Re: [External] : Re: NetBeans Plugin Verifier wanted

2022-08-30 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Cool, thanks Mani! I have got one other offer from some kind contributor 
which should be enough. Let's have a Zoom call on Friday. I will send 
you another message privately.


Dne 30. 08. 22 v 16:53 napsal(a):

Hi Jiri,
I can volunteer some time for plugin verification.
/The trick of walking on water is knowing where the stones are./

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 4:42 PM Jiří Kovalský <>> wrote:

Hello NetBeans community,

     at the moment it is just Carlos and me testing NetBeans plugins
before they get published on the NetBeans Update Center. Would there be
some kind volunteer who would be willing to help us with this task?
Especially during holiday seasons it would be really handy to have more
people looking after the plugin verifications so that plugin developers
don't have to wait long until their plugins show up in the IDE.

     Verification of one plugin usually takes only a couple of
minutes so
it is enough to allocate ~1 hour weekly at maximum. If you want to know
what exactly it means, take a look at this Synergy specification:


Let us know if you would need more information!


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NetBeans Plugin Verifier wanted

2022-08-30 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   at the moment it is just Carlos and me testing NetBeans plugins 
before they get published on the NetBeans Update Center. Would there be 
some kind volunteer who would be willing to help us with this task? 
Especially during holiday seasons it would be really handy to have more 
people looking after the plugin verifications so that plugin developers 
don't have to wait long until their plugins show up in the IDE.

   Verification of one plugin usually takes only a couple of minutes so 
it is enough to allocate ~1 hour weekly at maximum. If you want to know 
what exactly it means, take a look at this Synergy specification:

Let us know if you would need more information!


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Heads-up: EOL on March 6th

2021-02-23 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it would be me 
announcing with mixed feelings that the domain will reach 
its end of life on 6th of March, 2021. March 6th is the date when Oracle 
hosting of the Hg repositories, website, BugZilla, Wiki, Plugin Portal 
and many other services will be turned off followed by complete 
decommissioning of the infrastructure.

   So, if anyone still wants to download some old binary such as 
NetBeans IDE 8.2 installer [1], remember old icons/posters [2], see 
historic screenshots [3], backup favorite FAQs [4] or clone some of the 
repositories [5], the right time has come.


   Many thanks to NetBeans founders, all Sun Microsystems Inc. 
engineers and all contributors from the NetBeans community who worked on 
the Build Your Own Tool idea over the years!

Long live to domain! :)


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Apache NetBeans IDE 12.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2020-05-19 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

  since the Apache NetBeans IDE 12.0 Beta 4 [1] build has been 
published already a week ago I would like to remind everyone about the 
final Community Acceptance survey [2]. The essential purpose of this 
survey is to find out if NetBeans community accepts the latest Beta 
build as ready for GA or not. Please note that this poll is not about 
Apache NetBeans IDE 12.0 sources but about its functionality and behavior.



  This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we 
turn to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download 
this Beta 4 build, use it to edit your Java/HTML/JavaScript/PHP sources, 
debug the code, try refactoring features, deploy to Tomcat/GlassFish, 
simply test your typical use cases and once you gain a solid opinion 
about the Beta 4 build please take this short survey. Since it closes 
soon please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,

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Re: News: Apache NetBeans has graduated from the Apache Incubator

2019-04-17 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Wow, vanilla ice-cream is cool but this news is even better!

Well deserved outcome of heroic work of plenty of people in their free 
time with no immediate results has inevitably come.



Dne 18. 04. 19 v 0:36 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Hi all,

The ASF Board of Directors have just voted to establish the Apache 
NetBeans project as a top level project. Congrats to us all, for the 
hard work and dedication (and it only took 2 1/2 years)!

This is a public (binding) decision, so by means of this e-mail we are 
officially sharing the good news that we have left the Apache Incubator 
and are now an official Apache project.

Now comes the tasks of "un-incubating" all the resources we have, in the 
coming days -- for example, you'll see references to "incubating" being 
removed in various places.

Kind regards, and congrats to us all again,


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Re: Results from Apache NetBeans 11.0 Community Acceptance survey

2019-04-16 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi again,

   I don't know how about you but I like movies with good endings. Or 
at least movies without vague endings. And that's exactly why I have 
finally processed results from the Community Acceptance survey and 
published these [1]. Better late than never, right? :)


   Although pie charts show that 11.0 should be better than 10.0, we 
cannot really compare the data given the gap between turnouts (37 vs. 
111 survey respondents). In spite of that thanks to everyone who 
participated in the poll!

Happy development with Apache NetBeans 11.0 IDE!

Best regards,

Dne 26. 03. 19 v 15:39 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hello NetBeans community,

    thanks to all 27 respondents who expressed their opinion on the Vote 
Candidate 4 of Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 to date. If you didn't have a 
chance to look at the VC4 build or simply forgot to cast your vote, 
don't give up and do it [1] as soon as possible.


    Firstly, we realize that due to Plugin Portal which was down for 
some time last week many people couldn't download nb-javac and js-parser 
plugins which were essential for any serious evaluation. And secondly, 
we want the results to be representative so we rather hope for ~100 

Are we naive :) or do we get some more feedback?

BTW, so far the numbers are very good with just one potentially serious 
issue identified in refactoring [2] which we are looking into as we speak.


Thanks to anyone who joins the team of 27 brave voters!

Best regards,

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Re: Changes in Netbeans bug reporting

2019-04-01 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Correct. BTW, the exception reporting was turned off in Apache NetBeans 9.0:


Dne 29. 03. 19 v 20:35 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):
There are many parts of NetBeans that have not fully transitioned to 
Apache yet, this is one of them.

You can be involved and contribute, e.g., to the transition of the 
documentation. Will you do it, will you be involved?

In the case of issues, until there is a different solution, they can be 
manually entered here: 


On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 8:13 PM Greenberg, Gary > wrote:

It used to be semi-automatic in previous versions up to 8.2

I.e. when an error appear in notification window and you open it,
there was a button to submit report to Netbeans.

Now it is purely manual – this button is gone. You have to copy
content of the error log, got to JIRA, create a ticket and paste
error there.

Additionally, JIRA is rigged to not accepting these tickets. 

I tried 4 times to create this ticket, after an error popped this
morning during background scanning of projects.

Every time JIRA page becomes unresponsive and has to be killed.
Finally I gave up.

__ __

I wonder – was it done to look better in eyes of community?

__ __

Gary Greenberg

Staff Software Engineer

Data Product Development, BI-A


M: 650-269-7902

__ __


__ __

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Results from Apache NetBeans 11.0 Community Acceptance survey

2019-03-26 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   thanks to all 27 respondents who expressed their opinion on the Vote 
Candidate 4 of Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 to date. If you didn't have a 
chance to look at the VC4 build or simply forgot to cast your vote, 
don't give up and do it [1] as soon as possible.


   Firstly, we realize that due to Plugin Portal which was down for 
some time last week many people couldn't download nb-javac and js-parser 
plugins which were essential for any serious evaluation. And secondly, 
we want the results to be representative so we rather hope for ~100 

Are we naive :) or do we get some more feedback?

BTW, so far the numbers are very good with just one potentially serious 
issue identified in refactoring [2] which we are looking into as we speak.


Thanks to anyone who joins the team of 27 brave voters!

Best regards,

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Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2019-03-20 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

 Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 4 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



 This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java/HTML/JavaScript/PHP sources, debug the 
code, try refactoring features, deploy to Tomcat/GlassFish, simply test 
your typical use cases and once you gain a solid opinion about the VC 
build please take this short survey. It will stay open until Sunday - 
March 24th midnight last timezone. In spite of that please complete the 
survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans roadmap updates

2018-11-14 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I am glad to see that except two respondents the vast majority likes the 
proposal for only two mandatory major (with NetCAT programs) and two 
optional minor releases per year.

The main argument against this release scheme, if I followed the 
discussion correctly, is that frequent (quarterly or even monthly) 
releases increase quality, because every incomplete feature could be 
stabilized as needed and only wait for couple of more weeks to shine in 
the next release.

In my opinion:

1. It's exactly the NetBeans old-school and slow release model which 
helped get so much credit for the great out-of-the-box experience. I 
would rather prefer to keep this differentiator in the future.

2. I myself don't share this modern hysteria for wanting everything and 
instantly. Ubuntu has been releasing only in Aprils and Octobers for 
years now, it survived this "small" cadence and there are Linux 
distributions even building on top of Ubuntu. I know many conservative 
developers who actually think otherwise - instead of grabbing every new 
NetBeans version they stick to some dated version which serves their 
needs and happily use that.

3. Finally I believe that quality is also a feature and it simply takes 
time to build a quality product. If things are rushed, the quality is 
compromised and the final product gets worse over time.

Just like when people write long e-mails quickly not caring enough about 
quality of their own writing, the resulting message is then often hard 
to read and contains a lot of typos. Not always though ... :)


Dne 14.11.2018 v 00:38 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Indeed, let's discuss it again after the last release of 2019. I think we
can handle it. We should not overreact. In the meantime, can you consider
spending less time sending long e-mails? We need your enthusiasm to be
focused on actually helping with the Apache NetBeans releases -- maybe you
can participate in the NetCAT process or in the PPMC process -- your name
is not here, where it should be:



On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 11:17 PM Christian Lenz 

-1 for only 2 releases per year. This is far to less and will end up with
the Oracle model, where we only have 2 releases per year (Round About, look
at the Roadmaps, you see often big time between a new release and an old
one). We will not be competitive to other IDEs, we are still now lack of a
lot of Features (Little ones, which make everyone happy and Handy and big
ones). IMHO the biggest Problem now with the NetCat is still the donation
process. I guess, it will be less problematic after we have everything in
Apache and completed donation.

To put it back to the JDK Version is also not good, again only IMHO,
because NetBeans is still not a Java DIE anymore we should remove this
thinking which is still in the heads of a lot of developers. And to put
that thinking away, NetBeans Needs more advertisement of the other Features
and more implementation of stuff, which is still missing (Angular, Vue,
JSON Schema, other language supports, etc.)

How will the Patches look like? Only bug fixes? What About Major Releases
like 11, 12, 13 and in between 11.1, 11.2 with new Features?

I mean we can have 11 in Feb and 12 in I don’t know August which is 6
Months and in between we should have 11.1 and 11.2 which is not only a
bugfix for a lot of Bugs, also with new Features, but not that big. So
Maybe no NetCat for 11.1 and 11.2 or not that much time spending on that.
Maybe reducing the NetCat process or changing it? Come one, there can be a
lot more stuff to make it better and possible. I know and this is a big
Benefit, that NetBeans is real stable. I switched from Eclipse now 5 years
ago to NetBeans, because of 2 simple Plugins of Eclipse, that broke the
whole IDE. I know that we Need that Quality. So IntelliJ or the JetBrains
based IDEs are also real stable.

So I think we can handle it.

And no, using the development Version is not an Option, they are often not
stable and not possible to use it in production. I tried it from 7.0 – 7.2
I end up with a nightly build with a lot of NPE after starting the DIE so I
had to go back tot the stable Version and had to wait 3 more months for the
new Fancy Features.

Agian, I think after the donation process, it will be more easy, so we
should wait a whole year 2019 to 

Re: Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-11-12 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi again people,

   I am happy to tell you that we closed the 10.0 Community Acceptance 
survey about VC3 today, evaluated all the issues which respondents 
pointed out and published the results here:

   The numbers look very good - overall satisfaction with quality 
increased from 32.5% to incredible 47.3% and performance improved from 
27.4% to 28.2% too. In addition to that no true release blocker by 
definition was identified so it's the official GO from NetBeans 
community as fas as functionality goes!

   We just want to investigate and then the final 
PPMC/IPMC voting can start, collect many nice +1s and Apache NetBeans 
IDE 10.0 will be released in couple of days. Anyone who can reproduce 
#1217 or even better understands the subject code is more than welcome 
to help with its evaluation/resolution.

We would like to thank to all survey respondents for their votes and 

Best regards,

Dne 31.10.2018 v 10:58 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hello NetBeans community,

     Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 2 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



     This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java/PHP sources, debug the code, try 
refactoring features, simply test your typical use cases and once you 
gain a solid opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. 
It will stay open until Sunday - November 11th midnight last timezone. 
In spite of that please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

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Re: Please... fill in Community Acceptance Survey!

2018-11-05 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Please see this definition of a blocker per our Bug Priority Guidelines:

Hope this helps,

Dne 5.11.2018 v 12:26 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Exactly, that's a good description.

After we do the release of Apache NetBeans 10, we do need to discuss how 
we're going to work on all the non-blockers together, I have various 
ideas around this, but let's focus on (1) getting as many as possible to 
do the survey and (2) focus narrowly on blockers right now.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 12:22 PM Bo Andersen > wrote:

Could you please specify what you consider blockers? I have some
improvement suggestions, and already created in JIRA for long time
ago, by me or others.

I see blockers as crashes, and something stopping your work to be
done, but if there are some alternatives to get your job done, I
don't see it as blockers. 

*Fra:* Geertjan Wielenga 
*Sendt:* 4. november 2018 21:45
*Til:* NetBeans Mailing List; dev; netcat
*Emne:* Please... fill in Community Acceptance Survey!
Hi all,

We have around 30 people so far who have filled in the survey so far
-- we need at least around 100 in total, by the end of this week,
i.e., by 11 November 2018:

Contrary to what is stated above, there are currently no blockers --
so this is an opportunity for everyone to state what they consider
to be blockers, i.e., use the survey above to specify blockers that
in your opinion need to be fixed before releasing Apache NetBeans 10.

For some context and background to where we are in the process and
what's requested of you (not very much), see this short YouTube clip:

Many thanks,


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Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-10-31 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 2 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java/PHP sources, debug the code, try 
refactoring features, simply test your typical use cases and once you 
gain a solid opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. 
It will stay open until Sunday - November 11th midnight last timezone. 
In spite of that please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

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Re: Issue registering to

2018-08-10 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I have just resolved this and sent their shiny & new temporary 
credentials a few seconds ago.

As for the Plugin Portal, it can be still a question of weeks I assume. 
I believe Apache NetBeans IDE 9.1 will already have the Plugin Portal 
hosted on the Apache infrastructure.


Dne 10.8.2018 v 14:50 Geertjan Wielenga napsal(a):

Did you miss the e-mail you got from Jiri Kovalsky with your login details?


On Friday, August 10, 2018, Marco Andries > wrote:

Any news on when the plugins portal will be moved?

In the meantime could the
 account in

be activated manually so that we at iText can share a nice plugin to
the Netbeans community?

__ __

Kind regards,


__ __

*From:*Marco Andries>>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 8 August 2018 10:55

*Subject:* Issue registering to

__ __


__ __

As the plugins portal still has to be moved to Apache, I am trying
to create a new account (

to publish a plugin created at iText.

The problem is that I don’t receive a verification mail.

On the mailing lists archive from July I have read that it’s best to
wait until the plugins portal has been moved (thread from the 6^th
of July) but how long would this take?

__ __

Best regards,


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Re: Netbeans 9.0 JEE Support

2018-07-18 Thread Jiří Kovalský
I think he used


Dne 19.7.2018 v 01:11 Brett Ryan napsal(a):

Just a query, did you simply add the 8.2 UC as an additional repo? What 
was the url used? This will help others.

On 19 Jul 2018, at 08:19, Josh Juneau > wrote:

Hi All,

I wanted to chime in to let you know I am using NetBeans 9 with the 
8.2 update center Java EE plug-ins for daily work.  It works well.  If 
you have any issues with it then I can try to help out.


Josh Juneau 

On Jul 18, 2018, at 2:40 PM, Geertjan Wielenga 
> wrote:

Apache NetBeans (incubating) 9.0 is focused on Java SE only.

After the release, we’ll start integrating the recently donated 
features, including enterprise Java, which are on a branch right now.

You can use the 8.2 update center in 9.0 in most cases, including the 
plugins for enterprise Java.


On Wednesday, July 18, 2018, Frank Martínez > wrote:

Hi Guys,

First of all, thank you for maintaining this great IDE alive. And
sorry if
you already answered my question.

I have been using Netbeans since its early stages, many years
ago. I love
this IDE and I am very comfortable working with it. It is part of
my daily
work. I work with JEE 6/7, JSF, JPA, etc.. I am afraid if can I
move from
8.2 to 9.0 and continue having full JEE support.

Thank you.

Frank Martínez.

Frank D. Martínez M.

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Re: Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-07-17 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hi again,

   this is just a kind reminder about Community Acceptance survey for 
Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 release. If you have not participated yet, 
please share with us your opinion on quality of the 9.0 Vote Candidate 3 

   There is still some time but don't wait long as the survey closes in 
5 days on July 22nd!

Thanks a lot,

Dne 9.7.2018 v 17:35 Jiří Kovalský napsal(a):

Hello NetBeans community,

    Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 3 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



    This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java sources, debug the code, try refactoring 
features, simply test your typical use cases and once you gain a solid 
opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. It will stay 
open until Sunday - July 22nd midnight last timezone. In spite of that 
please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský 

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Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Community Acceptance Survey

2018-07-09 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Hello NetBeans community,

   Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 Vote Candidate (VC) 3 [1] build has been 
published [1] and so the time for the final Community Acceptance survey 
[2] has come too. The essential purpose of this survey is to find out if 
NetBeans community accepts the latest VC build as ready for GA or not. 
Please note that this poll is not about Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 sources 
but about its functionality and behavior.



   This is a very important milestone of the release cycle so we turn 
to you - NetBeans users - with request for help. Please download this 
Vote Candidate, edit your Java sources, debug the code, try refactoring 
features, simply test your typical use cases and once you gain a solid 
opinion about the VC build please take this short survey. It will stay 
open until Sunday - July 22nd midnight last timezone. In spite of that 
please complete the survey as soon as you can.

Thanks for your cooperation and feedback!
Best regards,
Jiří Kovalský

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Re: Apache NetBeans needs you...

2018-03-07 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Awesome! If you can help with testing the GUI Builder we would actually 
very much appreciate it.

In order to participate we will need your JIRA account, Synergy account, 
version and distro of your Linux, CPU & RAM configuration, minimal 
weekly availability and tribe of your choice. See here:

Thanks Chuck!

Dne 7.3.2018 v 21:51 Chuck Davis napsal(a):

I'm currently in Seattle working on a contract accounting project but 
when I get home Friday I'll join NetCAT.  Any particular area of need?  
I'll be using Linux.

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 12:41 PM, Geertjan Wielenga 
> wrote:

Excellent. Click the link st the start of ths thread and join the
NetCAT program.

I’ve now heard from several people who’re concerned they’re not
skilled enough to participate in NetCAT. Please put that concern
aside. You’ll join a NetCAT tribe, based on your feature of choice
in NetBeans, and the tribe leader will guide you through the
process. It’s really not rocket science and you’ll be surprised how
useful your feedback will be.

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Re: [VOTE] Apache NetBeans Logo

2018-03-01 Thread Jiří Kovalský

Me too (in this context meaning the coloured version #2 :)


Dne 1.3.2018 v 17:17 Chuck Davis napsal(a):

I like a colorful life:  #2

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 8:15 AM, stephen cumminger 


__ __

On 2018-03-01 07:34, Antonio wrote:

Hi all,

For popular demand let's vote about the NetBeans Logo in
the mailing list, that's easier for everybody, right?
This will close NETBEANS-145 [1


The received entries are at [2


Please state the icon identifer you vote for (only icons
count, do not pay attention to typography).

Thanks all,



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__ __

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Re: Invitation to Apache NetBeans 9.0 Community Acceptance Testing program

2018-02-27 Thread Jiří Kovalský
Welcome Glenn! If you scroll down, the tribes menu is at the bottom of 
the registration Wiki with some ingredients included. :)


Dne 27.2.2018 v 15:15 Glenn Holmer napsal(a):

On 02/27/2018 07:48 AM, Jiří Kovalský wrote:

    We are looking for enthusiastic NetBeans community members to test
the NetBeans IDE version 9.0 before its GA release. This is the first
NetCAT program under the Apache Incubator, and it marks a historic
milestone in the life of NetBeans. Don't miss the opportunity to be a
part of this initiative!

    For information about how to join, and more about NetCAT in general,
read the registration page at

Name: Glenn Holmer
Country: USA (GMT-6)
JIRA: gholmer
Synergy: gholmer
E-mail: cenbe[at]
OS: Debian Linux "buster"
Platform: 64-bit
CPU: 4 X 3.6 GHz
RAM: 16G
Availability: 4 hours
Tribe: May I see the menu, please?

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