocalNativeProcess.createAndStart()` and
> That fails because the `info.setExecutable(String path)` has been set to
> NULL because of the previous errors.
> Ultimately failing on line 163 in
> `’ and then
> the error DOES get logged but at the FINE level..which doesn’t appear in
> the IDE LOG
> Hope this helps, I don’t know enough of the code to try to fix it.. looks
> like it is missing a file at first glance?
> - Tim
> *** CODE ***
> 'protected File getLocalFile(final ExecutionEnvironment env)
> throws ParseException, MissingResourceException {
> InstalledFileLocator fl =
> InstalledFileLocatorProvider.getDefault();
> MacroExpander expander = MacroExpanderFactory.getExpander(env);
> String path = expander.expandPredefinedMacros(pattern);
> File file = fl.locate(path, codeNameBase, false);
> if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
> throw new MissingResourceException(path, null, null); //NOI18N
> }
> return file;
>     }
> '
> > On Jan 13, 2022, at 4:23 PM, Malcolm Fitzgerald <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone picked up on Emilian's idea and checked the settings for Full
> Disk Access and for Files and Folders in System Preferences -> Security and
> Privacy -> Privacy? There may be a terminal icon labelled "java" that is
> waiting to be checked.
> >
> >
> > Malcolm
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Tim Mullé wrote on 14/01/22 8:44 AM:
> >
> >> I too am running an M1 Pro Mac with Monterey
> >>
> >> I’m using 17.0.1-tem java install from SDKMAN and I’ve tried
> 11.0.13-zulu and same issue.
> >>
> >> I don’t see java in my Files and Folders privacy
> >>
> >>
> >>> On Jan 13, 2022, at 2:41 PM, Tim Mullé  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Sadly, that didn’t fix it for me. I do have Xcode and the command line
> tools installed as well.
> >>>
> >>> I just deleted my /Library/Application Support/NetBeans folder and
> restarted Netbeans and I still get the same error posted below.
> >>>
> >>> Oddly, the REMOTE terminal works and I connected to another machine
> via the ssh and the terminal works
> >>>
> >>> It’s just the local terminal that is crashing with the error
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> On Jan 13, 2022, at 12:16 PM, David Green 
> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Works for me on M1

Re: macOS, Monterey, M1 - can't show in Finder

2021-12-17 Thread David Green
Thanks all.

When I reverted to Java 15: the “Show in Finder” worked and I got the same
warnings as Carl does with Java 11.


On Dec 13, 2021 at 6:40:18 AM, Carl Mosca  wrote:

> Started from the command line:
> Java 11:
> WARNING: package sun.awt.X11 not in java.desktop
> WARNING: package not in java.desktop
> WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
> WARNING: Illegal reflective access by
> org.netbeans.modules.applemenu.ShowInFinder$1
> (jar:file:/Applications/NetBeans/!/)
> to method
> WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
> org.netbeans.modules.applemenu.ShowInFinder$1
> WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal
> reflective access operations
> WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
> Java 17:
> WARNING: package sun.awt.X11 not in java.desktop
> WARNING: package not in java.desktop
> WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
> WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by
> org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager
> (file:/Applications/NetBeans/
> WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
> org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager
> WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 7:26 AM Juan Miguel Escribano <
>> wrote:
>> Same here,
>> Netbeans 12.6 with Java 17, BUT MacBook Pro INTEL
>> “Show in Finder” does not work.
>> Juan Miguel
>> El 13 dic 2021, a las 12:35, Carl Mosca  escribió:
>> I was seeing this as well running Java 17.  I switched back to 11 and it
>> seems to be working...but I have only had one cup of coffee.  Running macOS
>> 12.0.1 on an M1 MacBook Air.
>> On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 12:56 AM David Green  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On a new MacBook Pro with M1 processor and running Monterey.  Running
>>> NetBeans 12.6 but just tried 12.4 and same issue.
>>> Highlighting a source code file (or a folder), and right-click select
>>> Tools | Show in Finder, nothing happens.  It used to work on my old
>>> Intel-based machine running BigSur and earlier (can’t speak to Monterey on
>>> Intel).
>>> On the same menu, is Tools | Open in Terminal which works to open
>>> terminal with the working directory of the containing folder.
>>> Is this a NetBeans/OS problem or something specific to my machine?
>>> NetBeans 12.6 (nor earlier) shows up in the System Preferences | Security &
>>> Privacy | Automation where some programs that control other programs are
>>> listed.  I was not able to find any error messages.
>>> Clearly, the workaround is to use the Open in Terminal and then type
>>> “open .” in the terminal window.
>>> Thanks for any ideas,
>>> Dave
>> --
>> Carl J. Mosca
> --
> Carl J. Mosca

macOS, Monterey, M1 - can't show in Finder

2021-12-12 Thread David Green

On a new MacBook Pro with M1 processor and running Monterey.  Running
NetBeans 12.6 but just tried 12.4 and same issue.

Highlighting a source code file (or a folder), and right-click select Tools
| Show in Finder, nothing happens.  It used to work on my old Intel-based
machine running BigSur and earlier (can’t speak to Monterey on Intel).

On the same menu, is Tools | Open in Terminal which works to open terminal
with the working directory of the containing folder.

Is this a NetBeans/OS problem or something specific to my machine?
NetBeans 12.6 (nor earlier) shows up in the System Preferences | Security &
Privacy | Automation where some programs that control other programs are
listed.  I was not able to find any error messages.

Clearly, the workaround is to use the Open in Terminal and then type “open
.” in the terminal window.

Thanks for any ideas,


RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Implementation dependency in a maven module

2021-11-15 Thread David Green
Is the document referring to the
version org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nbm-maven-plugin (or of Maven) rather
than maven-jar-plugin?

On Nov 15, 2021 at 9:12:28 AM, Eymeric VIEUILLE  wrote:

> Hi,
> Thx for the answer.
> Like said before, I’m looking for a way to add an implementation
> dependency. I found this :
> The tag « moduleDependencies » seems to do what I am expecting but it is
> said that this is only available from version 3.8
> With older version of maven-jar-plugin, an error is present in pom file.
> With later, the error disappears but when compiling i get :
> Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:3.14 or one of its
> dependencies could not be resolved: Failure to find
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:jar:3.14 in
> was cached in the local repository,
> resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of mirror1 has
> elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
> *De :* David Green 
> *Envoyé :* lundi 15 novembre 2021 15:02
> *À :* Netbeans mailing list ( <
>>; Eymeric VIEUILLE 
> *Objet :* [EXTERNAL] Re: Implementation dependency in a maven module
> Hi,
> I am not a Maven expert but it looks like 3.2.1 is latest in github
>  apache/maven-jar-plugin (see pom.xml file).   Are you perhaps wanting
> 3.1.4 instead of 3.14?
> Dave
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:39 AM Eymeric VIEUILLE 
> wrote:
> Hi again !
> Nobody has answers for it ?
> *Envoyé :* lundi 8 novembre 2021 15:29
> *À :* Netbeans mailing list ( <
> *Objet :* Implementation dependency in a maven module
> Hi !
> I am doing the migration of a netbeans based application from Ant to Maven
> (Netbeans 12.0 version)
> In our project, we had implementation dependencies on netbeans modules
> (core-windows for example). In the old way, no problem : on the dependency
> core-windows, you could right click and go in « Edit » menu to select
> « Implementation Version » and set the expected « Major Release Version »
> value.
> Now with Maven, in my pom.xml, i added :
> org.apache.maven.plugins
> maven-jar-plugin
> 3.14
> framework/api/layer.xml
> org.netbeans.modules:org-netbeans-core-windows
> impl
> I get the following error when compiling :
> Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:3.14 or one of its
> dependencies could not be resolved: Failure to find
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:jar:3.14 in
> was cached in the local repository,
> resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of mirror1 has
> elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
> The 3.14 version of maven-jar-plugin is effectively not available on this
> repository (only olders < 3.2). Am i pointing at the wrong maven
> repository ?
> Moreover, I think i’m doing it the wrong way for adding the implementation
> dependency properly in my project. Can you tell me how i can do it ?
> --
> Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse any typos.

Re: Implementation dependency in a maven module

2021-11-15 Thread David Green

I am not a Maven expert but it looks like 3.2.1 is latest in github
 apache/maven-jar-plugin (see pom.xml file).   Are you perhaps wanting
3.1.4 instead of 3.14?


On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 7:39 AM Eymeric VIEUILLE 

> Hi again !
> Nobody has answers for it ?
> *Envoyé :* lundi 8 novembre 2021 15:29
> *À :* Netbeans mailing list ( <
> *Objet :* Implementation dependency in a maven module
> Hi !
> I am doing the migration of a netbeans based application from Ant to Maven
> (Netbeans 12.0 version)
> In our project, we had implementation dependencies on netbeans modules
> (core-windows for example). In the old way, no problem : on the dependency
> core-windows, you could right click and go in « Edit » menu to select
> « Implementation Version » and set the expected « Major Release Version »
> value.
> Now with Maven, in my pom.xml, i added :
> org.apache.maven.plugins
> maven-jar-plugin
> 3.14
> framework/api/layer.xml
> org.netbeans.modules:org-netbeans-core-windows
> impl
> I get the following error when compiling :
> Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:3.14 or one of its
> dependencies could not be resolved: Failure to find
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin:jar:3.14 in
> was cached in the local repository,
> resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of mirror1 has
> elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
> The 3.14 version of maven-jar-plugin is effectively not available on this
> repository (only olders < 3.2). Am i pointing at the wrong maven
> repository ?
> Moreover, I think i’m doing it the wrong way for adding the implementation
> dependency properly in my project. Can you tell me how i can do it ?
Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse any typos.

Re: [Java] with Ant (Java Applications) If, If Else, Else statements.

2021-08-05 Thread David Green
On 5 Aug 2021, at 10:32, Winod Dhamnekar wrote:

>  I am not accustomed to using Netbeans Apache IDE expeditiously and 
> skillfully. In the following picture of IFStatements Java application  (Java 
> with Ant project)  I used if , else if, else statements using int user(34) 
> variable, but it didn't show the correct statement in the output.  What is 
> wrong with this IFStatements project?

When presented with things like this, I always try a “Clean and Build” from the 
“Run” menu as my first step.

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Re: [JavaFX] project jar file

2019-12-22 Thread David Green
Still working thru this myself but this worked for me in a recent CoolBeans
packaging of NetBeans using Maven underneath.

Maybe it is helpful.


On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 4:16 AM joe schmo  wrote:

> I have never used jlink.
> --
> *From:* Huckleberry Finn 
> *Sent:* December 21, 2019 5:23 PM
> *To:* joe schmo 
> *Subject:* Re: [JavaFX] project jar file
> Thank you vey much.
> I am using jdk 13.0.1 ( the latest) and I am new to Java, migrating from
> c++. And yes the project is modular with main java class, controler file
> and an fxml file. I could not figure out what kind of project management
> Netbeans or IntelliJ are using. It does not seem to be neither gradle nor
> maven.
> I tried the project with Intellij too with the  same result.
> On the internet there are lots of useless comments. I went through javafx
> documentation and followed their directions both for Netbeans and InjtelliJ
> no effect getting the same error.
> I would very much appreciate it if you could elaborate on how to use
> Jlinks. I have heard that Oracle had removed Jlink from java 13.
> On Thursday, December 19, 2019, joe schmo  wrote:
> MIght be some helpful information here:
> Getting Started with JavaFX 13 
> Getting started with JavaFX 13 for Java desktop application development
> --
> *From:* Huckleberry Finn 
> *Sent:* December 18, 2019 2:26 PM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* [JavaFX] project jar file
> To create a deplyable version of my project  I make a clean & Build
> project on it. Netbeans will create a jar file in the dist subfolder of the
> project along with the fx libraries in the lib subfolder of dist.
> When I run java -jar myproject.jar, I get
> Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this
> application
> How should I include the fx libraries inside the jar file
> --
Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse any typos.

Re: [ install ] Not sure I have correct download of NetBeans

2019-09-22 Thread David Green
I find that I have to right-click open on these files. I then get a dialog
telling me where it was downloaded from and do I want to open it. After
confirming, things run and macOS remembers I have  blessed it to execute
and other launch mechanisms work now. This behavior occurs for most code
not from the Apple store.
Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse any typos.

Re: Printing from IDE 11.0

2019-09-08 Thread David Green
On MacOS and NetBeans 11.1, I see two behaviors:

1. When I am in the Files View, there is an attempt to show me a print page
preview by NetBeans.  This is unreliable, mostly it comes up empty.
2. When I am in the Projects View, the OS print dialog comes up reliability
and prints.

(After I have printed the file with option 2, then option 1 starts
"working" by going directly to the OS print dialog.  The "healing" behavior
seems to be preserved across a quit and reopen of NetBeans.)


On Sun, Sep 8, 2019 at 5:05 AM <> wrote:

> Thanks all,
> Printing works for me as it should on my other station with netbeans 11.0,
> so it's something outside of netbeans I feel.
> Printing works OK with other software though (notepad++, word, excel etc.)
> so I'm unsure where to look for the problem [image: Emoji]:(
> I can open the code in notepad++ to print, but that's a bit defeatist [image:
> Emoji], or just edit with my laptop all the time...
> Phil
> On Sunday, 8 September 2019, 07:05:58 BST, Laszlo Kishalmi <
>> wrote:
> Works for me under Ubuntu 18.04 as well.
> On 9/7/19 2:21 PM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
> On 9/7/19 4:05 PM, wrote:
> Open a project, select a file to edit.
> Once the file is open select 'File' from the main menu, then Print from
> the drop down menu.
> The print dialog box opens, but all sections are greyed out (except the
> print options and page setup).
> *Product Version:* Apache NetBeans IDE 11.1
> *Java:* 12.0.2; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 12.0.2+10
> *Runtime:* Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 12.0.2+10
> *System:* Windows 10 version 10.0 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_GB (nb)
> *User directory:* C:\Users\Philip\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\11.1
> *Cache directory:* C:\Users\Philip\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\11.1
> Don't know if this applies to your environment, but years ago under Linux,
> I remember having to make sure the printer was set as the default (in OS
> settings) even if there was only one.
> -
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> For further information about the NetBeans mailing lists, 
> visit:

Re: Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application

2019-06-10 Thread David Green
Thanks for the blog entry as well as the source content.  Very helpful.

Should “(Incubating)” be removed from blog title?

On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 5:47 AM Geertjan Wielenga 

> Created a blog entry listing your three great articles:
> Gj
> On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 11:56 AM Geertjan Wielenga 
> wrote:
>> Yes, that would be cool, e.g., at or at
>> Gj
>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 5:09 PM Luff,Chris  wrote:
>>> Agree with @Geertjan here….you need to choose an approach. I prefer
>>> maven which is by no means perfect but has good resource!
>>> I published some articles on modular JavaFX in NetBeans on DZone[1],
>>> probably should start blogging for Apache NetBeans (Geertjan?).
>>> [1]:
>>> On 6 Jun 2019, at 13:16, Geertjan Wielenga  wrote:
>>> The key problem is that you need to make a choice: are you using Ant or
>>> Maven? Are you creating a modular application or not?
>>> No one can help you if in each and every mail you send you're trying
>>> something completely different -- i.e., now you suddenly mention
>>>, which means you're creating a modular application.
>>> What is it that you want to achieve? No one can help you, if you don't
>>> know.
>>> Gj
>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 2:13 PM Eef Custers 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Jose,

 Thanks for your respons.

 This commandline was generated by Netbeans in case one did not wanted
 to use Ant. This generated line contains errors ( colons instead of
 semecolons), which I ofcourse removed. The rest of the config is collected
 from internal settings. Indeed the mods directory is also configured in
 Netbeans. In another programs I used the That build went
 OK, but alo the run failed. I am really amased that these new versions do
 not match. I am now almost two weeks going over the internet and trying all
 kinds of ways of working, but I did not find a solution. Maybe the advise
 will be: stay at version 8 for Java/JavaFX and Netbeans?



 Op do 6 jun. 2019 om 13:50 schreef <>:

> Hi Eef,
> Your command line says otherwise, but it tells what it is ultimately
> running:
> c:\java_lib\jdk-12.0.1/bin/java \
> -p C:\java_lib\javafx-jmods-12.0.1;
> C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\lib\javafx-swt.jar;C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\lib\javafx.base.jar;
> *C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\lib\javafx.controls.jar;
> *C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\lib\javafx.fxml.jar;... \
>  -cp C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\lib\javafx-swt.jar;
> C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\lib\javafx.base.jar;
>  *C:\java_lib\javafx-sdk-12.0.1\lib\javafx.controls.jar;...
> ;D:\NbProjects\FxApp01_c\dist\FxApp01_c.jar \
>  fxapp01_c.FxApp01_c
> In this command line there are a few issues:
> - No "--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml"
> - JavaFX jmods and SDK mixed in the same module-path
> - Weird path " *C:\...", this looks bad.
> Please follow the sample:
> And make sure you have the right libraries and Path.
> Jose
> On 2019/06/06 11:36:17, Eef Custers  wrote:
> > Hi Jose,
> >
> > I did not missed step 5, I had that configured. As you can read in
> my other
> > reply to Geertjan something is going wrong at the initialisation of
> the
> > boot layer. The VM parameters processing is complaining about the
> last
> > value in the list, no matter what the value is.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Eef
> >
> > Op do 6 jun. 2019 om 10:34 schreef <
> >>:
> >
> > > Hi, you can still use Ant, of course, but as Geertjan already
> pointed out,
> > > you are missing this:
> > >
> > > --add-modules javafx.fxml,javafx.controls
> > >
> > > (no need for javafx.base nor, as these are
> transitive
> > > dependencies of javafx.controls).
> > >
> > > which is also shown in the pic
> > >